This has never happened before.
After reading the tentative ruling from Judge Hammock that eviscerated Miscavige for playing games with the system, his lawyers agreed to accept service on his behalf, thus making the scheduled hearing moot and preventing the judge from entering a final order. Had Judge Hammock stuck with his tentative ruling and signed it, his order would have been catastrophic in other cases. Even without his final order, the fact that Miscavige was adjudicated to have been served in the Baxter/Paris case and has now accepted service in Leah’s case is going to make it very difficult for him to continue his sleazy evasive activities and ridiculous claims before the courts.
It’s long past time for him to have to step into the arena he fears so much — after using lawsuits as a weapon against others so often, it’s going to be interesting to watch this unfold. Of course, Miscavige and his legal team will continue to try to throw up every roadblock possible to attempt to get himself dismissed from the lawsuit now he is officially part of it. It is unlikely that will happen without discovery taking place in the case — including him sitting for a deposition. He has not been deposed since sometime in the 90’s by Grady Ward or Keith Henson. The lawyers he will confront in this litigation will present a far greater challenge than two in pro per defendants.
Watching this unfold will be fascinating.
I’m betting he sends a badly disguised Gavin Potter to pretend he’s Demento.
Great! I never understood how it can be so near impossible to service someone. How can someone possibly claim to not be serviced if their lawyer is notified of it? Even saying to the judge that you don’t know you’re being serviced, is admitting that you know.
Because that isn’t how the laws on service are written. I have a lawyer I use for business taxes but he isn’t my agent for service nor my businesses agent so he won’t accept any papers to be served on me.
Maybe we should hang Baby Davey in a Door Jumper. It would give the courtroom (and journalists) endless hours of entertainment and contain him during temper tantrums. The Jumper’s easy-to-use clamp would make it a cinch for four-feet-thirteen to be moved from courtroom to jail cell.
Brilliant idea!
Served, the legal equivalent to ‘lock and load’.
Great news. Tick, tock….
Thanks for posting this, Mike! You had the scoop on this before the youtubers and ticktockers did. Hee hee.
Technically, Miscavige hasn’t done anything by allowing a lawyer to accept the subpoena on his behalf, but the cult can spin it as if he’s being the bigger being. Any depositions will be calculated and designed to provide absolutely no information. At most he’ll say he spends all his time working on parishioners confessionals to improve their spiritual state.
And Mark Bunker briefed the Clearwater City Council on the news:
I love this!
It is interesting that this isn’t the biggest story in the SPTV world, OSA may well still be creating some havoc. I hope this turns out well for you and ends the harassment you all have suffered.
One last note that makes me smile. If this had happened even minimally to anyone else in SO, the guy would now be a skewer burnt in the hands of ethics and OSA as they try to dig out with sec checks why he pulled in this mess. But for DM it’s not possible that it’s a pull in, it’s just the fault of the damned SPs.
His karma has been following him for long time regardless of everything, and now finally it has placed its hand on his shoulder.
This is going to be interesting. Miscavage has been the commanding officer at the top of the food chain inside the Scientology navy bubble that Hubbard created. Soon he will be dealing with a real world where he is not the king , the pope or whatever. He will need to give and show respect for the law of the land.
Mike, thank you for being here and communicating
What great news! Can’t WAIT for this fake-tanned, bottle blonded, high pompadoured, little worm to squirm as he is being deposed.
Yo Captain:
You is gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.
And you is gonna have to answer simple yes or no questions.
Better start practicing.
Maybe you can drill them ahead of time.
Just off the top of my head I would suggest you drill this with with one of your attorneys:
“Do low-toned little louts lie?”
Or you may prefer these:
Do grifter’s grift?
Do dastardly defrauders dodge subpoenas?
Alliteration is fun, Sir!
Enjoy, and be sure to write up your wins.
Much love,
Aqua, I had to use a translator to understand some american slang
– since I’m Italian – and it amused me.
“Yeah, he’ll try to save his behind with millions and a bunch of lawyers, but the little rascals gotta whisper.”
Am I doing ok so far?
Hi Loosing,
I think what you did was translate Italian slang word for word into English, right?
It doesn’t really translate.
I think most languages are that way.
Certainly English has many of these that, translated literally into another language don’t convey the actual meaning of the phrases.
There seem to be many colloquialisms and slang expressions regional and otherwise in Italian which can’t be literally translated word for word.
For example; “al dente” literally in English means “to the tooth”.
Now, if you said, ini English, “I cooked the spagetti to the tooth”, most English speaking people would say, “Huh?” Unless they knew what “al dente” means in Italian, meaning that the pasta is cooked just enough so that you can comfortably chew it, but its not mushy or soft – unless they understood that already, then the literal English would not communicate the meaning.
OK, but all of THAT being said, I think your English is AMAZING. I’ve read many of your posts and responded to them. Mostly grammatical with very few spelling errors – really, I don’t know if you’ve studied it formally, but I think you should be very proud of your English.
Thank you Aqua, indeed, right after posting that comment, I regretted it. Luckily, you took it well. Just kidding. Yes, the example of pasta al dente is perfect. As for my English, I thank you. I certainly can’t present a “english maccaroni” (mangled) comment in this blog. It’s a continuous effort to improve. I follow several American podcasts, blogs, or videos, or anything in English. As additional work, for three-quarters of the year, I deal with English-speaking clients, so some preparation is needed. Also, I don’t hide the fact that I occasionally resort to some translator if the sentence requires it. In fact, it takes me half an hour to write a comment like this. Laughing. Take care.
You’re welcome, Loosing, and believe me I have reality on the necessity of learning a new language, which in my case is/was French. Back in the day I lived in a largely French speaking 3rd World country. There weren’t too many Americans living there at the time and learning French which was the official language as well as the patois, which was the country’s unofficial but universal language were necessities. Your continual applications to learn English by speaking it continually are admirable to me. The good news is that when you are forced to continually speak the new language as I was, or in your case when you force yourself on your own determinism to continually speak English then you DO learn it, and eventually you begin to THINK in the new language. Again, your English is VERY good, Loosing – indeed far better than my French ever was, that’s for sure. And idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms just have to be learned as concepts and not via the translations of the individual words comprising such phrases. A French language example would be the expression “Avoir du pois” which is used to say that someone is overweight. Literally the words mean “to have too much skin”. Now, if in English you said that a person has too much skin, no one would have a clue as to what you meant. Well, anyway, keep up the good work; you are FLUENT in English!
Thank you, Aqua. First of all, I thank Mike for his patience. I won’t go into the topic, but having attended school en Suisse with the priests, I also speak French.
Une salutation et plein de belles choses, chère amie.
A vous aussi, merci beaucoup. Et comm c’est merveilleux – je peux m’entrainer a parler mon horribe francais avec vous
How does the saying go?… can run but you can not hide!
At last the law seems to be catching up with him.
Davey always thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.
His toadies tell him he’s the smartest guy in the room.
This is Davey’s big chance to show he’s been right.
I am glad you are still keeping us informed.
I am sure that service it did not make Dave happy and hope he gets even more unhappy as things develop.
Thank you for keeping the public updated. One step closer Leah !! Keep fighting Leah & Mike
A very happy Friday to “us” indeed – huge news, Mike.
I’ve long held the belief that ONLY the US justice system can dismantle $cientology and this is another precedent that can be used to further push Davey’s Navy into well-deserved extinction. I’m sure there will be plenty ducking and weaving from Demented Maggot and His minions but it’s something that can’t be overturned (I’m presuming).
It’s a major milestone that’s long overdue. John P, where are you? Chime in and give us some more gems of opinion on this please
When he sits for a deposition, will he be granted his very own short-leg table and chair, to accomodate his Not-So-Highness and allow his feet to touch the floor? It seems a reasonable accomodation. I think the court can borrow something from a daycare center, something decorated with pretty little bunnies and flowers, or, to better suit his temperament, horned devils and scarey vampire bats.
Just the thought of discovery for this case makes me giddy! I feel for the poor sea org members within his literal or figurative reach in the coming days- man that’s gonna stink for them!
Mike- what are the chances he begins destroying evidence since we know every single thing he does is in writing and cc’d to half a dozen people minimum?
I hope Leah can enjoy this amazing victory!!
The most remarkable part of the tentative ruling was the judge admitting that the current service laws are archaic and easily gamed. Well done!
Full circle, Dave. Time to be a man.
That will never happen!!
Way too late for that, veda. This is a being that is way below being human. He’s way, way down there, hiding, being nothing, actually. There’s no one there, really. He “died” a long time ago. Now there’s Just this mass of circuits with a name, telling a still living ambulatory body what to do.
I understand that Dave is a second generation Scientologist who’s never had people that genuinely loved him enough to prevent him from becoming a monster. Look where we’re communicating, Aqua. It’s never too late for anyone.
vada, I respect your opinion. You may be right. I don’t agree across the board though. Perhaps monsters are created sometimes due to lack of love orto lack of the right kind of attention they needed in their childhood years. Then again, examples abound of sociopathic adults who were adored in childhood by their parents. I can think of two examples of famous people and one example of someone I’ve known from the age of 9, who is now a man of 66. He and his older brother each received the same, rather thoughtless, uninspired parenting. The older brother is a decent normal human being; the younger brother turned into a monster. I personally believe in the viability of the “bad seed” theory. But I’m not a mental health professional. And I partly agree with you about hope for most people, but not for everyone, across the board.
Same tactics of pushing the legal system as far as it/he can; then when it’s of no use or it/he sees the writing on the wall, it/he caves. Can’t wait til it/he caves completely/utterly/in totality.
Right. Money is no object, so vindictively he forces them to spend as much money as possible right up until the last minute. Spiteful, evil man. Oh, excuse me; heis not a man. And he’s certainly not an animal. Let’s compromise and classify him as a life form.
YES !!
Hope he will have his Captain´s uniform on when attending:-)
Mmm. Me too.
Can one of Leah’s lawyers dress as Captain Crunch just for fun?
My feeling is when it comes time for Miscavige to sit for a deposition that he will have the “church” pay millions in settlements so he will not have to be deposed. I believe the Dear Leader will do anything to avoid being deposed under oath. After all…. if you control billions of other peoples money why not use it to save your ass.
Good prediction. I think that’s exactly how it will play out.
Moi aussi.
Yep – good news indeed. I hope Leah is satisfied and happy to have taken this first hurdle!
I guess defendant Miscaviage is not so happy.
Who ever sees the shortest cult leader in the world at 4’13”, Capt. “Tiny Tyrant” Slappy Miscavigee first.
Be sure to bring a child booster seat to court and offer it to him so he can see over the table.
I know Mike will definitely pay to see this.
I can hear the judge now saying. Sir, why are you not standing up when I entered? Crowd erupts in hysterical laughter.
Great news indeed!!! Thank you Mike.
Can’t wait to see the diminutive midget feverishly shivering and hopefully shitting his pants under questioning in the courtroom. I’d like to sit there and chant “hip, hip, hurray” with the broadest ever smile on my face. Then give a single finger salute to the dolt.
Excellent news!