You can always tell how much “entheta” is enturbulating the COB.
Efforts are redoubled to attack perceived threats to his good name and to flood the internets with “theta” about him.
“Public Enemy #1” at this time is Ron Miscavige. I assume Louis Theroux and Steve Cannane are soon to move up the rankings. But for the time being, Ron M retains the top spot and every possible avenue is being used trying to negate him and destroy his credibility.
Fake email accounts generate weekly smears, like these from “oliviapaterson873”:
I never open them because I know exactly the sort of salacious lies they contain – I have seen the ones about me. But I love the “title” of the bottom one about how he never “used the opportunity” to visit his granddaughter. Hahaha. As if he and Becky ever had any time off to be able to make such a trip. And as if it would not have landed him instantly in the Hole had he ever even brought up visiting the “SP” Jenna (she left the SO not on good terms). These creeps can twist ANYTHING. Hey Dave, how come you as the family man at the top of the heap, never popped down to visit your niece? You had plenty of time and didn’t even need anyone’s permission? Unlike Ron you would not have to explain your whereabouts to anyone.
Not even delving into the stream of effluvia that emanates from “Freedom” magazine or scientology lapdog lawyers sending out preemptive slime letters if they even think Ron might be talking to someone. Or any of the other avenues of attack and dirty tricks employed as part of a standard “3 channel” handling. It is crystal clear who the sights are trained on. Ron Snr. is the biggest burr chafing Dear Leader’s butt. And the smear campaign on him can be expected to carry on as his book and story continue to get coverage (see latest article in LA Times, and reportedly there is more coming from other media sources).
The other side of the coin is the increasingly desperate efforts to “fill the vacuum” on the COB.
I happened to be looking for something on and arrived at this page about scientology training. Just check out the links. Amazing. Every time Miscavige blows up about the bad PR he is getting, someone creates another page extolling his virtues and links it to everything on scientology’s websites. Remember, this is the page “Fundamental Skills of Auditing” — 4 different links to Miscavige puffery?
Then, coincidentally, I was sent a link to David Miscavige’s Facebook page.
Wow. For the leader of a massive international religion with tens of millions of members, it’s a bit strange he only has 14,000 or so likes (and I note one of them is Graham Berry — wonder how many other SP’s are included?). 14,000 – that really is pathetic, yet probably represents a massive campaign to generate “likes” as no Sea Org members have FB accounts. I bet if you could trace them a disproportionate amount would emanate from India and the Philippines.
A few days ago they uploaded an 11;30 minute video to tell the world what a wonderful guy Dave is. More of the SuMP output no doubt. Sorry, the screen shot happened to get a pretty much blank screen, but then again, there is a lot of dead time in an 11:30 presentation of Miscavige’s accomplishments. Imagine devoting the time and effort to an 11 and a half minute video about Mr. Miscavige’s magnificence. Things must really be desperate…
But as a final word, Dave you really should check out Leah Remini’s Troublemaker FB page — Leah is 65.6X more popular than you!
Now that is monumentally epic.
In most fields, any publicity is good publicity but in the case of Scientology, any publicity is bad publicity. So in the spirit of helpfulness, I suggest that Dave unloads his real estate holdings, spread the news that he’s gone off to join Ron on Target Two (i.e. announce his death), get facial reconstruction and retire to some far off island with enough sycophants to give him the illusion of power while he sips his Scotch in some tropical paradise.
Rang my local bookshop a few minutes ago and managed to get the last copy of Fair Game put aside. I was going to order it through Book Depository but the two weeks delivery was way too long to wait this time. And I would have saved was, gasp, shock, a whole 48 cents on Petrarch’s price (wow, what a saving).
SuMP should be changed to PuDME – Pumping up Demented Miscreant’s Ego.
How about SLUMP – Scientology Lame Unctuous Media Productions.
The most important thing here that never ceases to amaze anyone, is how a person and a group can take a technology that has not been available before anywhere that restores man’s immortality and use it to make people crazy. The Church of Scientology is a corrupted, perverted rendition of the truth available to Mankind. 🙂
Second Try – first one didn’t post – not sure why – I hope there does not end up being two posts. I never knew about this special star of trust. To me the quote did not have the ring of lron, but I’m certainly no one to judge or doubt the accuracy of what you guys remember. I do, however, still think it’s pretty fantastically pathetic that DM is pulling this out of his ass and using it in an attempt to garner better ‘pr’. Peace
-No one
Meanwhile, he sent “missionaire” to expel (what else) the EU execs in Copenhagen. And sent lots of ads/mags of lies to any adress he could find. And he put staffs from Flag to phone to people who did almost nothing tens of years go. Scientology progresses. Yes, toward its death.
Keep your PR paranoia in check. That disguised drone perched on the bookshelf in your bedroom is merely to broadcast to the world what it is like in the morning when (after the coffee has failed) Lou has to climb on top and give you a jump start.
It’s fabulous news that the little man is aware of needing PR. He knows it’s been sh-t lately. Makes my day.
All of this of course just goes to show what monumental, near insurmountable effort against us SPs they are up against on the internet, for instance like us 500 or so [The Outer Banks]. In the meantime (present time) the Monkey Man requires his flying monkey spies to discover and report on us and card carrying bonafide members of the IAS to attend his events. I probably shouldn’t say this, Lord knows what all the consequences, but I still have my “Founding Member” IAS Card… maybe I could sell or barter it on eBay.
I saw a ‘quote’ posted the other day that blew my mind… it was a quote of a supposed conversation between l.ron and dm. what a farce…. now making up quotes from alleged conversations really…
Here’s the ‘quote’, verbatim:
“Trust and friendship are things forged in fire and pounded out on the anvil of life. We have been through a lot together. I trust you as you trust me.”
—L. Ron Hubbard to David Miscavige
it is posted from that same fb page by ‘dm’. here is a link.
“the anvil of life” seriously?… perhaps it sits on the front porch of eternity? Or maybe in the garage of elusive freedom or even the ‘bog of eternal stench’ (labyrinth), or maybe at the top of ‘the wall/cliffs of insanity’ (the princess bride)
Bitch, Please
I can tell that supposed quote is a fake. It stands out like a sore thumb. That prose has Dan the Sherminator written all over it.
It is real. Was long before Sherman was around.
Wow! Thanks Mike! That’s very surprising. Thanks for clarifying. It still sounds like so much BS to me, but I have no reason to doubt you. So much for my clever anal-ogies hahahha
I have to thank you with all my heart Mike. I picked one – two people to trust, and it’s never been broken, so thank you again.
– No One
No one says, why would you find that quote surprising when El Con also gave DM the Star of Trust. I think only, Marc Y., and 3 or 3 others got that from El Con.
three tries now… having trouble getting my replies to stick.
Last try Never knew about any star of trust..but I do not doubt you.
if dm is having to pull such quotes out his arse to bolster himself up that is pretty desperate though.
But was it directed/ addressed to Miscavige?
Cindy, I have told you many times that El Con brought DM up and along and knew him WELL and APPROVED of his actions.
So much for LRH knowing about the human mind, human evaluation, et al!
Unless, he was as criminal as his actions showed him to be….
Popularity is a relative term. From what I recently observed in Clearwater….it doesn’t exist. I took a drive…and I haven’t been in downtown since before the new bridge to the beaches…that’s before FLAG was completed. It is a ghost town. I saw only a few Sea Org members…getting on their bus and walking around. Their was an older couple outside the Ft Harrison….checking in or out…I’m not sure….but otherwise there was NO ONE around.
Strictly in terms of architecture….FLAG is gorgeous. The grounds are immaculate. The grass is perfect…the flowers, trees….etc. If I didn’t know what it was, I would say it’s a 5 star hotel….but it looked empty. No activity.
I walked down Ft Harrison St to the Potemkin village….again, no one on the street…and I was struck by the complete disconnect….(No pun intended). TWTH, CRIMINON, etc…that side of the street has been completely redone…with expensive brick….looks good…but totally out of place…..because on the other side…the sidewalk is broken, the shops are closed and boarded up…..there’s an empty lot…..weird. It’s like Disney on one side of the road and a ghost town on the other. Google 33 North Ft Harrison….you’ll see.
Nobody in the different front group offices…..just the front desk people. Completely deserted.
Up until now….this was an abstract concept for me. However, after seeing the Sea Org members….it struck me hard in the gut…..that it’s real…that some of you have lost so much….and you continue to fight for the truth…the disgusting policy of disconnection…
As a steely eyed sea org member stared at me…..I wondered who she had left behind and who she may have lost….
It’s all coming back around….a foundation built on lies always crumbles.
Please don’t misunderstand my description of FLAG…it is gorgeous up to the point when you realize all the blood, sweat, and tears that goes on behind the scenes…that those who toil there are being kept there under the threat of losing everything….
If any of you have questions for me…..please ask….
And again…..I am in awe of all of you….you embody strength and courage.
It is quite sad to read your story and it does make me feel sorry for the SO members. I put in 11 years of hard labor but I don’t think it was under the same duress or hours of work but I was one of those guys.
So, have the CW businesses moved out and do the public purposely avoid the area because of the cult? I couldn’t imagine a normal “wog” business attempting to stay in business around the FH.
One would think that the city would take some action if commerce was being destroyed. But, what can they do to a “religion”?
Hi CPO….I think what’s keeping downtown ClearWater alive right now are the
Pinellas County Buildings…the Courthouse…the Police Dept….the Public Library…..etc…the majority of downtown has been bought by COB.
Most of the surrounding businesses are Scientology-owned….except for maybe the Starbucks.
You used to have to go thru downtown to get to the beaches….but now there is a bridge that bypasses it…taking away all the wog traffic….causing businesses to close. There really isn’t any reason to go there unless you work there….or are going to FLAG. The Tampa Bay Times does have offices in Clearwater within walking distance of FLAG.
I am sure Mike would agree that it is all about keeping the peace now…between local government and FLAG/COB.
I am sure that people do stay away because of Scientology. Because of all that i have learned here, and on other sites….I was a little nervous. I wanted to walk around the FLAG Bldg…but didn’t want to draw attention to myself. I just looked straight ahead…eyes forward..I wanted to go into one of the Front group offices….just to ask for info….but I knew better than to do so.
I will say this…a small group came out of one of the offices with info packets as I watched from my car. My instinct was to jump out of my car and start yelling……please….do not get involved with this group!!!!
Ugh!!! It really struck a chord with me….after reading all of the stories here.
I had to see it for myself. But again….beautiful…completely out of place..and completely disconnected from its surroundings and the local people.
TPA. ???
Thanks for the information OTB. I was last in CW in 1981/82. I remember it was quite a busy downtown area. So busy that we felt a bit out of place in our white shirts, dark pants and the odd lanyard. I worked in the Hour Glass for a short time and it was filled with FCCIs and Flag seemed to be bustling. The overflow of people, whether staff or public resulted in us renting rooms at the Grey Moss for crew berthing. Horrible place. At the time I remember we had the FH, Bank Building, Sandcastle & the CB (Clearwater Building).
What great memories….NOT!
You you are welcome……truly. As a never-in….I continue to be astounded by what I read here. Thank You for allowing me to be a part of it.
It is like a game of Jenga…by sharing your stories…all of you are slowly pulling out the pieces…..and eventually….the tower will fall.
I took a photo of one of the Scientology books, “Inside Scientology,” in front of Flag (in the style of “Miss Lovely” shots on Tony Ortega’s page). I don’t see a way of posting a photo here, so I posted it on Twitter @thetanplace.
Miscavige Facebook page has 14,000 LIKES.
By contrast,. Lady Gaga has some 17 million LIKES, Ashton Kutcher 23 million likes. .
Leah Remini, 918,000 likes.
14,000 for Miscavige, 918,000 for Leah LOL
Yes because the common denominator of the mob is the bank. People who likes Leah, or Lady Gaga are wogs under the pressure of the bank, the “dominated mob”.
But 14000 likes of REAL THETANS count much more! Hip hip hourrah for COB, he is saving Scientology from oblivion.
Karen, it’s a shame. You should really understand that COB is the choosen one by LRH and you missed to remain faithful to LRH.
You may upgrade your condition in sending money for your nearest ideal org.
All joking aside, the truly miniscule amount of likes on Miscavige’s FB page is probably the most telling statistic in all of Scientology – telling how extremely small it is, and putting the lie to all pretenses of millions of members and vertical expansion.
Hey! I figured out one way the empty church makes money in LA. I was watching NCIS Los Angeles on TV and it was filmed at Celebrity Center in LA. The outside of the building was unmistakable as was the little balcony overhang with view of the Hollywood Hills, and the rooms, carpeting, window dressings, all of it. They even filmed in the restaurant that is part of CC. It was probably a rerun, so it might have been filmed in 2012 to 2014. They even called it “The Chateau” which is what it used to be called back when it was a Hollywood luxury hotel. (I think then it was the “Chateau Elyssee.” The church probably made good money renting their place out for that show. Almost the entire show was filmed there. After all LRH did say to have 3 sources of income. This must be one source.
Yes, they rent the place out for film shoots fairly regularly.
Come on Dave, don’t be so serious. Lighten up. We’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you as is the rest of the world.
Even the “people” of Target 2 are laughing at you!
Good one Harvey! lol
Remember “Smilin’ Bob”, the pitchman for the discredited erectile enhancement drug Enzyte? The guy with the incredibly creepy perpetual wide grin on his face? That’s who COB RTC reminds me of in the photo on top. The same creepy smile, the same desire to sell you stuff that doesn’t work. The difference is that anyone in Scientology who gets a boner is punished for it.
There is no such thing as a boner in $cientology. Straight up and vertical is simply cognitive dissonance for the cold chrome steel crowd.
Everyone knows “Smilin’ Bob” was but a pale imitation of J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, the founder of the Church of the Subgenius (which sued Enzyte because of it). COB, however, is the exact opposite of J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, like Scientology is a twisted, depraved version of the Church of the Subgenius. COB has no Slack, all he has is constant, unremitting stress, because his castle is crashing down around him. And he will have stress until the day he dies or blows for good. Praise “Bob.”
There sure is a tangible relationship between Hubbard and Miscavige. They both didn’t know when to quit. The amount of money both of them have/had access to is beyond what most would ever consider in their wildest dreams. I guess the position as the head of the Cof$ is one that must have as a criteria being unable to live life anywhere near sanely. Both of them have/had to hide from the public, scared to death of ever fronting court or depositions, have had more people ruined by their hypocrisy and lies than they would ever have the guts to admit.
They both had an organisation that at the blink of an eye would have sacrificed all for their well being, and look what they did to it. I don’t care what they or anyone else says, the guilt must weigh a ton and would eat away like a cancer. No wonder the insanity they dramatize just gets more and more intense.
I guess Hubbard was right about the power formula and the exchange tech but practiced hypocrisy and lies and it became their developmental “work in progress” that trumps any and every success they had or will ever have. Lies beget lies.
Miscavige is simply walking and talking lunacy, these actions of his against his father and others is all he is capable of, it’s his only option. Hubbard is dead and died lonely and in seclusion, his family scattered to the wind and more enemies created than can easily be counted..
For all intent and purposes the Scientology organisation is the very devil itself, for the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
“But as a final word, Dave you really should check out Leah Remini’s Troublemaker FB page — Leah is 65.6X more popular than you!”
Lil davey the savage – losing the PR war one disaffected former $cilon celeb at a time 😉
About all that one can say about such lame-o shenanigans is, after all those foot bullets, it’s a small wonder he has feet left to walk on.
I’m a “never in”, but since I make comments on Mike’s and Tony’s blog, I’m a bit paranoid about friend requests nowadays.
So while Sea Org members aren’t allowed to have FB pages, I accept the fact that this BS organization would try to “friend” me to f*** with me.
Not sure how tone deaf Dave M is, but he’s got to know he’s looked upon outside his circle of sycophants as the vilest of human beings.
I wish I had been a never in, Michael…
What?? and miss out on all the fun? Naw, you’re joking right?
If it wasn’t for the swinging needle and an engram or two erased we’d never have gotten to see the light. You know the end of the tunnel, the proverbial mountain peak so to speak. We are in a pretty exclusive club OSD, so exclusive in fact we keep it all to ourselves, speak in code, use silly names and operate from behind closed doors – Good God man – are we actually Masons? Ever had the urge for a secret handshake?
Scientology is password protected you know. “MONEY TO COB” opens all it’s doors.
Ok…ok…Bring me the billion year contract.
You mean you didn’t learn from the last time you had one of those?
By the way, Cannane’s book is the number one new release in Australia, and is about #4,000 for Kindle at Amazon USA (out of more than 1 million). And it’s JUST been released. Also, Amazon has made the Kindle edition FREE for Prime users, which is an interesting decision. (That has nothing to do with its high Kindle sales — that figure is for paid copies only.) Eat a little bitter, Davey,
There’s only one Entity who could repair DM’s image and He already has some very hot (hint, hint) plans for his Royal Midgetness.
Don’t bother packing any winter clothes Davey boy. Where you’re going you ain’t gonna need ’em. And no it’s not Florida or the Caribbean. Much further south…much further.
Some things in this world are just really simple and require no discussion or debate. Wrestling is fake, OJ is guilty, and Liberace was gay. And DM is an effing psychopath. Why sugar coat it?
How dare you say that about liberace! He was metrosexual before it was cool!
Do you know how hard it is to match your outfit to your candleabra?
Liberace? You’re kidding me right?
“And Liberace was gay!..I never saw that coming….”
— “Austin Power: International Man of Mystery” (after waking up from 30 years of cryogenic slumber)
Watch out, Scientology is already regging for the Golden Age of Admin. No lie.
No shit?
Makes sense unfortunately. The Golden Age of Complete Personal Sacrifice is already here, why not expand it to green on white, it needs fixing. Next will probably be the Golden Age of the SO, where Miscavige fixes that too, then the Golden Age of the Staff Member followed by the Golden Age of Public Responsibility! It must be tough being surrounded by all that broken stuff! But hey, let’s buy another building to get warmed up.
Hahaha! And let’s add, we are in The Goldenrod Age of SP Declares.
Make it two buildings. You can never have enough empty space…
According to Standard Tech as laid out in GASP II (Golden Age of SP’s II), we are conducting a survey for the T-Shirts SP’s will wear to the next $cientology protest.
Please let us know if you approve of the following T-Shirt copy:
DM is a BM.
Not approved. The prisoners don’t refer to him as “DM”. That would imply that he’s a mere human. He’s always referred to as “COB”. Therefore, “COB Is An SOB” would be more relatable to the Sea Borg.
I like that a lot. But we have to wait for the results of the survey Espiando. Standard Tech remember?
Or, in keeping with the original theme, COB is a POS.
Scientology: knocking buzzards off manure trucks since 1954
This might take too many man hours on these boards to decipher ? but I like it!
Espi. I like too. My idea COB is a SOD: Son of a Defector
DM is a BM. ROTFLMAO! However, we all know he’s piece of shit.
I betcha he’s scared shitless of feeling flushed!
Imagine that little face flushing Crimson Red! And he’s so angry, he can’t even speak…..
He’s probably the one who writes YMFCS on toilet walls and such. Graffiti COB style. Maybe he’ll discover spray cans of paint next, then the world’s his colorful oyster.
I can’t wait for his first masterpiece…
Dave is Rotten?
Davie’s a Lyin’ Scion?
Two face Dave?
Impeach Davie Vicious?
Davie Demented?
Abort Dave, not Babies?
Let’s have a contest!
If we’re going to have a contest for best T-shirt message, here’s my best money shot: “CoB pays to SCOHB”
Love it! Slight variation: Your donations pay for COB to SCOHB.
So in effect your tax dollars pay for COB to SCOHB. But perhaps that’s part of the deal he made with the IRS.
I’m all in with that message! Let’s print ’em up!
Nice one. I’d go for a variant: “You can’t spell YSCOHB without COB”.
Tee shirt design #2: DM’s face instead of the ghost in the famous Ghostbusters logo (in red circle with slash across it).
Trying to improve Dave’s PR is like trying to improve the image and credibility of Milli Vanilli.
Scientology has become, out here in Woglandia, indelibly cemented with the words: fraud, dangerous, family destroying, mind numbing cult.
That is because that is the truth.
And David Miscavige is likewise forever associated as the leader of a fraudulent-dangerous-family destroying-mind numbing cult.
No amount of money can change the course of history.
Fraud and deception; the underlying basis for Scientology.
Sometimes I think about how these old time executives who have been with Dave are doing emotionally and mentally.
There must be some arrested development with these people. Being so far removed from the “evil culture” has most likely caused these folks to evolve into disconnected strange people. Like Lord of the Flies.
Here’s a thought:
Scientology has caused so much familial pain through disconnection. And the karmic repercussion is that, in no uncertain terms, society is disconnected from Scientology and sees it as suppressive.
Scientology has become Ron’s fears, Ron’s imaginary bogey man by:
1) It implants wrong knowledge and threatens punishment if questioned. That is an implant to mind control.
2) it cements the individual to the body by years and years and years of BT auditing.
3) it assaults the very idea of being at cause by claiming that it’s the BTs causing your experience. Thus associating our own thoughts and feelings with some outside source. Thus causing a psychological disassociation. Thus associating Ron’s fears and imaginings that then define our thoughts and feelings. That’s friggin scary!!!
That which Scientology has judged and disconnected from, the SP, has become what Scientology is.
Scientology has become the SP to be shunned. Scientology has become the enemy they fought so hard to eradicate.
One of the greatest crimes of mental health in Scientology is when Ron said that a clear does not have “HIS” reactive mind anymore.
As soon as a person agrees to this disempowering and dangerous mind fuck, all of his personal issues are then assigned to the imaginary BT and their demented condo called clusters.
The OT levels create a psychological disassociation.
By agreeing with this wrong knowledge the truth seeker has self sabotaged his ability to see the true nature of his actual problem by assigning it to science fiction imagery.
Class 8s and Class 12s are the high voodoo priests that cement these lies and fraudulent mental handicaps into the minds of the Scientology victims.
Once Ron’s BT theory has been layed into the mind, it’s difficult to undo.
Some years ago I sent someone to Tray Lotz for auditing. This was before I started uncovering some of my Scientology mind fuck through these blogs.
I had an email exchange with Trey, who is a very nice person, about OT 3. He is convinced beyond doubt that these things are true.
When people earn their livelihood running this stuff on others, it’s so very hard to jump start their ability to reason. In Scientology, the highly trained auditor got ego perks. That’s hard to break also. So you have people promoting their auditing class out here in Woglandia.
When issues seem to resolve by running BTs, Vulcanos, Martian and Venusian implant stations, that person has assigned imagination to actuallities, thus implanting the mental condition of cognitive dissonance, thus forever misassigning the true nature of the mind, feelings and the body.
When it’s someone else’s fault all the time, the true nature of a problem will never be spotted.
This, in essence, was Ron’s mental profile; Blame
And because Ron is the teacher in Scientology, blame is the essence of Scientology.
Scientology is where the OT learns how to be cause by becoming the effect.
I think I just hurt my brain with this last one. What drivel!
Wow, Brian, you nailed it on the head. You are so right. Great post! Thanks Mike for exposing this drivel. He is such a hypocrite.
LMS, I’m very sorry you have a family member still in. Hoping he sees the light & comes knocking on your door…
You articulated the who upper level lie perfectly.
And thanks Mike for the good article.
Brian, that’s a very penetrating analysis into the psychopathogenic nature of the whole “haunted by disembodied alien beings” nonsense!
Elron had some very serious mental disorders and personality disorder characteristics which he projected and displaced upon whoever was around him all of his adult life. One of the most serious of these, Dissociative Disorder, is at the heart of his imaginatively elaborated and grandiosely amplified OT 3-8 levels, which are essentially his crazed projection of his own mental disorder onto everyone else in the world.
A charitable view of Elron’s motivations just pictures him as a highly intelligent and very creative individual with serious mental health disorders who did his very best to treat his own very real mental problems, but was wholly unsuccessful in doing so because his attribution of their cause was completely mistaken, and indeed, just served to make him crazier as he aged, while tragically infecting others with his mental disorders.
His legacy is one of having been instrumental in destroying the lives of thousands, while creating a system of authoritarian mind control, coupled with methods that have the potential to re-create the symptoms of the mental disorders that he suffered from and, in some cases, precipitate serious mental illness.
You harpooned that one Harpoona!
Well said!
One of the reasons that Scientology has stuck around, I believe, is because of the benevolent processes of the grades and some basic beginners knowledge of the soul.
But when you get to the goal of Scientology, the OT levels, that is where the mind disassociates from reality.
Knowing the truth about anything, be it the hard sciences or spiritual, requires directly perceiving something.
To know anything, requires perceiving the thing directly.
The OT levels are dangerous because the real cause of thoughts, feelings and body problems have been assaulted with Ron’s BT theory.
To “as is” anything, it must be seen “as it is.” This is true. This is a truism stated by Ron.
But with the OT levels Ron “alter ised” an “not ised” the true nature of thought itself.
Wise men and women know the true nature of what is before them by looking directly, minus bias (as much as possible).
The OT levels are a complete distortion of our capacity to reason and to tell the difference between things: to discriminate.
I believe, Scientology went off the rails with the OT levels.
I believe, L Ron Hubbard drove himself insane by spending hrs and hrs a day believing that needle readings were an accurate electronic representation of his mind.
What the Emeter found, was that L Ron Hubbard spent years being a Sci Fi writer.
The OT levels were simply another of Ron’s Sci Fi paper backs.
His belief in the meter as an accurate reflection of true memory caused his already funky mental state to wish for electrocution to rid himself of his body and BTs.
Those still making money from running this stuff or running it on yourself should be warned of the dangers.
This is not an ASC view. This is a warning that the mind of a madman has been monetized to produce a procedure, the OT levels, which causes a mental disassociation from seeing the true cause of the human condition.
THIS NAILS IT. Great post Brian.
Thank You!
Harpoona: I like your style.
Harpoona Frittata – “. . .instrumental in destroying the lives of thousands.” You’re a bit worked up, aren’t you?
NotClear2me, Harpoona Frittata’s statement was accurate. You need to study more and post less. Your ignorance is showing.
LOL! God this is funny stuff. Well, one thing is CERTAIN. Anything or any person who aligns themselves with the subject of scientology is instantly dismissed by anyone even half way sane. So there is no way to ever improve his image.
I’m a quarter sane and I still dismiss them!
There ya go! OSD has made it official, DM if 100% F’ed.
And not in a good way…
And the infamous leader’s hair cut ain’t going to help his PR; believe me, it sure looks fake, awful indeed.
And yet again, the more spread of lies against his father will generate more interviews for Ron M, his book and who really the ecclesiastical leader is. Bad move
I agree about his hair, but his suit sure looks nice. Do you think they also sell it in the men’s department?
Now that’s funny
I think they are available on eBay, search the religious section.
What is the difference between being the leader of a church and being the ecclesiastical leader of a church? Is it meant to imply that LRH is THE leader but that the little punk is still a really big being?
The difference is a six-syllable word. That’s a very impressive achievement!
But more importantly, I’ve been doing some calculating of what you’d get for ecclesiastical in Scrabble on a triple word score. First, you could only do it by building on someone’s previous ecclesia, and finishing on the triple word square. There’s only two C’s in the game, so we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are not using a blank for your C in the 3rd to last position. That’s a 57 point score. Not bad. Someone would have gotten 45 points for ecclesia already, assuming that they had built on previous a blank-as-C for the first C, and gotten a double letter score for the second C, and of course gotten the middle triple word score. That’s best case scenario for both words (best case for ecclesia in the scenario that you are adding -stical to make ecclesiastical). In both cases, only 6 letters were used, and the holy grail of getting a 50 point bonus on top of 2 triple word scores (x9) was barely missed.
So, depending on how you measure, ecclesiastical is not so important. If I was a cult tyrant, I would take the title Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Let’s word clear ECCLESIASTICAL shall we. A little clay demo might not hurt either. And don’t forget to turn in your points.
Remember “Eccles” from the Goons? Maybe that’s where ecclesiastical comes from.
His famous answer to the question, what paper (media) do you represent? Brown paper!
RIP Spike Milligan.
Love the snark.
“Now that is monumentally epic”
Hey, little Davie. Feast your eyes on this
Thomas S. Monson, leader of the Mormon Church, 578,072 Total Page Likes
And look at this, a long ago dead guy (no THAT cross hanging one), Rumi, has 2,039,320 Total Page Likes
Lil’ Davie, you just got to step up your game.
Not a problem any longer. I just got word that Tiny is opening a string of Ideal Click Farms in India and the Far East.
Of course people like Thomas S. Monson. He doesn’t go around beating up Mormons like the Dwarfenfuhrer does to Scientologists.
He has been ripping new assholes for a living and now he wants more “likes” …..hahahah poor fellow. He is isolated from the world at large. Those few that heard of him, think he is a joke. Those that actually know him, think far worse. In either case, what a joke.
So true. I wonder sometimes if he knows how unimportant, how insignificant he is, in the grand scheme of things.
OFF-TOPIC: Just finished watching a documentary on Netflix entitled Holy Hell – Wow. Must-see for any Ex. It’s like a microcosm of Scn, smaller group, shorter lifespan – but all the same mechanisms.
Yep — that creepy guy reminded me of another cult leader I know.
Just watched the trailer. Very creepy. Just like the cult…
It’s also available on Netflix
Was it the speedos? Or the eyeliner?
Hey, Chee!!! Stop peeking into my room at night!!! Oh……wait……you’re talking about that series. Never mind…
Saw it and was struck by it the same way.
Mary, I hope those watching this series, realize that it’s like Scientology. Only Scientology is worse…
I thought it was interesting that the same control mechanisms were employed at Buddhafield as Scientology. And seeing the former members speak about their recovery and exit from their bubble…well, been there, done that.
The Ankle Biter is pretty understandable.He uses whatever thug tactics he can think of to look good and steal the loot.
What is not understandable is the mindset of the few remaining scientologistt that are still in and scream hip hip and bauw wauw at the events.
Scientology today is like a reverse carwash:
You go in in a normal.
You come out all like a clapping seal and say you have been enlightened.
I do not know what to call them.Dupes,Kool Aid drinkers,professionally deluded?
any other names?
“What is not understandable is the mindset of the few remaining scientologistt that are still in and scream hip hip and bauw wauw at the events.”
Most people with any ability have now either left or are UTR in fear of disconnection. So ironically those still left are the less able. Scientology: making the able less able since 1952.
I have several friends who have “disconnected” who are UTR (FEAR of disconnection, as stated). I consider that I had a small circle of friends when I was in. So, I have to deduce that there is a great percentage of scios in good standing that are UTR. I also have a couple of friends who refused to disconnect and refused to go in when subsequently called in. No declares came out of that. I’m sure this is based on the church’s FEAR of shrinking even further.
As my good and faithful loyal non-scio son pointed out, if everybody in the church who disagreed with disconnection, just stood up against it, the practice would end.
I agree Mary. It is sad that those still in and UTR cannot see the value of this action. They trade in a spinal chord for a noodle and wonder why they have to deal with scoliosis!
Graham, what does say when the dwarf only gets 14,000 likes? Is that number telling us something?
4000 See Ogres and 10,000 from the click farms!
No bout a doubt it! Those ‘click farms’ must be very, very busy. I wonder who their biggest client is (cough, cough, laugh, snort).
They do over-fertilize with bs though.
Yeah, I’ve seen weeds growing in Idle Morgues…
Like trained seals who rise to extend to their Master Midget their undying commitment to “Command Intention”.
Every time that happened at an event (and didn’t it always seem like every two minutes) a handful of the more zealot scios would rise and then you could see the bubble cartoon copy over everyone’s head that read….”Oh shit here we go again.”
Yes, having to give standing O’s every few minutes was high on my list of Scientology Event Annoyances.
But, it’s great for exercising…
It’s being added to the objectives as an unlimited process. Go see the examiner after the event and then the reg of course. Group processes have never sounded so loud and it can never be said that COB doesn’t audit.
That phenomena, known as social proof, is one of six tactics used by compliance practitioners. The information is available in this very informative book:
She’s taller and better looking.
He’s trying so hard to turn his image around but the only ones buying it are the ones that are already turned around. This came up on my newsfeed as well. I knew commenting would do no good as these people would believe my comment suppressive and that I am the one trying to interrupt their wonderful lives and all the good that this man is providing them.
If they were driving the “perfect” car and I was trying to inform them that at 15,000 their car would blow up, they wouldn’t want to know. Fortunately, there are only about 25,000 worldwide that own that car.
So is it safe to assume there are roughly 14,000 Scientologists worldwide?
No, the number is distorted by clickfarms.
Much less!
The kind of ‘less’ that’s a bottomless pit of lessness? Whew! Really sucks being them! And everyday it’s getting worse…
So much lessness in fact they now sell emeters without the cans.
When I bought Steve Cannane’s new book on Amazon yesterday, I noticed a paid Co$ ad in the lower right corner…ick!
Don’t ick. You just cost the cult a little money. Good job! 😛
Sarah, take a long, hot shower. And, take your time doing so. That should take the ick away…
Trev, interesting. How is the billing done? Is it one shot only, or can the add be hit multiple times (and is there a minimum time)? In other words, how might we help the Co$ to get their billing stat straight up and vertical?
Like Trump, the dwarf MUST retaliate.
And there are other similarities. Both have an extensive history of not paying bills, and both are extremely litigious.
Hmmmmmmm…….could they be buddies?
Probably have similar body counts too. I believe Hillary is winning in that regard tho.
The screaming, bleating and general childish reaction from the Dorkenfuhrer about Mr Cannnane will follow in a few days. Storm in a tea cup anyone?