Several reports have come in from the LA area of people being called into orgs to be interviewed for a “Dead Agent” pack about COB.
They are being asked to answer up to such questions as:
How long have you been in scientology
What were the orgs like when you got in
What are the orgs like now
How has the leadership of the church been
Have you met David Miscavige?
How was the experience?
As one of the people who was called in explained: “Who would be stupid enough to answer these questions honestly and tell the story about how when he came through the org he ripped everyone to pieces and the execs ended up on the RPF?”
This is perhaps an indicator of what the first product will be out of SuMP.
A “testimonial video” of people explaining how wonderful “COB” is.
Of course, the survey has a dual purpose. If anyone IS stupid enough to answer honestly, they will have isolated a “disaffected.”
Otherwise they will have all the statements noted down and culled to then call people in for an interview on camera so they can repeat what they said in the survey.
What a video this is going to be.
I bet there is not a single reference to the NUMBER of people in the magnificent ideal orgs or the number of people doing the astonishingly on-Source courses or how many people have blown from the amazingly wonderful Golden Age auditing. It will be a brown-nosing extravaganza to “prove” how David Miscavige is one of the most beloved men on earth – right up there with Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
Tells you how worried he is about his father’s book coming out.
Most staff and many scientologists were so poor, living in poverty, etc. Treated poorly, always working. Even worse, the church has no regard for past upstats — one minute you are a superstar and the next you are in treason. No loyalty. Plus, a total lack of results. When the chips are down, and you are at your lowest, you can count on them abandoning you to protect their own interests. They are too concerned with their own PR and preventing ‘flaps.’
They operate from a position of fear, and secrecy.
Thank you so very much, Mr. Lipsky.
A single post has rarely moved me so much,
as your every word here reflects a certain unspoken truth I harbored for so long
– un-endurable times, by mortal standards… There was a time, that believing I was immortal was as fun as fun could be. Such bliss is such delusion, which, when discovered brings peace.
they did use me and discard me, the most dedicated man, just… out.
It reinforces what I now know to be true, which is that basically nothing, nothing that wasn’t already there inside me to begin with… nothing they offered was real. How do I know? Because I am out and, I could not be happier for saying it. Watching the church burn and go down gives me both re-assurance and, more importantly, me the pleasure of our meeting. Again, my gratitude.
Mr Lipsky and blue moon, you speak for me as well. 🙂
David Miscavige:
The transcendent master of PR, Third Planet from the Sun.
Oh, boy, oh boy! Yes, I’m tuning in to 20/20.
Why wait for the book… when you can eat it up now.
This is better than Cherry Garcia ice cream.
Didn’t ABC used to be the guys afraid to talk Scientology?
Thanks again, Leah Remini, Lisa Marie Presley, everybody.
Love you all, nearly as much as my girlfriends!
Miscavige sold Scientology down the river in the early 1980s. He and the people that have supported him over the last 30+ years in his activities have changed the ethos of Scientology into one of a snarling, nasty, bitchy abomination, greedy for money with no or diminishing exchange of service. He and his supporters are in treason to the subject and have effectively destroyed it, emptying out Orgs worldwide, covertly destroying training and processing as well as decent well meaning staff and public, ripping off parishioners for “donations” which covertly deflects them from whatever remaining Bridge exists (and providing him with a false “G.I” statistic) and generally throwing all and any available spanners into the Scientology “works” – Ethics, Tech and Admin. In fact the destruction caused is so unbelievable, both overt and covert, that the phrase “you couldn’t make it up” would be a massive understatement. One doesn’t need to conjure up images of CIA or government infiltration or other conspiracy theories against Scientology as a subject to explain such effects caused by him and his gang of fawning followers, as what they have done far surpasses anything that such agencies could have undertaken. Whether or not the subject can be recovered is a matter for future generations.
HCOB 2 August 1969R “LX” Lists states “Perverts, suppressives and critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities are always out of valence” is indeed a revealing piece of information that explains to a great degree what has occurred and the mindset that has accomplished this destruction. Interestingly enough the subject still somehow survives despite it, but which is of course aided by the fact that the person attempting to do so cannot complete a cycle of action, fortunately.
The activities of this cabal are plainly revealed with a study of OEC Volume 1 sections on detecting Suppressive Persons and which of course many staff and public eventually get around to reading and then putting 2 and 2 together, and end up disconnecting themselves from this gang. This is probably the only useful application of the disconnection theory. He cannot yet totally destroy all of these references and signposts to his activities but he is even trying to do that (of course) with his revision of the OEC Volumes and Tech Volumes, which apparently have been withdrawn from Orgs pending this “revision”. As they say – “you couldn’t make it up”!
Well , thank you.
I feel better.
I would say the ethos originally put forth by LRH was all sugar-coated poppycock since day ONE, not that it matters now…
Ron originally had a fascination with hypnotizm. That, plus his obsession for telling mezmorizing stories in front of as many persons as possible eventually morphed into his religion for sale. Make no mistake, it was always about controlling people, not enlightening them. Heaven forbid, said he, do not interrupt the cash flow!
And I would simply reply that the ethos of your comment is all sugar-coated poppycock, and also not that it matters.
Yes Fooled, most Ron Bots would agree with you.
no, all of them would, to be accurate.
no foolin
I would never discourage courage, nor hope to defame the strength of mind required to question beliefs outside the realm of experience.
Critical thought is our most potent tool, lest we all be fools.
I know you are not asking for advice, but for all those
accepting enough to allow me to speak, if I may:
Cashing out all your chips at once would not be recommended,
-when the acceptance or rejection of ethos are choices still on the wagering line.
Advice would be to encourage people to search,
for what is true and what is trickery.
Avoid invalidation, especially when some one might have the courage to question something so personal and pertinent as personal belief. Public, personally oriented compromise would be a violation of grade-school policy, as it is a danger to yourself to do so, a violation to yourself because your word then becomes less valid. The wiser man can accept a belief other than his own as being that other person’s valid creed, and still not compromise his own. For all such persons, interaction between would surely lead to mutually shared knowledge, and the identification of points and markers where two belief-systems collide, revealing mutual knowledge again.To quote another here, decompress slowly, I like that advice, respect it, and I am surely glad for each and every one that is out. Thanks, this essay was good for me. Back to the show, shall we?
My summary of L. Ron Hubbard as a person before he invented Scientology is fully supported by the writings found in the publication: The Bare-Faced Messiah,
a book I’m most pleased to own.
Have to recommend this book as “most excellent” reference material in that one can rather easily derive a synopsis of the entire arc of the complicated scientology story by this, focusing on the life of the man himself, and how he ended up.
I do believe the new leader is destined for a very similar end, only this time his church goes with him,
– tom bien.
Maybe we should make our own video. Make the content short and sweet. Under 45 secs for each cut. Submit something taken with cell phone, web cam, whatever. ‘WHY I LEFT SCIENTOLOGY” I’m sure we have enough talent in house to edit it and throw some music tracks behind it. Name, length of time in, post, training/processing level, (optional) and why you left and maybe why you’d never go back. The submissions (when collected) could be quite substantial. I think it would be great. These are just ideas.
That’s a great idea.
Hi Doug Parent, I think your ideas are great.Now for us camera-shy types…smile.xo Ann.
Love it. Can go right up there with, “Shit Scientologists Say.”
Also, besides an emphasis on the abusive nature of disconnection and how it’s used to control people, I think a simple message like, “Just say ‘No’ to David Miscavige” would start to impinge on the few remaining Bubble Dwellers.
Great idea! I would just ask the same questions the Scibots asked.
Readers of this blog are by now well aware of David Miscavige’s aim to replace L. Ron Hubbard as the divining fount of Scientology liturgy. Unfortunately for Mr. Miscavige, his limited intellect has poorly served his limitless ambition. His carefully executed master plan to establish himself as Source has mostly inspired his church’s ever-shrinking membership to leave in ever-increasing droves.
What can Miscavige do now? He’s out of semicolons and people can run around a pole only so many times. His ruse to make people do the Bridge over and over has run out of steam. He appears to be waving the non-existent OT 9 and 10 levels as a carrot to his desperate followers. If he were actually so foolish and bold as to release those levels, I personally would be very excited to see what they contained. David Miscavige is no L. Ron Hubbard, obviously. Since Miscavige is incapable of speaking coherently without someone writing it down for him, I can’t imagine he would attempt to write the Levels himself. More likely he would have the last few remaining people intelligent enough – if there are any – to wrangle some sense out of Hubbard’s unpublished notes and C/S instructions, and somehow cobble together something that sounded Hubbardy enough to fool the remaining true believers.
Given the hurricane descending upon his house of cards, however, he had better get moving quick if he is to have any chance at all to keep dazzling those last, few eyes.
Hi Ifinitely More Trouble, Your post made my early morning.Thank you for articulating the present situation with the cult.When I read your comments, I totally see how warped dm is as he dances to his own compete destruction of whatever Ron may have left that might,and I use that with a big M, might have been useful to help people.As NOLAGirl put it so well” a Hurricane of Entheta ” could not happen to a more powerful Big Being than dm.I do like your posts alot.Always,Ann.
Re IX and X, I think david miscavige will rummage something up from some old-and-not-used-any-more OT Level. So what if some old-timer cries Bullshit.
Infinitely, it wouldn’t take many IQ points to replicate Hubbard’s rambling writing style and to “invent” useless processes for an “OT” level. Given that scientologists set the bar for effectiveness of previous OT levels lower than zero gives many the opportunity to join in the fun.
Oh sure,hundreds of staff and public claiming
Ideal Orgs have huge supplies of fancy Toilet paper.
Hey Dave we know where ALL OF THE BODIES
are buried so there is no Hitler bunker deep enough
for you to hide in.
What is SuMP? What does it stand for?
It’s Mike’s abbreviation for Scientology Media Productions, the about-to-open “international media center” of Scientology, built in Los Angeles over the barely-twitching corpse of KCET television studios.
Right up there with Gandhi and Martin Luther King? The thought of it makes me think of throwing up. The truth is more like down there in the gutter with Joseph Gobbles or Joseph Stalin. As a former Vietnam War Resistor any comparison Of Miscavige thith Gandhi is just revolting.
right up there with Charles Manson who read and did
Dianetic’s. A MK 5 Hubbard E Meter was found at the Span Ranch,
Manson Family hide out.
Mansons PC folder is at CC Int.
What was my org like when I was first there? I was there a long time and it had its ups and downs. But when I left to be promoted to join the SO it was growing, stats trending up (PDCs, GI, Course Comps….yeah…COURSE COMPS) and staff got paid more than what I ever got in the SO.
What does that org look like now? From what I heard from an old friend, day and foundation orgs are a blur, there are three people on staff now, and the ED is….wait for it…..a guy who, when I was still there, had a fight with his pc during session and almost threw the pc through a third-story picture window. Too similar to another person we all know to even be believed.
Hi gato rojo, I love your post and yes, the auditor who had a fight with his pc during session and almost threw the pc out the window.I can relate! In fall of 77 I was called by GO/I while on QM at Big Blue,to go to a course room upstairs at Blue and break up a fight between two Class 8s who for some reason got into a C/Sing fight and were literally punching each other and rolling on the floor.Two males and I am little.So the only thing I thought to do was throw a mop bucket of water at them.They were so shocked they just stopped dead and stared at me.I explained GO/I had called me and wanted a report on what transpired and they better quit all the ruckus or I would KSW them.Yup back in the day when I was starving and beat down,I would fight for myself because I knew very very few others could or would at that time.Yes too too similar to two people we all believed.xo,Ann.
Hubbard was willing to toss the dice
wagering souls
hearts and minds on the hot Pass line,
in fact his favourite pastime.
If he lost the bet, no matter…
Throw them in the gutter, should they not come clean in the brig.
“I will have their money”, says he.
Yet I had what they were ever worth
– always was in me,
anyways and look already
for they will never never catch me.
-b moon
Doesn’t it follow, that a corrupt church would first be created by a true charlatan,
then be taken over by a greedy, remorseless deceiver, who’s greatest skill is remaining silent?
Ruthless is a good word, indeed.
Hi blue moon, Beautiful post.The poem is a keeper for me.Ruthless really does encompass so much.So much of both Ron & dm.xxoo,Ann.
Thanks Ann,
lets keep sounding the siren,
after all,
they still target the young and the vulnerable.
A great poem, blue moon. The truth said in a virtual nutshell.
How long have you been in scientology?
In? Or Out? Why must it always be this way? These questions themselves infer surrender or escape. I was never in or out. Just fluid for fourteen brief years.
What were the orgs like when you got in?
I didn’t “GO IN”, what is up with the IN and OUT routes. I am neither a sperma that found it’s way into an egg, neither an embryo that grew well enough and escaped from womb. This is what happens when you bring teen agers and barley more, in to run the show. What do they relate everything to? Their recent birth. What are the skills? Going in and going out. Dave could get together a vocabulary course.
When I was first introduced, the Org was in a welfare hotel. Nobody there really had two nickels to rub together. The staff lived in another welfare hotel around the corner. the mest was musty and tacky. Auditing rooms were closets or cubicles built from whatever people could put together. The emeters were funky little black boxes that were very elementary. Yet, somehow they worked to date locate! Now similar instruments are being used to assess fat/muscle values! Measuring devices. And these were viewed then as simple measuring devices. The check sheets and course packs were basically stapled together. The furniture was old. The tables well used. The chairs rickety thrift shop or sidewalk salvage. The place looked old, smelled musty, and everything was well used including the people in the place.
The people, were what I would describe as hippies. But most of them had been to college or through college. Most of them were from upper middle class homes bucking the status quo. Most of them had experienced a fair amount of drug intercourse. They were well mannered people and intelligent, curious. Even if poor. Most of the folk were in age from early 20’s to 70’s. In a time where youth dominated, age was not issue in that building. Good for me, I was only two weeks past 16 years old when I signed up for HQS and I was nowhere near being a hippie. I did not fit in anywhere and I did not like them at all at first. It wasn’t about the mest or people that were broke. It was their “laid back” attitude and the fact that they seemed preoccupied with the invisible. I thought they were all half asleep and tripping. My motto then was, “if you can’t see it, it isn’t a problem”.
The course rooms were packed, over 300 on the Dianetics course I recall. 22 on basic courses. I only remember because of the chair shortages. There was no roll call. There were sign in sheets . No police. Your attendance was not “mandatory” because you paid for a self help course where you by guided by a check sheet, not a lecture. . And you were not put under investigation if you did not show up to use YOUR credits.
It was called an Org, just like in this survey. Makes me think an old timer vocabulary defiant person wrote it. But anyway, nobody had the idea they were in a Church or part of a religion. They thought they were “cafe society”. “Intellectuals”. “Philosophers”. I was the only “salvage” case. I was the only one there “being saved”, but they did not tell me and I did not know it. Even though I was rude, belligerent, off schedule, refused to do things on the check sheet, fell asleep on the tables for lengthy naps, traveled in and out of the course room to smoke, pushed anyone who accidentally bumped into me, and cursed like a sailor, nobody ever made me wrong. They did encourage me to arrive for course only sober, straight, and willing.
There was no security even though we were in a welfare hotel filled with nefarious characters and not the best neighborhood. Back then nobody had it out for Scientologists, maybe one journalist. I didn’t even know about that. But everyone in the neighborhood were just curious about Scientologists. They did have an awareness of P.R. on some level. I was asked not to get into scuffles in the neighborhood as people would see me as connected to the org. But there was an open door policy, it was not a closed community. People’s friends, families and co workers could hang in reception waiting for them. Look around and talk to people. Oddly, a fair amount of non Scientology people could be seen floating in the Org after course and on week ends.
There were no celebrities. I went all through HQS and did not have a clue what Hubbard looked like. I thought he was a hippie too. Everyone more advanced was co auditing, that was the highest rank or celebrity, people co auditing. They were afforded a bit more respect but they certainly were not celebrities.
People were happy, content, curious. It was a safe space. Everyone was friends. I’ll admit it, I came to think of a few of them as “cool”.
What are the orgs like now
There are no more Orgs. Someone made them vanish! Missions too! there have not been Orgs since 1993. Did the person writing this just get out of the hole?
There are Churches. But that is something different. They have better looking desks. Empty chairs. Videos for the fearfully curious, to listen to as the first “meet and greet”.More security than an embassy in many places. The people working in them looked abused or militant and combative at best. Most do not have a high school education. Most have never read a book by L. Ron Hubbard, cover to cover. They are all soldiers under a commander. If they step out of line, they get whacked military style. They are not allowed to be connected beyond the front door, so they are not in any position to bring in anyone new. Little castles with toy soldiers awaiting their command. The tales os abuse and misery generated upon fellow man who braces them selves to explore the inside, are abound on the Internet. The Church has become a menacing particle in society. It’s members are on crusades and bypassing the DEA. The books are packaged well but nobody reads them or buys them. All other religions have their own culture, so they do not trespass.
How has the leadership of the church been
Like a cancer.
Have you met David Miscavige?
How was the experience?
He was rude, arrogant, dismissive, or evasive. He came off like a bully. He was very unattractive to me. I could not help but notice on one occasion the ten pounds of medals on his chest must have been awarded to him by himself. He did not have those at 21 years old when he took over the Church. I had the sense that I was looking at a picture of an ex ray. Bones and gray. When he was not stomping about like a spectacle, he was oddly lurking at people from the shadows cast by his entourage. He seemed brimming with pain, attitude, emotion and sensation. He felt like a snake in garden. On Inspections, He slithered, then struck. Slithered then struck. People did not like him I noticed. They just feared him. He had the aura of a menacing particle. And there was something reptilian about his muscle face the way the skin stretched tight over the muscles flexing in his face. He seethed, “enemy condition”.
I made a mental note. “if I am ever stranded on a deserted island with this little mfkr, my first priority to survive, will be having to take him out.”
Great one! Thanks O.
Wow… quite well composed and is pretty much the way I see things too.
Yep, Very good. Great summary.
One of the best written comments I’ve ever read. Well done!
One of the best descriptions I’ve read, The Oracle.
Surely this will cause more cognitive dissonance amongst believers…
Surely also the happy clappy responses will be:
How long have you been in scientology
Greater than 8 years ago, before you know that video and Anonymous.
What were the orgs like when you got in
We occasionally had toilet roll.
What are the orgs like now
Totally ideal, pronounced idle.
How has the leadership of the church been
Totalitarian and that is awesome because I want my thoughts and movements carefully controlled.
Have you met David Miscavige?
Assume yes.
How was the experience?
He is such a big being it is difficult to put into words how big he is.
Will they excerpt the Tom Cruise Freedom Medal of Valor video where Cruise says Miscavige is the kindest, the most compassionate, “The leader of leaders, and I’ve met them all.”
That would be a hoot.
Cruise spoke his truth…but his only experience was with someone who only valued him for his public reputation. Cruise could make scio look more legitimate, that was his motivation. And Cruise’s public acceptance was something he hoped rubbed off on scio and, especially, David M! He no more actually cares for Cruise than he does his father, his niece and, especially, his wife! Evil? Nah. He’s just what we used to call a Sad Sack who stole his money and position from others. If he didn’t scream, yell, hit, denigrate others, no one would give him the time of day.
A profound look. – thegman77.
I totally believe, contrary to popular perception amongst we outs, that Tom Cruise will rue the day he said that.
I wonder if anyone has any numbers of the number of total number of people whop attested to Clear and OT3 and how many of them are either Declared SP, PTS or have blown? I think these numbers will speak for themselves how COB has run things and how much LRH OT tech doesn’t work!
Brian Sheen, this is Brian Lambert. You were my course sup at the Geltman mission. We both went to Incredible Stringband concert in Manhattan together.
Blessings to you and may you and your daughter’s relation be unconditionally healed.
Where are you based? I’m in LA.
Is it true a father knows his son best? Let’s see when the book starts selling how well people really know David Miscavige. Oh and by the way, the two of you were at Helen Geltman’s mission on West End Avenue? What a coincidence. Do either of you recall what happened to Jane Zavatsky and her 2D Mark Giacose? Did Jane go to Miami Org like she was planning? I know that Helen Geltman died a while ago. 🙂
Helen was raped clean. I loved Helen.
She was one of the original NOT’s pre-OT’s that went to Flag. The first New OT V’s. Helen was always “Yes, dear.” “Thank you dear”. “Oh that is so exciting to hear sweetheart”. She was always like that. She was well liked and loved. 🙂
Hey Lawrence, I did not know these peeps. I left NY in 76 to sunny LA. I heard from Oracle that she was destroyed during the Great Mission Genocide by Davey and his thugs.
Jane and Mark did not enter the picture at the mission until a little after you left for LA. Jane kept originating that she wanted to be a staff member at Miami Org Day. It was one of her postulates. It made me feel like saying to her “Then go put on a bikini and hitchhike there lady?” Helen without a doubt would have been able to put it a little more gracefully. 🙂
Brian Sheen, what makes you connect whether some one is now out to whether OT phenomena exists? Many of us got what we came for, then left when the organization became a nasty circus. Do you think we didn’t take what we’d gotten with us?
If OT phenomena exists, why has it never been demonstrated or proven?
I understand it’s not to be treated like a ‘party trick’, but if you are going to make claims (not beliefs) then in order to be taken seriously, you must be prepared to prove them.
It’s one thing to say ‘I believe in something’ and quite another to say ‘pay us money and you will have special abilities’
LRH made a lot of claims. He never backed them up.
I saw Mike Silverman (AOLA reg) demonstrate OT powers many times. Both to me personally, and to audiences. It should be noted he had those powers BEFORE he did the OT levels. Back in 1970-1972 I saw OT6s and full OT7s that had a shadow rectangle in front of their eyes. I could spot them across the room. One time, while being harassed and threatened by Ethics, I noted someone sitting in a corner of the (poorly-lit) room who had a yellow glow around his head and shoulders.
When the FEBC, L-12 graduates returned to the Org, the poop hit the fan big time, and all those OTs had left within 1 year. The cause of this was LRH’s biggest tech failure, GPM running. In 1967 at Saint Hill many people went completely cuckoo running them, and LRH stopped any use of GPM tech until 1971-2, when it came back as L-12. This is what destroyed Scientology.
Alan C. Walters (and independently, Enid Vien) developed versions of L-12 that had PCs choose their own identities (items), rather than those from the L-12 identities list. Very effective.
The energies contained within the GPM (goals problems mass) are huge, and balanced one side against the other in most beings. When one side is run, and the other side is not, the not-run, or improperly-run, side takes over the being. The result is insanity. L-12 does not cure insanity, it creates it. Walters was vilified as a squirrel, denying the most important tech advance EVER to Orgs, Many other tech advances were suppressed also, under the rubric of “Standard Tech”, to maintain Hubbard’s control.
The only hope to stop the dramatizations is a “Repair of L-12 Rundown” that would find and run the opposite identities that were not run during L-12.
A little late for that now
I knew Mike S. He was an amateur magician before joining staff. Nothing “OT” about his tricks. My H.S. buddy used to do the same tricks and made extra cash doing kids birthday parties. There has NEVER been any scientifically documented use of “OT” powers by ANY scn’er. EVER. The reason for that is because they never existed.
Chee Chalker – touche. Someone, I believe it was on Tony’s blog yesterday, mentioned that in spite of the trillions of papers written, recorded and stashed, there were none at all about his so called research. Nothing at all.
He may have referred to a discovery but it was usually a result of an “experiment” on ONE person and it became research.
Oh, how we were lured by the OT levels, probably the biggest hoax of all – by our L Con Man.
…written, recorded and stashed by L Con…
Well thegman77 ODDLY ENOUGH I’ve know many people who left after they found out that the promises of OT were completely false and that the lie was sold for thousands of $.
The better question is why YOU wouldn’t guess that such a logical connection WOULD exist. Hmm…
Sorry I haven’t checked in for such a long time – but in case anyone was wondering, all is well in Crawley – just busy.
On the post topic – isn’t a DA pack supposed to be to “dead agent” really really awful, suppressive people – like Mike Rinder!? On that basis the pack would make for tremendous fun reading. “You probably know that COB is busy emptying all the Orgs. The big pharma / psych conspiracy line is that he is a sociopathic fruitcase who beats and threatens his way through life. Ha! The idiots don’t understand what genius they are dealing with. With empty Orgs the true Decision Makers will waft through the doors into the clear beautiful space, uncluttered by all the DBs and downstats you used to see in Orgs, and Scientology will take over!”
On the questions themselves, I only met Miscavige twice. The first time he asked for a glass of scotch (Not making that up – it was at a party in MCI at Int Base). The first thing he said after that was “You don’t know what you’re doing, do you”. The second time he gave a long rambling pep talk about how I should be selling the SHSBC for a living as I was in sales at the time. Last time I checked the BC courseroom at St Hill, the HOME of the Briefing Course, was closed for business. Saint Hill does have an Ideal Car Park though. Rather pretty as car parks go. Maybe should have sold parking places.
Hi Martin Padfield, I am very glad to see your post.Amazing post and yes somewhere in my ancient brain ” dead agent pack ” appeared and I also thought it was used on bad SPs who would not mind the minders.Mike Rinder being one of themost powerful.And dm well I am speechless!Hie brazenness knows no bounds..Always,Ann.
Hi Martin! Were you bartending an event or on staff? When he said ‘you don’t know what you are doing’ was that in reference to the scotch? Was he unhappy with the way you poured?
What an obnoxious, arrogant man. It’s too bad you couldn’t say ‘I’ll pour you a scotch, but you need to be able to get the bottle off the top shelf first’
I would suspect that paranoia is central to David Miscavige’s worldview. This is common to dictator mentalities. The problem is, even an organization like the CO$ requires competent managers and the more competent the greater the threat you are to the Evil Dwarf at the top.
How long have you been in Scientology?
What were the orgs like when you got in?
What are the orgs now?
How has the leadership of the church been?
Have you met David Miscavige?
How was the experience?
I have no fucking clue as I got out in ’82. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…
How was the Saturday gig?
We PACKED the place! Our first set was 90 minutes long. Normally it’s 40 minutes, but, we had the house rockin’ so we kept going! One of our best shows!
Thanks for asking, TFB!
Without a visit to the HGB stats CIC board and a deep look into the INCOMM stats for the 25-30 year trends, then all that the “public” can tell about is the spiffyness of the renovated orgs.
Stats volume, even stats that LRH when he was head micormanager of his whole domain that LRH created and thus knew inside out and backwards compared to Miscavige’s takeover severely dumbed down limited managing, the stats would tell how dismal things have descended to.
But, really, in the end of the day, if NO Scientology orgs/missions are making “OT” people, and they aren’t either, then the bigger problem of Scientology as a subject gets deflected from arguing about how Miscavige is ruining a subject that never produced “OT” supersouled people to begin with!
What LRH’s skills were, were in disfusive obscuring, time delaying and deflection OFF of the final goodies achievement story, whether his whole Sea Org and hierarchies were even in their heyday producing “OT” supersouled people!
I don’t think in Scientology’s history, there were ever any “OT” people who could factually do factual supernatural out of the body at will activity, no real genuine telekinesis or telepathy.
Some tiny minor coincidences of nature are all that ever happened, and this is par for human history, since no other group or subject has made “OT” supersouled people, ever.
Earth’s never had “OT” supersouled people, and Scientology even under LRH never made any either, and today official Scientology has produced a class of whale followers who seem to adequately keep the bills paid, when those whales are called upon to bail out the orgs that can’t pay their bills.
The orgs are spiffy poshed up.
But the bigger picture is the reality that LRH admitted to Sarge Steven Pfauth in the final months of LRH’s own life, when he admitted to Sarge that he’d failed at “it all.” LRH admitted failing at all of it, the whole thing.
Too bad Scientologists can’t bring themselves to read Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear….” final Epilogue Chapter at least, or to watch the HBO “Going Clear…” DVD and see the Sarge interview and hear it straight from Sarge.
Hi chuckbeatty77, Your posts are always good for my mind.How I wish all still in would at least do as you posted.But alas that would involve looking and draining the cos- Aid totally out.It is really scary to think of doing when in, but I realized long ago my body,mind and soul were not worth the wringer that cos was morphing into.So l closed my eyes and left the SO land and sea of Ron.I can’t see dm treating anyone right except himself.And thank god I never met him personally.xxoo Ann.
Great book, Going Clear; and great post, Mike Beatty.
” … if NO Scientology orgs/missions are making “OT” people, and they aren’t either, then the bigger problem of Scientology as a subject gets deflected from arguing about how Miscavige is ruining a subject that never produced “OT” supersouled people to begin with!” – a profound statement indeed.
Dead Agent pack: A copy of “Ruthless” and internet exposure of anyone speaking favorably about Dave.
The guy is totally gone. It reminds me of when a few months back, I think it was Leah being interviewed and this thick binder of testimonials arrived to the station from his slaves in the Sea Org. TOTALLY credible endorsements of His Midgetness, right!
Dave, we’re trying to help you out here. Stop being a total retard.
When every “testimonial” echoes the last, as the success stories all do these days), even those bending over backwards to give David Misxavige the benefit of the doubt have got to be wondering why.
Things don’t change much do they!!!!
Reminds me of the very same type of “Survey” done on the Int Base Crew about how they liked living on the base, what they liked about the “Scottish Motif” of the base, what benefits there was in living on/off the base etc..
Innocently conducted during a Saturday Reno’s so he could have the results tabulated in time for a complete life changing ass ripping that very same night at the weekly Base Staff Meeting.
So many peoples lives changed after that day it is one thing that I’ll never forget!
It is what also started off the next level of watching the base staff because he was so freaked out many people would blow the “QM Watch” system was instituted out at staff berthing.
Jesus, Applebox Boy is freaking out over what is coming up next week!!
— Jackson
Hey Dave… Yes that is my piss you taste in your cornflakes buddy!
Hey Mike, update on the Detroit Ideal Org here:
How long have you been in scientology.43 years.
What were the orgs like when you got in.
Fun,helpful,the staff cared about my goals.
What are the orgs like now.
A Jehovah’s witness is less dogmatic
North Korea has less people reporting on each other.
The state Nigerian oil company is more transparent financially.
A used car salesperson has better sales ethics.
A jihadist has a better sense of humor.
Amway has less hype.
The maffia is less vindictive.
Erdogan is more modest.
A stripbar has a better customer service orientation.
How has the leadership of the church been.
Straight down and vertical.About 1/47 of the auditors are being made. SFO,ASHO,STL,LA,CC,made more auditors in a week than now in a year.
Have you met David Miscavige?Maybe.
How was the experience?I could not see him.I only heard someone scream:Lou get that cxxksuxxing,mothexxuxer RPF’d now.I have to do everything around here.
most excellent post bartender I wanna buy that person a drink.
IRS on line 2 Your Midgetness.
ABC on line 3…putting them on hold, yessir.
Sir, Wikipedia wants to do the survey.
“Commodore, Sir, the Office of Special Affairs is awaiting with the lead investigators and legal teams; if you have any special instructions on how to handle Ron’s publishers. No, sir. He didn’t die. That’s right, sir…”
“And the Times, the Chronicle and The Post all want interviews… In fact, all the lines are lit up. They’re expecting your usual pre-release statements. The ABC rep is actually in the lobby. I do have the dead-agent packet, sir, if I should get…”[SLAM]
“That’s funny, he usually wants a statement out there before release. Hey, you don’t think we’re fired, do you? Geeze, I just got outta Rehabilitation Force yesterday!”
Lisa Marie Presley
can you believe it?
She is the one Dave pissed off that Dave really, really should have been more congenial with… but then he never was much of a family man, honestly.
Guess the Bible was right about something.
She’s the one that got out there and released the inside story of Ron Miscavige to the major media networks, (print, broadcast AND net organizations), so that Ron could release his book without repercussion. Brilliant, truly masterful strategist. For the whole story, see Tony Ortegas Blog. Or just wait for the book, RUTHLESS, by, Dad.
Preps for the Summer 2016 David Miscavige “It’s not me, it’s you.” tour…
ROTFLMAO! David Miscavige “It’s not me,it’s you” Tour. Now that’s some funny shit! Instant Classic! Well done, lagunascott!
I got a million of ’em!
LOL! Like that shoop with Miscavige in drag as Norma Desmond: “I’m still big. Its the orgs that got smaller.” OMG, priceless!
Aquamarine and lagunascott both for comments.of the day! Hilarious!
Thanks for the reporting Mike and to your insiders. The truth and more truth is out here. As more comes out with books and more stories on the blogs, more of those deluded souls escape and get on the road to recovery and the healing continues. I know they all joined because they wanted to help. More truth lets them get out and after recovery help. This planet has other problems to focus on and there is plenty to truly help with.
Good point Cece.I am one of those deluded souls.
The tough part is having to admit to yourself that all the hundreds of thousands you spent to get to ot8 l10,11,12 etc etc plus 30 years of your life was going in the wrong direction.Clear and OT do not exist.The only thing that does exist is the hope for OT.
I can tell you from personal experience that recovery takes many years.
I went in at the level of an average 18yo.Because you let Ron do all the thinking for you you get out as a 50 yo with only 18 years of your own life experience.And that experience was from a world over 30 years ago.To deprogram all the scientology data from a different time and place and devellop your own personality at 50 was tough as hell.
In other words getting rid of all the “Ronbot” stuff got me to the level of cleared cannibal.Then I had to go from cleared cannibal to functioning in today’s society.At 50.
If I had to do it over again I would have been like Mike’s brother mr penguin suit and made the less painful decision to stay in.It is tough to see for yourself.It is tough to see that you got it wrong.My advice:decompress slowly.
Well said X.S.. Thanks for sharing.
Mike, I think the ABC 20/20 show the evening before The Mother of All Birthdays might be an even bigger shitstorm for Capt. Miscavige. I think some of the interviews captured on camera by ABC will show how raw DM’s policy of ruining families makes things look. The backlash will not be pretty for him. Then the book four days later and then more media beginning with Seth Myers show on the day of release, interviews with Australian TV the next day and on and on. Things are about to get extremely visceral. Just my prediction.
We live in exciting times, scn-wise – can’t wait to see the fallout for the midget. Hopefully, there’s not much for Ron Miscavige and his entourage.
I would hope to never be put in a position to have to answer those questions.
All I had to do to shut a staff member up when he was spouting platitudes about “kindest most generous blah blah blah” was “I’ve met the man”.
That was all it took.
IMHO no one who has ever had any dealings with David Miscavige believes the lies the people in the bubble are forced to spout. I would bet that includes his bff Tom.
It would be interesting to see a video of people praising Miscavige. My bet is that the only ones who wouldn’t seem, ahem, shall we say overenthusiastic, in their “praise” are the ones who have never ever had any dealings with him. Even they, by the trickle down effect of over regging and re re re re doing the same courses may have to force their answers.
The survey questions direct the person’s attention to the condition of the orgs from ‘then’ to now, which material wise, are a great improvement. They then lead into leadership. Miscavige did all this with the publics money. Very self-serving and cynical.
Any chance Davey boy will be signing autographs to his dad’s book? He must be so proud that his dad will be a successful author and much sought after TV interviewee.
I’d buy a copy.
The old orgs were crappy looking but had a lot of happy people in them. The new orgs look good but only have a handful of miserable people in them.
Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!!! And we actually got good things out of our experiences. I wouldn’t trade my time in for anything. Made friends who are still friends and met my magnificent lady!
Imagination was Ron’s truth, in many areas of life. Not all but many. Belief in imagination as as the truth became the Scientolgist’s religion. Imagination, in Scientology, became synonymous with science and rigorous research.
Believing in needle reactions as always knowing the content of the mind is in fact the threshold to associating the imagination with truth.
Once imagination is lock in stone with truth, via Ron’s fallacious scientism, the threshold to madness has been crossed.
How many times in auditing have we agreed that something, some implant, some evil track monster, blowing up planets, doll bodies were in fact the reason for our suffering.
When imagination becomes the truth, when reason and criticism is destroyed under threat of abuse and punishment; that is recipe for a crazy person. Especially if that person has dysfunctional issues to begin with.
David Miscavige is ensnared in an ideology that considers hate above grief on the tone scale.
For the greatest good, true believers discard truth as a convenient way of promoting salvation; the greater good as defined by that teacher.
The key to freeing oneself from this web of falsehoods, we have agreed to, is to overcome the fear of having a critical thought.
But first you have to trouble shoot and find those times you agreed to something that goes against your own intellectual freedom.
My first suggestion is to revisit this one doctrine from Ron:
(Paraphrased) “any time we’ve investigated those critical of Scientology we fine crimes”
Once this irrational, paranoid and insane piece of ideological rubbish has been dismembered with your powerful capacity to reason and differenciate, you will have started on the road to resurrect your ability to free yourself from the lies that you were taught from Ron.
L Ron Hubbard associated in cement, by the absolutist statement that all critics are criminals, your imagination with truth.
If it is illegal to look, if it is suppressive to see, if you are afraid of allowing yourself to know what you know; then you have allowed your free mind to become enslaved.
Start with “all critics are criminals.” This statement is insane. Yet many Scientologist’s agree with it, because Ron said so.
After thinking this one through and having realizations (cognitions), move on to the next.
But first you must remove Ron from the well marketed pedestal.
Ron WAS just human. Take him at his word. Be courageous. Believe in you own personal power. That power you thought would be helped and supported by Scientology, but instead was assaulted by make believe.
Dismantle this bullshit with reason. Maybe families and loved ones will be brought back together.
David Miscavige is an ignorant dangerous child, who is impacted by Ron’s imagination.
Word clearing Bolivar by a sociopath is what we have in David Miscavige.
If David Miscavige was a student of Mother Theresa, we would have a very different David Miscavige.
But David Miscavige is a disciple of Hubbard. The man who crimalized criticism.
Think about it!
To those who think I am somehow cutting David Miscavige some slack and denying his burden of responsibility for his abuse and behavior; I am not.
I am simply looking at the envir-RON-ment in which the mind of David Miscavige got its information and content; seeing causal relations with his character and behavior.
Teachers teach and students learn. David Miscavige is a disciple. You may not think he is because you are a benevolent person and would never act the way he does.
I would suggest that you would also not ever act the way Ron did.
One more clarification:
Of course there are times when needle reactions are reacting to directly perceived realities; things that are the truth. Then spiritual relief and increased understanding takes place.
But seeing the real, accurate truth by needle reactions, and having real neutralization of personal suffering though auditing, grants a false credibility to imagination as well, once infallibility has been granted to Ron and the “tech”.
The reasoning goes like this:
I handled my problems with my mom with the grades. Our relationship is better than ever. Thanks Ron for helping me see the truth.
This real and benevolent experience then gives credibility to OT3, doll bodies and other craziness.
If Ron’s tech helped me with problem A (consciously known information) then Ron’s tech will help me with problem B (space opera and other falsehoods).
Then the Scientologist cannot differenciate between the two.
Bye bye sanity.
“…by seeing real and accurate truth by needle reactions…”
spot on. That’s what faith will get you: the belief that imagination is real,
gets maybe even the idea that Dianetics is based on science, and that the e-meter does not exist for the sole purpose of validating that imagination.
Allow us to shut the door on this whole thing, and perhaps take tea with a good friend (better therapy than scn ever offered.)
Or, give me a good book on social science, please.
Mom would be happy, to see Ron’s book coming out. That gives me almost all the knowledge I need, really… lessons being learned. Looks like we got thru 1984 after all. Moving forward.
It’s ok, Dave. You can go back to bed. Let nature take it’s course.
Hear hear!
Great posts, Brian.
Scams like $cientology are all built on getting lots of new meat in the door. So many run away at each step on the ladder to the bridge to the front porch of infinity that it takes a lot of new meat to get anyone to each new ‘level’ of ‘learning’.
Those who can’t worship the wit and wisdom of Lron, as espoused by his chosen disciple, David Miscavage are PTS or SPs and must be banished from the ranks of humanity.
Inclusion by exclusion is one of the main tenets of Scamatology. And FU if you don’t bend a knee to Miscavage.
Nice bunch of words there Brian.
Yes, indeed the tech of “handling the past” became mainstream and sure introverts if that’s all you think about or blame others for. The literalness of following Hubbard (or if you’re really loony Miscavige) word for word and never varying your own view of it is madness alright. I like your analogy of imagination as key. Imagination is essential to life and can be lots of fun but needs to be handled with caution at times. It can run amok with sensibilities and reason for the ‘not quite bright,’ or simply freak you out sometimes too. It’s a tool of unbridled complications if not handled sensibly, especially when applied to religion.
A true believer in Corporate Scientology will never experience the fun of living, they’re far too busy being introverted or just too scared to notice there’s a future without Miscavige or Hubbard showing them what to do and think. Their own truth is always just around the corner but they are constantly ordered to look the other way and when that runs on auto… well… they’re the ones who hand over all their money or time to Miscavige’s enterprises. The lawyers behind the scenes just love them to bits!
A very thoughtful post, Brian. Thank you.
Imagination as the truth became the Scientologists religion.
Brilliance, to illuminate the true dangers of faith and the practice of belief in the absence of critical thought.
Excellent post, Brian. Check out Christopher Hitchen´s book on Mother Theresa:
Yes I know there are criticisms about her. Please feel free to pick someone else then.
Saint Francis, Martin Luther King, Gandhi etc as an example of learning decency instead of abuse and criminality.
great stuff.
Hubbard said he was first and foremost a writer. One of the literary devices for being a writer is to use the imagination.
“Imagination: Coleridge calls it “the shaping and modifying power” which enables a new reality to come into being. Shakespeare writes, “As imagination bodies forth / The forms of things unknown, the poets’ pen / Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing / A local habitation and a name.” Consider imagination in relation to Elizabeth in Zeely, Lucy in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Jonas in The Giver, among other of our texts.”
Karma has her forces building on the horizon once again for all things Scientology. You can polish your turd all you want Davy but the next avalanche of honesty and truth gets published real soon, and by your own father no less. No amount of Scientology gestapo tactics can hide this one.
Ain’t it grand!
I went out with Karma once. But, Karma was a bitch.
Geezers, sometimes I think I married the bitch!
“Nothing kills a skunk like the publicity it gives itself” – Abraham Lincoln
And you David Miscavige are the worst-smelling and most evil skunk in the land. No amount of fake perfume from a forced testimonial video will overcome that. SMP will not save you either; if people watch it they will Google $cientology, thereby spreading news of the evils acts of the criminal cult of $cientology.
But please do continue your policy of “the beatings will continue until morale improves” as you are driving people away from $cientology. Under your leadership $cientology has declined by 80+% to having less that 20K active members, and more are leaving every day.
$cientology is already dead in terms of membership. Miscavige has to buy real estate as a cover story so he can lie to the membership and tell them the church is expanding. In fact the Ideal orgs are empty and the only organizations with worse PR than $cientology are ISIS, Al Qaeda, and North Korea.
At least North Korea has more than 20K people in it.
How long have you been in scientology – Never, thank goodness.
What were the orgs like when you got in – In, as a critic? They were pretty empty.
What are the orgs like now – There is more activity in a morgue than any Co$ building.
How has the leadership of the church been – Criminal, vicious, shady. Dare I say…Ruthless.
Have you met David Miscavige? – He has no permanent scars or missing teeth so I’d say, No.
How was the experience? – No idea. I’d imagine you’d feel like you needed a shower afterwards.
Hi NOLAGirl, I have archived your post.Brilliant! Love U X Infinity, Ann ps I am ready for LSU & Saints foot ball!
How long have you been in scientology – Far, far too long.
What were the orgs like when you got in – Much, much better than now.
What are the orgs like now – Every staff member slams everyone for money; even auditors hit their PCs up immediately after exams. The sole purpose is driving up income and more and more of it too. No real results except member’s empty bank accounts, loss of homes and families.
How has the leadership of the church been – Very off policy ranging up to fraud and criminal activity.
Have you met David Miscavige? – Unfortunately yes.
How was the experience? – His was a complete asshole; argumentative and aggressive. And that was many years before he usurped control. He uses anger and aggression to further his own purposes and is no better than all the other dictators in history.
The stakes just keep getting higher. First there was Going Clear, an assault on the cult from an outsider. Then there was Troublemaker, an assault on the cult from a woman who was in for thirty years, with some personal invective against COB. Now there’s Ruthless, an assault directly targeting COB from his own father. The only way this can escalate any further is if Cruise writes his autobiography and goes after his “best friend” (by the way, Mister Travolta, that may be the best way to get out without retaliation; look at their piss-poor response to Leah Remini).
And all they have to counter this will be a testimonial video that will be laughed at by anyone with any knowledge of the cult? We Anons blew OSA’s reputation out of the water by showing how impotent they were, and everything since 2008 has demonstrated that they don’t have the abilities they claim, in dark whispers, that they do.
If it is a testimonial video in preparation, what’s the message? “We know COB for what he is, the most wonderful man on Teegeeack and a worthy successor to Ron. His own father doesn’t know him like we do!” Who the hell is going to believe that?
Mistah Kurtz, he dead.
“He just wanted to go out like a soldier, standing up, not like some poor rag-assed renegade. Even the jungle wanted him dead, and that’s who he really orders from anyway.”
…….”everything since 2008 has demonstrated that they don’t have the abilities they claim, in dark whispers, that they do.”
That is so Lovecraftian and on the mark. The recent Disqus comment from OSA at the Bunker shows that cracks are beginning to be visible in their facade. Their inability to master the communication technolog of the Internet reminds me of a painting I once saw of a Native American in tribal costume with his ear against a telegraph post, trying to figure out how it worked.
I’ve always thought that if someone did a morbidity/mortality survey with a representative sample of those OTIII or above, the statistics would look like something you’d see for a town build on the tailings of a uranium mine or a Superfund site.
“Scientology: Can be extremely hazardous to one’s health.”
“He just wanted to go out like a soldier, standing up, not like some poor rag-assed renegade.”
Having been on “the other side” of what the public and celebrities are told and shown, I can attest to the intense activity at the int base, days and days worth, of crew staying up day and night cleaning, gardening, painting, fixing, white-gloving, even renovating….before a celebrity came through. What the base was REALLY like on a day-to-day basis was completely falsified to these people touring around. Also all the girls had to put on makeup, all the guys had to get haircuts. Some staff who would be seen along the route had to borrow new uniform parts for the show so they didn’t look like they just shopped at Goodwill. Others were told not to show their faces and to stay out of sight until the tour was over. Over the top vanity and self-importance on the part of only one person. Sometimes you could hear him explain how these were all his own accomplishments.
David Miscavige is always (not a generality) all about “me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.”
Amy, are you saying COB is a raging narcissistic? Who would have thunk it…
and he is NOT a scientologist by any means, and is not qualified for an exec post anywhere.
Well, well, Chairman of the Board is not Chairman Mao. In a world with Internet he cannot have total communication and PR control. Too bad he was born to be at the helm at the wrong time. When I was in OSA I was taught about DA packs and one of the principles I learned is that you discredit an enemy by showing the truth and how his allegations were false. Unfortunately truth is totally absent in nowadays bubble speak, so their statements cannot but create more and more doubt.
Alex: COB may not be Mao but he sure as hell emulates Kim Sung-Un’s necrocracy in many ways. I hope he is able to offer jobs to spare over-the-top North Korean TV announcers to sing his praises and spew venom about his enemies like his father and wife. Oops …… misspoke ….. correction….. he is so well loved he has millions of friends over the world and no enemies. Anyway the Gold Gulag can take care of that just in case. He sees the internet is a problem solved as he has some trusted souls limiting access for the Kool Aid drinkers. Boy is he one smart big being!
David Miscavige is trying so hard to set himself up as a charismatic, powerful, benevolent leader of a legitimate church.
The problem is that far too many people who are still alive are very willing to describe his crimes and true nature and post such all over the internet for the entire world to see.
SUMP will not save his tarnished image or convince more than a small handful of people that he’s wearing any clothes. Disconnection in the long run will only have the whole world disconnect from him and his minions. The bubble grows smaller and smaller each day.
“David Miscavige is trying so hard to set himself up as a charismatic, powerful, benevolent leader of a legitimate church.”
I can’t imagine a PR firm on the planet that could accomplish that miracle.
A TRUE charismatic, powerful, benevolent person would not need to take any action to be recognized as such. For one who is not, no matter how hard he tries, it’s a self defeating exercise.
They are calling it a Dead Agent pack, so is this a trick to get people in? When I first read it I assumed it was some people trying to overthrow Miscavige?
It’s a trick to KEEP people in.
It sounds more like a fanny pack to cover someone’s ass.
This could be the Sophie’s Choice moment for those on the fence…
It is SO SCARY when you want to leave and believe there is so much evil outside of the “church” you couldn’t possibly manage in your own.
For anyone reading this that wants to leave: just jump. Leave. It will be ok. If you have survived any amount of time inside that group you should know you are capable of so much.
There are so many nice people on the outside. There is kindness, compassion, care, love.
Yes, there are scheisters too. Not as many as you have been told.
to help yourself later: begin mailing documentation of the things you see inside that are not cool. Forget whether or not they are illegal. Send them to a parent, old acquaintance..ask them to hold them for you. I will go to the post office and buy a PO BOX that you can use!
Your reasons for wanting to leave are LEGIT!!
Look, no one on the outside wants you to be unhappy. No one will solve your problems for you. But you will find work to survive and re-figure out what the heck you actually want to do before you die.
I have discovered this personally. It was too late to save my mom (rip) and sister (she finally made it out after mom died).
Hi TOOT TO OT, A gigantic yes to your post! Everything said is very true.In my experience the hardest action I ever had to do, was cutting the last bow-line that connected me to Ron & the Sea Org.Anyone in who might come across Mike’s Blog save TOOT’s post if you can.So many kind sweet good spirits are outside the bubble now.There is so much Light away from the Dungeons of the cult.The light is truly healing and life is so free on the outside.Love,Ann.
+1! Great post, TOOT!
Can we club together to buy David Miscavige a beautiful leather-bound copy of his father’s book? It seems to be the done thing so I’m certain the gesture would be appreciated.
A leatherbound “Ruthless” as a birthday present for Miscavige is a perfectly brilliant idea. I would have donated for it. I say “would have” because Tiny reads this blog and would alert his people to refuse it.
The Brown Nosers eat this up.
There are many who worship the COB
like the second coming of Christ in hopes
of moving up the Bridge on the Cheap.
Yes it’s because “Ruthless” is going
nail the Punching Pontiff right between the eyes.
Hi Jose Chung, Hear,hear! Thank you for your post.Too bad I have jury duty this week.If it was the week of 5/3/16,I would take my copy of Ruthless and sit reading it with the cover on display! Always like your think I’ll take Troublemaker this week.The judges will love that title for a potential juror! Laughter,xo Ann.
How long have you been in scientology?
*I have been with Scientology for 30 years…on and off!
What were the orgs like when you got in?
*It was in a poor condition so i signed a contract as the Estate manager.
What are the orgs like now?
*I have no idea, but from what i have seen on the pictures…I have no idea?
How has the leadership of the church been?
*It’s not a church? I was told it was an organization.
Have you met David Miscavige?
How was the experience?
*How the fuck should i know? and what the hell is that smell?
The only people david miscavige is “fooling” is his flock. But his flock is dwindling and even they are becoming less and less willing to bend over and take it. How’s the saying go? You can “fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time…?” Soon david miscavige will be able “…to fool NONE of the people ALL of the time.”
Yes, predictable foot bullet tech. LOL
Depends (adult diapers) might be good for DM. When the 20/20 story comes out on Friday, a colostomy might be the only way to control exiting poop. The media is losing its fear of the Co$. When that happens widely, it’s goodbye Co$. Virtually all coverage will be negative.
The media HAS LOST it’s fear of the Co$ anf virtually all coversge IS negative. I’m sure david miscavige’s new studio will be devoted to trying to turn around the negatives. It won’t work. His slimy narcissitic psychopathic meglomaniac personality is already known and out of the tube. Can’t put that ooze back in the tube, dave. Your jig is up. Put your clothes back on. Everybody is laughing.
Not only is the coverage almost always negative, but even sometimes when the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology buys advertising they’re told to take their unsubstantiated claims of doing good and stuff them …
Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige should do an interview. He could echo L Ron Hubbard’s remark about his second wife and claim that he never had a father…
And thus we have the most eagerly anticipated promotional video in the history of Scientology. My only fear is that the advance publicity caused today’s Rinder post will give COB cold feet, and prompt him to kill the project.
Whenever I think of forced testimonial videos and the punishment for even one tiny mistake in making them, I’m reminded of one of the great scenes from “Kentucky Fried Movie,” a 1970s classic comedy film from the people who would bring you “Airplane!” and the “Naked Gun” series.
Nobody is going to believe this, but the Gold RPF actually watched the “Kentucky Fried Movie” and “Top Gun” as their reward for completing the LRH Music Studio in the late 80s.
Spot the contradictions in that statement: Hubbard said “there is no RPF at Gold”, the RPF are not allowed to watch movies even if they are cheesy rented VHS ones, the RPF do not get days off let alone a full day of celebration for a job well done, the Music Studio was not completely done at that time, and Dave Miscavige actually knew about it. Sounds ridiculous in retrospect but it did happen.
A few years after that there was a survey that was done, I think it is mentioned in Marc Headley’s book. They asked the crew if they wanted to live in apartments in Hemet or on the Gold Base, behind the razor wire. I think at first it was a sincere but stupid effort by someone with no clue what would happen, but as soon as Dave found out about it the nightmare began. Anybody stupid enough to answer that yes, they wanted a real normal life during the few hours a week they were not slaving away behind the razor wire got in serious trouble.
I heard about this when i got back from a trip, and there was an obvious concerted effort to make sure everybody got surveyed. As soon as I heard that Somebody was making very sure that Everybody Got the Survey my Dave M radar pinged and I made sure to answer very enthusiastically that I wanted to live on the Base in the beautiful Scottish themed Disney-World-imitation staff apartments.
Survival of the brownest nose, that is the lot of anyone associated with Dave.
Great story and evidence that people sense which way the wind if blowing, and if they wish to stay with the group going in the direction that is condoned by the authorities at the top, they can easily sense the drift and go with the flow.
So many sociological and psychological themes run all through Scientology’s bureaucracies.
I just wish Scientology made “OT” superpeople, that was my DUPE/DOLT idiotic pie in the sky reason for joining and dedicating my life and future lifetimes, we were supposed to be ultimately making “OT” people who regained their innate soul powers.
It’s a sadder bigger con, where the staff and followers provide the fuel goal dreams in that same general drift of “OT” society, “OT” superbeings making the world a better saner place.
The boy scouts and girl scouts codes to me today are better simpler and free advice to follow compared to all of Scientology. Or the UN Declaration of Human Rights. All freer and immediately accessible on the internet.
I answered the Gold base survey honestly–with the department I worked in there was only one reason I wanted to live off base–and I said why. Well, I got hauled into Ethics and got grilled about why I’d want such a thing. And it wasn’t as outlandish as wanting some sort of life off post hours….LOL….
Anyway, I had to do conditions on it and this is where *I* had my Aha moment about ass-kissing. This was the first time I completely falsified my answers and writeups of the conditions. Total brownie job. And since it could be seen that I came to my senses I didn’t get into any more trouble. I could also see through the following years that there was more and more attention on getting everyone behind that fence and not out in “wogland” at any time during the day or night.
This was my awakening to a growing prison-feeling in the air. I was long gone before everyone had to move into the new berthing buildings behind the fence with motion detectors, electronic camera surveillance and razor wires running along the top of the 8-foot fences. But that’s where the rest of them are now.
I need to hear more about the Scottish theme…..was it just plaid everywhere?
Thanks John, an excellent comparison, and very funny too.
Gotta love this!
David Miscavige is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
(paraphrasing Big Willie Shakespeare)…thou doth protest too much, methinks.
Bob, did you start drinking early today? And is your beverage of choice Kool-Aide? Just wondering…
Bob Eckhart, are you for real or are you being sarcastic? If the former, are you currently a member in good standing of the Church of Scientology? If you are a member in good standing, are you a public or on staff or in the SO? Just curious, if you don’t mind answering these questions.
It’s from a classic movie:
And he’s a completely normal height too!
Hubbard used fear to control people; Miscavige institutionalized it. Free speech, free thought and truth do not survive well under these conditions.
Many times I witnessed AO staff shitting themselves knowing COB was coming for a “visit”.
Grown men quake; women tremble; babies cry; dogs recoil.
What’s not to love?
No…really, answer the fucking question!
Saw the same thing myself at Flag. He loved terrorizing staff.
Ron Seniors book is a huge slap in the face for Davy. So how does the clampire deal with it? Why just round up the usual suspects and get out the rubber hoses. That can’t backfire, can it?
I suppose all Co$ can do is close ranks and corral whoever is still in, close them off, wall them off. Its ironic that because the church has so much to hide, the truth has to remain hidden in order to keep people in, but closing up like this, on any dynamic, closing up like this, walling off, hiding, protecting, going out of communication out of fear, punishing communication preventing communication out of fear of what will be found out – all of this on any dynamic is a recipe for extinction for an org or a group or a person. And Miscavige knows this. He knows this very well, but apparently he’s prepared to continue with his lies about expansion, to lie and lie and lie, apparently, until he can’t anymore. When the jig is up it will be interesting to see what he’ll do.
Perhaps he’s waiting for the remaining few thousand to shrink to a few hundred. By now people have probably gotten used to not seeing bodies in the shop anymore, used to the echo in the hallways and course rooms. Used to the unrelenting phone calls to try and recover people. I hear they have staff working full time on nothing but recovery efforts. So sadly and ill prepared to deal with the realities that they will so quickly dismiss. “Disaffected”. “PTS” All sorts of thought stopping labels to reconcile the madness. Miscavige needs to do nothing, change nothing. When no one is left there will be no one left to ask questions. I think thats is what perhaps Miscavige wants, in the end, is silence. Then he will be vindicated, All the SP’s and PTS’ess will have blown themselves off. The last Samuari Scientologist standing. But he won’t fall on his own sword. He doesn’t have the courage or the integrity to take the hit for the good of the organization. His last breath will be drawn in defense of his last lie if he can just remember what the hell it was. No one will hear of David Miscaviges death. He will wish to be thought of as being able to transcend space and time, to meet with “the founder” and assist with correcting his blunders and semi colons on target two. Damn this is good wine.
Beware the Ides of March? Nay, the Third of May. Can’t wait.
If you are asked what the ‘experience’ of meeting your religious leader was like (rather than ‘what was he/she like’ or ‘was he/she nice?’) you may be in a cult……
This ‘David Miscavige is a 6 foot tall saint/cool guy’ video will be distributed to all media outlets in response to Ruthless. And will also be played non stop on SMP ($hit My Pants) TV along with the ‘Kirstie Alley audits her lemurs’ show.
Instead of displaying the American flag along with the national anthem (like they used to do late at night before a TV station went off the air) SMP will show pictures of Dave and Tom while the Mission Impossible theme or Highway to the Danger Zone is played.
Yep….still ins……jump off the ship now. Swim as far away as you can get before you get sucked under by the force of the ship going down.
Mike, is he selecting Scientology public for this questionnaire? Or is it confined to staff and sea org members?
“Target Two coordinates programmed into the escape pod sir, awaiting your command.”
“Ummm…but Sir, we haven’t been able to do the test flight yet…we’re so very very very very sorry Sir…..”
My thought precisely- Blackhearts is trying to prove to himself and others that he is unique and, a compilation of statements from his own parishioners will dojust fine.
His birthday is coming and this could be a present form the propitiative-humbled and cowed OSA and Execs that rather have Miscavige smiling thinking he is the best, than mad and so angry so as to hit whoever crosses his way…in other words, keep destroying the world that he believes has under control.
Yes, he is terrified and with good reason. What a horrible paranoia he is living in.
You know, I’m thinking, Silvia, that possibly, at this point, Miscavige actually has gone mad. Seriously. Maybe he’s arrived at that point where he actually believes his own false PR now, is himself delusional, psychotic. i.e. an institutional case now. Again, I’m not being funny. This thought just occurred to me.
Really Miscavige? A testimonial video?
Because those have always worked so well for Co$ in the past. Dave, your lack of education is showing and the SS Ponzi is sinking, but please do carry on, I am thoroughly enjoying the show.
You’re steering the ship blind right into an ‘entheta-hurricane’ and it’s not going to end well for you.
Masterful summation NOLA and funny to boot…
Thank you Scott. I owe it all to COB, he makes it so easy to mock him. 😀
Ron Miscavige Senior is going to be on 20/20 this coming Friday, April 29,2016 at 10 pm eastern time.
{{{{{{{Happy Birthday David Miscavige}}}}}}
I’ll tell you this; they wouldn’t like the answers I would give. I met that little so and so back in 2009 and all I got from him was a dirty look. I am definitely not a David Miscavige fan and I can’t wait until Daddy’s book comes out next month!