Anyone who comes to this blog is going to be interested in this development.
It is now all over the media.
There is a lot of coverage, including AP above, which guarantees that this will be picked up far and wide.
I am including a link here to the excellent summary on Tony Ortega’s blog. He has had the most comprehensive and clear reporting on this matter from the get-go.
I can tell you, the victims are extremely happy. As are Leah and I. They will finally have an opportunity to have their day in court.
Jackie Lacey has been excruciatingly slow, but in the end, has done the right thing (we may never know what finally got her to pull the trigger, but I think the societal climate and her re-election campaign may have had something to do with it).
Jeffrey Augustine has just posted the LA County Sheriff booking document in the case.
I have some experience with pressing charges for rape in California; it was in the 80s in the Bay Area, but nonetheless may be relevant. I put my rapist in prison. If any rape survivors want to chat with me about my experiences, especially if it may help you prepare for your own ordeal, I am all yours and Mr. Rinder knows how to reach me. Please ask him for my email; I’ll send you my phone number when you email me.
Progress. Keep working. I appreciate the work everyone has done to take this step in the right direction. #TAKESTEP
I have a feeling that the Demented Minikin will drop Masterson faster than he can throw an empty scotch bottle at the picture of Mike on his booze soaked Pissed-Offedness Wall.
I never knew Danny Masterson, and he will have his day in Court at his expense, But for me personally I have never sexually assaulted anyone. There is some reason he has been charged.
I think this is more of a confirmation that the Church does not solve and cannot solve personal issues. Has the Church of Scientology issued a statement on this charge? I think the silence is deafening. The silence speaks volumes. I don’t think an organization can plead the fifth, so why the silence?!
I really liked Leah’s response to this. Thanks Mike and Leah for your hard work.
Might it be possible to arrange to disseminate this news and specifically the Church’s involvement, on more mainstream platforms, i.e. the Joe Rogan, Wendy Williams, Andy Cohen, i.e. platforms that have previously expressed an interest in Scientology activity, on which ex-Scientology members and critics alike have featured? Sharing as much of this news, as much as possible, would be an ‘effective blow’.
Although he is not very famous here in Italy, his face is already on the news and press.
I read that if he is sentenced he risks from 45 years in prison to life in prison.
This time it will not be enough for him to make lower conditions, some donations here and there and pay for some intensive for a security check.
This is a perfect example of the Church’s whole approach to “handling flaps.” Just think if, instead of their big coverup, they had done the right thing in the first place, i.e. work with the victim to report the rape to the police and get Masterson nailed then and there, and thrown out of the Church to boot. They would have looked much better, and there would be no much bigger flap such as the one now. But..nooooo…have to keep the wog police and courts out of this because they, enlightened by LRH’s ethics, tech and policy, know so much better.
SSA. You are completely right.
“In Scn we wash our dirty clothes at home.”
But one who has miserably abused at least three women is a damned time bomb to keep at home!
Now it will explode on them while the clothes are still dirty with stains that do no go away.
I’m sure Julian will be able to arrive at a just an equitable solution for rehabilitation through the internal arbitration system of the cherch.
Yo Dave,
Time to call in the IAS for some bail money for your other good buddy. Then yall can drum up a gofundme site to help replentish yer ill gotten goods via the cherches style of ‘rape and pillage’ regging.
I’d say it’s time for a closed door briefing for any remaining cult affectionados. Not to worry about available space ……….. you will only need three chairs and a handful of masks for the Pee Tee Essers!
Scumbag needs to go down, and deal a huge blow to Miscavige.
I began a post that read, “The biggest blow that could ever be delivered to him would be … ” but then I just seemed to run out of gas. I could not think of just what it would be that would be the biggest blow.”
I wondered if it would be losing control of the scam or maybe being mocked and ridiculed in public or any one of another similar kinds of blows.
Being mocked and ridiculed in public is always a very good one. If you ever saw the PBS FrontLine episode where they held a big dinner at the White House and President Obama skewered the current president for quite some time and openly mocked him and made fun of him, several people who know him have said that was just about the worst thing that anyone ever did to him because his ego never allows him to forget any kind of public insult.
But even sending him to prison for the rest of his life, might not be all that terrible for him if there was no public component. In order for him to really suffer, whatever happens to him would have to be made public in a very big way.
So, I’m just not sure. Aqua posted some remarks the other day that struck me as being quite insightful. If anyone knows what would really destroy that rat, she would be the one to tell us.
I hope maybe she will see this and then tell us just what would be the biggest punishment that could be inflicted on that horrible rat. I’m sure Mary Kahn’s opinion would also be very accurate.
But whatever the truth, that is what I would like to see as the outcome of this rape trial.
For sure! For sure! That and even more recognition and more acclaim for Mike and Leah. In my opinion, both of them deserve more of that than there exists in this world.
This is the best news I’ve heard in a while! What a re!ief. I’m so happy for his victims. I can’t believe it’s finally happened!!!!☺
Danny Masterson’s Stats are up. From 1 rape to 3.
Hubbard said he has ethics clearance.
There will be no justice for the victims from Scientology. With a large dono, Danny Masterson will be in good standing. Scientology likes CRIMS. They make a lot of money. If Danny is punished by the cult, they will make him PAY SCIENTOLOGY, not the victims.
The criminals in Scientology are all alike and can relate to each other.
I hope he is sent to prison for a long time and the victims get justice in the Wog justice system. Scientology protects the criminals in their “Church” cuz they get the Benefits of the religious cloak.
OMG, what a LOSER! He’s got exactly ONE claim to fame, “the 70s Show”, which I only know about because it gets mentioned EVERY time he gets mentioned. I tried to watch the show once; didn’t make it through the whole episode.
Still, by all measures I’m aware of, he could get any number of CONSENTING partners, including anal from consentual gays, but no-o-o-o, he has to prey on unsuspecting women by drugging them so they can’t fight him off or escape. AND he seems to derive PLEASURE out of violating bodies that might as well be dead, they’re so unresponsive to his activity.
Pretty morbid stuff the dude’s into, it seems.
How long will it be that his depravity becomes so apparent and OBVIOUSLY anti-scn that DM (Dwarfenführer, not Donkey Punch) “must” disown him as a scientologist; declare his fat ass SP?
Isn’t sullying scn’s “good name” in that manner a high crime? Not that ALL derogatory connection are *bad*; Heck, scn gets a SPIKE in raw meat inquiries when it’s revealed that ElCon sucked at the teat of aleister Crowley, the wickedest man in the world by his own accounting.
I wouldn’t go that far Jere. He was not a star on that 70s show.
His claim to fame is Ashton Kutcher’s sidekick. Simple as that.
Danny Masterson’s Named Statistics
Rapes Executed, Vaginal, Victim Conscious
Rapes Executed, Anal, Victim Conscious
Rapes Executed, Anal, Victim Drunk
Rapes Executed, Anal, Victim Drugged, Partially Conscious
Rapes Executed , Anal, Victim Unconscious
Rapes Executed, Anal with Accompanying Choke Hold, Victim Unconscious
Yo Danny,
Very well done!
Your stats are out the roof!
You certainly are a Product of the Tech!
Expect to receive a special bracelet reserved for those whose production is in the stellar, power range.
Be assured that only a certain type of Ka Khan receives this bracelet.
Now, I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but here’s a hint:
Its made of the heaviest, highest grade steel, and it fits over both of your wrists!
Much love,
Actually he had 7 women say he raped them. The DA is only prosecuting 3. I think we should keep bringing up the number 7 rapes so that they know it is a long time pattern here.
Good point, I agree.
There will probably be a lot more when Danny boy finally makes it to his cell block. Lets see if Dannys ‘donkey punch’ can be improved upon by his new neighbors!
After all that smoke, it is good to hear a proper court of law is going to investigate the source fire.
Mike, the only thing I might change about your article today is to take down Materson’s slicky nice picture of himself, and replace it with the booking picture that Tony has. I want to see his face holding the booking thing with the charges written out on it. That is what I call a good picture! But also thank you for all your dedicated reporting on this. It is a good day that he finally is facing those charges and there will be a trial. And great job also to Tony Ortega for reporting on it all along even though the LA Times wouldn’t carry the story until now.
Hello Cindy. I went looking for the booking photo you described. I Googled “tony ortega news danny masterson” and found the following two links:
But I couldn’t find the booking photo you described.
On one of the above links, I saw a photo of him wearing a T shirt that says, “Psychiatrists are here. Hide your children.” How stupid! People should wear T Shirts that say, “Danny Masterson is at large. Protect yourselves from being raped!”
Unless someone can think of something better to put on a T shirt?
In looking again, the picture I saw where it is his mug shot holding up a sign with the date, his name and the charges, that is in the comments section of Tony O’s site. Probably shooped, maybe not.
Mike, you were an exec at the time this happened (and not in the hole, AFAIK). What did you know about danny’s transgressions?
Not speaking for Mike, but I don’t think much of this was on the lines at that time. CCI was hiding flaps locally, “dealing with the flaps” and “keeping enturbulation off of RTC’s lines”. I heard of one person being RPFed for failing to inform RTC about matters (not sure if it was this specific one or not).
Having had friends who hung out with the CC Int crowd, Masterson was already a pretty creepy guy. Before his TV stuff, he would hang out at the coffee shop across the way from CC and say some pretty gross stuff towards women. He had his little clique. I pretty much stayed away from the guy, he had bad vibes and bad juju. He had “dated” a girl named Alana P who I knew, and she ended up all sorts of messed up in the head, and while I never got the real story, I know she died afterwards in Russia from an OD.
I cannot in any honesty think that anyone who was in my crowd having read the news would be at all surprised that this is happening.
GatChild. Sorry the comment was addressed to Johnny Tank.
I know what I have learned from the victims subsequently. Remember, at the time, this was just a local flap that was dealt with by the Chaplain/Ethics Officer at CC. It was not an “external flap.” Knew nothing about this until I heard it directly from the victims, one of whom asked me this same thing “You didn’t hear about this at the time?” Keeping “flaps” suppressed is a way of life in the Sea Org. Any former SO member who is honest will tell you that they would do almost anything to NOT have to report/admit to a flap in their zone because they would be blamed for it whether they caused it or not — “you are fully responsible for everything that happens in your zone.”
With danny being a celebrity I thought this would have been reported upwards. Anyway, thank you for responding. There is a lot I still don’t understand about scientoligy – and a lot I will never understand.
Kirsten must have known about it. If she didn’t know, then CCI really was burying it out of sight.
Yes, she probably knew, though even that is not a certainty. You know the local people at CC treated it as “MWH phenomena, nattering” and therefore not “real.”
Well…everyone knows now.
Yep, I can attest to that Mike. Having been at the top, I know. Things in lower orgs like this did not get reported to the top because they know they would get in trouble if it “flapped” on high exec lines. However, the lower orgs had to handle this type of thing per LRH Tech…..which is what they did from what I can tell. Sometimes the old GO (Guardians Office) would get involved at the Org level, then the continental level. In my days 70’s to early ’80’s the GO and SO were very much separated, so if legal stuff happened we did not really know.
Just noting that this started changing in the early 2000s.
You were expected to report up to RTC on many things, especially things that would “flap on public lines” or “might be an OSA matter”.
I believe this was the first step in centralizing management so that DM would be the sole decision-maker on such events.
GatChild. What Mike says is completely true. Example. In CLO EU I have seen many many times people literally in troubles or being blasted because they wrote KRs (knowledge reports) about some situation the CLO was trying to solve or keep covered up. These KRs were addressed up lines or to Rtc. It was known that upon receipt that KR would have flaped big time or generated investigations. And surely put in great troubles local execs.
So when do the $cientologists with first hand knowledge of the accusations, that actively worked to keep the victims from going to the authorities, and charged them money for $cientology “handling” of the incidents instead, get arrested as accessories after the fact?
Hi everyone,
Doing a research article on Scientology OT VIII and Zoroastrianism. There was an Advance! magazine
with that subject.
Would appreciate it if anyone retained a copy. Will pay modest fee as articles not available on line.
George M. White
Found the article and had it printed out. Please cancel the above request. Thanks.
I can now finish my research.
Mike thanks to you and Leah. You open the way. Yes indeed. Let put some more light on the cult activities. They are fully involved because covering up these crimes . Rapes, abortions, deaths and who knows what else. Let’s put some light of truth here and look at the cockroaches running away from it.
Although most of my legal knowledge comes from watching reruns of Perry Mason I would warn strongly against thinking this is a done deal. These charges go back a long way & it is a bit of “ he says – she says “ Smart lawyers can be very persuasive. Remember OJ ! Hopefully justice will be done but no guarantees.
I agree this is a long way from being a done deed. But I would like to see more tributes for Mike and Leah. They worked so hard to bring us that TV series and they did such a fine job that surely we must owe them a great big vote of thanks and confidence.
We need to express that gratitude to both of them for a job fabulously done. It was a fabulous thing they did and (pls forgive me) if we manage to get out of COVID alive (as well as all the subsequent protests and riots) when the history of this planet is written, surely Mike and Leah will be assigned the labels of “Hero Most Excellent” – SERIOUSLY.
Maybe that is just the way it is with heroes who save this world. We give them a little bit of gratitude and recognition at the time they are first acknowledged. But then everything goes on as usual – so to say.
IMO, Mike and Leah deserve one whole heck of a lot more than just, “all things as usual”. They performed a fantastic service for this entire planet and lots of people need to stand up and say, “Hurray”! Know what I mean? Hurray for Mike and Leah. This recent development with the rape charges would never have happened if not for Mike and Leah – at least that is my opinion. We cannot let that go by without a whole lot of gratitude and expression of our appreciation. It is just far too much of a great achievment.
I think that with internal CofS documents from the time plus the “DJ Donkey Punch” moniker that Masterson flauntedd, a jury is likely to look at this the way they looked at the Keith Raniere case – cringe, snicker, and convict. Without such clear evidence to hang a case on it might have been more of a toss-up, and perhaps some of the charges that aren’t so well backed up won’t stuck, but a jury is likely to at least agree on the counts for which there is contempoary evidence like that.
Plus we don’t even know what further internal evidence or insider testimony might emerge.
It’s ALWAYS a long road for a woman to get justice for sexual assault. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate taking the first step down that road. It’s a pretty big step after all.
While a defendant can certainly beat any one rape charge brought by one person (or any criminal charge of any kind), as we have seen from the Weinstein and Cosby cases, we are dealing with another type of criminal case when multiple charges of one kind are involved. While certainly “anything can happen”, I think the chances are VERY good that Masterson will be heading for prison for a number of years. And then there will be the lawsuits against him and don’t count out the other women who have accused Masterson whose cases the DA is not taking up in the current charges.
Thank you Leah and Mike for your righteous persistence in this matter.
If there’s insufficient evidence to convict on criminal they can get him on civil. Which is worse for him AND for the cult. Let’s say Donkey Punch is found guilty on all counts, whatever. Gets a long prison sentence. Ok, that’s correct, that’s justice if he’s proven guilty. But the cult’s response will be…”Hmmm…Danny who?” They’ll distance from him, take no responsibility for his criminal acts, condemn him publicly, renounce him. He’ll be kicked to the curb and the cult will go on its merry, criminal way. But getting socked with millions of dollars in damages, possibly the cult too, for suppressing the information – that’s another ball of wax. Huge money, horrible headlines, devastatingly bad publicity for both DP and DM…OUCH.
Thanks to you, Mike, Tony and Leah for persevering in this quest for justice.
Both Masterson, and Scientology (Miscavige and OSA) have much to answer for.
We are now witnessing the aftermath of the Aftermath, and it’s called JUSTICE.
Love that Len! Truly without the very public pressure applied consistently over a long period of time, sadly these young women would’ve continued to be blown off by the corrupt Hollywood division they’d have been forced to go through.
Then add to that the fact that there is a civil case and I believe this makes it far less likely any judge would risk the backlash of allowing co$ to handle this via internal “arbitration.” The beauty in that is that once one court finds a solid basis on which to deny that clause of the forced and illegal contracts co$ makes people sign, that can be used in every other case to push back at the ridiculousness that their farce of “arbitration” truly is. (Haney case and reconsideration motion, I’m looking at you!)
So expect a TON of delays and obstacles by co$ and continued but quiet support of Danny’s defense behind the scenes specifically because of the overarching impact this case could truly have! (Happy, triumph dance for all those impacted!!!)
Society has been showing quite clearly that there is no more patience for injustice. Sleep on that thought, Miscavige.
People in the bubble will see this as an attack on them.
To which I would reply: ‘What did you do to pull it in?’
LOL! Perfect!
Bravo Mike and Leah!!
The Aftermath was instrumental in getting this despicable piece of donkey turd facing justice!
I was getting really worried that the bastard was getting away with it as time passed by and nothing seemed to happen. Very, very good news indeed for the victims, their families and all who are on the side of justice.
I know defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige likes spending money to make things go smoothely with the authorities – after all, it’s tax exempt money that chumps just give him.
But, right now, I bet he is wondering if they paid enough money to the people who made files disappear with the police…
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: spreading misinformation.
I don’t know who you are but you need to get this: THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY DOES NOT BUY ANYONE OFF! Take that statement, word clear it and then go to OSA for a star rate checkout. I don’t care if you took The Student Hat and are Fast Flow. To accuse RTC of spending money to get out-ethics public out of legal trouble is not how I do things. You must carry out the above assignment or you may risk eternity in the RPF.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: calling the kettle black.
You don’t spend money getting your top whales out of trouble?
Excuse me one minute.
Go fuck yourself, you scotch swilling dwarf!
No love at all,
I can’t begin to imagine what these women have been through. The evil of the rape itself, then the excruciating evil from Scientology harassment, then dealing with what appeared the complacency of our justice system.
Mike. You said it! And you said it very well. Good for you.
Hooray! It’s about time for some good news. 🙂
Very good news!
He may be singlehandedly able to get CC’s extension course stat into a long trending affluence …
Joe Pendleton threw out:
“He may be singlehandedly able to get CC’s extension course stat into a long trending affluence …”
That only takes ONE to accomplish.
I’m so so happy for the women who never gave up, even in the face of constant harassment and threats. And for you and Leah who gave them their voice to be heard!
The Church of Scientology, of which Masterson is a member, was also named as a defendant in the long-running lawsuit after the women claimed they were stalked and harassed by the church in a bid to silence them after they complained.
Great news, Karen!
Just saw it on ABC news on youtube. AWESOME!
The first charge stems from an incident in 2001. Sounds to me like maybe the prosecutor waited until very close to the date of the Statute of Limitations. That may well have been a very wise way to proceed in case she wanted to get everything prepared – checked and double checked – before proceeding.
This lawsuit is just too important to lose because something was not properly handled before the charges were laid. In the video from the link that Wynski has posted, it shows this guy laughing and having a good time – even though he is facing a maximum of 45 years in prison if convicted. I’d like to know if he is laughing before or after he learned of these charges. I would be the height of smugness if he would be laughing in the face of 45 years in prison. That would really disturb me.
She didn’t wait “to get anything prepared”. One NEVER does that as a prosecutor (waiting YEARS) in he says, she says rape cases as memories fade, potential witnesses disappear and it is easier to lose to a jury. She waited because of pressure from CoS and now with all the injustice problems blowing up she had to move forward.
Awesome, for sure! And I read some of the comments. One wit offered that the new program on the horizon for Masterson is “That Prison Show” 🙂
Jackie Lacey took her time but did the right thing. Wow. Sooo glad!
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank God for Leah and you!!!!!
I never thought I’d see it! It’s only a start but – yay!!!!! I’ll take it!
I’m sure david miscavige and the church of scientology has never heard of Danny Masterson.
You mean “DJ Donkey Punch” I’m sure Danny Boy is regretting the day he ever picked that moniker. The Judge will definitely not find that too funny. Yeah, there is justice, no matter how or why the DA finally charged him. Probably she’s distancing herself from the Scientology/LAPD connection – BLM and Re-election time are good reasons.
I am over the moon!
Fabulous news + everything Mary Kahn just said!
I think they have by now accepted a ten million dollar minimum – meaning if something is not worth a minimum of ten million or will cost them less than ten million, they are just not interested and they will pay some P.I. to beat someone up instead.
For that reason, you are probably right about them never having heard about Masterson. He is just not a big enough problem to mess with. He may cost them 2 or 3 million. But that is not enough for them to get excited.
The maddening thing about this is the lady’s integrity and violation really do not play any part in their equation.
Rape is a crime that is very close to murder. If you read some of the testimony of children who were sexually violated by their priests or other adults in a position of trust, the result is very close to murder. It destroys their entire lives. They may not die. But emotionally speaking, they do come close to dying. The effect lasts for their entire lives. Many commit suicide. Others are left with lives in ruin. They cannot live like other people. They cannot be happy. Whatever punishment we dole out to murderers, the punishment for rape should be very close to that.
It is a great tragedy of the human race that for the most part, men do not understand about the effects of rape or they do not care. But for the most part, it is men who make the laws and so this crime has never gotten the punishment it deserves.
I actually believe the church is too deeply embedded into one or more of these cases. But I find it hard to believe the church will be found culpable in any of it. (1) because they are a “religion.” and (2) because they will hide auditors and MAA’s involved in the “handlings” and I don’t believe the church is above destroying documents (Worksheets, etc.)
Mary i fully agree that it couldn’t be a easy walk to have the cult found directly culpable.
However the wounds left from the Aftermath series are still open. People haven’t forgotten it.
Rather they get involved or they don’t, there will be further confirmation that something is really wrong inside there.
Oops. I just saw the booking document and it said the bail amount is $3,000,000.
If you can remove the part of my previous post that questioned about bail, please do so. Otherwise, please accept my apology and do not publish this post.
Very well done, sir. Per LRH, a person who knew of a crime and failed to report it is an accessory and receives the same penalty as the person disciplined as the actual offender. Fat chance of that happening but the fact that the cult discouraged and threatened the victims from coming forward will likely become a part of the court record and help in the civil cases against the cult and DM. I pity the poor bastard who had to inform D.M.
Bill, the so-called Hubbard Law of Commotion holds that for each and every piece of standard tech or standard policy there is an equal and opposite piece of standard tech and standard policy.
Which one gets applied seems up to “command intention” – which tends to be particularly favorable to celebrities. In Masterson’s case I’d say what’s been applied is Hubbard’s policy on Kha-Khans, those “producing” in some exceptional way for Scientology:
“They can get away with murder without a blink from Ethics… And Ethics must recognize a Kha-Khan when it sees one – and tear up the bad report chits on the person with a yawn.”
I was just on my way here with this news but you got here first.
If Jackie were here, I might guess what she would say. She might say (excuse me but I’m so happy that I may not be making a lot of sense) that she had to get all her ducks in a row to be sure that the prosecution will be successful.
Yes she took a lot of time and I can see how that would frustrate many people. But by doing so, she very well may have done a good job preparing her case. Just think how terrible it would have been had the accused been able to get some lawyer to beat her case on a technicality? She really needs to be careful so that Double Jeopardy does not get to apply.
I’m not complaining. I’m very happy at this news.
Think the little rat may just be the next domino to fall? Here’s hoping. It is about time, after all. I really hope this event may make it easier for Valerie to proceed with her case.
Great points Sklyer….as in “took her time”. One must build a sturdy solid foundation to BUILD a case. One slight error, a misplaced stone, not enough mortar….the foundation of the case collapses & he goes free.
I can’t imagine the pain & gut wrenching heartache these ladies went through. To have to see HIS face on TV, in the newspapers, gossip columns, and around “the church” smiling and happy while his victims whither in pain at the sight of him or mention of his name.
To think how they shuddered when a male came too close, how they must have remembered every detail when they heard a certain song, color, scent in the air, how they must have ran & hid, broke into tears & had to hear the “gossip about how they allowed themselves to be alone with him”. The SELF BLAME of it all they’ve burdened themselves with for decades.
The horrific feeling of the SHAME they had to carry around for a long time. Much like the victims of the infamous TV Icon “Dr” who also proclaimed his innocence went about his life unfettered & uncaring, as if he had done nothing wrong….. until it was proved he IS guilty.
What hurts just as much is the trust & faith women have for some men, only to find out they will be his next victim. The constant questions THEY ASK THEMSELVES as in “WHY WHY WHY did I trust HIM?”
To REMAIN SILENT ALLOWS THE PERPETRATOR TO CONTINUE HIS SEXUAL ASSAULTS. If he had been brought to justice after the FIRST time, the others might not have had to endure the same outcome.
It’s going to be difficult to prove this case, yet these are STRONG WOMEN WHO WILL NO LONGER BE SILENCED…..they are as ONE.
I wish them much luck., my prayers & thoughts are with all of these brave ladies.
Very good post yourself, Balletlady. I will never forget one experience I had that left me chilled to the bone. I will try not to ramble too much as I describe this to you.
I was just about to enter my first year in University and I had to go somewhere on campus but had gotten lost. I wandered into a ladies dormitory and started knocking on their doors to see if someone could help me with directions.
I knocked on this one door and saw a shadow come over the peep hole. No one opened the door. But I heard this terrified voice come through the door saying, “Yes? What do you want?” I could tell this lady was clearly scared that a man had knocked on her door. I thought to myself, “What in the world? Why is this lady so afraid?” I just want to ask her for directions. I had no intention of ever doing any harm to her. But then it came to me. This lady didn’t need a reason to be scared. Maybe she had been harmed in the past. But maybe not. Maybe she just knows this kind of harm can happen and it can begin just by some man knocking at your door.
I quickly replied, something like, “please don’t be afraid. I was just looking for directions. But I think I am looking in the wrong place. I will leave and go somewhere else to ask for directions. Sorry I bothered you.”
I figured that nothing I said would make any difference. Sill, the experience left me with a new viewpoint and understanding.
Life’s a lesson….to someone who’s never visited “the big city”….someone who grew up in what might be considered “the boonies, backwoods, country”….anything different can be frightening.
I recall a friend hosting a young child from NYC’s “Fresh Air Fund”….the kid stared in wonder at the “separate houses with yards & swing sets, grass, big trees & even one of them “above ground swimming pools (he’d never seen one).
Even going for a ride in a car was a huge treat AND to stop for an ice cream cone, you’d of thought he’d won the lottery.
Once someone has been accosted it leaves an traumatic impression on you. I recall as a 9 year old riding bikes with a good same age girlfriend, in a vedry quiet area with houses well distanced from one another.
A man in his 50’s asked us for directions & then he quickly stepped out of his pick up truck “so he could hear us”… That man “exposed himself to us”…luckily we had stayed a safe distance away & took off on our bicycles reporting it to our parents….but he was never caught.
Fact is to THIS day, if the Police handed me a “six pack” of photographs of men in his age & description category..I’d be able to pick him out in ten seconds.
Same reason women don’t report rape…fear of being disbelieved, blamed, ridiculed for being stupid for being alone with him or “willingly going to his apartment alone” because they thought they could trust a “gentleman”
Insight is 20/20…your wise decision to explain apologize & leave quickly probably save BOTH of you a huge hassle! Glad it worked out for you.
My greatest hope is that Masterson is finally brought to the Justice he so well deserves & that those that PROTECTED HIM are punished as well. In life you can FORGIVE….but FORGET…THAT NEVER HAPPENS……