Frankly, I have been so busy with media interviews and other things I had to do in New York I haven’t had a minute to think about a blog post.
I won’t be announcing media beforehand so I don’t help scientology in their efforts to harass and intimidate. They can find out when it comes out. They’re going to be hit from all directions and have no idea what is coming.
Once again, thank you to everyone who has read or listened to A Billion Years and posted on social media, commented here and left reviews on Amazon. The responses are humbling and I try to read them all and I appreciate every one.
I want to leave you with this. An absolutely brilliant tweet Leah did last night, turning the “just read a book about it” deflection drilled into scientology celebrities into a message to buy my book:
PS: Christie and the boys rode out Hurricane Ian and didn’t even lose power. Those OT’s did a good job of keeping Pinellas County relatively unscathed. But they still all need to report to ethics and make good with some cash for pulling in the Hurricane in the first place and inconveniencing the COB.
Books make booms .
Coming soon: I’m Demento Midgetmonster, the Audio Book. Read by Demento himself. Here, as an appetiser, are a few transcribed lines with commentary from a couple of reviewers –
“Squeek squeek eek, eek, squeek eee.”
What’s he saying?
Not sure but I think he’s introducing himself.
“Eee squeek squeek eek eek squeek.”
Now what?
Dunno, but he doesn’t sound too pleased.
I reckon they should get him to stand…wait…
Definitely getting angry now.
Maybe someone should get him a box to stand on so he’s closer to the microphone.
I give up.
Me too. Want to get a few drinks?
Yeah, why not.
I was wondering what is up with the podcast. You and Leah said it would be out the end of Aug but I/ve seen nothing. Do I need to listen somewhere other than Audacity? Thanks
I’ve been wondering the same thing!
Really enjoyed your book, Mike. Been reading this blog for five years now after becoming a fan of the show.
Brilliant work, Mike!!
This book will help enlighten those who are “curious” about this evil corporate cult just what a life destroying freak show it is.
Hubs and his black box of tricks just hates having the light of day shining in through the cracks.
Vampires have this thing about Sunlight.
Your courage and strength shines bright Mike. I finished the audio book in a day and a half. We are met with challenges in life, but for those of you who have grown up with this belief system and manage to come out of it then turn to rescue others still in this cult world is astounding. I admire your heroism and devotion to your family and friends.
Such a powerful book. It’s filled with so much information that I think I am going to go back and read it a second time. Amy and I passed the book back and forth and read it in a day. I think the book is both educational and entertaining in a way that anyone could find it a valuable read, with the possible exception of Miscavige.
Hey COB, “does your head feel like it has a tight band around it?Or maybe, “do you feel like you’ve lost something or something?
Does the back of your head feel sore?
With this media blitz I suspect Davey will need a few Advils with his scotch.
The Advils won’t even dent His anxiety attack.
Yo Dave,
I’d recommend going straight to fentanal good buddy. That with ample scotch should git ya thru the weekend.
And what about all those lazy bastard staffers? How come You have to do everything all the time anyway? Just sayin!
I’m a few hours into the audio book, and am loving it. Hearing it in your own voice, as you recall these things from your past, makes it even better. The same was true with Leah’s audio book.
I made a run to my local Barnes for the book yesterday. After locating it I had a great conversation with the bookseller. She had heard of some of the abuses of the cult and I educated her a bit more. Also told her about hosting Ron Miscavige at the library where I worked when his book came out.
I stayed up late reading last night and I can attest that A Billion Years is phenomenal, completely engaging and well written. You did an amazing job Mike.
So glad to hear about Christie and the boys in Florida. Love your interview on Sirius with Megyn Kelly. And keep the tsunami of interviews and related media coming!
Your Megan Kelly interview really was excellent.
As it is with life, it sometimes gets in the way, but I have grabbed a little time to read the first several chapters. Now, my goal is to curl up on the couch tomorrow by the fireplace and really dig in. I was so touched with your dedication of the book to your children Mike – I so hope that somehow, someway, your two older children can find their way back to you. Their life in the free world would be amazing with you and Christie to be there to help them on that journey.
Great skewering, Leah!
Are you going to post weekly book sales and audiobooks sales on Thursday this week?
It must be straight up and vertical, unlike those fake wantabe imitations.
Finished reading the e-book last night. Very Well Done Mike!
It was a bit hard to find the hardback at our Barnes and Noble. It was under Comparative Religion, a tiny section around the back from the Religion shelves. I guess if you compare scientology to a religion you could make a point for that location. Scientology has the same relationship to religion that a crackerjack toy has to a cathedral. They are both in a shape derived from rectangles.
Comparative values:
Religion: inspiration.
Scientology: perspiration
Religion: self-sacrifice
Scientology: child sacrifice
Religion: fear God
Scientology: become god
Religion: vow of poverty
Scientology: Make money. Make more money. Get others to make more money.
You can’t say anything about religion that someone won’t argue about, seems to be a subject that’s been mired in a mythical mess for millennia. Arguably scientology isn’t any more mercenary than many others. At least it is tiny, powerless and widely ridiculed. Unfortunately it is still flush with cash, so Dave can prop it up for a while. But eventually even his Energizer bunny must run down.
At least you can take credit, Mike, for making Dave waste more money than anyone reading this blog has ever seen.
“Dave wasting more money than anyone reading this blog has ever seen.”
Reading that gave me a flashback to Hubbard’s Mission Earth series, Soltan Gris had a similar propensity. It sure didn’t do him any good having all that money, his evil ways just made a mess of whatever he did.
We live in a world of duality, a world of opposites. The timing of your book launch with the arrival of Hurricane Ian at Clearwater beach is a signal to how powerful your story is in setting minds free, because the truth does set us free.
Mike you never get scared of those Super humans 😳 also know as Orange Tea ,may be they are one brought hurricane to show the ( Wog) world ,” we got the power ”
They might be following you through Astral travel or communicating amongst themselves telepathically.
After all spending millions of dollars would have had given them some power ,isn’t it ?
I haven’t read chapter of your book on it , plan to finish it this weekend .
I always equate them with Comedy circus 🎪.
This is all because of Stockholm Syndrome, the followers are in.
Your book shall make the break through and bring most of them out of it, if they read it.
Beautiful news! Keep on trucking 🙂
In Minnesota we have tornadoes. They can be awful if they hit in the right place.
I hope Hurricane Mike Rinder inconveniences COB forever and a day.
I bought the audio version of A BILLION YEARS yesterday.
Every ex-scientologist memoir read or listened to means one less person has read, listened to or purchased a book by L. Ron Hubbard.
The Student Points stats worldwide are, no doubt, down, down, down!
LOLOLOL Yes, that is a brilliant post by Leah. I’m still laughing. Yes, Perfect.