No wonder Miscavige doesnt want the OEC Volumes available. People would be able to read what Hubbard said about a lot of things that Miscavige has engaged in. Fundraising instead of selling and delivering auditing and training. Placing great emphasis on the MEST of orgs. Locating orgs where there is no body traffic. Canceling the SHSBC (and the OEC Volumes).
But perhaps no policy more explicit and more draconian in its penalties than one titled Org Reduction and Eradication.
When announcing the new Paris org, he came right out and said it with no shame: “To start, this new ideal org combines two existing organizations. One a Class 5 organization, the other a Celebrity Center. And in combination will become a mega ideal organization.”
Did the recent OEC/FEBC graduates not study this policy letter? Were they not aghast at his bold admission of committing a suppressive act? This is not first time — there are many earlier instances but I have never heard him say that two orgs had been combined so overtly before. I am sure he didn’t mention this when he combined London and CC London, Portland and CC Portland, Denmark and Copenhagen orgs or any of his other org “eradications.”
Here are excerpts from Hubbard’s policy letter..
An act of Treason against scientology is a Suppressive Act as laid out in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.
Moreover, this particular Treason, according to Hubbard, “betrays the whole planet.”
You can read the full policy here: Org Reduction or Eradication
It says a great deal about the position Miscavige has maneuvered himself into that he has absolutely no fear of consequences for publicly, and proudly, announcing he has done something Hubbard warned against in policy. He IS the law in scientology now. If he says something that contradicts Hubbard, the sheeple just accept it. It’s been a long, slow but very calculated path to achieving this status. “COB” in now “Source.”
Note: Alex Barnes-Ross had some interesting intel in his site yesterday about the activities of Tom Cruise and David Miscavige gallivanting about in Tom’s helicopter and one of his jets in England and Paris. It would appear the COB may show up in Paris on Saturday, maybe even with his pal Tom. Stay tuned to Alex who will be covering the org eradication ceremony as it unfolds.
That policy was easy to write at the CofS’ high point. Now DM has no throngs of “seekers” at the orgs’ doors, and the old baby boomers are dying off and not being replaced – and what applied, and worked, half a century ago, no longer does.
Ironically I think if a leader of Scientology was willing to just straight up say “Hubbard wasn’t perfect, we intend to verify everything he advised scientifically and jettison whatever’s not working”, even if they don’t DO much, they could actually reverse the brain drain and maybe start actually expanding again. DM squirrels but I think the rules he follows are hurting the church more than the ones he ignores!
A good PR consultant with free reign to change the rules could even get a ridiculous cult like Scientology to be ‘cool’ again. For proof of that just look at how Osho managed to rehabilitate his reputation after the disaster in Rajneeshpuram. Couldn’t show his face for years but now my local bookstore has a whole section for him.
LOL! Jettisoning everything that doesn’t work would leave NOTHING. I don’t think having nothing to sell would start any type of expansion.
Funny though
Yes, from my observation of the audience response I think that the majority of the people there (except miscavidge) believed his “shore story”. LRH’s passing was a loss for everyone, including me but I had seen it coming because I had noticed that his personality and style had changed in his last few Ron’s Journal taped messages.
Also I had been raised NOT to be a BELIEVER or WORSHIPER in people or things but rather to look and listen and then make up my own mind regarding what is true and what is not. …And to never be afraid to ask questions.
I think that much of the trouble in this world comes from so many people being indoctrinated into being Believers with a capital B.
It may not be popular to send to say so on this blog at this time but I think that many parts of the philosophy and application of Scientology are actually helpful and useful for enhancing life.
Unfortunately, there are also parts which are destructive which the Believers feel that they have to follow mindlessly, such as disconnecting from people who actually love them or smoking as many cigarettes as they possibly can in order to obey Ron and not get cancer. 🙄
Nails on the head all over the place, Mike! Loved this article!
Every Still In public should get this article of yours!
Every ORG should be mailed this article of yours!
The “Church” of Scientology has morphed into an entity which is for all practical purposes David Miscavige’s Cult. At any given time, and for whatever reason that suits him, what he wants or needs tech, admin or ethics wise IS “policy”, and as such, not to be questioned, ever.
Amazing, really.
Yes. Some people like us pretty much saw where DM is at from the beginning. I remember being at the event when LRH’s death was announced in 1986. Miscavage and his attorney were telling the audience that he had been perfectly healthy but had simply decided to leave his body of his own free will so that he could “continue doing ‘research’ which could only be done without a body”. And I clearly remember the two words that formed in my mind…..One of them began with the letter B and the second one with an S. … About a month later, I was having a physical with my MD who also happened to have been Hubbard’s doctor who had been present at his death bed (Dr. Gene Denk).
Dr. Denk confirmed to me that my observation was completely correct and that he had had a series of strokes culminating in a massive one. And Dave has been telling one lie after another ever since.
Do you think the majority of the people at the event believed the story?
Obviously you didn’t believe it but just curious if others did.
M Westin and Losing My Religion. Both of you bring up good points. DM chooses not to cancel Fair Game and Disconnection. And he chooses to board up the BC, the Class VIII Course, and all sorts of stuff. But the sheeple are so brainwashed by the cult leader that now it is not “do what LRH wrote or said.” It is “Do what is “Command Intention.” Commander being David Miscavige.
When my OT VIII friend got wind that I might be disaffected, she took me for a long drive and did one long nonstop infomercial on me about how good DM was and how he saved our religion and how it is his “Command Intention” that we must follow now. She must had said command intention at least 10 times in that conversation.
So if a Class VIII, trained BC graduate could throw LRH out the window and go with Command Intention, think of the newbies and young ones who never even knew what LRH said.
Class VIII and a BC graduate. Wow. Speechless here.
OH yes, she drank the Kool Aid hard. And when she was told I was a declared SP, she made it her personal mission to call all my friends and associates and our mutual friends to tell them I was declared. And as a result of her telemarketing on my behalf, all of them disconnected immediately from me on her word alone, without ever having read anything in writing. I hope there is a special place in hell for her when her time comes. She was an OT VIII who wasn’t doing well in life: she couldn’t make money, hold a job, keep a business going. She tried every multilevel that came down the pike and tried to gang press me into every multi level (beneath her on the chain of command of course, so that she got commission on me.) I never wanted to join any multi level period. End of story.
“I hope there is a special place in hell for her when her time comes.”
There is, Cindy. Count on it. She thinks because some piece of paper framed on her wall that she’s an operating thetan – no.
OT is as OT does. Can’t hold a job, make money, keep a business going – what a loser! So the piece of paper says she’s OTVIII – big freaking deal! That and $2.90 will get her a subway ride, as the New Yorkers say.
OT is as OT does. What does she “make go right”? Not a hell of a lot. She can’t even read or she’d know how LRH policy is being violated right and left by Miscavige.
Her hell is right here on Teegack 🙂
Thanks, Aquamarine. Sad that she is intelligent but just not in this area of her life. This is what cults do to people.
Right. I’ve been making an informal study of how people who are intelligent and discerning in their own lives simply believe without question the most fantastic woo. Virgin birth, dead for 3 days and then coming alive again, 5 thousand people all fed and satisfied with 5 loaves of bread and 5 fishes, water walking, a man parting the Red Sea so that people can walk across and stay dry, a man being swallowed up whole by a whale who holds him in his stomach for 3 days and then spits him out on dry land whole and unharmed; someone getting turned into a pillar of salt: snakes that talk and make dietary suggestions…look, I’m not picking on the Bible or on Christians or Jews. Most of the people I know are or were born and raised Christian (as was I) or Jewish, and they believe this stuff, or, if they don’t believe it, they get upset at being confronted with it. I never believed any biblical magic. Just never did. Doesn’t mean I don’t believe in God (or a higher power outside of our five senses) If I had been born and raised a Muslim or a Hindu there would be other magical woo to be steeped in from infancy. It doesn’t bother me that people believe outrageous, impossible things. Its the lack of questioning, the wholesale, unquestioning acceptance of the most incredible stuff, coupled with their ordinary, everyday common sense and intelligence that get applied to their everyday lives. There are things walled off in their minds which allow them to accept without question what the Bible says, or what Miscavige/Command Intention says, or what some politician says, or or or or…point being, it cannot be questioned, while at the same time they are quite careful about applying good analytical skills to the everyday events and issues of their own lives. Successful people with analytical blind spots. Its fascinating to me, that high iQ people are just as likely to engage in thought stopping as low IQ or poorly educated ones.
Yes, you’re so right about how it’s just as possible and even more so, for intelligent people, high IQ and educated people do engage in thought stopping and do drink the Koolaid. I hope that they see the light and get out. Some people on the outside here have said, “All the thinking and questioning people have already left the building, and the only ones left will never leave.” I can see that too. But I hope they’re wrong and that some of these die hards do get out.
Cindy, I think this is also an important point. An infomercial about how great DM is from an OT 8, who should have clear ideas and have achieved some ‘spiritual’ coherence, says a lot.
Surely, she was repeating the ‘implantmercial’ she receives before getting the okay to leave the ship.
However, the fact that he has to use OTs as PR ambassadors within the bubble, and the continuous hammering that ‘he is the boss’ and has saved scn infinite times, suggests that he knows there are various dissatisfactions and doubts spreading among the ranks that can’t be stopped and he is losing his grip.
Leadership is something else.
So true. And he keeps the OT VIII’s close to him by making laws and rules that they MUST be active on an OT Committee and they MUST attend all events, and they MUST disseminate and all sorts of stuff. He didn’t want any resting on laurels for the OT VIII’s. He wanted them pushing to make him powerful and keep the flock in line.
Cindy, I understand the point. However, one thing that perplexes me is that reaching that level of ‘awareness’ should at least free one from certain mechanics. In the 15 years I was there, I never took a step on the bridge, except for the purif. But I was capable of managing and manifesting events.
Then, when I left and started meditating, I understood a lot of things about why I was the way I was, and that scn not only often errs but in many ways leads you exactly in the opposite direction. While meditating leads you out of any need to identify with anything except that you are the awareness of the now, scn does the opposite and continuously leads one to identify with the past and future without ever getting anywhere.
It sounds like you had the OT VIII cognition on your own early on. I”m so glad you got out and found your own spiritual freedom.
Cindy I’m glad you are out too.
Last note. It’s my opinion hubbard was somehow fascinated by Buddhismbut as well a “no case gain” Buddhist (unable of surrending) who tried then to create his own squirel path and even sell it. I’m being only half sarcastic this time.
It’s amazing what some people will say or do to obtain reward, avoid punishment or maintain a status quo.
It doesn’t help that there’s no credible “mainstream” alternative to the miscavigean empire. The power and exclusivity of the woo is what gives him his leverage. And there’s no where else to get it – except maybe from a little old lady in Switzerland or a couple of kooks delivering out of an abandoned soviet education camp in arctic Russia.
Marty “wasn’t for sale” until he was. Even the most altruistic of politicians become shills for a corrupt system of corporate interests after only a few years in government. How fragile the mind can be when it’s fcked with.
“Marty “wasn’t for sale” until he was. Even the most altruistic of politicians become shills for a corrupt system of corporate interests after only a few years in government. How fragile the mind can be when it’s fcked with.”
Powerful Truth.
“Marty “wasn’t for sale” until he was. Even the most altruistic of politicians become shills for a corrupt system of corporate interests after only a few years in government. How fragile the mind can be when it’s fcked with.”
Such truth that I had to repeat it.
I saw Alex’s video about the flying logics.
I would say that Miscavige, in europe, and maybe more in Germany and France, is a little bit risky.
Clearly it would be a dream scenario, to see DM somehow arrested in Paris, but it is sadly not going to happen. Just my thinking, Miscavige is many things, but not stupid.
Kind regards
Germany would be the place, to ask DM what he is actually doing.
At this point, it needs to be said that anyone who frequents scn must admit that the ONLY true scnist existing at a universal level is DM. Nobody else.
He’s the only one who truly knows it better and who can change the game whenever he wants, and everyone else must then align themselves regardless of hubbard’s policies, otherwise serious trouble ensues.
What more do you want from a spiritual journey?
I saw once David at Saint Hill UK – and he was sourounded by body guards… hey man, what fear has this guy was my opinion… nobody should trust him ever… a thetan is a thetan… and a body matched up with the idea of a thetan is a sociopath… in all cases such a person is a suppressive Person…
Mariette currently on swedish tv, interview re her 25 years in the cult. The tv show has been going on for some 25 years and is quite popular with many viewers.
I love her books! I have been waiting for the third book (Children of the Cult) to be translated into English ! That link takes you to Shakespeare & Co in Paris which said you can pre-order and they ship worldwide but it isn’t out until June. Sigh. I am so glad that she and Dan escaped and are so happy. Sadly, Dan’s ex wife Sue is still trapped at Gold.
It is an assumption only that Scientologists can apply what they read. Nothing could be further from the truth. It makes no difference if they have the Greens vols or not. Miscavige is feared for multiple reasons – nothing will alter that under current conditions while he is still able to hide as necessary. To the real world he is a slimy shadow, to Scientologists he is eternity. Nuts hey?
Do you think it possible that they fear not their loss of eternity but loss of their family?
After all, if thetans are immortal beings then it would follow that loss of eternity is an impossibility – in other words, a thetan can’t do anything BUT survive.
I’m not OT but aren’t the OT levels supposed to impart “certainty” that one is an immortal being with no finite beginning and therefore no end?
If I had that “certainty” I Know I wouldn’t be worrying about losing my eternity.
On the other hand, I could see myseolf being VERY worried about losing my beloved child/spouse/parent/business/income etc. etc. due to Disconnection if I failed to toe the Command Intention line.
Interested in your thoughts 🙂
Aquamarine, you didn’t ask for my thoughts per se, but I can’t help but opine on your comment a bit. Your logic is flawlessly correct, that if a thetan is an immortal being, it can’t help but survive, so therefore the “losing your eternity” is an empty threat. But LRH and then DM gets around it by saying this, “you’ll be in eternity, but in what state? You might just exist as a cinder unless you do what is right right here and now in and with Scn.”
But I agree with you that it is more a fear of losing loved ones through disconnection that keeps the sheeple in. One of my favorite people, Drew Johnston, a big time FSM and OT VIII, Class VIII and BC graduate and lots of admin training, is still in. If anyone could see the squirrelling going on under DM’s regime, it would be Drew, because he knows the tech inside and out. Mr. trained up the kazoo OT. He was more trained up on LRH tech and admin than DM or any other SO member for that matter. So he would know what has been squirrelled. And yet he stays in. Why? I’m sure he knows things are not right in the DM kingdom. My guess is Drew stays for fear of losing his daughter and wife and selectees and source of income if he left.
Cindy, I see the point and DM’s threat; “Sure, you’ll be in eternity, but in what state?”
(Like, if you don’t behave and do what we tell you likely you’ll be a starving child rooting around for garbage scraps in the swamps of Bangladesh next lifetime, or your next 100 lifetimes – DM’s version of Hell Everlasting.)
Its still the same concept: be good NOW or you will SUFFER. Do as I say NOW. Do what you are told NOW, or else, pain awaits you when you die. The penalty for disobedience this lifetime is pain and suffering next lifetime, or everlasting, or whatever. Eternal fire, another Dark Age, blah blah blah, its all essentially the same threat and its why I avoid and distrust most organized religions.
Here’s what’s real for me: my own sense of ethics and morals, my own sense of what’s fair and unfair, honest and dishonest, workable and not workable. If I’m not sure I’ll ask people, different people, or I’ll read different things to hit on the right way, the right answer. And the miracle is that it comes to me! But it only comes to me if I’m first honest with myself. If I’m lying to myself, I stay stuck in the problem or the issue and it doesn’t get handled. But when I level with myself, (and that can be embarrassing) then the miracle comes, things work out, and I’m at peace. Its really kind of cool.
Anyway, be assured that NO ONE, no third person forcibly preventing and actively obstructing the natural and normal communication between loved ones is EVER going to “go free”. It just will not happen. Nor will someone who blindly follows the arbitrary laws of some religion go free either. I may not know what going free actually is, but I do know that it doesn’t happen as a result of blind, unthinking obedience to someone else’s dictates. The keywords are “blind” and “unthinking”. You have to know in your heart that that what you’re doing is right. ALL the great teachers down thru the ages have said this!
THAT belief is the world’s oldest con game!
PS: To what I wrote below: The oldest con game is fear of punishment when we die for disobedience when alive.
You’ve pretty much already covered your enquiries with Cindy as I see it Aqua. I do hope you’ve got a good handle on what Scientology’s goals actually are though, they are not what they say they are. Haha, even if you could chain Miscavige to a chair, and somehow threaten to get a straight answer from him by forceful means, he wouldn’t be able to answer that question. He’d blow a gasket and go psychotic or maybe beg for mercy. He cannot evaluate, he can only dictate & that’s what delusion is and does. The insiders call it ‘command intention or source’, whatever… something along those lines. He, like the sheeple he commands are very much delusional. Your agreement with what they do is not what they want, (obedience is another matter) but you are more or less always their enemy. Sane people who can sanely evaluate are enemies. A sort of annoyance factor is how they grade people, and due to their wealth & especially includes the people within Scientology, they are all potential annoyances. That’s one of Scientology’s goals, categorize and identify only with alignment to command intention. The others are money and survival by whatever means, criminality works.
It’s disturbing to try and think with Scientology’s actions, truth means nothing to them, they are insane.
However, Scientology is a fantastic example of a problem, it lives and operates in a sea of opposing forces, both real and imagined, and they lie about it all by calling it trying to obtain freedom/eternity. Relating loss of family as important? Well… what does history tell you?
Yawn, I not only don’t have a good handle on what today’s Scientology goals really are, I don’t have a clue what they really are! All I can deduce is that Scientology has no real goals because there is no more Scientology, its all Command Intention, which in turn, is just another term for whatever David Miscavige happens to need or want done at any given time, for whatever reason.
What is Miscavige GETTING out of all of this? Money, of course, lots of it. Ok, money is great. Not from ME will you hear that money is not important.
It most certainly is.
But what can he really DO with it? He can’t really GO anywhere. Travelling freely is out. He can’t TRUST anyone. He can’t even really TALK to anyone except his tight inner circle and his lawyers and maybe Tom Cruise. His Celebs and Whales who give him serious millions – can he really be FRIENDS with them? I don’t see how! He is, after all, SCAMMING them. How can he RELAX and be himself with people he’s scamming?
Perhaps he can be himself with his lawyers but then he has to know that they’re only THERE because they’re getting well paid. Seriously, I wonder – I do, I really do WONDER – what are his actual PLEASURES in life?
Giving speeches at Int Events? Hanging with Lou? When he is on his deathbed for this body, what will he look back on with pleasure and satisfaction?
Ok, he’s a sociopath, so will he look back with satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment at all the times he successfully scammed people, disrupted/ruined their lives, etc. etc. ?
Because there are no more goals for Scientology, that much I know. There is only Command Intention, and Command Intention is whatever David Miscavige wants or needs at any given time.
But his overall life goals – what?
To simply destroy in the name of help? Surely he can’t believe that he is doing anything good!
Sorry for all these rhetorical questions!
Mike, I hope that one day you can heal from all of Hubbard’s bullshit.
That sounds a bit condescending.
I think Mike has healed quite well tbh.
What do you bet this policy is not in the latest revision of the OEC vols?
“found to be not written by LRH”
Yet, the prior set was touted to be fully on source, each issue being traced back to “the original handwritten LRH reference” (or in his own voice on lecture)
So. Much. Bullshit.
Miscavage seems to have done this for decades. Since he is the current leader he could edit some of the policies right? To make them fit to what he is doing.
It would be tricky as many Scientologists still see LRH as source and believe that his writings cannot be altered or destroyed. For Miscavige to come along and openly do this would require careful thinking and reasoning else he might have revolt on his hands.
I would love to agree with you, Alcoboy, but from my own experiences I can’t. Back in the day I was amazed at the off-policy and out-tech that was totally accepted by the long term Class V org of my little org.
I showed them references by LRH widely with what they were doing. I showed them references of Hubbard’s that were in direct opposition to what they were doing. With careful politeness I showed them references in which LRH literally begs staff NOT to do what they were doing.. Nothing I showed them of LRH made any impact on any of them and let me reiterate that these were not untrained robokids, they were first generation, highly trained, long term staff.
No matter. I was told that my disagreements stemmed from MUs, crashing MUs, overts, witholds and eventually( it was strongly implied) evil purposes
Evil purposes! Moi! I wasn’t even reading the internet yet!
. I submitted to their handlings, word clearings, O/W write ups, etc. but inside I knew that they were crazily and stubbornly not confronting Hubbard’s written words which were countermanding everything they were doing, and that the problem was THEIR misunderstood words, overts and witholds, not mine.
It blew my mind. It shocked me so much that I completely shut up about it and made no fuss whatsoever about it. I pretended agreement; I outwardly cooperated without protest about their recommended handlings so that they would not know how shocked I was, how unexpected and out of character and shocking to me their denial of LRH’s policy was, and how deeply in doubt I had become about all of them.
I agree with what you’re saying as far as staff and Sea Org but in my experience public were completely different. When it comes to public I don’t think you can make major alterations to LRH writings without having total revolt.
Well, I was a public, and I certainly revolted.
These squirrel antics will drive away even more people. Not all people in scn are completely brainwashed sheep, but they pay attention to what hubbard says word by word and by now they know full well that DM is messing up big time.
This is his scn 2.0 version (but it crashes continously since 1996).
Even all these FEBC teams don’t serve to revive the orgs (in what way???), in my opinion, they are like trojan horses to initiate yet another phase that further deviates from the original policies.
Miscavige has squirreled with impunity for decades. The idea he is restricted by Hubbard’s dictates is demonstrably untrue. He could ignore or delete any number of policies such as disconnection and fair game. He chooses not to.
He chooses not to.
Bravo. It’s always the choices one makes and how those’re used that tells us how much crap one has inside. Never what they say.
And here, it seems like even the barrel itself is made of crap.