In a posting on social media that does not appear to be a parody account (it is promoting his website), Miscavige calls HIMSELF a genius. Of course, it’s couched in terms of what “other people say” (about me).
He “redefined the term religious leader”? I don’t think the redefinition is anything to crow about. A religious leader who disappeared his wife? Who has lorded over a real estate empire of expensive empty buildings masquerading as “churches”? Who has spent tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars harassing and seeking to destroy those who say things he doesn’t like? That’s the new definition of religious leader?
A contemporary religion in the 21st century? Actually a religion frozen in amber in the mid-20th century.
How can he not be embarrassed to have something like this appear in public? Only a true narcissist or sociopath lacks the conscience to be so absurdly crass.
I wonder who makes all these mindlessly repetitive social media posts for the cult. It’s like they’re all written by the same obsequious bootlicker pretending to be more respectable than the Pope.
Perhaps a bit of a reach here… Napoleon was a man of small size yet commanded his generals and armies to conquer lesser opponents. He was met with the Russian winter (so did Hitler) which turned things around for him. Captain Davey is meeting social media for the past several years. Not going so well for his church and himself. Just waiting for Waterloo.
benevolent genius > evil genius
c’mon, dave
he has one stat. i believe it is sea org reserves. so all he does is raise money in off policy bbqs and fund raisers so his stat looks good. then he assigns himself genius. no other stats matter though i guess? he probably considers himself a billionaire? 😳
Setting the stage for some upcoming pronouncement, action or problem?
– Is Davy (or advisors) that savvy?
Or just making up for a recent deficiency in ego-stroking?
It matters not what the lesser beings of this planet say about Demented Maggot but only what He says about Himself.
My enduring memory of Him is a small man leaning on the 1st floor railing overlooking the pool etc. at
the Sandcastle surrounded by maybe 20 RTC teens, mostly quite small of stature too, after the Great Release of the Golden Age of Tech way back when. He was watching all His graduates as they attempted to party below Him before all being flung back to their orgs around the planet.
He was scared. Shitting Himself. Which was un-nerving to me because I’d just been through the whole indoc. into that enormous piece of BS as the Senior C/S for Sydney. The savage “you are all miserable and incompetent pieces of shit who I have had to step in to rescue yet again” briefing from Herr Dwarfenfuhrer Himself to the assembled captives, the looks of sadistic contempt from Norm Starkey. The whispered meetings on the sidelines from various minions of the Great Leader Himself after He swept grandly out of the Ballroom where we all sat writing up all our Tech O/Ws because we’d failed to see what He had spotted and released as the G.A.T.
The His triumphant public release to the adoring masses who clapped and cheered multiple times in honour of His bravery and genius as He unrolled THE Breakthrough that would herald in The Golden Age for us all. In the next few years He promised.
Yet here He was, obviously worried. Uncertain. Full of doubt. Visible unconfident. Watching all the now-perfect Course Supervisors and Word-Clearers saying goodbye to each other before leaving. And I’d seen some of these rank amateurs in action over the last several days as they “supervised” the assembled Senior C/Ses and was appalled that these people were supposedly “perfect” course sup.s, especially since I’d actually attained my full Professor of $cientology cert. a few years prior. And I really did know how to run a courseroom per Hubbard.
It’s a memory that stuck with me as to why the hell didn’t I wake up right then and smell the rampant stench of BS that was the turgid miasma pervading the entire FLB. Better late than never I suppose.
I’ve tangled with textbook malignant narcissists since and rudely refused to follow the script that they have laid out for me to follow in dealing with Them. It makes no difference to Their reality as They cannot see the real world we mere mortals live in.
But thankfully the world as a whole is waking up to this minority of very sick creatures. Education truly is the key to getting rid of this kult and all others like it – be they “religious”, political, ethnic, whatever.
I loved the moniker Demented Maggot and all the rest of what you wrote. Having had personal experience with the Maggot I fully agree with your descriptions. The kult is on its way to the garbage heap where it truly belongs. Hip, hip, Hurrah X3
That’s very interesting. And what do you think he was worried about?
Good question.
Imo He was worried that His minions were going to screw up His first real attempt to be “Bigger than Ron.”
He had His personal minions – RTC Reps who were mostly teenagers, heavily sec-checked CMO “elite” – running His program “to Restore the Tehc” by training a bunch of mostly teenagers from orgs around the planet into the New Dawn of $cientology. He just couldn’t be everywhere controlling it all although I’m sure He tried.
There’d already been several fuck-ups that we (the assembled Snr C/Ses) had seen. One that stands out to me was a brand-new GAT Sup who was (bluntly) an argumentative know-it-all probably very raw kulty from somewhere in EUS iirc. Barely in his twenties if that. He got “bounced” out of supervising us after a few days and never seen again. He and other “perfect” supervisors and word-clearers that were inflicted on us were cringeworthy to say the least. And there was a lot of experience in that room being supervised. I was a relative new-comer but I’d been in the kult for near 20 years by then and had done the full Professor line-up (which included PRD),
If this failed badly, it was all on Him as He was the ONE who’d “pulled the strings” and found this stuff and He’d publicly announced it to the $cientology world a day or so earlier.
And here He was looking over this bunch of misfits and DBs (as I’m sure He saw them) who He’d staked His reputation on. None of them were up to His calibre but this was all those DBs in the outer orgs (and the AOs as well) had scrapped together to send to FSO for the last several months.
This was a lot more important than the IRS case I believe because this was dealing directly with Hubbard “scripture”. And that was a fine line to walk back then.
Thanks that is very interesting.
Well, if you look it it from a standpoint of simply the word “Genius” and one has to acknowledge that he is one (him self-proclaiming it or not). Hear me out….
Some of the most monstrous people on earth, were Geniuses. (some of the best were Genius too). One of the characteristics of a genius can be “emotional disconnect” from people, or things. To be this “evil” (as Mr. Self-proclaimed-Genius), there would have to be some sort of emotional disconnect. The genius here, is how (yes yes, i know Scn does a LOT LOT LOT of indoctrination, but it always takes different lengths of time, for different people), he managed to convince SO many of all the things that he is doing, is effectively carrying out LRH precedents. We have to admit his patience in this matter (as well).
Yes, I am also well aware, how the whole “gaslighting / gaslighter” phenomenon works too, but even that, has to take some form of genius to carry out (if at the very least, really good observation to be able to do the things they are doing, and processing that observation, requires a certain level of intelligence).
Just saying, of course, if I’m just shooting gas into space, you’re welcome to tell me that too LOL
I do so wish this genius had also posted his IQ🙄. Can anyone tell me if the photos of Hubbard ore still in course rooms? If so, are there ever any three cheers for him? How long before this genius 🤢 can assume his rightful place on the walls of the course room and get the kudos from the seven remaining students that he believes he deserves?
Should have been the letter “p,” not g.
This looks perfectly in line with a sociopath living in a bubble, like Elon Music. Crazy, abusive, destructive and toxic.
Davy, Davy quite contrary
Pope of punch and blows
The cash you give goes straight to him
The greatest good, you know
A ‘genius’ calling himself a genius, but saying other people said it too? Never heard of that one. Who would’ve said it? Who’s still stuck in that bubble?
I think there are three possibilities:
A. A drop in self-esteem as a self-appointed leader because of all those ‘overt products’ that haven’t shown results for years and are now just plain obvious.
B. He’s gone even more off the deep end, to the point where he can’t tell reality from bullshit anymore.
C. He’s thinking of giving an interview to try to revive the cult’s reputation.
YES – he is a true leader of something which he destroys… I saw him once at Saint Hill UK – and he is a man of fear… he did need body guards… which is surely not genius… … but man , or some of them – like protecting eternity… only I would not have this guy with me in eternity… better not…
In comparison, a selection of the Pope (a real religious leader)’s recent Tweets… “Let us #PrayTogether that pathways to peace may open in the Middle East, as well as in martyred Ukraine, Myanmar, and in every war-torn region. May this come about by a commitment to dialogue and negotiation, and by refraining from violent actions and reactions.” (Aug 18th)
“We live in a world at war, with ongoing crises and conflicts. Let us find the wisdom and strength to see beyond the clouds and read the signs of the times. In the hope generated by faith, may we inspire young people to work for a better tomorrow.” (Aug 24th)
Somebody’s been smokin somethin!!!
Well, he has to be. If Hubbard is the greatest man known to mankind, it only follows that DM must be at the very least a genius. His mindless flock would settle for no less.
I know from personal experience with him he is truly Adolf Hitler reborn.
Thanks very much for the new word Cindy. Always a pleasure to learn something new. 🙂
Glen. If you’ve been in the SO this word is bandied about amongst the SO. Reveminus means “we come back.”
Well, it must have been after my time cause I never heard it in the decade I was in. And I was at the mecka of tek pefction.
I saw it in the Recruiting office. I know the recruiters used that term a lot in trying to get new recruits to sign up for the SO.
Ah, recruiters using it, that makes TOTAL sense. Their targets most likely didn’t know its meaning and per study tech went kind of dull. And so could be more easily made to sign up. PUKE!
Textbook out of touch narcissist!
Mike nailed it twice: narcissist and sociopath.
Be careful, because Demento will run off to tell Demento that Demento is being picked on for saying that Demento is a genius. Demento has early onset dementia but Demento is scared to say that to Demento because Demento knows Demento will have a raging fit and take it out on Demento.
Personally, I’m finding it possible to believe that he really does have the beginning of early onset dementia. Years of paranoia, anger and fear must have an effect on his mind.