It would appear a moment of reckoning is upon the COB.
For years he has managed to avoid being served in any suit that has named him.
Last night, the plaintiff’s lawyers in the Baxter/Paris case filed a motion to have the court find that Miscavige has been avoiding service and should be held in default.
He has been able to get away with his shenanigans for years, but I suspect the time for playing games with the court system is over (at least in this case). At the hearing last month, Judge Barber was not impressed with even the concept of this circus. When he reads the lengths Miscavige has gone in pretending that he is unaware of the legal case filed against him (which is what “service” is all about, ensuring someone has due notification of the proceeding), I suspect he will not appreciate the gamesmanship, nor the wasting of his time on something that should be straightforward.
The motion is detailed and self explanatory: Plaintiffs Motion for Order Declaring Defendant David Miscavige Served with Process in Default
There are a few things in there that are especially noteworthy, taken from signed affidavits of Lyman Spurlock, Mark Ingber, Anne Joasem (Marty Rathbun’s ex-wife) and Greg Wilhere promoting how “hands on” and directly involved Mr. Miscavige is and how he is on top of legal matters to protect scientology. Completely at odds with the idea he hasn’t got a clue what is going on. The lawyers representing RTC even claim they don’t know his address or how to contact him! Neither do any security guards at the doors of numerous scientology buildings in Clearwater and Los Angeles, yet he lives and works in scientology buildings exclusively (as a Sea Org member he does not own his own home or have an outside office). Every security guard in every building in Clearwater knows where the COB is every minute of the day (the same when he is in Los Angeles or at the Int Base or if he ever goes back to St Hill).
The farce of the invisible COB, he who shall not be named, is I suspect, soon to be ended.
The tantrums have no doubt already begun….
Seriously, how could it be possible that Miscavige’s attorneys don’t know his address and/or how to reach him? How can they do their jobs without at least some of them knowing how to contact this client? Is it possible that he communicates to them anonymously via some sort of code, and they to him in the same manner?
I’m not a legal person. I just read a lot of detective fiction. So forgive me for asking questions which may well be the height of gullibility and stupidity!
I’m just trying to get my mental mitts around these lawyers stating that they don’t know his whereabouts or how to contact him. They – at least some of them – have to be lying. Wouldn’t lies like this put them in contempt, or cause them to be de facto harborers of a potential criminal…putting them in some kind of legal jeopardy….? Any feedback from the legally knowledgeable here would be appreciated! Even, if the response is something like, “Duh…of COURSE the attorneys are lying!”
At least that way I won’t have to wonder and it won’t bother me anymore because at least I’ll know that duh I just asked a dumb question. No worries it won’t be the first π
Watch the video Aaron SL did with attorney Zac Morgan:
He simply explains the nuttiness of this process (form over substance)….
Thank you, Mike!
I really think it is so important to understand the nature of these civil suits. I mean a civil suit can be brought against anyone about anything, but when someone is seeking justice for matters like these, the courts should hold people accountable like David Miscavige. It doesn’t matter if you are rich, hiding in other countries, or just a game player, the courts need to treat you the same.
I researched court records for years and trust me when I say, a sheriff will sign a false affidavit in a heartbeat saying they served someone for eviction if they are poor and can’t fight. When you are poor and don’t know how the system works, the system games you. People like Miscavige try and game the system. I hope he gets his.
“I thought you said Demento Muckypoo was was in the witness stand,” said the judge.
“He is your honour,” replied the court security guard, “He’s been there for five minutes.”
(sound fx of squeaking and little jumping noises)
“Oohh, there he is,” said the judge. “I can see the top of his pompadoured head and tiny arms waving as he jumps up and down. Get him a very tall baby chair and then continue with the case.”
That is too funny! Thanks for making me laugh.
The ONLY ship that would harbor him is full of blue asbestos!!
Even if he fails to respond to or participate in the civil suit, what ill effect will there be? Any fines against the various churches will be paid by them, and fines levied against Miscavage won’t be worth the paper their written on. If they can’t find him to serve him, how are they going to find any bank accounts to levy for the fines?
Unless he gets picked up for a traffic violation and there’s a warrant out for him, or he falls ill and ends up in a hospital and is recognized, he will live his life as always. 3 ft behind the organization, pulling the strings.
Darn, now I have go and reread the Lewis Padgett short story for the first time in years and years and years after seeing your nom de plume.
The Padgett story is entitled “Mimsy Were the Borogoves” and being a loonngg time (about 55 years so far) SF reader you can see why your nom de plume reminded me of that classic story.
COB = Coward Of the Board. Stuck at Minus 8 Hiding.
“The lawyers representing COB even claim they don’t know his address or how to contact him.”
Aside from the security guards who know his exact whereabouts in any given building he happens to be in at the time, his lawyers are likely the ONLY people who know his address and how to contact him.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: people who know my address.
I know one person who will never know my address and that person is YOU! I will see to it that your downstat SP carcass NEVER graces my doorstep! You are such an…….
Hold on. Someone at the door.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: running away from process servers.
Okay, everybody! All together now!
No love at all,
Cute, Alco π But seriously, his time will come. One way or another, all crooks get caught, although sometimes not in the ways one would think they’d be caught.
Now let’s wait a cotton picking minute here. (Sarcasm Alert)
The man is THE master over time and space. He has to spend hours in solitude pouring over semi-colons, making toilet tissue selections for everyone all the way down to RPF port-a-potties and constantly trying to formulate the right “Kool Aid” mixture for the sheeple’s intake.
This doesn’t include the time he has to spend hoarding money, inspecting operations on Mars, playing architect and interior designer, leading Earth defender forces “in this sector of the galaxy” or getting his hair poofed-up so he looks taller.
Clearly the man is doing the job of 10 men, traveling through time and space to various celestial outposts, patching holes in “The Bubble”, chastising the gullible, abusing the weak, testing the whisky AND he has to work on his tan, too.
Avoiding service? The man is just too dang busy to be caught up with by mere normal humans.
PS The lies he will soon be swearing to will be both delicious and maddening.
I have a nasty gut feeling that there might be a body or two under the desert sands. SOB loves his weapons and gadgets. We used to call him Secret Squirrel around 1981. I knew his family well and he was a ‘wrong’un’ from the start. Zero case gain, glib, with quickie grades. He literally has autistic qualities or could that be psychotic personality disorder from when he was a teenager. No-one who was in the room that night after LRH died has been honest enough yet to spill the beans about the money and power grab supervised by the lawyers. We all know there was a signature machine available. Most of the smart ones left in 1984 leaving the cowards behind with the criminal staff we later witnessed abuse the system.
“…a ‘wrong-un’ from the start.”
I believe that also. Some people are just born with a lot of evil tendencies and will exhibit them in germinal form from an early age.
This is my opinion only. its very controversial.
For those of you highly offended reading this, for those who believe that we are each born as blank slates and that environment ALONE determines the character and personality, I apologize for any upset.
That one is born with his or her own essential personality which is then influenced in varying degrees negatively or positively by environment is my opinion based wholly on direct observations in my own life. I am not a mental health professional.
Narciccism can look strange in a child. His behavior and that of LRH certainly mimic Narcisstic behaviors.
IMHO, the question is: Why doesn’t he take a page from Piggy’s book and buy a ship and live and work from the sea?
Surely he would be safe from process servers so long as he remains on the sea. Surely he is smart enough to figure this out. Could it possibly be … the Poop of scamatology is afraid of the water?
Some people suffer from the fear of closed spaces …. Claustrophobia.
Some suffer from the fear of heights … Acrophobia
Some suffer from the fear of the outdoors …. Agoraphobia
And some suffer from the fear of the Internet … Blogophobia
Is it so difficult to imagine that this creature could suffer from the fear of water …. Aquaphobia! Can you not imagine that from an early age, any time he went into a swimming pool, no matter how deep the water might have been. He would always have been in the deep end.
By the way, I’m not making this up. Aquaphobia is a real mental affliction. Have you ever wondered why he only drinks Scotch and never drinks water?
IMHO this is the only explanation as to why he has not yet retreated to a sea going vessel and hidden out on the Sea.
But you can expect that to happen in short order now!
Miscavige prides himself on his evil demeanor. His evil “ethics presence.”
In any other legitimate human group, were the leader to be exposed by so many ex subordinates who were beaten up personally by him who’ve told of those beatings, any leader doing that in any other group would have resigned.
Not Scientology. Not Miscavige.
This photo of his scary evil “ethics presence” style looking menacingly, is his Scientology to the world.
Official Scientology is too small time and too badly set up to have developed a way to dislodge their menacing evil “leader,” who factually has beaten up dozens of subordinates.
Well now! What do you call someone who believes that in order for a leader to get respect and obedience, they must act like a real mean son of a bitch?
I have never come across any definitive psychological explanation. But I think the tiny leader has fallen into that trap and is stuck up to his chin and can’t get out.
“Help! I’ve fallen into a pit of manure and I can’t get out.” Oh, poor lil Davey boy! Poor poor Davey! He’s stuck again. Poor poor boy!
If only we could convince Li’l Davey Boy to give up the leadership for the good of the cult. If only. But he won’t. And anyone who dares to suggest that to him winds up in The Hole for a lengthy stay. So people just keep their mouths shut when it comes to suggesting most anything to the Little Fellah! Know what I mean?
But surely it is past time for the little Guy to go. Go Davey Go! You are gumming up the entire works with your psychopathic attitude and behavior. You are what’s called “Bad for the Cult”! So give it up fer cryin’ out loud. You Dumbass piece of shit!
Unfortunately, I fear he just won’t quit until someone grabs him and puts him in restraints. That jest may be what will be required to get him to see the light. Know what I mean?
I once heard the same effect can be achieved if someone puts a bell around his neck.
Any volunteers? Who will bell the jerk?
Hopefully this sets a precedent, at least informally – judges and their staff can take these sort of things into consideration as a practical matter if nothing else, as I understand it; I think judges don’t like this sort of nonsense and disrespect for the system, and will be glad to see it put to an end so long as the formal requirements are met and they can sign off on it. Plus lawyers and their process servers now have a roadmap for dealing with these cases, and will know how to streamline things and avoid mistakes.
Your Time Has Come David Miscavige, It’s time to pay your debts!
Can’t wait for his walk of shame!!
Someone is about to drop a house onto Miss Cabbage!
I just got a cool picture of David Miscavige being served the subpoena, whirling around and dissolving while screaming, “Ohhhh! Oh, no no no! Ohhh, I’m melting, melting…” vanishing into the floor as it were, leaving only his blond toupee and a tiny pair of John Loeb shoes .
Oh, what a world! What a world!
Hail to Process Server! The COB is dead!
May I have the pompadour?
Please, and take it with you!
Now we can tell Los Angeles District Court that COB is dead!
Yes! That’s what she screamed…”What a world, what a world”…LOL!
And yes, Alco you can have the pompadour but please be responsible for freeing the Guards (Miscavige’s attorneys) and the Flying Monkeys (OSA).
Marching into every Sea Org berthing, every RPF and RPF’s RPF compound, every Org, every CLO, etc. etc., and announcing to the Sea Org slaves, “You are now free to leave.”
No doubt a portion of them would cry out in alarm. No doubt a portion of them are so Stockholm Syndromed that they would refuse to leave.
BUT how many of them, once sufficiently assured that they actually could leave, would rejoice and be outta there so fast…how many, I wonder? What proportion of them would stay , out of those who would staightaway get out of Dodge?
I was a security officer once. The farce of the invisible COB would NEVER have happened on my watch.
Yes please. This is so great. Itβs time for him to finally answer some questions in court!
Ah yes, I hope he’ll finally have to attend an event that isn’t all about expansion and clearing the planet. A new stage for the Diminuitive Midget. π
Any links about the original case, please?
I’ll bet those security guards know exactly where he is just before he arrives in his space.
If they did not, they would risk getting nuked along with their seniors.
DM came to the Freewinds one maiden voyage, around 98. I was in the Engine Room rebuilding AC #1 Compressor as everyone knew that if there was a problem during MV that heads would roll.
There was a Gold Crew which proceeded him into the ER.
They wanted to know from me what action we could show DM doing.
DM walked in and asked me what he could do and I suggested that he turn the rotors of the compressor I was working on. He agreed and we did the shoot for a gag reel that DM was doing.
It worked out fine.
You should have told them to have Dave rag some of the oil off the hot pipes under the steel floor plates. I wish he had to spend the weeks/months under there like Valeska had to do. No doubt it would mentally break him (as if he wasn’t already broken).
I would love to see justice for his wife, whatever that looks like. This guy needs to have consequences for his actions – just like everyone else!
Where is David Miscavige?
Where is Shelly Miscavige?
Someone should do a welfare check on defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige – the lawyers for the corporations he is heading do not know where he is, how can they even know he is alive?