L. Ron Hubbard discussed at some length the characteristics of a Suppressive Person or Anti-Social Personality. Way back in 1953 he wrote PAB 13 On Human Behavior which was a precursor to so much that he would codify in the mid 1960’s. It is interesting to read what other scholars of human behavior have to say on the subject, particularly clinical psychologist Martha Stout in her widely recognized book The Sociopath Next Door. Their observations very similar – and yet from such different backgrounds – confirming the accuracy of the observations.
For this posting, I focus on one of the identifying characteristics of the Anti-Social Personality described in HCOPL 1966 THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST. I did a related post some time ago entitled On David Miscavige’s Behavior.
5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding.
I was reminded of this by the recent brouhaha concerning the well-being and whereabouts of Shelly Miscavige.
I don’t doubt that Shelly is not in personal physical danger. But, this once very public figure, who was at her husband’s side literally 24 hours a day, at every meeting, every event, every photo opportunity (he did not travel or appear in public without her) has been “disappeared.” She now “speaks” through lawyers. She is hidden from public view. She has become another of his cowed associates. Hidden (or hiding) and unable or unwilling to speak for herself.
But if his wife is now “vanished” what of his closest associates? \
Miscavige used to appear in public (at his “international events”) with Heber Jentzsch, Ray Mithoff, Norman Starkey, Guillaume Lesevre, Marc Yager and others who were prominent and long-term church officials. In fact, up until about 2005, Miscavige served the role of “MC” to introduce the other speakers. He hated that. It was a role HE chose to perform, but he would often bitterly complain that he was lending his credibility to people who were beneath his station in life. And gradually he began eliminating everyone else from these events.
Today, an emaciated and sick looking Guillaume Lesevre is trotted out once a year to present the Birthday Game awards (Miscavige considers this is very much beneath him – he REFUSES to do it, especially the indignity of having to present something to a Mission). Guillaume is otherwise in hiding (or more correctly, is hidden). Though if you ask the church, he is still “Executive Direction International” (which is the HIGHEST Management position in Scientology).
Heber Jentzsch has appeared in public once in the last few years when he was shamed into attending the funeral of his only child. He was brought in by “handlers,” stayed the minimum amount of time and was then whisked away. Heber for many years was the public face of Scientology and has always been the main contact point between Scientology and other religions. As the church has become more and more insular and removed from any interfaith activities, nobody has taken his place. As a result, an increasing number of scholars are questioning the legitimacy of the church.
Ray Mithoff, the supposed “Senior C/S International” has not been seen in public for YEARS. If you ask the church, they would probably still identify him as “Senior C/S Int” even though he was removed from post and put in the Hole by Miscavige a decade or so ago. But there is no other Snr C/S Int. With Miscavige announcing the “greatest technical advances in the history of Scientology” — GAT II and Super Power – where IS Snr C/S Int? Nobody notices the oddity that the Senior Technical terminal in Scientology is NOWHERE to be seen in all of this technical innovation? Miscavige is bringing in C/Ses from every org in the world. And no Senior C/S Int. Note that Ray Mithoff IS a Class XII C/S and WAS L. Ron Hubbard’s last auditor. Cannot say the same for Miscavige.
Marc Yager, the last known WDC Chairman and CO CMO Int has not been sighted in at least 5 years. Another person who was personally trained by L. Ron Hubbard on church management and evaluation. Hidden or in hiding.
The last outing for Norman Starkey was Tom Cruise’s wedding to Katie Holmes in 2006 where he got drunk and hit on Brooke Shields… Starkey was Executor of L. Ron Hubbard’s Estate. He was the head of Author Services. And now he is another of the invisible men.
The long term head of the IAS, Janet McLaughlin was removed by Miscavige in 2006, put in the Hole and eventually left the Sea Org. Nobody has taken her place. There is no “Message from the President IASA” in Impact magazine any more.
Russ Bellin, the head of Church of Spiritual Technology was put in the Hole by Miscavige in 2006 also. He was the person who had authority to take away RTC’s power. Instead he went into the Hole and has disappeared. He tried to blow in 2007 but was caught before he could get away. Last know to be the “Int Finance Director” in CSI – a meaningless post these days as all financial decisions are made by Miscavige. Bellin is a glorified accountancy admin.
No sector of Scientology has been spared the “disappearing act” of Miscavige. Rena Weinberg and Laurie Zurn, the two long term stable terminals and faces of ABLE were disappeared into the Hole and have never resurfaced. Today, there is no recognizable figure in the ABLE sector other than Alfreddie Johnson, the Baptist Minister and Nation of Islam go to guy.
And of course, Tommy and Jessica Davis blew the Sea Org after being directly on Miscavige’s lines for a few years. Now hiding. So too his chief hatchetwoman and former “WDC Ideal Orgs” Angie Blankenship. And former WDC WISE Greg Hughes. And Debbie Cook. And let’s not forget Marty Rathbun, Amy Scobee, Claire Headley, Marc Headley, JB, Jeff Hawkins, me and many, many others.
The list goes on.
These associates are certainly cowed. Guillaume LOOKS ill. The others are entirely invisible.
And what of Miscavige’s immediate family?
Of course, Shelly is now a nonperson.
His mother, Loretta, who he loudly scorned behind her back, died some years ago.
His mother-in-law committed suicide after she was targeted for going to David Mayo’s group.
His father in law is deceased.
His brother (Ronnie) and sister-in-law (Bitty) left the Sea Org in 2000 after being unwilling to put up with his abuses. Miscavige told his brother if he would remain in the Sea Org and divorce his wife and let her leave would give her $100,000 (his brother refused).
Their daughter, Jenna, wrote a best-selling book about life in the Sea Org and with “Uncle Dave” and it was not pretty. She is not cowed or ill – she got away and spoke her mind!
His father, Ron, and his wife Becky blew the Sea Org a couple of years ago. He is in his mid-70’s and has no money, no health insurance and no realistic job prospects. Of course, his son who has virtually unlimited resources is not about to help him.
Miscavige’s twin sister Denise was recently arrested for marijuana possession.
The ONLY person in his immediate family that appears not to have run away from him and everything he stands for is his younger sister Lori.
So, why doesn’t anyone question this? Or even notice?
They are afraid to look. They are afraid to question for fear they will be sec checked, “lose their eternity,” (cannot really take that away….), lose their loved ones, job or friends. And this is part of it. But Martha Stout makes another observation after 40 years of studying sociopaths in society. She pegs the sociopath (a person with no conscience) as 4% of the population. She notes the fact that the 96% of people with a conscience find it extremely difficult to believe that a sociopath can do the things they do as it would be unthinkable to them. This is “Suppressive Reasonableness” in Hubbard’s terms.
Unless the actions of a psychopath have direct and dire consequences on you, most people are incapable of understanding the depths to which the anti-social personality will sink, destroying people around them with a charming smile on their face.
They hide in plain sight. Daring people to believe their own eyes and knowing that the vast majority will never question them or their actions.
The really crazy thing is that Scientologists are supposed to be the experts on human behavior. And they have certainly studied a LOT more about the subject of sociopaths/anti-social personalities than the average man on the street. And they are SUPPOSED to become more and more able to think for themselves.
Like the sociopath psychiatrist in Stout’s book who fooled people for 30 years – including her peers, arguably well educated on the subject of sociopathic personalities – the leader of a church in fact has a unique position of authority from which to carry out destruction while convincing those around him that he is in fact acting in their best interests and doing a wonderful job of it.
Sooner or later, when enough havoc has been wreaked, even the blind see the light.
meant too say I have not read all the post here
I have read all the posts here but in case anyone thinks that Tom Cruise is exempt from those cowed and ill associates, here is a recent comment, TC handler’s play close attention as he will be next in the long line of disseminated associates. “And with most audiences viewing Cruise as a crazy laughingstock, he’s suddenly become far less bankable than he was just a few years ago. In a matter of a few years, Cruise has gone from the ultra-cool celebrity who lent the Church credibility to a liability that makes the Church appear loony.” Movie Pilot
At the risk of getting a few tomatoes thrown at me… Scientology is not being done in by David Miscavige, Scientology is being done in by its own rules and policies. Come to us and learn how to be at free thinker! (but don’t read the entheta about Scientology or its leader!) Learn how to handle any communication! (But stop talking to your friends and family if they disagree and express concern about what’s going on.) David Miscavage is providing Scientology with its single biggest opportunity to demonstrate to the world that Scientology tech works! If it actually did what it’s supposed to do, the body politic would be rising as one and tossing this dude and all the harmful policies like fair game and disconnection out on their ears. The fact that for over 25 years Scientologists haven’t done this is actual evidence that the tech has failed.
Brilliant. There is no other word for this, Mike. It is irrefutable.
I can’t imagine how anyone could read this post, and continue to ignore the truth.
Scinethics, maybe some of them are not ignoring. Maybe some are reading, cog’ging and handling by quietly withdrawing their support. Worked for some people I know (ahem).
Mike, I already had thought a lot about the cowed and ill associates being generated by Miscavige. Your post lays it out crystal clear. There is enough material on Miscavige producing cowed and ill associates to fill a substantially-sized book. I had been thinking about this whole aspect of things for some time now already.
In relation to the post on Bay Area orgs I had commented that the state of those orgs and fields were a perfect case study in the Overt Products Miscavige produces consistently.
The cowed and ill associates are another area of massive Overt Product generation by Miscavige. The persons you listed were some of Scientology’s best and brightest before Miscavige destroyed them. When viewed as a “product”, staff were supposed to be enhanced and uplifted and made more able. It was part of the way Scientology was to succeed. Miscavige makes sure the opposite occurs. The pro-survival person at least attempts to raise up those around him, his family, friends. Miscavige makes sure the opposite occurs.
The amazing thing is how huge Miscavige’s trail is littered with broken and battered “associates.”
Whereas MSH created the seeds of her own destruction in the end, Miscavige was more than happy to destroy her, then her’s and LRH’s children.
Since 1981/2, every other powerful or influential executive or tech terminal in Scientology has been taken down by him (again not saying some of these people did not create the seeds of their own fall, but again saying Miscavige destroyed them, e.g:
Franks, Gleason and that era of top managers.
John Nelson, Dede Reisdorf, Gale Irwin and that era of top managers.
All the top first and second generation of RTC Execs – Steve Marlowe, Vicki Aznaran, et al.
Pat and Annie Broeker,
Anyone through the years unfortunate enough to be a CO CMOI, WDC Chairman – those you named plus others like Mark Ingber.
Prior to Ray Mithoff, there was David Mayo and anyone of consequence in his office when he was Senior CS Int.
In addition to Heber, many others with power and influence in the OSA NW over the years.
Successive CO’s FSO – Ron Norton, Debbie Cook.
A never-ending parade of CO’s of middle management (FCB/ILO, etc).
And on and on.
Plus there has always been a huge ripple effect outwards and downwards through the ranks, the lower orgs and out into the field.
The Bay area report could also be looked at as a report of cowed and ill orgs/org staff and many public.
There does not appear to be any vestige of a WDC or Exec Strata, or of an AVC.
It just goes on and on.
One could say with some accuracy that the Church of Scientology is nothing but one big cowed and ill associate of Miscavige’s.
There is a HUGE disseminator/raw public FSM who came out this last year. I won’t say who it is because he might want to tell his own story at a later date. But this guy was driving people in by the convoy full!! For 20 years or more, that was his joy.
In the last year, before he left, he, like us, was very concerned about the lack of new people getting in. He was putting together a program that would boom the orgs again and was making nice headway on it! He happened to be at Flag when DM was there. So this World Class disseminator told DM of his plans to help boom the place, so to flow power to LRH and Scientology.
To his face, DM gave that phoney boloney, “Well done man, that’s great!”
A short time later, I forget how he found out but he heard that DM had said, “Take that guy down!”
I kid you not.
Talk about “Reverse Scientology” or “Reverse LRH intention”.
Thanks, Mike. This is really a great post. Hard for anyone to read it without seeing the truth in it -t here are so many great specify examples of cowed and ill associates/family members.
I think one thing he does that keeps a lot of kool aid drinkers from spotting him: he really seems to support FLAG. Amongst other things, he has been giving “quicker” grades and rounding up everyone for objectives there for years. So Flag is very busy and a lot of the top donators come here and see that. He is obviously going to have the whole Flag field forced to come in and redo their Student Hat, TRs, Metering, etc. This should keep the new building busy for a while.
I was an auditor at Tampa FDN in 2006 and 2007. I assure you we weren’t very busy then, but I did some folder work for them in 2011 and 2012 and that place went from not busy to DEAD. The main auditor was being sent out for home visits to try to get pc’s on a Saturday when he should’ve been getting high hours.
He told me that he felt Flag’s delivery of the “shorter” grades and objectives was killing Tampa.
Great description in real-time of the destruction of people.
How will this end, I wonder wonder wonder??
These turn of events must be a total shock to Miscavige. He has “holed” everyone who hasn’t run away. He can’t have many people left to yell at. He can’t even ask his wife for advice. No matter what he does now, we’re not coming back to be Scientologists. The damage is permanent. No new parishioners will be coming in, because everyone has Google. A coup to overthrow him could occur at any time. Mass walk-outs of SO members could occur at any time. Miscavige cannot go back to life in the wig world, he hasn’t ever been in it. Life for him wouldn’t be worth it, without millions of dollars and thousands of SO slaves at his command. He could never adjust.
My best guess is his only way out for COB iis suicide, as many ruthless despots have done before him.
No matter what he does now, we’re not coming back to be Scientologists. The damage is permanent. No new parishioners will be coming in, because everyone has Google. A coup to overthrow him could occur at any time. Mass walk-outs of SO members could occur at any time.
All true, but I doubt the end will be so dramatic. His grip on the minds and souls of those who serve him is so powerful, that even when he succumbs or runs away, those few remaining will probably not snap into present time. Unlike us, they’re missing the vital puzzle pieces to make sense of the world they inhabit. Many of them will probably even mourn his departure, no matter how he goes out.
What’s certain now, is that the collapse is underway and can’t be stopped. Miscavige has dynamited too many of the pillars that once held up his empire. Those few that are left, are crumbling beneath the weight. More fall to the ground, or quietly roll away, every day. The thing cannot hold. It will fall of its own accord.
I agree. I think he will be cornered or almost cornered and will commit suicide.
I think he’ll run like the rat he is, before he’s ever cornered. Like Hitler, he won’t put a bullet in his own head unless there’s no other option.
It could get pretty bizarre at the very end. We might even see a replay of the Jim Jones incident.
Hence the phrase “Kool Aid drinkers” for the too young to remember, Ronnie.
Follow the links in this article to the full story about Reverend Jim Jones. What a psychopath.
Which will be spun as murder, to make him a martyr.
Aquamarine, unfortunately, I think you’re right. Martyr, Ha!
Maybe there should be bookies taking bets for this in Vegas.
I don’t think little DM relishes the thought of being someone’s bitch.
Yes, first he’ll try to run to some country where he can buy all the corrupt officials and live there like a king. If there isn’t enough notice or time to do that and he is cornered, he may just kill himself rather than be someone’s bitch in jail. Boy wouldn’t that be a good karma payback for him?!
Not that anybody INTENDS him harm…but Karma is good at taking care of its own.
Speak for yourself Indie 8 Million! lol
LOL! Disclaimer. Disclaimer.
Thank you for simply speaking Truth, Mike.
An exact indication of Truth always slays lies and brings Light to obscurity.
This helps others to acknowledge truths they themselves have observed.
No one can really deny Truth because Truth is an integral part of each person.
What a powerful post.
May I add an experience I once had with a sociopath. I had been in the army and had been for some time the driver for a high rank officer. This officer had been totally nuts. He is sitting next to me in the car. Then after a while he got nervous. More and more and finally had some outburst of claim that I did this or that wrong with my driving. Then after that outburst he had been calm. But after a view minutes he became nervous again. This had been a cycle of 10 to 15 minutes or so. Every 10 or 15 minutes one outburst. One day I had been driving him and some of his lower ranks. He ordered me to turn left and drive that way and (for whatever reason) I sayed to him, „no I turn right and take that way“. (in the presence of his juniors.) Next thing I remember that someone on the back seat pat me on my back and I realized that I had been driving the car with no sight. I did not see through my eyes by being somehow overwhelmed from this guy. He did not scream or shout. He managed to turn my lights out. (I had been Scientologist that time and not in bad shape. Not at all.)
So, it is always easy to speak about something when this person is not near. If you have to face such a person then the situation might be quite different.
Excellent, informative post Mike, thank you! I can’t help but wonder who is running things, now that the first tier is MIA. Things must be horribly disorganized. As a tech person, non SO, I was just never privy to what was going on in the management arena. One issue on the PTS SP course, which I remember well was toward the end, Ron said (paraphrase) “This is hard to confront, even I find it so, but the surprising thing is the cleverness with which it can be hidden.” I have found this to be the case most of the time. Also when I have been “caught” by a psycho, I am always dumfounded by the machinations these people get into and frankly, I am kind and forgiving to myself, for not having thought of their evil game beforehand. It’s just not something I would conceive of. I choose to be proud of that.
Really enjoyed the post Mike, thanks! One thing I came across in the early lectures was where LRH talks about how to win an argument. Without being word for word, my duplication of it was, to be more certain of your data than your opponent. He jokes at the end that it helps to be right too! But I found it interesting that in the dealings I have had with manic, suppresive types that they are dead certain they are right, and for me at least, that attitude has tended to shake my stable datum and I kind of have to do a double take and wrap my wits around my point of view again. My point here is that I can see how dave could bully his way to the position he now holds he must be very good at it, add to that a higher rank, and the privledges of that, being one of the few on LRHs lines towards the end of his life and you have a perfect storm. But in the end you have to look at his products. And they suck!!
David Miscavige has no power of his own. Like all true SPs, his power is a vampirazation of the power of goodness, of ARC, of life, of real help effected by workability of Scientology’s unsquirred tech. David Miscavige is The Un-Dead, feeding on LIFE, but he can only kill, as vampires cannot create, they can only kill that off of which they feed, and so eventually they run out of food. But they don’t die, they can’t die because they’re already dead. Instead, they can starve for eternity..Rather uncomfortable, I would say. I can almost feel sorry for him. .
Probably THE most fascinating and disconcerting thing to me since coming out is about the abuses that went on (go on) behind public lines. Sheer atrocities. Kool-aid drinking public or even Org staff are literally given no clue, its all “over-the-rainbow” or not knowable. One has to observe what isn’t there anymore, or question an outpoint, or for me, that I didn’t care to redo redo redo and finally walked away.
And another scene from “The Third Man”
Mike, there is a movie called “The Third Man”. In this movie Orson Welles plays the role of a racketeer who deals in black market morphine right after WWII. He plays the role of an SP to perfection. Also,the British Film Institute considered this movie the best of the last century. In this movie, Welles embodies all of the characteristics of an SP that LRH describes. Here is the scene where the police, trying to catch the most evil of villains; mistakenly catch the most innocent:
Great Post Mike!!!
Lori, can’t wait for another video about your son’s SO story.
Good for you for taking on CofS!!! The pressure the CofS puts on young people has driven many to an early death, either with drugs or at their own hands. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!!!!
This is far the best post I have ever read on these blogs and aligns with my belief that you can cure Scientology with Scientology. I started re reading OEC volume 0 and right from the beginning of the book you see outpoints in the current scene. The more LRH you throw at that midget asshole the faster he will fall. I don’t believe that sitting back and watching “Rome” crumble is a solution.
Out of this mess will emerge a stronger and better group I am convinced of it. What form that takes I don’t know or care but that time is soon. As was stated in an earlier comment DM will make a fatal error soon enough. With your help that pressure will make him do it faster.
That should be framed.
Mike, thanks for your response. I appreciate the points you made.
No, I have not read that book. I think LRH did a pretty good job in his writings and lectures in characterizing what an actual suppressive person is and does, though I also realize that there is more to learn about sociopaths.
By not expressing myself well enough or fully enough, I regret coming across as pointing fingers to assign blame, as that was not the purpose of my post. Really what I meant to emphasize was the concept of “responsibility” – election of cause. My reason for doing this was because of my firm belief that no matter how bad or evil any given sociopath is, his FOLLOWERS bear the ultimate responsibility for carrying out his insane orders (this applies to evil giants like Stalin, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, etc as well as to “smaller” sociopaths). I would say that some cultures have centuries of restimulation, suppression and sometimes ignorance which lend them peculiarly to being the effect of a sociopath (though some educated cultures like Germany and France have also fallen prey to this kind of suppression for particular reasons).
And so in looking at the history of Scientology, I would say it is incumbent upon us old timers who happen to be very interested in this subject you are talking about to look at our OWN history and culture and see where the seeds of the current scene came from. NOT to point blame, shame and regret, but to UNDERSTAND the reasons why a group who spend their whole lives studying the human condition are incapable of handling that condition. And so NOT TO REPEAT the situation again. And that is the key reason; and the important factor in learning about the reasons for any errors in judgment we make as individuals or groups ….. so that this understanding enables us to do better the next time and make more survival decisions. To a large extent, the cultures of Germany and France for example, have learned from many of these past misjudgments and have modified their cultures for the better.
And so it is with Scientology. I cannot agree with you that the greater conscience people have, the harder it will be to handle sociopaths. Certainly the greater knowledge one has in an area, the more one SHOULD not be at effect in the area (and almost all Scientologists have attested to an understanding of this subject – people like Yager and Mithoff have studied it extensively of course).. My own feeling is that the hierarchal authoritarian nature of the CoS with its culture of forced agreement of thought and action is the main reason for the condition of most on lines Scientologists becoming robotic and slave like in their thoughts and actions. To me, this is not blame finding because I think it DOES open the door to a handling, as the saying goes.
The handling after understanding this culture and its roots in LRH’s own case and actions in the 60’s and 70s is as you say, to open up the practice of Scientology in a free environment, free from an authoritarian central controlling church. I think there are great gains to be gotten from Scientology if done OUTSIDE this type of environment. Furthermore, I think that people can recover many of the gains they had once gotten in Scientology, once they LEAVE the CoS. Latent gains if you will.
I think much of the value of your blog is, aside from allowing old timers like me to vent and exchange ideas, is to at least get all these facts out as you do, so that interested people on lines might actually see it, understand what you are talking about and leave the CoS. And of course the more these facts get out, the less likelihood there is that someone who checks the internet will get involved in the CoS.
As far as anyone in the CoS someday handling the scene with Miscavige, I have seen NO evidence of the likelihood of that happening at all, and I think the primary reason is that his in church public, including staff, are as a group too hypnotized and mind controlled to do anything but BE controlled. If they weren’t, I think we would have seen some action by now. I think the more likely resolution is that people will slowly but surely leave. – as we have seen with Dan Koon, Marty, yourself, the late Hy Levy, Debbie Cook and many, many others. And I think your blog gives needed support to this action.
Of course Tom Cruise tried to take out Hitler once, maybe he will make another attempt with Davey (I know – bad joke).
Thanks for clarifying Joe. I really do suggest you read the book. Martha Stout makes a very compelling case that it is the good conscience and empathy of the 96% percent that make it possible for the 1 in 25 sociopaths in society to get away with what they do. It is an interesting perspective. She doesnt say good people lack confront, are PTS or irresponsible. She basically concludes that BECAUSE of their good nature and inner conscience they cannot conceive that someone could possibly act without conscience or remorse and often they look to themselves to assign “blame” for doubting the sociopath or causing them to act the way they do. It is a book worth reading. I don’t recommend a whole lot of books. this one I do.
Hey Mike,
Yes, I totally agree with the author’s points on “it’s the good in people that makes them think that no one would do such evil things.” Pardon the paraphrase.
My own experience with this is having had a sociopathic boyfriend at one time (who hasn’t – haha). He would just drive me to the end of my wits with his sudden change of subject or sudden, out of the blue hostility on some non-sequitur point! Maddening, literally.
Well, I was reading Science of Survival, the section in “Method Used by Subject to Handle Others” (life saving chapter) that talks about how a 3.5 (cheerful) person who is in the vicinity of a 1.1 (covertly hostile) will find himself descending down the tone scale toward anger because he feels needled and can’t find the source of it.” (Madly paraphrased). “Then the 1.1 will either keep the status quo or, quailing before the anger, will enlist anyone to try to nullify and/or destroy the 3.5”
I must have looked at that passage a million times, every time this guy worked me into a frenzy. On the million and 1st time I realized, “He IS doing this on purpose!!!” I was so furious that I’d been taken on a ride for all those times, just so he could watch me, this powerful person, dancing on the end of his puppet strings.
Needless to say, he was doing some very serious ‘quailing’ by the time I was done with him.
Indie 8 Million, It doesn’t matter how many hundreds of times you go over an LRH reference as long as you have an epiphany of understanding, which you did. Number of times over equals certainty. And I loved your coming up to Cause with him as you say, “Needless to say, he was doing some very serious ‘quailing’ by the time I was done with him.” I plan to re read the Stout book once a year as well as the SOS book once a year just to keep myself reminded of it all and fresh on that important tech.
Jane! Haha – yes, on the qualing. Behind a closed door, actually. haha
Yes, for sure, number of times over. I guess my point there was that I pride myself on being able to confront evil on many dynamics. It was just astounding to me that it too ME so long to really put 2 and 2 together and BELIEVE that anyone could ACTUALLy be that evil, on purpose.
It didn’t take me so long the next time.
Good for you Indie 8 Million! Learning from our mistakes! Moving on up a little higher! You go!
No, I don’t think that that is a bad joke.
DM has / had support and direction. There is an infrastructure that was set up, and that set him up.
Robin, earlier on this post, is on to something. There is a history here that needs to be understood, for all our benefits. (If we don’t understand history, we are dammed to repeat it.)
You need to read Marty Rathbun’s 3 books if you are really wanting to find out. It’s not that difficult….
I have. IMHO, Marty has only scratched the surface. There is a lot more to be known.
How could anyone read the articles that Mike puts forward and the intelligent responses like Joe’s here, and accuse and dismiss any of us of being “bitter apostates” or “lunatics”? Well, some have every right to be bitter – families disbanded, Black Dianetics/Scientology run on them in an attempt to MAKE them lose their minds, etc. That’s the point Miscavige purposefully doesn’t speak of and tries to divert the press’ attention away from. WHY are they bitter?
But, I digress.
Just saying, for those who may be lurking to see if they should leave or not or to the press who’s trying to make heads or tails of all this, look at what is actually being said here. NOT that people are just going on and on against something that you might cherish. WHAT are the points that they are making? And, what if they are true, these accusations and logical arguments? What are you doing, lurking Scientologist, to protect LRHs actual legacy? Hasn’t Ron been a friend to you? How can you be a friend to him when you are supporting the very person (Miscavige) who is actively CHANGING LRH’S WRITINGS and who is spending the money that you took a mortgage on to give to a new building or library campaigns.
Look. Listen. Read. Go to YouTube and watch “Surviving Scientology’s” channel.
If you agree that these things are ok to happen and want to continue to support beatings, druggings (such as Scott Campbell’s story) and tech applied to suppress rather than to free a person, just be on your way. If you can’t or won’t see the suppression in these criminal actions and the betrayal of LRH, just go back and watch some TV and pay for the next Idle Morgue (transation: COBs new car or bottles of Scotch or PIs to hunt down your former friends).
We’ll see you on the other, other side. “Did you help” takes on a whole new meaning.
If you don’t know how to help right these wrongs then communicate here on these pages with an alias. You’ll be helped.
Indie, please don’t castigate the lurkers. Lurking is good. Anyone lurking here is getting truth, and that truth is going IN, and is having some sort of EFFECT. It can take a lot of courage even to lurk on a blog like this, believe me. These people need to be positively ack’ed. Each person to his own gradient, you know? Peace
Hi Aquamarine.
Thanks for your note about mine. Just wanted to clarify. I wasn’t castigating all lurkers, only that ones that see all this and then STILL fully support the machine that’s creating this madness.
No, I think that lurking is one of the first steps of becoming free from this Matrix. The people I was getting on are the people who are so lazy in their responsibility level that they feel they can just wait for it all to be over and then they’ll do something. Or too lazy to even mentally process the potentiality of what’s right and what’s wrong. Just a little wake up call for those people.
What I mean by doing something is doing whatever it is in their power to do. Stop going to the org, stop donating, make comments to others who are in that make people think, share their stories anonymously. Whatever is within their comfort zone (or slightly more) to do to assist the people who CAN BE out and actively doing something about it.
I didn’t want to be misunderstood on that point. I know a lot of people who are “out” as out can be but can’t make it public yet. Respect.
Ditto as above – AWESOME, one of the best posts – worthy of BROAD dissemination!!!
You’ve hit the nail on the head, Mike. And this is a terrible indictment on the entire Scientology system of group interplay, so-called “admin system.” If even ONE of these people had actually gotten the ability to confront from the Pro TRs Course, if even ONE of them had gotten the ability to recognize and shatter suppression from the PTS/SP Course, if even ONE of them had understood the alleged checks and balances in the Qual/Ethics functions of the Org Board (which I do believe are useless by the way and not workable by ACTUAL EVIDENCE at the highest level of Scientology), if even ONE of them was an actual “OT” with the ability to be at cause in life, then OBVIOUSLY a Miscavige over 30 years would not have been possible.
I know from personal experience there are great gains to be gotten from Scientology training and processing, but only if done within a small group, or latent when one leaves the CoS. But by the evidence of what I have actually SEEN, involvement in Scientology within an organized large group just “grooves people in” to a complete and utter servileness and docility to an authoritarian fascist Soviet like system of group dynamics, full of impotent/brainwashed people. It was so when Ron was running the ship and is a thousand times worse now. Slaves who THINK they are “free beings” …. what better way to keep people blind and obeying.
Not ONE person took it upon him or herself to take out Miscavige. The alleged most aware and able people on the planet. Heber, LeServe, Yager, Mithoff ….. just a bunch of weak, impotent theta midgets. Not one had the guts or confront to stand up for the whole subject of Scientology or its staff and public. When any of them leave and take responsibility for the subject, I will have some respect for them. I will not be reasonable and accept any pitiful excuse of “being suppressed.” Sorry, guys, you supposedly studied the data and attested to the understanding. Now you have to be responsible for your non application. Anything else is a pitiful and useless justification.
I DO most heartily respect you Mike and others who HAVE taken responsibility.
Joe — I dont think you understand the dynamics or realities of this scene. Have you read The Psychopath Next Door? The problem here is exactly as Martha Stout explains. Someone with no conscience takes advantage of those who do. It happens in all walks of life and social strata. You can ascribe it to “nobody is OT” or “the organizational tech doesnt work” or whatever you like. But it’s a far more pervasive problem to spot and stop this sort of person. It is almost a corollary that the better you are and the greater conscience you have, the harder it will be to stop a sociopath. I don’t believe there is much use in debating WHY he has not been stopped until now. And I do not believe there is any value in a hierarchical church into the future (I think all tech should be freely available in the open marketplace and let the good survive and the bad die off). What I am interested in now is putting an end to what I know is causing a lot of people grief and upset. Accomplishing that is worthwhile. Pointing fingers to assign blame to why it has come to this isn’t much use to me.
Here, here, Mike. Exactly so.
Just a couple cents I’d like to throw in here without making any point in particular … I think it most optimum if both the Church and the Indie scene exists. Unfortunately as long as they own the copyrights and have legal position to protect that and willing to run after those who distribute materials freely, friction will continue to exist. If a truly competitive environment could exist, then who’d care what they do over there short of injuring others? I believe the quality of training will always be better administered from the church providing it’s not being squirreled into some Golden Age bullshit …. because the disciplines instituted by LRH would be more closely adhered to than out here.
It would interesting if a survey was done at some point what most people’s sentiments, goals and purposes are in respect to the Church, Indies, or no Scientology at all.
1. CO$ only
2. Indies/FZ only
3. Both
4. Something other
5. Neither
… or something on that order.
I think an open source model would be best in future.
+1 Mike
Joe, I personally know people who stood up to Miscavige. To a one, they were all gotten rid of, one way or another. Every person around him who kept their TRs in, was busted out and hounded out of the S.O. Every true OT who tried to keep the show on the road, was eventually driven away by incessant rejection and make-wrong from the group, whose dynamic beingness had become one of pure fear. Every person who even thought about applying the group’s established policies and organizational tech to the worsening situation, was ‘corrected’ through “severe reality adjustment”, or was thrown into Miscavige’s private slave corps.
I understand your anger. Many times (since gaining a fuller picture of who this guy is), I’ve wondered why no one knocked his teeth out in the early days. Answer that question, and you’ll explain the rise of every brutal dictator in human history. LRH explains it as an inability to confront evil. People can’t believe what’s right in front of their eyes, so they rationalize and attempt to make sense of the extreme outpoints – always choosing a wrong Why to explain why the world is spinning backwards.
Those who are unlucky enough to be close associates, friends, or coworkers of such a monster, never predict how much power such a person is going to accumulate to themselves, or how progressively violent and suppressive they’re going to become to an ever widening circle of captured individuals. By the time it becomes painfully apparent to them, the monster has grown far too large for them to take down personally.
Years ago I was on course at an org. Saturday after 6:00, as I tried to leave for the day, I found the only exit blocked by a line of SO members. No one in the building was allowed to leave. We (public) were then herded into the auditorium and made to take seats. We weren’t being INVITED to participate. There was a recruiter on stage talking. The exit from the room was blocked by SO members. I sat there for awhile thinking over the situation. Those guys were acting a bit too Nazi-like for my taste. They were using force on us; physically blocking an exit is using force. I decided that the only ethical thing for me to do was to get up and leave. For one thing, I would have lost respect for myself if I stayed. On the other hand, I was afraid that leaving would have a negative effect on my eligibility. So I sat and thought about it some more. I came to the conclusion that if we Scientologists allowed SO members to continue with this force-based approach to handling others, we would end up with no Scientology. I was sitting toward the front. I picked up my bags and walked down the center aisle toward the exit. All SO eyes and many public eyes were on me. There was an SO member who was standing right in front of the door and she didn’t step aside when she saw that I wanted to leave. I wasn’t about to ask her for permission. I just shoved her. She tried to manhandle me back into the audience. I wouldn’t budge. She then stepped aside and let me leave.
I have never been able to understand why everybody else didn’t leave.
If I had had more guts, I would have loudly told those SO members off. But it would have been too much goldenrod for me to confront.
As I was leaving the building, I thought “if those SO members are treating public like that, in a public place, what must they be getting into with each other behind closed doors?” Then I got an impression of considerable SO on SO violence occurring.
“Not ONE person took it upon himself tor herself o take out Miscavige.” . Then why are/were so many top execs put in the Hole? What was/is the Dwarf’s beef with them?
Joe, I recommend you view the film, “Judgement At Nurenberg”. It helped me to understand how it possible for a true SP to get agreement with the cruelest policy encompassing the most heinous of acts from even the most highly aware, intelligent, decent, and honest people. This movie was quite an eye opener for me. I’ve seen it 8 times.
That said, here’s a POSSIBLE DAMAGE CONTROL ALERT: Davod Miscavige is NOT Adolph Hitler; the CO$ is NOT the Third Reich, and The Hole is NOT Dachau, OK? There is NO identification going on here!
Just watch the film and see for yourselves what is presented as the precise mechanism that was operating at that time, a mechanism that, in my opinion, was and is still operating in the CO$ under David Miscavige, and a mechanism which helped me understand the current RCS scene and how it was, and still is, being created.
+1 – Simple, but true, Aquamarine.
I know that all of this is really important to those of you who feel Scientology needs to be cleaned up but I really believe that the harder you fight the longer it will take……Just let it fall…let it eat its self from within and it will happen a lot faster…every time you fight them it makes them more determined to make you wrong.
If you just let the cards fall where they may and create love and respect among the ones who really matter, one day you’ll look back and say “Wow…that was fast”
I think Mike isn’t fighting – he is informing, and that is a difference. Yes, look at the SF Bay article and you see they are doing it themselves. But the people inside need to have someone to turn to. When you’re inside, you live in an information vacuum. You are fed the party line, everyone cheers and you begin to doubt your own eyes and question your sanity.
The fact that Mike is here, giving out digestible information to those who will take it – people inside absorb such information like a dry sponge, because there is finally the chance for a different, refreshing viewpoint, one that helps them know they are seeing what they are seeing, they are not losing it.
I think that actually helps speed up the process. Because inside you are dealing with the controlled information (see Ministry of Truth, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_truth). From what I gather, you were in. You may understand then, that having access to a different viewpoint and actual, real human communication, and real information when you are surrounded by friends you are not sure you can trust, is a life line.
Extremely well illustrated article on suppression. Your articles have become quite phenomenal being so spot-on.
Excellent post. I think you found a “glitch in the matrix”, Mike. The Church of Scientology as envisioned by Hubbard was supposed to be a self-reparing organization. However, it only “works” when there is an ethical, social personality running the show. Remember the CHUG advice that INCOMM was based on? If so, then answer this question – WHO does the INCOMM computers alert when it detects corruption at the highest level in organized Scientology? Even if there was someone to alert, what good would it do?
There had to be some kind of external oversight, sort of like how the SEC monitors public corporation, but Miscavige got rid of that too (Church of Spiritual Technology). He even, more or less, got rid of INCOMM too. Thank God we have blown (escaped) staff members who have the courage to speak up about Miscavige and his abuses, otherwise we wouldn’t vene know what the hole was in all it’s glory. The good thing is that we all know, sooner or later, all suppressive dictators get their just rewards in the end. As LRH would say, “the evil die within their own generation.”
Very well written, Mike.
We’re using Martha Stout’s book when dealing with people who are not into scientology. They understand it very easily and more often than not, can make new decisions based on this well presented knowledge.
And, I’ve also found it to be extremely useful info for scientologists. The way she presents the data, and the data she presents, makes it much easier to distinguish a mere butt-head or jerk from a truly toxic person. It makes a good false data stripping tool for people who are still heavily indoctrinated into the concept that all the “white hats” in the Co$ can’t be named as the WHO.
Thank you Mike for raising the bar on the confront required to face up to David Miscavige. Despite what you personally went thru, you have come out a shining beacon of light, Bravo!
DM in his mind, can find affirmation of everything he does in the writings and lectures of LRH. Of course he is psychotic, but so was Hubbard. Oh shit, I forget Mark wont post any criticism of LRH, Sorry.
You mean Mike? I have no problem posting criticisms of Hubbard or me for that matter. If they are not going to detract from the purpose of this blog. I am not interested in anyone who simply wants to paint LRH with a “look what this moron is doing and he is just following the path laid out by Hubbard.” That is about as intelligent an argument as “Moammar Khaddaffi was a follower of Mohammedism so Mohammed was obviously evil as there are writings in the Koran that are evil.” I knew L. Ron Hubbard and I know David Miscavige. They are not one and the same. And while L. Ron Hubbard had plenty of flaws, the difference between the two is PURPOSE. L. Ron Hubbard did a LOT to try and HELP people. You and others may disagree that anything he did is real help to anyone, but that doesnt change the fact that there are plenty of people who will tell you otherwise from their personal experience. Doubt you could find any significant number of people who could honestly say anything Miscavige has ever done has helped them lead a better life.
Thanks Mike for differentiating and keeping it sane. That’s all we got, at least for now, our sanity and our right to leave the suppressive game Miscavige plays. For the moment, I say, as, as things are, more and more people come out and stand out against that suppression and some, like you and others, care to lead that way by dedicating hours daily to that purpose.
Amen to this comment, Mike. Just like to add other dimensions to the obvious differences you pointed out. That is, apart from the classic sociopathic/psychopathic behavior of DM, by virtue of his his obvious insanity, the insatiable belief that “all are his slaves” or MUST be turned into them (wherever possible!) Also the unprecedented attention to detail of
the most thorough job conceivable, in subjugating the will and mind of all others. This
of course, accomplished in an unyielding, jackhammer, drum-it-into-them series of
implants and invalidations that redefines what is regarded as a suppressive person!
Cut to the bone, the entire aim of this cretin, is/was simply to create a self serving/self
protecting empire for his self perpetuation based upon his predilection to turn the
former adherents of Scientology into slaves & robots, on the one hand, sheeple and
unlimited human finance vending machines on another, and on the periphery, to create
such fear and paranoia, in would- be critics, that no one would DARE to criticize his actions, through unprecedented scare tactics using threats of (perceived) exposure of
personal secrets, or unlimited harassment and/or legal intimidation.
Insatiable, insanely motivated to achieve the total destruction of others, that’s the big
difference with David Miscavige, when comparing him to LRH, who provided man with
the tools and technology to HELP mankind!
Thanks for being there and communicating Mike… this essay has real historical importance. Without your voice, the cowed and disappeared would be disappeared forever. Thanks to you, they will live on… and so will Scientology in an unsuppressed form.
Hi Robert — nice to hear from you! Thanks.
I second that Robert.
Here is to Mike Rinder a person who is not cowed.
Hear Hear! I”ll drink to that! Here’s to Mike Rinder, a man who is not cowed and who sheds light on the sociopath. Mike you are doing a huge service here for those who are in and look and those who are out and want to find the truth, and against DM himself. Keep the pressure on him and he will crack that much sooner!
That’s for sure! A BIG ack for Big Mike !
+1 AM – As Andrik used to say in Portland, “Hip, hip, hip hip! Hooray!”
“Sooner or later, when enough havoc has been wreaked, even the blind see the light.”
But yet there are none so blind as those who WILL not see.
One would hope that even the blindest would come to see the light but I am not so sure.
The non-confront of evil is so great a factor in all this that even if Miscavage were to blow with millions, if he were to die in an horrific accident or if he was found to have murdered several people and then take his own life I believe there would still be many many people who come to his defense. They would explain how Mike, Karen, Marty, Steve and other notable Scientologist drove him to it. Miscavage could be made a martyr and a victim in their eyes. What choice did he have but to blow with 40 million since so many were after him? He wouldn’t have killed Ray and Norman if he hadn’t been driven to it by the incessant blogging-right?
I really believe the excuse making would be astounding for this man. There could be a real schism formed on the question of whether he was a psychotic or simply a man who was made a martyr.
Look how easily the culture forgives or makes excuses for the most hideous of people
The non-confront of evil is just that. Real evil is not able to be confronted by a good many people even in the face of over whelming evidence.
Perhaps the excuse-making would really be not for David Miscavige but for themselves.
To David Miscagive – “Permission to leave granted. You may now leave the building.” “Security? Please escort Mr. Miscavige out the door and to the awaiting squad car.
Thanks for your write-up memorializing and documenting the reign of terror inflicted on so many folks of good will (that must mount into the tens of millions to date) by this sawed-off lunatic- MissGarbage.
I’ve recently read ‘The Sociopath Next Door’ and I include it among the top five non-fiction books I’ve read in my 58 years.
To anyone who has not read it yet, it could save your life and/or sanity.
I’m new to this blog and others – the catalyst being L. Remini – which got me to do some research and endless hours of reading. I haven’t been on lines for years and feeling kind of guilty about not progressing up my bridge, especially when reading all the promo about all these “great expansions”. Now I’m relieved that I haven’t been around the orgs. I’m in good standing with the Church but for all I know there might be a Golden Rod out unbeknownst to me.
Needless to say I’m outraged at what I’ve read mainly the zero application of KSW. I’m very disappointed in the individuals that I revered and respected and thought would continue pushing forward this great technology, namely Jentzsch, Rathbun, Lesevre, Starkey, Mithoff and you Mr. Rinder. You should have all punched that twerp and booted his ass out a long time ago.
I’m outraged but surprisingly not shocked. After the IRS win event and the years following, there seemed to be this ‘shift’ among staff (and fellow Scientologists) that I perceived, all of a sudden it was ALL about COB. COB said this and that; COB did this and that, COB, COB ad nauseam. OK I thought but why view him as a GOD? I started to see this pattern of replacing one GOD for another. Although I loved LRH, his brilliance, genius and his teachings – and still do – I have never revered him as a GOD. So for me DM was another SO member that I trusted (ha) was going to move it all forward.
Since the late ‘70s and early ‘80’s (especially after Mayo debacle) I thought that Scientology would be brought down from within and not from the outside “boogie” man. Now I’m sad to see that this haunting thought has come to pass. Just like the threat of communism on the U.S.A – not from the outside – but will happen from within. Now it is evident to me that the Church has its own “Manchurian Candidate” unfortunately undetected for so many years.
It took a lot for me to read and confront all this horrible data. Just as it is hard and maybe impossible for the SO members, staff and public to confront pure EVIL and needless to say, shake up their entire universe. And so counting on this weakness the SP moves on.
Let’s all postulate more SO members come forward, let’s postulate more individuals revisit the Code of Honor, KSW and PTS/SP data.
Mike question: Was Mayo really the anti-Christ as portrayed or just another DM propaganda?
A Manchurian Candidate… now that is interesting Ms. P.
I don’t want to go into science fiction though LRH has said much about that and ideas that Earthlings will not digest for years to come. However, The Manchurian Candidate for Miscavige is good theory. Though nothing is being discussed about the possible ties of Miscavige with the Status Quo there is enough signs showing that the Status Quo is not only not after him but supports him. The recent fiasco of Leah Remini’s LAPD report, the FBI not going after him (Mike knows very well on this) as well as other numerous incidents showing that Scn Inc. is making inroads to the Status Quo. Not to mention the stories on the Internet about CST and how it came about and who was really behind it. So, there is a lot to be answered and still a lot which has not been answered.
But to me, Miscavige could not be on his own and act as he does. He definitely has the support of others(?)
Mike. This is extremely well done and immensely valuable to all who are looking. Excellent Mike.
I am 3 quarters through Sakes in Suits and next is the book you recommend. It is a fascinating journey to read this material after having studied a ton of LRH material.
The psychopath, the sociopath and anti-social are differentiated by these authors. Their percentages differ somewhat for how many sociopaths versus the others.
But, all of them describe Miscavige.
I still tend to think fondly of all staff who are delivering tech in the course room or in the chair. But is also true, there comes a time when it is destructive to continue supporting that malaise. Lots of tolerance and empathy for those still in will help but, most importantly, lots of data about what is going on.
Your articles, such as this one and the last one, just as examples, help a huge amount. They inform. Tehy enlighten, they MOVE people along the awareness levels of the route out of the organization. High impact. Massively significant.
I can’t thank you enough.
Miscavige until more recently was never “hidden in plain sight” since he was basically obscured and obfuscated by those management terminals that have since disappeared.
Also the fiction that was promoted while I was still in the Organization was that Miscavige as head of RTC was not directly involved in management.
And “management ” at the time had convinced Ron and many Scientologists that they were “clean team” and taking responsibility for their posts when in fact they had assigned all power to a brain dead moron like Miscavige
Thus no one would suspected that Miscavige was in fact an éminence grise operating in secret unless they had read the Tampa Bay FKA St. Petersburg Time article “The Man Behind Scientology”.
See definition of éminence grise:
Remember back then middle and upper “management” operated with a secrecy that went beyond the old GO and many Scientologists who were on training or processing lines back then did not have time to read news papers or catch up on current events.
Thus Miscavige basically operated in almost total secrecy.
Hidden by a *conspiracy* at the highest levels of the Organization.
I know you don’t like that word *conspiracy* Mike but in this case it is true.
Wow Robin, your conclusions sometimes require a real leap. Middle and upper management operating with a secrecy that went beyond the old GO? I dont even know what this is supposed to mean? Miscavige was not operating “in secret”. If you had been on staff in the FSO or in PAC at the time you would not have thought he was in secret… But you ARE correct about the fiction Miscavige has used that RTC is “not management.” This was said numerous times by LRH — they were NOT supposed to collapse hats with Exec Strata. Even WDC (CMO Int) was not supposed to be “management” which was Flag Bureau and Exec Strata. Miscavige still tries to pull this stunt to this day — he is “not management” in order to provide a layer of insulation from lawsuits. It is also what allows him to say that “Marty Rathbun was never in the management of the church.” I dont want to engage in another word game with you Robin. I don’t have the time. You will no doubt respond with something to be right about this and I will post it, but I am just letting you know I will not respond.
I was at PAC, ASHO, AOLA, LA Org and even NWC for a short while at the time and Miscavige as you know was at ASI on some “Special Project” called MAC or more accurately MAFU which I’d heard about but really didn’t pay much attention to and then he moved to Int.
As far as I know he never set foot in the PAC Orgs (unless he was wearing a disguise of some kind) and whatever orders or projects we got since I was in Tech at the time came to us from Ray Mithoff as Snr C/S Int Bulletins.
Even the infamous order canceling 2D time and the 2D part ii that is children and the rearing of came from none other than Guillame himself.
The only time any of us saw the lil’ bushy tailed rodent is when they had some International Event that was live in LA. Like for instance Ron’s Requiem where he acted as MC and introduced International Management.
That’s where the late Earl Cooley assured us that the Church was in good hands like some Alstate Agent and Pat Broeker showed us a section of what was allegedly one the Ol’man’s worksheets with some ridiculously long date on it for some reason though the reason escapes me.
Lil’ Davy was the furthest thing from my mind back then.
However I did do a stint for Int Management as an FESer going over the folders of Int Base rejects who had been fired back to lower Orgs because they didn’t qualify for some reason and again the reason escapes me unless it was possibly the fact that they may have questioned orders coming from their seniors which seems likely. Now with newly gained insight and hind sight.
But I digress….
The fact is that the names of each one of these rejects had been “vetted”(meaning someone had taken an exacto knife and sliced out their names) from their folders just like the GO used to do with their GAS members folders when they were working under cover.
As if who these people were was something “Top Secret”.
Moving on.
My wife questioned why the majority of AO’s GI was going up lines into SORs when she was a Non SO working in Div 3 and she was basically told like Leah something like it was above her pay grade by none other than ED Int himself and then a short time after this was handed her pink slip along with the rest of the Non SO staff.
You know the same Non SO staff who helped AO reach SH Size?
All of a sudden we all became persona non grata. Again looking back probably because we asked too many embarrassing questions.
Oh yeah I forgot to explain what I meant by secrecy going beyond the GO.
Well after this.
It was arbitrarily declared that no low life Non SO could audit SO personnel anymore if they had completed Product 0.
Because even the GO allowed Non GO to audit their staff if they were properly bonded yet the SO seemed a little shy to have their staff audited.
So their secrecy went well beyond the GO’s , even in the hyperparanoid days of Snow White!
This may seem totally off topic.
But the best expose’ of the CIA was not by Marchetti and Executive who worked directly for the DCI but from a grunt working in the field as a Case Officer by the name of Phillip Agee.
The point I’m trying to make here.
Is that you shouldn’t dismiss what many us who were at the bottom food chain have to say about what happened with the Church of Scientology just because you were at the top strata of the Organization.
It is possible that a mere private may have more of an idea than a general about what happened on the battle field.
Well enough mixing metaphors.
Robin, keep pulling the string. There is more here.
That was a really interesting story, Robin.
I have been learning the history of LRH and the SO. A great YouTube is “Secret Lives – L. Ron Hubbard”. One has to ask – what was LRH’s motive in setting up such an abusive totalitarian regime to deliver “spiritual freedom”? I think LRH wanted to reincarnate and have legions of Scientology zombie soldiers and SO slaves ready to receive his commands and billions of dollars at his disposal, so he could take over the world (finally!) or at least a country or two.
I say this because the product I have always seen from OT Levels is: a person whose intention goes in circles around him, spiritually broken, programmed to hand his money and children over to the CofS. Not spiritual freedom. The total opposite.
Many, many OTs were imprisoned and tortured by Miscavige. And they imposed this on each other. Wogs would not have done that to each other, IMO.
I was horrified to read the confidential auditing actions. They violate all the laws I learned through Class IV that make auditing work. Anyone can see how deeply psychologically damaging going OT is, and that is part of the worldwide outrage at Scientology.
With due respect to Mike’s point of view, I like what you said, Roger, about “the Privates shouldn’t be ignored.”
Sometimes, because privates are privates, no one is paying attention to them while taking care of business. Therefore, they see things when people’s guards are down.
This is a great post and pretty eye-opening and wonderfully destructive to the C of $. We’ve heard of all these people in posts and news, but never all compiled like this to prove the point that Misc. is doing away with anyone and everyone who could contest his authority, his re-write of Scn history, or his new squirrelly rules (and technology) that are nothing near what LRH intended.
When I started to think about leaving the int base I had seen some very wierd things done and said by Misc. that were clearly against any tech or policy I had studied, and I studied a lot. Thanks to my study of the big, original PTS/SP Course in the early 80’s, I could see these things as part of a psychotic personality. I just kept making mental notes until I saw that the man was nuts in some way, which I decided was very unhealthy for Scn in general with a guy like that in charge. I also remembered Hubbard’s statement (paraphrased) about a group taking on the emotional tone and actions of its leader. So if you have a bunch of staff who were generally untrained on the original works of LRH before they started to get altered, and Misc. pushing down his command lines his intolerance, ugliness and evilness, there you have it.
I never had much of a chance in over 2 decades to advance my studies much farther, (never getting sleep or being scared to walk away from the job when everyone else is sweating to get command orders done…) so I was glad I got to do all the courses I had done before arriving at the base. So of course, by keeping everyone else away from any of the old training courses of Hubbard’s, by altering them or denying the chance to get into the cvourse room, Misc. has less of a chance to be discovered in the same way I “discovered” him. I also saw that the entire place was infested with this behavior so I got the heck out. I saw no possible way to change things from the inside.
The people who WERE trained on the old, proper tech, like Hansueli or Wilhere and a few others. who turned into enforcers and robots…well, I guess he has enough confessional information on them to keep them staying put. They are the biggest idiots of all, knowing what they know and turning their backs on those truths.
gato rojo, thanks for discovering him and thanks for having been trained. You put it in a simple way… The staff there can’t get Scientology….
Mike, terrific article with great accuracy all the way through. You certainly have laid your investigation out in such a way that anyone is immediately able to grasp that one has actually had a psychopathic madman cunningly take command of a religious faith, through such stealth and convincing charm, that no one was immediately aware of the trap about to ensnare them, until it was too late! Well, thankfully, the tide has at long last turned and it seems to be heading back towards him with a vengeance, and speed to match!
I find it interesting on how people tend to ignore Psychos until they are impinged upon enough to do something about them. Take Hitler for example. I’m sure people knew he was a psycho for a long time but it took him getting an army and starting to take over Europe before anyone DID anything about him.
There are those who see the situation first and faster and try to get others to confront and be willing to DO something about it. It is find to talk about not wanting enemies, but sometimes there are things worth fighting for.
…”before anyone DID anything about him”.
Not quite correct, Tony. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_attempts_on_Adolf_Hitler).
And there was the resistance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Resistance_to_Nazism).
Well…I think you got the idea I was trying to make eh? If not let me know and I will try to elaborate on it.
Profound essay, spot on thesis, and as always compelling and well illustrated and documented. I am so grateful that you re-iterate this from time to time for those who may not have the information and history or are newly looking and trying to resolve out-points. It is renewing for me, too, though I came to this conclusion long ago. I didn’t know that Miscavige’s Mother-in-Law was linked with David Mayo; that certainly explains why she had to be squashed so completely. Still, I wonder about the “suicide” with a rifle. Seems weird to me. No doubt he gloated greatly when she was gone, whatever method he used to push her over the edge.
A couple of the people you list were dear to me. I even contemplated providing sanctuary if they needed, and if I could reach them. However, it also irks me that they couldn’t see who they were assisting all these years, and I decided it would have been futile anyway.
I read Martha Stout’s book, too – should say, listened to her audio book on my long commute. Excellent. I shared it with a number of non-Scientologists who are in professional positions where they have to deal with anti-social personalities /sociopaths/ suppressives. Unfortunately, Scientology’s repute has been so degraded; no one would have taken me seriously if I presented them with the HCOB.
If I were to write a Sci-Fi story about a colorful but brilliant character bringing a great contribution to the blind, pained, and confused people of Earth – a contribution that might allow them to rise above existence in an earthly prison, and if I set that story in a space opera context with an alien race not wanting those beings to awaken, I would certainly create a character like David Miscavige to pose as human, and using stealth and sleight of mind try to foil that progress. Many sub-themes and chapters to that plot, but you get my drift.
My everyday life is far too mundane, of course, and my imagination too eager.
Well done, Mike! Great post. Let’s not forget all the others who have gone effect of his brutal actions. All the Clears and OTs who are dead now of cancer or some other PTS sit…the latest travesty being Karen Black.
I was just thinking last night it may be interesting to have a list of people who sign and attest that they have left the Church the Scientology because of David Miscavige or his management methods.
I know a small number of people signed the Indie 500 list. But many folks leave and nobody is keeping that stat. If it went up into the thousands that would be very telling. He attempts to make it look like people are leaving because of critics and false reports and “fringe bloggers” or whatever. He tries to shift the blame. The truth is people are leaving because of him or the policies he creates or the situations he creates under his command.
The Oracle, that’s a good one. Count me in. And I have to say I left because I was persecuted for insisting on the application of HCOBs! I was not cowed by Miscavige. It’s a great idea to have such a list.
AWESOME post Mike!! You give a whole new meaning to Scientology stats!! I checked out all of the Scientologist’s I lknow personally in several cities – bankrupt, sick, foreclosure, cancer, broke and/or dead! I saw this and left!! I don’t see anyone doing good but they sure can keep their TR’s IN and pretend. If they keep pretending Scientology is the fastest growing religion on the planet – it will be true!! NOT!
Keep up the good reports – they are eye opening for the lurker’s for sure!!
Yes, TRs SOOO very in, and pretending everything is just soooo terrific, blah blah blah. And the next week they’re declaring bankruptcy or getting divorced.
Where I live, some have bankruptcy justified. Borrow from the bank and give to the org (good cause). It doesn’t matter, because the banks are “criminal anyway” and we are saving mankind. Funny, huh? Committing a crime for a “good cause” and then accusing the injured party of being criminal.
If you ever feel like it, take a calculator and work out how many years it would take to clear everyone in your neighbourhood/city at the rate of 1 clear/day (365/yr). In my case, if everyone joined in and nobody died and nobody else was born until the city was cleared, it would take about 1760 years. Ah yes, then you say “but we only need to clear X percent for the town to be cleared” and you’re into number acrobatics and rationalising. And if it were 10 percent, in my example it would still take 170 years. What’s it like where you are?
When I was “fully in” I used to think that Scientologists were the most honest people on the planet. It was only after I was out for a while that I realized that Scientologists lie ALL the time. In fact, the way you can tell that a Scientologist is lying is if his or her mouth is moving. Think about it “how are you Mabel?” “Oh I am doing great I am so blown out with my latest not clear r-factor and I LOVE doing NED again, and again, and again.” And so on, and on and on. Every time a Scientologist opens his or her mouth, some new lie comes spouting out. They even KNOW it! “Well I am a staff and I have a responsibility to give a good impression to the public so I better say…lie, lie lie”. “Well I am an OT and I have a responsibility to give a good image to the Clears so I better say …lie, lie lie”. “Well my son is on staff, and heaven help me if they find out what I really think so I better say…. lie, lie lie”. “Well I am in ethics trouble and I need to make a good impression so I better say ….lie lie lie”. “Well I am a DSA and I have to handle all this disaffection so I better say …lie, lie lie”. Well I am a reg and if I dont make some GI then the org will close so I better say …lie,lie,lie.” Each and every Scientologist KNOWS full well that EVERYTHING that comes out of their mouth is total and utter bullshit untruths and they KNOW that it is the RIGHT thing to do – lie! When I finally realized this it was a huge turning point for me personally. Anyone who is still in good standing should think long and hard about this. I do not believe there are any exceptions. Anyone who is an exception to this is SP declared and thus not around to “infect” the group by opening their mouth and saying what they really think. David Miscavige’s Scientology is an organized philosophy of lying your ass off. If you go to one of these “fundraisers” you can feel the sleazy lying going on all around you. It’s the new “ambiance” of Scientology. EVERYONE MUST LIE or they cannot remain in good standing. People who don’t mind are happy. People who hate it are unhappy. But they ALL do it.
Roy, thank you for this. For years I considered myself an “only one” as regards life’s usual problems, because I believed the things that many other fellow Scientologists would say about THEIR lives, their marriages, their finances, their state of mind. They were always so uptone! At some point I realized that they – particularly Class V staff and ALWAYS Sea Org, but not that infrequently, public as well, – felt compelled to flow out this PR about how great their lives were, how their dynamics were so in sync, and how at cause they were over whatever problems they WOULD admit to…when I finally had this cog about the compulsive uptone-ness around me I was able to laugh at myself for having introverted about it. Here were these people spouting off so convincingly and their lives actually sucked a lot more than mine did. Funny !
The funny thing is, PR in Scientology = falsehood. Make it sound good, big and flashy. Over the top. They are excellent at adding truth to the lie to reinforce it and give it a better foundation. You cannot survive in this group unless you tell an “acceptable truth” and don’t cause a “break in reality”. And that tells you all you really need to know, doesn’t it?
“The funny thing is, PR in Scientology = falsehood.”
Exactly right. Its one thing to put a positve spin on things by ferreting out the silver linings in the dark clouds. I’m all for that! Accentuate the positive, by all means. This is not only good PR but persistence and holding one’s position in space, the stuff of which good survival is made!
On the other hand, outright falsehood is not optimism but a NOT IS, a NON-CONFRONT of the issue, which will cause persistence of the issue! It will also put the liar out of comm, lower the ARC, and OMG probably a gazillion other undesirable things.
Now, does this mean that when things are awful one should spread gloom and doom and give full gory details to all and sundry, worrying and possibly alarming people who can’t do anything about it? Absolutely not ! One can communicate honestly to anyone no matter what the situation, and still maintain good PR. This is a definite skill and an effective PR person walks this fine line all the time with ease. On the other hand, any idiot can lie.
“On the other hand, any idiot can lie.”
…and does so. Straight down and vertical.
And to further qualify, what I’ve written is applicable to the viewpoint of a PR person for an organization. In PR, one ACCENTUATES the positive. One does NOT, in PR, INVENT the positive!
And if there ISN’T ANY positive to accentuate, one can, in PR, acknowledge the actual issue(s) without drama, and accentuate the organization’s ability to handle the negative, WHILST ONE IS ACTUALLY DOING SO.
In DK, dm´s minors are told he is Class XII.
Reading the folders of L’s completions doesn’t make one a Class XII auditor.
Brilliant Mike. Thank you, Dani
I had reason to believe the old crim dad, ron snr.. continued his crim ways and exchanged his silence for a large sum of money to buy a big ol house with. a car and case reserves in VA…
re the cowed and ill…the org I served for nearly 2 decades went insolvent during the first several months of the orders off all posts and off Reasons for Orgs to sell those cash cow Basics sets. Then most of the wealthy Scn’ists in our field overextended themselves to buy the ideal org skyscraper in downtown Philly in ’07 where it’s done nothing but continue it’s deferred maintenance state. Point being that Philly org and all the other orgs and those org publics have been mostly overextended financially enough to wreak havoc for them for years to come. So add that to the list of cowed associates as well!
let me add that it was of course NOT just the wealthy few who overextended even themselves. It was those who dug deep in to their future security to remortgaged their homes or who used their savings or maxed out all credit cards and extended those credit lines and maxed that too or borrowed money from others in order to “do their part”. I know people who hadn’t moved on the gradechart in decades get regged out of the money that should have been used to get them moving but was justified as the thing they should do with their money. I don’t want to imply here that these were good regges either. I don’t agree with ANY Bridge sales putting someone at risk financially anymore than it was ok to see these regges do it to people for the illegal building purchase over 5 years ago.
I dont understand your first sentence? What gave you the idea that Ron had gotten anything?
Yea I understood he blew. You got more data Gayle?
Ron, two attempts to respond to Mike have not gone through. ???
First let me say that I meant “cash reserves” though I thought “case reserves” was funny after seeing that’ typo. Second, let me say that I’ve had comm with Mike. I gave him a crumb that may or may not be on the trail to transparency and truth that Mike’s blog is on. In any case truth IS the light that shines. Stay tuned…
Good analysis Mike
Mike, I love how you put complicated situations in a easily understandable, easily readable, concise form. This is a great ability which not many people have. You provide valuable information, easily to comprehend. Thank you, it is very much appreciated!
“Unless the actions of a psychopath have direct and dire consequences on you, most people are incapable of understanding the depths to which the anti-social personality will sink, destroying people around them with a charming smile on their face.”
I could only comprehend the mindset of a sociopath, when I read “The sociopath next door”. The “mistake” one makes IMO is, one goes from the theory that oneself, having a conscience, would somehow feel bad doing such things. That a sociopath has just no remorse, no feeling of guilt – that explained it for me.
Excellent post Mike! To me, “Surrounded by cowed or ill associates or friends” is the best indicator that DM is an SP. So many of the other attributes it can be difficult to easily spot him unless you are working right with him or one is readily looking at the outpoints and not just listening to his BS. But this one, all you have to do is ask the kool-aid drinking Scientologists why they don’t look, why they don’t read articles or books to find out what is really going on, or why they don’t listen to the news and why they don’t question some off policy action (i.e. Ideal Org fundraising or the policy of disconnection). When you ask they tell you they are afraid of what will happen to them. I used to ask them and still do. They are afraid (cowed) and know that if they do not obey that they could get sec checked, denied their OT levels and/or eventually declared and cut off from family, friends and livelihood. Staff working for DM and in the churches today are to one degree or another PTS and cowed. Scientologists in the church now are cowed. Many OTs are ill and have died. It’s dangerous to be in the church of Miscaviage, Dangerous for one’s physical and mental well being. Those not cowed, as Mike pointed out, have left the church. But, there are many more really, really good people still trapped in the hole (Heber, Rena, Laurie Zurn). I worked with these people. LRH said that he wanted Laurie to head up Social Coordination (ABLE’s predecessor) because she cared about people. Rena Weinberg is a freedom award winner for her work in bringing study tech and education to the blacks of South Africa at a time when it was against the law to educate them. Mike, what you are doing to help bring down Miscaviage’s rule by exposing the truth is awesome. You and many others like you – thank you. OSA people – if you are reading this, you need to get back your integrity and stop being DM’s minion. Your leader is a Suppressive Person! LOOK!
Well put Mike. One day, Miscavige the Menace will abscond or be place in chains. You will know that you have helped. Thank you.
Mike, thank you for being “unreasonable” about continuing to shine the light of truth. You are amazing in your patience and persistance. What you are doing is not only the right way, but the only way to change these abominable conditions. And will the sheeple ever be in shock, when DM Day comes. Their confront of evil is very very low, for a number of reasons.
My predict:
One day He will make a mistake. One of many that He continually makes, and not even a serious one, and he won’t give it a thought as it will classify as a mere error, not an outpoint and, as such, easily correctable. Except that this relatively minor mistake of his (or somebody’s) will be THE THING that does him in, once and for all.
And I’d like to add that it will do him in a la “the straw that breaks the camel’s back” – coming on top of a huge mass of complexities due to deliberate intent to harm, cruel lies and a very long line of evil deeds, long witheld.
Thanks Mike. I, and everyone I know, who may not post here and are under the radar, really appreciate your efforts. These last two posts have been outstanding!
Best blog post yet. Let the snowball continue to roll.
Great article, pointing out obvious things that get overlooked by so many (self included.) This blog (and Marty’s) are great tools that educate Scientologists of the real scene. The most humorous aspect of this whole thing is that you can count on Miscavige to continue to textbook demonstrate the anti-social personality.
Concise and to the point. A lot of great information in one post. This is excellent reference material.
Mrs. L
Kevin A,
The book that Mike is recommending will answer your questions.
So do you guys think Miscavige actually “believes” in Scientology? Does he really want to clear the planet and believes his actions are required to accomplish that goal or is it that he doesn’t give a crap about all that and just loves power, wealth, etc?
I sort of have the same question when I see a faith healer on TV. It’s either a) this guy really believes he’s healing people or b) he’s an evil son of a bitch who has no problems toying with people’s physical and mental health. (Personally, I think it’s the latter case with faith healers, without exception).
So do these people actually believe in their religion (whether Miscavige or the TV evangelist) when they have no problem committing so many acts contrary to their written beliefs?
It’s the latter with Miscavige. He is a sociopath. He has no conscience and no feeling for the effects he creates on others. His world is totally egocentric.
He’s addicted to the power, wealth, and influence of the position, including having a campus full of toadies that jump in alarm to his every origination.
It’s very similar to the case condition that LRH described in HCOB 16 March 1977 THE GAMBLER, EXPANDED DIANETICS SERIES 22. If you remember, Expanded Dianetics uses NED tech to rid a person of evil purposes so that his OCA can come all above the center line. We know that Miscavige is out the bottom on the right, which demands Evil Purp handling.
But for Lord Voldemort to get in session, he’d have to have a ruin. And to have a ruin means that you be able to perceive the adverse effects your mind is having on your life and others’ lives.
Since his abilities to perceive are minimal (he can only perceive his own ideas and thoughts and evaluations) he’s not going to get into session in the next 4.567 billion years (the posited age of the Earth).
Completely accurate and I may add that when DM used to walk into the FSO the staff learned that the best way to “not get into trouble” was to avoid the route he was walking. Invariably, every time he encountered a staff member some conversation will take place and that staff member ended in trouble, this being off post, in ethics interviews or whatever. So, yes, cowed as his path only led to destruction. True sociopath, unfortunately. However, LRH mentioned as well that this type of personality will end destroying all those around him including his closest “friends” (minions) who, in turn, will destroy him as they have in common the drive to destroy, un-mock and suppress. His days are counted, his eternity in a world of oblivion is guaranteed, though.
Excellent analysis, Mike!
With so many missing I hope this post gets more people to question and file missing person reports. Thanks for doing this Mike.
Brilliant Mike.
One of the best sheeple mindset buster arguments I’ve read.
And for those brave enough to read this blog please ask yourself just exactly how does one “lose their eternity”?
The same way you own a piece of blue sky I say.
Great post.
As for going spiritually free, the sheeple need to be told that it’s all out here in the Indie world. The Bridge is here. And in most places here in the Indie world the tech is standard and done the way Ron wrote it and intended it. As in anything else in life, buyer beware and check out your auditor and CS and course sup before you sign on the dotted line.
Mike, your summation neatly brings it all home by hitting the proverbial nail on the head. It’s a perfect follow up to the last blog regarding the Idle Orgs of SF. People sitting back and waiting for the other shoe to drop while a small minority are actually doing something to bring about changes always rankles me. Why bother to do courses or go on course if you’re not going to apply the data? You’re wasting your time, energy and money. Scientology was designed to bring about changes by applying the tech to get a doingness, a caustive action whether it be in session or in the course rooms. A Product. You have to apply the correct AND standard tech in order to get results. The PTS/SP tech is so invaluable. I’ve moved some psychotic mountains using it.
You know that I spend time banging my head looking for solutions for the problem. Trained in the Data Series, that’s what I do. I’m trained, therefore I use the data. I get pissed when I know about the people in the hole who are just skeletons of their former selves. Caved in, wrapped around a telephone pole and buttered all over the universe. My best idea thus far is to start a Moveon.org petition or Change.org petition. I can’t spearhead right now though as I have far too many plates stacked up in front of me and one more would cause a collapse, but I’d be willing to help. Oh, and FYI-I’ve called Amnesty International DC several times and haven’t gotten a product, just a psychotic run around. They seem to be interested only in American involvement in Guantanamo Bay and death row sentenced prisoner’s who shouldn’t be there. Other than that, I got no help or direction. Their NY office though could be called. I squeeze in what I can when I can. I know that there are those who could do more as they have more time. Anywhooo….great write up Mike.
zz, good point. Even though the petition we did submit through the internet a couple of years ago about the FBI not investigating Scientology Inc. didn’t get anywhere, we did reach if I remember well 5.000 (!!!) petitioners.
I remain stably firm that from now on the Indies will have to organise one way or another and create little specialised groups, like the one you are talking about. A solution lies in the Admin Tech and the Ethics Tech combined which can even promote the Tech but not only. Such serious issues like Mike comments here cannot be dealt by just one person. If LRH did something successful with the Tech, he made sure with Admin and Ethics to keep it going.
Theo, I agree with you about forming Indie Orgs with admin and ethics tech, but I suspect that this concept raises the hackles of Indies who have been wounded and severely damaged by the vicious and perverted usages against them of these Scientology tools.
Theo, thanks for the comm. I wasn’t aware of the petition you all did. I believe now in PT, we have to apply the number of times over=certainty, TR’g it until it impinges and a product is gotten. If Marty and the SP applied that to the IRS, then the reverse flow can be applied. The overt was pushing through the whole tax exempt crap “because we are a religion and we deserve it” and a weary IRS employee who was probably getting ready to retire, giving up and wanting to call it a day. Take off the lie on the line, expose the truth through a growing and widening sphere of influence and then watch what happens.
What a powerful essay. I’ve noticed before when I’ve tried to point out outpoints to Scientologists stll in that it’s easy to justify away one or two points. By assembling all the the data on this one facet (cowed and ill associates of Miscaviage) it gives such a sweeping account that it’s awfully hard to ignore. I’m out and I still felt glibness and non – confront coming off on my part just reading that – thank you for that.
You tha’ man! Please post this one for the previous blog. I didn’t have a chance to post it.
Mike & WhoIsDisaffected, Wow, impressive reporting!!
Scientologist are waking up and responding appropriately to the Church’s insane suppression.
My advice to all Scientologists: keep disagreeing with all that crap. And by all means, tell your local DSA Inquisitor to FUCK OFF!
And especially to the Grand inquisitor himself: COB the Sociopath Pope of Scientology, tell David Miscavige to FUCK OFF !!
cowed : past participle, past tense of cow
Cause (someone) to submit to one’s wishes by intimidation.
Excellent, excellent article Mike.
Just highlighting that one point speaks volumes.
An excellent post from Mike. I will continue to share on SPs ‘r’ US facebook page.
The very best SPs are the guys you wouldn’t mind sitting down and having a beer with. This is what makes them so good at getting away with the worst crimes. Never never never use “He’s a nice guy” or “he’s my friend” as a yardstick for whether someone is a good guy or not. Things like that are like “comments” on the TRs; you ignore them in favor of true originations. Look at what people do. That’s where your answer lies. And learn to distinguish between the merely PTS and the true SPs. Look for the sour notes in your environment and root out their origins.
I got a copy of Martha Stouts book ” The Sociopath next door”
and read it after seeing it come up in a case involving little old ladies murdering vagrants
for insurance money on a T.V. show. real life, not made up . It was so pivotal in my understanding
of the most unlikely people committing heinous criminal acts I began recommending it to anyone who would listen. Steve Hall got my com and read it then thanked me. I am on the Indie 500 list,
Jose Chung is my Movie / stage name.
Jose Chung, I read the book after Steve recommended it again and again. Thank you! It shows that it can be important what we communicate and write… on the “fringes of the Internet” :).
“The really crazy thing is that Scientologists are supposed to be the experts on human behavior. And they have certainly studied a LOT more about the subject of sociopaths/anti-social personalities than the average man on the street.”
Well, LRH couldn’t spot Miss Cabage either… Hmm…
Thanks again Mike for another great article and for continuing to shed the light on the abuses of Miscavage.
I just researched Miscavages family about a month ago, although I did not know about Lori. I came to the same conclusion, how can this guy be doing something right when he has driven his entire family away?
that was a great article.
Mike, this is an excellent analysis and great compilation of the applicable data. As a person is becoming more aware its powers of observation increase. The fact that David Miscavige is able to hide his destructive deeds in plain sight is a testimony to the sad reality that the church has nothing to offer that even closely resembles the tech LRH developed,- as that tech with the correct application does increase the power of observation. The delusional people applauding DM at his events are actually the living proof.
When will the last of the blind come to see? When they remember, why they joined Scientology in the first place: To achieve higher states of awareness (power of observation). When they sit down and review how this has worked out for them in the Church that is when they will start to see.
Great Post Mike.
And don’t forget DM’s best bud – Tom Cruise. 3 failed marriages 2 of them orchestrated by DM behind the scenes. A stellar career in decline since he got his stupid metal from DM and announced DM as the leader of leaders. He is a running joke now. A laughing stock. The majority of the fans he has left are those who don’t speak or read english.
Wait a minute, Tom Cruise may have failed Marriages but he has kids, Is David miscavige Sterile ?
Is that why he is obsessed with screwing up people’s second Dynamic so much ?
And now Why We Protests gained two trolls right after the posted thread about this
If you strike at the 2nd dynamic your going directly after the creation line.
The sex and children for sure get taken out but also the sublimation of that dynamic LRH spoke about as well. In other words just a direct crush on creating.
I hope so.. We definitely don’t need those genes propagating.
Think about it for a while, David Miascavige really HATES the second dynamic, He can’t create anything, and unlike his diresct crew who must always be apart from their spouse he hasn’t produced a kid with any woman he hung out with.
I’m with you Tony. Can you imagine the spoiled brat that would ensue? Eeeeewwwwww!
David doesn’t like kids. He has them whacked before they even arrive at the Int Base. Any “leader” “commander” or Lord that has this going as fundamental tribal policy has serious issues. The Church of Scientology is not a child friendly place.
Hubbard had his kids running all over the front yard of Saint Hill. Hubbard put forth a lot of support for children. women, and arranged the care of pregnant women to be observed.
Speaking of which, didn’t David get rid of all of Hubbard’s family also except for Diana?
Good point TO. Yes he did get rid of all of Hubbard’s family except for Diana. But where is she? Is she in the hole now too?
Let’s not forget that DM ordered staff to have multiple abortions, and sec checked all the OT 7’s on masturbation as that was his hobbyhorse. What a way to chew up auditing hrs, insisting something that the person didn’t see as an overt, actually is an overt,and then down the rabbit hole we go wracking up WDAH’s and filling DM’s coffer with money. And the poor SO members who were hounded over masturbation! Some were even transferred or denied certain posts for that “overt.” And if the auditors didn’t want to keep hounding them over stupid stuff like that, the auditors would be raked over the coals for not pulling those types of overts and withholds.
Hi Jane – I still owe you a response.
On Diana, as far as I know, she’s not in the hole. I was told that she was spotted at the Orange County Idle Morgue grand opening a couple of years ago.
I wish she would make her way out too. What a marvelously intricate book she would write! Wouldn’t it be GREAT to read about Ron and Mary Sue from Diana’s viewpoint?
I hope Roanne can help to bring her out. If you’re reading this, Roanne, we’re all behind you in your new life and we hope that you can help get your mom out too. I’m sure that anyone here would be glad to help you accomplish that. We have your back.
Probably not, but one of the big rules in the Sea Org is that you can’t have kids. If a woman gets preggers in the SO they either have to abort the baby or get sent out of the SO (with no money and no help) to a lower organization until the young one is old enough to come back with her and also be in the SO. It’s not unusual to NOT send the husband. It’s pretty cruel. If they want to leave instead they then face all the SP declare shit and loss of their family and friends who are in Scn.
So Shelly was either on birth control or there was not much nookie. Or she had abortions. But there would definitely be no plans in a Big SO Executive’s life to have kids. Also….um….can you imagine how Miscavige would raise kids? Sucks to be Miscavige, but it would suck more to be one of his children!
Someone who was there at the time told me that when Dave and Shelly came back from their honeymoon they both looked really black and disturbed. From that I gathered that things did not go well on wedding night.
Gato Rojo, I do know all of that about the rules in the SO and children and pregnancies. But you said that if the couple simply decided to leave the SO, they face SP declares. Is this true? How can someone be declared just for saying they want to leave the SO, and having a baby is a great reason to leave the SO in my book. Would that really garner you a declare?
Jane – I know w couple who got pregnant at ASHO in the mid 2000’s and couldn’t get an abortion within the time limit. Others were mad at them because they didn’t get rid of the baby but they were routed out. They weren’t declared. FYI
That’s good to hear that they weren’t declared. I remember reading someone’s book, maybe it was “Blown for Good” by Marc Headley, or it might have been Jefferson Hawkins’ book, I can’t remember which, but I do remember it got to be such a suppressive environment at Int Base that women started trying to get pregnant as their ticket out of there. Sad that they had to resort to subterfuge instead of just being able to leave if they wanted. LRH let people leave when they wanted to. And LRH wrote that if someone asks for a refund you give them their money back. DM has “retired” those policies and violates them all the time now.
Okay, I know now why he squiirelled the second dynamic as he did !!!! 53 no kids lots of oppurtunity
Mark, interesting, isn’t that not only did TC’s marriages fail, but his wives left Scientology. Not a great recommendation for Marriage Counseling, if that was even done!
Exactly what I’ve been saying, Dan. Mimi Rogers got him in but left AFTER dealing with him.
Nicole was third partied out of existence, from my “armchair quarterback” position.
Katie got the hell out of Dodge – times two. Away from Cruise and away from Scn. I wish Tom would go back to her and be a human hero.
I am midway thru Stout’s book at this moment myself. I am finding it very enlightening. Good to look at the phenomenon from a non-scn viewpoint. Yes, she validates what we have learned from LRH without the ethics trappings. And she totally nails DM behavior as well as my own “duh” moments. The truth will set us free.
Mike, This is one of your best articles yet. I am copying and saving it and printing it up. Not only is it true from a perspective of the cowed and ill associates per LRH and also per the Stout book (which I read and loved), but I have personal reality on each and every person you mention. I knew them all and I was there. So now to know they are all “disappeared” or are cowed and ill and imprisoned, it is horrible to witness. And yet when I have suggested we storm the place and free them all with force, people remind me of the Stockholm Syndrome and the Patti Hearst Syndrome where these people are so broken and cowed that they would say they are OK and don’t need rescuing. This is the legacy that David Miscavage leaves us. Even his own family have fled.
Just finished her book and thought it was very, very good. One comment about you listing of cowed and ill associates, DM’s father, Ron, is anything but. He is in great shape for someone in his 70s, he works out nearly every day with the greatest exercise device ever to come down the pike, the Exer-Genie (check out his videos on YouTube), he wrote a truly hilarious book called True Confessions of a Kid and is working on a second, he is rereleasing an album he made many years ago in England and he is enjoying the hell out of himself. So is Becky. But it is true, they both got fed up with DM’s shenanigans and got the hell out of Dodge, something no cowed or ill person would do! I’m sure you know this, Mike, but I comment here just in case some readers may not.
He is certainly cowed enough not to speak publicly about what he has seen at the Int base.
If my son had done what Miscavige has done to Scientologists and their families, and was continuing to do it on an ongoing basis, I hope I would feel that keeping myself fit and making exercise videos wasn’t really enough.
No one said that he feels that keeping himself fit and making exercise videos is enough. I doubt you would criticize if you had all the information. He is 77 years old, has been out little over a year, and if there is anything he is NOT, it’s “cowed”.
Mike – very good article. Pretty frightening when you view it all together like that. It’s things like this even the most die hard KA drinkers cannot ignore. It will at least eat away at them. Hopefully many people will see this information. They need to.
Yeah, Shelly, you’re right. Ron Miscavige is one, tough bird.
Archie, I agree.
Stay tuned, Archie.
Yes, that’s right. Mike this is one of the very best articles in a while — and they’re all good. I think the general ignorance of what the sociopaths / psychopath / anti-social / suppressive person is, and consequent inability to recognize it, is a major Why for the whole civilization. Mankind has a true Crashing MU on this. Recently, I went to a exhibition of the ancient Peruvian civilizations called the Wari. When you study their art, sculpture, carvings, and relics, along with any of the ancient art of that part of civilization, it is astonishingly clear that they worshiped the sociopath, and inevitably elected them to be their “king.” Consider Wari or Aztec art. You always see frowning king holding the cut-off heads — I mean it was grim. I was in this exhibition in Fort Worth and you read enough and see enough and the Why just leaps out at you.
They thought these sociopaths were Gods — divine beings who were worshiped and feared. And when you look back at the last three decades it is crystal clear that this idea is still alive. Who among us didn’t think David Miscavige was a powerful “OT”? It is the most idiotic thing in the world, but there it is.
Wari kings were vicious and cruel. They had no remorse. They were charismatic. They took charge. They built temples. They sent people into battle. They declared war. They slew their enemies. And sacrificed local denizens. And it’s still going on today.
Steve, I remember reading a dispatch from LRH one time where he said that the only flaw in a thetan is that he is gullible. Others can therefore pull the wool over his eyes. This ties in with Stout’s book where she makes the point that normal people cannot believe that the sociopath could even consider, much less actually DO, some of the things he or she does.
Agreed it’s a great article.
But why can’t Mike admit that LRH is a textbook sociopath himself?! Instead Mike describes LRH as a scholar on anti-social personalities, without mentioning the obvious. I know many of you are still deeply conflicted about this, but can you not admit that in addition to making some valuable contributions, LRH is the archetypal sociopath?
Gornz — not sure where you are coming from. I take the definition of a sociopath from Martha Stout being one who has no conscience. I saw L. Ron Hubbard’s conscience on display MANY times. Not just from a distance. From face to face conversations. So, I am not about to “admit” something that is not true. I dont know what you are basing your opinion on, but presumably it does not include having met L. Ron Hubbard. I would doubt that a clinical psychologist would make such a judgment from where you sit….
+1 Well said, Mike.
“I saw L. Ron Hubbard’s conscience on display MANY times. Not just from a distance. From face to face conversations. So, I am not about to “admit” something that is not true.”
I was told by a friend of mine that he knew of a grown man who went home and wept because of the amount of beingness Ron granted him in a short, casual conversation.
I got a letter from Ron one time, in response to a troubling situation I had, and the intention through the letter was ENORMOUS. He really wanted me to make it through that difficulty.
I would like to say to the people who just read the nasty things about Ron on the internet, if you’re willing to believe and make judgements on the bad things he’s accused of doing, leave enough room to hear the good things too. Like Ron said about witch hunts, any investigation for an SP needs to also contain an honest look at the social characteristics too.
This is a reply for gornz, regarding whether Hubbard was a psychopath himself –
I don’t believe he was, actually. Just to note – I’ve never been in Scientology and have no dog in this race, besides wanting to end human rights abuses.
Some of the LRH writings I’ve seen online (the “affirmations” for instance – and yes, i understand these documents are controversial) would never have been written by a psychopath. They express self-awareness of his own flaws and a struggle against shame, feeling “less than”. Now, he may have wanted to make himself super-human, and may have wished he could suppress that conscience, but a psychopath simply doesn’t have a problem with this type of thing – they already believe they are superior and super-human.
So while LRH may have had some issues – I have to vote no on his being a psychopath.
You’ve proved, once again, that you are worthy of your username.
Very good points.
Gornz, there is a popular misconception that just because some of us have been focusing on DM as a problem, that this means we at the same time are whitewashing LRH and totally stand behind blanket-style everything he ever wrote. This is completely dumb, because I’ve never even said that and I don’t think Mike has either. I have never supported anybody or anything lockstep. LRH said never violate your allegiance once granted. But my allegiance was never to LRH, it was to the people, the human race. They are the entire reason that Scientology exists, after all. So I’ve always evaluated everything in Scientology against how it impacts people. Destructive policy needs to be cancelled or retired.
The real problem with Scientology isn’t DM. It is destructive policy and counter policy, some of which LRH put in himself. But here’s the point: it would be EASY to handle if it were not for certain people blocking any handling. Hey, maybe you don’t know this, but there are hundreds of policies that have been cancelled and which are retired — it happens all the time. Recently the CoS has retired policy concerning orgs. They have retired policy about the valuable final products of being enhanced beings and trained auditors. They have retired policy about operating on statistics instead of opinion. They retired (looooong ago) the senior policy to “maintain friendly relations with the public.” And they retired policy about Scientologists treating other Scientologists with ARC instead of belligerence and threats and betrayal. They have retired the policy about rewarding production and not rewarding non-production. They retired policy about orgs being a safe environment. They retired policy that the sole funding for ALL operations was to be sales of auditing and training. They retired policy about six month checks being a “check” and made them into major actions interrupting other major actions (out tech). They retired LRH tech on instant reads, floating needles, objectives, the state of Clear, and more. The list goes on, and on, and on.
So no policy is actually set in stone. Never has been. Sometimes they pay lip service to policy, but don’t actually apply it. Retaining policy means APPLYING it. Not just having people read it, but not applying it. For example, DM makes people read PTS/SP tech. Does anyone apply it? No. Else he would be gone in about 5 seconds.
Over the last 3 decades, DM and his associates have been casting policy out the window by the shovel full the entire time. How about he policy against verbal declares? Tossed out in 1981. That was the policy on Comm Evs being thrown out. It’s non stop.
How about the policy on missions owning their own property? Thrown out in 1981 by the infamous Finance Police. Hitler had his “Crystal Night” — DM had his, in which the Finance Police destroyed the mission network.
When LRH authorized the GO to go after its enemies, when he authorized people to be declared, when he labeled people as squirrels in the 1950s — he himself was the source of a good deal of this same counter policy. This would be easy to handle IF Dictator Miscavige wasn’t in the way. Because currently he is blocking any handling. The problem is Dictator Tiny Fists is continually retiring the good policy.
If you know anything about the Data Series, you will remember that the WHY opens the door to a handling. The WHY is not the handling itself. This is what is somewhat irritating about people who continue to beat the drum for “But what about LRH?” The WHY opens the door to be able to handle the problem. Getting rid of Miscavige OPENS THE DOOR to start handling cross and counter policy. With Miscavige gone, we can then START to handle the problem. That is the simplicity of it. And that is an accurate assessment. Nothing can be done while DM is still in his bunker pulling strings on his army of CoS automatons.
All human beings have flaws. In scriptwriting, there is something called the “fatal flaw.” It’s there in every single film. The lead character is presented, and soon we see what his or her “fatal flaw” is. And the rest of the movie cover the events leading up to their reexamination of their own values and (usually) change, where they grow out of their fatal flaw. For example, Lethal Weapon, the main character is trying to bury his grief in alcohol and suicidal behavior.
Note it’s not called a “troublesome flaw” or “problematic flaw” — FATAL, okay. It’s a FATAL flaw.
LRH had his own FATAL flaw. Here’s what it was: In times of stress he did things that violated his own philosophy. Like using Scientology tech in reverse on his enemies — he didn’t have to do that! Those things he did then became precedents for counter policy and cross policies. And so we got counter policy injected by LRH himself.
That doesn’t make LRH a sociopath or a madman, it makes him human. He was a human being. He had flaws like anyone else, like you and like me. To say so isn’t to apologize for him, it is to be a realist. Why is it that people expect him to be a saint? That, to me, is it’s own fatal flaw because it prevents people from being able to examine and use good tech.
The CoS and many Scientologists have not recognized LRH had his own flaws and so they accepted everything he said as “gospel” which is it’s own fatal flaw. I think THAT is more insane than what LRH got wrong. And so if you care to do a data analysis, like I did in 2008, you will also see that many of the outpoints go back to Scientologists in general and the public in addition to LRH.
When I was a kid, I learned it was not effective to excuse bad behavior with “but she told me to.” The usual retort was, “If I told you to go jump in the lake would you do it?” Yet in Scientology we have thousands of people doing just that, “because LRH said to do it” or because “DM said to do it.” Apparently they never learned the lesson when still a child. Well, my friend, it is neither DM’s fault nor LRH’s fault if people are so idiotically irresponsible and stupid that they will do anything when told to. It is a problem with the human condition. And anywhere you go I can guarantee there will always be someone telling you to do something profoundly stupid. Like eat GMO corn. Or take the new wonder drug Harmovox three times a day because it was just approved by FDA executives who are… surprise, former top executives of the makers of Harmovox.
You can condemn every single source of bad advice, but you will never win that way because those sources of bad advice who are sociopaths don’t respond to any form of therapy. So their bad advice is never going to go away. That leaves only one solution, fix yourself so you are immune to bad advice. That is done by increasing your awareness, increasing your own ability to handle the challenges of life, and increasing your knowledge of how life works — the exact products of Scientology.
So if someone wants to pitch everything out the window because Hubbard gave people some bad advice mixed into the overwhelming volume of good advice, that isn’t really a solution because it would only make things worse.
I don’t follow anything lockstep. Some people are still quite groggy on the matter and think they can just blindly follow one policy like KSW and that will handle everything. I’ve never thought that or said it. A better, and more valuable policy than KSW is HCO PL “TECH” in OEC Volume 1. There LRH says you have to examine the product of any “technology.” He says if the product is confusion, then the “technology” is WRONG or does not exist. And he tells you right there in that policy to “either find or develop the correct technology.”
And out in the world, people do this every day. How else could we send man to the moon? And manufacture computers, and everything else people do on a daily basis. But the CoS can’t do it, mainly because Dictator Miscavige is blocking it.
Above Policy is Purpose. Someone who has the correct purpose cannot be swayed by incorrect or counter policy. They just look at it and say, “That’s bullshit. I don’t care who wrote it.”
Thoughtful, great comment/article. Please repost that comment as an article on every blog around. It bears repeating.