Some people speak to God. Some talk to Jesus.
David Wilson communes with David Miscavige to provide his inspiration.
He is so in tune with Dear Leader, he can tell what he is thinking just by looking at him while he is soaking up the applause after telling everyone he hasnt quite figured out when GAG II is going to be released — because he personally has to write 50 programs. And in the 15 years the building has been “under construction” there just wasnt time to write some programs. And he just brought all the ED’s to Flag and he didnt have the programs written? But now he has turned another complete cluster fuck of his own creation into something to be admired as an amazing feat of personal sacrifice as only He can pull off — He is Personally going to write the programs. How strange it is to listen to his lawyers desperately trying to keep him insulated from those he has harmed assert to the courts that “Mr. Miscavige has no management function, he is like the Pope” and other complete lies.
David Wilson MUST have already completed redoing his Purif and Objectives (he proudly announces his wife is “in progress”) — only someone with that level of brainwashing could write this fawning drivel. Interesting his wife had to use “leverage” to get him to attend graduation….
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2013
From: United for an Ideal LA! <[email protected]>
Subject: New Civilization on its Way Blog #12What COB Wants:
So I went to Clearwater to visit with my wife who is doing her Objectives and looks absolutely fabulous. If you were at the last “Take it up” fund raiser you might remember that I was moved to make a “donation without consultation,” with my wife that is. Not that she minded but she did then have a bit of leverage to get me to go to Clearwater for Friday night Graduation when COB would be talking for the first time since the EDs Conference.
So I am sitting in the front row and COB is telling us about what occurred at the EDs conference. We were shown several videos including one with the reactions of the EDs. The were all ecstatic and it was a joy to see them so excited and keyed out. The video got one of the longest of many standing ovations.
While these are ongoing and they can be as long as 45 seconds or so COB takes the opportunity to scan the audience and see who is there. And the moment I had been dreading takes place. COB looks straight at me and nods. I look back into his eyes and I could swear that we had the following theta conversation:
“So David? How is it going with the renovations of the Ideal Org of the Valley?”
Me- “Well, we had a really good start to the fundraising but it has been a bit slow lately.”
“But I thought that at the New Years Eve Event I made it very clear that the Valley needs to be done. I can’t release all the promotional campaigns until the whole of Los Angeles is done. I do hope I don’t have to break away from releasing GAT II to get this to happen.”
Me- “Up!”
“I’m sure I can trust you and the rest of the Los Angeles field to do the right thing. Notice I did not just say the Valley field. The whole of Los Angeles should be involved since they all benefit and many of them got their orgs paid for by Int Management…”
At which point the clapping ended and he continued with his briefing.
The buzz before the event was that COB would be announcing the date of the release. Unfortunately no date was given though he did point out that he had about 50 programs to get completed before he could give us a date. And that every program required his 100% attention. Makes one feel rather small when you see the load he is carrying and all he wants us to do is put an Ideal Org of the Valley there. I hope I don’t have to belabor the point.
In Blog 13 My best take away from being in Clearwater.
Much Love,
David Wilson
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2013
From: United for an Ideal LA! <[email protected]>
Subject: New Civilization on its Way Blog #13My Best take away from Clearwater: The Joy of GAT II
I was discussing my visit to Clearwater with a Sea Org member and I mentioned that COB had said he had 50 programs to complete before he could announce the date of the release. His reply gave me to believe that if the pressure to finish those programs was intense before they had just been ratcheted up to a “Whole New Level.”
The enormity of this program is difficult to grasp but I’ll give you a personal example in what my Sea Org daughter is working on. She has been posted as the “Qual Examiner” at the new Flag building. That means she examines all training completions by administering written exams or star rate checkouts on every training completion to ensure that no one slips
through who does not know their stuff 100% per KSW 1. The previous person holding the post had been on post for 20 years. The Mission putting her on post told her that she would only be hatted from policy because they were afraid that there might be certain “this is the way we have always done it” actions that might have slipped into the think and that cannot be allowed under GAT II. The most important point was that she may not examine people on levels higher than the ones she has done. This means she is fast track to become a Class 6 auditor. (Currently Class 4.)That’s just one example. Almost every staff member I talked to wanted to tell me what training or processing they were doing themselves. I had had some conversations about staff Bridge progress at previous times at Flag but they were generally originated by me as a gentle push to get them moving. In the past I had felt I was intruding and they did not want to talk about it.
So whats different? The staff appear to be working even harder than before, BUT they don’t have attention on it. In fact my best take away from the base was that the staff are in such a state of joy the long hours and hard work are nothing.
It struck me that there are very few of us who are in a state of joy on getting the Ideal org of the Valley completed. Yet how easy it would be if everyone felt that way because they too realized that all the promises implied in the tech are coming true.
We are creating an Ideal Org of the Valley, it’s a lot of create! As LRH says in Art Series 10, The Joy of Creating:
“A being causes his own feelings.
“The greatest joy there is in life is creating.
“Splurge on it!”I hope you will too.
Much Love,
David Wilson
Just a few other observations:
– Miscavige is showing videos of the “reactions of the EDs” to being briefed — no briefing, just a video of what someone else looks like when they are briefed?? How bizarre is this show becoming?
– I guess that despite the astonishing success of the other 4 “Ideal Orgs” in LA, the massively expanding, straight up and vertical Scientology community in Los Angeles just doesnt see the value of building another Ideal Org? I guess they are catching on…. If it cannot be done in LA, how does anyone expect this to be done in Kansas City or Perth? Oh, I just got a personal message from David Miscavige that wafted in through the air conditioning vent “Once GAG II is available, all will be good. The lack of GAG II is what is blocking the fundraising. We will make more money for buildings because the secret of GAG II is that it is in fact a new rundown — the Withhold of Vital Energy Rundown. I found it under the sofa cushions in the Bluebird and it was mistranscribed but I personally reviewed it and it’s now 10000% on Source. We are on the verge of creating a new civilization.”
– Everyone is supposed to feel small when seeing the incredible load that COB is carrying. It is astonishing how he convinces everyone that He is doing so much — of course, when everyone else is “incompetent”, “an SP” or “CI” its not surprising he has to “do it all.” He is the original “only one.” And frankly, the load he is carrying is really reminiscent of my son before his diaper is changed. Miscavige feeds them manure and tells them its caviar and they eat it up as fast as he can dish it out.
– And the final note of utter delusion. The staff he observes are under intense pressure and are working harder and longer but that is causing them to be in a “state of joy.” And all those “OT VII’s” and “VIII’s” who are still redoing their Objectives are having more wins than any time in their entire history on the whole track. And I am a completely delusory fool — so delusory in fact that I send my insane ramblings around for all to see.
Folks, this is what goes on in the mind of those who sit in the front row of the Voldemort Show.
The way I read the first e-mail is “COB missed my withhold so now I’m making you guilty too.”
Good for you, Invisible Man! I forgot to mention to place the lock strategically, in a spot where it can not be reached if one reaches over to try and unlock it. Hopefully you did that. Ahhh…peace. 🙂
Gross fail on interpreting COB’s “telepathic” comm. What COB wants is everything/world domination 🙂
Are you fricking kidding me. I sat there with my mouth dropped open reading this mindfucked brainwashed crap. Yea the 50 or so programs that crap head has his attention on are the lawsuits from people that don’t buy brainwashing.
I read this article the first time but only skimmed what David Wilson was saying in it. The telepathy comments creeped me out. When I came back to it, and really read it, I was chilled to the core.
I was in for almost 4 years 20+ ago. I came on staff in what I thought was simple PR stuff. What little did I realize… When the OSA lawyer indoc team got done with me, it broke what joy I had for the church away and I drifted off lines. I intended to go back, I presume when I didn’t feel creepy walking in the door of the Org. I have always used the tech and hoped I would again be ready to clear the planet.
I had not looked at Scientology on the net or anything for the 20 years since. Maybe the odd story related to a celeb. I knew the tax case was won, but that was it. Then, after seeing Cruise’s Oblivion movie I got curious and decided to google. It has been my bane ever since.
Miscavige’s violence was beyond recognition of what I imagined to find. I found the anonymous protests 5 years after the fact. Fair Game and disconnection gone wild and pure BS on stats. GAT in 1996 I would have thought would have blown huge holes in Miscavige’s credibility and busted the church in half. What, he’s source now?
Now to read this poor souls email in detail. I wept for this man. His faith is no more, replaced by the cult construction of a lizard, he and his wife with their baby girl in the Sea Org. Trapped, he whipped this mental construct and circuits, mind machines and totally enslaved himself by the very thing he thought would bring he and his family freedom.
I have enjoyed watching Miscavige’s perverted empire fall. I am relishing the day the little monster is deposed over and over in one massive losing case after another especially when cuffs find his wrists.
But I will remember this frightening, sad letter and be grateful it wasn’t me.
I hear you.
About 20 or so years I was planning to park at FLAG for awhile and train and do services until the money ran out.
Up until ars arrived there wasn’t anything on Scientology that mattered. I looked. And no one cared about ars until it was attacked. OSA did not understand tech people. And I thought how stupid your painting a target. Then the Erlich and Lerma raids occurred. So I shelved my FLAG vacation and read more, and more, and that was it. I was out.
The more the minions attacked the more I turned away. They still don’t get it. It’s over.
What does “ARS” stand for and what is it?
Jane – I believe ARS stands for Alternative Religion Scientology, and you can google for it. It’s an early bulletin board.
Oh, shit. Now I have to replace my whole damn computer, because I projectile-vomited all over it when I read that obsequious drivel. And not that light-weight puke, either, but that chunky, industrial-grade stuff.
“What COB Wants:”
Hang in there, my friend. The loss of a 3rd dynamic is a big loss. This one is kind of like finding out that one’s spouse has been cheating on you for years and, despite the suspicions, one just found out. It hurts. It sucks. But, look at it this way: you have now taken another step on the Road to Truth. I would recommend that you continue communicating. That is the universal solvent to all dilemmas.
As you continue to investigate and separate the wheat from the chaff that you encounter, I believe that things will brighten up. They did for me.
As for your new tech and oec volumes, I would keep them and also hold on to or acquire a set of the “old” ones. There are many valid issues in the new vols because of the gap between the publication of the old vols and the new. And, as you seem to be aware, there are also in the “new” vols many bogus issues which were issued after LRH passed. For that reason, the “new” ones have an additional value for purposes of false data stripping.
Keep on keeping on.
“We need you on post out here in the Indie field where you will be honored, respected and appreciated.”
Darn right. You will be welcomed warmly and put right to work. 🙂
Both of David Wilson’s daughters are in the SO. The eldest joined at 14 or 15 years old and the younger after she graduated high school. He has a nice family. I’m sure he’s doing everything he can to keep things status quo as far as that’s concerned.
He sounds delusional though. He’s having conversations with Mr “Only One” in his head while “looking into his eyes”. Now he’s trying to convince everyone else that this really happened in his pseudo blog. I hope he gets some therapy some day, he really needs it.
What a criminal mastermind. Let’s boot the person with 20+ year experience and give the post to teen who’s been bottle feed cool aid. What a move. Get rid of every tech who/which would cause people to have any gains.
With such fluent telepathic comm line it puzzle’s me why DM would even want DW to be flying to Clearwater. What a waste of ‘precious’ resources. He could just be there in spirit or perhaps appear like Obi One Kenobi.
This is so hallucinatory the only thing left to do is laugh.
Davey DID say something truthful way back in 1996 when he uttered the phrase “the blind leading the blind.”
In Scientology it has now truly become “the blind, deaf and dumb leading the blind, deaf and dumber (as in stupido).”
I think LRH may have been onto something when he said “a being causes his own feelings.”
I guess if people want to love COB and play his game, then those are feelings they are causing and I have to respect that and grant them the right and the beingness to play the games they choose to play. As I ask to be respected as the cause point of MY life, so I think I have to grant that right to others. True, I feel they have chosen a deluded and ultimately non survival game. But that is MY opinion and my opinion is obviously not true for Mr. Wilson and a number of others. They’ll keep worshipping Davey and chucking up the cash ad he’ll keep getting new tailor made suits and perfect hair do’s. Well, I think I’ll enjoy my money today and have some FUN! (and I do, babies, I do).
Gotta love what you can read between the lines:
About Dave: “Makes one feel rather small when you see the load he is carrying”
Score for Dave! He WANTS you to feel small. Product achieved.
“The previous person holding the post had been on post for 20 years. The Mission putting her on post told her that she would only be hatted from policy because they were afraid that there might be certain “this is the way we have always done it” actions that might have slipped into the think and that cannot be allowed under GAT II.”
Score for Dave! Experience, skill and judgement eliminated, replaced by a teen whose hatting will consist of how to salute with both hands and bark “YES SIR!” with a dedicated cold chrome steel glare to ANY order she is given.
“It struck me that there are very few of us who are in a state of joy on getting the Ideal org of the Valley completed. Yet how easy it would be if everyone felt that way because they too realized that all the promises implied in the tech are coming true.”
Score for Dave! Those losers dread the thought of more fundraising, but it is HANDLED now! Dave told them that they were responsible for their own feelings, and ordered them to start feeling joy, because if they handed over all the money he needed for his next real estate project, the promised land would open up its magic gates (behind the newly constructed toll booths). Joy to world!
Wilson clearly is on the verge of a complete psychotic break- his rambling about what he “heard” when Misacavige glared at him is reminiscent of Jim Jones. The downward mental health trajectory of the remaining leadership/members of the church should be a wake up call to family or friends that may be able to get through to them. What’s next for Mr. Wilson if the funds are not raised for this LA Idle Org? What hallucinations will he see or what voices will he hear, next?
This guy has already HAD his psychotic break. Like most of the other members of the CoS now, he is now a walking collection of operating circuits. His pictures and implanted “postulates” and reactions go into restim and dramatization at the command of Kim Jung Dave and others. I wonder what his response to the standard question that the other brain dead constantly ask “Where are you on the bridge?” I’m sure, he’s “on 7” or maybe he has “finished 8.” Like others at his “case level”, he is actually an OC8 – Operating Circuits 8 (complete effect, apparent cause but actually just mental recordings playing over and over). Wow! What a state to aspire to!!!!!! And it only cost about 500,000 bucks! Can I play? PLEASE let me do my A-E – PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, as I read over this email, the moment I dread happens. I actually start to read it, and I imagine the following theta conversation:
Carcha: “David, you are insane, man. You’re imagining things that don’t exist.”
David: “Oh, you just haven’t enough UP to see the halos and lights.”
Carcha: “What I see are dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep, and your pupils are dilated.”
David: “That’s from being so close to Mecca and the wonders of COB, the Enlightened One.”
Carcha: “Sure, man. How many fingers am I holding up?”
David: “That’s how much you’re going to up? Wow! That’s wonderful!”
I’m glad I don’t know the guy and never met him, because if I had, I know I’d feel sick. Maybe Nike can get a new slogan: “Just UP.” Doesn’t matter that you can no longer tell up from down or right from wrong. Just UP.
Down is the new UP. MEST is the new theta. Status is the new Freedom.
A telepathic direct line to his holiness is the new elite.
The only thing old in that e-mail is the not-so-subtly implied make-wrong.
….. and Scientology is the new Islam. And Davey is the new Mohammed. There is only one “source” of knowledge and truth in the universe and Davey is his messenger. And like the “original Moe”, COB is none too gentle to those who do not immediately accept his supremacy (unfortunately for him though, unlike Moe, Davey cannot give his army swords and sweep through Florida threatening people’s lives; He only has the 15,000 or so spiritually dead true believers in the world who even listen to his moronic ramblings any more).
Reading this blog I really rocket up and down the tone scale.
I’m still chucking over someone’s “Find Out When It Is” as the Formula for the Condition below Confusion.
Could the author of this (sorry, I’m too lazy to go back and find your name) please allow the Dwarf to have the credit for “finding” this “lost tech”?
HE could pull some name for this condition out of a hat and then claim that it is Source.
This “lost tech” would solve handle ALL of HIS flaps about delays, everything. The Sheeple will adore him and fall at his feet and everything will make sense to them because HE was, all along and with total unreasonability, wearing his “Finder of Lost Tech” hat. And, by gum, he found it, allright, and applied that dern formula, and history was made, and the world will never be the same.
And none of us will ever tell, and OSA, you too, guys, if you’re reading. Mum’s the word.
As with all promo from the church, it’s always not-to-be-taken-seriously over-the-top bullshit, and this e-mail is no different. What’s peculiar is that they (Wilson & PR Team) think that this ‘dumb-down’ pulls any weight with their parishioners, because it doesn’t, and the contents of this message does not reflect the average mindset at all, but desperation setting in meeting statistical reging targets. It used to hit the recycle bin as soon as I got it … just idiotic CO$ spam. And most others did the same, nothing new. The only place it probably gets any attention at all is on blogs like this one.
True data Formost.
When I got promo from them it was quickly trashed. Unless it was real double take stuff like the announcement by Int Base that Fat Cat Flashbach completed Super Power.
Yeah I remember him proudly staring myopically through those coke bootle lenses in the promo piece and me saying to myself:
“Your kidding right????”
LA’s been quiet as a tomb as far as Scientology (inside the Org that is), fact the other day I got a call from someone about some Flag Briefing and I said thanks but no thanks.
It used to be they’d try to reg to go or at least make some effort to remove my brick over coat.
And if you didn’t buy their “free event” (’bout as “free” as a “free lunch”. In fact I remember going to one of those “free lunches” at the Quad and the guy trying to reg me for reno donnos and getting outa there 5 bucks lighter. Heinlein was right but I digress) they’d DOS your phone line with a barrage of calls till you disconnected the damn thing.
Here she just say OK somewhat apathetically and hung up the phone.
Almost felt like calling her back and asking wa’s up? but I restrained myself.
Also there used to be people from the OTC who’d come to the door regularly like LDS or JWs who don’t come no more.
Driving by the “Complex” these days is like driving by a ghost town. Especially at night. You can see the lights are on but nobody’s home.
Then way up on Hollyweird Blvd the HI is under continual and endless “renovation”. The place looks like it should be condemned. Same with the HGB which is now falling apart ironically even though it sits right next to International Estates.
Valley Org the “org” that deluded “Take Away” Wilson is talking about used to be on Sherman Way way back but seems to have vanished unless it exists in some invisible time warp like the Imperial City on Voltar or something.
Who knows?
Who cares?
They’ve been trying to turn that place into an Ideal Org for over a decade.
Even in the bad ol’days Valley Org never did that well because it was so close to the 405 all you had to do was take the Freeway hit the 101 East and take the Sunset exit to the Complex.
The only other Org that did well in LA County was Pas that was before they Idealized it and moved it into the dead zone of Old Town that only gets lost tourists and whinos.
I keep wondering when Kaiser Permanente which seems to the only place that seems to be expanding in the old hood around the Complex is going to buy the old Cedars Lebanon back and turn it back into a hospital.
They should’ve stayed after people to get on services instead of their wallets. That is and will be their prime downfall, and I’m afraid they’ve hit a point of no return.
I agree.
This would’ve been the smart thing to do.
That and deliver them standardly.
But it seems they’ve lost interest in doing Scientology.
OMG miscavige is becoming the messiah. These poor people are a prime examples of slaves. Truly astonishing to see how it’s unfolding. For those who haven’t totally cut the line I think it will only get more noisy. I had 2 SO members banging on the door last night. I knew who it was and didn’t answer the door, and then they had the cheek to come around through the side gate and started banging on the window calling my name. They are total automatons. Get an order and they must follow
it regardless of anything. They might as well break the door down. Fucking unbelievable.
Words of advice…gate locks that lock from the inside…best thing I ever did. 🙂
Invisible Man: here’s something that may stop the unwanted visits. An Indie friend of mine said SO came to her house for the umpteenth time, unwelcome, unannounced and she didn’t answer the door. They then came into her side yard and were literally jumping up to see inside the windows. Her neighbor called her and said that she saw some people trying to look into her house. She told the neighbor if she ever saw something like that again, to go ahead and call the police. Then my Indie friend called the perpetrators at the org and told them that her neighbor called her and said she saw… and that the neighbor called the police. And from then on no one ever came to her house again!
So the “takeaway” from my comment above is that if you say the neighbors called the police on them, it makes the neighbors the “bad guy” and not you. You are just calling to warn them not to get in trouble with the neighbor and you are just trying to help them. (This is if you’re under the radar.) And if you’re not under the radar, flip them the bird and call the police yourself!
So I’ve locked the side gate now and it will stay locked every night and when I’m home.
I only left it unlocked in case the meter man called to read the gas meter.. Let’s see if the pesty SO members try and jump the fence. I mean after all the they have an order to execute regardless of anything. 😉
The Walking Dead…
Hilarious! You’ve seen the original movie? “Dawn of the Dead” was it? The black-and-white one where the zombies come up out of the graveyard after a hard rain and surround the house? With all the sequels of that, plus similar movies, kind of makes one wonder what the fascination with zombies and vampires is? Something in the R6 Bank? Never really thought about it before. Yaaaaaaaah!!
I had 2 SO members banging on the door last night. I knew who it was and didn’t answer the door, and then they had the cheek to come around through the side gate and started banging on the window calling my name.
I once had a gaggle of S.O. people show up at my door unannounced during my family dinner. I politely opened the door, and they proceeded to start running whatever reg process they were sent for. It pissed me off so bad, that I read them all the riot act for having the nerve to do such a thing at that hour.
In a nutshell, I told them to get the hell off my doorstep, and to make an appointment before ever ringing my doorbell again.
I never had another unscheduled visit from any church representative.
I had an idea, Ronnie, and it came to me reading your comment. (thanks). What if instead of giving the unannounced SO at our door the bum’s rush, what if we dropped our own bombs on them a little at a time? Such as “Why did David Miscavage change PDC Tape 20 by deleting two crucial paragraphs in it? …I thought we were never supposed to change Ron’s words and never were supposed to alter the tech?” and “Have you listened to the original PDS Tape 20 and then heard the altered David Miscavage version of it?” Until you listen to those to things and note the vital paragraphs DM took out of the tape when he reissued it, don’t come here until you can have listened to that. Then we can talk.”
Or pick some other reference that DM has changed and show how he has changed Rons’ words. This will be the first entrance level on |SO because they are so into having the tech pure and into having “standard tech” etc. And if they do come back later, you drop another bomb on them of truth.
The purpose of this is to get them questioning, to get them to LOOK. And if they even dare to come a third time, you know they’re interested by then, so you give them the 1-800 sea org number (I don’t know if I have that correct, but Chuck Beatty can give you the correct number) and tell themit is a hot line to call for help escaping from the cult and help once outside the cult.
Oh, ye of little faith! Do not doubt your COB! COB will now TELEPATHICALLY reg …
David Wilson!
(this guy needs serious help, folks – I shouldn’t be making light)
The loud sucking sound you hear are Mr. Wilson’s remaining brain cells leaving him.
This is the more is better theory on steroids. If the programs you have are failing then create more. If the Orgs are empty then build more builds. If everybody has a set of books get busy and print a new set. If you have done the OT levels then start over and get more OT. If you have billions then acquire trillions
The MEST universe is on a compulsive make more operation and Dave is mirroring it.
LRH worked toward simplicity.
There are a lot of new arrivals to this blog. First time looking in.
I was there. Please keep looking. Read Debbie Cooke’s letter. Then her testimony after being sued by DM then note her disappearance to an island. The letter stands and summarizes the scene. It leads you to other material you can read.
You have a new set of Basics to read now: Amy Scobee’s book. Marc Headleys book. Start these books on a gradient. Jenna’s book. And Jefferson Hawkins. Other may suggest others or otherwise. Check out Scientology Cult website and see the links and the many, many articles. It sounds like a weird place to go, but it is fine and valuable.
Read and read and read.
DM is a high-school drop-out, not an auditor, never run an org or mission, not admin trained. This is the man in charge. Hard to believe, but sorrowfully true.
Greenonwhite – Really very attentive of you, and well considered.
Thank you. Nice to hear some feedback from a comment. Due to the numbers still looking, I guess the advice above will be seen and may help. I hope so!
It is a ton of data out there so a little Indie ‘GPS’ is a good thing.
Some apparently “play” on blogs, and when it comes to something serious, don’t know what to do. I thought what you posted was important news, but that’s just me. I watch your posts. I still wish more people would get serious about the endgame of the Co$.
Snippets on my travels:
GAT II trainee returns to org and leaves staff.
Confidential briefing held at local org by returning ED. It’s all happening but I can’t say more because it’s all confidential. I kid you not.
Another briefing held at an org near the first one. It’s all confidential (had to sign ‘heavy’ bonds) but here’s the drill, do your basics.
Met a beached whale and asked if he is still a whale. (Paraphrased) He said, no longer, but still helping here and there due to daughter in SO up lines.
2 other whales now permanently disaffected and no longer playing.
It’s happening.
Greenonwhite – Much appreciated here in the peanut gallery.
Greenonwhite, thanks for telling us of your travels. Can you bring the disaffected whales over here to the Indie world? We will welcome them. I’d love to read their coming out stories. I’m glad you’re helping them make the transition away from the cult.
Thanks Carcha and Jane Doe.
Not sure if you will see this but we will absolutely get word to this site when those involved make statements. There quite a few involved in coordinating or helping those leaving. It is a case of watch this space I guess!
We are not on the US continent so time-lapses come into play when commenting.
I just have received some programs from the ether:
1) Bribe Ray Jeffrey in Mosey’s case
2) Raise one zillion bucks from any public left
3) Purchase some asteroid
4) As in Mad Magazine, re-pack & re-publish everything
5) Force anyone in the whole universe to get his own set of theta writings
6) Raise to heaven
My first “take away” was when I read the following from that torturously bloated email about his Sea Org daughter:
“She has been posted as the “Qual Examiner” at the new Flag building. That means she examines all training completions by administering written exams or star rate checkouts on every training completion to ensure that no one slips through who does not know their stuff 100% per KSW 1.”
Means they’ve canceled fast flow training and now instead of slowing down the training of auditors to a crawl they’ve brought it to a complete stop.
Such is the power of GATII.
Moving on:
“The previous person holding the post had been on post for 20 years.”
Probably one of the few people left at the Base who had an once of integrity and refused to go along with the program is now pulling weeds in the RPF.
My second “take away” from all this was in reading the following:
“The staff appear to be working even harder than before, BUT they don’t have attention on it. In fact my best take away from the base was that the staff are in such a state of joy the long hours and hard work are nothing”.
I doubt if Mssr Wilson is aware of the fact (probably because he’s been beaten senseless by all the masses he’s likely pulled in from overrunning his purif and objectives) that what he’s describing is a bunch of mindless Koolaid drinking cult followers.
Naturally because his mind has been totally fucked he comes to the incorrect conclusion:
“It struck me that there are very few of us who are in a state of joy on getting the Ideal org of the Valley completed. Yet how easy it would be if everyone felt that way because they too realized that all the promises implied in the tech are coming true.”
And fails to ask the obvious question of why Scientologists in LA particularly the Valley are not “in a state of joy on getting the Ideal org of the Valley completed.”
Yes riddle me this Batman why aren’t the Scientologists in LA in some kind of religious rapture about completing what will probably by another empty stage set aka an “Ideal Org”.
Probably because we got enough empty stage sets in this town and we don’t need another one.
The part that almost had me hurling my breakfast was his deluded and hallucinatory “perception” that he was somehow in telepathic communication with der Führer.
Obviously this moron can’t tell the difference between telepathy and hypnotism.
Reminds me of all those books I read about the Third Reich.
Sure Uncle ‘Dolph had a lot of help from his friends on Wall Street and the Times wrote a fluff piece on his economic miracles etc, but he also had the ability to hypnotize some people into believing that he could create a Reich that would last a thousand years.
But all the carnage and destruction wasn’t caused by big H on his own just like Miscavige isn’t destroying the Church of Scientology all by himself.
They were both assisted by fanatics and true believers like Wilson here.
I read something like that email you posted here Mike and I feel so relieved that I am no longer a member of that Government Approved Tax Exempt Abomination calling itself the “Church of Scientology”.
LOL. “Motherwhatting” is my new favourite word.
After Leah left, I began to look all over the internet for anything “Scientology.” As you can imagine I found good, bad and ugly stuff. I have been grappling with my disillusionment, disappointment, embarrassment and a lots of anger and grief. The light at the end of the tunnel suddenly has gone dark and it is cold, damp and rough and pitch black in here. I’ll manage but in the process I have a million questions as a blow through this confusion.
I’m wondering if I should get rid of the new OEC Vols and go back to the “old” ones. I have found some value in their instructions and I think some of it may be worth keeping as I walk through life surviving. I was not sure where to post this so I selected todays dialog as a vehicle. I hope you will forgive my impatience.
I wrote this and then realised it might come across as condescending. It is not meant that way.
You’ll be all right. The news sends one spinning at first, but after a while you do realise the sun is actually shining and it’s nice and warm outside.
Keep reading whatever you can get your hands on. This process will take a while, and not be over in a couple of days. As strange as it may sound, you are basically discovering yourself and life again.
If it makes you feel better to get rid of the OEC Vols, do so. If you feel better keeping them, do so.
Right now, you are the priority. Not the books. What you actually see and actually think matter. You matter most in your life, and always will. It’s a liberating process, and fun, and incredibly, in the end you can laugh about it.
I like your name 🙂
Thank you for your kind response! I’m so happy to be able to express myself without fear of having to be sent to speak to an ethics officer because I’m “unhappy.” What a load of crap! — Personal Integrity and “think for yourself” has become nothing but a selling point and nothing more—bait and switch! It sound nice but don’t you dare live by it. WOW.
Well done on discovering truth. I completely relate. A year and a half ago my wife and I found ourselves in the same position. We were glued to the internet reading everything we could find. We went through many emotions, including disbelief, shock, outrage, and as you mentioned embarrassment. This went on for weeks and months…but after only 2 weeks it was easy to decide to leave the org and never go back.
What DollarMorgue said is so true and important. Sometimes I look at the “new” OECs and want to throw them away. You can download the earlier ones online. Also the red vols and everything else LRH.
Think of all the things that you can now do. I know we take great pleasure in not driving to the org anymore to be regged, bored through an event, etc. Instead we’re doing what we want!
🙂 Freedom of expression definitely feels good, doesn’t it! A breath of fresh air.
Something to think about – even when you’re told to “think for yourself”, you are still only supposed to do so with the data they give you, and come to the conclusions you are supposed to. Funny, huh? 20/20 in hindsight.
Welcome, Devine Comedy. A lot of people have gone through or are going through much of what you describe. DollarMorgue is right on the money, and also a new “arrival” to this blog Greenonwhite below whose advice is also very sound in my opinion: “You have a new set of Basics to read now: Amy Scobee’s book. Marc Headleys book. Start these books on a gradient. Jenna’s book. And Jefferson Hawkins. Other may suggest others or otherwise. Check out Scientology Cult website and see the links and the many, many articles. It sounds like a weird place to go, but it is fine and valuable.
Read and read and read.”
Devine Comedy – Nice to see you here, sorry to hear of your difficulties as you stated them. I hope you’ll find that most here are more than willing to grant you your space and decisions and conclusions, and will try to be supportive if such is welcomed. If there is a major stable datum out here, it is LRH’s piece “What is Greatness.” There’s a lot of disappointment out here, a lot of pain, and unfortunately a lot of bitterness – but an awful lot of just getting on with study and auditing and the practice of Scientology. Don’t be swayed from YOUR purpose lines and YOUR goals by bitterness and regret. (Sorry, I don’t mean to pontificate or assume, just to offer my take on things as they are. You’ll find many open comm lines out here.) – Carcha.
Devine Comedy, you have chosen an interesting screen name, and hopefully it will give you inspiration to know that in the Divine Comedy, Dante does make it through hell (the inferno) into paradise. I wonder who Dante was referring to when he wrote these lines? (They do seem to be directed at someone like Miscavige.)
Your avarice
O’ercasts the world with mourning, under foot
Treading the good, and raising bad men up.
WHEW ! I just got back !
Being so enthralled by the World of David Miscaviges GAT 2
the grand opening of Super Power, David Wilson”s revelations, etc.
I jumped into my Time Machine and went 8,000 years into the future!
The Morlocks live underground and the Elois live above ground.
It’s like an RTC Paradise, except for one hitch, the Morlocks eat the Elois for food !
So nothing much has changed in 8,000 years.
UUUHHHH how was the Golden age of tech supposed to make things better ?
There are no creit cards, big plus point. I mean not bad if your a Morlock, huh?.
Notice how Wilson starts so many sentences with “so” – a sure sign of a halfwit.
Oh, and as for those 50 programs, let it be known that DM basically wrote the programs for the original GAT and took a flawed tech release that could have been straightened out within a few months of its release and, along with his 3 swing F/Ns, turned it into a nightmare that has been going on for 17+ years and has done more to destroy Dianetics and Scientology than anything the courts, governments or ridicule from the society have done. Those original GAT programs numbered about 15 or so. Dave thinks that those didn’t do the job, so in classic over-the-top style, he is going to crap out 50 this time. FIFTY! Oh. My. God.
Yes, Dan, god only knows what sanity-testing undoable targets, cross-orders, unrealities and destructiveness DM will be able to pack into 50 programs. I imagine I will be getting harangued endlessly by the org in relation to many targets on many programs, and I am pretty fringe in the field.
OH didn’t you get the memo, Dan? DM found those 50 new GAT references under the vinyl cushion of the bench seat at the kitchen table of the Blue Bird trailer Ron lived in before he died. And veteran SO members and staff members will be bypassed because they don’t want anyone who remembers the real LRH references on things and who actually does KSW. No, David has that all handled…. we get young kids who never knew what standard tech was, so they have nothing to compare it to, and we inval the veterans by saying that they’ll just use “know best” to teach “the way we always did it without any LRH reference to back us up.” So much better with the young uns instead.
This is probably the lil’ munchkin’s idea of “getting his stats up” 😉
I mean if 15 programs or pogroms (in the case of trained auditors) didn’t do the trick then I’m sure 50 more will totally wipe out the effectiveness of the tech.
You remember the Ol’man saying in RJ 67 that the tech had to be “drastically altered”…
Maybe I’m paraphrasing here but that’s the gist or as Wilson says in his tedious way the “take away” I got from the lecture…
Maybe the troll from hell realized or was advised by his “friends” (depending on your POV on the scene) that he hadn’t drastically altered enough so he’s going for a product here.
You could say a completed cycle of action (an exception to his usual SOP) of making the tech totally unworkable.
You mean that davie is ready to complete his job? (I guess that his boss is happy that he milked it for all he could get out of it first.)
He’s probably on a plane right now (one of those ones with the blacked out tail numbers) so he can pick up his Agency Seal Medal at Langley before completing phase II the complete destruction of Scientology aka GAT II 😉
And all the while he is trying to crap out the 50 he will be frantic over the thought of being deposed for questioning by Ray Jefferys about his involvement in overseeing the distraught cult of mismanagement.
Should be a tough next couple of weeks (lifetimes) for Der Fuhrer. It must suck to be Him.
And COB is hereby admitting that he HAS to micromanage everything about the church. So, how is he going to tell the Judge that he does NOT know anything that is going on underneath him in the church? The guy is caught in a hall of mirrors. It is getting more and more interesting to see someone come so un-raveled so quickly.
That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering, Zana. Well, maybe Sugar Ray can depose David Wilson, what with that 50-program datum, and his channeling of DM and all.
“the load he is carrying is really reminiscent of my son before his diaper is changed”
That one deserves to be copyrighted.
50 programs? How about reinstituting just two very early programs.
1. Make Clears
2. Train Auditors
Exactly! Reminds me of the song by Bruce Springsteen “50 channels and nothing on” (or close to that…) DM “50 programs and nothing done.”
The man is a joke.
The “glee of insanity” is what better describes David W. He is “mesmerized” by an SP???
Then, the new staff gets told to get rid of “this is the way we always have done it”, so they can implement the alter-issed, quicky new tech that the Devil Moron has developed so the followers can comply with it blindly.
And the staff is working harder than ever…David’s obnosis is completely off; the staff are not in joy, they are numbed due to lack of sleep and proper food.
Delusion after delusion….poor guy.
WOW. This gives me (as a never-i)n a clearer perspective on those “Whales” who continue to pour more and more of their wealth into Davey’s Folly, his extravagant lifestyle, his organized spying and harassment of those who dare disagree with him, and his myriad legal cases (and the 7-figure settlements to shut up those who know of his actual real-life crimes). It didn’t make sense to me why they would continue to do so, given the fact that the Scientology “Brand” is now permanently tarnished beyond repair, and the cult is in more legal doo-doo than it has been since Snow White.
“Do I look brainwashed to you?” Reading David Wilson, I’d have to say, “Damn straight you do.”
Scientology is starting to remind me of The Hunger Games, with the poor Sea Orgers in their “State of Joy” as the Tributes.
Its beyond comprehension PI – save that this guy has a daughter in the Sea Org. The fact that he has money is almost a curse – he is not able to escape the constant harassment. He is desperate to get others to donate so that he doesn’t end up paying for everything himself and end up bankrupt. The pressure on him is huge – he even confesses to his wife using “leverage” to get him to an graduation where Miscavige is speaking. His mind reading thing is not a literal belief that he communicated with Miscavige, but it is a facile attempt to say something different and a desperate attempt to push other people’s buttons (poor Miscavige – carrying such a burden – boo hoo). Pathetic. And as you correctly say – brainwashed
“Miscavige is showing videos of the “reactions of the EDs” to being briefed — no briefing, just a video of what someone else looks like when they are briefed?”
Mike, this is the creepiest aspect of the event. This is Miscavige saying I am watching you (and recording) and the proper response is Tone 40 ecstasy when he utters anything. Little Volcanoes of adoration.
He will not get that sort of deference in a court room…
Hey David&David&Co., The real show is in Texas and scheduled in December. It will be broadcast around the world, and beyond the fringes of the internet. Get with it guys, your joy of insanity has you completely out of touch.
The real show is in Texas and scheduled in December. It will be broadcast around the world, and beyond the fringes of the internet.
I can guarantee you that the obedient sheeples inside the razor wire don’t have the faintest clue of the existence of any of the church lawsuits currently underway. Nor will they know anything about the final results of those cases.
You know, Mike, I thought I had become inured to the endless insane drivel emanating from both staff and public, extolling the Lord God David Miscavige and wheedling, cajoling, demanding and deceiving the faithful into parting with whatever assets or remaining card limits they had managed to hold on to. Not so, not so. David Wilson’s emails not only reactivated the gag-o-meter but sent it’s needle into the red, then exploded the meter itself, along with my head. Frankly, though, I don’t actually believe that David Wilson himself believes he had a telepathic exchange with Miscavige – I think he is just being a sleazebag and using his made up incident to make the Los Angeles field guilty and wrong for not having yet completed the Valley fundraising (and probably for not generating sufficient commissions for himself). Re: his nutso observation about SO members being in joy at being slave-driven even harder, that is either a real delusion to construct his not-is of the continuous and worsening mistreatment of SO members (including his daughter), or the staff are being whipped into emanating a forced, false happy face to the public.
When you think it could not get any worse.
50 programs to be written by the COB before Gat 2 is released.
So there is no staff or exec’s, nada, zip, zero, lights on and nobody home.
David Wilson you have to layoff the Kool aid and take 2 asprin, drink lots of water.
This is extremely pathetic, that degree of brainwashing could be presented as a case for psychology students doing their master degree or maybe their doctorate studies.
Who knows, maybe some are 😉
This is quite scary:
” COB looks straight at me and nods. I look back into his eyes and I could swear that we had the following theta conversation…”
When I was a kid in history class I read glowing statements of similar experiences some germans had when they saw into the eyes of their beloved Fuehrer.
The parallels really can freak one out.
“State of joy” in the SO equals “State of Fear”. That goes for the standing ovations and applause. Anyone caught not doing it, especially on film, gets the RFP. And I’ll bet, too, that all in the audience are carefully controlling facial reactions.
It’s called “Smiling Pie Face”.
This one is *swimming* in the Kool Aid! Poor s*d.
This one is *swimming* in the Kool Aid!
Or drowning in it. I’d say he’s got a bad case of toxic Kool Aid poisoning, and needs to see an Indie auditor right away, followed up with a full study of The Truth Rundown.
This one would drink poisoned Kool Aid if Davie told him to because, “Eureka! OT IX has been released! But it is too OT for this planet so you have to transcend up and away from this planet to Target Two in outer space where Ron awaits you. Just drink the Kool Aid down and you’ll discard this nasty old body that will just get in the way. We’ll all hold thetan hands and transcend up up and away together to Target Two where OT IX and Ron all await us and we get our just rewards. There might even be 27 Virgins there for us, oh wait, that’s that “other” cult!
“The enormity of this program is difficult to grasp…” A bit of nerdishness here: the word “enormity” does not mean “the state of being enormous in size”. It is an old-fashioned word for a gross crime (one which involves ignoring basic social norms).
Lol! Yes, but I am also sure that there is unintended truth in the statement. 🙂
Did I mention the part about being in the first row? Wow – you are awesome. Another big surprise, people aren’t contributing fast enough to this vital ideal org. Even when I was a quasi-kook-aid drinking, I could never blather such unmitigated bullshit. This guy really needs to take a breath.
A mental health professional would probably have a field day with that internal conversation he had as a result of dm looking at him. Talk about introversion! The poor sod. Another peeve ……I hate the way the overwork and unreal targets are glorified, creating yet another compressed time situation for staff. The continual creation of 3D engrams, for the good of something else is such a classic computation. It is insidious because it pretends to align with survival but it’s actually just destructive and stupid. Not to mention the fact that the whole massive project that they’re killing themselves for is squirrel.
I think what we are seeing here with David Wilson and others is the understandable reaction of people who are in hidden terror.
Even the most true of the remaining true-believers are becoming aware that all is not well.
They are terrified of Miscavige and his well known propensity for vengeance, so they lick his boots in a most disgustingly public manner, even when it is clear that he is a significant part of the problem.
At the same time they know that were Miscavige to exit the church, the whole “saving the planet” charade will stop as the majority of the truly competent leaders and managers of the church have long since left or have been neutered. Miscavige has slowly transmogrified the church into his own, while pretending to be forwarding LRH, thus the likelihood of a successor emerging to continue the effort after Miscavige’s arrest or departure is low.
The organization will wither under a cross fire of lawsuits, prosecutions, public disclosures and membership diaspora. Chances are it will not disappear altogether, but will become so objectively irrelevant as to not even be able to pretend relevance or growth to its tiny remaining membership.
The value of the “tech” has been so oversold for so many decades that it is likely that when the charade of “saving the planet” is over, any actually useful portions will be lost in the backlash against the decades of dishonest hyperbole and hidden misconduct that has swamped the remaining church membership.
When that remaining church membership becomes aware of and finally acknowledges the decades long record of hyperbole and hidden misconduct they will also finally understand why the vast non-church public loath the organization. It is NOT because the church is “doing good” and everyone against it is evil. Quite the opposite!
Perpetrators of nasty acts who hide behind their hierarchical status in corrupt organizations are often times the most vilified targets for justice when that organization finally breaks down and loses power. Collaborators and sympathizers are usually not welcomed back easily into decent society either.
It is going to be a long road to recovery for many folks when the charade is over.
I think what we are seeing here with David Wilson and others is the understandable reaction of people who are in hidden terror.
Even the most true of the remaining true-believers are becoming aware that all is not well.
They are terrified of Miscavige and his well known propensity for vengeance, so they lick his boots in a most disgustingly public manner, even when it is clear that he is a significant part of the problem.
You’ve got great perception, friend. That is exactly the sort of mindset that now prevails inside the cult. It’s why David Wilson made that donation to the church without getting his wife’s agreement. It’s what caused him to go into hallucinatory projection when Miscavige merely looked at him. It’s what causes him to look upon the terrified staff at Flag and imagine that he sees “joy” in their faces. It’s what makes him believe that his child (who he sacrificed to Miscavige) is doing a better job at her post than the previous 20 year veteran.
We’re getting a glimpse into the mind of someone who is too terrified to go anywhere near their own valence.
Yes, this David Wilson is in terror. Appearances can be deceiving when it comes to actual tone levels. For example one can be rather worried or upset about something, take a few stiff drinks and after a few drinks one can be laughing and seemingly uptone when actually one is now numb. I guess that’s from where the expression, “feeling no pain” comes.
My friend knows David and Bonita Wilson personally and says that they do not watch TV at all, don’t read newspapers, don’t go on computer “bad” sites, etc, so they are truly sheltered from the truth. They are at Not-Know. They would actually drink the poisoned Kool Aid if Der Leader told them too.
An astute analysis and likely outcome. Life itself has its way of righting the apple cart.
Very cogent analysis
Anonymous –
I beg to differ on one point, that you say: “The value of the “tech” has been so oversold for so many decades that it is likely that when the charade of “saving the planet” is over, any actually useful portions will be lost in the backlash against the decades of dishonest hyperbole and hidden misconduct that has swamped the remaining church membership.”
The value of the tech is in its correct application, and that has not been oversold. That it has been incorrectly used for decades, progressively so, and that the results of its sloppy or incorrect use have disappointed imagined expectations, is much closer to the truth. People who have been lucky enough, or perseverant enough, to actually secure the correct use of correct tech, and who have been unafraid to run the processes to their full intended potential, know damn well it has inestimable value.
Someone once said that nothing of value is achieved easily. I think that’s debatable, in that if the correct and exact thought is there, then the rest is easy – even surprisingly easy. But if that thought is masked with shallowness, then the achievement becomes very hard indeed. That absence of exact consideration of understanding and use is the story, as I see it, with disappointments with Scientology tech, and with Scientology in general.
There can be no disputing that no one knows the upper reaches of man’s potential.
Carcha – I suggest some additional honest research into the earliest promises regarding the tech (including the description of the alleged abilities of a person brought to the state of clear claimed in the original DMSMH.)
No one has ever demonstrated the full abilities or characteristics claimed in DMSMH (eidetic memory, no colds, no eyeglasses etc.) in the entire 60+ years of the existence of Scientology.
I also suggest you look at the documented condition in their final years of many of the folks who went to the top of the bridge (including the founder of the church.) That evidence makes for a very tough sell on the idea of the tech being the solution to mankind’s (or even one man’s) problems.
The ACTUAL history of the church as an organization and the full stories of the most sincere multi-decade individual participants in its practices are a painful and hard to confront pile of evidence.
More hyperbole or tautological “you’re doing it wrong” arguments do not explain away what is visibly plain – the tech may provide relief to some for some temporal discomforts. Beyond that temporal relief, the evidence of long term results for both the red on white and the green on white is the actual condition the church now finds itself in, including the totalitarian degradation that has been well documented at INT.
When the supposedly elite-of-the-elite have been practicing the pure essence of Scn for decades at INT and the place devolves into a violent, frightening gulag – well, what more evidence of failure does one need?
“You’re doing it wrong” does not explain away the evidence of actual results, especially since the tech supposedly includes self-correction mechanisms, which have clearly also failed.
Anonymous –
I’ve seen people do it right, and I have my own experience. The fact is that with or without Scn, one’s life is one’s own responsibility, not LRH’s, not the tech’s, not one’s auditor, not one’s parents, schools, work affiliations, not the responsibility of psychology, pills, government or anything or anyone else.
One of these days I will remember not to argue with a negative.
– Carcha.
See how much “hearsay” there is — from event videos and graduation email reports — that Miscavige really does run in great detail the Church’s operations. But, of course, hearsay isn’t admissible in a court of law. And — baddaboom! — that’s why Miscavige himself does need to be deposed by Ray Jeffrey in Monique Rathbun v. CSI, RTC, David Miscavige et al. 🙂
I just looked up the word “sycophant” in my dictionary and damned if David Wilson’s picture wasn’t there in place of the definition. At the moment I am perplexed whether David Wilson is the most pathetic ex-SO member I have known or whether it is others like Greg and Debbie Hughes, Angie Blankenship, Tommy Davis or Jon Stumbke who all know exactly what is going on but remain silently hiding in their burrows. I’m sure they are glad that jackasses like David Wilson are drawing all the ridicule while they can quietly go on about their business while waiting for the fog in their heads to clear.
Dan — Tommy is going to get his chance. Ray Jeffrey is dragging him out of his burrow by his bunny ears and he is going to have to speak. Who knows what he will say, but silence is no longer an option for him.
Mike, yeah, I saw that recently. Mariette thinks he is just going to lie his head off to cover for DM but liars nearly always get caught out in the end. And Ray Jeffrey is a hell of a lot smarter than Tommy’s old boss.
… and a hell of a hell of a lot smarter than Tommy.
Of course he will lie. But its different lying on TV than under oath in front of an attorney that knows what they are doing.
Boy, this is gonna be good. And as for Greg and Debbie Hughes, Angie Blankenship, Tommy Davis, Jon Stumbke, Ron Norton, Jason Bennick and all the rest of which there are hundreds if not thousands… they are the reason “chicken” was not good enough as a pejorative name. So they had to append the word “shit” onto the end. Bunch of yellow, steaming cowards who can’t quite manage “prime thought”: the decision TO BE. How is it someone can be an enabler for a dangerous psychopath for 20 or 30 years, then get out and not bother to warn anyone? That takes some kind of special weakness that the people on this blog don’t have.
Looking forward to Tommy “Footbullet” Davis’ solo performance of that classic swansong, “Flight of the Clay Pigeon.”
I think “state of joy” translates to sleep deprivation hallucinations.
I can attest to the sunken-eyed, sleep-deprived, unhealthy demeanor of the SO Members that were in Tampa Federal Court last week. But they were not in any state of joy. They looked downright distraught.
Of course, David Wilson doesnt see things quite the same way I do — he also looks at Miscavige and thinks he is a messiah. I look at him and think he is a sawn-off sociopath. He sees Miscavige as a cup half full of joy, I see a half empty cup of slime.
I see a guy who can’t wait to have a celebratory smoke and drink after screwing a room full of deluded people.
Mike! “Sawn-off sociopath” – you are getting as good as Hollywood script writers, and I mean that as a sincere compliment, ROFL! Maybe you were always that good, and I’m just noticing. I don’t know, but that’s funny! – Carcha
COB has 50 programs to write before GAG II is released? But somehow he doesn’t have anything to do with management of the Scientology religion? Contrary Fact, much?
I think you are vastly underestimating COB whose mind is immeasurably superior to ours. He is almost certainly telepathically relaying these programs directly into the minds of the staff whose job it is to implement them.
” The previous person holding the post had been on post for 20 years. The Mission putting her on post told her that she would only be hatted from policy because they were afraid that there might be certain “this is the way we have always done it” actions that might have slipped into the think and that cannot be allowed under GAT II.” I can’t believe he said this out loud! Yep, we are the problem. All of us “old timers” with experience. It’s like he’s following the story of Moses and the Children of Israel. Moses leads them through the desert, but only the new generation gets to to go to the Holy Land. But, David even Moses didn’t let him self in.
As others have said before, we are the theta that has exteriorized from the reactive mind and mest the Church has become. I urge all the staff with 20 years experience who have been removed from post to remove yourself from the insanity. We need you on post out here in the Indie field where you will be honored, respected and appreciated.
…we are the theta that has exteriorized from the reactive mind and mest the Church has become.
Love that. It is so true. I’ve been saying for some time now that, ‘the theta and the data have left the building.’
For years I bemoaned the fact that my church had changed so much that I hardly recognized it anymore. I had to exteriorize from the church to discover that my church didn’t die. No, the people who comprised the real body of the church had merely walked away, and reassembled outside the gates.
Now that I’m outside in the free world, I read letters like David Wilson’s and shudder at the demented mindset that prevails inside Miscavige’s MEST up cult. The phrase, ‘Kool-Aid drinkers’ isn’t an ad hominem. It’s an accurate descriptor of the kind of people who make up the faithful these days.
Unfortunately, what you say is so true, Ronnie!
Don’t forget that when the GAT came out a giant Mission came into ASHO (with a cadre of SS-uniform-clad RTC “reps”) to ensure that the SHSBC was run exactly on tech and per policy. And it took ten years before people started graduating from the BC. And the HGCs those 6’s went into are as empty as all get-out.
Isn’t it interesting how the way Miscavige can get away with his rampant out-tech and off-policy IS TO BLAME SOMEONE ELSE FOR OUT-TECH AND OFF-POLICY.
Wow…just wow.
David Wilson is downright creepy. I hope he didn’t have a boner during his little psychic communion with COB.
“State of Joy” = glee of insanity, look it up Dave.
Regarding, “…all the promises implied in the tech are coming true.”, this seems to imply that David hasn’t gotten the expected result from the tech; that GAT II will somehow “make the tech work”.
I think I’ve found the perfect diagnosis for COB – Organizational Münchausen syndrome by proxy… think about it.
Perfect Statpush! Hilarious!
I hope Mr. Wilson donates a lot of money because I think he may be in trouble. I don’t know what the implications are in the scientology world of having the audacity to telepathically communicate with the demented dwarf, but in the wog world there is a name for it: psychosis. Auditory hallucinations as described are associated disorders such as schizophrenia or mania. My guess is that it was manic being that close to such utter greatness.
I think he may be in trouble. I don’t know what the implications are in the scientology world of having the audacity to telepathically communicate with the demented dwarf
Oooh….hadn’t thought about that. David Wilson just breached COB’s personal spiritual space without any authorization whatsoever. Not even COB’s closest sycoph….er, staff members have permission to do that. I mean, he actually READ HIS MIND!
Who knows what confidential data he may have gleaned while doing that? This guy needs to be called in for thirty days of continuous sec-checking right away! And tell him to bring his check book and all his credit cards to pay for it!
Hang on, just getting a message across the theta universe from COB. Hang on..yes sir, sorry cock what? Oh yes that one, yes, motherwhatting? Oh yes I see. On Hollywood boulevard you say? That’s clear. Yes I’ll pass it on.
Hilarious! And probably much closer to what Davey is thinking than what’s in that ridiculous email.
I think David Wilson would SCOHB if Herr Dwarfenfuhrer telepathically told him it was vital to planetary clearing.
Laughing so hard I fell out of my chair. Not sure I can take any more!
Put this material in your next stand up routine, Old Surfer Dude and then invite us to come see you! I”ll come.
“I was moved to make a “donation without consultation….”
“My Sea Org Daughter.” “My OT8 wife looks great on objectives.”
His trust and devotion is obvious and complete. And why shouldn’t it be? The Sea Org had “nanny” software developed and convinced everyone not working in the Church to have it installed in their computer. Years ago. So any news of David Miscavige would be kept from their sight. The Sea Org actually asked people to NOT KNOW and developed software to cut people’s communication lines! And David Wilson and his tribe were only too happy to agree to NOT KNOW and NOT KNOW HOW TO KNOW and install it on all of their computers.
From characteristics of a sociopath:
PATHOLOGICAL LYING (omitted truths and half truths) — Can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest.
CONNING AND MANIPULATIVE — The use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item “pathological lying”, in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one’s victims.
GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM — The tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Psychopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A psychopath never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH — A grossly inflated view of one’s abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Psychopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
PARASITIC LIFESTYLE — An intentional, manipulative, selfish, and EXPLOITATIVE FINANCIAL DEPENDENCE ON OTHERS as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.
You KNOW these types prosper on the “sucker born every minute”.
“This quote is usually attributed to P.T. Barnum….or WC Fields….or, in today’s world, Bernie Madoff. Not so. The first person to utter these words of solid business advice was George Hull. Who?
George Hull was a devout atheist who lived in Binghamton, New York in the 1860’s. One night he got into a heated argument with a fundamentalist preacher about ‘how literal is the Bible?’ Preacher said, “every single word.” Hull thought “nutcase” and came up with a scheme that would eventually bring jealous tears to the eyes of old P.T. himself.
Hull knew the Book of Genisis talked about “giants roaming the earth”. He also knew there were countless Christian believers roaming the earth always looking for Biblical “proof” – and they had more faith than sense. So Hull, whose only religion was the quote above, decided to give them “proof” – for a small fee, of course.
In 1868, Hull commissioned a stone carver to sculpt a 10-foot, 5-inch “fossilized giant” for $2600 – a lot of money in those days. Of course the stone carver was no Michelangelo but – hey – you lie in the earth for a few million years and see how you look! Next, Hull buried his masterpiece at a friend’s farm in Cardiff, NY. A year later, in 1869, workers were hired to dig a well on the farm. Instead, they “discovered” the giant.
Naturally, geologists immediately denounced the giant as a ridiculous fraud but, as Hull had guessed, fervent fundamentalists “swore” it was real – “just look at the Bible!” After a short time Hull made over $30,000 – a WHOLE lot of money in those days – charging the faithful 50-cents a peek.
P.T. “Egress” Barnum knew a good fraud when he saw one and offered to buy the Cardiff Giant. George Hull said “no thanks.” And then, in what has to be one one of the funniest footnotes in American history, Barnum HAD HIS OWN CARDIFF GIANT CARVED and exhibited it across the country. In other words, Barnum was making money from a fake of a fake!
Today the giant rests peaceably in the Farmers Museum in Cooperstown, New York. Not surprisingly, you have to pay an additional fee to see it – just like in the old days. However, there’s no truth to the rumors that the giant is wrapped in the Shroud of Turin or the snack bar sells “Jesus-Face Tacos” for a buck and a half.”
What a great story!!
Hull is truly Miscavige’s spiritual ancestor. He has been carving “Cardiff Giants” for years now, convincing the faithful they are as predicted in the gospel. He calls them “Ideal Orgs” and he has collected way more than $30,000 even adjusted for inflation.
…my Sea Org daughter is working on. She has been posted as the “Qual Examiner” at the new Flag building. That means she examines all training completions by administering written exams or star rate checkouts on every training completion to ensure that no one slips
through who does not know their stuff 100% per KSW 1. The previous person holding the post had been on post for 20 years.
Gee, 20 years! Where is this person now? The Hole, I’ll bet. Can’t keep these old timers around!
Yes! And notice the covert invalidation of the 20 year veteran examiner. They might put in some false data because 20 years of experience is nothing. Only dm’s new, personally approved, reinterpretations are perrrrrrrfect! He really does think he’s source.
HJ: You got it. Experience means ‘old’ and any training not GAT is simply wrong.
No posters mentioned the biggest violation of Study Tech I have ever seen. There’s a little policy called “instruction and examination, raising the standard of”.
“The most important point was that she may not examine people on levels higher than the ones she has done. This means she is fast track to become a Class 6 auditor. (Currently Class 4.)”
What… the…. fuck… over?
That’s nearly the first policy I read after I finished KSW and Tech Degrades.
Amazingly, Miscavige’s actual product is spelled out just toward the end of that email – “Makes one feel rather small”. So, Mr. Wilson, would you want others to experience the ‘gain’ you had right there?
Bawhahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I used to do stand-up for a living. I got nothing you on guys! As we used to say in the business, “Now that’s some funny shit!”
Thanks, Aeolus!
Yes, Aeolus, very funny!
Yeah well spotted. A Freudian slip perhaps?
I’ll also bet he was scanning the audience looking for some missed withhold phenomena to try and spot an infiltrator. Maybe he thinks he got his man. David, look out he could be on to you….that little nod you got – that was Miscavige telepathically communicating “Watch your back son”
If he’s in such perfect, telepathic communication with COB I would recommend he come out to the independent field to get the Suppressed Person Rundown. If he continues in this mesmerized state he will undoubtedly start leaping across tables and punching people who refuse to donate when donations are demanded.
Mr. Wilson is probably unaware that in the real world, people are arrested and put in jail for that kind of behavior.
“So what’s different? The staff appear to be working even harder than before, BUT they don’t have attention on it. In fact my best take away from the base was that the staff are in such a state of joy the long hours and hard work are nothing.”
David Wilson,
What is different is that the slaves have gone bellow pain, their minds are in a permanent state of hibernation. They can only hear the commands from the mind control operators.
“It struck me that there are very few of us who are in a state of joy on getting the Ideal org of the Valley completed.”
David Wilson,
That is because most of us are not in a deep hypnotic trance as you are. We still have our brain cells functioning and are aware of our surroundings. Wake up!
Keep those AC vents WIDE OPEN ========================
So the 2 Dave’s are telepathically connected now, amazing.
Oh the theta connection there…
Watch out David Wilson! Now that you’re telepathically connected with Davie, I think Tom Cruise will be jealous and he can kick your butt!
I thought that Davie’s copper grounding rods are supposed to prevent this type of thing from happening. Flunk Davie! You gotta get them sticks fixed.
This is …oh geez…we all know the words to fill in the blank here.
First of all, David Wilson makes a deal of donating money without consulting his wife. I can’t tell you how many couples I have known that have had major problems because the church persuades one partner to put the church above their marriage, finance agreements. The other partner is labeled “antagonistic” if they have an issue about the fact their spouse just broke any agreement they did have and emptied out the saving account behind their back. So, here is David, gleefully promoting to do that.
Next…”longest of many standing ovations”…a painful reminder of life in the church.
And lastly…when Miscavige was scanning to see who was there…ummm…sorry David Wilson, he was scanning to see who was NOT standing so he could have them sent to ethics for sec checks..
Oh my, the “Ethics Presence” of Miscavige is just beyond the beyond!
And the really sad part of this is that those sheeple who received Dave Wilson’s emails will actually believe that he “got” DM’s message telepathically because after all David Wilson is OT VIII and the OT VIII’s are next to and right under God / Miscavage. And that is why those lower on the Bridge will continue to pay and pay and pay… because they think they will be able to speak telepathically to Gods like Wilson does with Miscavage, or so they’ve been told.
Longest standing ovation??? They were probably playing “Bohemian Rhapsody” and the first one to quit clapping got wiped or something after the event
This is getting worse and worse. “God” is now talking to the Scientology Sheeple. And God is David Miscavige.
What’s next? Will David Wilson see Mr. Miscavige ascend to heaven? Will Mr. Miscavige tell David Wilson to strap on a head cam and go looking for Mosey? Will Mr. Miscavige tell David Wilson to take out a fourth home mortgage?
I wonder if David Wilson’s wife is getting the same messages from Mr. Miscavige — or if she is smart enough to realize her husband is a raving loon?
Perhaps COB will send Mr. Wilson to the RPF so he can personally give ecclesiastical services to Mrs. Wilson.
His wife is the one steeped in faith. David is the one who pays for it all.
That group is on the top rung of a very tall ladder. Hope they notice that it is NOT A STEP!
When dear leader is notified that he will be testifying in Moniques harassment case, be prepared for that step to disappear!!!! It’s Humpty Dumpty time Davey!
And not just for Davey but for all the front row seats of sheeple that will follow him over the cliff like the lemmings they are. I would say , “RIP” but I know they won’t.
Mike, I can’t take anymore! Please, for love of god, Stop!
I know David Wilson didn’t channel DM because if he really had, it would have gone like this: DM: “I TOLD you that Valley Org was to be done by now! Get busy you moron, do I have to do everything myself?|??!!! YSCOHB!”
And the leverage his wife had on him to make him attend graduation at Flag|? Maybe it was that she would tell the world that Dave Wilson actually likes to SCOHB.
FOTFLMAO! Thanks, Jane! I really needed that! Great job!
Thanks Old Surfer Dude, it’s a rough job but somebody has to do it!
My take on this email:
First part (big donation I made, wife at Flag, I was sitting on the front row, I’m so amazing)…what an insecure douche-bag
Second part (I’m in telepathic communication with DM)…wow, neat. Apparently, you need to be in telepathic communication with DM to know he wants more money from the field.
Third part (my daughter, in the Sea Org)…now I just feel terrible for this guy. Sincerely, what choice does he have but to be the best corporate scientologist he can be?
And the number of Clears made world-wide last week was…?
That number is unclear
You are such a funny cat, Cat Daddy!
Nice quip Cat Daddy, still chuckling.
The ED’s are happy because they have to go back to their Idle Morgue’s and do more fund raising for COB? How crazy is that? BRAINWASHED poor souls doing all this working to support a crazy dictator running a scam called Scientology….but they just love to be BRIEFED on COB’s excuses as to why he cannot finish a cycle of action!
Wow – thanks for the updates Mike. Very sad state of affairs for the CULT!