It is always amusing to read scientology’s hagiographic musings about their fearless leader, Captain Miscavige. He has a website dedicated to him and the same content is repeated in the special section devoted to the COB on the Scientology website. Nobody fact checks the claims made about him, Scientology operates on the principle of putting out so much garbage and lies that nobody can keep up with all the falsehoods so they eventually become true. Here are a few glaring examples, taking the statements right from their website:
Barely a year after entering the Sea Organization—the religious order of Scientology—at the age of 16, he was among a handful of people selected to work directly with L. Ron Hubbard. Recognizing the 17-year-old’s abilities, Mr. Hubbard appointed David Miscavige Director of Photography for the original Scientology training films.
They forgot to mention that soon thereafter, Hubbard removed him from this position for being incompetent.
Soon after, at Mr. Hubbard’s request, Mr. Miscavige served as Action Chief, the senior executive supervising projects involving Scientology Churches around the world. By age 18, David Miscavige had become the individual L. Ron Hubbard called upon to carry out his most important assignments. No executive in the Church’s history ever interacted more with L. Ron Hubbard than Mr. Miscavige. They were in constant communication.
This is a ridiculous assertion. Annie Broeker had worked with Hubbard for years on the Apollo and then in Clearwater before Miscavige even joined the Sea Org. So too many other messengers. After Hubbard went on the lam, Annie Broeker was with him in person every day. Miscavige received dispatches from Hubbard during this time, but sometimes it would be weeks or many months with no communication at all to anyone other than the few people that were with him. The idea that he had more “interaction” with Hubbard than anyone is simply a blatant lie.
In later years, L. Ron Hubbard described a heroic Church executive who identified and then cleared the ranks of rogue staff attempting to seize control of Scientology while Mr. Hubbard was engaged in intensive research and not directly involved in the day-to-day management of the Church.
No, he didn’t. He did not single anyone out. He referred to “Scientologists” not a single “Scientologist” The actual quote is:
“So forgive me for not managing the Church when it almost fell into hostile hands. It all came out all right. Why? Because real Scientologists made sure it did. My faith was justified.”
Miscavige’s PR flunkies just made up the idea that he singled out Miscavige as “the scientologist”. He did no such thing.
In 1982 Mr. Hubbard requested a corporate reorganization of the Church designed to ensure the Church and the religion could move on into perpetuity, always remaining true to its “Source” materials—the term for L. Ron Hubbard’s philosophy, policies and the fundamental theology of the religion. Thus, Mr. Hubbard established the Religious Technology Center to hold the Scientology and Dianetics trademarks and to preserve, maintain and protect the Scientology religion. He appointed Mr. Miscavige a Trustee of that Church organization.
Hubbard did NOT appoint him the “head” or “COB” of RTC. Miscavige conducted a coup and took over RTC after Hubbard died because the then head of RTC, Vicki Aznaran was loyal to Annie and Pat Broeker. And ASI had become pretty much irrelevant in the overall scheme of things with Hubbard’s death. They were now the organization representing a dead man, no longer his contact point with the outside world. If you doubt this, just look at how insignificant ASI is the scientology world today.
Mr. Hubbard also appointed David Miscavige as chairman of the organization charged with overseeing and handling his personal affairs for the remainder of his life.
Well, that is sort of true. He was the boss of Author Services. ASI’s primary function was to make money for Hubbard, when they weren’t making enough selling his books they descended into complete ripoffs with wildly overpriced “limited edition” books and artwork. The other main role was to get an “all-clear” for Hubbard so he could come out of hiding – something he never accomplished which incurred the wrath of Hubbard for his failure.
And finally, perhaps most importantly, in Hubbard’s last days, when he was (according to Miscavige) preparing to “causatively drop his body” he did NOT summon Miscavige to his ranch in Creston to “turn over his hat” or even say goodbye. Ray Mithoff was called and he was in attendance those last few days, along with Pat and Annie Broeker, Sarge Pfauth and his doctor Gene Denk. How is it he would not want to talk to the person in charge of “handling his personal affairs” and his most trusted associate?
As I described in my book, and Marty Rathbun covered in his book (scientology loves to cite Rathbun as an expert these days) – Miscavige pulled off a coup, and has since rewritten history to make it seem as though this is what Hubbard wanted. It was not.
Please know you and your family are in my continued prayers for swift recovery / remission and complete healing. Thank you for continuing to expose the lies and abuses of this ridiculous cult. I applaud your courage and perseverance in all aspects of life…. Get well and looking forward to seeing you back, healthy on SPTV!!!
Mike and Kristy(sp)
I want you to know I continue to pray for you and your family. You are a gift to this world and for those trying to understand and get out of Scientology. I know the power of prayer and being a nurse for >30 years I have see miracles over and over because of prayer.
Take one day at a time-and know you have so many thousands of people rooting you on!
Yes, I remember when M.A.C. (Mission All Clear) personnel arrived in CW mid-’83. I was berthed with one of the guys and he told me all about it. Ironically he was ex-US Army Military police with a high security clearance. LOL
It’s strange – all the incredible BS I’ve heard about Scientology and things like this never cease to amaze me. I’ll never understand where Scientology’s unmitigated nerve comes from. Now that all the old-timers who would have had the gall to say, “uhhmmm….sorry, what? No?” are either declared or dead, and anyone still there who knows this stuff is locked in a trailer and thoroughly subdued.
*sigh* that’s all. Thinking about you and your recovery!
As were many, I was at the event where they announced Hubbard was “moving on”.
Who was going to run the joint?
It was announced:
“Ron’s best friends, Pat and Annie Broker”
I’ll never forget it as I knew many Sea Org & I’d never even heard their names.
No problem as who whipped up to the podium? Some kid…David Miscavige.
Huh? I was told:
“Don’t ask, don’t tell….move along”
Scientology….the shit show of lies!
I am waiting for their next revelation on the fabulous history of this ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’. I can see the glossy pages now:
COB Miscavige the war hero:
Recent declassified DOD special forces files now allow the war department to issue a posthumerous metal of exceptional valor and 22 ‘ribbons’ to the valiant spirit (thetan) now known as Capitan Miscavige. In his previous carnation he was a full colonel in the ultra special deep forces who sacrificed his life in late 1959 while infiltrating the north vietnam kumer rouge communist cells. His efforts and sacrifices gave this country the information and key structures to later allow our forces to rout the bad guys out of the country in short order. Hip Hip Who-barf
(Serious apologies to all real vets, from all times and places.)
Excellent article, Mike. We count on you for truth.
So fabulous that you’re posting. I think about you throughout my day. I love you (Christie, don’t take this the wrong way) and am with you on your journey back to health.
You’re a rare human, Mike. I say that because you have courage and integrity. Yes, you did awful things back in the day but then you got the picture and did a complete turn around and in your mid-50’s too. That’s rare. That’s unusual.
The persistance on a given course that you had that for decades you applied for Scientology’s benefit underwent a complete turn around and got applied to bringing a ruthless, greedy cult to justice. Its awesome, what you did, seriously.
You could have succumbed to them, allowed Miscavige to buy you off. But no, you stood fast. You held your position in space and you did it with grace and dignity. No matter what they threw at you, you stood fast. You still stand fast now, with all that you’re dealing with.
That’s real strenth, you know. I admire your kind of strength very much, because its the type of quiet, spun steel conviction and courage that doesn’t preclude the ability to be kind, understanding and compassionate at the same time.
OK, I’m done. Continue taking great care of yourself. We all love you.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC.
Re: praising Mike Rinder.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy.
Re: exalted persons.
First, stop attacking Mike! He needs our prayers which I know you won’t offer. And second, your whole life story is an unfounded allegation!
No love at all,
Dear COB RTC David Miscavige,
Annoint your ass with your head.
With Alcoboy, no love at all,
That’s telling him!
Mike, this makes more sense as you see all the incompetent managing and Narcissistic bellowing’s he throws around that ego that is bigger than his whole body with. LRH created a cult for his own financial gain and Dave Miscavige has bastardized it even further into a concentration camp like culture. No one will ever be able to live up to his Sociopathic whims. Much like Hubbard I think Miscavige has more and more believed his own bullshit. And like Hubbard Miscavige is going more and more delusional. I think we all have to wonder how things would have been different if Ray Mithoff and Annie Broeker would have declared Dave Miscavige an SP and taken the reigns. But I have to wonder, Does Absolute Power corrupt absolutely?
After Hubbard’s death, . We were all given an issue to read and about Sea Org future and Pate and Annie Broeker.
Shortly after we were all asked to donate $15 or $20 to Pat Broeker’s Birthday present. Apparently he loved flying. The gift was to be for a set of flying lessons, and the gift (which amount to several thousand dollars) ~~ some 5000 Sea Org members donating $20 each…It was a kind of “mandatory” donation, the order came from the TOP of the Org Board.
The first inkling I had that something had gone wrong was when it was announced (only some 2 weeks later!) that we were all being re-funded our $20 Birthday donation for Broeker. A refund of a Birthday donation ?
I had lived through numerous purges and changing of the guard with ruthless psycho-dramas and I had a gut feeling one of those was on the horizon…..
Every single person who still had a copy of the above “Flag Order 3879” was hounded down to “give it up”. All copies were to be burned and shredded !
It was all fantasy and all made up Miscagive announced in various ways……this was not a Hubbard writing at all. It was penned by Broeker. It was completely cancelled as fantasy !
Barely a few short years previously the “Guardian’s Office” had been purged as “a bunch of crims” (Criminals) and Mission Network likewise, “a bunch of egregious money grabbing thieves” and now the “senior Messenger Pat Broeker” it was rumored was a grand larceny and theft merchant, buying horses galore, and his head was about to roll…….
Well ~~ it Just another coup.
Just another Purge.
Just another bloodbath in the mentality of power and paranoid cosmic
psycho-politics in the “Church” of Scientology.
it’s so important I hope someday someone collects all of Annie Broeker’s stories Annie told.
Camile Anderson told stories that Annie told Camile. Also Jim Logan has told stories that Annie told him. Others heard Annie telling stories.
All the material ought be compiled, and then all of LRH’s own final years orders and issues he wrote, ought be looked over, and then you get the picture.
Also Sarge Stephen Pfauth’s interview with Lawrence Wright, which is written about in the end of the “Going Clear….” book (if you have Apple devices and get the Kindled advanced edition, it has the interview with Sarge Pfauth which says such important info that almost all Scientologists have never heard and need to hear).
There ought to be a compilation of all this final “Source Briefing” material to get the final picture of Hubbard’s last half dozen years of his wishes.
He did say he failed, to Sarge. He did say he’s not coming back to earth, for those who believe he’s coming back, and this info is in the Sarge and Lawrence Wright interview.
There’s a couple of saying that to me apply.
– the proof is in the pudding (witness no great miracles coming out of Scientology, the Scientology pudding is mainly suffering and woe)
– you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear (Scientology is not making superpeople, no silk purses coming out of Scientology, only tragedies)
Were all of those orders confiscated and destroyed ? Is it possible that there might be some copies out there somewhere that survived the purge?
What’s interesting is Scientology’s top public-facing lawyer, Monique Yingling, admits Hubbard never chose Miscavige to succeed him.
From a 2016 ABC News story:
“Mr. Hubbard viewed David Miscavige as one of his closest and trusted aides, and he essentially groomed him to become the leader of the Church,” said Church lawyer Monique Yingling. “So really while there wasn’t an anointment or anything like that, it was clear to everyone… that David was the person that Mr. Hubbard would want to take the Church forward.”
Yingling tries to spin it in Miscavige’s favor, but admits he is not “the chosen one.” You won’t see that on a Scientology website though!
Let me see if I’ve got this right.
A grifter seeks to enrich himself by taking advantage of people searching for some spiritual fulfillment.
When his “half-baked ideas with huge promises” fall apart as “half-baked balderdash”, he doubles down with thuggish brutality and intimidation.
He dies and a punk seizes the opportunity to move up and take over.
Shocking if it’s a religion, but Standard Operating Procedure if it’s a Crime Org.
so very true thats really poignant
Mike thank you for this interesting and informative post. It brings a glaring light on how little LRH actually put on DMs competency and leadership ability. Always great to have your unique insight into things Sc related.
I hope that you are doing well and that things are getting better for your personally with your health struggles. Just know that so many out here are sending you nothing but loving and healing vibes and looking forward to you possibly returning if you are up for it. <3
Thanks for this. Makes me mad as hell because my children’s inheritance is all going to this ratone.
If any other grand parents have this issue, my name is Stephanie Waymen on facebook, would love to collaborate.
Stephanie, I’m not a finance person but why give them an inheritance outright? You can entail it, you know. Portion it out over time. This way they never have that much at any given time. Of course, the cult can and probably will do its utmost to brainwash them to donate the portions each month, but at least the cult won’t be able to fleece everything all at once. Anecdotally, there is a VERY big trust fund baby I know whose family are/were hugely wealthy and put her and her hubbie on a very strict financial diet – an arrangement very difficult to break or amend – because they knew that the cult would drain the entire fortune otherwise.
I think it was in 1994, Frannie Harris and David Bloomberg, were doing amends at Author Services Inc, for some wrong false reason (the blaming of people/staff for all the wrongs in Scientology is baked into the movement, and then amends are done).
Frannie Harris and David Bloomberg were doing the proofreading of the block of LRH traffic to COB ASI.
This consisted of about 25 separate despatches from LRH with COB ASI as the person to whom these 25 or so despatches were addressed.
I read them all, several times over, myself. ASI was to be over LRH’s fiction non church products. Church was to be over the tech application. The Command Channels booklet has the spread of authorities over the sectors and things. No ultimate boss was designated, it emerged just due to the persons to whom the final traffic went, and COB ASI was Miscavige. He inserted himself into the top RTC role, and into the final corporations boards.
The only significant one that stands out today, most are just mundane thankyou and mention of ongoing activities at ASI of top supervisor type of content, and the standout one, was regarding the AVC I/C job, which LRH speculated that Miscavige and Starkey and Lyman and Terri would have to sort out where to put the AVC job. LRH said it should go into ASI unless they discovered for legal reasons this isn’t right.
So for the start, AVC did go into ASI for a brief time, and then it slipped over into RTC, and then into CMO int, and then back to RTC. All along Miscavige retained his role as filter above AVC for all traffic going to LRH, so Miscavige still acted like a role above AVC.
The traffic to ASI from LRH needs to be made public, to really nail down what LRH wanted in the end.
All of the RTC LRH traffic needs to be made public also.
And even with all this traffic, just because LRH wanted it the way LRH wanted it, and Miscavige has since made a mess of LRH’s final wishes, even if someone later does exactly what LRH laid out, that still won’t make it correct.
I think the bigger flaws will always be what LRH ordered will be found to be flawed.
It will be probably never for the LRH flaws in Scientology to be fixed, Hubbard made those deeper flaws unfixable.
It’s best to skip Scientology altogether, always.
Scientology is an alternative quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism aimed to alleviate a person’s soul memories and to exorcise invisible souls off of their human body.
If past lives pseudo-therapy and exorcism of hundreds of thousands of invisible souls off your body sounds like something you want to give it a shot, then do NOT do official Scientology.
Find some splinter Scientologist, gauge them head to toe, and see if you want them to give you the pseudo-therapy and exorcism. But realise even the splinter Scientologist will wish to keep paperwork on everything you said, so really, Scientology is going to keep a lot of paperwork on what you tell them, so beware. You will learn you have a load more invisible souls infesting your human body than you ever imagined, LOL. You are warned.
In any event, skip Scientology, save yourself the trouble. All it is is souls memories alleviation by means of Hubbard’s unique quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
Additionally, since LRH only sent pretty mundane orders to COB ASI, but the Spcl Pjt Ops job Miscavige held did get a half dozen at most, more important orders to Miscavige at least, BUT all total, Kerry Gleason as CO FB got more total orders of significance than Miscavige did.
The history of LRH’s management traffic to the Apollo era “top management” personnel dwarfs the Miscavige era total traffic. LRH was a whirlwind of orders in the Apollo era to the first couple years at Flag Land Base Management units, compared to the 1980s traffic that Miscavige received really a tiny amount comparatively.
Also, Kerry Gleason and Greg Wilhere at least became Class 12s, whereas Miscavige isn’t even allowed to audit, since Miscavige violates the Auditors Code so horribly he’s truly not even eligible to audit anyone!
Naw, Miscavige is a “manager” and not even an auditor! It was LRH’s fault to not be more specific to NOT even have a top manager role for the movement, it’s more of an omission on LRH’s part to have NOT stated that there be a top dog.
And for sure, the Admiral issue is grounds to dismiss Miscavige also as not the top person LRH wanted in charge above it all.
We need Pat Broeker to at least answer this question about this.
Chuck, I often liken it to Christian Science which initially took off as it did because spiritual healing was preferred to going to the doctor which, at that time, could be a literal death sentence. Then the germ theory came along, medicine became safer and interest in Christian Science declined. It seems to me that Dianetics was seen as an alternative to psychiatry. With improvements in the treatment of the mentally ill as well as psychiatric care being covered by insurance and Medicare, no one needs Dianetics and Scientology.
And let’s not overlook the fact that both bodies of knowledge are pure quackery.
Wasn’t it Miscavige who once uttered something like, “power is assumed,” or some such thing alluding to you simply take it? He never earned an honest dollar in his life. He has stolen a hell of a lot of them through lies, threats and extortion though.
It eventually becomes impossible to appreciate something as truthful from where so many lies exist. That’s what makes waking up to honesty so hard, lies create an effective form of collective unconsciousness, especially within Scientology and many other cult like beliefs imo. Rewriting history as Miscavige has done for those gullible enough to involve themselves with the Scientology cult is, rather obviously, all based on lies.
Haha… what isn’t admired persists. However, admiring lies is what Scientology enforces & that’s what Miscavige and his minions have to enforce-ably believe, evidence to the contrary doesn’t exist for them. More and more it walls them off from the rest of the world and shrinks their numbers. The biggest and most consistent technology applied by Scientology is security, legal and telling lies. They have a lot to hide and create more to hide every day.
What he said was, “Power is when people listen to you”.
Which is true, insofar as it goes.
But there can be all KINDS of reasons why people “listen” to someone.
These reasons are not necessarily good, healthy reasons.
They can be good reasons but not necessarily.
With vast understatement, the reason Miscavige is “listened to” and obeyed are not healthy reasons. He is listened to and obeyed because he is feared and he is vastly wealthy. People fear him, and other people listen to him for purely transactional reasons – they want the money. I would say that David Miscavige is greatly deferred to, but not truly respected by anyone who actually knows him. Deference and respect are not the same. One can defer to someone because one respects him or her, but one can defer because one is very afraid, or, one can defer because he or she is the bimbo who writes the checks.
And don’t forget that people are listened to and obeyed because their followers hear their horseshit and believe it. Hitler, Trump and Mr. Misciewicz are prime examples of this.
How very true that is. And sad. Yes, people who are beaten down can be very susceptible to believing obvious lies. But if they have nothing else, or if they for whatever reason BELIEVE they have nothing else, then the lies from someone who “speaks” to them, someone who comes across as authoritative and forceful, and most importantly some who gives them a person or group to BLAME for their problems, will be listened to, alright. And that’s an understatement; “slavishly believed in all things and followed” better describes what happens in these instances. Its been happening with Trump – utterly amazing into what the Republican Party has morphed. Well, his lies are all they have.
I saw something very similar with my own eyes many years ago when I lived in a Caribbean country that had a dictator. The peasants – very poor, largely unemployed and barely educated if at all, worshipped the dictator of that country and believed all his lies. He knew just how to manipulate them in every way and did so. While caring nothing for them he exploited them horribly. And they worshipped him, literally. Quite literally, in fact. Very, very sad.
Miscavige also knows, down to his bones, how to manipulate his flock. Scientology is “man’s only hope”, Hubbard is the savior of mankind, and he is of course the annointed one; believing this, what else can they do but believe everything he says, and obey every order, so that they “don’t waste this brief breath in eternity to make it and go free” if I’m quoting this horseshit correctly.
An even deeper flaw to official Scientology, is Hubbard deeming the “manager” as the boss of the movement.
Rather than have the Senior Case Supervisor International be the actual boss of the subject.
This is unappreciated by everyone except total outsiders who study religions.
Your actual top person ought to be the top practitioner.
Miscavige’s manager role is not equivalent to the Pope job.
Miscavige’s manager role is not even equivalent to a Bischop.
Scientology’s top boss role, wasn’t even an LRH designated role, it’s an assumed role, simply because of the AVC I/C top orthodoxy authorization job that Hubbard let slip to Miscavige and top ASI people to decide where to put the AVC I/C job.
But Senior C/S Int always had “tech” supremacy over all Scientologists, and the RTC “tech” job never was meant to be superior to Senior C/S Int, the weeds on seeing this point, are the IG Cramming Officer advices to RTC.
The IG Cramming officer advices did not place Jesse Prince superior to Ray Mithoff.
Tech wise, Senior C/S Int was the boss of the tech, which is the subject, the core subject of the Scientology practice.
LRH in the 20 page advice to David Mayo is the supreme LRH order giving Mayo, the Senior C/S International, the top tech boss authority of the movement, and NOTHING I ever read by Hubbard countered that.
That is the discussion that someday experts who get access to ALL of LRH’s final traffic have to pour over, and refute the above.
But, again, for managing the movement, yes, the COB ASI traffic when Miscavige was COB ASI, there is a despatch that gives Miscavige and the other top ASI people the job of determining where to put the AVC I/C job, but again, study of what the AVC I/C job is, you learn it is NOT the top “tech” boss authority.
Senior C/S Int is the top tech boss authority per LRH, and never extended to RTC, that is a huge detail NO ONE is discussing.
That whole splitting of the IG Tech, IG Admin, IG EThics was NOT by any LRH order. If you study the RTC traffic, you have the IG Cram Off traffic, you have the IG MAA traffic. There is no IG Tech traffic.
It’s all still just manager part of running Scientology, and then tech part of running Scientology.
The tech is the subject of Scientology.
The admin is just the admin.
If you then further study LRH’s history of the admin side of Scientology, you see LRH made a huge monumental mistake himself, in violation of LRH’s 1950 essay, “Essay On Management”.
In “Essay On Management” LRH says it is a grievous mistake for a subject founder to be part of management.
But LRH said others failed to make a viable management for Scientology leaving him no choice to build the management framework for the movement.
But, that is wrong. There is massive long list of complaints all through the history of Scientology and validly so, by auditors, against every single decade of every single type of LRH’s admin managers and their frameworks.
The subject of Scientology is auditing and the exorcism. Managing has nothing on the ground with making better tech, it is tech people, and specifically is the best auditors who make the best future auditors.
Mentoring and drilling by excellent auditors of other auditors, made the best auditors in the movement’s history.
No admin people ever (unless they were tech top people) made on the ground the actual good auditors.
So, conclusion, LRH was wrong for placing so much authority, and ANY authority of the admin managers over the tech people in the movement’s history.
Today, I think if a person wants to be a quack pseudo-therapist exorcist Scientology practitioner, NEVER spend a second expecting any assistance from ANY Scientology admin organization or admin people.
You don’t learn about Scientology from admin people, they are managers, paperpushers, and marketing people.
You want to run into a splinter Class 12, and have them give you a tour of the Bridge to Total Freedom in big strokers.
Bottom half of the chart is one on one pseudo-therapy. Middle part is one on one pseudo-therapy delving into your past lives trauma soul memories.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are exorcism steps of Scientology.
Auditors do Scientology.
David Miscavige is a manager, boss manager, he’s not an authority other than by Hubbard’s leaving top manager job, which Hubbard never designated there even be a top manager actual job but rather Hubbard left the movement with the Command Channels and the top two councils Watch Dog Committee and International Executive Strata (the think tank). RTC was far far more confined in their Hubbard administrative jobs, and they WERE admin jobs, with the exception of the IG Cram Off LRH traffic went into some tech stuff for the Int Base staff correction and sec checking.
Big tech of Scientology, that is all Senior Case Supervisor International’s job, and NO ONE was to be superior tech wise to the Senior Case Supervisor Int job.
Back to who is boss of the movement, Miscavige has created this false role of top boss, but he never that job by LRH.
And to have Miscavige thought of as being superior to the tech of the movement, is wrong.
All these flaws are LRH’s fault.
The movement could actually get rid of everything, just leave LRH’s tech books out, for people to see if they even wish to be auditors.
The paperwork of auditing to me is wrong too.
The whole bloated admin part of Scientology is wrong.
The theory of Scientology simply really is about soul memories. And then soul exorcism (to rid ourselves of souls that infest our human bodies, and these souls leak their soul memories onto us, thus exorcising them helps us lose any of the soul memories they were leaking onto us).
You don’t even need this.
Do another subject, do another religion. I favor Buddhism, listen to the Dhammapada on YouTube, it’s only 3 hours long to get an overview. All of Buddhism is free on the internet, or find a meditation teacher.
Scientology is a lot of admin blocks, lots of paperwork blocks, paperwork galore, and it’s only soul memories pseudo-therapy and soul exorcism that you end up doing.
You don’t need any admin top managers for that. You certainly don’t want to interact with a bully ruthless nasty top manager like Miscavige. (Just read up if you must, on Scientology, and then skip it all together.)
I’m very impressed with your knowledge which you of course have with the your many years in Scientology.
I like your take on the claims.
Do you think David M. ever will be found? Any ideas on where he is hiding?
Mike; I hope you are doing okay despite the circumstances. I look forward to listen and see you on Youtube. You are missed.
One of the things I was curious about was whether or not DM actually believed in scientology so when I read in your book that DM was afraid that LRH was going to come back that answered that question. I hope that keeps him awake at night 🙂
Demento believes in the cash and real estate (and is always on the lookout for new ways to increase both) and pretty much nothing else. He sees the rusted-ons only as means to an end; making him richer.
You make a good point GL. I wonder how much good all that does him when he just hides away like a frightened little mouse. Reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode Time enough at Last, where all a man wanted to do was surround himself with books and then when he was totally isolated and had the time he shattered his glasses and couldn’t read them anyway.
“Firehose of falsehoods” is yet another technique borrowed from Soviet propaganda by Hubbard and his organization.
I wonder if there is no one left actively working on PR for the CoS, who knows what the truth is – Miscavige can just write whatever he wants for publication as those who were there have either defected, or been made Orwellian unpersons doing menial work at Gold Base.
And I appreciate the clarification of how little interaction the two had – I had long been left with the impression that there was somewhat more, than there actually was. However one key point that I believe you’ve explained earlier, is that regardless Hubbard was pleased with what Miscavige was doing, such is in dealing harshly with the mission holders.
In a weird way isn’t it a good thing that captain Dave is in charge, he will be the death of Scientology, and single handily making sure of its destruction. My hats are off to you Sir. GOD SPEED.
Rick, Miscavige inherited what some call a mid-century UFO cult, and has done a fairly good job of keeping the CofS together and relatively powerful, while many similar groups from the second half of the 20th century have dropped off the radar. But he certainly hasn’t done anything to prepare it to survive once the current key generation of true believers and old timers, that includes himself, shuffles off this mortal coil.
Actually that’s the whole problem – Scientology being utterly incapable of reforming and adapting is utterly incapable of navigating the world around it. It’s basically end game for them now.
Much lower profile religious movements with some vaguely similar percepts have more active followers (but less financial resources), but are more capable of adapting to survive partly by staying out of the limelight.
Thanks, Lili
Thank you for keeping up the good fight.
The fight against Scientology.
The fight against cancer
May your healing, the quick and the Riley.
I met the incipient Dwarfenführer® just after he dropped out of high school to become a messenger– a child tyrant substituting for the big (ginormous) man when he wanted to chew underlings out for any or no reason. The messengers are ONE reason why the guy didn’t keep his weight under control by running all over the ship to micromanage every little thing. The messengers did the running instead. Things might have run more smoothly had Hubbard just left folks to do their jobs in peace.
Thank you for keeping the truth in the forefront. Am praying for your health and family
Hey there Mr. Rinder. I pray you are kicking ass with your cancer fight. Very happy to see you writing, even if your body is making it hard. XO XO prayers are coming at ya everyday!
Sometimes the therapy of mockery is the balm our souls seek…
Introducing the SPTV “Little Davey” Garden Gnome.
That would make a fine shoop if you haven’t done it already
A nice fresh pile of dog poop might be a better addition to the yard.
Yo Dave,
Somehow the little gnome does remind me of a pile of shit. Just sayin good buddy!
Thank you for this post, Mike. It is so important that everyone know that Miscavige was not the heir apparent, and that he re-wrote history and did a hostile takeover. The rank and file were kept so much in the dark that no one even knew a coup had taken place. This needs to be out there in the public realm, for all Scns who may eventually leave Scientology. They need to know the truth, as does the world. A punk little guy with a huge ego and lots of aspirations did a hostile takeover and now he gets all the money coming in. He doesn’t provide any paper trail for all this money either. Good article, Mike.
Cindy, I appreciate your comment. It puts a cherry on top of Mike’s excellent post.
The level of gaslighting by this cult exceeds the tolerance bounds of this society. And they do not care. They are NOT one with us (world population minus 20,000).
All L. Ron Hubbard (and the self appointed successor David Miscavige) had to offer were Slavery and Death.
That’s an offer that must be refused.
That is an offer that CAN be refused, for sure. I beat the rush to the door by getting myself thrown out as not credulous enough to even be a good RPF inmate — 43 years ago, come August.
BEST thing that happened to me in 70 years – other than meeting my gorgeous wife 30 years ago.
And we who refused that “gift” of slavery and death are grateful now. I plead to the OSA folks reading: Please reject Davey’s false promises and leave the trap now. Contrary to what “they” are directed to assert, “wogs” on the whole are friendly and aren’t scheming against you. They’re just trying to get along in the world and tend to be charitable and caring. Remember all the kind and decent folks of your childhood? they were all non-scns/”wogs” probably, because if you’re not a 2nd or 3rd generation scientologists, you got a normal upbringing where essentially everyone was dedicated to you growing up well-educated and well-trained. Those kinds of people still exist in abundance.