Tony Ortega (via Alex Barnes-Ross) commented on an article on STAAD/STAND website celebrating the birthday of Miscavige yesterday.
In it, the unnamed sycophant writing the piece (probably someone in OSA or RTC) made the following statement:
When the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, was ready to pass the torch to a successor, he needed someone who would (1) be up to the task of leading the fastest-growing religion in the world and (2) have the strength, courage and perspicacity to follow through on ensuring the religious technology is available for future generations. David Miscavige was the individual in whom Mr. Hubbard placed his complete trust. And he has lived up to the task ever since, working relentlessly and mind-blowingly efficiently to protect and expand Scientology worldwide, a massive task if ever there was one.
This is a lie that Miscavige has gone to great lengths to forward over the years, because if Hubbard had NOT in fact wanted to “pass the torch” to Miscavige, he never would have succeeded in taking control of scientology and becoming the “ecclesiastical leader of the religion” as he likes to call himself. I cover a lot of the details of this deceptive transition in my book A Billion Years.
Some facts will help clarify just how misleading the story of this pivotal shift of power is.
- Despite writing or recording practically everything he ever said — there is NO statement from Hubbard about what was to happen to scientology when he died — though tellingly there was great detail about what was to be done with his money and “preserving his legacy” by etching his words onto steel plates stored in nuclear bomb-proof vaults.
- Hubbard routinely recorded messages (Ron’s Journals) to let scientologists know what he was doing. He had a mini studio set up in his Bluebird motorhome that he used to record these. Two Ron’s Journals were issued by him when he was on the lam in his motorhome (RJ 36 New Year 1983 RJ 38 New Year 1984)
- There was ONE issue published that stated Pat and Annie Broeker were to take over from Hubbard as “Loyal Officer 1” and “Loyal Officer 2”. This was withdrawn and all copies destroyed when Miscavige saw it. He claimed it was a fake issue. But it was the ONLY one…
- David Miscavige was NOT with Hubbard in the last years of his life — the ONLY Sea Org members who were with him were Pat and Annie Broeker and Steve (“Sarge’) Pfauth.
- When Hubbard was on his deathbed — he called for Ray Mithoff to come to the Creston ranch where he was hiding out. He did NOT call for David Miscavige. Had he been wanting to “pass the torch” to Miscavige, he would have had him come to issue his instructions on how Miscavige was supposed to proceed.
- Miscavige has often relied upon a declaration from Hubbard that was filed in the probate case his son “Nibs” (Ron DeWolf ) in Riverside CA. Hubbard was in hiding and did not want to appear in court to respond for fear of being served or arrested. An elaborate plan was put in place to have a declaration signed by Hubbard with special dated ink, that would then be filed with the court to prove that Hubbard was alive and of sound mind and simply preferred to maintain his privacy. The declaration forwarded to him along with the special ink to sign was drafted by Miscavige and the attorneys he had hired. It contained language that Hubbard trusted his affairs were in good hands with David Miscavige (who was the head of Author Services Inc at the time) — he had to say that in order to convince the judge nothing was untoward. Hubbard could not have changed the wording even if he wanted to due to the timing and circumstances.
Upon the death of Hubbard, Miscavige proceeded to remove anyone who was a potential rival to him — starting with those who had been with Hubbard: Pat and Annie Broeker and the people who worked directly for them (including Vicki Aznaran, the head of RTC).
The rest is history.
Miscavige has spent years solidifying his position in scientology as the person “forwarding Hubbard’s objectives.” Much of what he has claimed were Hubbard’s intentions were based on “advices” and “wishes” not available to the general scientology public. Relying on this, he has now created the false impression that if he says it, even if it appears to be contradictory to clearcut statements of Hubbard, that he has a “hidden data line” about what Hubbard really wanted, and nobody can second guess him.
Back in those early years after Hubbard shuffled off his mortal coil, the idea that Miscavige (or anyone) could simply cancel the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Key to Life or the OEC Volumes would have been utterly unthinkable. Had anyone tried to do so, they would have been figuratively lynched. An instant SP Declare would have been forthcoming or a mass mutiny would have unfolded. Now it’s just accepted that “COB knows” and “he is doing what Ron wants.” Debbie Cook’s famous email detailed a whole series of policy violations Miscavige ushered into scientology that were directly against what Hubbard said. By then most didn’t care as they had bought into the Miscavige myth.
Miscavige is not the chosen one. But he is Hubbard’s Frankenstein monster: a sociopath who epitomizes the characteristics Hubbard taught — a personality like “cold, chrome steel” without empathy or conscience, a fervent desire to control, and a ruthless dedication to winning at any cost. So, though he wasn’t anointed like he wants everyone to believe, he was molded into the perfect scientology leader.
The picture of DM is creepy as hell. Every photo of the sociopathic little man that I have seen has given me the creeps or a really bad feeling.
This has happened before. Stalin seizing control of the USSR from the appointed Leon Trotsky, Joseph Rutherford staging a coup and taking over the International Bible Students then turning it into Jehovah’s Witnesses and Brigham Young wresting control of Mormonism from the Smith family. In each case the one seizing control then screws up the entity beyond recognition. Just saying that Scientology 1986 is not the first time this has happened.
There was old lore that LRH’s “very good friend” Aleister Crowley intended for succession in OTO to be determined by a contest of will to power among contenders, with the strongest winning out – deservedly in that certain worldview. It may not have been what Hubbard intended, but it may also may not be a complete accident that an organization of the CofS’ nature ended up with the succession effectively being decided that way.
What a sad strange little man David Miscavage is. Running a cult that is falling apart. When he was never supposed to be running it to begin with.
Great post Mike. Describes how Miscavage rose to power. And how he was never supposed to be in the position he is in.
I read all of the “COB ASI” advices. These are all “thankyou” short types of 1/2 page long acknowledgements for various matters ASI was doing to LRH.
NONE of the “COB Advices” to COB ASI, Miscavige, say a thing about him taking over as successor.
There is NO LRH traffic to ASI giving Miscavige the reigns.
Chuck Beatty
ASI Computer Room Person, 1992-1995, when I reviewed all of the ASI LRH traffic for typos, for putting it all in shape to be accessed for the then ASI staff. By extrapolation, some of the ASI traffic implies that top ASI staff, including Miscavige, are to sort out where to position key jobs, like the AVC Aide job, which for a brief time the old LRH Pers Comm Office sub unit called AVC, in the ASI traffic LRH says the AVC Aide job might go into ASI, and it did, for a brief few months, until it was moved back to the “church” corporations. The traffic to COB ASI, Miscavige, all were thankyou type despatches, and related to things like matters ASI was given the responsibility to handle. NONE of it said Miscavige was now the boss, but through the traffic’s orders, you can see several threads of the orders put ASI over several of the “hats” the “church” wears. “LRH Image” for one, in the ASI advices he distinctly put ASI over the “church’s” job of protecting/projecting the “LRH Image.” The whole final years of LRH’s traffic needs be released to see what LRH wanted, he spread the “LRH hats” around. There is a continuation of the late 1960s issue “LRH Executive International” policy, which divides up the “LRH hats.” And then VERY important are the 1982ish “Committee” policies, for having big committee meetings. LRH spread the hats around, NO one leader dominated. But yes, the approval job, the AVC approval of orthodoxy of the various units doing top strategic things, is important to read and absorb how LRH wished things to run.
The Strategic Planning policies are highly important to how LRH wished things to run. It never mentions a single leader.
Conspiracy theories … Mike. Fantasies…without foundation. Furthermore it seems that you are part of a group that wanted to conspire against DM, but without success, and you all ended badly. Like Operation Valkyrie, with Hitler. You have failed. Furthermore, you are not credible, I repeat, you… you are against DM, against Scientology, against LRH, you are the only good one… and that Debbie Cook… what happened to her? She took the money and disappeared… corrupt people have no honor, credibility… loyalty. Only a fool believes a prostitute who tells him she loves him… ha ha ha ha…
You have a very strange concept of a conspiracy theory…
1. Secret union of several people who agree to achieve a common goal, mostly of a subversive nature, against the state, its institutions, or in general against those in power. IT’S NOT THAT STRANGE….SEE?
You’ve got the definition of coup or perhaps cabal, not conspiracy theory.
The fact is that you have failed … and DM is always in his place. However the term in English is: plot. This is what you theorize about LRH’s succession. shows the tapes where LRH says the successor was Anita and Galina. Conversely, you, Cook, Marty,..and singer company… conspired against DM. You wanted a change of power…and this is a coup. you can go around… but round and round the snack is always the same!
At least you are entertaining in a sort of wild and crazy way!!!
Ha ha ha hain Italy they say: by laughing and joking you tell the truth. And who doesn’t enjoy joking?!…
Mr. Vannucci,
I am glad to see The Tech is working so well for you. That increase in IQ must be dazzling to friends and co-workers. I would include family, but we all know the sad ends of families in which members follow Hubbard or Miscavige for any length of time.
It is only by releasing oneself from the dominion they cast over their followers that true freedom can be achieved. But then – you’d have to give up all those IQ points. Difficult decision, isn’t it?
What a curious fellow. If you’re here, either you’re going through your A to E steps (in which case, best of luck), or you’re off lines, still trying to make sense of everything that happened to you. Now, try to consider, even just for a moment, if many of the things you read here were actually true. Mike always presents the facts of what he says. There are plenty of facts and evidence available. Just decide to take a moment to look. It doesn’t hurt.
Mental case is my theory. Or some random kook in search of personal relevance that will never be achieved.
This is the classic fascist method… nullify. Benito Mussolini even sent his family members to the asylum.
Pietro, cut the crap. Miscavige is a liar and a crook. He says Scientology is expanding and its isn’t. He has managed to convince those still in that they are going to get case gain by donating money to the IAS or the Ideal Org Program. That they believe him says a lot more about their stupidity than his cleverness but anyone with eyes to see can observe how the orgs have been shrinking, year after year. No auditors are being trained. No new raw public are flooding into his new buildings. Miscavige stays in power by his use of Disconnection with anyone who speaks up and asks the obvious questions. He violates LRH tech, ethics and admin policies constantly and anyone who calls him out publicly on these violations gets Fair Gamed in the most vicious ways. Under his direction the Church of Scientology is helping no one. Miscavige is helping no one. All he’s doing is buying real estate with other peoples’ money and calling it expansion when what it is is expansion of square footage. His behavior is criminal behavior; he is a criminal. Yes, the Still Ins are dumb to believe him, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he is a liar, a crook and a double crosser who is ripping them off, scamming them, all of them, the rich whales, the poor faithful Class V org staff members, the pedestrian public and last but not least his billion year Sea Org slaves. And by the way, you know all this, don’t you? So why troll Mike Rinder? Not that he needs me to defend him because it sounds to me like he’s more amused by you than upset. I suppose I’m the one who is upset. What is your beef, anyway? I admit it, I’m upset. Does that give you a win? Does that mean you “own” me now? Ok, fine, consider me owned. And enjoy your win!
I don’t understand why you’re so upset… ha ha ha. You see, you should be able to comfortable..communicate with anyone…etc. I believe that DM is a capable, intelligent person,…and much more. He even managed to foil the plot and fix those who were plotting behind his back. History will take its course. The expansion?… I don’t know, but at least in m2… in real estate I can see it. It’s already an expansion… right?
I would venture a wild guess that you have never even seen Miscavige in person, let alone met him, or heaven forbid, worked with him…
Hi Pietro,
How interesting that my upset afforded you some amusement. I was upset last night, but I got over it. I get over things pretty quickly.
But yes,that well intentioned people who care and want to make a better world are being lied to and exploited; that their time, efforts and money are being ABused; that their trust is being continually and selfishly betrayed, that their lives are being wasted in pursuit of a delusion that they are contributing to Planetary Clearing when in actual fact no expansion of Scientology is occurring – – wasted lives, wasted talent, betrayal after trust – injustice – rank injustice – yes, I find this upsetting. I would think most people would.
Capable and intelligent he might well be, and with his vast wealth he has indeed so far managed to foil and “fix” those who were plotting behind his back, mostly by getting rid of them, but the fact remains that David Miscavige is a criminal, the worst sort of criminal, and as you say, history will indeed take its course, and eventually he will be found out. Its only a matter of time and it could well be a long time because his money buys him time, and protection that poorer criminals don’t have. But his day will come, one day the bell will toll for him.
Criminals come in all guises and degrees of intelligence. Some are clever and some are dumb, and everything in between, some are likable and charming with good manners and some are insufferable and loutish oafs, and everything in between. But criminals all have 2 things in common; first, the evil purposes behind what they do, and second, they all, eventually, get caught.
As to what you said about expansion, you obviously have an Mu on what expansion of Scientology actually is. Expansion of square footage of real estate is not necessarily and always expansion of of the organization itself. You might want to get word cleared on that.
Ciao for now.
“This is the classic fascist method… nullify.”
Sorry but it isn’t exactly what are you trying to do?
Troll droppings are difficult to ignore, but they can be sidestepped and quickly forgotten. BTW, Bennie and Raphael say hi. I know how you Italians like to stick together.
Which family members did the Duce send to an asylum?
From much reading, I can’t think of any.
Hubbard, though, did try it with his second wife, trouble was, it didn’t work because the authorities experienced him as a lunatic.
Extreme hypocrisy on his part, too, given his fear and hatred of psychiatry.
Of course, he was also fine with third wife Mary-Sue and ten others going to prison for crimes under a criminal project that he had set up.
What a guy?!? What a creep!
Anyhow if one wants some relevance pro-scn this is the best place to land and speak.
So you are a true believer, now I better understand your explanation of use of ‘loosing’ in your u-name.
So, serious question, at what point do you perceive that Scn. (or Dianetics) went wrong?
If there is a correct path, what is it?
Mark Twain once said something along the lines of “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” It’s a principle I constantly apply.
Furthermore if you’ve never been ‘in,’ you lack the reality to evaluate responses to certain questions, don’t you agree?
No, not at all.
How do you clear a planet, charging $250k+ a head, when half its inhabitants are impoverished?
If you add up all the wealth in the world, most of which is held by very few people, there simply isn’t enough money to pay for even the slightest fraction of the world’s population to go clear, what ever that means.
I don’t expect the Blubbard or his successors to have the intellect to work out this simple arithmetic.
Ohhh they know. They just don’t care.
“Clearing the planet” was only ever a marketing slogan.
Scientology is for the “able”, not the riff raff, useless eaters.
Hubbard defined human value as “the ability to pay.”
He was the Klaus Schwab of his day. 😂
You must be desperately trying to get a couple of extra beans in your next bowl of gruel. You’re a sad little brainwashed $camatologist.
The above reply was aimed at Pietro Vannucci @5.37 PM, the latest in a long line of pathetic rusted on sheepbots trying to get under Mike’s skin and as usual failing very badly.
I’ll say this about the little guy. In a one on one fight with me, with no cronies around, all the LRH tech in existence would not protect him from an ass whooping.
The Frankenstein’s monster analogy is right on the mark. Someone should write a historical novel, or at least a short story, perhaps borrowing on themes from HG Wells. He had a remarkable knack for creating moral fables on the dangers and hazards of wielding advanced or fanciful technologies.
You always feel sorry for Frankenstein’s monster, unlike Demento who is plainly and simply Hubbard’s monster. A soulless and totally self centred creature.
Looking at that photo leaves me thinking that he’s going to need another round of hair transplants. his baldness is creeping ever higher on his bonce.
Hubbard in LRH ED 339R (or 339R1?) wrote that expansion is the management’s problem. It’s not a novelty as others had said it before. The point is that DM eliminated scn management in the early 2000s, and since then, any kind of expansion ended. He became the one who “did” things.
And the results were evident indeed.
When I was in SeaOrg, every year money was set aside from financial planning to give him a gift, and so it was everywhere in the world. I think it’s still the case.
It’s instructive to see how a group that professes at 360-degree freedom is subservient to a bully and one who carried a coup.
It’s funny to see a concpiracy beliver, who is not beliving to a real existated religion.
The COB is real working hard for Ron.
Huh?? Conspiracy believer? Do you even know what you’re talking about? I was there in the SO when suddenly all the Int Execs like Mike, Guillaume, Mark, etc., disappeared. You could feel that something had happened but couldn’t talk about it. The 339r and r1 were a stable data. You could write to these Execs. And always get answers. Then nothing. Gone. Do you at least understand what I mean? It’s quite far from a conspiracy.
LoosingMyReligion, I belive you, and have respect.
My comment mean this pietroVanGucci
Sorry, my friend 🙏.
When I reread it I suspected to have made a gross mistake. Sorry again.
Dear LoosingMyReligion, I see I made the mistake and wrote in response under your comment, that was unintentional and I apologize for it. I wanted to contribute something to everyone’s amusement and I am pleased with the lively communication. Wishing you a nice weekend!
Thank you, Iamfromanywhere, everything’s fine. It’s my fault, I responded too impulsively.
Our friend just needs to clear his mind and try to look at things from another angle.
Although I’m starting to doubt being there to talk to a ‘closed-loop system’ mind.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend nonetheless.
if you are no longer in sea org there must be a reason. how there must be a reason why those executives disappeared.
Exactly Pietro. Example: when I was there everybody knew who was Ed Int (Guillaume Lesevre), people use write to him and get an answer. He was very popular specially in Italy.
Question for you: how long are you in scn and who’s Ed Int now? There should be one per Lrh policy.
LMR, how was a hopelessly dated mid-century pseudoscience and space opera cult ever going to continue expanding in a new century? Particularly since the founder left it explicitly forbidden from updating, or changing its recruitment methods.
I looks to me like the end of expansion was a cause – or at least inevitable – and not an effect. And isn’t the reality check that independent Scientology in all its varieties isn’t expanding either, despite not having the same organizational baggage?
PeaceMaker thank you. From my point of view, hubbard was someone who always sold the bear’s skin before catching it. He kept doing it until he was alive. When he died, the ‘source’ stopped gushing, and from then on, the scn decline began.
In my opinion, the world collective consciousness is changing faster and faster. It’s difficult to talk about it in a few words. Too many factors at play.
As you say, a movement ossified by policies and orders sixty years old, with a ban on changing them, how do you expect it to expand? Or keep existing? Or who wants it to? They are just doomed. And those who are independent still follow (or they are expected to) almost everything hubbard said. So it changes little.
the Catholic church has changed so much…that the churches are truly empty…and the faithful aren’t even faithful. as a result the society ended up in the abyss… but you certainly like this degraded society a lot. better the integrity of scientology
Yes, the Catholic Church has changed so much – what a pity! The Roman Catholic Church which back in the day brought us…lets see, just off the top of my head…The Crusades and all that bloody slaughter that went on for 2 centuries, and there was the execution by strangulation and fire of William Tyndale for heresy – he wrote the Bible in English so the poor people who didn’t speak Latin or French could read it; well, they took care of HIM alright. And then there was the Inquisition, with lots of people tortured, burned at the stake, etc. etc for -well you name it but lets just lump all their mistakes under the heading of heresy. Moving along, we have Galileo who faced the Roman Inquisition and was charged with heresy, tortured and jailed for stating that the earth moved around the sun and not vice versa…yes, the Roman Catholic Church has changed indeed! its quite unrecognizable from what it once was! It is now a religion headed by Pope Francis who actually cares about people, who has compassion for people, all kinds of people. But never mind that. No one is forcing anyone on pain of death to attend Mass, so the churches are kind of empty. What an outpoint! And what a shame for you, Pietro. You could have been a devout Roman Catholic in the 17th century. You would have been so happy and safe!
Te lo dico in italiano: hai il diritto di vederla come vuoi, davvero. L’unica cosa è che qui è il posto peggiore al mondo dove lodare la grandezza di scn. E se tu fosti un vero scnist non saresti qua.
Detto questo aggiungo che fintanto non accetti di voler guardare almeno per un attimo i fatti reali non ne esci sano. Riflettici, magari…
(I’ll tell you in Italian: you have the right to see it as you wish, truly. The only thing is that here is the worst place in the world to praise the greatness of scn. And if you were a true scientologist, you wouldn’t be here. That said, I add that as long as you don’t accept to want to look at least for a moment at the real facts, you won’t come out of it sane. Reflect on it, maybe….)
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a word used less appropriately than “the ‘integrity’ of Scientology.” In most of the world, Scientology is a quack money-making scam, not a religion.
Only by an avalanche of frivolous lawsuits did Scientology regain the tax exemption that Hubbard had for some time but lost due to his flagrant enurement, using ‘church’ funds for personal enrichment.
Miscavige learned the lesson – when you spend millions of church funds, make sure you first hire expensive lawyers and accountants able to claim the money is somehow doing good for the church rather than feeding Miscavige’s ego. Never buy expensive stuff for yourself with church money; but somehow it is OK to spend millions on construction of a personal office and living space out in the desert that has never been used. Not once. So instead of a small studio in a Bluebird motor home, and closets full of expensive but seldom used cameras and film gear, Miscavige continues to spend millions on his whim of Scientology TV. That money, spent for his own aggrandizement, dribbles down the drain, but nobody will say the truth of the mattter – that it was bought on Miscavige’s orders and whim – just like all the funding of all the empty Ideal Orgs.
At the end of the day no exchange of comments between honest people and a troll will have any effect on the troll, but it’s fun, so why not?
I will bow out with my final question, a serious one, for Mr. Vannucci:
Where’s Shelly?
In case you don’t know, Shelly Miscavige is the wife of Mr. COB Miscavige, and recent photos show him still wearing his wedding ring.
Or is it possible that you don’t have the ‘effing rank’ to ask such a question, to misquote a former spoksperson for Scientology?
yes, that Italian who escaped from the sea org is right…you’ll come out crazy from here. I understand why you have to log out!
On scale of 1 – 10 for impact You barely rate a 1. However, on the simp scale you rate a solid 9 – 9.5. Clowns like you come and go on Mike’s site and none of them make any headway and as such are easily forgotten when they leave after realising that they have failed to elicit the responses they expected.
DM has no empathy or soul. Perfect for a Scientology leader.
Mike is 100 percent accurate with all of his points. I was there too at that time. Hubbard did not anoint Miscavige. He used the lawyers to help him take over total control. That post from Scientology is laughable to those who were there.
What a perfect opportunity to write a book … maybe we should call it, “The Shadow of Betrayal: Unmasking the Dark Reign of David Miscavige.”
Oh, wait…
More LOLZ from yours truly🥸
I saw that it was Miscavige’s 64th and we read the statement about his being the chosen successor. I thought something should be done about it. I’m glad you did.
I have long suspected that rather than to take over the church, David’s intended role was to go with Ron to help with further research. David ignored that and wanted Tom Cruise to do it instead. Tom has other commitments and so Ron has been delayed.
“Fastest growing Religion?” Yeah I don’t think so…
“Fastest growing Religion in the world” LOLOLOL
I showed this to a friend here who shed a tear reading it all and said;
“yep, Mike is totally correct. I know this because of personal encounters with Miscavige and the Hubbard family during my years in the higher echelons of the sea org. LRH would never have picked him”.