As any scientology watcher knows, David Minkoff has a less than stellar record as a doctor, though he has certainly distinguished himself in his efforts to comply with the wishes of scientology, even though it has gotten him into some deep hot water.
He will always be remembered by those outside the bubble as the doctor who “took care” of Lisa McPherson and ultimately pronounced her dead when she was driven 45 minutes to him at a hospital in New Port Richey rather than to Morton Plant just 5 minute down the road. He had earlier prescribed valium and chloral hydrate without seeing Lisa beforehand which resulted in a one year suspension of his medical license, and a $10,000 fine.
More recently, he has been named as a defendant in the lawsuit filed by the family of scientology Whitney Mills, an OT VIII who took her own life after being in the care of Minkoff. Just a few days ago Tony Ortega published a devastating expert report filed in the case detailing Minkoff’s negligence: David Minkoff’s Scientology quackery: the psychiatrist expert’s assessment.
Yet, in the insane bubble of delusion that is the world of the dedicated scientologist, Minkoff is hailed as one of the greatest doctors on the planet.
This is on a par with them proclaiming David Miscavige as the “religious leader of religious leaders.”
Absolutely bonkers.
People should look into who is currently renting one of the many properties David Minkoff’s owns in Glenwood Estates in Clearwater. Really entrenched Scientology family, hiding some secrets. Minkoff might have another wrongful death lawsuit someday as his new tenants are dependent on taking advantage of a musical celebrity that married into their family years ago. They are this artist’s mother and father in law. The musical celebrity has struggled with mental health issues for year. Admitting it even publicly. Depression, ocd, prior thoughts of self ending, thinks things in the dark are going to “get him”. So he has to keep the lights on in his hotel rooms. He married into this Scientology family about eight years ago, so he has never gotten real help. While his in laws and spouse use him to make money. Even founding a company that seems to act as a front group to raise money for the church. Via a cheap costume jewelry making business that partners with this celebrity’s musical peers. To sell items to their impressionable fans. The musical celebrity by his own admission hides in his room all day, playing with action figures. Saying the world is often too much for him to handle. He has extreme social anxiety by his own admission and can barely function in public with people in everyday life. While his spouse fills her closet with designer goods she couldn’t afford without him. She also uses her connections via him to further her own failed music career. She has tried every angle. Massive reality singing competition. Came in second place. Collaborations with the more successful spouse to an excessive degree that is scarcely seen in the music industry. Recently changed her stage name to hide from bad press. As the spouse attacked the musical celebrity on a plane, months after they wed. The spouse is a third gen? Scientologist, at least second Gen. Who’s family is very close with the Masterson clan. The musical celebrity’s own father ( who is Catholic and has never been a member of CoS) admitted once that his son took “one” Scientology course, whatever that means. Since it’s unlikely that’s what happened. His son got a Scientology tattoo around the time of his joining the church, recently covered it up but that doesn’t mean he is “out”. Since he is still married to that family and on very good terms with everyone. I don’t think the son would be truthful if he was still taking courses while his mental decline gets worse and worse. According to former Sea Org members it’s now at least in part church policy for celebs to actually lie and deny they are Scientologists, when this would have previously been seen in a suppressive fashion. “ Acceptable truth” I guess. As long as the celeb lines stay open. The musical celebrity’s spouse is a dyed in the wool Scientologist, he now lives in Clearwater with her. They moved from LA a couple of years ago. He tends to lie in the press and say he lives in “ Tampa”. He employs a music video director and photographer that is a multi Gen Scientologist. It’s pretty much all around him now. Someday that whole situation is going to go very wrong and then everyone will know exactly what I am talking about. It’s very sad, as this musical celebrity is best known for an concept album about fighting back against a corrupt religious cult called “FEAR”. Which stood for at the time “ For Any and All Religion”. A concept album perhaps ahead of its time, now a reminder of who he was before his mind got “warped”. He has had several medical trials over the years, pain and severe stage injuries. Unknown illness, misdiagnosed by other doctors according to him that resulted in being prescribed a drug meant for blood infection now pulled by the FDA due to severe mental health side effects. Plus the mental health life long battles he had to begin with. So he is the perfect future victim of Dr. Minkoff. Who can prescribe you all kinds of $20,000 quackery to “cure” you of whatever the Dr. says ails you. He seem to hand out Lyme disease diagnosis like Candy on Halloween. Anything that doesn’t lead to actual mental health care referrals. Like what happened with Mills, and the current law suit against Minkoff. Since this celeb’s in laws are Minkoff’s tentants and long time friends of the Minkoff family (Their daughter aka spouse grew up friends of Rebecca Minkoff, Yolanda Masterson) it is entirely possible he would be lead to that “medical center” for wellness. As this musician is all about a healthy lifestyle now, sober etc. The in laws old house across the street was bought by Susan Tschupp ( yeah the same one known for questionable fundraisers in foreign countries experiencing tragedy) in 2013. When they lost their house to foreclosure, she grabbed it up last second before final auction sale. Allowing the family toremain there and publicly pretend they still owned their home. Saving face in the public. While running this suspicious merchandise company out of the home, the entire time. A few years after 2013, the mother went “ Clear”. You would think it would be strange to live directly across the street under David Minkoff now and having the see the old house you raised your family in, lost and never got back due to all their own donations to the church. They also publicly mislead people saying their daughter “founded” this company, as the daughter is often called the “boss” publicly. When is reality it’s been owned by her very entrenched Scientology parents the entire time via their previously WISE listed LLC. So nothing is truthful with that family. Their entire status and their daughters status, their ability to bring in money is hinged on this one musical voice , who often admits to struggling with his own head. I’m afraid it won’t end well. The only markers they he might have hope still is that, the musical celebrity will talk about mental health and refers to himself as “ neurodivergent”. Which isn’t totally in line with Scientology but the office of the President for “celeb lines” has changed so much in recent years. They just want any celeb they can get of any level at this point, they are allowed to do and say whatever … well almost. Their money is still green. There have been also accusations the spouse is abusive to him and well in the CULTure of silence, anything could happen. He never pressed charges after the plane incident, where eye witnesses stated he was assaulted by her.
The fact that this musical celebrity use to be a leading voice in his musical genre and generation against corrupt religious organizations, the crimes many hide and religious trauma. To becoming a victim or pawn of one, is truly tragic. Yet somehow it’s been largely swept under the rug. What a prize for Scientology to break a once dissenting voice that questioned, into a voice that now follows. He has more than once made some unusual choices that have nothing do with Scientology but have made his fan base question his morals and standards. Which seem to be money motivated more than anything. Which of course his most trusted advisors, his spouse and her family would clearly steer a person with mental health issues towards easily. By his own admission he runs his entire career and art by his Scientologist spouse first. Lyrics, ideas, everything. She has managed to open for his musical project not once but twice within about a years time recently, on two major touring opportunities. One in the US, the other tour the UK. In her nearly 20 year career she had never had played shows in the UK, until her husband platforms her. Which I have never seen in the music industry before. It’s highly irregular to be that much of a failure. He previously had her perform on stage with him on another nation wide festival tour, two years prior he also guest appeared during her set everyday during the same nation wide festival tour and featured her during one award show he hosted, performing another duet together. It reeks of platforming her is always the motive. Her career although tiny compared to his is always pushed forward via his. She’s his only “best friend” and “favorite person”, he frequently states. His music has suffered and become significantly less specific about questioning all injustice amongst religious organizations to something a little more “vague”. Maybe more commercial some might argue but it’s more likely less of a “potential threat source” for the church and his in laws by association with him. While her new music is about reincarnation with a new name into a super being from space that has magical powers via resurrection. While her interviews drop words like overcoming her “reactive mind” in this new era. So literally sneaking in Scientology terms without her audience noticing. She even played savior and messiah that frees peoples minds in a music video, while she “rises. Can’t imagine how that happened………
Hope this musical artist doesn’t fall victim to someone like Dr. Minkoff but since he may already be a victim of those around him and his own mental health, it’s not implausible. The Scientology in-laws have the direct connection to Minkoff and all the motive in the world. To continue to lead their cash cow down a scary path.
Looks like a horribly wasteful scam set up to follow Hubbard’s moneymaking instructions. The lowest value they can get away with for the most money.
Minkoff has been slapped by the medical board more than once. Floridas ‘public records’ website only goes back to the years since we have had internet it seems. They list two cases and there’s probably more that aren’t ‘public’. Unfortunately the McPherson one is the only one you can read and it really pretty much wraps it all up. One of my fetishes I guess you could say is going to different states medical boards and looking through their disciplinary records. Some states make this very easy and have scanned in disciplinary reports that go back to the 50’s (CA I’m looking at you great site) but most just have the most recent and only list records since the inception of the internet (NC, GA & FL not intuitive sites). Plus I have noticed that some disciplinary records magically disappear after a certain length of time. I have seen this on NCs medical board. Plus there are some records that they file as ‘not public’ I found this out because some drs have so many disciplinary reports that they mention older ones in the newer ones and when you go look there are no older reports. Anyway here’s the link…go to this page and type ‘Minkoff’ into the ‘Business or LastName’ section. It will bring up 2 records and you can only select the one in 2002. It’s 80 pages long. Scroll through the first 10 or more pages that is the ‘probation’ agreement. Then you will get to the ‘accusation’. That’s where the meat is. It’s always worse than you think. You will see the state medical boards at work making all kinds of excuses etc for him. He basically got what’s considered a slap on the wrist.
“The company offers…competitive base pay and great commission structure”.
Permit me to translate:
*Competitive Base Pay
Whatever is Florida’s minimum wage, on an hourly basis. Totally competitive, alright 🙂
*Great Commission Structure.
The key word here is “structure”. You notice he didnt say “Great commissions”. No, he is offering a great commission “structure”. Which has to be the more you sell, the more you make, Sell a very large amount and you’ll get a decent commission, optimistically.
No thanks, Doc.
Minkoff sounds like he might have been of the sort to be the model for the grim reaper on that cover of Have You Lived Before This Life? cover posted the other day.
LOL! He does look like that!
I’ve never met a Scientology “doctor” that isn’t a quack. Of course Eric Berg is another one. Quacking is all he does. But he actually can be quite helpful… Just do the opposite of what he says, and you’ll be alright. He just thinks he’s a Dr. because he punches spines.
So many of those “OT” Scientology practitioners think they have the magic touch. Yep, Scientology “doctors”… the only doctors that have reges on the payroll.
If you’re sick, save your money and stay away from Scientology “doctors”. In my experiences with them, they’ve always been totally ineffective. Well not at getting your money, they’re really good at that, but at helping you if you’re sick. Cause if you are, you’re just a PTS asshole. (That’s what they tell themselves when most of their patients don’t get well).
I showed this to my friend who is in the medical field and he just laughed at this. After reading he said “Oh Dr. Minkoff is a joke I would not trust him with anything medical. His record here is pretty garbageto prove it”
Can you imagine Dave or Tom having a medical emergency at Flag and being told not to worry because Dr Minkoff is in the building and will treat them…I imagine they’d run for their lives.
How dare you say that! How dare you have the audacity to suggest that the two most theta beings on the planet could ever be subject to such wog phenomena as illness! I am writing a KR on you for daring to say that Our Beloved COB and Our Beloved Freedom Medal With Valor winner could ever be EFFECT! They are at cause over everything due to their correct application of LRH tech and their achievement of OTVIII! Now you cease……
Whoa, whoa, whoa! What am I saying? What happened? AAAAAAHHHH! I’m in Bob Duggan’s valence!
Red flag#1: needing sales staff. For a medical clinic? I’ve heard of that for plastic surgeon s though. I guess it’s common when insurance won’t cover treatments.
Red flag #2: job involves “helping” chronically ill patients arrange to pay for a many-month series of alternative (quack) treatments. In advance, of course.
I could continue, but this thing is red flags all the way down.
What’s the matter with you? Why do you have the word “helping” in quotes? Are you implying that assisting chronically ill patients in getting higher limits on their credit cards, and coaching them on how to get 2nd mortgages in order to be able to afford Dr. Minkhoff’s treatments are not helpful to Dr. Minkhoff – er, I mean, to the patients?