Of course, though the STAAD League blocked me from seeing their tweets (though I am the subject of a lot of them…) people send me some of their drivel every now and then.
This one came in a little while ago.
If you looked up “brown-nosing” in the dictionary you might well find this tweet presented as an example.
“Mr.” David Miscavige (nobody DARE refer to him as merely “David Miscavige” or heaven forbid, “David” or perish the thought, “Dave”) has apparently marked many wayposts on the path to peace (like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant?) and somehow they “pointed” to a better civilization… it’s all so convoluted it is unintelligible. Must have been written by the Shermanator.
I thought Ed Parkin and his STAAD League were against discrimination, not a cheersquad for their favorite cult leader? But then again, everyone, from the dishwasher to the biggest donator is expected to kiss the ring of his highness and offer up gushing praise for his amazing accomplishments.
To give credit where it is due, scientology does have tax exempt status thanks to Miscavige. It also has a lot more real estate and acres of marble, custom carpets and bespoke furniture. And there have been a lot of statuses created for givers of big bucks.
But on the negative side of the ledger, his accomplishments are even more impressive. Hubbard ran scientology for 30 years, give or take. Miscavige has now run the show for longer than the Founder. He has brought scientology to a level of disrepute that it has never experienced in its history. He has overseen the total stagnation of the scientology organizational network – no new states have scientology orgs in his time. Four countries have been added (Russia, Taiwan, Hungary and Greece) compared to 30+ in Hubbard’s time. Still no orgs in India, China, Brazil, Africa north of Zimbabwe, South Asia or Eastern Europe. Less Missions that when Hubbard was around. A virtual cessation of new people into scientology. And an adulteration of scientology auditing and the Bridge that has accelerated the demise by driving away dedicated old timers.
I am certain readers and commenters can add to the list of pros and cons (probably more on the cons side of the ledger than the pros I suspect).
No matter how long the list, one thing is clear: The last people on earth who should be singing Miscavige’s praises are scientologists. I guess there were still Nazi’s proclaiming the brilliance of Hitler bringing the Aryan ideals to the world as the tanks rolled into Berlin and he cowered in his bunker. The analogy is not so far fetched as it may seem. I am not saying Miscavige is Hitler (I engaged in an amusing exchange with Bert Deixler in a deposition once: Deixler: “You compared Mr. Miscavige to Hitler, didn’t you” Me: “No, I said he was an anti-social personality, it was Mr. Hubbard who said examples of this sort of person included Hitler and Pretty Boy Floyd, so he in fact made that comparison”), but I am saying he has lorded over the ultimate destruction of the scientology empire, while persuading his followers that he is in fact leading them to world domination.
What a scam. The title should more correctly be “David Miscavige Leader of Sheep to the Slaughter.”
David Miscavige what a little soul
Just been reading about his at azlynnes blog, so Where is Shelly Miscavige?
Scientology has been beyond saving since its foundation. Hubbard started it as a cold-hearted scam built on people’s desires to be loved and accepted…but Scientology provides neither unless you give them your money, your kids, and ultimately your life. Its as evil as Islam, and in some ways worse since the terrorists just kill you to make a point. Scientology keeps you enslaved, both literally and figuratively, until you’re of no use to those in charge.
I just wonder if DM will end up in a prison cell for the next 40 years…
Or will he slink away with half a billion dollars of member ‘donations’?
David Miscavige, the man who saved Scientology..NOT. I recall attending a large church event held at the Shrine in Los Angeles back in ’83 or ’84. The place was packed. But the focus of the event was Miscavige laying out an audio visual presentation full of pie charts and references and convenient quotes from the Hubbard. There was a palpable tension in the room, even of that size. The AV presentation was full of propaganda in an attempt to justify the raising of prices (which were going up 5% monthly) He was pitching everyone on just how needed the cash was to prop up management and all of the outreach activities. I don’t think people were buying it. Subsequent events saw fewer and fewer butts in the seats. I was a musician working on just about every one of those in one way or another for about 5 years so I saw first hand the drop in attendance. Since the blow up with the mission network and the large scale exodus that followed David Mayo the church has been trying to paint a rosy picture of the state of health of the organization. And apparently to no avail. Miscavige has been the common thread all throughout the 80’s and 90’s decline. The organization under Miscavige had become more militant, more hard lined “us vs. them” and even the use of violent language. “Smashing and obliterating Psychology” “Shatter suppression” His “get tough” campaigns remind me of a certain central figure in American politics today, his divisive rhetoric ignites the hatred and ignorance and reinforces the black/white thinking that seems an integral part of the culture in the bubble. It used to be a good thing to whistle blow in Scientology against misapplication and mistreatment. Under Miscavige those problems have become institutionalized. Mistreatment and cruelty and offenses to the dignity of a person are the hallmarks of his “management style”. Wasn’t there enough hard lined crazy in some of Hubbards writings? Scientology needed a David Mayo after Hubbard expired, to soften the edges and make the organization more friendly to humans. Miscavige has succeeded in one thing only, to dehumanize and cut the legs out from under the organization. Substituting force for reason and understanding, he seems to have amplified the very worst traits of Hubbard. I think Scientology used to have a chance. Miscavige has pushed it into the eternal trash heap of failed movements lead by tyrannical leaders, widely despised by the public, widely ridiculed on a daily basis in the mainstream media and in the contemporary culture. Under Miscavige, Scientology has become a punchline, a joke or an insult by association. Instead of “eradicating your reactive mind” the movement is better known for the exploits of Xenu and the harrowing tales of former members who literally had to escape in order to speak out. All of that while under Miscaviges watch. Own it.
Wow, Doug – thank you. Your experience and observations, beautifully communicated.
This rocked it, Doug…
Aw, he is so dreamy. ** nausea noises **
Isn’t it interesting that all photos of OTF (Our Teeny Fuhrer) only show him from the shoulders and up? Never do I see anything in the background that would give us a way to measure his true height (somewhere around 4′ 9″ I believe).
Ever heard of the Napoleon Complex? It’s the way extremely short people behave. I think it fits OTF to a T.
When he dies, I expect his obit will explain that while he lived he always acted like a Fuhrer with its head cut off. Remember the film Blade Runner? Remember how we saw the interior of the apartment with all the little toys running around? One was about 4 feet tall and wore a military uniform and marched around the apartment as if he was an important military general of some kind? Every time I see that scene I can’t help but think of OTF and it never fails to bring a chuckle to my lips.
Mike can probably confirm this about the props. I was at an event one time, a live event when Miscavige was in the same town as me. All of a sudden I realize that the circles that you see behind him are WAY behind him and they are way smaller than you would think. This gives the optical illusion that these are large copies of the IAS pins or other symbols. Because they are smaller and so far behind him, it makes Miscavige look soooo much bigger. Good trick, I thought. I understand that they give him a box to stand on behind the podium too.
Scary. Don’t let your children see. They’ll have nightmares.
I threw up in my mouth when I entered the blog, today. When I see this manboy, I’m reminded of the empty and vacant stares of ex-cons..nothin in there…empty. You know, if he wasn’t such a dick, he could have been somebody important when he grew up. *smirk*
And, it’s my belief he wrote that tweet and article himself.
Mike I have a technical question about the blog:
It’s happened twice now that I get an email saying someone has replied to a comment of mine and “click here to go to your comment or change your settings”. I duly click and it takes me to my comment, but there is no reply as contained in the email notification. Could this be because the minute the comment was made by the person and sent, an automatic email is sent to me about the reply but the blog admin hasn’t approved & published the comment onto the blog yet & that’s why I can’t see it?
Shelley — I suspect it is as you say. Someone has responded but it has not been moderated yet so you cannot see it. Did a reply eventually show up?
Just so you know, Mike, same thing happened to me and the comment later appeared…so, Shelly’s theory is likely correct.
When asked why he made the movie “The Producers”, Mel Brooks (a Jew) has said the best way to bring down a tyrant is by making fun of them. By the way, if you’ve never seen that movie, it is a terrific comedy. There are two versions – one from 1967 and another from 2005. Next time you’re in the mood for a good laugh, I recommend you see both of them.
But from now on, I think I will refer to the asshole as “LF” (Little Fuhrer) or “TF” (Tiny Fuhrer). Both those names put a smile on my face.
Skyler, I love Mel Brooks and love “The Producers”. It might just be the funniest film ever made, especially the 2005 version. I’ have it on DVD and have seen it numerous times and still laugh in the same places. Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick are continually funny. Uma Thurman is perfect, and Will Farrell is absolutely hilarious. Mel Brooks is right, nothing brings down tyrants faster than making people laugh at them. Mike Rinder is doing exactly that, right here on this blog! His biting satire, Thursday Funnies, Regraded Being – we get to actually laugh at and mock this cruel cult and its pitiless leader. We can laugh and make fun of tragedy. Brooks is in his 90s now. If he’s so inclined, may he live long enough to do the same number on the Dwarfenfuhrer! Oh, well, I can dream ๐
I think I said that a little bit wrong. We’re not ” making fun” of tragedy in the sense of making light of peoples’ pain and suffering. No, what we’re doing is – well, its a Scientology word, but we’re “out-creating” tragedy. Thwarting the purposes of the cult to bring us down, to make nothing of us with all the pain grossly and unfairly inflicted. Though not with hate, no, because then, the cult wins. Instead, with laughter. Really, its the cult that is nothing. That is the truth. There’s really nothing there. Like all suppression, its not really real, but just a Prison Of Belief, as Lawrence Wright brilliantly named and nailed it.
Ah, yes, The Producers! Gotta love that gay rendition of Hitler!
Anybody want to portray the Dwarfenfuhrer in a similar way?
What I don’t get is who the hell are his henchmen these days? Hasn’t he declared everyone and alienated enough people near him? Who the hell are his little pissants following him and his orders around everywhere?
Does he even go in public at all?
Lilliputian Miscavige has indeed alienated everyone near him, but with blackmail he controls them. His inner circle is populated with 3 child molesters who he’s threatened to expose if they don’t obey his will. These are trusted underlings who have been close to him for over ten years, in one case almost twenty years. The sad paradox is that he himself is also a pedophile (exploiting young members) but his underlings are too brainwashed or frightened to expose him first. A disgusting circle of abuse I had suspected and wanted to ignore for some time until I was confronted with direct evidence. I make this comment anonymously but am a former Scientologist who had direct access to this inner circle. Shortly after making these discoveries I initiated my departure from the organization.
What are everyone’s thoughts about this ?
Well, I think the similarity is obvious. As it stands today, neither of those two get any “Respect”. Maybe they should hire Aretha Franklin to give them some instruction as to how to get that?
Rodney is funny
Sorry, Dave F, but that link went someplace I’m not allowed to go.
The bouffant hair do is a dead giveaway-complete nut case.
Little “Davey Miscarriage” . . . A GIANT, among DWARFS ! ! !
Ms. Cabbage can’t lead anyone anywhere they want to go. Unless, of course, they want to be led to terminal fleecing and other degradations.
To all intents and purposes, DM has finally supplanted Hubbard.
No one dares refer to him as David, Dave etc. On the other hand, public affectionately referred to Hubbard as LRH, Ron, the ‘ol man, etc. I never heard anyone in the church calling him “Mr Hubbard”.
According to Freedumb Mag, a better civilisation is now possible through the work of DM. Since when? I thought it was the tech of LRH that brought that about. Seems not so anymore. DM is now the way and the light. Amen.
According to his loftiness, it’s thanks to his personal handiwork and 1000s of hours of selfless sacrifice that the tech is now standard. Apparently the founder couldn’t even get that right.
According to their own website, DM is responsible for far more wealth, membership, real estate, saved lives, expansion and public acceptance of $CN than LRH ever was. They regularly trot out the line “$CN has seen more expansion in the last year than it did in the last blah-blah years combined”. Clearly, DM is a way better leader than LRH ever was.
Clapping seals jumping up and down in rapture at events are commonplace – expected, in fact. It was extremely rare if not unheard of for parishioners to do this when LRH was still alive. Apparently, Scios idolise, respect and revere DM way more than they did LRH.
On the SCN website, the intro video to LRH is 1:03 minutes long. The intro video to DM is 10:52. Biography of DM: 5 pages – Biography of LRH: 1 page
LRH was just some sci-fi pulp fiction writer who started a religion. Miscavige IS $cientology and wholly owns everything associated with it.
In my time up to 1982 I didn’t know anyone who referred to scn as their church. Religion was an implant or general stupidity or something. We were “doing Scientology”. It wasn’t until I was out that I realized that I had believed everyone should do scn as much as any Christian believes everyone should be saved. I grudgingly have to admit that while I was in the cult it was my “faith”, although if anyone had accused me of being religious at that time I would have argued like hell – haha
I don’t know what the general attitude or viewpoint is of current “parishioners”. If someone had told me I would be learning how to do confessionals on parishioners I would have bolted for the door.
The clapping seals are ORDERED, or they go to “Ethics”, which was redefined by Tubby to mean “Obedience School”.
Miscavige is really looking old.
I actually thought he had cancer looking at that photo!
He is starting to resemble an apple head doll.
I’m going to Google that, but agreed, there’s something “not real” looking about him, despite the lines,wrinkles and turkey neck.. Fake tan, fake looking too-thick too-high blond hair do NOT go with that FACE. He looks to me like a smarmyTelevangelist or one of those Tea Time Movie hucksters that Johnny Carson used to spoof on the Tonight Show back in the day.
Hey, COB, do blonds have more fun? Not ONLY your hairdresser knows for sure – WE know too. WE recall when you were young and your hair was quite dark.
Seriously, Sir, why not ditch the Clairol Wheat Blond and let your transplants go gray but with a silver rinse every so often.
I think it would look much better. More manly and natural. I’m being serious for a change. Just saying.
Speaking of ‘smarmy TelEvangelists’ …
The similarities to CoS are remarkable.
the dwarfen fรผhrer, in the second pic on the page, reminds me SO much of the aliens from “V” I half expect him to swallow a mouse whole. Smarmy Televangelist is the perfect caption to his PR headshot. And he DOES look old and used up, doesn’t he?
Oh, Dave, in case you see this…
Just a reminder, your Thursday stats are coming out tomorrow. How are things looking?
Stats? He don’t need no stinkin’ stats!
There are people who walk into a room, and the world is a little brighter, the mood is a little lighter, and everyone’s happiness is increased. And when they leave, the room is a little less joyful because of their departure. We all know people like this.
David Miscavige is DEFINITELY NOT one of those people. The world is a bleaker place with him around. Even those fawning fools writing that bullshit about Miscavige know they are bullshitting for a multitude of personal reasons (avoid an expensive ethics check anyone?). I don’t think anyone really likes him, except for his useful idiot Tom Cruise, and MAYBE Lou, but I suspect she gets off on a power trip, not Miscavige.
Having joined scientology in 1969, & The Sea Org in 1972…once I ran out of my much needed medicine for Epilepsy….I was soon after routed out, once my Mom pointed our their “program” of vits & Dianetics is “Going to kill you!”
In Ethics it was decided she was the SP. The grave difference in Hubbard and “dave” is Hubbard saying to use “Good Roads, Fair Weather”…trying to stay in touch. “dave” is the king of Disconnection….ordering people to Disconnect, Declaring Hundreds “SP”. Self included…with Zero use of ethics tech prior/zero communication.
I suppose I am not the only one who wonders this, but why hasn’t something been done about Miscaveige and Scientology by now? From just what has been shown on youro TV show, the injustice is certainly enough to prove criminal acts had been and are taking place. It sounds like Scientology has been controversial with the law since it began, and it would appear the “law” has had them in their sites for a long enough time that something can be proven that would bring the walls tumbling down. It seems that in every single area of Scientology from Sea Org to children bringing up themselves and being made slaves and the constant consistent 24/7 stalking they do of offenders and all the other horrendous sickening perversions, that since it has been happening for so many years, there would have been something done by now. I don’t understand how it has been allowed to continue. Why they are tax exempt still is also beyond my understanding. Is the law not doing their due diligence or am I missing behind something? With as much “sneaking” around as Scientology has done, spying on people, it seems logical to me that they too could be spied on and found out, ALL the illegal crap they have done for years and still do, as from what I can see many of ya’ll who have left have saved “proof” of the horrible acts that ya’ll were mind controlled into doing by DM and Scientology. I personally have never been effected by a cult as much as this, even thou I know no one in it. The injustice literally makes me sick. Why hasn’t the law done something??? Thanks!
First, the “church” is dead. Nobody joins anymore, and a huge number of people have left.
Second, the ducks are being intelligently arranged in a row, and it is only a matter of time. Expect a perp walk for Miscavige and his enablers. In fact, I would recommend to his enablers to get out of dodge now, or at least compile evidence of his crimes to help you when you inevitably need it.
Hey OSA, your leader is a crazy man. Your life is a hyper controlled mess. You live in fear of having down stats and being punished.
When you became a Scientologist, is this the life you thought youโd be living?
Sooooo many folks have left. Can you really accept that they are all SPs?
Get out while you can. There are folks out here to help you.
Your boss is a psycho. But you wonโt allow yourself to know this because Ron convinced you to not have unthinkable punishable thoughts: criticism
You fight imaginary enemies. That is your religion now. Fighting people who disagree with you.
Allow yourself to have free thoughts. Be independent, not a slave.
Get out while you can!
“Get out while you can”.
Brian, I love your posts because your sincerity in wanting to help and your passion in righting the wrongs always shine through whatever you say or however you say it.
Just know that the Still Ins, be they public, CLass V Org Staff, or Sea Org, can leave the cult ANY TIME.THEY CHOOSE TO DO SO. Nothing LEGAL can detain them if they decide they want to just walk out.
All of any of them has announce that they are leaving, and walk OUT. I’m not a legal person but to my understanding, holding a person somewhere against their will is kidnapping. If physical prevention is attempted the person informs the cult that they’re going to be reported to the police. and the cult will let them walk out.
This is why Lawrence Wright named his book, “The Prison of Belief”. Their beliefs shackle them; nothing else legally can!
Mike, or anyone else knowledgeable, feel free to correct me if I’m off on any of this, but I believe that even non-citiizen Sea Org could get help from the American Embassy if they’re being unlawfully detained!
Scientology fights ANYone who doesn’t toe the strict party line. From the first, anyone who sees Tubby’s word salad as incomprehensible is declared to have bad intentions, MUs, or lack of mass. Speaking of mass, does Davey boy even weigh 120? That head is WAY too big for the stick boy below it, … And that SKIN color. Didn’t know you could get that shade without paint. The poor application of that fake bronzer sure accentuates the lines and wrinkles below the pompadour.
So, I had to figure out what STAAD stood for first before I understood what was being discussed.
David McGoofyishness is being praised by its own web site. Will wonders never cease.
I’ll go to my room now.
Laughter – enjoy your time out
Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination
Statistically only 30% of family BUSINESSES make it to the 2nd generation. Only 12% survive into the 3rd generation and only 3% make it to the 4th generation.
Reasons for failure include: Emotions run wild, Power struggles/feuds, and Decision making falling into the hands of those ill-equipped for that level of authority.
Davey is right on track to kill the business with no chance of salvage. So I say, KMW. Keep Miscavige Working.
Perfect…. ?
Good one Phillip. Scientology’s most dedicated and loyal are few to none that could succeed. Short of a miracle return to Teegeeack by the man himself, I would have to agree. Oh, the space opera.
Also, KSW. You are either For or Against. We are all doing our part here in helping stay on policy with KSW. We are AGAINST. I think he may be covertly against too, which would mean that he’s on policy.
Self-destructing policy created by the Man himself. No need for a revision of Source.
Maybe when Davey dies, Grant Cardon will make a play to be COB and get all the money. Of course he’d have to join the SO, but small detail for him. Who else do you think may make a play to run Scn once Davey is gone?
instead of KMW, KMB:… keep him BUSY (or boozed; Either works.))
DM’s fake smile is getting more and more fake. And what is it with his eyes? The expression is getting weirder and weirder – somehow creepy . If the eyes are the window to the soul …
Itโs called botoxx/surgery
I know. Cover his fake smile, then look at his eyes. I don’t much care about his hair or height but it is obvious he is not happy looking at his expression but then how could he possibly be happy?
Every image of COB’s face has shown anger his eyes, along with frown lines between and just above them. With age, these features are becoming more pronounced.
Soul? He don’t need no stinkin’ SOUL!
“I guess there were still Naziโs proclaiming the brilliance of Hitler bringing the Aryan ideals to the world…”
Still are, unfortunately, and in much greater numbers than people who think Scientology is a good idea.
This creep (David Miscavage) is invading Mexico City!!! Is there anything tha can be done?
Yes! Start either making videos in Spanish, or Translate ones you like. See if you can get media interested, too.
Mexico City was invaded long time ago, in 1969/70 by Dianetics and Scientology. I know because I helped with the invasion. David Miscavige is just taking advantage of the work done by his predecessors and he is just robbing you all blind. And I feel sad to see that there are not many Mexicans with enough balls and integrity to defend the population from being robbed, especialmente el Gobierno corrupto que esta cooperando con David Miscavige y su cartel.En las manos de los Mexicanos esta el remedio
I understand Alex Castillo, thank you for your comment. There are a few of us that we have the balls and the integrity. I’ve already sent the info. to professional journalists, which hopefully, will know how to approach this issue. Still, the mixture of all “the cartels” we have in this country are not an easy thing to deal with, so it will be a challenge for sure. If there is any other recommendation, please let me know, I am very aware of what this people are capable of… Thank you again.
Mike,I’m so happy to see you back on,I’ve missed all of the updates and reading the comments, I hope all is well with you and your beautiful family, thanks for keeping it up,you’re making a difference, lots of us care so very much with what’s going on!!!
One thing I know for sure about that asshole is that when he dies or goes to jail there’ll be a hell of a lot more happier people than sad ones. A few lawyers and security companies will lament the demise of the gravy train I would imagine.
Hey, maybe TC will then become Top Dog, that would be fun in a warped sort of way!
“Dave” is doing the world a favor by destroying Scientology…but It’s a shame so many have to get hurt in the process.
As far as putting an org in India? They would laugh him out of the country, they know what true spirituality is.
Not to be disrespectful or anything but is that a rug on the Dwarf’s head?
“Not to be disrespectful”?
No need for you to fear being disrespectful here. From what I can see, the people posting here have an everlasting abundance of “disrespect” for the Tiny Fuhrer.
Good to know, Skyler, thanks ๐
Davey resembles the “Crypt Keeper” more and more as time goes on!
He is something like a dwarf. But a little smaller I have all. The time that dwarf wants to unleash his anger he might find himself truss
es up like a cocoon
David Miscavige, Manager of the worlds most famous Cult.
Yo Dave,
What do you suppose the number of broken families is as a percentage of all $cientologists. Perhaps the list should be reconstructed good buddy. More along the lines of ……….
Find a currently practicing $cientologist that IS in communication with their extended family. Remember big fella, this leaves You OUT of that category. I cannot recall even one person in the 30+ years of contact with Your cult that qualifies. Even Your whales cannot qualify. What a crappy example You set Dave
But once they leave, it seems that happiness and re-connection does occur. Maybe that will explain your stats tomorrow. Tanking and heading straight down and vertical.
Scary how accurate the Hitler analogy sounds.
Hitler raged at and threatened his leaders to do what he wanted despite their advice and his “phantom units”. He gave medals to children guarding the city when in fact they were crying when the Red Army came in or were slaughtered. All as the country burned.
Off topic, but I want to block the paid ad for STAND League that pops up at the top of my google feed whenever I search for Leah R. Anyone know how to block this site from appearing?
Ah Little Davie. Suffering, like LRH, from childhood issues, insecurities and poor self esteem. Now running around beating on people like any elementary school yard bully. Strutting around in his designer suits, snapping his fingers and making the people around him jump. What a small, lonely little man. Wasting his life in the dark, leading thousands of people into shame and loss all for what? Nothing.
STAAD was setup as an invalidation of the negative press Scientology was getting from Aftermath. Plain and simple.
It is a social media initiative to spread the ‘Good Work’ (False Data) that the church wants the public to agree with about Scientology. It has little, actually, to do with ex-Scientologists who are fed up and publicly denouncing their former religion. Discrimination is the least of the PT church’s concerns. They are more concerned with getting new wogs to con, thus the push into Social Media.
Con wogs as in – (1) Route the unwitting to Staff or (2) Get them to donate large sums for courses or auditing they will never complete
The guys hyper inflated ego is so over the top that I find it amusing. Its like watching a cross eyed sparrow sitting in an eagles nest with its little chest puffed out.
Wow! “…sparrow sitting in an eagles nest…” is great!! So, my thinking of him as a
“Jumped-up twerp” isn’t too far from the mark.
He doesn’t have the chest to puff out with.
except that sounds like of cute.
Daveโs looking pretty rough these days. Stress will do that to you :O)
I guess my thinking of him as a sociopathic elf would be okay, too.
Perhaps his ego is located in his hair (or head) since his pompadour seems to grow concurrently with the ego! ?
My husband isnโt the tallest guy (but at least is thankfully taller than I am) but heโs avoided the cliche things that stereotypical short guys do; big red lifted trucks, shoes & boots w/heels or lifts, big hair… why do so many short men not see that those things just call MORE attention to the fact that theyโre vertically-challenged?!?!
Matt Pesch and Mike: You nailed it!
To think this is the kind of thing that david miscavige dictates (and I don’t believe for one second that Ed Parkin or anyone else tweeted this all on their own) his flock say or publish about him adds to my perception of what a repulsive little man he is.
He’s repulsive alright. And… I believe he was born repulsive. He’s just a bad seed.
And his steroid abuse at a tender age stunted both his physical and mental growth. He is certainly not a stable adult, merely an infant with infantile rages.
Been looking for a new dart board image to aim at – he’ll do!
I wonder if you can get custom images printed on toilet paper? Be fun to send a box or two to the local orgs. You know… all in the spirit of play.
You absolutely can, Yawn. On the internet. Apparently all you need is the photo sent to the company. You get sent back a narrow roll of while toilet paper with the image on each sheet. I don’t know how much it cost. It was a gift. A friend of mine had the idea and he ordered it. Back in November of 2016. I’ll let you guess whose picture got sent. Full disclosure: I haven’t used any of it yet, Its still sitting on the 2nd shelf of in my linen closet, untouched. I may never use it. Its just good to know its there. Like, for an emergency. I may need to do a colon cleanse one day.
You know, the Sea Org is in desperate need of toilet paper.
Ideas, they are coming to my mind.
“The Bad Seed” was a sociopath, so I agree with you completely.
So true – I could never fathom telling or even โsuggestingโ someone post anything โin my honor,โ yet the way Iโve heard people talk about how โthe diminutive oneโ will review pics of himself, PR fluff pieces he wants put out & the idea of him requesting promotion like this?!?!
Itโs just so over-the-top YUCK & egocentric! Just gross… only when someone โmaturesโ in such a bubble can an ego go SO unchecked like this & he has no clue how overt, obvious & embarrassingly laughable it truly is from the outside!
The CMO and RTC’s formation was Scientology’s swansong, imho! That’s what hastened my exodus from the church!
Let`s move down the scale from punishing Miscavige to protecting Miscavage.
1.He is just a kid with a maffia type disposition who grew up in a maffia style environnement.
2.He has potential:If he would not head of the Cherch he could be Philadelphia’s second biggest Victoria’s Secret franchise holder.
3.At least he tries to keep himself presentable for 1991 standards.
4.Bullying works.(ok it was a long time ago) but that IRS thing was not bad.
5.He does not alter the tech so much.He just invents ways to squeeze fewer suckers harder.
6.He is following the Simon Bolivar pl pretty consistently.”Look those pink legs there”
7.He learned from LRH as LRH was going off the deep end.Time of “Pain and sex were invented by the psychs” anyone?Only a small percentage of nuttiness he invented himself.
8.He kept himself and the Sea Org out of the way for a short while so at least a couple of countries could expand in the nineties.Russia,Hungary and Taiwan.
9.He has staying power!He has not fled to Bulgravistan and bribed the police.
10.He is sincere.Like a Mexican drug lord he knows everyone is just waiting to screw him over.A capo has to do what a capo has to do.
That’s quite a soft fist for the little man that is known to go after his enemies RELENTLESSLY.
A little covert enturbulation that can’t be traced back to source?! Wait, remember that time he boasted on video (MV 2015?) about how the prosecutor in, was it Netherlands or Belgium, had a total mental breakdown after trying the case against Scientology? They were trying to ban it for fraud, and he gave up the case after the mysterious mental breakdown. Davey wouldn’t have authorized that, right?!
I don’t think they deserve the soft fist, nor does anyone associated with the charlatanry.
If only, if only, Al Pacino could be young again so as to be cast as Miscavige when the movie comes out. Which it will, by the way. When, I don’t know, but its coming. Holy Moly, what an amazing COB Pacino would be if he were even middle aged so that the youth could be faked with make-up. Perfect casting in every way.
Actor to portray Miscavige?… I’m thinking the dude who portrayed “Willow”.
…or Jack Nicholson from his “Shining” days. Better yet, when he was “Wilbur” at the dentist in the original “Little Shop of Horrors”. lol I’d like to put Miscavige in that dentist chair. Oh yeah. I don’t think he’d like it as much as Nicholson though.
Yes, I could see Nicholson as Miscavige.
“…he could be Philadelphiaโs second biggest Victoriaโs Secret franchise holder.” Thanks for the belly laugh Xenu’s son.
“(nobody DARE refer to him as merely โDavid Miscavigeโ or heaven forbid, โDavidโ or perish the thought, โDaveโ)”
Little Davey (see what I do here? ๐ ) must be fuming when he sees the list of nicknames someone on the Underground Bunker is keeping.
Sorry, but I don’t have a link at hand.
Hey, one of mine is on there. I am so proud… “Scotch-soaked sociopath”.
I dunno. When I was on staff he sent a letter to our ED who read it to us at muster. He signed it “Much love, Dave “. So it can’t be as bad as all that.
Thanks to Underground Bunker poster Missionary Kid, here the link
About 1760 nicknames, Eat that, David.
And there’s a similar list of nicknames for LRH
Hey the number of nicknames for Dave Miscavige is starting to catch up to their list of names demanding the cancellation of Leah Remini’s Aftermath.
“Little Davey… must be fuming when he sees the list of nicknames someone on the Underground Bunker is keeping.”
I haven’t seen the whole list yet, but my fave so far is “the littlest dark lord.” Sometimes I think of it at a random moment during the day and start giggling again.
About Ed Parkin, in that photo someone posted in December (https://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/3718/4406/original.jpg), he didn’t look to me as sinister or scheming as people describe (though I’m not thinking people are lying about what he has said and done). He looked to me very sad, to the point of tragedy, and very pained. It’s almost as if his own nose is crinkling at the smell of what he does for this organization. Somewhere in his heart (underneath all the engrams Scientology has layered in there), he knows that this Scientology thing is a waste of the life force of everyone involved in it and hurts everyone touched by it. Including even the only one to receive benefit from it, the littlest dark lord. I think under Davey’s smug smile is a wreck of a human being like that writhing fetusy Voldemort thing under bench of the astral train station in the 8th Harry Potter movie. (The guy who wanted his dad to die because it would be more convenient for his PR. They guy who’s locked away a wife for over a decade because a failed marriage and potentially talkative ex-wife would be inconvenient for his PR.) I wonder how many horcruxes he’s made.
About Ed Parkin… he didnโt look to me as sinister or scheming as people describe… He looked to me very sad, to the point of tragedy, and very pained.
Ed Parkin typifies the mid-level drones in the Sea Org. Not a dishwasher or groundsman, but having absolutely NO authority to be able to do or say anything without it being ordered or cleared from on high. He cannot take a crap without wondering whether he is doing the right thing. If someone finds out he is sitting on the can instead of writing a CSW to get clearance on a new tweet, he might be in trouble. He is told to “handle” people, but knows he is walking through a minefield wearing snowshoes. If he says the wrong thing he will be scrubbing dumpsters. If he says nothing he will be scrubbing dumpsters. If he smiles at the wrong moment and COB or RTC see it, he will shoveling shit in Louisiana.
He may be sad, but the overriding, ever-present emotion he and every other SO member at his level experiences is FEAR. His next move could be his last. And if he doesn’t move he could be shot. And if he moves sideways he might get sent to the RPF. Bends over, could be a 2×4 to the back of his head. Turns around, a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. All around is danger.
It’s a terrible life.
I could probably get used to it…not!
The more I think about it, the more similarities I see between Davey-Boy and the leaders of Totalitarian regimes like Hitler. When was the last huge meeting that Davey-Boy always opened with, “Welcome to Church”?
I’m guessing that just like Hitler stopped appearing in public as soon as his war turned against him, Davey-Boy has not wanted to appear in public and will never again appear in public. Except of course for his upcoming trial when he will be forced to appear in public. To be clear, there is no trial currently scheduled. I guess that is just my dream and my desire to see the Feds force him to do the “Perp Walk” so that we all may get some great photos we can cherish forever more.
I’ll try to post more of the similarities between little Davey-Boy and Adolph when I have more time. But maybe it would be better to start a new Internet game to see how many other similarities there are between the two of them.
I think I’ll start with the relationships they had with their fathers. Seems like many similarities exist there.
Oh, I think the perp walk of shame may indeed happen to l’il Davey.
Well, Hitler didn’t completely stop appearing in public when the war went south. He did make an appearance to pin medals on some Hitler Youth boys right before he blew his brains out. Wonder if the mighty scumbag might do the same?
Meanwhile, 78 years ago:
“The Deutsche Volk League @deutschevolk .10h
On the path to #peace #racialharmony #britainfrancepoland there are many borders and peoples to pass through, enslave, and subjugate, and in 1940 our beloved Fuhrer points a path a new and better world civilization, one without #untermensch, #wogs, and #intellectuals”
Not much of stretch between Der Fuhrer and lil’ Davey…. Shermanator? More like Goebbels…
Boy Dave, my bad, your royal highness and grand poobah mr David lord Miscaviage looks rough. Old wrinkly and tiny.
Happens when you’re 57.
Luke Moschbeter, MD.
12 Crowsfoot Lane
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
January 31, 2018
Mr. Mike Rinder etal
c/o the Something Can Be Done About It Blog
Ennyware, FL
Re: Botox Injections / David Miscavige / Unexplained cancellations
Dear Mr. Rinder:
I am Dr. Luke Moschbeter, David Miscavige’s dermatologist, and, under advisement that He reads your blog, I’m writing to request your help.
In the past month, Mr. Miscavige has cancelled not one, not two, but THREE (3) botox injection appointments, AND EACH WITH NO PRIOR NOTICE.
This is simply unacceptable.
Repeated attempts to reach Mr. Miscavige have failed. I understand He resides in a fortress of some sort in the town of Hermit, CA.
But to the point: Mr. Miscavige must be made to understand that should a botox injection appointment cancellation be necessary, office policy requires notice of AT LEAST 24 hours.
COB (pronounced Cee Oh Bee) as He enjoys being called, may well be of a mind to let Himself go and throw His appearance to the winds in His advanced years, but I assure you my OTHER clients are NOT.
Susan, Helen, Meryl, Jane and COUNTLESS others in the Hollywood firmament depend UTTERLY for their smooth youthful appearances on NO ONE BUT Dr. Luke Moschbeter. Yes, and TOM, if you must know! (Dear Tom, he never cancels. He’s RELIGIOUS about his injections. No other “fish to fry”.)
Any assistance from you and your friends will be appreciated, Mr. Rinder. Hopefully, Mr. Miscavige will read this and realize the harm he is doing himself. Believe me, its not MY fault if He looks old and wrinkly lately.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
In closing, Mr. Rinder and Friends, may I say that although our purposes differ we nevertheless stand together in solidarity as regards our shared, sacred founding principle.
Indeed, something can ALWAYS be done about it.
Warm regards,
Luke Moschbeter, MD.
PS: Bring a copy of this letter to my office and receive 10% off your first five (5) injections.
To: Luke Moschbeter MD
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: future Botox sessions
You can take your Botox sessions and shove them up your ass! You made me look hideous and ancient! I can no longer convince my many minions that I am a god of eternal youth! Thanks to you , my vast cash flow will probably dry up, I’ll have to cut back on scotch, and I won’t be able to get to go to events and fleece the crap out of a bunch of morons! Thank you for nothing!
Good posting, regretably accurate. This will be the year when David Miscaviage steps down what the aftermath entails remains to be seen.
Your mention of the dishwasher kissing Dave’s ring brings to mind Tony Klock, CCLA staff, who became restaurant manager at the Sandcastle, (in the 1980s?).
Tony was an original, a one-off. Everyone liked him, except…
Legend has it that Dave was dining at the Sandcastle and discovered his spoon was dirty. Mr. Klock was called over and dressed down by the great leader for allowing his place to be set with a dirty spoon.
His reply: “Do you want a clean spoon?” You can guess what followed.
Miss ya, T.
He got up on the table and threw himself at the offending person, and beat the shit out of him? Hey! I took a shot.
I would have taken the spoon, wiped it on my sleeve and said, “there ya go, COB.”
Wow,I remember Tony,he looked like Roy Schieder the actor
Tony used to bring so much life and joy to the Sandcastle restaurant.Then suddenly he disappeared ?
When I asked his wife , a waitress there, ,she would look very upset and mumble and look away.
Tony was very popular there. Therefore I can understand DM having to get rid of him .
DM is such an A..hole !
What a little dick, that self-loathing COB is.
That’s where I first saw lil davey… a tiny cock strutting into the SC galley for breakfast. He had latitude attitude even then. It didn’t take a leap of observation to see it. he wanted to command the room just by walking into it.
Lack of caps intentional! ๐
God, he looks horrible. He spends TONS of money on his personal looks and the evil is corroding his appearance.
Evil comes out of his pours. He’s pure psychotic.
The older we get, the more the person we are shows on our face. it’s why I look like a marshmallow.
he looks like a scrawny, wrinkly elf with a great hairdresser…is this truly the effete man who would get “physical” with followers?
IKR? And shriveled. I used to think, “dang, can’t his tailor do something to hide those 8-yr-old boy shoulders?” But the way he’s leaning up against that wall shows that the suit extends at least an inch and a half past his actual deltoid. His ears are halfway to them!
Sharon, from what I’ve read, He “gets physical” with people ONLY with a phalanx of enforcers behind Him as back up – never alone. Brave COB!
Ahhhhhhh, Mike would know. But he certainly doesn’t look very intimidating..lol
Sharon, yes he assaults because he has no elf control.
“elf control” ๐ ๐ love it.
Wynski. I notice that too..with all his money. He looks that bad ??
Could be he has cancer or some other terrible disease
Could be Shirley. Not atypical for tyrants to get prematurely ill.
Beating and torturing people is really hard on the skin.
He does look horrible. “Picture of Dorian Grey” actually happening. Evil soul starting to show on the face. Creepy.
The hair is getting bigger…starting to remind me of Yubaba from “Spirited Away” (Google it).
To really rub it in, not only does Miscavige look terrible, but older than Mike Rinder, when in fact he isn’t.
Despite your $600 Egyptian cotton shirts, daily massage, daily chiro treatments, manicure, pedicure, tanning and sauna treatment, and the highest quality, most expensive food money can buy
You still look like shit.
Fun Fact: LRH had something to say on this topic, not surprisingly.
Here you go:
“Clean Hands Make A Happy Life”.
And just might help in staying young looking, too.
You vile bastard.
PS: Laying off the cancer sticks might help if you have the will power. On the other hand, without that regular nicotine jolt to your blood sugar you’re bound to feel starved as a wolf and pack on 20 lbs. Oh, well, never mind. Just keep smoking, then. It’ll keep you thin, and finish you off quicker.
He’s a weapon of mass destruction…Xenu Guru…..lol…hahaha