This is the best Valley ideal org OTC has got apparently:
These two “success stories” are bound to inspire many other older, glasses-wearing “OT’s” to join the powerhouses at the Valley ideal org.
All those thetans working together to accomplish, er, well, to accomplish buying a building for Albuquerque… or something. They seem to be a little short on specifics of what they actually do. But these women are doing it with gusto, whatever it is. Or at least with a tone of warmish enthusiasm.
The Valley Ideal Org really does suck. Here it is in daylight. Nothing but empty parking lot an a VM Van. And this shot was taken before COVID at 7pm — peak time of the day for any org.
This is the biggest and bestest ideal org on earth in the center of the largest concentration of scientologists on earth. It represents the pinnacle of ideal org attainment. Which is an excellent barometer on the state of scientology.
Hubbard used to boast “We are going up while the world is going down” — today it’s the opposite. As the world is emerging from the pandemic, scientology is sinking into complete insignificance.
“Brief Breath in Eternity Events”…? Oh, brother! Wanna bet those Brief Breath Events went on for HOURS and bored the bejesus out of everybody? Still laughing.
Yo Valley OTC!
Please be sure to invite me to your next “Long-Winded Eternally Everlasting” Events.
Much love,
When they “retire”….what income will they have to live on?
Will either one be eligible for Social Security or retirement check from COS?
Once they sicken or “age out”….who will take care of them?
Never mind….I already know the answers………………sssiiiggghhhh.
Such SAD SAD OLD ladies…and I include myself as a SAD Old lady, but my mind is intact and I sure as hell know being an alien ‘thetan’ will not benefit me in any way, shape or form….
COS is a sham, cult and NOT A CHURCH….
The BEST part of it all Kim is that you are FREE to live your life the way you choose to do so. You can be who you want to be, go where you want to go,
You can sleep, eat, take a walk, a vacation, run your OWN life as you see fit without someone continuing to harass you to pay for more courses you’ll never need or use.
I am not young either, my brain in intact (so far anyway)……& I’ve opted out on all forms of organized religion. I’ve always been more spiritual anyway.
NO COS IS NOT A CHURCH……it’s a SIN that takes advantage of GOOD PEOPLE for it’s OWN benefit.
I AM GLAD YOUR ARE OUT! Stay well my friend, keep smiling!
Balletlady, I wonder if the pandemic has lead members and staff to realize that the CofS has pushed them to the edge financially, and that they have no cushion or provision for old age. Some must have have lost jobs or had their business income plummet; or if staff, lost the “moonlighting” work that actually allows them to get by at the same time that their org pay probably bottomed out at nothing.
I do suspect however, that some of the old-timers we now see working their way up the bridge, including some only just finally going clear, have actually retired and have some disposable income as well as the time to finally do a bit more scientology. As much as we often see the gung-ho diehards like these two women, my understanding is that the orgs have quite a few long-term “dilettante” hangers-on who like to be part of the community and show up at events, but who’ve never done the more expensive steps because they are churchmouse types (often aging children of the 60s) and simply haven’t been able to afford it.
Seems to me a “never in”……they’ll hang on to whomever they can. Better to have people in “reasonably good health”…..i.e. an older but STILL A WARM BODY around so it makes it look like COS is SWARMED with members.
What does COS have to lose, once you age out or “sick out”…you are literally put out to pasture with the Government paying the nursing home bill since you’re broke. Even then, the “visitors” would arrive to make sure that there is NO life insurance money left, or “collectibles” or ANY other source of income that could be “signed over” to COS BEFORE you kick the bucket.
Dementia….in some people’s view………not a bad thing since you won’t know you have it anyway. As my OWN mother once told her sister when her sister was concerned she might “get dementia like their mother did”. don’t worry, you won’t realize it anyway.
.Then the stuff hit the fan because MY mother ended with dementia as well & didn’t realize it. 6 1/2 years later she passed away, sleeping 24/7 the last few days of her life. I can imagine with COS….no one would given a crap to visit these old ladies when THEY become ill or disabled.
The Old timers with some money left….will eventually be picked pocketed dry with “words of promise” about their “eternal future & promised new meat body”…..ssiigghhh… in ‘ YUP, I’ll be back, fully healthy & renewed…& since I paid WELL IN ADVANCE for future courses…..I will be able to continue my journey “UP THE BRIDGE” ….Ummm,…ahhh, hmmm…GOLLY GEE…I if I could ONLY remember what my former name was in my past life….” ………..lots of luck lady.
It’s all about the almighty buck….we can only HOPE that one day the younger ones become more enlightened & OPT the HELL OUT for a life for themselves.
The SADDEST part is that the OLDER ones will remain totally loyal & FULLY expect to begin life again in their new meat body…WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN….while David M sits in his luxury apartment surrounded by the best booze, clothes, furniture, laughing all the way to the BANKS about the stupidity of others…………….
Why would buying an fixing up a small building in an industrial area be a, “humongous and Herculean feat” for the fastest growing religion (for the entire past 1/2 century) on the planet, in the geographic heart of its largest contingent of adherents???
Any lurking OSA bots or CoS members care to explain that? (I know El Ron said that studying/using logic would cause one to go insane but this requires only a little logic.)
That piece on the Shaun Attwood Unleashed was terrific. Please do more. One of these days I will hear what happened that caused Marty Rathbun to go back into the Sea Org — as that was a shock. I assume he got tired of being harassed and/or got paid off like Debbie Cook. Debbie Cook was very disappointing especially after testifying in court against Miscavige. You are doing a great service.
Marty is not back in the Sea Org.
I recommend you read this:
Debbie Cook did the SMART thing. Remember, she was the DEFENDANT. I lay out what happened in that post.
Mike Rinder is indeed doing a great service but please be fair to Debbie Cook. She also did a great service. Those 12,000 emails sent out replete with LRH references for why and how Co$ had gone totally off the rails policy, ethics and tech wise? Those emails had a huge effect. And as for her not pursuing Miscavige and Co$ in court, I would NEVER judge her harshly for that. Would you have the stomach and the wherewithal to go up against a ruthless organization with billions of dollars at their disposal to endlessly litigate? Don’t judge her, please. Debbie Cooke showed much courage and creativity when she spoke out as she did. I shall always be grateful to her, and admire her for her contribution to shedding light on Co$’s corruption.
What? Ventura doesn’t have an Ideal Org yet? Good but feel bad for those folks, they’ll probably be forced to go back and do money raising “games” again once the Pandemic is over.
Yes, they do. There was a big flap as a result of Miscavige’s Grand Ribbon Yanking Ceremony where they let off hundreds of balloons to pollute the ocean….
How is it that these two ladies still find the need to wear glasses. Maybe it’s just for aesthetic reasons. I have been led to believe that when you become as highly educated in the cult as these two, obviously are, that you can throw away your glasses and have perfect vision. This cult is getting crazier and crazier.
What did you actually DO at this so-called Ideal Org? It’s an empty building with no staff, no public, no course room, no auditing, no nothing. This is Ideal? This is a zero product and the church thinks, well, we need to build more of these. Building Ideal Orgs is an overt product.
The only reason they keep building them is to legally justify their tax-exempt status.
It does seem to be assumed that every Scientologist is expected to subvert whatever personal purposes and drives they have to the purpose “to expand Scientology“.
This is one of those acceptable things to say as a Scientologist: “I want to help expand Scientology.”
But really it’s completely artificial. It’s Hubbard’s purpose. It is the purpose of a narcissist.
What about, “to help people”
or “to solve hunger in the world”?
Expansion for the sake of expansion is a shallow, empty purpose – to only work toward the blind growth of some entity?
“To get rich”, though similarly shallow, is still a far better purpose than “expand scientology.”
When that guy walked into the test center to get help with his wife, or his job, and then ends up having his life‘s purpose to “expand Scientology”? How did that happen?
Good to know Dockx would even travel more than two miles if she needed to. That is real commitment!
It does not appear that these two women (and yes, unfair as that may seem, I can’t help but chuckle at their last names) have any idea what they are in effect proclaiming:
First up is Dockx. She wanted to be part of something making a “positive difference across the dynamics.” Great. We all do. With a name like hers, perhaps destiny is calling out for her to join Anonymous.
At any rate, she felt compelled to join a group because–drum roll because here it comes–the group is good at raising funds to perpetuate itself. Well, not so much to perpetuate itself really but to swell its assets that will eventually–against all odds so far–help perpetuate the group.
And then there’s Burpee (no comments on the name required this time): She feels an obligation to be less 1D, less self-centered. So she decides to join a committee. Many volunteers do so for similar reasons. But why, of all things, instead of joining a committee that effects a positive impact on the community does she join what is most likely the most self-centered “religion” on the planet? She does it for essentially the same reason as her comrade Dockx: To effect “expansion.”
So both “success stories” are saying essentially the same thing: I am volunteering for something so that it can grow. Apparently, this is as far as she got: Any contemplation of WHY it should grow or better yet, why it is doing just the opposite, is not part of her game plan.
Sorry to be so blunt, but I can’t think of a better word to describe these circular “objectives” than “masturbatory.” As obsessed as he was with that pastime, Ron would have been proud!
What both of them fail to mention is that when you get onto OT VII, besides spending tons of money to get on the level and then tons of money to stay on it and pay for those refreshers, pay to buy the latest release which you are expected to do, that there is a rule that OT VII’s have to contribute to Scn by being on an OT Committee. If you don’t do enough “to contribute” they won’t let you onto OT VIII when you are ready for that level. I told them my contribution was doing the Criminon volunteer program. They said great but that doesn’t count toward getting on the Ship and that I had to get on an OT Committee and hold a post in the group and produce good products. THIS is why many join OT Committee. They don’t want to but feel forced to. And their OT VIII on the Ship is contingent on whether they were on an OT Committee.
Cindy. Honestly, I have always thought that among all the front groups of scn the criminon was the truest one as apart from the ‘tech’, one brings in there a presence of humanity that has a lot of value in giving future hope to those who are serving a sentence or in juvenile prisons.
But these scoundrels told you that that didn’t count for going on the ship but you had to be in the OTC?
They really never contradict themselves.
Yep, they told me that it was good that I was doing the Criminon program but that I had to as in you must get on an OTC and have an actual post ad attend meeting and do stuff for it. They actually took roll call at OTC meetings and turned into Flag the names of the OT’s who attended and who didn’t attend.
WOW, Cindy. It really changed. I never took any of these people seriously. My attitude was “I paid the money, Where is the product?”
They hated me as an OTVIII because I did not bend to Hubbard before he delivered.
Same here, George
When the orgs tried to guilt me to donate time and auditing because what I got from the orgs was priceless, I retorted that they should have put a ‘priceless’ tag on the training and see how far that would get them.
I paid and got my product, and then I went on about my life. That rankled them a lot.
Thank you. I never reached the OT levels (I’m not even Clear) but midway up the Bridge I began hearing, “The tech is priceless” OFTEN. It became annoying to the point where I started batting it back at them with, “Ok, that’s fine, the tech is priceless! Fine! No argument! But then, YOU put the price on it, not me! YOU priced it, and I paid YOUR price – OK? YOUR price!” They found this response highly annoying but they deserved it.
Aqua – Regarding “I’m not even Clear” a simple definition might be letting go of the past. If after some auditing or from life in general someone reaches or has the subjective reality that nothing in their past can affect them negatively in the present they are as clear as anyone else.
I got a clear certificate around 1980 but split soon after that and didn’t do the OT levels so “I’m not even OT” – lol. In the following years I might have thought about scn once or twice a year and wonder if I missed anything which is probably unavoidable. That might be a nagging thought for many Exes who had a lot invested before they blew.
My only regret about not going OT, if you want to call it that, is that I can’t converse with people on scn blogs who did the OT levels about that trippy experience. Oh well – They have “altitude” over me. (joke)
Thanks for what you’ve shared. Interesting that you’ve informally equated someone having in whatever manner achieved the subjective reality that “nothing in their past can affect them negatively in the present” because, paraphrased, that is where I stopped getting audited – that is the EP for the highest Grade on the Bridge I completed. Its about mid-way up the Bridge. And I did get that EP, btw. I did “know” that I wouldn’t be getting any worse. So its interesting to me that you’ve informally equated that with being Clear!
Now, as regards “altitude” over others due to having been audited on higher levels – wow, I long ago disabused myself of THAT notion! I observed “OTs” struggling with pedestrian wog problems shared by the majority of non-audited humanity – financial problems, physical problems, family problems – THESE people were OT? And then there were OTs who didn’t have these problems. The same applied to Clears. Some were riddled with problems and barely making it. Others were fine. Clearly (pun intentional) something else was at work here in determining the operating conditions of these Scientologists. I figured that out a long time ago and ceased being impressed by anyone’s auditing certs alone. Although, to be friendly and not to seem anti-social I would ooh and aaah about them in an obliging manner because it was expected of me.
Meanwhile, privately, I might be thinking, “You’re 50lbs overweight and it took you 8 years to fully understand DMSMH. Two of your kids are pushing 40 and still live at home with you. No one knows what you do for a living and after walking up just 2 flights of stairs you’re wheezing like someone who’s going to have a heart attack…you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and say you could stop at any time, yet you don’t, so you’re obviously addicted to nicotine …THIS is OT8?”
Ok, without naming names that is one specific example. There were numerous others. My own private standard became “OT/Clear is as OT/Clear does.” And for me, this applied to WHEREVER someone was on the Bridge and/or to non-Scientologists as well. Because I knew non-Scientologists who were way less fucked up than some Scientologists I knew. There had to be other factors at work!
Good for you, George!
I have not seen Laurie Burpee since 2010 at the xmas parade. She is still a kool aide drinker!
‘OTs work better with OTs’??? Why?? Because other clams won’t put up with the self aggrandizement or supercilious attitude.
Because the widely held belief is that OT’s are better than low on the Bridge other Scns.
They don’t have any choice about being on the OTC, if they’re on OTVII and want to maintain their “eligibility” to continue on the “bridge”, do they? Isn’t one of the loyalty tests they’re subject to at that level “participation” or something, in which being on their local org’s OTC is effectively mandatory?
Marilyn sounds like someone who was doing her upper level OT “services” at an advanced org, and content not to be bothered with the local org scene and its busy work (or even the OTC make-work of re-doing lower level courses in order to keep stats up). She apparently now thinks differently – or at least has to say that she does. Is it Communist-style thought reform, or just North Korean hostage video style professions?
fake news
I never made it anywhere close to OT. But my auditor used to tell me in a condescending tone of voice that the OT levels were by invitation only. I think he was laying a guilt trip on me because I didn’t work at the mission. He said if all you’ve done is paid your way up to clear without “helping” you would never be eligible for the OT levels.
Is that accurate?
I made it to OT VIII. That is what they told me also but it it was only true as wishful thinking. When you had the money, they jumped – period. I proved it. They hated me for being so aloof.
I figured that was probably closer to the truth.
George, “money is senior to policy” is another hypocrisy to add to the list, it sounds from your experience – and I’ve seen other inklings of the same even when it comes to the higher OT levels. Also, major celebrities are apparently let off the hook for such things (and these, not even expected to speak out on behalf of the CofS, because it can be so toxic for their careers), but it’s no surprise that money and celebrity are both privileged about equally in scientology.
A saying to the effect of “command intent is senior to policy” is used for CofS justifying management obviously breaking policy – which is actually in line with Hubbard’s end-justifies-the-means worldview, and his specific ruthlessly utilitarian policies such as “Kha Khan”. The interesting question left is, is command intent or money senior – or are they equivalent? 🙂
Simply put Scientology went in the wrong direction for over fifty years. This is what to expect.
But it’s good that you say that. I see you reached OT VIII, I was on OT II for over a year, but I left. Can you tell me what the OT II EP was? Thanks for answering.
OT II was a surprise. It is difficult to describe it.. I got a new perspective on concepts and communication. It is out of the ordinary. However, I do not push it.
Well, I didn’t get smarter now 🙂
Would you write specifically?
Cannot remember enough specifics from 50 years ago, sorry
Lauree Burpoff said: OK, I’m going to be perfectly honest. It doesn’t matter how much time you have, we can always use your help.
OK Lauree. I will be perfectly honest too. I was so happy when I read that because I really don’t have much time.
To be perfectly honest, I can only spare 3 seconds every year. Can you please tell me how I can help in that amount of time?
I’d love to hear what … Oops. Sorry. I’m out of time now.
At first glance I thought that the two ladies had decided to join the staff. Then I saw it was for the OTC. Wow what a feat!
Unfortunately they fail to mention that someone strongly advised them to do so, otherwise this would have slowed down their progress, created endless ethics situations and made them spend a lot more money.
Dear Marilyn,
I am so ‘pumped up’ over your Success Story! I think that ‘pumped up’ is a term your age group relates to. Let me validate you on your stats(?):
1) Thank you for pulling off the impossible of gardening the plastic shrubs in front of your empty building.
2) Next, it is to your credit and Tone 40 and OTness that you brave the LA traffic for 2 miles to be in an empty building.
3) Very good for teaming up with Laurie to make an OT committee and your worldwide success to cure near/far sightedness.
4) I am happy too that you are having FUN; but, is having FUN part of Command Intention’s purpose?
5) I understand that handing out TWTH pamphlets to the homeless in LA is a steep gradient for an OT VII , but we know you will “Make it go right”!
ML. S/
Hello Jim.
I’m guessing these people doing this “important and necessary” work could always take their pamphlets and stuff them into some pillow cases and then give them to the homeless so they could have pillows to sleep on at night.
Even better, they could take all the pamphlets and stuff them into empty mattress covers so the homeless would have mattresses they could sleep on at night.
That would be the best use of those pamphlets I have ever heard.
“4) I am happy too that you are having FUN; but, is having FUN part of Command Intention’s purpose?”
A ha! “If it wasn’t fun, then it wasn’t scientology” – remember that slogan? 😉
Handing out WTH to homeless? Wow, get your confront up and give the pamphlets to someone who is NOT a degraded being, who might be able to afford services. What are the homeless going to do with a WTH pamphlet… wipe their bum when they defecate on the street? OH well, at least someone will get some use from these pamphlets.