Something needs to be done about this.
Apparently Danish schools believe their children are going to be educated by hearing a lecture from the DSA and watching “An Introduction to Scientology”… This would be like “educating” children about child sex abuse by having them attend a briefing by a representative of NAMBLA.
If you are in Denmark, perhaps you can do something about this. Unless these kids are provided a balanced perspective with all the information, this may result in them being lured into scientology sometime in the future.
And while we are here, those stats are nothing to put exclamation points after…
Less than 5 Clears a month?
10 First Service starts per week?
Remember — this used to be TWO ORGS (DK Org and Copenhagen) that were combined into one.
They announce they are making the impossible possible. What this means remains a mystery when you consider there are 1200 new children born in Denmark every week…
So their net loss is 4795 additional new Non-Clears each month.
I think we should keep children and teens far away from any in-person contact with full blown Kool Aide Scientologists. Sure, we can warn them, but do we really know the outcome of exposing young people to CoS members willing to tell them all the good (lies) about Scientology? Better to insulate them from the worst cult in the world, at least while they are children. Parents can show the good effects of good choices, and to teach how to research and learn, in order to make effective critical decisions. They don’t have to throw kids in with the lions and hope for the best.
When prisons took selected felons into the community to warn teens against gangs, warn about the dangers of drugs, warn about the negative effects of a criminal record, they inadvertently glorified the gangster and/or felon lifestyle. At least a couple of studies showed the rate of teen anti-social and criminal behavior actually increased among those who attended the presentations. Well-meaning felons, who all had the approval of community leaders and prison management, were sending the message that, if you don’t get caught, gangs and crime are fun, exciting, and profitable.
Despite their good intentions, the felons were not insulating teens against bad choices. They were showing them an exciting and rebellious lifestyle. It was exactly the opposite of what the adults wanted their teens to experience. Since teens are by nature all ten-feet-tall-and-bulletproof, the chance of going to prison and having a felony on their record was an impossibility for them, because at that time in their young lives bad things only happen to other people, not to them. Potential dangers pass right by teens, or so they think. All they could see from the felons’ presentations was the excitement, the rebellious opposition to their parents’ life choices, and a negligible element of danger not so different from driving too fast, or unprotected sex. They just “know” they will not have a wreck, nor will anyone get pregnant because… well, just because they “know” it.
It is much better to help a child stay far, far away from Scientology than to assume that a child going to the cult cherch, even well-armed with truth from their parents, will despise the experience. Some children or teens will succumb to the blandishments of cult members anyway, if only from childish poor decisions, or from normal teen rebelliousness and desire to follow their own path regardless of the parental choices laid out for them.
It only should take a moment of recall to remember how frail we were to the temptations of the cult, or similar groups, and how they influenced us when we were young. By now we parents should know not to let children anywhere near such powerful temptations if we can prevent it. At some point they must make their own decisions; of course, but prior to that they need smart, educated adults to guide them down safer paths.
By the way. The ideal org in Sweden is in an industrial aria in a suburb. Rather far away from to the third largest city in Sweden. I read a news article bout it some times ago. Not even the neighbor companies out there had any idea Scientology was even out there. It’s empty like all the others. No one from Malmoe will bother to go so far to Arlov for the personality test. I don’ even think people in Arlov would wander in to the industrial aria for it. Some times they go to the city trying to hand out the tests but no one cares. It’s probably the Narconon that get a little attention and is most active. Unfortunatly. But most knows Narconon is Scientology.
Thank you. I do know that in Denmark our whole education system is built to make us informed about as many different things as possible, yet to become critical thinkers. But we all know how sensitive and searching we can be at this age, and many of us end up in various cults or extreme beliefsystems at this time in our lives. But I’m very certain, that the introduction to Scientology by Scientology, will in fact be happening based on the whole idea of the kids being able to think for themselves and, as I said, see things in a critical, independent way. This is what the Danish schoolsystem attempt at all levels. We are taught to think for ourselves. Make up our own minds and seeing pros and cons in everything we are taught. But there’s certainly a need to be extra careful when letting Scientology introduce themselves…they are smart in presenting their “religion”, and this is what they need to be in order to lure people in. I see no danger that suddenly all or most kids will turn to Scientology because they’re being educated about them. In Denmark education is not onesided and nothing stands uncriticised when it comes to politics, religions and more. We are taught to look at things from more aspects than one.Thank you. I hope the papers will debate this, but I see no obvious danger for the far majority of kids.
In Denmark? Really? So now The mighty midge figures let’s go after the smaller, quieter countries CHILDREN first? So what’s that look like Eff Pee…..Miscarriages office at Gold around 10am….”I’ve done it! I have the knowledge and power to finally, for real this time Make It Go Right! Xenu’s uncle, Bob, came to me and told me Denmarks school system was where we will finally for real this time, have a win! Call TC, call JT, call Leah….no wait don’t call that sp….call Danny….no wait that’s a land mine….call Mike… wait Uncle Bob said he’d tell me to piss off…..ooh ooh call that Hispanic uh…uh…the funny one, uh….from the shrinking suit Ant movie damnit! Do I have to do everything around here?!”
That is disturbing , getting their evil hands on kids , can we screen in Denmark both series of Leah and Mikes excellent doco ” Scientology and the Aftermath ” to get the word out about these sadistic evil people ?
How about you turn on the image upload feature for your blog comments cuz I got some doozies I’d love to upload. He he
This is what happens whenever the word Scientology and growth is used anywhere near this meter –
If some of us could identify a translation to send, or the most direct and to-the-point article(s) to translate, and to whom they should be directed… the Danes could have a pithy counterpoint to the cherch lies. I think there is a public domain book, maybe Russell Miller’s or Jon Atack’s?
Twenty years ago I had some Swedish and Danish contacts from a photography newsgroup, but my email with that info crashed long ago.
Danes are generally pretty good with English, I don’t think a translation would be necessary.
I live in south of Sweden, just a bridge (no pun intended) from Copenhagen. And I can assure you that the Danish is just as careful about cults in schools like in Sweden. And if they have been conned their way into a school and are found out they will be thrown out without a doubt.
I was stunned to see this news about the Danish schools. I hope you’re right, Simbiala. I can’t beleive the the Danes would be that stupid – or that gullible. Scientology is like some horrible chronic disease that somehow keeps coming back to spread its toxins on the body politic. Then again, if this announcement turns out to be a bunch of b.s. I’ll be greatly releived.
They probably have this in their curriculum, but I think they really mean like anything not like Christianity, Islam or Buddhism. I think they men to talk about like New age kind. Talking about the Amish or Mormons. I think COS saw a chance to get a toe in and that’s what they did. Knowing COS way of counting it might have been a class of 25 who toured the org.
Yes! That’s exactly it. The org counted all the BTs on the 25 kids too!
They have tried this in Swedish schools too. Especially with Narconon. And it always ends with parents going crazy as soon as they learn it’s Scientology. I have no doubt the Danes, who are just as devoted to getting informed. This thing about new religions in the curriculum is not about COS alone. They probably mean to inform kids about other religions than the three big ones. I think they are talking about the Amish, Mormorns and such. COS just saw a chance to get a tiny toe in. About 2500 students touring the org. Well knowing how they inflate their numbers they are probably talking about a class of 25 students.
I can also imagine that they have been discussing cults in the class and wanted to see what it was all about and the schoolteacher set up a tour for a class. When COS where asking why the teacher might have told they study new religions in school. I don’t know but I could imagine it like so.
I know cults are on the curriculum as part of studying religion. I know my Danish neighbors are not that gullible. They read and keep well informed.
Thank you for your comments Simbiala! That was my thought too, that the schools lightly touch on cults, and unless it was an actual CoS teacher teaching there, and trying to infiltrate, I’m not too concerned, Like you said, this is a very well educated free thinking, sophisticated society….maybe CoS was brought in specifically to learn about how cults work, and CoS doesn’t even know that and are spinning it their way of course. This IS the most successful cult and real estate scam to ever hit the charts, so maybe they are studying how THAT happened. Hopefully, it is nothing more.
Hey Mike, I sent a link to this blog to the Copenhagen school system.
In the comment field I relayed the info.
There’s also a good possibility this is b.s., too, right? I mean, we know how they lie about everything and inflate stats, so why believe this?
That crossed my mind as well.
The Danes are in their own world just like the Bronx that elected Socialist to represent them in Congress.
Good for the Danes and good for the Bronx I love them both. In the grand scheme of things it “don’t” matter they’re both small potatoes.
On balance, I hope not. I really hope that some media outlet decides to spice up the quiet period… Plus, that age group lives on the screen – they’re three internet searches from seeing Leah and Mike 🙂
Also, if this gets taken up, maybe someone will think to make a more direct connection between radicalisation / fake news / undue influence. It’s not a bad thing for kids to find out about “new religions” but it’s vastly superior that they find out about how to take a step back and look at everything critically.
Jens Tingleff is our guy in Denmark: [email protected] (don’t know if this is an e-mail he still uses).
I am just one of many, but thanks for the mention 🙂
Three newspapers, one TV channel and one in-the-past-safepointed poilitican are my production stats for this morning.
I think I’ll do lunch 😉
Mike, if I may be so bold, may I suggest you get into contact with the Danish Education Minister/Director. While I applaud the Danes for trying to give their kids a well rounded education, this is one of those real opportunities to teach their children critical thinking skills.
The children have been shown the “candy” but before they are lured into the van they need to be taught exactly where the van takes them (servitude, abuse, poverty, broken families, etc.). Then if they get into the Cult of $ci’s van they can’t say they weren’t warned. JMO
“…I await your reaction on the religion angle. In my opinion, we couldn’t get worse public opinion than we have had or have less customers with what we’ve got to sell. A religious charter would be necessary in Pennsylvania or NJ to make it stick. But I sure could make it stick…..” LRH
The good old “religion angle”.
If only Xenu’s “body-thetans” were real, and the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism was real, and if only “OT” superpowers were real, and people could “rise up” and become soul astronauts. But that’s the con deepest problem, there are no “OT” Scientologists who can soul-fly out of their bodies, neither could and neither did Hubbard (other than hallucination). It’s a scam.
The L’s Rundowns supposedly resulting in soul-flying by the dupes who receive the L’s quackery, was really the last straw for me. No “OTs”, no one soul-flying, that means the whole durned operation is a scam.
Scientology fails, Hubbard admitted failure and that admission is in the “Going Clear….” book and DVD movie, which no wonder the Scientologists are not allowed to read that book nor watch the video where the interview tells of Hubbard’s admission of failure (the Kindle enhanced edition of “Going Clear…” I continually think ought to be required reading by all Scientologists to hear Hubbard’s failure admission).
That announcement needs more emoticons.
I couldn’t finish the article – the emojis made me dizzy.
I tried to pet one of the emojis, but, it bite me. I thought emojis were friendly.
That’s good! Thanks or the laugh.
The skinny ones are… maybe you pet one of fat ones – they have attitude!
They have really bad attitudes. One of them bit off one of my fingers.
You went to the wrong part of the interweb for your emoji, OSD.
I got some emoji once, but it came out pixilated.
Wow Liza… based on her excessive emoji count, one might think she is deranged in her cult exuberance.
It does say: ‘new religions are part of the curriculum’. This could simply be like my sophomore economics class in college. The professor said before taking up the topic of communism, a whole chapter in the text, that there would be the inevitable scream from several parents: ‘It happens every year.’ This was Oklahoma in 1962.
Sure as clockwork 3 sets of parents came to the college loudly denouncing the teaching of communism to their kids. For the umpteenth time the college and professor explained the difference in ‘teaching about’ and ‘indoctrinating’ , as being two vastly different approaches.
I think few if any of the 2500 given a tour will follow up on scientology. If their teachers are worth their salt they will be pointing to web sites on all of the religions. Sunlight cleanses.
It seems to me, Jim, that some parents back then saw mere teaching on the subject of Communism as a form of indoctrination. There may have been the secret fear that just a little piece of information on Karl Marx would have the whole school singing the Internationale. People can sometimes be irrational in this way.
Just my two cents.
Agreed. Even unto this day.
I just tried to find Danish media to send an alert. We call can!
NAMBLA never heard of it?
North American Marlon Brando Look-alike Association
Nice try but it means North American Man-Boy Love Association. It’s an organization trying to get gay pedophilia legalized by lowering the age of consent in the United States to fourteen.
It is joke.
South park did episode on NAMBLA, had NAMBLA and NA Marlon Brando Assn in town at the same time.
Got it.
Don’t parents in Denmark have the right to say if it OK to take their children places. When i was in school, many years ago, my mother sighned a form if it was OK for me to go on a school trip. This was even true for the school picnic. My kids would be absent on any trip i did not agree with if i was living there. Not only scientology, but every place i did not want them to go. They need parents to stand up and say no once and awhile. Parents of Denmark, grow a pair!!!
I would have let my kid go, having armed them with the truth before, or talked about it afterword at length, to see what they thought. It would lead to a very educational talk. I would, and did, talk about various religions with both my kids.
Mine would be the ones in “Praise Xenu!” T-shirts.
I now know what to get your kids for Christmas: t-shirts that say I LOVE MY BODY THETANS!
As staff of my class V org, we would have been VERY proud of these stats, 65 clears in 14 months? UN-HEARD OF – – – HUGE BOOMING, “We’re DOING THIS!” type stats….
10 brand new public, on a first paid service? Every week? I could recruit from those numbers, baby. I’d be fishing that new pool for purif starts and oh boy, but I’d be able to get some staff contracts signed….
I don’t think I ever remember us even getting 5 clears a year, let alone 65. I’ve moved about a bit and have been on service at several other class V orgs as well, and NONE of them have had stats like the above. They were even more podunk than my hometown/staff org.
We’d’ve been just rocking with these stats – right up until the next SO mission came in, tore it apart, declared our best execs/tech staff, and threw out all our workable programs that were making this “boom”.
Been there…
done that….. (or, more correctly, THEY did that to us)
over and over and over again.
and now…
in this light…
it makes it all the more pitiful, seeing now…. how deluded we were, oh, my, but we could have saved the world……
Denmark needs to be sent 3 info packs on the size of rot below the surface of the iceberg of scientology
I can’t imagine the Danish school district as a whole being that naive or stupid. There has to be some”catch” doesn’t there?
Awesome! Now 2500 Danish high-schoolers are googling scientology and making fun of it with their friends! Seriously, it won’t take long for them to discover the truth about the b.s. they were fed on the tours. If anything, it might have the reverse effect: The increase in awareness about the cult leads to increased exploration on the internet and finding sites like this one. Scientology just isn’t on most people’s radar, but if someone puts it on your radar, the chances of you blindly joining up today are much lower than in the pre-internet days. That’s my theory anyway. Regardless, I hope the parents raise a stink.
Thats scary..
Denmark has the Clampires number.
However, I do hope that along with visits to various ‘houses of worship’, the kids get some classes in critical thinking and how to recognize a scam.
Now, how many field trips will take in the ‘House of Kali’? A little thugee never hurt anyone, did it?
The Danish press is doing a good job – several serious newspapers, plus more than one TV station has regular critical and informative pieces (most recently, an ad for narCONon – the new idle one, presumably – was taken off the public transport screens after a journalist asked awkward questions).
Indeed, critical thinking should be taught and practised (rather than “bad” things censored). It would be nice if schools had a go at giving the pupils a forewarning about undue influence / why “fake news” work / radicalisation. One can dream.
The article states that Denmark doesn’t recognize scientology as a religion. So why would scientology be included in any Danish school’s studies of religion? (Unless perhaps in a sub-unit on cults.) I still call b.s., courtesy of a very intoxicated koolaid drinker who didn’t/couldn’t question it.
Strange. I can’t find any article about it.
I work at a school but I’m not a teacher myself. However, for by far most changes in curriculum here in the Netherlands for government funded schools (almost all of them) the things students have to learn can be found on the net.
I’m sure if such news would be done here it would be all over the news. Just recently there were stories in papers about a school that emplyed an Avatar-magician. (From Avatar, the Harry Palmer Scientology clone.)
Maybe the Danish system is different however?
I’d welcome any independent verification for this.
Yeah, I hear you. The one constant with Scientology is that they tell lies – it’s the only creative activity that matters to them. I guess the hardest thing, especially for a non-Scio to grasp is that every Scientologist is a PR agent for the Church, whether they realize it or not. Creating & spreading PR bullshit is a hat they all wear. They are so desperate that lies & half lies are the only way they can elicit any form of relief, their tech sure doesn’t work. NO Scientologist has the guts not to lie about Scientology. For if a Scientologist ever told the truth, they would no longer be a Scientologist, at the bare minimum they would end up declared and throw out.
That line from Mike on A&E comes to mind, “what in the fuck were we a part of?”
Avatar is still around? That’s interesting. After I blew scientology somebody gave me a cassette tape about Avatar. The basic idea was that instead of running chains of incidents you just needed to run the thoughts or considerations holding an item in place. On the tape Palmer, I guess it was him, was talking about writhing on the floor or something like that when going through Elron’s Wall of Fire. It occurred to him that why not just run what he thought about it rather than plowing through the “incident”. Now they’re calling themselves magicians instead of auditors? Mr. Hubbard would be quite disappointed.
Lisa is a new member and this is her first post. Kind of revealing all by itself.
I hope the students who visit also check web sources. That is, after all what has helped free so many of us already.
Keep up the good work Mike. Very much appreciated
That is absolutely terrifying. As a parent I would be beyond angry. What’s next? A field trip to a flds community?
I vote for NXIVM day. I think OSD and I could get down with that action.
It will be good to get more info; the message says the kids take an exam in Scn?
Also, the Danish Curriculum includes New Religions, so is more than one obviously.
Lets hope the students that toured the Org get lots and lots of MUs and “blow”. That would be the best that could happen to them to prevent falling into the hands of a manipulative ‘tech’.
Hi. I’m just an ordinary Dane, who reads your posts and I just wrote a Newspaper in Denmark a notification that this is happening in Denmark. I have no idea if they will react to this or not, but I’m afraid not many understand the severity of this here.
Thank you Karin
Karin, I am in no doubt that anything with the concerning COS will be out of any Danish school as soon as it’s known. They probably used some sort of front group. Last year they had a Narconon represent an opinion in a Swedish morning news show. It did NOT take long for the channel to issue an apology. They will be out on there bare asses as soon as some realize if something is going on and they tries to get in to Danish schools.
Excellent! I mailed off a link to a couple of papers.
I hope the more fully informed schools can combine a visit to the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology (yuk!) with a screening of “Going Clear”