Here is the ultimate admission that corporate Scientology has arrived at its final destination.
Giving money IS the new auditing.
Turning over cash provides “case gain”, confers remarkable abilities and powers on you and it gives you status (at least according to the endless stream of promotion, emails, videos and events). Everything anyone could ever want from a journey to spiritual enlightenment and “truth revealed”.
The descent into MEST — which is after all what money represents and that old saying is very true, money can’t buy you happiness (or love if you follow the Beatles path to inner peace) — is complete on both sides of the equation. The givers have now been so brainwashed they believe that the payment of money magically moves them “up the Bridge” (and they have certs to prove it) and the receivers believe that if they collect enough money they will be able to buy enough MEST to keep convincing people to give them more money.
Dante’s Inferno truly brought to life. Like the fortune teller in the poem forced to walk with his head on backwards so he cannot see where he is going for having tried to tell the future, the seekers of truth and enlightenment and escape from traps of the physical universe in the “church” of Scientology are forced to seek freedom through bestowing ever increasing importance on money and the acquisition of MEST. Truly a hell on earth.
Yep, I’ve heard it mentioned several times by IAS reges that there is an “IAS Grade Chart”, that giving money to the IAS gives you case gain, and that “solvency” has no place on the bridge. I’m not exaggerating one bit either. Michael Roberts even says that those who don’t give money to the IAS are “out of valence” (not being themselves, for non Scientologists). It’s nice that you get some heavy eval and inval for not throwing your money away to a Ponzi scheme.
Which brings to mind, I know someone who got disconnected from by a 30-year friend when he spoke out about the crap that’s going on now. She said to him that she just didn’t want to “risk her eternity.”
Girl, your eternity is there whether you stick with that asshole Miscavige or not. It’s there, and you’ll be in it no matter what. But if you think Scientology is the key to your surviving it, then you’ve already lost if you stay in the “church” as it is today.
Jeezus, every time I see one of these boneheads who brags about their useless IAS status, I wanna say, “Are you a Class VIII? Are you an auditor at all? With the kind of money you parted with, you could have gone on full-time study and become at least a Class VI! The Old Man said auditors are the most important people on the planet! Shame on you!!”
If you think Scientology is all bullshit, then I say go in peace. We can still be friends.
But Jeezus, if you are going to be a Scientologist, then be one. We can still be friends. Train and co-audit. If not, then stop pretending by buying “status” and get the fuck out.
This girl is no Scientologist.
Regarding Linda Smith’s resume…
1. Police chaplain – This is a police community outreach program whereby VOLUNTEERS from different religions sign up to be called should there be an incident wherein someone requests a chaplain of their religion or whereby problems involving protocols of different religions can be solved with a consultant. They do help with grieving familites. I have met volunteers of other religions who do this. It is noble enough and can entail dealing with tragedy, but in this context her statement is misleading. It is not a police job.
2. Employed, credentialed public school teacher AND staff member? I doubt it. School teachers work 9-10 hour days, including certain evening obligations – no time to be a staff member, too! (Or vice versa). Public school teachers are required to meet and communicate with school psychologists and teams that include psychologists, fill out psychological profiles on failing and difficult children, and deal with the Special Education bureaucracy. She might be a part time “aide” or ex-school teacher or unemployed teacher.
3. Patron with Honors… isn’t that $100,000 donation? Paid for with earnings as a school teacher and staff member career history? Nope…doesn’t happen. IF she has ever had a career as a public school teacher, she would have had to pay into the state Teacher’s Retirement Fund. I would ask, was she manipulated into withdrawing her retirement funds? One can withdraw these if one quits teaching. This will be tragic as school teachers do NOT get Social Security in old age.
Just my observations.
CS Lewis: “The Screwtape letters likened hell to a bureaucracy in which everyone is perpetually concerned about dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance and resentment.”
I’d like to know what exactly her IAS status did to help students in her school…
These people suffer with illusions of grandeur!
Linda Smith is staff, she may get commissions for every arm twisted. Advertising is almost always about paying someone such as an actor to convincingly sell a product, they rarely hire those who are ecstatic/disappointed with it. CO$ has simply adapted the same insincere Wall Street models of marketing, and it matters not if it’s all BS as long as the money keeps rolling in. I have seen similar IAS adverts 20 years ago, so this is nothing new.
The whole write-up is totally dubious. We are to possibly incorrectly surmise that “this cycle” meant she acquired her PATRON WITH HONORS status, but she doesn’t clearly state she had cognitions because of it, but leans towards IAS flows and moving up the bridge near the end. The reader is supposed to make all sorts of assumptions, ie. the usual dumb-down jobs.
The Blind leading the Blind, no offense to actual Blind people.
Its been so long since she got any real case gain that any feeling of any kind feels like a release. Its truly insane that these people just don’t see this for what it is. I guess thats the nature of a scam. Those scammed cannot be wrong so keep believing that they are being fed. Just shows you that even listening to the LRH lectures or reading books is not going on as they might have some other cognitions.
What;s next, will Miscavige require Success Stories from those he’s slapped around. The theory is that the person being beat up by Miscavige will experience case gain through knowing that he has contributed to Miscavige by making him feel better through administering the beating, and since he feels better, then of course Scientology will do better. Perfect.
“Thank you sir. May I have another?”
It is like that already. Not quite literally but almost. If HE abused you, shat on you and told you that you are a worthless piece of shit and an enemy of Mankind, you are supposed to write HIM back thanking HIM for opening your eyes and pointing out just how big a piece of shit you really are.
If you think this is a joke I assure you it isn’t. Ask Thoughtful to explain it to you in greater detail. Point is that what you are jokingly describing as maybe happening next is a SOP at the Int Base as has been for at least 10 years possibly longer.
Because I have been an Indie for quite a while, I keep thinking that I can’t be surprised or shocked with the massive outnesses and perversion of Scientology, it is mind boggling. Then I read this, and again I am stunned. “Giving money IS the new auditing.” So sad to watch, it is just too much. Though, in the Indie field here, we are having tremendous wins and gains from standard auditing following LRH tech. Tremendous. That ia what I try to focus on.
Me too Mak!
This crazy bullshit is not Scn. This is REVERSE Scn. I know a lot of people who had to create some huge effect in their lives, or accomplish something crazy or heroic, to really test their limits and fulfill some deep passion of theirs. Like extreme sports people, olympians, Mt. Everest climbers, navy seals and the like. Even intellectuals who must map some g-nome or they can’t go on. Scn taps into some of these passions and desires that are natural to beings. Thetans want to be able to do anything they want and often, that’s why they reach for auditing. As ability goes up, they naturally want to reach and be, do and have more. Unfortunately this can birth the psycho-scngst, if it’s not tempered with training, ethics and the data series, or possibly good family support. I think this IAS/idle org crush regging is intentionally tapping into these normal thetanish passions and desires, and is creating a made to order GPM (goals problems mass), to really wind the person up with religious imagery, a warring mentality, a hero and a villain. The person gets a little case gain, wants to be, do and have more, gets the “game” handed to them on a silver platter, complete with life and death struggle and voila! Imagine the quantity of such games, that have been played on the whole track and the overwhelm that could be restimulated, by the war of good and evil on a huge scale, where YOU! could save the day…….if you would only push, push, push, yourself……to the outer limits of your ability. I think this is how people lose their perspective and get sucked in, and spun into the GPM, until they “wake up”, or something occurs that jolts them out of it. The theta and power of the wins of auditing enhance beingness and intention, then that is used against the person, to begin the implant process. I have had massive and beautiful wins and gains from real Scn. and I will never concede that any of this gross, ridiculous, coercive money grubbing has anything to do with Scn’s true intention and purpose, which is, to free beings. This is the antithesis, ie, the REVERSE of true Scn.
Dante’s Inferno? Now Mike I’m not sure if you have just outdone yourself here, or managed to dislodge the framed masterpiece from its hook, sending it crashing to the floor 🙂 Or just mebbe that would have to be the departed artist’s spirit reacting to being associated with David Must Damage (anything theta that is) 3:)
Giving money leads to case gain. David , too funny. He is going to have some case gain soon for making Mosey’s life a living hell for four years. She could probably be diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome by now. If I had to hold myself back from fighting back on all of those attacks and home invasions I would need some kind of therapy by now if not a a drug persciption.
Ha Ha! Yes, lets all sue David Miscavige. He deserves the case gain.
Tons of “energy” (with her “large confront of evil, she can’t even confront saying “MONEY”) to the IAS (first) and your Bridge (second).
If you say it as it’s meant to be said, it becomes “give up everything and work for us, or if you won’t do that, for god’s sake, the LEAST you can do is make tons of money and give it to us.”
Requires confront to say it like it is.
Scientology = Church of Scientology = A = A = A
Wow, this has become a fraud. There is no other word. Scientology completely reversed.
What are y’all going on about? Linda has offered us a CHOICE, people. There are three excellent ways we can serve Dave Miscavige: Join the Sea Org! Join staff! Or — if we can’t get off out butts and do either of those — flow tons of money!
I mean listen. This woman has Strong Confront of Evil. She’s a PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER. Middle school, I bet: that’s where one encounters evil in its purest form. She knows first-hand that the Other Side never gives up. Too old for naps, yo!
Out here in the fringes of the Internet, we’re kind of sheltered from this stuff. But Linda KNOWS, man. She sees shit every day you wouldn’t believe. Write that check NOW if you don’t want Freddie from 3rd period to TP your house.
LMAO Richard! That is exactly the picture I got of Linda.
Wait a minute! She’s in law enforcement, she’s a public school teacher AND she’s a staff member? I’m surprised she’s not be written up for working wog jobs!
She’s SO off purpose! How dare she buy shoes for her children, when we need to open an ideal org in Uzbekistan! (sorry Uzbekies)
Give them your life. And if you can’t do that, give them your money. It’s a real Jack Benny choice, isn’t it?. Scientology used to be about helping people, specifically you and me. Now it’s about fighting some vague planet-wide enemy. At least that’s the PR line. What it’s really about is flowing money and power to the little guy with the big pockets.
Joking about Dantes inferno is fine as long as you acknowledge that due to Scientology some people are looped in it!!!!
SO GLAD TO BE OUT OF THIS MESS< my auditor is on this thread. To my auditor, I would never compare giving money or joining staff under duress to your auditing.
Thanks, Rob – I really appreciate the props.
“Donate your life. If you can’t, donate most of your life. And if you can’t do that, donate everything of value you might own under the sun to our time-honoured and trustworthy fund (and if you absolutely insist, a little something toward your stairway to nowhere, too).”
*While stocks last.
Seeing testimonies and success stories like this make me cringe a little more and wonder why…..Why oh why, God…..was I born into a Scientology family?? Listening to the way these people talk is amazing. I feel like to truly be a Scientologists, you need to be delusional.
“These things are sent to try us.”
At least that’s what I tell myself to make growing up in Scientology ok.
I say that, too, but the trial is ungodly. It’s unreal and I don’t feel like it taught me anything about anything but betrayal and the evil, robotic side of people. I keep trying to figure out where the hell I’m supposed to apply it??
I don’t think it is so much something to apply as who you have become because of (or in spite of) it.
You are confusing the organization with the philosophy.
But the philosophy is deluded as well. LRH, on numerous occasions, of moving matter with intention and “nipping” and “blanketing” and postulating what MEST would do. I have never seen any of it, although here and there some OT will brag about his ability to do so, no proof has ever been given. Even when I was on the edge of leaving Scientology awhile back, I told all the OTs in my life that if they could just show me one OT power I would stay – none could do so.
There is a gamut of the Tech which I find very useful – including the very therapeutic benefit of auditing(very much so) – and I would never regard it otherwise. My point is that there is a blind delusion required in being a Scientologist – both to the management and certain aspects of the tech.
I think that is called “faith”. There was also a trust you gave that what you were being told was true.
I’d say you have it pretty well figured out Marion!
In fact these people are everywhere. This is not church specific. Some pray to the lord in thousands and feel Jesus or get Some faint and some start squeaking or crying.
What is true for you, is true for you. But it might not be true for the guy sitting right next to you, who is wondering what the hack is going on. He looks under the chair and into your face, then into the air, but cannot find anything.
We all are not perfect, sometimes it is this outpoint, sometimes it is that outpoint. But the worst is when the outpoint becomes obvious for others. You might call this state “gaga”.
Hey, a lady told me that Jesus walked on water. I asked her if she was sure. Guess what! She said it was true, because it was written in the Bible. I did not argue, I just scratched my head. I have seen similar behaviour in the cult as well. With a tiny difference. We were discussing policies rather than the Bible. Indeed, we are not perfect. Sometimes people don’t think at all.
So “cogito, ergo sum” is imperfect. And that is why you must use the complete phrase: “Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum.” (I doubt, therfore I think, therefore I am.)
The point here is that you are not there as long as you don’t doubt. Eg. a computer has no doubt, it thinks, but for sure it is not there. And if a religious person (whatever religion it is) is just showing you a text, then you get the idea that the person is not doubting anything. If he would, then he would more likely explain it from his own view.
In short: What Linda is not having is doubt. So she does not think what she is saying.
AND: Lindas are everywhere, not just in the cult of Scientology.
Et voilà!
Thank you for that. So true.
There are these people. They search for situations where they can control, influence and eventually be parasitic to as many people as possible. DM found his, isn’t that right, Ron Miscavige? Yes, I’m talkin’ to you, Philly friend. He was this way for a long time. I read that you said, when someone asked if you could do something about your little Hitler boy, “What? I can’t do anything with the little Hitler either.”
Now’s your chance, Ron. Step up to the plate and give it your best swing. He’s going to be removed anyway. Your words might actually put your son out of his misery faster because he’ll stop committing overts on all of those people. You know what’s up. You know what he’s doing. Be a good guy and do what you can to take him off post. He needs a rest. A long one with a rock and some pretty nurses.
This is a pure cult tactic – psychologically breaking someone down while making them think they are experiencing moments of enlightenment! All those moments of “cognitions” and “exterior” – poor Linda really wanted to get the F out of there, but no doubt they were blocking the door, had her outnumbered, and were unrelenting in-her-face.
It’s sad that she’s this brainwashed and bullied AND that’s she a public school teacher and police chaplain. She could only be a liability to others in this confused condition. GET SOME CULT DE-PROGRAMMING, LINDA. Read the internet, see what David Miscavige is really doing with your “case gain,” tell this horror story to outsiders, get some relief.
Thank you Mike for the truth, nice graphic’s also.
The money engram began with De Dinging,
that is two psyhs bought Kingsley Wimbush to promote
De Dinging which was a money scam. David Miscavige
discovered that the Stevens Creek Mission income was
80 times higher than all other missions. So Wimbush was busted
along with all other missions. Clever Miscavige took his time to repackage
the scam and position himself and now De Dinging is Golden Age of Tech.
D,M. the sole recipient of the cash flow which goes to HIS Bank accounts in various
off shore banks. The Ideal Org Buildings are paid for by public to create the illusion
that all the GAT money goes to Church expansion, but that’s a lie.
Wow, Jose! Is that what de-dinging was about?
I was at one event about it, thought to myself, “Who gave issue authority for this BS” and avoided it completely.
A friend of mine actually offered me a session because I was going through some difficulty and I politely turned him down. He says to me, “You know, only SPs refuse auditing.” I hit the roof and before I could put the social limiter on it, I said to him, “That sh*t’s not auditing!!”
And so I say it again, today. “That Sh*t’s not auditing.”
No wonder he ripped up the Mission Network, now that I see that. Greedy little bastard.
BTW, do you have proof of these off-shore accounts or just heresay?
Ah, yes! De-Dinging! I believe one of the grrreat Squirrelbusters, ol’ bagface Allender hisself, was the Treas Sec of that mission. I could be wrong, but IIRC, Allender was the one who’d pass the hat when the ED would tell everyone at muster to “apply Simon Bolivar” and give him cash so he could go to Flag. Since he was such a fuckup he has really smooch COB’s ass now. Asshole.
never leave the cult, please!
It would be embarrassing for me if you were one of us.
Chances are Linda’s donations may actually go with many others to Monique. So she may have actually unbeknown to herself done some good. I am rooting for that,
+1 Gerhard!
Sounds like L-Rundown auditing. Money goes exterior, hehe.
Mike, you partially preempted an email I’ve been planning to send you.
Several years ago AND as a result of donations, the Chief MAA AO FSO was handing out “official” ethics protection commendations (of course on goldenrod). He apparently had a boilerplate template setup to just type in the name and other appropriate changes to generate the commendation.
At first I was sort of “pleased” but when it really sunk in that it was only an appeasement and “reward” it didn’t feel right. I felt bought off. You see, I had been going to him almost weekly regarding the financial irregularities surrounding the ideal org fundraising at my local org. Sure, I had written numerous reports. It involved OTs he directly knew about. He was doing nothing and it took me a while to realize I was being played, and that was the final straw. I am sure, as I detailed to you, these fundraising financial irregularities are probably quite widespread.
Bruce: Ah, the time honored tradition of selling indulgences. Went out of style in the Catholic church a while ago.
But then again, so did Crusades and donating your children to the church.
They are working on refining the Inquisition (sec checking til you admit whatever it is they want to hear) and burning of heretics (now called apostates).
They are also charging hard at eradicating the heathens (psychs) from the face of the earth in their modern-day Crusades.
Sciendollargy is just trying out the same old stuff that every brainwashing cult has done through the ages.
Nothing new here. Seems they always go this way.
Brilliant, Mike. And encouraging too.
I’ve been around since the early 70’s. Was different back then.
Sadly, all has changed into what you just said. Your historical comparison is 100% spot on.
Bruce, I bet that ethics protection you got would only help you vis-a-vis anyone other than Miscavige. He doesn’t care what anyone does as long as it is not done to him.
There were a LOT of irregularities here in Jo’burg too – financial and other. I KR’ed a SO member to RTC after a particularly bad crush reg lasting several days, being followed home and told after all that pressure not to respond with H.E & R because after giving and giving and giving to the RCS – I had to pay my half yearly taxes and they would not let me alone with this. So I KR’ed the guy to RTC. I figure they filed it as a commendation. Nothing was done. I got a “yes we understand” crap letter from RTC. The crush reg goes on. Luckily without me 🙂
Similarities to the Roman Catholic Church back several hundreds of years ago… selling ‘holy trinkets and writs to save one from such and such many hears from Hell’s fire’ — with the result of a major struggle and break up within the Church — Martin Luther protested and the rest is history. Is the same happening here….?
I think somehow people are expecting some major changes, a mass exodus. That’s the talk I see, over and over in these responses. “Can’t wait for everyone to wake up!” “as soon as they see this, they’ll leave!” “One day he’ll frack up big and everyone will depose him (DM)”.
That’s not how it is going to happen, and if things do fall apart, it will be slowly eroding. Like myself and, oh, about 80% of my scn FB friends. We just don’t do anything. We’re not rising up, we’ve done our time on staff/in the trenches, and we’re essentially done with the cycle.
The CoS isn’t going to go with a bang, but a whimper. A long, drawn-out death rattle. I could see three things which might create major change:
1. Another major name speaks out against the management. Heber, or someone else who worked with public heavily and broadly. Someone that everyone knows and respects.
2. The US Government investigates and cancels any sort of religious appellation to the Church. Which I doubt will happen, because of previously thwarted (recent) investigations.
I hate to say that for all the indies hoping to create major change. I applaud the blogs and whatnot, and I’m sure they’ll help make some people’s minds up. But the fact is, the people still in are simply not brave enough to see that policy is being violated heavily and that Bridge is rarely delivered.
Yes, Gatchild. You are right.
I’ve been watching these boards since the late 90’s – and postings that dated back to the 80’s – and people have been hopefully posting, “Ah! This is gonna get ’em!” and “Any day now, the law is going to investigate and close the whole thing down!”
What I have observed with hindsight, is that, of course, it hasn’t been closed down yet.
I do personally believe that the internet had to evolve to allow enough communication and comparing of notes to bring people together enough to create this change.
But I’ve also watched the expansion of Scn, when it was expanding. It didn’t happen where all the Latinos came in in one big group, “We’re here!!”, or the African Americans, etc. I do have to say that the early 80’s came pretty close for the Latins though. They took OVER LA Org! 😀
But my point here is that, just like the expansion of Scientology happened one person at a time, so will go the implosion. That said, I believe that there will be a tipping point, at which time it will be unavoidable for the so-called, “Kool Aid Drinkers” to see what is actually happening. It will be a shock. We’ll have to be giving a lot of locationals.
…and as far as the 80% of your FB friends, I’m probably one of them, continuing the facade that I’m in to help others see, little by little where the outpoints are and maybe catch them and direct them to the proper exit when they are ready.
Speaking of exit, I like this:
It might be a good idea to post it on every blog so that the little tent popper knows what OUR individual and agreed upon command intention is.
And yes, I did mean “tent popper”. Though left to his own device, it probably wouldn’t be a very big tent…
For the non-Scientologist…what does “make tons of energy to flow to the IAS and your Bridge” even mean?
It means: Give Us Your Money.
Energy is a euphemism for money. Flow is a euphemism for give.
Literal translation “Make tons of money and give it all to the IAS and your Bridge”
Yes, she is imitating the Dwarf who never uses the word “money”. “Energy” is the official RCS term. The RCS has a back off on the words “money” and “give”. I wonder why? 🙂
I’m so glad you speak RCS Mike! This craziness could so easily be lost in translation.
Oh my god they’ve truly lost their minds. A success story comparing coughing up money to auditing and going exterior. FFS!
Hi Mike – I LOVE your tagline – Giving money is the new auditing.
Her “success story” was really, really gross.
So glad not to be a part of this money grab.
Anyway, very appropriate that the “levels” in this new auditing model are called statuses.
Let’s hear it for Linda Smith–and her pals who helped her along to this fabulous realization.
Sometime when I see such bastardizations of the tech and philosophy of any real Scientology, I wonder what LRH would do if he saw it. But this is the worst of the worst of the worst. I can only see his jaw dropping open in disbelief, sitting there staring at this “success story” for a couple beats. Then I think he’d take a little walk, first stop is Qual….
No, his first stop would be to shoot somebody (hopefully DM), a forced exteriorization. Then maybe they could have some cognition. LOL
Proof positive that a major campaign in the Co$ is to sytematically rid the orgainzation of anyone with an IQ over 100.
Very recently an old time scientologist went in to a local org after being barraged with promo. This person did a couple of “basics” courses, had a few wins and felt some theta from the staff. At this point the oh-so-theta staff did a 5+hour crush reg cycle to try and get this elderly person to take out a mortgage on their house and donate 200K to the IAS. No pretense to want them to go up the bridge…all for the IAS.
Fourtunately, this person has an IQ of well over 100. The person left, along with a few friends, never to return to the cult of “your money is useless to to you, it will save the world in our hands.” Implying, of course that the individual is nothing and the group is everything.
I know two persons living together and 53 years in the church ( whole life). They came from a noble rich family who left them 1,6 million euro’s. Now 2013, without done a single step on the bridge all their money gone to the IAS and scientologist who can’t pay them back.. Sad, even because they are not able to earn money to go up the bridge.
Truly scary. I guess Tom Cruise was right after all when he says in “Jerry Maguire,” “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”
Now you can go up the bridge to total bankruptcy. Sheer lunacy.
Case gain for cash! The whales and celebrities just don’t see it. The mortgage laden, cash poor public don’t either. You know who sees it? The hungry and tired and stressed staff. They see all and should start running away any time now.
This is too much for me, give me a break.
what I can see is that this woman is blinded by the lies of scientology system, give money to help clear the planet is bullshit, there will be many people like her that believe in that BS, but others are already opening their eyes, I realize that the Church of Scientology is pushing IAS donations because they need more money now……well always was like that I guess.
But if Linda really think giving money is like auditing..please Mike contact her and tell her to contact me….:-)
All that ” confrnt” but none for the fact she is the victim of a scam. 🙁
Well I’m glad that Linda is having cognitions I just hope for her sake it doesn’t cost her much more to cognite how PTS and deluded she is. I find her remark interesting “you don’t see the other side giving up yet do you?” If she thinks giving money to the Taliban Radical Scientology is going to make the Indies go away at some point, boy is she whistling past the graveyard.
When you know you are going down you pull out ALL stops and in this case its money money money reg reg reg. Disgusting!!
So true so true. People walk around now saying what status are you instead of what level are you on? Its a DM mind f__k!!
It’s Worthington’s Law! The richer you are, the more OT you are!
Complete Perversion of ALL that is Scientology – how many lies in just these few lines of a “success” story?
Most things in life can be summed up with the appropriate Seinfeld episode