Tonight is the first show of the new season of Dancing With The Stars.
Of course, the biggest news of the new season is the inclusion of Leah Remini after her headline making break with the church over disconnection, the disappearance of Shelly Miscavige, and the lies that were told to her.
The most recent headlines have centered around her comment on the Ellen show that she “lost a lot of friends” as a result of her brave public departure.
It’s time to show her how many friends she has made.
You can vote after the show airs tonight. It broadcasts on ABC (in the US) at 8pm.
Watch the show — Monday Night Football doesn’t promise to be a great game anyway.
Then vote for Leah!
If OT’s exist than she is one
Voted 12 times via Facebook! Woot!
Leah is a breath of fresh air in Hollywood. Team Remini!
And, I have NEVER seen the show!
I voted the limit of 10 time!!!!!
Regarding Flash:
Mike, I just voted from my iPad, which (like all other Apple iOS devices) does not support Flash. I just followed your link and opened Facebook in a browser tab. So that’s good.
Leah will win over the viewers with her smile, grace and most importantly the fact that she is real. There is nothing more attractive than someone who is real (honesty) and accessible.
Voting closed, but we all know who wins
Mike when do votes start and when do they end ?
2. So how do I vote?
We have three convenient ways for you to keep your favorite stars dancing. You can vote by phone or do it online, either at or on Facebook at And you have to be 13 years old…sorry, tweens!
3. When exactly can I vote?
Phone voting begins during the show on Mondays, and is open until 60 minutes after the conclusion of that show in your local time zone.
Online voting at both and Facebook opens each Monday when the show begins on the East Coast at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT) and stays open until 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT) the next day. During the season’s final week on Monday, November 25, online voting will open when the show begins on the East Coast at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT) and will stay open until 11 a.m. ET (8 a.m. PT) on Tuesday, November 26.
4. What are the phone numbers for voting by phone?
As soon as the season begins, we’ll post the numbers for each team right here, as well as on their individual team pages.
5. What if I want to vote online? Anything in particular I need to do first?
To vote at, a username and a valid email address are a must. We’ve hopefully made the process pretty easy for you. In fact, if you already have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can sign in with one of those accounts, connect it to an ABC account and you’re ready to go. If you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can simply sign up for an ABC account at
The Internet browser on user computers must allow cookies, have Javascript enabled and have the latest version of Flash installed in order to vote. If cookies and Javascript are disabled and Flash is not installed, users will be unable to access the online ballot.
To vote via Facebook, go here: You will need to have pop-up blockers turned off for Facebook and authorize the Dancing with the Stars voting app.
awww Gawd, I will vote by facebook ,Anon’s will have my as for that, still being on Failbook
But thank you Mike my hotshot and one and onley perpetuating blissful advent of knowledge
Me joking
Don’t worry, I take it seriously and I will vote, we Anons degrade joke and such but Leah Remini took David Miscavige’s Balls like a pro
Humor is not a crime. Joke away!
Her number all season is:
1 – 800 – 868 – 3411
also, 12 votes are allowed
You can bet that OSA will be having every OSA staff member and agent (maybe hired) voting AGAINST her. She is brave – standing up to David Miscavige and calling him out on missing persons.
I have no doubt Shelley, Heber, and all the others have NO idea what is going on outside the walls of Scientology in the world today. They are so thought-stopped they couldn’t imagine life outside and would say they are “happy” where they are. This reminds me of institutionalized slavery of centuries past – white Slavic & European/Middle Eastern and black African/New World (N and S Americas) in foreign lands. Their slavery is justified by deeming the victims as “dhimmi” and “2/3 human” and “degraded being,” and they have no idea where to go or how to get out of the situation.
So, bravo for Leah for her integrity. She deserves back up and support.
Anonymous is still here don’t worry, I will tell you a secret: The whole world is Anonymous and you too if you post anonymous.
Anonymous as in Why We Protert in spite of the “Entheta” wants to see Shelly Miscavige and Heber out, and a stop to abuses. We are mockers and degraders but we mock and degrade best things that perpetuate slavery and criminality and fake churches with faKE ECLISTIAL urg leaders or something nuf said
I was thinking, Does the OSA still have the chops for this? I mean, with all the things on their plate right now, and their numbers probably depleted, and their morale probably pretty low. Then I thought, well, they’ll do it if Dave tells them to. And punishing Leah does seem just about mean and small-minded enough to command the Captain’s attention. It might even be a blessed distraction from all the truly big problems that are progressively engulfing him.
Maybe it’s the glass of wine I’m enjoying while cooking a fab bachelor meal, but somehow thinking about OSA brings me back to how I found my way here in the first place. It has to do with my old high-school-and-college sweetheart Patti, who got herself involved in the Snow White operation in DC back in the day. Never indicted, but named in court documents that I found online about 18 months ago, in one of those “wonder what ever happened to…” moods.
I mean, wow. I remembered Patti telling me about the Guardians Office and the Sea Org. I remember her utter fascination. It was kind of spooky at the time. But from a vantage point some 30-plus years down the road, it seemed worse than spooky. Anyway here I am. Not sure where Patti is. I dodged a cannonball there, I suppose.
Richard, true enough. OSA may hire those Indians in India to vote against Leah just like they hire them to get their own church sites’ “hits” up. Well maybe we can hire them too for Leah if we like. I will vote for her for sure. And I’d love to taste the good food you’re cooking.
Kinda hard to vote against her – as the only thing that matters is voting FOR her – with 11 other people to vote for at this point.
Can only wish Leah all the success in the world. From my experience working with people having left, as well as my own experience, I think this is a brilliant move on many accounts. The physical demands on her, getting into shape, training, etc. are brutal in this type of program, it is a tremendous way to get positive gain in health and personal stability, following a super competitive agenda that leaves no room for the mental negativity that tends to creep in with some of us during this change. It is a tough challenge by any standards, throw in the intense training … and pin that brings, she has chosen a path that will keep her in the now … in PT. I am happy and proud of her, everything she has done has been pure class act.
How many times have we heard complaints howling because people leaving didn’t come out all guns a blazing. Leaving is not a sprint, not is trying to right the wrongs … it is a marathon in which our lives have to be rebuilt, as well as taking responsibility for those things we feel we must. Kudos Leah!!!
You’re so right Michael. A marathon.
Couldn’t agree more. There’s nothing like physical training to boost the mental confront. Team Leah!!
Yes and it will keep her in PT when the church throws shit at her. LRH has said that to be in PT, physically challenge the body, make it face certain death three times a day or something like that.
YOu are so right Michael, it is not necessary to leave with guns blazing, as Leah has proven to us. It is not a sprint but a marathon in which we safe point, get our lives together, try to get our loved ones out with us without getting declared. Yes it’s nice to come out guns blazing, but it isn’t a choice for everyone. We can all be right. All that matters is that we leave… get up and get out. 50 ways to leave the church!
I won’t be able to watch or vote so would someone here please vote one for me? Thanks in advance1 Go Leah!! We luv yah, babe!
We will keep backing her up!
Yeah! Then the OSA Bots will do a whole Freedumb mag on how corrupt the grumpy apostates are voting twice in support! Forget all the times we bought books to get DMSMH onto a best seller list.
Yes, we rigged teh DMSMH book sales at the church’s request (command intention), and there were emails that went on the Razzline telling everyone to vote multiple times for Kirstie Alley, the biggest disconnector and Kool Aid drinker ever, and I do mean “Big”…. that diet of hers doesn’t work.
Personally I plan on watching no television at all and voting for her twice 😉
They probably limit you to 10 votes…. 🙂
that’s correct, 10 votes per person
10 votes per phone line…I have several phone lines in my household! 🙂
Yay, posted it on WWP(don’t go there Enthata) Leah is such a force of nature and her friend Ellen is a real trooper.
posted as main post on ESMB too