Dirk Niblick just put up an interesting comment quoting from “The Wake Up Call.”
For those who may not have heard of this — though if you spent any time in the church and attended even a single event, it is hard to imagine you have NOT — it is one of Miscavige’s favorite “accomplishments.” Written after 9/11 it was intended to be the “Come to Jesus” message for the faithful to get busy.
It was mostly written by Dan Sherman. Miscavige wanted to put out the issue, but did not plan on writing it himself. So, he called Marc Yager, Greg Hughes, Guillaume Lesevre, Lyman Spurlock, Ray Mithoff, Norman Starkey and others to his 11th floor conference room in the Hollywood Guarantee Buildiung and spent hours explaining to them what they were to write. Of course, nothing was acceptable, and he would spend more hours berating them for their “incompetence” in not writing something “like he would” (he could have written the whole thing in about 1/10th the time he took explaining, berating and J&Ding those executives). Eventually he called in Dan Sherman to write it for him.
It contains a lot of interesting statements, not the least of which is the para that Dirk quoted:
“At times. they are hidden by the social veneer of materialism-nifty cars, fancy houses and an economic ”boom” that only existed on paper with the latest dot.com worth billions one day and not one cent the next. Look even deeper and you find mankind’s ‘humanitarian’ objectives heading in the direction of MEST and ‘artificial intelligence,” all towards denial of the spirit. Instead of man, computers are the supposed salvation, evidenced by what comprises the world’s largest industry, generating billions for its owners. And what has this ignorance of the spirit and reliance on MEST wrought? Computers, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog… but they can’t yet help one human being…”
Compare this to the incessant and loud assertions about “Ideal Orgs”.
Among other things these buildings (the “orgs” are incidental) are by turns:
a. The proof that Scientology is expanding (just see ANY of the letters sent to the media about how they got it wrong)
b. The REAL story of Scientology (see ANY of the letters to the media)
c. The ONLY way to guarantee planetary clearing
d. An urgent priority in order to “release OT IX and X”
e. The most on Source and significant program in the history of Scientology
f. The unquestioned proof of the utter genius of “COB”.
g. All of the above in one long, strained blurt of Shermanspeak.
Now read the paragraph again.
It is an interesting study — just how far removed things are today from a dozen years ago when lip service was paid to theta and MEST concepts. And the ideals espoused by Miscavige resembled fundamental Scientology. These days there is no longer any pretense, though if you ask the clubbed seals walking glazed-eyed out of one of his events, “Mr.” Miscavige is absolutely the epitome of the perfect Scientologist and about as On Source as you could find in a universe where absolutes are unobtainable.
A microcosm that speaks volumes about how, with a concerted, constant and well executed campaign, you can convince a lot of people of ANYTHING, no matter the evidence before them.
Thanks again Dirk. It was an eye opener….
When I was on staff the push , intention and the mountain was always Saint Hill size orgs. It seems this has been completely abandoned for this whole ideal org thing. I’m confused.
Sorry, off topic. But, shit – Miscavige has a facebook page. Just found out. A little bit of a challenge for those of us under the radar not to “like” it. But, I ain’t clicking. Looks like it was put up in Dec. 2012. You guys know about this? It’s all “David” with a couple of pix of LRH. I wonder if the facebook police will be checking on those who don’t click LIKE.! Ha.
Curious. only a few of my friends, many of whom are still in have clicked Like on his page.
Oh yes, it’s a magnificent monument to The Pope on a Box who desperately needs admiration.
Great post.
Glitz and packaging will keep him there for while longer but the foundation upon which he stands is irretrievably eroding.
Shermanspeak. Sherman tank.
Amen to that blown sp. If it were not for the internet especially Mike And martys blogs .I would still be thinking what went down with me and the church was all my falt. My tone level came way up when I realized that I was not the only one out here.
It was the computer that helped me get out!! Thank you Debbie Cook for the e-mail. I was in the middle of a huge cognition – that the Church of Scientology was criminal – and Debbie Cook sealed the deal.
I can’t imagine trying to understand what was really going on behind the curtain in Scientology without the computer.
I am amazed that people prior to the computer got out of Sceintology.
Thank God for the internet. It has saved many lives!!
Another interesting and enlightening post, Mike, and one that further cements a 180 degree veiwpoint change for me over the last couple of years with regards this individual. I’ve been pondering recently why, in the face of all the evidence and outpoints, it took so long to join up the dots and see it for what it is. And my conclusion is that many of us at the Class V level (and possibly also at the SO service and mid-management levels) are unwittingly implanted with a major false datum, possibly taken on board from our earliest involvement with the organization and our repeated exposure to impressive-looking International events. And that is that we assume and believe that the people we see at these events are the highest trained and processed people in Scientology and that they obviously must know what they’re talking about and doing.
One of the main attractions for me when I got interested originally was that it required no blind faith, no praying, no antiquated rituals etc. Apparently. But I’ve realized recently that it actually does require an awful amount of faith. Not in the subject but in the individuals in whose hands we trust to run the organization. Just as the public must have faith in the staff members looking after them, so we had to have faith in our management, right from the top on down. And the higher up they were, the more the not unreasonable expectation was that these people should be the highest trained people on the planet, not least administratively and not least the guy at the very top. And with DM having, through inference and what have you, positioned himself as the saviour of Scientology, it’s perhaps even understandable that to find someone who’d actually even quietly question DM’s ‘wisdom’ to himself or herself is a very rare thing.
Case in point, and I’m very ashamed to admit this, given my very keen interest in the whole subject from a very young age and what I considered a comprehensive understanding of events in December 1941, when I first read the Wake Up Call, my attention was very much stuck on that line about suicide bombers at Pearl harbour. But not because I knew it was false and was consequently wondering why COB was lying or seemingly quite ignorant (the correct conclusions). No, that equation would have invalidated my false datum. My immediate thought at the time was that he must know something that I didn’t. Never did it occur to me that he could be wrong or that he would be anything less than 100% honest.
I take some comfort in the knowledge that many others, much brighter, more trained and/or experienced than me and who are still blindly applauding the most inane announcements and accomplishments, were obviously also taken in by this BS, quite probably with the same naive belief held in firm place that DM can simply do no wrong.
If it were broadly known that he was nothing more that a non-interned Class IV, that he hasn’t been in session himself for who-knows-how-long (apparently), is a semi-literate who relies on others to write his speeches etc., and that he is in fact around 1.1 on the tone scale (see Marty’s blog today about the story around his involvement with the BE movie and his treatment of JT if ever you needed further proof), then perhaps some of those fixed ideas or false datums would start to fall away for at least a few more.
I’d like to believe that I’d have woken up a tad earlier!
Blue Seagull.
Heartfelt and nicely stated. Thanks.
There seems to be an accumulation of points that finally lead to a viewpoint shift.
Had I told you too bluntly, too soon, about DM, you may have told me to take a hike!
Yes Vertsurblanc, you’re possibly right although it would also have depended upon the source of the data and the method of discovery. It would no doubt have been completely out-R at the time to discover something like that and the tendency would have been to simply block out any negative news because you’re conditioned into a very tough siege mentality. This kind of stuff I believe has to be spoon fed on a gradient alongside the observable outnesses and supporting evidence, according to each person’s ability to confront the evil, which is what it is. With that held down seven, too much too soon may well send some into a nasty spin. I also think the best way to discover this kind of thing is to look for it yourself. So the best thing we can do is make it safe for people to do so and ensure the key evidence presented is demonstrable (as in lack of valid stats and empty libraries, for example).
The prove of the pudding is in the eating. By observation one can see that the technology and, indeed the philosophy, of LRH is ‘lost’ in the church at best and suppressed at worse. One does not read the words spewed forth, only look at the deeds done. The products speak for themselves. This is a church which is as far from scientology as it is possible to get and still remain on the same planet. scientology is now only available in the field through the dedication of many scientologists who practice what they believe in.
One definition of faith is: „firm belief in something for which there is no proof“ or in other words: conviction that something is true without inspection.
The problem here is that I cannot inspect all I listen to, read or see on TV. So I have a lot of data on a maybe in my mind. The solution to this is belief in something to be true. Faith could be seen as something below confusion.
Oh the “Wake Up Call”, what a nightmare. The IAS event that followed was just as insane. If my memory serves no public was allowed to leave St Hill with out buying at least ten copies of the Volunteer Minister Handbook.
So much so, in fact, that when you walk into an “ideal org” no one talks to you. Your questions are answered by short films on plasma screens. Scn condensed by DM into computerized displays, two-way-comm banned, zero ARC.
People who were at the Tel Aviv “ideal” Org told me it was amazing, even awesome, but cold, no one to talk to, overwhelming with extravagance. Not what one seeks in a place that claims to help Man or deal with life and the spirit.
It leaves us, “Indies”, as those who can combine Ron’s Tech with genuine care and ARC to make people’ lives better and meaningful.
Dani Lemburger, what you just described sounds like an implant station. Just machines flowing pictures and words to you, no way to outflow, just constant inflow. Too much one way inflow turns you into a hypnotized zombie. So maybe that is his real intent, to create implant stations here on earth and the words go in as a positive hypnotic suggestion once you are sufficiently hypnotized from the one way flow of it all.
What grade zero completion needs a speech writer or other to write for them?
” Computers, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog… but they can’t yet help one human being…”
How iliterate the Guy is ! Also Lrh meant somewhere in his Computer series that we wouldn’t real computers but just some toys !
Computer Technology is saving lives and helping people on a daily basis ! If you only think about people being able to access knowledge !
If the COS would really use Computers in a rational way th e planet would already have been cleared. The Guy is living in the 15th century !
He is not that close to PT…………….
He is living in the time period of the Marque de Saad, of the grand Inquisition.
Wow, where to start…
Seriously, where is this guy stuck on the time track? Nifty cars? Gee Wally, that’s “nifty” alright.
“Instead of man, computers are the supposed salvation…” WHAT? Did he recently watch a Terminator movie and failed to notice it was FICTION? Where does he get his data? Computers…salvation?? Huh?
Computers, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog… but they can’t yet help one human being…”
No need to put amazing in quotes, unless of course you feel they are not amazing. In which case you are a self-proclaimed luddite. No single invention in recent history has had more positive impact on our civilization, our quality of life, our communication level, than the computer. Can’t help people? Really? Did he just say that?
And of course, I use my new i7 laptop to pop-up a “mail order catalog”? Only to order my buggy whips.
DM looks, acts and thinks like he just walked off the set of Mad Men.
” No single invention in recent history has had more positive impact on our civilization, our quality of life, our communication level, than the computer. Can’t help people? Really? Did he just say that?’
And now the NSA is taking lessons from Der Midget and using it to eavesdrop on the citizenry. Maybe it is the other way round but in classic suppressive style it becomes a lesson in how something that has lots of good potential can be subverted into evil.
Constant vigilance…………………..and so we work!
“Computers, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog… ” Oh, and also capable of popping up the urls of infamous SPs who will assist one in one’s journey out of the darkness. Your search engine is your friend when you are fearfully stumbling around in the dark, or when you have decided,” f..k this s..t, I’m outta here”.
And now a word from the real source that David Miscavige relies upon:
“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.” – Adolf Hitler
Don’t forget one of the hallmarks of “Ideal” Orgs, the fancy shmancy high-tech audio-visual displays that have replaced communication with live beings. No need to disseminate, just sit them down and hit Play so they can be mesmerized by TV. How’s that workin’ for ya Dave?
I remember listening to a reading “Wake Up Call” several days after the tragedy of 9/11 in the “Pacifica Amphitheater” better known as the parking lot and thinking to myself:
“Only a total moron like Miscavige could write something like that!”
The guy showed his complete historical ignorance by claiming suicide bombers attacked Pearl Harbor which is the only part of the article I remember.
Now I find it wasn’t Miscavige but Danny Sherman who wrote that piece of garbage and that this man is supposed to be the Ol’Man’s biographer!
Check out Karen De LaCariers latest video where this scientology computer guy in the netherlands I think is comandeered to go to google and ask them to only publish good things about scientology on the internet. That takes some real hutzpah.
That “computer guy” is Geir Isene from Norway, who I believe was the first OT VIII to leave the Church with a public announcement.
Chutzpah is “shameless audicity” in my dictionary and it’s DM’s stock in trade…particularly the shameless part. Since he’s sure he’s got all the power and all the money and can all all the shots within the
A great examination of Scientology failure when the success of computer industry continues. I wish I time travel back to the time of this writing and buy 5,000 shares of Apple or Google.
I’ll see if can get away with repeating this off-topic comment one time. 🙂 Academic Paper on Independent Scientology – The Dwindling Spiral: The Dror Center Schism, the Cook Letter and Scientology’s Legitimation Crisis, by James R. Lewis [Forthcoming 2013 in Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 4:2. (Note that there will likely be minor differences between this draft and the final, published version.)]
Some very interesting data. Interestingly, ESMB is the only place to date where I could find the draft article.
That is a very telling comment – on many levels. Imagine if you will if his statement on computers read something like this – “The printed word, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of providing recipes, phone numbers, mindless stories for children…”
Leave it to an idiot to downplay what is arguably the greatest invention of the 20th century.
When the Wake-Up Call issue came out, I remember cringing at the statement about “suicide bombers at Pearl Harbor”, in that issue. I remember thinking, that here we had a guy who didn’t finish high school running the church, and more disturbing, no proofreader who had the courage to mention to him his inaccurate understanding of history.
Then to me, the rest of the issue was just a bunch of blah blah blah. I had crisis fatigue, as far as the church was concerned. Everything was an emergency that required we stay up weds night to finish a course, give to CCHR NOW because yet another pro-psych bill was being shoved through congress, attend the mandatory event, on and on.
I didn’t change a thing. I was on my way to waking up already, on my own…
Look even deeper and you find David Miscavige’s ‘humanitarian’ objectives heading in the direction of MEST.
The hypocricy is beautifully documented. Nice one Dirk.
And anyone who disagrees with big, beautiful, ostentatious buildings staffed with computerized faces on video screens pontificating miscavige’s brilliance is simply wrong, wrong, wrong.
As long as they are blind, they can see anything….and know it to be true because DM says it is.
We haven’t arrived at Miscavige’s ‘conceptual understanding’ yet.
Thank god for computers. It is the way I found you and Marty. Oh thats right cob doesnt want anyone to find you and Marty.. This is all so crazy. I feel sorry for the people still ” buying” it
“Computers, heralded as “amazing,” but only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog… but they can’t yet help one human being…”
Oh, I beg to differ, DM…like any other tool, a computer is only as effective as the person using it. And when those people form a hive mind they become very effective…very effective indeed.
Mike … through you and others who’ve worked with The Short One, I’ve come to understand better this idiot, David Miscavige. For one thing, I’ve come to appreciate just how incredibly ignorant he is about the most basic aspects of the civilizations he thinks he’s superior to. For instance, the purple prose above includes a couple of honkers that would get its author fired from the lowliest corporate communications job on the planet.
First, there’s not a single dot.com on the planet that was “worth billions one day and not one cent the next.” May sound plausible. Didn’t happen.
Second, “computers … [are] the world’s largest industry ….” Nope, wrong again. Energy (oil and gas) companies constitute the world’s largest energy. Not even close.
Finally, Dave’s personal understanding of computers’ utility as “… only capable of popping up an address book, phone number. mail order catalog ….” reflects his massive ignorance about how computers have helped humans travel to the moon, unravel the human genome, and overthrow dictatorial regimes.
Forget books … does he ever read any newspapers?
My guess is NO he does not read newspapers. He certainly tells his flock not to read newspapers and not to go on the internet. That alone is one of the earmarks of a cult. And there are many other signs it is a cult too.
I think you are on to something…….! Agree, there are “many other signs” such as don’t think for yourself, listen to Der Leader if you want to get it right, do this and don’t do that ……..ad infinitum!!
He reads magazines with lots of pictures………:)
And the pages of the magazines with lots of pictures stick together sometimes. lol