This is an excerpt of the vacuous legal threat letter sent to the UK publisher of Ron Miscavige’s book, Ruthless. Tony Ortega published the letter on his blog today. It also mentions letters sent to the US publishers (which have not yet been made public). No doubt the assault from high-paid lawyers aimed at the US publishers has been even more concerted than this limp Johnsons effort. Hopefully those letters, and the ones inevitably sent to ABC, will all be made available at some point to document once again the emptiness of their threats.
But two particular sentences caught my eye among the other guff and shots in the dark contained in the letter.
This book represents the malicious fabrications of a disaffected former member of the Church who has had no meaningful relationship with our client since our client left home at age sixteen to pursue his life in the Church. Indeed, quite apart from the fundamental inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the book, it can be established as a matter of factual record that the author was not, and could not have been, present at many of the events of which he claims to have first-hand knowledge.
What sleaze. Miscavige is like a stranded octopus trying to escape the spotlight. No drain is too small to try to squeeze through, no matter how implausible or inappropriate it may be. David Miscavige had no relationship with his father since he joined the Sea Org. And he wasn’t present at many of the events of which he claims to have first hand knowledge. Really? Like being followed by PI’s? Or working in Studio 1 50 feet from the Hole. Or not seeing Shelly (I guess he was nor present to not see her… or something). Is that why Dave offered Ron up as a character witness and source of information for the St Pete Times when they did their 1998 profile “The Man Behind Scientology” (I also note that the two other people Joe Childs and Tom Tobin were allowed to interview at the Int Base for that story were Marty Rathbun and me)… And is that why he fronted the band that played at almost every event you attended?
So, these are typical “big lies.”
Yet there is something else that is especially jarring about that first sentence. If you think about it, this is not just absurd, it is perhaps the most damning of statements he could possibly make. David Miscavige credits his choice to “pursue his life in the church” as “proof” that he had “no meaningful relationship” with his father. He actually asserts that being in the Sea Org destroys familial relationships. This is the “ecclesiastical leader of the scientology religion” speaking. Flatly stating that pursuing a life in the church destroyed any relationship with his father. Not what the church proclaims loudly and often “we put families together.”
And his statements is made even more astonishing in light of the fact that his father was ALSO IN THE SEA ORG and lived at the same Sea Org facility as his son. The vast majority of fathers do NOT live in the same “communal living facilities” as their sons. David Miscavige did. And even then, he STILL claims he had no meaningful relationship with his father.
The brazen lies, the rewriting of history, the astonishing chutzpah to put forth this garbage is something to wonder at. But it is exactly what you can expect from a sociopath.
Watching Dave the Octopus squirm and try to squeeze through impossible holes to escape is going to be fun. It’s going to get a lot worse than this.
“Provable bullshit” (still hasn’t been proven to this day) is going to seem like a mild and even-keeled response to the media before the “Ruthless” bloodbath is over.
This is just one part of the response I predicted “Ruthless: How Will David Miscavige Respond” a few weeks ago.
David Miscavige: Tony Montana impersonating The Dalai Lama.
You had me at “this limp Johnsons effort”
Very well written, Mike.
George M. White
Daily Mail Story:
According to the Saint Paul Pioneer Press the Saint Paul org serves:
“There are an estimated 10,000 Scientologists in the five-state area served by the church.”
That they bought that building always makes me so mad. I have so many great childhood memories of this building when it was part of the Science museum, it is such a lovely building. It is a shame it sits empty and lifeless.
Perhaps Dave the Octopus could do world cup result predictions after the church fails
I found no evidence of octopuses attaching themselves to whales, but in Dave’s case an exception could be made.
Sperm whales are known to EAT octopuses. 🙂
Breaking news boys: SMP has been canned for this weekend. Happy birthday, Dave.
Well, this is par for the course.
They never seem to be able to complete a cycle of action….
Seriously, there are a few possible reasons:
1. The opening date was an unreal target to begin with — even though they were saying it would be done BEFORE March 13. High likelihood of this being true — no planning in scientology is ever realistic.
2. Miscavige heard Tony Ortega and some other SP’s were in town and decided to bail. He headed out to CST or CW or Telluride til the “threat” blow over. Relatively high probability of being true.
3. Miscavige is afraid to show his face in public in case some media find their way into his ribbon yanking as he knows everyone is going to be talking about “Ruthless” this weekend.
4. Miscavige is having second thoughts about trying to do a public PR event in the face of a shitstorm of negative media – if they get anyone interested in their “good news” it will immediately be tagged with “Ruthless” info. But this is almost too rational for him, so is I think the least likely possibility.
The combination of all four factors makes this a no-brainer from Miscavige’s perspective.
I hear the tiny sound of hundreds of “MUST ATTEND” travel plans whimpering and dying.
What is SMP?
Shit Meets Ponzi.
Scientology Media Productions, announced at the LRH Borthday event Match 13th, is basically what scientologists whole-heartedly believe is their endgame. They will use this facility to pump out all sorts of pro-Scientology propaganda via radio and satellite technology!
Ooh, sounds so ten years ago, doesn’t it? My question is why isn’t the already existent Golden Era Productions making Internet videos and content to compete in our new Internet Age?
To make money of course, silly me, using logic…
From what Bruce Bartlett said, Scientologist folks — if not the official folks — were using this fraud “Fairtax” scam to raise money. So yes, money seems to be the root of some of these frauds, Fairtax apparently one of them. They were not trying to pass Fairtax, but to use the slogans and BS to get suckers to pony up, often if not always, unaware of Scientology connection.
Your squealing like a stuck pig is extra shrill for several reasons.
You don’t know what is going to be said and shown on 20/20 yet. You don’t know what is documented in “Ruthless” yet. Bert got caught poking the pooch in the LA courtroom yesterday. No way can you micromanage your meltdown while jerking off another ribbon.
I wonder what David Miscavige considers the attributes of a meaningful relationship, or, more specifically, a meaningful father/son relationship? It really doesn’t matter. They are responding to a book that they haven’t even read. It appears that it will be an autobiography of a father’s relationship with his son. Just as David is entitled to his own perception of his miserable childhood, the author is entitled to his own memories and perceptions. If David wants to write a book in response and give his side of the story, he is welcome to it. Sending threatening letters is just juvenile, akin to yelling, “I hate you” and then running to his bedroom and slamming the door.
Either Marty Rathbun or Mike Rinder would much better leaders of scientology that what we currently have!
LOL! Daniel, ANY person who would be a “good leader” would immediately denounce El Con as a fraud and criminal.
I disagree. Marty and Mike would have a difficult time changing the culture of Scientology. It is not safe to disagree or use common sense in an environment like that. They are both much better people not working in that toxic and hostile environment.
Or alternatively David Mayo, if LRH hadn’t given Dave and others permission to get rid of him.
That’s like arguing who would be the better captain of the Titanic just before the band stops playing.
Who does David Miscavige have meaningful relationships with, besides Tom Cruise?
jgg2012, What kind of “meaningful” relationships can a sociopath have? I get what you mean though. Besides Tom Cruise, does David Miscavige have any relationships that don’t involve overt abuse?
Where is Lou? The last I saw her was at the opening of the Sooper Powerz building and she didn’t look happy then. Are we sure she hasn’t been “shelly’d” by now?
He has had long-term, committed relationships with Macallans, John Lobbs, Kools, and Cayman Islands banks.
short list
Maybe Lou. I think he goes between the two.
His hair stylist, tanning beds, copper grounding rods.
Seriously, I’d say he only likes his dogs. There are people he needs and pretends to like but I’d bet that the only genuine affection he feels are for his animal pets. Just my opinion as I’ve never met the man.
Demento has meaningful relationships with Demento and tolerates, just barely at a rough guess, anyone that furthers Demento’s bank account and ego.
Just wondering how this letter would play in the “Captain David Miscavige has nothing to do with CSI” line being trotted out in Texas…
(Later in the letter there is a claim that an attack on Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is an attack likely to affect the charitable works of all of $cientology)
This will make for an interesting court case. Dave’s lawyers are banking on the assumption that his side of the story is complete and factual. But just saying so doesn’t make it true. Dave and his attorneys are headed for a rude awakening.
One would associate an Octopus with this church/cult. The Church of Scientology web site (home page) is positively the most un-religious, un-moral precept bannered, National Enquirer looking home page I have ever seen for a church. Most religions (even the Church of Satan) focus on their religion, their beliefs, their doctrines, their contact information. David Miscavige’s approved home page equates to “LOOK AT HOW MANY PEOPLE SHOWED UP FOR ALL THE GOOD WE ARE DOING”. I would not lower myself to even get angry responding to a person that presents their religion to people in this way. Think of how dumb that guy is (David Miscavige). 🙂
Murray, Dave’s attorneys are under no such delusion. They are simply hired guns. They know he’s as scummy as they.
OSA and other church staff are flubbing badly and have been for years, in trying to mend Scientology’s nightmarishly bad PR.
One of the reasons for this may be that Miscavige is reaping what he has sown:
1. For years, any staff unlucky enough to be in the vicinity of Miscavige or “on his lines” have ruthlessly been cowed and browbeaten by him and convinced of their own suppressive incompetence.
2. It is understood that Miscavige is always right and never wrong, and any statement or hint to the contrary leads to a world of hurt.
Therefore, the continued flubbing and incompetence by staff is them attempting to make COB right about how fucked up they are.
Nice job, Miscavige. You are right.
To the OSA staff member reading this. (Please turn down your mental shield to the lowest power level. This is heartfelt, to you):
Keep up the bad (but really good) work. When the church collapses, there IS life outside the Bubble. You can do things like travel, make money, have boyfriends or girlfriends, visit relatives and friends without begging permission (full CSW with replacement), just go to the movies if you feel like it, and discover that the “wog world”, the place from whence you came, is filled with smart people of good will, and is actually a pretty nice place.
But don’t wait too long to leave, OSA person. It becomes harder to adapt the older you are. And in the desperate final days, criminal acts are more likely to be demanded by COB and if you comply, you open yourself to being prosecuted. You don’t want to go from the bubble to prison. Although the food might be better…
OSA can’t do anything BUT flub. Think of it; they are tasked with generating and maintaining good PR for a known criminal organization which in turn is headed by a known criminal sociopath. Its an impossible job. No one could do it well.
Hey Dave,
Have the best birthday celebration all the universes have to offer!
Enjoy yourself… 47X better than ever.
In Mexico, this saturday we celebrate Children’s Day
You remember children, right? Those little bodies running around. You remember that, right? What do mean there were never children there???
The children were disposed of, quietly, but with much sorrow…
Perhaps this has something to do with the mindset in Scientology that makes disconnection a tenable proposition.
Begin Fair Use quote.
The GE is a family man; the GE is lost without a family. It’s very strange, but Homo sap is a family unit. The GE is built on that basis. It’s fascinating, fascinating. It’s not important to know it but a lot of your urges toward families and so forth are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE. The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit. He’s just as dead as a mackerel if he isn’t a family unit, whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets too mixed up in family units.
You can’t talk to GEs; they’re kind of psycho. And by the way, you can fall into this dreadful trap with a GE. You see, he uses the MEST universe with which to build. He’s gotten very, very bad off and he has to use MEST materials all the time.
So, you get this situation here with the GE, and your GE is busy: build, build, build, build, build. And, of course he’s got to have a family to build with.
You get this terrific family thirst. And you get your GE surviving best and being loused up the most because of interfamily relationships.
And your thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group. Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”
LRH, From the taped lecture
“Flows: Patterns of Interaction”
10 December 1952
When SO recruiters whisked my minor son off into a secure location so I couldn’t find him, I went ape shit (It was after 8:00, then 10:00 then 11:00 pm) and when I finally located him and insisted on talking to him because I was his mother, the response was “That’s just a GE thing.”
Makes me want to lock and load! I heard the same drivel from my kids. I still wonder how this will all work out and how much permanent damage a person can inflict on themselves when raised by a cult.
Sorry I have to ask, but what is GE?
Okay, I just looked it up. GE=Genetic Entity.
“You can’t talk to GEs; they’re kind of psycho. And by the way, you can fall into this dreadful trap with a GE. You see, he uses the MEST universe with which to build. He’s gotten very, very bad off and he has to use MEST materials all the time.”
If I understand this correctly, the Apollo Project–which is the greatest material achievement in living memory– means absolutely nothing to LRH.
Yes, I know it’s redundant, but what a loon.
I heard it described as a ‘low grade soul.’ You know…someone like me.
Our son’s band has a song out “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”. Pretty much sums up this DM prick.
Sounds great! They’re getting a ton of views on YT!
Well done 🙂
It’s got a beat, you can dance to it… It rocks out hard and so does the band. Best of all, it takes His Highness (and by “high” I mean his stench) down a peg. Please tell your son “Bravo!” from me. I may be a never-in where $cientology is concerned, but that’s not the case with rock ‘n’ roll, where I spent 15 years.
Lawyers are like auditors to Miscavige. These letters are like a session set up. The question is, is Miscavige sessionable?
One of the things I had to train on while I was in the Guardian’s Office was the “art” of telling a lie. I was trained to put enough truth into a lie that it sounded like the truth. We were grilled relentlessly with lying on our feet.
“No meaningful relationship with our client since our client left home…” Can be translated to truth to mean “At age 16 our client realized the value of using all those around him as pawns and didn’t care about anyone no matter how well he pretended to treat them.”
Aside from that, the most massive footbullet of all time – or has he given up using bullets and is now resorting to dropping H-bombs on his feet – is that if he chooses to stick to the lie he has now had attorneys commit to writing, he just made the admission that David Miscavige says disconnection exists.
I remember back in the day when I was afraid of the harm scientology could cause to me and my family. Now I get a mental image of those teeny fists flailing in every direction and mostly failing to connect.
A friend of mine was laughing at the circumstance he was in yesterday. “I went to college, I did WELL in college, he laughed…” Then he said “Of course it is the choices, we all make our own choices in life.”
If David Miscavige was capable of self-reflection, he would understand that it was the actions HE ordered that ultimately led people like me to move from refusing to discuss or even admit I had ever been in scientology to becoming an active critic.
It is the choices David “let him die” Miscavige made that ultimately led his father to a position where he had no choice but to write book.
That is David Miscavige’s legacy.
Valerie, your posts always hit the mark. Another good one!
His legacy = a wake of destruction
The Madness of the King Dwarf….
The delusion and paranoia that individuals, such as miscavige, live in is the result of such a huge ‘ego’ where
no one else exists, and in such state of introversion that they end erasing, removing and not seeing/hearing anyone around them except their own world of histeria.
Hitler did this, same Al Capone and Miscavige is not exception to the madness of such minds.
Ahhh, you give octopuses a bad rap. They are highly intelligent creatures. Miscavige has little intelligence and lots of bullying.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure having known Ron, that his book will be informative and truthful. David Miscavige is a sociopath. There is mounting evidence by former friends, co-workers and family. They all can’t be lying. All of his parishioner’s money cannot suppress THAT truth.
I’m glad to see that so many are recognizing David Miscavige as a sociopath.
Miscavige’s behavior makes sense to me after I read The Sociopath Next Door: No empathy; No conscience; Plays the victim card when exposed; Can be very charming while grooming a new minion but all his minions eventually suffer his abuse; Seeks to dominate all in his domain; Hides behind a façade of religion and authority.
I don’t see him abdicating as long as he has a few minions to protect him and enforce his abuse. He may hold on until the bitter end.
Jainism, the very ancient religion whose main tenant is non-violence, monks are to desolve all attachments to family, places and possessions. Some of the male monks even forgo clothes. So being the eggclisiasicall leader of a major booming religion like corporate scientology, misscavige perhaps would have no such ties to his father….. Uh…maybe…right ?
Dear Dave, I think that “Always attack, never defend” tactic only works when you haven’t left a trail of broken, beaten up, abused, mistreated and the clearly pissed off in your wake.
The interwebz have made mincemeat of “always attack, never defend.” Go interwebz!
Do you know who I think David Miscavige looks like Sammy The Bull Graziano. And they are both sociopaths. LOL
Gravano, not Graziano. But point well taken.
Rocky Graziano was a boxer, played by Paul Newman in “Somebody Up There Likes Me.”
Thanks for the correction. I just copy ed it from Wikipedia
Whats the date again the book is out ?
May 3
Hi Hadley, Nice to meet you.I believe the book release date is 5/3/16. I pre-ordered my copy on Amazon, but I read a poster who said you can order it on Tony Ortega’s web site too( I think ) anyone let me know if I am wrong.Dropping some copies off for our libraries near me too.Always,Ann.
Hi Ann, you can pre-order it from Amazon any way you can get to their website. However, If you go to Tony Ortega’s website and click on the Amazon link there (on left, near the top) Tony O will get a small percentage. Tony deserves our support. I shudder, shiver, and twitch to think of all the crap the Co$ would have gotten away with if Tony weren’t there to expose it. THANKS Tony!!
3 May. Next Monday.
@Tom, not sure where you live, but May 3 is Tuesday where I live. Either way, it is SOOOOOOOOOOON! My pre order will probably come onto my iBooks on May 2 about 9:30 p.m. if it’s drops the way most preorders usually work.
I’m ready!
May 3rd
May 3 🙂
3 May…I think.
May 3rd!
There’s an audio version on audible also, so even busy commuters can tear right though it.
And Ron is also getting a full hour on 20/20, this Friday.
RUTHLESS was the second from the top thread on Reddit this morning too.
This is going to be fun.
Hell, this is already fun.
I’m waiting for Dave to take out some full page ads in top newspapers promoting the book, the way he did with Going Clear.
However, I’d like to add that Dave has a very close relationship to all of his family, because $cientology has the technology to solve any communication issue and bring families together.
Also, Dave has not seen his father at all since he was 16 years old.
You wogs just don’t get it! LOL?
Less than a month, early in May I do believe.
Don’t miss the 20/20 show on Friday.
Receiving such a letter should get the “attys” out of job forever. He cant’ ignore the facts, so, it’s pure attempt of intimidating-blackmailing the authors and Publisher.
Indeed, that’s from Hubbard’s insane rules and theories supposed to get a world without crimes, wars and so forth!
You make lovin fun Dave, as The Wizard of OZ of THIS VERY DAY.
My, but that octopus must be t-h-e most beautiful creature on Earth,
but Im afraid Dave’s natural, raw… everything, makes pale in comparison, no matter, I mean
just look.
The guy first of all is always on fire. Those colors cannot be beat, &
top the ability being able to tap any point in the Universe or… all of ’em at once?
whew, makes my head spin just to think.
when I heard he can spontaeneously combust, I hear it now and I really feel like I can do it, too!
[ in cult-speak, the next goes: And so I applied that cognition to my post, it is so exhilarating, yeah.
that’s my Dave.
The Creator The Destructor The Knower of All. You tell ’em, I heard the speech.
Now that was inspiring.
Herculean achievements in human labor can again be beat. With scientology, truly,
anything is possible, you can do it and, congratulations, you will never break, no higher thing
than than being a believer, believe me. I wish my Dad would believe me.
Skipping topics,
beeb beeb da beep, Breaking news on the underground, this just surfacing… The magnificent leader David Miscavige, is sinking in quicksand, nobody seems willing or… able?… to save him. This station wishes to respectfully pause to allow a moment to pass. Thank you. [ So what is the story about the church going under, the book is it RUTHLESS?]
HIS Defiance of quicksand completely failed. Nope, I just checked and still not working. Who knew that would be the cosmic surprise to get him, the all-knower, his Kryptonite, common everyday quicksand turns out to be the thing that makes him mortal like the rest us. Hey Dave, hi.
Switching topics again for a factoid, Patton, the General, loved quoting some philoshopher ( sp, forgive me, this isn’t my field)
saying, When we kill our enemies we love them.
Light material for Dave. Again, not my preferred label. Cognac and Surfer Dude is so fine. And so I leave you with comforting words, good-nite.
ps no sir, except thru here we have never met. Hope to catch the next gig.
Spot on post Mr. Rinder.
This is the living end. Only in an demoniac bizarre and twisted imaginary marcabian underdeveloped and out-ethics world can one have the guts to believe that CofS lawyers could emerge with such kind of stupid rampant and out of reality answer or statement to the publication of a book by the father of the leader of this “church”. Another big self shot right to the foot of Mr. Magoo. They are falling to pieces. Straight down vertical. Free falling.
Thanks Roberto,
hey, you’re on a roll.
And, I do believe you are right, that the real world just isn’t that ignorant.
And Ten Thousand lawyers can argue until they turn blue…
The nature of the church remains the same, regardless.
One book, one the other hand, can make quite the difference, especially if and when it reaches the eyes and ears of the isolated soul, laboring inside and struggling to make sense of the insanity surrounding him.
One book, I do believe, can stope the flow of new practitioners, certainly, no matter how many nasty letters are sent to the publishers…
Truth is truth, after all, and who knows a man better than his own father?
What is to be said, for the man willing to let his very own father pass away,
just for what, being a nuisance? Dad refused to join the cult, let him die…
That is the real David Miscavige.
We have a responsibility to make this kind of shame known to everyone.
In fact, it is a pleasure to do so.
And good morning sir, good to see you around on a new day.
Yes Marco. Real people are not that ignorant. The lawyers handling this cycle like this is another demo of the zero power of choice one has inside the Sea Org. It´s all about “duty” and “command intention”. Command intention My balls.
If one day my loved father says about me that I am “Ruthless” that would be the end of me. This is the weight of this book. I feel shame as a son knowing that the P.I.´s confessed that li´l Minion David told them that “if he dies… he dies”. Damn… That is truly compassion. Love. Greatness. The very living image of what Scientology really is about. Personified and incarnated in his all-mighty leader. Shame on all his followers… they are blinder than Duriodana, Dritarastra and Ghandari together. The NPI of CofS is in a Non-existence continued trend… they are almost dead… just they are milking their “old cows” till they die.
bien dicho otra vez, my friend
I have been putting off ordering a copy of Ruthless until I read the letter to Silvertail Books from the lawyers on Mr. Ortega’s site a few minutes ago. Needless to say I jumped on to Book Depository and placed an order. As with most of these situations Demento is almost exactly like the loonies that protest and want films, books, etc banned. Never mind that they have never seen or read the piece in question, just hearing about it is enough to set off their self righteous behaviour. Demento, however, is one of those people who, because of his sociopathic and deeply narcissistic makeup cannot tolerate in any form criticism. I look forward to seeing $camology ramp up the bs over the next few days.
Me too, it was good of Johnsons to provide a link to the pre-order site in their email. I did not even know you could pre-order it! 😀
funny, i remember seeing the relationship between them when ron brought all the miscaviage s to flag in 1975 to handle their family problems, including denise being pregnant or in a hot ‘2d’ with ron moss. . I think that’s when dm became a member of the photo org at flag.not positve of the dates and mybe i used the wrong words here. But ron and dave were talking then.
Watching, watching, watching…
Let the truth out of the bag and watch the ooze get flung high and wide. Feeling a little solid Davy?
While I’m sorry for Ron Sr that his son David turned out to be the major PRICK OF THE CENTURY, I am overjoyed that he chose to write the book and hopefully help bring down the most corrupt person to ever call himself a Scientologist. Thankfully Costco sells big quantities of popcorn, this is gonna be good.
Agreed… It is sad that a son could so turn on his father.
The empire is falling… And all the kings horses and all the kings men… Couldn’t put humpty dumpty back together again.
David “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT” Miscavige was the one who pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall….
Dear Cob and OSA: Look at the walls. Walk up to the walls. Feel the walls closing in on you.
Hi OTD-OUTTHEDOOR, Love your post! Would love to run your process on several individuals!xxoo,Ann.
Looks like Dave is playing at being the True Scientologist that he pretends to be for the whales and the Great Unwashed (otherwise known as the Sea Borg). He’s playing at being a mollusc, but he’s put a twist on the clam. His manifestation of the Boo-Hoo and Weeper isn’t a clam, like your normal Scilon. It’s an octopus instead. What a Big Being he is. Being a clam’s too good for you?
He’s also manifesting another Scilon rubric: “What’s true for you is true.” You know that he honestly believes the Provable Bullshit he’s channeling on law firm letterhead. In his Demented Mind, he honestly believes that he cut ties with Dad when he was sixteen. That’s because he has to be a self-made man, because L. Fraud’s hagiography says that L. Fraud was self-made. Therefore, Dave has to be that way too. He’s just starting to build up his bundle-of-lies biography, but he doesn’t have the raw material available that L. Fraud used. Why? Because he dropped out of high school and joined the Sea Borg at sixteen. That’s no use in creating a background to be worshipped. The only thing he can go for is the saint’s story of a monk. Well, saintly monks don’t have fathers, do they? So Ronnie becomes a senior-citizen Leah Remini with a trumpet and a penis, and certainly no second son.
One problem, Dave: It’s 2016. Your life since at least 1982 is an open book, incredibly well-documented. Every move of yours has been recorded, from Bent Corydon to Larry Wright. And now some of your biggest secrets are about to be blown, by that Leah Remini with a penis that you disregard, Dave. Except that penis made you. He knows, Dave. He knows.
Just three more days, Dave. Just three more days, and the world gets the LASIK that restores its sight to, ahem, 20/20. Enjoy your close, unlubricated encounter with Steely Dan, Dave. FSM knows we will.
I am a liberal Christian, which according to my conservative mother does.not exsit, along with belief in evolution. I bought Jennas, Claires, and Lisas, books. They were fantastic, and I really feel for what these women went through. While I may have issues with my conservative family, no one would ever disconnect! Keep up the good work!
I can understand that david had “no meaningful relationship” with his father.
David Miscavige has no meaningful relationships with ANYONE.
He uses people to grovel unto his feet, do his dirty work, be the brunt of his hatred of lesser beings, then he tosses them out without ceremony. Like the disappearing wife act.
I think the concept of being a sociopath has shades of grey. David Miscavige seems to be at the 99.999% all black end of the scale.
You are incapable of having a meaningful relationship; including Shelly, right? The walls, witnesses and facts are closing in.
Hi LDW, A great post and I agree with you regarding the percentage of Darkness.Add in Ron and DM together and fade to total black.Laughter.Always,Ann.
Such an amazing time.
Bum bum….bum bum….bum bum bum bum bum bum bum! Your going to need a bigger boat!
Miscavige claiming he had no meaningful relationship with his father since 16 is really stupid idea on his part. It is a no-win position for him. There is way too much evidence to the contrary of the statement. Conversely if it were true, it is as damnable as his lying is. MIscavige seems to be getting very stupid.
He’ll feel a lot better if he could just hit someone.
We’d all feel much better of we could just bitch slap him for a couple of hours or so and then throw him in the Hole (which, again, continues to not exists).
” MIscavige seems to be getting very stupid.”
I vote that comment as the understatement of the day! 🙂
Yo OSA dudes reading this blog……..
Ya think it’s time to pull the plug on your shithole of a cherch? Get in line fellas, the exits are getting crowded!
Nice to see proof the little turd is soiling his pull-ups. From his own mouth, Scientology, at age 16 disassociated him from his father, negates the notion that family holds any importance in the cult. He’s blown the ears off his bunny slippers.
“Books Make Booms” LRH.
Booms blow up books…
This book is going to go ‘BOOM’ under DM’s ass, and give him a serious flying lesson. Tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW to watch 20/20 on Friday.
Hi OSD, Loved your post.Booms blow up books…fantastic! xo Ann.
Our son and his wife just got back from Hawai’i. Guess what he brought us? Three pounds of a Kona blend: Vanilla Macadamian Nut with Kona coffee.
Cece: Your “Books Make Booms. LRH” comment has had me laughing all day. I love it, it perfectly fits the occasion.
Breathtaking!!! My heart skipped a beat!!! I exteriorized!!! I’m blown away. He’s in trouble. Epic & monumental trouble. He’s squiling like a stuck pig. He’s feeling the 4 walls closing in. He’s in panic mode. Damn…what is that smell???!!!
can’t you smell that smell
You mean that smell that’s all around you?
It’s roasting cult on an open griddle. I say you better make it Very Well Done.
“I love the smell of roasting cult on an open griddle! It always smells like victory…..
Octopi are very intelligent, sensitive creatures. They are also delicious. I don’t like Miscavige being compared to these delicious, magnificent creatures.
Adding to your comment Kuato, which at least wasn’t phrased as “comparing Miscavige to an octopus is an insult to all octopuses!”, here is a fascinating Canadian radio piece celebrating the recent escape of Inky from a NZ aquarium with an expert on the sheer intelligence of these molluscs. Quite amazing
If Miscavige were a tenth as smart he would be revered. Let’s hope he doesn’t have their smarts and gets cornered! No rush – we are enjoying the show.
Thank you for pointing that insensitive neglectfulness.
I say octopi are also more relevant than this… “it” of a human being,
which comforts me to say.
Always enjoy an early evening smack-down. Well said Mike.
Your ship is sinking Dave and not even the amazing, greatest ever, life-changing opening of your useless studio will stop the entheta shit-storm headed your way. Make sure the snaps are tight on your child sized life jacket little buddy…’ve got a rough ride coming.
Miscavige lawyers: Major fail. You need to introduce some Google into your lives.
Let’s all pull up some chairs, fire up the BBQ, I’ll bring all the wine we need & the rest of you can bring can bring whatever you think we need to have an epic and monumental PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s a good start, James!
Cool! Be there or be….
I don’t know, but, I’ll take a shot. Ummmm….round? Just kidding! I know it’s triangle.
I am totally behind this idea. 🙂
I’m totally clueless about this idea you speak of. But if your for it, I’m for it.
I need to go home and rethink my life.
“No meaningful relationship…” Boy, that’s rich.
I had a rich relationship once, but, it wasn’t meaningful.
Love your true insight Mike!!
I like your eyesight too, Mike…
I think ‘Ruthless’ is going to have a huge impact on CSI. There is something obviously unique about Ron Sr’s perspective, that may be more compelling to Scientologists than books that have come before. I can’t wait to read it.
I think you got it right, Good People, right on the money.
Although Dave might be awfully good at keeping that kind of information far from the reach of all his faithful followers…
such an insider really only has to hear the fact, which flies now as easy as the breeze, that:
The father of the leader blatantly calls his son RUTHLESS.
Strikes me as the kind of thought a rudely indoctrinated practitioner could not, would not simply forget,
nor willingly ignore.
They all already know the church is ruthless, after all, given their own lives, not to mention their own neglected families.
Again, Truth and the power of critical thought wins the day.
A bad move by DM. Pawn takes King.
Well, actually, NC, the King changed into RPF clothes, grabbed a bottle of Scotch, Lou & went to Mexico.
Yeah, I was going to say a pawn can’t “take” the King, but that’s chess and this is the real world and out here people are people-
and the Truth cannot hide,
-no matter the glitter on your crown, the stripes of your shirt, or the trash of your rhetoric. Ruthless is ruthless, too, and every man gets his due, yet another un-concealable Truth.
TRUTH, as it comes to light, has a tendency to snowball, does it not, as it rolls down the mountain…
I would not wage war with Gravity.
That would make as much sense as a demonic, cruel and heartless cult leader, bent on getting richer and pretending to care about human beings, save for NOTHING but the sake of the public view.
Glad THAT is coming to an end….
And I have beach calling my name,
and a friend in Mexico, I do believe… gotta go.
Didn’t Karin Pow say something about Dave caring for his father when the story of the p.i.s came out?
She sure did.
“‘Mr Miscavige has always taken care of his father and continues to do so.” – Karin Pouw via Daily Mail July 2, 2015
Boo Ya! Glad you found that quote, NOLAGirl! Great job!
Where has Karen Pouw been lately? Has she finally achieved the end state of all Miscavige minions? Broken, crushed and cast out?
Probably hanging out with Heber.
Yeaaaah. That’s what I’m thinkin’ too. Her name is used, but there no body there…
Well, yeah. He took care of him. But, not in a meaningful way or anything.
PI’s with guns. Never thought of that while taking care of my mom. Oh that’s right, I loved her.
Great catch! It’s like something from an IQ test:
1. Mr Miscavige has had no meaningful relationship with has Father since age 16.
2. Mr Miscavige has always taken care of his Father and continues to do so.
If the first statement is true the second statement is:
A. True
B. False
C. Unsure
D. Provable bullshit
Unless “meaningful” is defined as “hounded by armed PIs and left to die”. Oh, such fun!
Duplicity? Scientology? Lies? Really?
“Love despite all provocation to do otherwise”
“Of course if you can ruin them utterly”
“There are no absolutes in the MEST universe”
“All critics are criminals”
“We now have the tech to handle insanity”
“We don’t work with the insane”
“All funds go to Scientology, not me (Ron)”
Suitcases of cash to secret off shore accounts
“Christianity helped civilize the western world” SOS
“Jesus was an angry pedophile” OT8
” drugs are bad”
“I’m drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and reds”
“Electro shock is evil and we must stop it”
“Please make an emeter hooked up to line current so I can kill myself by electric shock and free BTs”
The very fabric of Scientology is woven with fraud and lies. Fraud and lies are actually accepted in Scientology as normal. Fraud and lies is how Scientology has always interacted with the public.
So where’s the news?
L Ron Hubbard was the guru, the treacher and inspiration for this.
It’s more interesting to imagine a gorilla in the back seat of the taxi than see the truth. LRH
In Scientology:
Truth = Lies
Knowledge = Imagination
Freedom = Enslavement
Seeing the truth = Being an evil SP
What will come out of this in the courts or in the court of public opinion is just how insidious, all pervasive and strategic the lying has been from the beginning.
L Ron Hubbard betrayed his wife, his “good friend” David Mayo, his son Nibs.
L Ron Hubbard’s influence was instrumental in his son’s suicide.
L Ron Hubbard slept with students on the Apollo and dumped them off shore when he was finished with them.
David Misacige is a student of Ron’s , the man who wrote the GE is a family man.
Why are we outraged by Davids behavior to is own father?
Families are not good groups for thetans. The family urge is based on and comes from a psychotic genetic ghost who just wants to build build build.
David Miscavige is a good student of Ron. That’s where this is coming from.
All…………..all of David’s behavior has a source in some HCOB or writing by Ron.
L Ron Hubbard instructed David, as a youth, to spit in people’s faces and punch them violently.
Mr Miscavige, thank you for writing this book. But I have one question for you:
Have you ever considered that your sons present behavior was a learned behavior?
No doubt David came into this world with his own issues.
But his connection with Ron helped to screw up you kid royally.
Just saw this.
Checkmate, Miscavige! To mix metaphors, he’s painted himself into a corner! Kobayashi Maru, no win scenario! At least, he can’t win in the court of public opinion, given the signature, predictable, clockwork Miscavige moves.
Where is Miscavige that he can’t be bothered to give a counter interview in person? Wouldn’t that be the normal response?
Love the spineless octopus metaphor!
As for the other points in the letter, Scientology asserts they KNOW what’s in the book, and proceed to rattle off all their own crimes. Priceless!
The footbullets are flying! Maybe Miscavige will slime his way around this, but at least I hope it takes its toll. The indoctrinated will likely take Kristie Alley’s advice and avoid social media and newspapers this week. Fine. They can bury their heads in the sand. It’s still a tremendous PR hit, and will hopefully keep people away from the cult.
Maybe off topic but something Dave the Octopus has to keep a tentacle available for.
A Russian was arrested for the theft of 2 million dollars and giving it to
the Church of Scientology. How do you say Holy Shit in Russian ?
According to Google Translate it’s Yebena mat’!
Ekaterina Zaborskikh, a realtor ? St Petersburg sold $2 M in apartment housing, pocketed the rubles for Co$…Normally I’d say they would probably sponsor for R1 Visa
but she’s done, toast, cut and run, or “Let em die !” Davey boy…
Miscavige certainly seems to be sleaziest of the sleazy, but I must protest against your demeaning of octopi everywhere by comparing Miscavige to one. The octopus is an amazing, intelligent animal that isn’t out to harm anyone.
Popcorn is popping butter is melting.
Yeah, well, Gayle, popcorn is great, but, the party we’re going to have is going to much bigger.
A proper barbecue.
Gayle. The popcorn smells devine. I’d LOVE some!
Thank you for the insights.
Better get some sleep – it’s going to be a bumpy week!
This truth is turning him inside out. Not at all unlike what he has done to so many others with his lies. Captain David ” let him die” Miscavige hope you watch Friday.
I know huh? Isn’t it fun?
Where does he find lawyers that believe him? They don’t do any homework on the little guy.
And yes, this is fun!
Lawyers are paid advocates and defenders of their clients. To do this they don’t necessarily need to agree with, approve of or even like or respect the people who hire them. Of course its a lot easier for them if they DO agree/like/respect/approve etc. but it isn’t necessary. A client is someone in a certain set of cirmcumstances requiring legal representation; this latter phrase is called the case. A lawyer takes a case and works it. His/her personal feelings and opinions are not supposed to enter into what he does for that client.. He’s dealt a set of cards so to speak and works them to best advantage for the client within what the law will allow and gets paid. Along with the innocents, guilty murderers, rapists, child molesters, thieves, arsonists, criminals of all types, all kinds of people guilty of all kinds and David Miscavige are every one of them entitled to legal representation. Point being, if liking and respecting their clients were a requirement for attorneys to represent them and fight for them, our whole justice system would break down. What they feel personally about a case, if positive, is considered by them to be a kind of bonus, making their job more enjoyable at times, but what matters is the cards they’ve been given to play and how they well they can play them. That’s what they get paid to do.
OMG, typos! Sorry, people. Time to go to bed.
The only thing that lawyers hear when they see david miscavige coming is “Cha Ching!”
As regards Miscavige and his lawyers, I believe that, totally. I have no doubt that they know a great deal about him, disiike him, distrust him and even have huge contempt for him while at the same time advocating for him to the utmost of their ability.
I have a lot of respect for the lawyer profession. Its easy to generalize that they are whores who will do whatever they can for someone so long as they’re getting paid. I believe this to be disingenous. Their ability to separate their personal feelings from their job does invite contempt, but it is also an essential and disciplined skill. The very person who will judge the attorney profession in general in a very perjorative way will wrap himself in the flag and expect his attorney to do everything possible for him under the law if he lands in legal trouble.
That being said, it is certainly a bitter shame that the law, while designed to protect the innocent from being punished, at the same time can also easily shield criminals who have big money.
But the alternative would be a police state, where you’re guilty until proven innocent.