If you read this blog, you are likely aware of Leah Remini’s upcoming A&E show. I have had the pleasure of working with Leah on this show as a consultant and participant, a cause of great distress for the church. So I thought I might weigh in with some information I feel is pertinent to events now and into the future.
As a reader here you are likely also aware of the “church” reaction to the announcement of the show and the first trailer being released – the usual name-calling, smearing and foot stomping that does not RESPOND in any fashion to the abuses being exposed. There is much more of that to come. Tony Ortega already broke down the first scientology smear.
Of course, the church refused to participate in or cooperate with the show, despite repeated requests by Leah, the production company and A&E. They were asked to provide various people to be interviewed, or in the end, anyone they wished. But of course, that didn’t happen. You can predict them to soon begin whining “the show is bigoted, they didn’t even include our side of the story” once they are certain the deadline has passed for their participation.
I thought it might be useful to lay out just why the church continues to respond the way they do. They do it every single time and it can be somewhat baffling — their tactics blow up in their faces every time, but they keep repeating them. The answer is simple: their responses are dictated by unalterable “scripture” that MUST be followed. The words of L. Ron Hubbard. All good scientologists must follow them. And you can be sure the Office of Special Affairs (the “dirty tricks/Fair Game department”) knows every one of these references almost verbatim.
I want to lay out in some detail (though there is MUCH more than would just be too dense to wade through), the big picture of what scientology must do to respond to this show, including the most pertinent references. This way there is one place for anyone who is dealing with scientology to get briefed — whether an individual, the media or a government agency. And this will serve a primer on the subject for time immemorial as scientology cannot change what L. Ron Hubbard has written for them to follow.
Scientology “High Crimes” and the Suppressive Person
Scientology has its own nomenclature for those who speak publicly about it without being authorized by the church.
The worst transgressions one can commit in scientology are denominated as “High Crimes.” These are the acts of “Suppressive Persons” who, according to Hubbard, are trying to destroy all that is good on earth and enslave mankind.
Hubbard wrote a great deal about Suppressive Persons (SP’s) and “Crimes” and “High Crimes” in March 1965 and continued to cover the topic of SP’s in subsequent decades. In one of those 1965 references he says:
HIGH CRIMES …consist of publicly departing Scientology or committing Suppressive Acts.
Elsewhere, that same month in 65 he is more specific, listing the following as “High Crimes/Suppressive Acts” (ie those that result in one being declared “SP”). Any of these will cause you to be named an enemy of scientology. This list of “High Crimes” includes the following (emphasis mine):
Writing anti-Scientology letters to the press or giving anti-Scientology or anti-Scientologist evidence to the press;
Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology Organizations;
Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists but not to Committees of Evidence duly convened;
Testifying as a hostile witness against Scientology in public;
Testifying hostilely before state or public inquiries into Scientology to suppress it;
Reporting or threatening to report Scientology or Scientologists to civil authorities in an effort to suppress Scientology or Scientologists from practicing or receiving standard Scientology;
Demanding the return of any or all fees paid for standard training or processing actually received or received in part and still available but undelivered only because of departure of the person demanding;
Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO;
Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts;
Leah, and many interviewed for this series are “guilty” of virtually all of these “Suppressive Acts” (I hit all the bases except asking for money back as I never gave any, I cannot ask for 35 years of my life back). The church has thus denominated her (and me and all of them) as enemies.
Fair Game
L.Ron Hubbard reserves special treatment for his enemies. This is the infamous “Fair Game” policy letter published in October 1967 which tells scientologists that when it comes to SP’s they may be deprived of property or injured by any means, they may be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.
Scientology says Fair Game was cancelled as it caused bad public relations. True enough. This is the “policy letter” that “canceled” Fair Game.
But this also says “this P/L (Policy Letter) does not cancel any policy on the treatment or handling of an SP.” And you can be sure, not one of those references has been canceled. How to treat SPs/enemies/critics is laid out in detail in church policy that must be followed to this day. That fact, that these policies ARE followed, is demonstrated and confirmed by the ACTIONS of the church. You don’t to look far — unfortunately too often the specific policies have not been well known. Hopefully this posting will help remedy that.
All critics of scientology have criminal pasts
One of the seminal writings of L. Ron Hubbard on how you deal with “SP’s” is entitled CRITICS OF SCIENTOLOGY.
It was originally issued as an article in Ability magazine #199 on 5 Nov. 67 (the version below). It was then issued as an HCOB on 27 Aug. 87.
Critics of Scientology is in fact the description of HOW to handle SPs/enemies who have been declared “Fair Game.”
It begins by painting the hypothetical scenarios of those who “attack” Scientology, and then proclaims: “We do more good in any ten minutes of this planet’s time than the combined efforts of all social ministries on Earth to better mankind.” Yowza. This is why you see the ridiculous claims made by Miscavige at events that the VMs are the greatest relief force on earth etc. It is simply following the pattern dictated by Hubbard. No claim was too grandiose to be force-fed to the dedicated scientologists of the world.
And with that the “benevolent us” versus the horrible critical “enemies” of scientology is laid down as law. Old Aunt Ermiltrude who criticizes scientology does so because she fears being found out for taking the money from your change purse – that evil old hag. This is scientology-think.
Those who are not scientologists are “left in complete ignorance of the motives of the dishonest.” ONLY scientologists understand what is really going on and only scientologists have any chance of personal immortality (even though according to Hubbard everyone is an immortal spiritual being?). The superiority of scientologists is a given in Hubbard’s writings.
And then he lays in the whopper. Here is the underpinning of Fair Game, the reason you can do anything to those who “oppose scientology” (because of course, they are opposed to man’s salvation):
“Now get this as a technical fact. Not a hopeful idea. Every time we have investigated the background of a critic of scientology we have found crimes for which that person or group could be imprisoned under existing law. We do not find critics of Scientology who do not have criminal pasts. Over and over we prove this.”
And understand, this includes the wife who complains about her husband attending a Scientology group. In the eyes of Hubbard (and thus all scientologists) she must have “had a baby he didn’t know about.” It could not be that she had a bad experience in or with scientology or scientologists.
Forget the “over and over we prove this” absurdity — no such proof exists. But because L. Ron Hubbard said it, you can ask any scientologist and they will tell you it is absolutely true.
He goes on:
“Criminals hate anything that helps anyone instinctively. And just as instinctively a criminal fights against anything that may disclose his past.”
Thus, the table has been laid.
Anyone who criticizes scientology is a criminal. For scientology ONLY does good. Anyone who criticizes scientology is trying to hide a criminal past and Scientology can uncover that.
And for those who have never been in scientology, it is important to know that one must ALWAYS make everything L. Ron Hubbard says be true. Thus, if some poor staff member was tasked with dealing with a mother upset about her daughter’s involvement in scientology, they would be EXPECTED to find her crimes. After searching and finding nothing — just a normal mother who cares about her child — they could NOT leave it at that. LRH says they ALL have crimes. So, the investigation would intensify. Perhaps now sending out PI’s to interview other family members or co-workers. Implying the person had crimes to try and get someone to agree. Twisting and embellishing things into “crimes” that were nothing of the sort. They CANNOT give up. They CANNOT come up empty handed. They MUST find “crimes” somehow. And if they cannot find them, they are admonished to manufacture them (as stated in another reference covered below) or just allege them (keep reading this one).
And Hubbard goes on to become even more threatening and ominous: “…those who try to make life hard for us are AT ONCE at risk.”
“Never discuss scientology with the critic. Just discuss his or her crimes…”
And so, in the end, there is this: “Never discuss scientology with the critic. Just discuss his or her crimes, known and unknown. And act completely confident that those crimes exist. Because they do.”
This is exactly why you never see scientology respond to criticisms. They are forbidden from doing so. ALL they can do is discuss the crimes of the critic, known and UNKNOWN. Yes, it does say UNKNOWN. And just discuss them anyway, “completely confident that those crimes exist, because they do.”
Now, with that established as the basic pattern for “handling critics” let’s look at just a few of the other Hubbard writings on the subject of dealing with those who “oppose” scientology or create bad public relations.
Hit by a Mack truck
This is from PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR’S BULLETIN No. 53, 27 May 1955.
Even in the best light, this is an allegorical but unmistakable entreaty to forcefully bring about the demise of those who dare operate with a “media-type of attitude toward Scientology.” The phrase “hit by a Mack truck” is fairly common usage meaning to be dumbfounded. What is not is Hubbard’s addition “and I don’t mean thought-wise.” It portends a lot of dark statements to come about those who do not agree with L. Ron Hubbard.
Covert operations
Hubbard wrote an extensive volume of “scripture” for the Guardian’s Office — the arm of the church charged with dealing with enemies. Including a lot of policy for the “Intelligence” Branch (euphemistically called “Information Bureau” to sound less sinister), the covert operations arm of scientology. All of this remains church policy today, it cannot be canceled. But more importantly, scientology does not WANT it to be canceled. In their minds Hubbard was right about everything he said, if it seems unsavory, so be it. Best to keep it confidential. These (and many other references) are now the policies of the Office of Special Affairs that direct their actions to be taken against “critics.”
Perhaps the most significant Hubbard writings on this subject are two policies from 28 March 1972.
“Cost him his job” and “threaten what he is seeking to protect”
The first is called COUNTER ATTACK TACTICS (in Hubbard’s writings, any criticism is not only unfounded, it is an attack).
Here are some pertinent sections where Hubbard lays out what he expects of the Intelligence Bureau (Ideal Scene), his direction on how to remove these enemies (Bright Idea) and his “laws” on the subject (Evolved Operating Principles) and then the steps to take (Plan). The objective is to cause attackers to lose their job so they will be “muzzled.” Emphasis is mine:
IDEAL SCENE: (For Information Bureau) Attackers against Scientology located and removed from their positions of power so that Scientology can get on with it. And any threat of attack restrained, leaving Scientology a clear field.
These persons can always lose their jobs. These jobs, permitting them power to destroy, are valuable to them. This is A POINT OF VULNERABILITY.
If the person’s job is also not valuable to him or if he cannot be made to cost his job, something can be found which he is seeking to protect and it can be threatened.
D. Where A and C fail, use B.
(a) Wherever an attack is in progress (and even when being held off by counter-propaganda from PR or actions from Legal) at once swiftly draw up a precise program using Intelligence principles and cross filing to isolate the attacker.
(b) Identify the instigator.
(c) When identified or even suspected as the instigator, draw up a project which includes at least three channels to cost him his job.
(d) Draw up a second project at once to survey and discover what the person really is defending and threaten it effectively.
(e) Execute the projects rapidly.
(f) On achieving success inform PR so that PR can call off the PR counterattack and capitalize on any information gained if it does not expose Intelligence.
(g) Inform legal so Legal can replan and utilize the information also gained to mop up.
NOTE: Intelligence in these regards is not feeding PR and Legal as the only fruit of its endeavors. It is OPERATING INDEPENDENTLY of these two functions with ITS OWN PRODUCT: I.E. A DISMISSED ATTACKER or its secondary product: a totally restrained and muzzled attacker.
Create false rumors and lies
The other from that date is titled INTELLIGENCE PRINCIPLES.
It goes into more detail about HOW to go about costing someone their job and gives this example. It tells “intelligence” to CREATE FALSE RUMORS AND LIES:
Example: Gosh Porge is located as an antagonistic source in the Bureau of Mines. Study Bu of Mines. They frown on corrupt and bankrupt employees, it is carefully worked out by survey. Gosh Porge receives a check for 250 pounds from the Aluminium Company of America at his office for “tip off and patents sent” and “his wife” runs up fur coat bills at Harrods who sue and “a man in Soho” wants his 1800 pounds gambling debt and “a mistress” calls his boss and demands the return of her diamonds “Gosh borrowed” and as it keeps up, even Gosh Porge’s best denials won’t prevent his being sacked.
And a second example about how to get someone’s lawyer turned against them by manufacturing fake “complainants”:
And “Legal areas” like lawyers are a point of hit also.
Without consulting Legal Bu Bish Smish is suing C of S for truckloads. Survey his attorneys covertly. One finds they detest “people from the City”, very prejudiced against money clauses. So City blokes start appearing on their lines for Bish Smish – will he win the suit? Broker wants to know can Bish Smish cover his margins?
City bowler hat beats up lawyer with an umbrella because Bish Smish said he was going to get the lawyer to sue him over the “blocks of stock” Bish Smish swindled. Keep it up. Soon he won’t have any lawyer!
These are the references (among others) that directed the Intelligence Bureau to frame Paulette Cooper with a fake bomb threat and set up Mayor Cazares of Clearwater in a fake hit and run. These issues are still the POLICY and SCRIPTURE of scientology today.
None of this sounds church-like. Remember, scientology proclaims all the writings of L. Ron Hubbard to be their “scripture” and hide behind the protections of the First Amendment to justify their behavior. Even this sort of insanity.
Case Officers, Agents, Covert Operations – by a church?
If the previous references don’t sound very religious, this one really makes the point. Written on 2 December 1969 it is a lengthy discourse on “Case Officers” and “Agents” conducting “Covert operations” “without its true source being disclosed” entitled INTELLIGENCE ACTIONS, COVERT INTELLIGENCE, DATA COLLECTION. This reference lays out how you embarrass, discredit or overthrow or remove an actual of possible opponent. It states in part (again, emphasis mine):
A Case Officer runs agents who essentially are not known to the executive who is running the Case Officer. The executive makes known to the Case Officer what he wants or can use. This is sometimes developed from data already collected, given to the executive by the Case Officer.
The Case Officer is also known as an “Operator” or an Intelligence Officer. It is up to him to find agents and come to agreement with them. He himself knows and pays them. The agent is told what is wanted, gets it or finds how it can be gotten or doesn’t exist. He is paid for what he gets or documents or data.
The Case Officer may “run” several agents.
There is always a chance that not all the money gets to the agents and always a chance the data may be planted by the agent or the document forged. These are the chances one takes and prevents them as he can. A covert operation can be arranged by a Case Officer, using agents but is normally on another set of lines so as to expose nothing of covert data collection by engaging on a covert operation.
Essentially a covert operation is intended to embarrass, discredit or overthrow or remove an actual or possible opponent.
It is a small war carried on without its true source being disclosed.
Generally the operation is preceded by data collection to establish the target validity and to plan the operation. It follows all the rules of war but uses propaganda, psychological effect, surprise, shock, etc., to achieve its ends.
“Obliterate him”
And another Hubbard writing of 16 February 1969 – this religious scripture is titled BATTLE TACTICS. Here he makes very clear his attitude – scientology is AT WAR with the press and those who challenge it publicly or in the legal arena. And they must be obliterated.
If you uniformly apply the tactics and strategy of battle to the rows we get into, press or legal or public confrontation, you will win…
…We must ourselves fight on the basis of total attrition of the enemy. So never get reasonable about him. Just go all the way in and obliterate him. It is bad warfare to fight battles on your own terrain, in your own subject area. It is not good to fight in the territory of allies. Fight battles wherever possible only on enemy terrain, in and about his subject and his people, not ours. You can gauge your relative success by this. When all your battles are fought on his terrain, you are winning. A good general expends the maximum of enemy troops and the minimum of his own. He makes the war costly to the enemy, not to himself. One cuts off enemy communications, funds, connections. He deprives the enemy of political advantages, connections and power. He takes over enemy territory. He raids and harasses. All on a thought plane – press, public opinion, governments, etc.
We will make it all the way providing we look on this is in terms of active battle and not as ‘if we are saintly good we will win.’ The people who win wars have a saintly image but they win the war by clever and forceful use of the rules of tactics, strategy and battle.
Wars are composed of many battles. Never treat a war like a skirmish. Treat all skirmishes like wars.
“Always even the score. I never forget until the slate is clear”
In 1959, L. Ron Hubbard wrote and published what he called the Manual of Justice. It is a lengthy treatise and among many other things contains passages dealing with the press and use of private investigators. It includes the admonition to cause reporters to “shudder into silence.” As before, the emphasis is mine.
It details Hubbard’s need for revenge:
People attack Scientology; I never forget it, always even the score.
People attack auditors, or staff, or organisations, or me. I never forget until the slate is clear.
“When we need somebody haunted we investigate”
This Manual of “Justice” is a compendium of amazing statements.
It details the use of investigators to “haunt” people and how effective it can be even when nothing is discovered:
When we need somebody haunted we investigate.
When we investigate we do so noisily always. And usually mere investigation damps out the trouble even when we discover no really pertinent facts.
It’s almost funny. We sometimes learn nothing useful and yet because people heard we were investigating their consciences sent them into headlong flight or sudden collapse. There’s power in the question alone!
Investigation we do with a yell. Always. Modern cops don’t really know this. They investigate with whispers. Doesn’t pay. Why sneak up when pouncing is the only thing that serves us?
Investigation to us in Scientology is a fine art.
“Shudder into silence”
There is a lot of evil in this single Hubbard document. It includes the admonition to cause reporters to “shudder into silence.”
As before, the emphasis is mine.
Overt investigation of someone or something attacking us by an outside detective agency should be done more often and hang the expense. It’s very effective. Often investigation by a private detective has alone closed up an entheta source or a squirrel organisation. In fact at this writing I can’t remember a time when it hasn’t!
The reason for this is simple. Of twenty-one persons found attacking Dianetics and Scientology with rumours and entheta, eighteen of them under investigation were found to be members of the Communist Party or criminals, usually both. The smell of police or private detectives caused them to fly, to close down, to confess.
Hire them and damn the cost when you need to.
In the case of a bad magazine article which is signed, use the following procedure:
- Tell them by letter to retract at once in the next issue.
- Hire a private detective of a national-type firm to investigate the writer, not the magazine, and get any criminal or Communist background the man has. (Because all subversive activities foolishly use criminals they “have something on” and men who have been paid to attack attack us, you’ll have data incoming from the detective agency if they do their work well).
- Have your lawyers or solicitors write the magazine threatening suit. (Hardly ever permit a real suit – they’re more of a nuisance to you than they’re worth.)
- Use the data you got from the detective at long last to write the author of the article a very tantalizing letter. Don’t give him your data on him. Just tell him we know something very interesting about him and wouldn’t he like to come in and talk about it. (If he comes, ask him to sign a confession of collusion and slander – people at that level often will, just to commit suicide – and publish it in a paid ad in the paper if you get it.) Chances are he won’t arrive. But he’ll sure shudder into silence.
- Give any new data you have from the detective to your attorneys for their use against the magazine.
- Don’t let the whole matter disrupt you, take much time, or upset the central organization.
“If possible, of course, ruin him utterly”
In March 1955 L. Ron Hubbard penned a lengthy essay The Scientologist – A Manual on the Dissemination of Material. In it, he wrote about how to defend scientology – by attacking.
He also described how to use lawsuits to harass and discourage and if possible, of course, ruin him utterly.
The DEFENSE of anything is UNTENABLE. The only way to defend anything is to ATTACK, and if you ever forget that, then you will lose every battle you are ever engaged in, whether it is in terms of personal conversation, public debate, or a court of law. NEVER BE INTERESTED IN CHARGES. DO, yourself, much MORE CHARGING, and you will WIN. And the public, seeing that you won, will then have a communication line to the effect that Scientologists WIN.
The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.
“Find or manufacture enough threat”
Hubbard’s policy letter of 15 August 1960, DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS describes the attitude expected of the Office of Special Affairs in accordance with his principle of never defending.
The object of the department is to broaden the impact of Scientology upon governments and other organizations and is to conduct itself so as to make the name and repute of Scientology better and more forceful. Therefore, defensive tactics are frowned upon in the department. We are not trying to make the Central Orgs and HCOs “be good.” We are trying to make their reach more secure and effective. Only attacks resolve threats.
In the face of danger from governments or courts, there are only two errors one can make: (a) do nothing and (b) defend. The right things to do with any threat are to (1) find out if we want to play the offered game or not (2) if not, to derail the offered game with a feint or attack upon the most vulnerable point which can be disclosed in the enemy ranks (3) make enough threat or clamor to cause the enemy to quail (4) don’t try to get any money out of it (5) make every attack by us also sell Scientology and (6) win. If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. Peace is bought with an exchange of advantage, so make the advantage and then settle. Don’t ever defend. Always attack. Don’t ever do nothing. Unexpected attacks in the rear of the enemy’s front ranks work best.
…The goal of the department [Office of Special Affairs] is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high-level ability to control and in its absence by low-level ability to overwhelm. Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies.
While there are MANY other writings by L. Ron Hubbard on the subject of dealing with enemies and attackers (he spent a LOT of time creating a world of enemies for scientologists – we have not even touched on the most evil of all, the dreaded psychiatrist), this is a sampling that covers a lot of ground.
To summarize the scripture of scientology excerpted above:
- Everyone who speaks publicly about scientology without authorization from the church is deemed an enemy (Suppressive Person)
- Scientology is at war with its enemies/critics and they are to be obliterated and destroyed
- All critics are enemies and all critics have crimes
- No expense should be spared to stop a critic – they must be muzzled and shuddered into silence
- Any action is “fair game” when it comes to stopping critics/enemies
- This includes use of Private Investigators and covert operations and agents
- It also includes creating fake “complainants”, threats and smears, even discussing “unknown” crimes as if they were real
- If they cannot find enough threat, they will manufacture it
And scientology claims this is all “religious scripture” while cloaking themselves in a mantle of “we are victims of bigotry and hatred.”
It would be easy, and somewhat understandable, to dismiss this as “over-the-top” exaggerations. To believe that even if all these statements are accurate, they are simply allegorical. But the real world examples of scientology in action, on display for the world to see, say otherwise.
In scientology, the words of L. Ron Hubbard are NOT treated as allegorical. They are not taken as suggestions. They are given the weight of absolute, unalterable truth. The most heinous crime you can accuse a scientologist of is not fully understanding and applying the words of L. Ron Hubbard exactly as he wrote them. The expected attitude of a scientologist is to take his words and apply them with “a fixed, dedicated glare.”
So, when you see outrageous smear sites, vitriolic videos and ridiculous statements to the press, know where they come from. This is not a case of “where there is smoke there must be fire”. Scientology blows smoke and thinks that because L. Ron Hubbard told them to do it, it makes it true. They are blind to everyone else’s view of the world (and their actions) and believe anyone who disagrees with them is evil. But this is just how cults operate.
Hurrah, that’s what I was looking for, what a material! existing here at this web site, thanks admin of this
Great post.
Great post, Mike. It’s good to have all the data here in one article so that anyone going up against Scn can study their playbook and know what they will be hit with. One small thing though. You wrote, “The church has thus denominated her (and me and all of them) as enemies” Did you mean to say the church has thus denounced her and you etc as enemies?
No, if you look up the definition of denominate, it is a way of saying “name” or “call”
Tell people you know about the evil CO$ cult (Word of Mouth) – nothing the CO$ can do about it.
Set parishioners inside the CO$ up with people who have left the CO$ for Scientology services – nothing the CO$ can do about it.
Post anonymously. Contact people via the internet.
Nothing the CO$ can do about it – all their STASI TECH falls flat on their face.
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Very interesting angle on that text. It is unprecedented.
very interesting angle
This is an excellent summary of the true technology of Scientology. I’ve written about it a number of times – in the paper Scientology: Religion or Intelligence Agency? over 20 years ago, and more recently in a paper for the European counter-cult group FECRIS Scientology: the Church of Hate, both of which are posted on the net. The Information Full Hat – renewed in 1990 by DM – is the Bible of Scn intelligence and should be read by anyone who takes the cult on. Bless you, Mike!
A story –
I got recruited by OSA to spy on a squirrel. I’d been a public off-lines for a while because I’d been sick. They wanted me to pose as disaffected to my mission and then reach out to people who had gone over to the squirrelly side.
I did as they asked. It was very easy to cause a flap at the mission. It was entirely too easy to come up with reasons that I’d blown to establish myself with the squirrelers. If I could but have listened to myself I’d never have gone back. But I mocked it up with my sactimonious walls up.
Lying to numerous people for months hurt my spirit and by the time the op was over I was sad and tired and just not doing well.
I was told never to tell anyone how I’d “helped”, but somehow the mission staff learned that I had done something because they were all nice after I complained to OSA that they were treating me terribly.
Nice or not, all that lying and deceit was bad for me.
I ended up having to buy repair auditing. The good news was they actually helped me, after cleaning out my credit cards. So I was poor again, but recovered from lying. But no amount of auditing could make me comfortable with lying. One of the reasons I left the church was that I was tired of lying that the events were worth going to and the tapes were worth listening to and that we were awesome.
My point to my story is that OSA wanted my help with the exchange to be my personal satisfaction that I had helped. In what universe was anyone helped by this horrible op? Everything this op touched turned to crap. When I mentioned that I was kind of done in by the lying, the no sympathy response was, “Maybe write up your overts.”
“Yeah, thanks. That is so helpful. Thanks OSA.”
Just use em and kick em to the curb.
I look back on that time as a time when I most hugely acted against my true nature. How black must the soul of a long term OSA staffer be?
Mike how did you get love and humor and lightness of being back after being asked to wear the mantle of devilish Machiavellian maneuvering?
I admire that you did and am grateful that you picked up the sword to poke at the church’s sick secret service.
Seems to me to be straight out of Lenin’s handbook for destabilization the enemy (country or group) and/or destruction of the same.
These policies alone should be anough for the FBI or CIA to close down Scientology Inc immediately.
Unless … in the case of FBI/CIA Hubbard’s theory might be true … they have much to hide …, but still …
Better to print this as a handbook for the mafia and german stasi and russian kgb. They like it! Its better than to shoot by guns. Unfortunately, if scientology inc. will destroy all PLs above, it is totally woven into the basics and will come up always – again and again.
This is a primary ideology of the cults axiom: to fight and destroy, to observe, follow, strike back, be the only mighty one, with the right to do what is “the right way thinked by these gangsters”. Greetings from Mr. Hitler.
Unfortunately, a lot of EX-SCNs, blowing away and waiting until this Miscavige is gone, to come back. But they do not realize, that he only uses Hubbards rules. And like Lenin or Stalin referred to Marx, you always will find clever people to take the stuff for their purposes. So it is printed, and will be used.
I suggest, that humanism becomes again subject to schools, so that people have a opposite to compare, if such destructive ideas came up and see it by themselves.
Mr. Atacks page openmindsfoundation and Mike Rinders explanations, Ortegas News, is the best answer for this Hubbardian and other followers evilnesses.
Actually, looking at all this to-ing and fro-ing between me and the 3 Stooges if one strips away all the HE&R (of which I am also somewhat guilty) my comments are probably the most dangerous ones to Miscavige’s grip on those who are under the radar (which is quite a large percentage I would guess) in his Church. As I say if this blog were just full of the usual suspects vitriolic decrying of the technology then the UTRs won’t run a mile, or anywhere, as they will stay (albeit uncomfortably) in Miscavige’s church. What I am saying is that those who are UTR will or may see my comments and think “hmm, so there are sensible people out there. I wonder if there is any way I can get auditing outside the Church?” My intention is purely to salvage the Church from the grip imposed on it by this lunatic. Then a large percentage of all these complaints would never have existed.
Foolproof, is Scientology the “only” or “most workable” system, whereby if it’s destroyed the world will “not have another chance per Ron?
Fool, ANYONE who finds your fundamentalist postings as “sensible” is nuts crazy and won’t be leaving DM’s crazy world anytime soon.
Mike, thank you very much for this useful information, which I’m hardcopying for possible future use to select people I know.
Remember the old campaigns of getting WIS? into the hands of OLs, government, etc. ? Why don’t we put together a DA pack on Scientology and send it out to OLs, media, key govt officials, etc so that they can read all about Disconnection, fair game, how refunds are handled, harrassment, etc. as dictated by the OSA NW / GO Orders and the few HCOPLs that are still used? I mean, Scientology tries to make themselves seem like saints but they are anything but. I’m afraid that most people aren’t going to read through 5-10-20 blog posts about Scientology.
What people need is a summarized version of Scientology, using their own words and real life “handlings” or “practices” of the Church; abusive, human rights abuse, trafficking, manipulation. Such a DA pack could have links to various blog articles with compelling evidence, and could be “stickied” at the top of key websites and kept available for the next billion years.
Good idea.
Yes, thats the point!
Really good idea!
I would donate for this.
(If I get a Patron-certificate
An excellent idea! And by calling it a Dead Agent pack you are simultaneously illustrating the secret police black ops tactics and special lingo that the cherch has used for decades, while also turning their own tactics back on them.
When karma comes calling, better watch yo ass, $cn!
Leah Remini (and Mike, Marc, Amy and a few others) will be doing just that come November 29
on A&E.
Scientology and it’s Aftermath…..the ultimate DA pack.
Sorry, Michael; you lost me with all the acronyms.
Thank you very much for this article. It is much needed and very informative.
Yes, thank you very much! I’ll keep it handy as a reference for gov’t officials, lawyers, journalists and anyone being subjected to these tactics.
Of course those policy letters sound fanatical but they’re taken out of context! Ron doesn’t intend for them to be read by people who are antagonistic to scientology. Why not print all the wonderful things Ron says like how he wants to save mankind and destroy the psychiatrists? He says we should all help each other and practice good dental hygiene.
Ron wants a world without wars where people have rights. People who hate scientology are criminal and sick and scientology doesn’t help sick people. Only those are have SOME aberrations but not too many! Enemies of mankind should not be allowed to voice their opinions and enturbulate others with their entheta. They must be silenced PERMANENTLY by whatever means and without regret so we can live in a world where we can be free to speak the truth as we see it.
For a moment I thought you where serious.
Are you mocking Scientology or are you a real Scientologist? I seriously can’t tell.
YEs, it is a sad truth that sometimes the satire/mocking is so close to the reality of the true bubble-dweller that it is difficult to tell. Says a lot about the insanity that is generated in the minds of scientologists.
Roger is not a real scientologist.
Sorry Annie, I’m just kidding but as Mike says, the diminished capacity of many scientologists will have them saying EXACTLY what I said and GENUINELY believing they’ve advanced a logical argument. I knew I couldn’t say anything funnier than what a real scientologist, in all seriousness, would actually say. But what the reader couldn’t see was the clown costume I was wearing when I said it.
Or was it a dunce cap you were wearing?
If I wear a dunce cap it is so as to not draw undue attention to myself.
If Yogi Berra was still with us: “$cn in 2016…it’s like 1984 all over again!”
First sensible comment Roger has ever written! Haha!
Foolproof, you were my muse when writing that argument.
RThe mlain problem there, and it exists since décades, is that the cult is forced to get more and mone “internal” when defaming those whoç say the truth about it. That is, the members still believing the lies from LRH can no longer speak outside of the cult, which means they remain silent outside, therefore getting not the least profit to expand the reach! I’ve seen this since 1997 when my book La Secte was first public, and in 1998, when it was edited on paper. No reactions from the cult outside! They knew I knew the siong and would have profited myself of any attack outside of their walls.
So, whatever their reactions or no-reactions, they lost the battle since line one. It’s the same now on public websites and forums: every time a cultist comes and say something about the cult, like Tommy does, HE is attacked together wih his own lies abour LRH, the “religion”, or whatever.
Besides, the very bad exemple invented by LRH has been followed by many other cults, increasing the deserved disgust their lies have created in the world.
Groups that sell supernatural stuff, and Scientology is selling “OT” abilities and a revitalized soul tune-up service, all these human groups that are allowed to sell the supernatural goodies, and they are allowed NOT to deliver on the supernatural goodies, well who’s to blame?
Scientology is allowed to sell its wares within the legal rules of countless countries.
Other groups selling supernatural benefits to people, or future supernatural benefits to people, get away with this business.
It’s just not outlawed yet that you can’t sell “OT” supernatural soul tune ups.
Scientology’s Bridge to Total Soul Tuneup “Freedom.”
There are customers of the Bridge who are still happy with even what they are getting today, and those happy customers you can read about in the tame academic papers and in Scientology testimonial “success stories.”
The “main problem” is “external influences” cover Scientology’s ass in society, currently.
The world is a big context in which Scientology slides along selling “OT” and “Clear” to plenty of people who buy it and who actually are well trained and mentally conditioned to mouth praise, still, for what they get out of Scientology, on top of the outside world allowing sales of the supernatural.
It’s gonna be centuries or thousands of years for that wider supernatural belief stuff to evaporate out of human acceptance fully.
“OT” was why I was there, I thought “OT” was real, and even though I didn’t get anything “OT” at all, it was still a “good reason” to support Scientology’s Bridge operation, I thought. Not now, of course. But I can see the bigger reasons that Scientology isn’t going to be collapsing for decades and longer.
I remember some of the references as staff most of the 80’s, but much of it I haven’t ever seen, so it’s very informative and quite a new insight into the deep and dark paranoia the Church runs off of. It’s a long read but very – very enlightening. Mike put a lot of time and thought into this one. Wow! Copy this one to your note file.
But, as is my wont, I will present the other side of the coin now. A lifetime ago, that “little piece of work” I did for the GO that I mentioned yesterday, involved just gathering facts about a magazine (a big one) that was constantly running anti-Scientology articles (most of which were bullshit) and lo and behold what did I find? That 5 of the 7 members of the board of directors of this magazine were also members of the World Federation of Mental Health, in other words the advisory council that dictates to psychiatrists what to do and believe in etc. So there are 2 sides to this particular coin. To say that there is or was no conspiracy against the Church as some are implying here when one discovers something like that would be rather daft then would it not? And that is virtually nothing in itself compared to other proven stuff. All this other stuff has nothing to do with Marcab Brian, but on this planet, as he likes to try and scoff and belittle by making such outlandish statements. Bill Robertson may have thought it was Marcabians but we’ll just stick to agencies on planet Earth, so nice try but didn’t work. Be good to get some ex-GO boys commenting (truthfully) on here to tell what they actually found in this vein as well.
So now I will get the usual suspects trying like mad to think up some way they can invalidate this fact about the magazine and its board of directors, just because I have said it.
I still think you should investigate Brian and Espiando and a few others Mike. Start off with their trash cans and get their phone records. Then bank accounts. You can even track them by GPS as they are coming out of INT Base these days! Can you get someone to follow them? Wonder what you would find? Sordid crimes of magnitude? (Tip: Brian looks likely for such – he is always going on and on and asserting and implying something on this!) Clandestine meetings with OSA directors? Am I serious? Well, am I?
What you say about the board members may very well be true; however, that is not proof of a conspiracy against Scn. What exactly did they DO? Did you find the orders from WFMH instructing them to attack Scn?
What other boards did they serve on? Acme Biscuit Company? Does that mean they are part of the conspiracy? If no, why not?
Your sad devotion to the fake technology of Scientology is noted.
As Mike censored my first reply I will try with a milder one: your sad devotion to destroying Scientology is noted.
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”
Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
fool said, “Am I serious? Well, am I?”
That answer to that question is found in one of my posts on this thread.
Thank you Foolproof. Your greatest contribution is simply continuing to post.
After reading the post in entirety, and saying what you have said, I believe pity is the best word for you.
You are either a troll for Miscavige or an Indie still in Ron’s thought club.
In essence, you resonate with Ron and his attitude. Not once were you appalled. Instead you justified.
Instead, your well trained, well study teched reactivity reveals a mind that may be in the danger zone. Unstable and possibly dangerous.
When you actually contemplated that I may be a plant my mind immediately considered you may be mentally unstable and hanging on desperately to justify a twisted diabolical philosophy.
I wish you well Foolproof. And even me wishing you well will be seen as covert.
I can surmise that you are thinking, “Brian is wishing me well to create the false illusion of being all spiritually advanced. Brian is wishing me well for nefarious reasons. His benevolence is an attack on me.”
That is L Ron Hubbard still roaming your cognitive faculties. That is the evidence that your paranoia comes from training.
Training is were you self inject Ron’s mind into your mind.
Foolproof is a great example of what we used to be. He is doing us all a service by expressing himself.
I apologize to My Two Cents and Marildi for putting you in the catagory of Foolproof.
Are there any more Ron apologists that agree with Foolproof?
We would love to hear your justification, logic and reasons.
Foolproof, thank you. Please keep posting.
Here’s one that will screw with your mind:
And I think you posted Foolproof, because you read my below post pondering that Ron apologists did not post here. And that it was telling.
So you needed to show yourself and others that you will not be pigeonholed by that asshole Brian. That you are “cause.”
You have anger issues Foolproof. That is the area to work on.
And as the years go by, and if you do work on your anger issues, you will find that the emotion which fuels anger is harder to spot, and even harder to work out.
What fuels anger is fear.
I know this because I have worked on these in myself. We all have it.
Have a great Sunday my friend.
I have yet to see a comment here from Foolproof that wasn’t seething with vitriol. Is this what the “tech” has done for him? What a sad way to live.
Thanks for clearing this up Brian as Foolproof had me convinced you were best friends with Dave. As far as Espiando goes, we’ll, we all know he’s always welcome at Int.
Yeah, it was a great trip out to Int yesterday. Had a short talk with Dave, did a quick audit of the Hole for compliance with Admin Tech, did a quick nine holes on the golf course…oh, wait, no, I went to a gay bath house in LA instead. Actually, it was for a practical reason: I used the steam room and sauna to try to sweat away a head cold I’ve been suffering from all week. The sex was simply optional.
(Please note: the part about the gay bath house in LA was real. The part about Int was not.)
Hope you and Dave had a nice time in the steam room. Regards to Shelly.
FP, that’s really not the “other side” of the argument; it’s a topic for another discussion entirely. The argument that Mike laid out and others elaborated on was largely based on using Elron’s on written policy concerning how everyone who is perceived to be an enemy or critic of $cn is to be treated (i.e., however you like) and the justification for doing so (i.e., every one them are criminals and are trying to derail the salvation of mankind).
A counter-argument would involve either positing that Elron didn’t really literally mean what he said (“utterly destroy” by any means with impunity) or that these policies were never put into effect on any kind of serious, sustained, broad scope or systematically organized basis. In other words, like Trump, Elron pretty much convicts himself with his own words, if you take him at his words literally meaning, which in the case of $cilons is ALWAYS the case.
What you’ve provided is a vague and non-specifically detailed anecdotal example of how the Psychs really were out to get $cn. Even if that were true, it wouldn’t constitute moral or legal justification of creating and implementing some sort of alt $cn justice system in which what amounts to vigilante justice is not just condoned, but scripturally prescribed.
My bone to pick with you, Marildi, M2C and others who are still enamored with the tech and look kindlly upon Elron as its creator is that you don’t seem to have the fundamental grounding in basic logic and formal argument from which a serious discussion of the subject could depart. Your mischaracterization of your post as the “other side” of the argument is but one demonstration of that deficit; your failure to grasp the logic of my argument, and that of others, concerning $cn e-meter theory is another.
When engaged individuals with differing personal experiences and anecdotal observations meet up in forums like this to discuss important issues those discussions will ALWAYS devolve into ad hominem attacks, genetic fallacy and the like unless we can start from a mutually agreed upon level playing field. The only of those that I’m aware of involves the use of logic and critical reasoning.
If there’s an actual counter-argument to made to the one advanced here concerning the cherch’s policy and practices over time concerning its treatment of perceived enemies, then by all means, go ahead and try to make it. But if you can’t, then please have the intellectual integrity to admit that there is no valid argument that can be made on that particular topic.
I don’t have a “fundamental grounding in basic logic and formal argument”? I beg to differ. Fifty-two years ago I was the #2 high school debater in the whole country. As for YOUR grasp of basic logic and formal argument, did you notice that I said I mostly AGREED with today’s article?
I think you will find that Hubbard’s target on this was those who ATTACK Scientology vociferously and usually continuously; or work for groups that are doing so; or the groups doing so. Not ARCXen PCs or someone who is a bit miffed after just seeing the Ethics Officer.
Why try to defend this? You admit it is not something you fully agree with?
On the above I do agree. Or are you a fan of governments, tabloid newspapers, international psychiatry and drug companies?
Well, I am a fan of governments just like it says in WTH. Don’t care for tabloid newspapers and don’t read them. Not sure what “international psychiatry” means. I don’t find all psychiatrists to be evil whole track implanters like LRH claimed. Drug companies are not inherently evil. I have done a LOT of research into numerous drugs that have saved lives and made the quality of life better for millions. They are not all bad. Drug pricing in the US is insane – governments around the world enforce price controls and the same drugs cost 2x, 3x, 5x in the US than they do elsewhere in the world. So I guess I am sort of a fan of 3 of the 4. Do u want to change your position?
In the first 3 paragraphs of Hubbard’s “Critics of Scientology”, if one interchanges the words Aunt , wife , and government with the word “Scientology”, those paragraphs are applicable. So, my question is as follows: “As an adult and a new member of this group, why can’t one infer that scientology contradicts itself through “Hubbard’s” words? (note: I’m not talking about long standing members nor children either raised or brought into this group).
Finally, I would like to add my 2 cents:
1) I have a degree in Biology as well as Psychology as well as Nursing (, a (RN, TNCC), If someone doesn’t understand the importance of Psychology or Pharmaceuticals, I will gladly explain the impact (the negative and the positive) of drugs (and pysch) on the human body. Better yet, one can go to their local Level 1 ED/ER and shadow a RN, PA, or Md.
PS: my mom gave me 2 bits of advice that I try to incorp in my daily life that I will share w all (cause I am that sweet).
1) If it looks to be true, it is,
2)you can’t argue with crazy (in ref to this organization and its policies)
Interesting but my last paragraph above about investigating the usual suspects here has stirred up a hornet’s nest. I wonder why?
Thank you, Mike, for telling it like it is, for talking to us about scientology with the gloves off. Thank you for assisting Leah Remini with her new television show. Expose scientology for the hate group that they are: scientology hates planet Earth.
Scientology does not treat the sick or insane because scientology believes that the sick and insane are “not able.” Scientology breaks no laws that we know of. Scientology isn’t and will never be a ministry, social or ecclesiastical.
On planet Earth, it is dangerous not to be a scientologist.
Scientology believes that you’re either with them or against them.
On planet Earth, it is totally hopeless and fatal to be a scientologist.
To any scientologists lurking here: Get out now while you can.
Fred G. Haseney (“JennyAtLAX”)
Ex-scientologist, 1977 to 2014.
This is a spectacular article. It has a concise critical analysis of the most relevant information on fair game for people who are going to receive it.
I recently said someone should write a Fair Game for Dummies ! So You Decided To Be A Critic Or Target For The Scientology Cult – What To Expect Now.
This covers most of the references that are essential. Obviously if I was advising a writer I would say this list is a terrific resource. I would add things like what judges have said about Scientology ( at Lermanet.com and the Scientology Money Project) and a brief list of the most famous Scientology cases like Snow White and the fair game campaigns against Paulette Cooper and several other people. I would add information on the technology of Scientology that includes trying to introvert people.
Here’s a post with a couple examples and a couple Hubbard quotes on this:
Several days ago Lori Hodgson was harassed by someone from the Scientology cult. I copied and examined the comments by Vistaril at the Underground Bunker on this. I realized that the brainwashing techniques of Scientology which Vistaril quoted Ron Hubbard on described as introversion were also the exact same method that was used on me in an attempt to drive me to madness or death.
I had spent hundreds of hours trying to understand exactly what had been done and how. I believe the same method has been used on Bob Minton and many others over the years. I will quote Vistaril and some Hubbard references that relate to his methods. I had written about my experience in A Million Years In Hell but feel the exact methods used sheds new light on what Scientology attempted to do to me and has done to ruin utterly several others.
Vistaril Lori Hodgson
Stay strong, Lori!
That comment from Scientology is a particularly nasty one. It is a classic use of KSW Standard L Ron Hubbard Scientology “Shattering Suppression” Tech™ in that it is a full-on attempt to “introvert”. Note the wording . . .
(below is the comment from a Scientology operative intended to introvert Lori Hodgson )
YOU won’t, Lori. Every action I have seen YOU doing in the past years has further alienated YOUR kids fromYOU. I would think YOU know that but YOU do it anyway. But maybe YOU don’t see it. So I am telling YOU. YOU can’t force them to love YOU again.
. . . is designed to focus the subject’s attention in on themselves. It also employs the use of “Enemy Tactics” in its attempt to stir up “aberrative” wog HE&R concepts like love and attachment to family. And then there’s the threat aspect as pointed out below with Cash Bolt’s connection to weapons. Cruel, nasty, critical, intimidating and vindictive, just as L Ron Hubbard would have liked it. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the comment was the work of David Miscavige himself. It takes a special kind of arsehole to come up with that sort of mind fuckery.
From an academic point of view, it is interesting to show just how duplicitous L Ron Hubbard was in his advocacy of such practises. Of all the words used to describe Scientology, perhaps the one which Scientologists rail against most is “brainwashing”. But look how the term is defined in L Ron Hubbard’s Administrative Dictionary . . .
BRAINWASHING, 1. brainwashing is a very simple mechanism. One gets a person to agree that something might be a certain way and then drives him by introverting him and through self-criticism to the possibility that it is that way. Only then does a man believe that the erroneous fact was a truth . . .
. . . now, contrast and compare L Ron Hubbard’s “Shattering Supression” Tech™. One will find it is littered with instructions on how to introvert people and organizations. A stark example can be found in L Ron Hubbard’s HCO Policy Letter of 15 August 1960 Dept. Of Government Affairs . . .
. . . The goal of the Department is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high level ability to control and in its absence by low level ability to overwhelm. Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins. There is no overt in bringing good order . . .
. . . that HCOPL is compulsory reading for all Scientologists involved in Scientology’s public relations and “special affairs”. Yet how many Scientologists reading it realise that what L Ron Hubbard is telling them to do is to apply what he also defines as “brainwashing”? Not only that, L Ron Hubbard tells his Scientologists that applying such practices against people and organizations, regardless of the effects on individuals and their families, is not a sin (overt). Watta guy. Note also, that the general practice of Scientology is all about control and overwhelming a person and getting them so introverted they come to believe material which is demonstrably false – from the existence of Engrams right through to Xenu.
Perhaps if Lori was an isolated Scientologist stuck in L Ron Hubbard’s weirdo world such tech may have an effect. But, in this particular case, the attempt is entirely futile. Well, perhaps not “entirely” because there will be an effect, but it will be the exact opposite of what was intended. First of all, Lori knows all about these pernicious Scientology teachings and can recognize them from a mile off. Also, she has far too much love and support around her for them to have any effect other than to reinforce the need to expose Scientology and make more strenuous efforts to reach out to her children.
EDIT: Typos, grammar, wording. Usual end quote by Vistaril.
Here’s some more from Hubbard on this:
Quotes from L Ron Hubbard on the Confusion Technique:
Now, if it comes to a pass where it’s very important whether or not this person acts or inacts as you wish, in interpersonal relations one of the dirtier tricks is to hang the person up on a maybe and create a confusion. And then create the confusion to the degree that your decision actually is implanted hypnotically.
The way you do this is very simple. When the person advances an argument against your decision, you never confront his argument but confront the premise on which his argument is based. That is the rule. He says, “But my professor always said that water boiled at 212 degrees.”
You say, “Your professor of what?”
“My professor of physics.”
“What school? How did he know?” Completely off track! You’re no longer arguing about whether or not water boils at 212 degrees, but you’re arguing about professors. And he will become very annoyed, but he won’t know quite what he is annoyed about. You can do this so adroitly and so artfully that you can actually produce a confusion of the depth of hypnosis. The person simply goes down tone scale to a point where they’re not sure of their own name.
And at that point you say, “Now, you do agree to go out and draw the water out of the well, don’t you?”
“Yes-anything!” And he’ll go out and draw the water out of the well.
[End Quote]
Ron Hubbard Lecture, 20 May 1952 “Decision.”
source Lermanet.com
Also, even earlier, in 1950:
One error, however, must be remarked upon. The examination system employed is not much different from a certain hypnotic technique. One induces a state of confusion in the subject by raising his anxieties of what may happen if he does not pass. One then “teaches” at a mind which is anxious and confused. That mind does not then rationalize, it merely records and makes a pattern. If the pattern is sufficiently strong to be regurgitated verbatim on an examination paper, the student is then given a good grade and passed.
[End Quote]
. Ron Hubbard lecture 29 August 1950, “Educational Dianetics.”
source Lermanet.com
He also knew that when one is confused they can feel relief ( i.e. brighter TEMPORARILY ) when they get an ” answer ” , even if it doesn’t address the confusion!
“A confusion can be defined as any set of factors or circumstances which do not seem to have any immediate solution. More broadly, a confusion is random motion.”
“Until one selects one datum, one factor, one particular in a confusion of particles, the confusion continues. The one thing selected and used becomes the stable datum for the remainder.
“Any body of knowledge, more particularly and exactly, is built from one datum. That is its stable datum. Invalidate it and the entire body of knowledge falls apart. A stable datum does not have to be the correct one. It is simply the one that keeps things from being in a confusion and on which others are aligned.” – . Ron Hubbard [ref]
“Any time anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude…if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject…he doesn’t have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as a hypnotic suggestion….With parity, such as occurs between acquaintances, friends, fellow students and so on, there is no hypnotic suggestion” (Education and Dianetics, 11 November 1950, Research and Discovery, volume 4). Source Jon Atack
Quoted from my own post Insidious Enslavement: Study Technology.
Insidious Enslavement: Study Technology
Basic Introduction To Hypnosis In Scientology
Pissed It’s Not Your Fault !!!
The Critical Factor
The Secret Of Scientology Part 1 Control Via Contradiction
Burning Down Hell – How Commands Are Hidden, Varied And Repeated To Control You As Hypnotic Implants
Humbling Simplicity
From the front porch to eternity to waking up, it’s been a wild ride. Mike thank you for this great post. It is a spear into the hide of a foul cherch beast.
My last and longer comment failed, so here is a mini comment instead. That’ll teach me to copy first before hitting “post.”
Another excellent extension and detailed elaboration on the exact theme that Mike summarized so concisely in his piece. Deconstructing actual instances where the essential $cn mindfookery tech is put to work is an important part of demonstrating that Elron’s word and policies on how $cn’s perceived enemies should be viewed and treated were not just figurative or somehow never meant to be translated into action.
If there were just five such instances over the breadth and length of $cn, then that would be regrettable and anomalous; if there was 500, then that would be indicative of an isolated renegade group or period of time when safeguards were not effective; but if there have 5,000 (and probably many more) instances of folks being Fair Gamed over time, then you’re looking at something that is endemic to the $cn sub-culture and completely at odds with most Western countries justice system laws and procedures.
By documenting as many of these instances of GO/OSA application of Fair Game and disconnection policies we are able to see exactly how pervasive these violations of criminal/civil law and human rights abuses has been over time and across the world. And we can also document the fact that they continue on until today and are not some past practice that the cherch has long since reformed. Putting together a database of well-documented instances of the use of the Fair Game policy, the continuing practice enforced disconnection; the issuance of suppressive persons declarations without convening a committee of evidence, etc. would be a fantastic resource to have in the fight to reform or disband this killer cult and its secret police arm which has done so much damage to so many for so long!
Just a thought:
When Terra posted on the e-meter, Marildi, Foolproof and My Two Cents were on that post all day defending the meter Ron’s therapy.
They in essence defended a box that they use for therapy all day and the post broke 400.
Yet here, on this post, doctrines that actually harm human beings do not illicit a response.
Marildi hated it when I criticised Ron.
They all could be off line and simply not aware of this post. So I can be wrong here.
They could be solo auditing and consider this post entheta.
If someone is solo auditing BTs everyday, year in year out, they cannot in good conscience even read this stuff on criticism.
It sheds too much light on the dark side of Ron.
And how can a person put trust in a process created by a man who wished violent psycho retribution on people.
And so, we hear nothing from Ron apologists on this post.
They must go into denial, judge Mike and all here as Ron haters, BPC, PTS to Miscavige, dramatizing BTs, stuck in the “Group Letting Off Steam With Logic and Reason” Implant.
Ron apologist absence from this thread is telling of the power of this post.
We can pretty much write their comments for them, Brian. M2C will state that he acknowledges both the bad and the good of Scientology (which he does, you have to give him credit for that), but he still wants us to write up a list of what we think are the good things in Scientology (here’s my list, M2C: nothing). Marildi will attempt to contextualize these quotes by saying that L. Fraud was being “harassed” by various government agencies, the KGB, the mob, and the Marcabians, so such measures were justified due to “enemies”. And Proof of Fool will say that Mike has multiple M/Us and needs to word-clear all of the documents he quoted.
A bot could almost do their posts these days.
And SP Nando “the Pork Chop” and Brain thinks we’re predictable! (Well, if I can be called names then I can call names.) Brian says: “THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THIS!” What, that Scientology defends itself (well) against its enemies? This information has been public domain for decades. Yet now Brian and Nando are now kicking up a storm as they think they have another bone to gnaw on (but really they just wanted to attack me and M2C and a few others for pointing out what they are actually doing). Do you think they really give a hoot as to who Scientology attacks and do they really care about the people that Scientology has attacked? All they are interested in is stopping auditing. So commenters like me spoil their little games somewhat.
Interestingly enough with the suppressed violence and vehemence exhibited by their comments I can guarantee that these two would love to actually take violent measures against Scientologists and would put them up against a wall if allowed free rein to do so. Espiando rails against a paragraph in one book about his sexuality yet would show no hesitation himself in actually rounding up all Scientologists and quietly doing away with them. I can tell you that most Scientologists I know don’t care a fig what you do with yourself, so stop trying to make out you are important enough otherwise and some sort of champion of human rights and bleating about this for the next 30 years. And by the way Physics as a subject sucks!
I sometimes wonder Mike that you think up something for Espiando and Brian and others of similar ilk, to launch forth upon, as a good basis for an article? As I say, something like throwing an entheta bone down on the floor for them to chew on, upon which they start frothing at their mouths, and when someone says the bone isn’t really that tasty or there is no flesh on it, they snarl and spit, and kick up a fuss, like they are doing now. (I am not by the way, necessarily supportive of some of the actions mentioned above. If everyone in the Church had done their jobs well, this sort of thing would never have occurred. Saying that everyone has a right to defend themselves.)
But Espiando and Brian and such people imo have take over this blog with their vitriolic generalities and bullying of anyone who doesn’t think like them (God help us) and many other commenters here pussy-foot around them as they are either don’t want to get into a firefight or think that Mike might not like it or them, or something, or they are cowards. There are even commenters propitiating to them and oozing and gushing praise at them, for Gawd’s sake!
And as I have said several times before, they, by their actions are actually supporting the current regime in the Church, as anyone under the radar would look at their rabid nonsense and decide to stay, ironically, in what they would consider to be the “safe haven” of the Church, rather than come out and have to hob-knob with such fellows. In other words they will circle their wagons. But perhaps that is it here? Perhaps Espiando and Brian are doing exactly that? They are really agents of Miscavige, covertly shepherding the remaining sheep away from the apparent snarling wolves that they are? Mike, perhaps you should use your old OSA knowledge and investigate these dudes? Can’t you hire a couple of private eyes to look into their phone contacts to Int Base? Just saying…
Gotta say, your comments to this post are strange.
Do you have any thoughts about the post? Or are you so focused on other commenters that all you can do is ask that I investigate them? Are you actually saying you think they have crimes according to the references I quoted, or is this a joke? Sometimes it is very hard to tell.
But I don’t think you are doing yourself any favors with these comments. Just saying…
I admire you, Mike, for posting their obvious drivel. They convict themselves.
Mike, if you look at their postings above mine, you will see they “started it”. I would quite happily keep to the topic at hand but when attacked and maligned and when Scientology as a (mostly technical) subject is attacked I will shoot back, with your permission to be published that is. They seemed almost desperate for me to post something so that they could try and shoot me down. It is almost as if I am challenging what they think is their control of the blog and they don’t like it.
I think you would be quite surprised at how many of your readers on here are quietly supportive of my texts. They must surely get fed up with virtually every thread being hijacked with a barrage of entheta and twisted-to-suit “facts” and anyway, quite a few will find it entertaining and funny. Scientology changed my life and benefited me remarkably so I do feel obliged to defend it and its founder as a subject, and ironically that also extends to defending it against the ravages and depredations brought about by “COB” and his rapine gang of camp followers, who have done far more to destroy Scientology than any silly gang of “yip-yapping hyenas”. So my defending (well, counter-attack really – got to follow what the Old Man says and attack, not defend – ha!) is selective and not robotic as the nay-sayers imply or try to make out I do.
As to the Church’s stance, under Hubbard or DM, yes their policies are harsh one could say but are not their enemies policies and actions harsh also? Quite frankly the enemies of Scientology would like to see it wiped off the face of the Earth, so should Scientology turn the other cheek and say “have at it, enemy, do us in”? In my opinion the stakes are still very high (as COB has brought the Church to the brink of non-existence) and such luxury cannot as yet be afforded.
As to the idea that the silly gang of yip-yapping hyenas (ha! Sorry, couldn’t resist!) DON’T have crimes and are as pure as the driven snow is a pipe-dream. True, someone can have real grievances and be mishandled, especially by the martinet gang currently running the show, and, (like me ironically) can be dealt with unjustly, but I would not then spend the rest of my life spewing out vast tomes of twisted drivel at every opportunity without making it very obvious even to those who don’t know much tech, that indeed they are “sitting on something”. Even Hollywood in all of its films about criminals or thrillers, shows this sort of thing by the perpetrator inordinately and in an exaggerated manner loudly shouting and protesting against something and then we find at the end of the film that the person doing the shouting is the guilty party with hands dripping with blood that is now exposed. All summed up nicely by Shakespeare and then Hubbard with “Methinks he protests too loudly”.
As to them being agents of OSA – probably not, but on the other hand one of my German friends told me of an OSA operative who actually went underground for 20 years and lived as an independent meanwhile feeding information to OSA – you probably must know of this or the person himself. I was told there was a German TV documentary on this. But regardless of whether they are actually agents for COB, the result of their actions is the same as if they were – to wit, they are driving people back into the Church by making the alternative extremely unpalatable. It is the result of their actions that must be evaluated in this light and as far as I can see these dudes have somewhat hijacked the blog by pouring out reams of entheta constantly and attacking those who say otherwise.
Don’t worry, nobody “controls” this blog other than me. And you might be surprised to learn that a lot of readers don’t ever even read the comments. And even more stop reading when it is senseless back and forth shouting across a chasm.
Can you answer this simple question: Do you think I have big undisclosed crimes that causes me to be a critic of scientology and L. Ron Hubbard? I am curious as to whether you will just answer without referencing other commenters or Miscavige or defense of L. Ron Hubbard.
And then this second question: Do you believe Terra Cognita has large undisclosed crimes?
And finally: How about Espiando?
Ah! Now I have found the questions: You, no, not really, you are trying in a certain way to stop the shenanigans Miscavige is causing, as am I. If you have crimes then so do I – ha!
Terra has MisUs, which have probably led to Tech overts, which is why he is nattery now about what he or she thinks is the Tech.
Espiando: Are you kidding?
FP, I can completely understand that why you’d like to set the record straight and stand up for yourself., if you feel like you’ve been unfairly attacked and had your views misrepresented or misunderstood by certain folks here,
But, on the other hand, as Mike just mentioned, that’s really not the topic of conversation here, so why not just let all that go instead of responding in kind? If their comments didn’t further the discussion, then yours in the same vein are not likely to either, right?
Instead, why not pick up the topic under discussion with Mike or myself or Crepuscle who’ve all steered clear of ad hom remarks and tried our best to present our views on the topic in as clear and well-organized fashion as possible?
To me, when I hear someone lapsing into a bunch of personal attacks, genetic fallacies and the like, I feel like they’ve just conceded the argument and that I don’t really need to do anything more than point out where and how they’ve lost it by, for example, attacking me rather than the points that I’ve made.
Not really trying to school you here, but just suggesting some strategies that I’ve found effective in keeping my own BP low and avoiding the risk of stroke, due to internet participation
I agree, this important post of Mike’s is not about us and how we communicate.
The post is about the destruction of critics and the evil tactics of violence against them.
Foolproof, I did judge you. I am probably wrong for doing it. But I was appalled that the gravity of this post which has harmed so many lives, destroyed so many families and caused so much pain, was actually defended by you.
That was my issue. And I felt some emotion on it.
It’s like someone calling Hitler evil and someone else gets pissed and says he was instrumental in creating the Volkswagen don’t be so negative.
This chasm cannot be spanned. It is amazing to me Foolproof that you can see the usefulness in such tactics.
I guess to have that view, a person must fancy Scientology the only salvation for mankind and critics could destroy that only hope.
If that was true then putting down the enemy is reasonable.
But if Scientology is not the only way, and violence is done to everyday citizens for speaking against Ron and Sceintology: then this doctrine about critics is evil because it causes suffering.
I am in full agreement. Mostly (I think) I do not indulge in ad hominems (Mike is probably whistling Dixie when he reads that) but simply reply to the points made by comments. I am then attacked by the usual suspects (you just have to read the stuff above) and admittedly I attack back (it’s a good policy from Hubbard, regardless of the theetie-weeties here). If you notice I usually only post about tech matters and where people have twisted it to suit their own agendas, and I point out the fallacies in their comments. Believe it or not I am just as much against the depredations caused by the Church as most here. I just want the subject to be practiced as it should have been and then all this malarkey would not have occurred. But people attack what is to my mind a beneficial technology and I don’t see why they should get away with it. As to IAS and Ideal Orgs etc. and the other nonsense and harsh ethics that COB has imposed I am with you. Ok?
Time for a name change. Just saying…
Yours is quite apt then!
The devil made me do it. ?
Wow, an ex-operative of the criminal G.O. imagining criminal operatives of DM attacking him on a blog.
What a fascinating study in psychosis this would be if he would submit for some real mental help.
I think you are right Espianado. Maybe it’s that those who still cling to the concept of Ron’s Metaphysical Fruedian Therapy being the “only way” and the “last chance for the safety of this sector”, have a greater distain for critics.
That is another thing I think Ron needs to be called on. He made himself the wisest man in the history of forever.
Ron’s marketing of his unique messiahship, that know one ever discovered these secrets but him, and that if you don’t buckle down with KSW, YOU, will be responsible for the destruction of earth.
Selling a group the doctrine of the “only way,” and that group agreeing, would cause a justification of violence.
Because if my group is “mankind’s only hope”, “last chance” unto forever, than any person or group that sought to scrutinize the legitimacy of my “only hope” should be “destroyed utterly.”
Foolproof, is Scientology “man’s last chance”? I would truly love to know.
I’d like to hear DM talk about this in a open forum, after all he is the leader of the COS which promotes a step on the Bridge to Total Freedom, namely Grade 0, or the ability to talk to anybody about anything.
UTR, since LRH could never demonstrate Grade 0 ability why would you think that LRH Minnie Me could?
Brian, the reason I haven’t commented on this article is that I agree with it for the most part. Remember, I’m the guy promoting the idea that Scientology is neither all good nor all bad, but contains both. The handling of critics as described may have been valid in some cases, but was way overdone. It was a classic case of becoming what you resist. And in the long run it didn’t work, as today there’s more criticism of Scientology than ever. However, there is great good in Scientology, too. That’s why I promote throwing out the bad while preserving and building on the good. This is happening in the Independent field, with good results.
Yep, me too.
Thanks My Two Cents. I’ll try not not assume as much as I have done.
Mike, a great post.
It sheds light on the motor that drives the insanity.
It is so hard to reconcile genius and delusion in one person.
Well the reality is probably closer to instances of genius and instances of delusion.
Most of what I read initially from LRon had at least one or two sparkles of insight per page which were a breath of fresh air. Kinship of spirit was established and the altitude instruction was ON (thanks Brian).
Even though I was very sensitive to discrepancies (and spent so much time on course trying to resolve them), the balance was in his favor by a lot.
“Look, don’t listen!” is one of those to use (not an absolute rule) but in fact the culture of CoS Inc is exactly the reverse, “Listen, and (pleeease) don’t look!”, outpoints = entheta = enemy line.
Wow sounds like A=A in full action, folks!
But selective evaluation according to what fits your agenda is not new, been going on for ever. That’s what is so frustrating, it looked like we were not going to fall in the same trap.
Anyone reading this will assume that Mike is yet another purveyor of ludicrous conspiracy theories about evil forces that can exist only in our imagination. Or that this kind of stuff ceased with scarlet letters, mini-theocracies in various states, or the middle ages. It just sounds way too anachronistic and strange–as in “this is the bad fiction that only a d-rate pulp hack could come up with.” Except for those of us who know how the “cult that Ron built” operates.
Case in point: As recently as a couple of years ago, lawyers for the “church” claimed in a TX court of law that exactly these practices should be exempt from the scrutiny of the law and that terrorizing an entire neighborhood for 200 days should be perfectly within the rights of said “church.” Why? Because they were doing nothing except for exercising their religious liberties. Sadly, one needn’t look to the Taliban or into cultures Americans would consider extremely backward to find true believers of this kind of anti-social and criminal mentality (and their attorneys defending THIS with a straight face).
Yes, I found what those idiots did to Marty and Monique absolutely disgusting. It was also a terrible PR debacle as well, as was Tommy Davies with the BBC guy. Where Miscavige gets these dudes we don’t know but again it seems we now have a 2-pronged attack on the subject of Scientology – it’s actual enemies that do exist and then also internally, by the (intentional?) depredations and ridiculous own-foot shooting of the so-called “PR” agents of Miscavige’s church. See, I am not so “bad” – ha!
On the other hand Hubbard stated that when the Church is attacked they increase membership, but what with the IAS driving them the other way out the door I don’t think that statement holds true anymore.
Dude! This is the America, United we stand, divided we fall.
Hubbard was a damn sci fi novelist, Nothing more…… Except a Malignant narcissist.
Every kid who grew up in the Sea Org ought to consolidate and Sue SCN for lack OF education. They were denied their constitutional right to a full education. K thru 12! There is No Way SCN can prove that they did give accreditated and approved education to the kids. Forced abortions, and kids getting married. All of that can be proved, Not disproved.
Nice Mike. Many excellent replies, too.
What struck me the most is that the Church of Scientology calls itself a religion and yet behaves in this manner. This is not how churches are supposed to act. Churches are supposed to be benevolent agencies that would never think of getting down and dirty like some kind of J. Edger Hoover FBI or Nazi Gestapo.
LRH said, “What you resist, you become.” How prophetic.
Yes Terra, normal wog implanted churches would be diminishing their personal power like the Marcabian trait of forgiveness and love they neighbor.
Normal churches, the good ones, would be encouraging dialog and kindness and respect to each other.
Normal churches, the Buddhist, the good Christian one’s and every other religious thought club would be honoring the enemy as an opportunity for self transformation and an opportunity to transcend ego.
Turn the other cheek verses even the score and destroy utterly.
Come on you Ron appologists…….. Are you getting it.
It’s ok, we’ve all been there. It is devastating to realize these facts. Truth is the goal. What is true trumps what I would like to be true.
But a word of encouragement I have learned from the masters of the Far East:
No spiritual effort is lost. No hard work at self betterment and service to the world is lost.
We still get the karmic credit because we were sincere. Amazing hard work and service you guys gave.
The spiritual path is alive and well outside of Ron’s fallacious scientism.
Here is an auditing command to help with Ron issues:
Allow a critical thought about Ron. Thank you
Allow a critical thought about Ron. Ok, very good!
Allow a critical thought about Ron. Very good
Continue the process.
Regaining spirit of play
Regaining access to a previously shut off reasoning skill
Keep running it till you are crying or rolling around laughing.
It’s ok to criticize Ron. You won’t go to hell and you may just be a happier person
David Miscavige is the effect of this madness. That is why he acts the way he does.
Get out of there and find friends outside of the OSA.
OSA peeps, call mom and dad. Go back home, go to school. It’s ok to be a normal human being.
Do you get it now???
Hi I’m a fellow human being.
I’d like to educate you on the word “WOG”. Hello, this word comes from long ago and it refers to black people and in the same category as
n *****! STOP USING THE WORD!!!!!
What it comes down is that when a organisation (criminal in this case) like $camology becomes more irrelevant, out of touch, and shrinking it can only go down the road of being rabid and vicious. They scream to the world about how misunderstood they are and are surrounded by enemies on all sides. Miscavige has nothing else to fall back on so he must attack, attack, attack or become a faded memory and that is anathema to his his mindset. What also scares him is that $camology is no longer feared as it once was so it’s another loss of power propping his ego up.
Thank you Mike for everything you do. I’m a never in who has been fascinated by Scientology since 1972, when my boyfriend and I were solicited on Hollywood Blvd to take the personality test. Scientology now is like a chicken with its head cut off, it’s absolutely dead but is still flailing about, it hasn’t yet realized it’s all over.
Wow, 10 seconds into the interview and El Tubbolard is into full lying mode. What a psychopath.
On the video, at 13:02 minutes into it, he says he’s been married twice.. then 20 seconds later he says: I never had a second wife. … umm… what?
Nice article on the net this am: Steve Cannane’s book just got some major exposure down under.
When you look at this all gathered together, it’s evident $cientology is regularly breaking Federal and State laws with this type of harassment. I hope Leah, and the folks at A&E, have the FBI on speed dial in the event $cientology tries any of this crap on them.
I hope this stunning information will be part of the conversation in Leah’s docu-series. The past two years have been a sort of slow-motion WACO for the CoS with Leah pouring more gasoline on the fire later this month. This material is incendiary.
What sort of revenge will a scotch-addled potentate be dreaming up? Can you imagine the fury that must be consuming him now? As it is, he starts off the day at “seething rage” on the tone scale when he wakes up in the afternoon.
It’s his ecclesiastical duty to cause as much damage as he can legally get away with but the whole world is watching! Will he settle for a smear video and a couple nasty websites? This TV show is pretty serious so it may be necessary for Him to unleash the Kraken. I would be referring to Kirstie and her devastating bitch-tweets.
Call me crazy, but I really enjoy it when Krustie goes all-in mad dog on someone in defending the “beautiful religion” It hasn’t happened in awhile, and I’m sure DM uses her sparingly, but there’s just nothing that so completely epitomizes $cn as Krustie does when she’s in her finest feather! She’s like a really bad movie that’s horrible that it manages to go over the top and become great at being horrible…that’s Krustie: absolutely great in her horribleness
He screams at the Int Base all day long
Fussin’ and a-fightin’ and a-slinging his thong
He knows just what to do, that’s why he’s COB
Gonna have old Kirstie send out tons of tweets
Krusty Kirstie, tweet, tweet, tweet
Krusty Kirstie tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Go Krusty Kirstie
‘Cause you’re really gonna tweet tonight
Tweet, tweedle-lee-dee
Mike, Thanks for taking the time to post this. The picture you present is, of course, completely accurate. The entire focus of the CoS is to apply these writings to the letter. 100%. Verbatim. As LRH wrote in Keeping Scientology Working which is the one Policy Letter that appears first in every course in Scientology, the proper attitude is they would rather have people DEAD than “incapable” meaning “totally on board with us and with our way of thinking and acting.” So, the attitude of… maybe not so much the average Scientologist, but in definitely staff members, and absolutely Sea Org members, and doubly absolutely top management and OSA who mostly can only qualify to be there if they are in fact fanatical zealots in applying every piece of nonsense that LRH wrote… the attitude of these people who’s job it is to demolish “critics” and “ruin them utterly” is that we would all be better off dead. When you combine words like “dead” with religious radicals, that’s a dangerous brew that could cost any critic their life and has already cost many lives.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Hiya Ron! Hope the affair with Pink Legs is going well.
Brilliant Mike.Another giant shred into the heart of the religious cloak of this vicious cult.A salute to you.?
Brilliant and timely! The cherch has already cranked up their secret police wing and is probably working this very moment on ways to destroy Leah’s life, her family members’ lives and the lives of everyone else who was closely involved in her upcoming 8-part docuseries on the cherch and its evil ways. The trouble with that one is that the cherch is using the same old playbook of dirty tricks, black ops and personal investigation that they have been since the 60’s and are doing so in a rigidly inflexible way that has very long since become an easily observed pattern of actions taken against anyone and everyone that lil davey the savage + evil minions perceive as their enemies.
Mike’s tutorial on the secret police arm of the cherch that is responsible for effectively dealing with perceived threats to the cherch peels back the layers of secrecy shrouding its operations and provides important additional insight into the secret methods and tactics that are ALWAYS to be used to implement Elron’s policy of Fair Game, and is to be targeted on everyone who’s labeled an SP and poses a perceived threat to the cherch. He does an excellent job of summarizing the key points of the cherch’s strategy and tactics, to be implemented by the OSA. And these are the very same ones that its disgraced and disbanded predecessor, the GO, also used in the past to criminally target its chief enemies and engage in the broad campaign of domestic espionage against the government which landed Mary Sue and her top execs in prison.
At its core, the unalterable Word of Elron emphasizes again and again that the cherch in facing its enemies must “always attack, never defend!”. And the justification for going on the attack against any and every perceived enemy of the cherch is that – according to the infallible Word of Elron – everyone who opposes Man’s only True Hope for Salvation MUST be evil and have actual crimes that they’ve committed; therefore any $cilon can commit any crime or harmful action against them with impunity – like Satan deputizing all of his minions to act in his evil behalf!
Thus, everyone who’s familiar with the cherch’s consistent pattern of actions in dealing with its perceived enemies in the past, and who has understood the tutorial that Mike’s laid out in such a well-organized and detailed manner, can accurately predict exactly what the cherch is going to do in any situation that they may face in which a direct and serious threat to the cherch and its top level leadership is perceived. On that count, Leah, Mike and everyone else who’s had a key role in creating her soon-to-air series exposing the cherch’s very long history of felony crimes and massive human rights abuses is now at the very top of $cn’s Most Wanted list and it will stop at nothing to destroy them, unless it’s stopped from doing so first, because the founder’s words live on, as if written in stone, and must be blindly followed no matter what.
They say that sunlight is the best disinfectant, and I’d just add that cockroaches always scurry for cover when the light goes on. So, the more that folks that are aware of exactly what $cn has done, and is required to do in the future, concerning attempts to expose it publicly for exactly what it is the better. Mike has performed a huge public service by providing the entire world with a very concise, well-organized and comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of $cn’s secret police black ops that lies at the very dark heart of this killer cult. As he notes in conclusion, there is much, much more that Elron has written that bears on the subject, as it was of huge concern and a constant paranoid focus of his for many decades. And since the founder’s death, that malign and despicable tradition has been carried on with zeal and precision by lil davey the savage + evil minions, who’ve used the cherch’s vast resources to create a whole new era of purposeful, directed and precisely focused evil that follows in his exact footsteps.
Of the many excellent books and articles that ex-members, investigative journalists and professional authors have written on $cn no one has yet written a book-length insider’s account of the Cherch’s secret police arm which has been directly responsible for the implementation of some of worst crimes and human rights abuses imaginable. With the publication of his truly excellent tutorial on the subject, and based on his long tenure within the Sea Orgy and his service as the ED of the OSA, Mike is in a position to perform exactly that important public service by telling the full story of the cherch’s “always attack, never defend” policies and their implementation. Let’s hope he, or someone else in a similarly knowledgeable position, writes that book or collaborates in creating that documentary sometime soon!
Thanks so much, Mike, for taking the time and making the effort to provide us with this excellent piece!
Great article, Mike. Thanks for taking the time to put this together.
What a strange, strange world created by L Ron Hubbard. This would be laughable, if it weren’t for the real harm resulting from these policies. As almost lifted from some 1940s detective pulp fiction story, Hubbard’s world is replete with gumshoe PIs, Communist spies, bent coppers, corrupt politicians, hack newsmen, and some floozy dames. All that is missing is the Maltese Falcon.
It is as if he realized others may expose his racket.
Can you imagine actually being friends with someone like this? One cross word and you’re on “the list”. Knowing your “friend” will not stop, will never forget, until he evens the score. Someone who will stop at nothing until you are utterly destroyed.
And how is it that “mankind’s greatest friend” died alone, on the lam, and effectively friendless. When he should have been in The Big House, with rats and screws, drinking hooch and swap’n Kools.
What really gets me reading though all these policies (again) on how to deal with critics of Scientology is the supposed purpose behind them: to help people maintain and or to reach their spiritual freedom. So you crush, obliterate, utterly destroy, dispose of without sorrow, and the result is that you will be undeterred and go Free. What complete and utter nonsense.
Brilliant article. Thanks Mike. Of course when one is on the inside, this all makes perfect sense as one truly believes Scientology is ‘all that’ and the only ‘hope man has’. Once that’s ingrained deeply, anything done to protect it is excused, justified and explained away as logical and fair. It’s only now that I’m on the outside (and have had this fair game policy put into play against me and my family personally) that I get the insidiousness and downright evil of it all. Your article encapsulated this perfectly.
Several posters here commented that this article is so comprehensive and illuminating that it should really be kept in a prominent place for easy reference in the future – I was thinking the same thing, and suggest maybe making a link to it in the “Important Articles” section. Thanks!
I agree TJ, this is the most important post I have ever read on all the years coming to these posts.
This post once and for all assigns Ron a name he claimed for himself: Source
The horrors of David Miscavige lies in the fact that he studied these heavy handed mafia instructions.
He was such a young boy who looked up to Ron.
L Ron Hubbard corrupted the lives of so many young kids.
Look what Marty had to experience. And Mike. And all of the deceived normal people who became Ron’s thugs.
The mystery is solved; the what always was and is Ron.
The study tech, emeter and Ron’s expertise in Altitude Instruction distorted and abused so many young impressionable and naive kids.
Great post, Mike! Thank you for putting it all together so well. I’ll be using it in my work to help families get their loved ones out of Scientology!
Thank you so much Hana. You are a hero of mine. I have sent people to your YouTube vids many times.
I hope all is good in your world
Warm Regards,
Beloved Hana is at the top of my list for integrity and perseverance. My hat is off ALWAYS to her and her hustand, Jerry!
I have never seen the secret orders of Lron collected in one place. It reads like a CIA or KGB (now FSB) training manual.
Projection, thy name is Lron. All that find their Achilles heel stuff is enough to make me to go find my lead pipe and wack Colonel Hubtard in the Library.
In the old days, $cienoland may have had ‘operatives’ who could do this work. Now they are stuck with hired Private Investigators who usually have lines they will not cross. Usually. How many clams can actually do this ‘work’ these days? Anyone who do this work well is a threat to Miscavage. And they don’t have a long shelf life, do they?
With the days of the internet upon us, any number of ‘operations’ like those Lron demands will get a lot of attention and even law enforcement attention. Gone are the days where you could smear Paulette Cooper and almost get away with it. Not that the loyal minions won’t try. Food nuke, anyone?
Exactly right! The internet is truly the spreader of sunlight to disinfect every single surface of society that this evil cult has ever touched.
In reading for the first time these unsigned, secret GO/OSA materials that go into very intricate and elaborate detail concerning the methods, specific actions and their sequence of conditional implementation of Elron’s Prime Directive (“always attack, never defend”), I was struck by the fact that, over the years, he’d given this subject his fullest attention and returned to it again and again in his attempt to take into account every possible scenario and plan in advance how to deal with them.
But the one scenario that he didn’t foresee or plan for is the one that’s unfolding right here, in which his secret police training manual and tactical playbook have now become public and available for everyone with an internet connection and an inquiring mind to view at their leisure. Elwrong, for all his vast powers of retrospection, had almost no prescience for even the near future and, as a consequence, completely failed to anticipate the rise of the internet and a time when the cult’s most carefully guarded secrets would become available far and wide for all to view.
Even worse, though, his insistence on casting his doctrines and policies concerning the treatment of perceived enemies in stone set the cherch on an unalterable course that, despite its obvious failures and very apparent inability to respond adaptively to new challenges, is forever prevented from doing so. Ironically, the very policies, procedures and organizational structures that Elron designed to ensure $cn’s continuation are the exact things that are working to undermine its foundation.
On the very long view, it seems to me that, while couching his concerns about the crucial importance of KSW in terms of the good of all humanity, the actual concerns that drove him to create the secret police arm of the cherch weren’t so much based on an altruistic desire to protect it from any actual evil that threatened it, but by a much more personal desire to protect himself from the civil litigation and criminal prosecution that he so justly deserved. And that’s exactly the same motivational basis that lil davey the savage has been operating on as well since he usurped power and has taken very direct control over all of the OSA’s black ops.
The cherch’s six decade-long pattern of criminal and immoral actions taken in secret against its many enemies is a history that it can never escape and it also predicts a future that, based on its core immutable doctrines, is completely predictable as well. Ensuring that vile past isn’t perpetuated into the future is the job of everyone who understands how the cult operates in secret to do the exact opposite of what it claims in public.
Belligerency in policy. Scientology is the most super selective organisation ever to come to pass. Their enemies are whoever management tells the members they are. The OSA wing contains the office of their full time enemy handling and detection agency – they aren’t really human the people who work there. I’ve met a couple and you immediately feel uncomfortable in their presence. These are the people who routinely rip families apart as part of their job description. That has been been done so many times within the Cof$ it has become their ethos, yet they deny it happens as frequently as it does or as members are too ashamed to recognize the real damage done and so it doesn’t exist. It’s been said many times it’s toxic policy – it truly is. To see their playbook laid out like this makes me feel ill, I still have family behind that curtain of hypocrisy and mayhem.
Geezers, and that’s not even mentioning what occurs in the “Ethics Section” of every church, they operate off the same policy. Every executive in that organisation is also well versed in that policy as part of their duties. Even the auditor knows exactly what write on the auditing report so the members routinely are forced to be policed by it.
What a horrible organisation it is!
Leah, you’re a remarkable lady and with friends like Mike, something truly can be done about it.
What you say is very true. It’s insidious how they are able to tap into the worst facets of a person’s personality and emphasize it, to use them for their purposes, or change them to become unethical while at the same time convincing them they actually are being ethical. (I’m referring to how OSA operates). They can turn a person into somewhat of a monster – not a very nice person. But I believe that almost everyone is able to be redeemed, to come out of that situation and return to their true nature. For example, right here, Mike Rinder. He’s working to bring the wrong things out in the open, although a former member. He’s honest about his past participation, and is working to help others. That deserves respect. And as another commenter pointed out, when someone joins when they are young and still forming their thought processes and personalities, they are more easily influenced and manipulated, too young to know any better. But anyway, Kudos to Leah Remini and Mike Rinder for what they do.
Amazing Ron how sweet the sound
Of all his policies
When we’re attacked we must fight back
And kill those damn SPs
‘Twas Ron that taught my heart to fear
And Ron my cash relieved
How precious did dear Ron appear
The hour I first believed
When OSA wins the fight to come
Bright shining as the sun
We’ve no less days to sing Ron’s praise
Then when we first begun
Amazing Ron how sweet the sound
Of all his policies
When we’re attacked we must fight back
And kill those damn SPs
Onward, Sea Org soldiers, marching off to war!
With the cross of Hubbard going on before!
COB we love you! Help us win the fight!
Rinder and Remini fall before our might!
Onward, Sea Org soldiers, marching off to war!
With the cross of Hubbard going on before!
I love those Sunday School songs!
Added to the Hymnal:
Ron Of ages cleft for me
Let me hide myself in thee
Ron of Ages, cleft for me
Let me hide myself in thee
Let the fair game and the mud
From thy tiny midget’s tower
Disconnection is the cure
Let me feel thy mighty power
Nothing in my hand I bring
Simply to thy tech I cling
Nothing In my hand I bring
Simply to thy tech I cling
Naked, ccome to thee for dress
Helpless, look to thee for grace
Vile, I to the fountain fly
Wash me L. Ron, or I die
Ron of ages cleft for me
Let me hide myself in thee
Ron of Ages, cleft for me
Let me hide myself in thee
Mephisto, Love your hymn!
,but I am so Thankful not to be in & having to sing it!
These policies kept me afraid and silent for over 30 years. When I first began to speak out a little bit in 2011, I was still terrified of what would happen to me and my family for doing so.
I had good reason to feel this way because when I was in, I was a true believer. I bought fair game hook, line and sinker and descended to the depths of B1 and practiced these policies with zeal.
As I was breaking free in the 80s, I discovered just how little I knew about the inner workings of the GO. I discovered how many secrets were kept from each person even in the upper echelons. I found out that people I thought were just “public” were actually members of B1. This included my husband. Shortly after I broke free of him, he was declared an enemy of scientology. Only in recent years have I discovered that it was because he failed in his mission to destroy me – and trust me, he worked very hard to destroy me, mentally and physically.
The “friend” who took over in his stead suffered a similar fate when I called him out.
After I fled my husband with a police escort, I was lucky enough to have a partner a huge law firm hire me and believe in me, and was able to raise my children in peace and relative comfort considering I was a single mom with no child support. Also, working at the law firm and knowing every visitor had to be badged in, saved my sanity.
After 23 years of raising my family and not breathing a word to anyone of my prior involvement in scientology, I moved to a different State. I would never ever have spoken out about scientology or even admitted that I had been in it had they not hunted me down and attempted to “recover” me. I am glad they are using the same playbook. But it still scares me.
But not enough to shut up.
That is truly amazing that your husband was B1 with the purpose to destroy you! Having been married to my wonderful wife for almost 40 years, I could NOT imagine how someone could be so cruel and so brainwashed to destroy their spouse. I’m glad you are speaking out. It is brave of you.
I commented to someone in a FB group something about “after that meeting” – his response was “what meeting are you talking about?” This is significant because his (now ex) wife was sitting right next to me in the meeting yet he had no clue about the meeting. It truly was, and IMHO still is, that compartmentalized.
Valerie, thank you for sharing your story. Scary! It’s understandable to want to protect your children, and I’m glad you were able to remove your family from that situation. I’m also glad that you feel strong enough to speak up now, that you won’t be intimidated any longer. Every one who talks about what happened to them makes it easier for the rest, and may save someone else from being ensnared in a harmful group. *hugs* and hoping your life is happy and beautiful now.
My life is great, thanks. 18 grandchildren. Great grandchild number 2 on the way. I am content. Three of the grandchildren are coming over to spend the day and night with us in about an hour.
Wow Valerie, your comment has given me chills. What a story and you need to tell more of it. I am so sorry you went through this, I just cannot imagine………..
It just blows my mind how “worse” it can get and the more one finds out, the worse it is.
You are brave.
Have a good Christmas Valerie, filled with love & peace with family having a good time all around you.
As has been quoted. Valerie, “Living well is the best revenge!” You’ve achieved that. Superb!
Another tragic, but all too familiar tale! Valerie, it occurred to me in reading your account that now that your ex-husband has been declared, he might be willing to corroborate your account and that, together, they add depth and dimension to the larger story of just how far the secret police arm of this killer cult is willing to go to “utterly destroy” its perceived enemies.
Those who were directly involved in GO/OSA’s secret operations and have all the dirt on the crimes and harmful acts that it has committed are in a unique position to flesh out the historical details via their first-hand accounts. If enough folks like you can summon the courage to do so now, then it will be very difficult for the cult to deal with in the ways that they have in the past.
Nice piece of work. Would definitively be useful for anybody who does and an article.Maybe a separate section: For the press on the starter page?
Concisely laid out. Wonderful post.
Amazingly disgusting.
I wish I believed in hell, so Hubbard could be roasting there.
I wish I believed in hell, so Hubbard could be roasting there.
I do and yes he is
Wasn’t it Hell he lived in during his later years? Drugs? Pain? Incommunicado with the world? Total loss of family? Friends (none)? Despised in the media. In total isolation? Hard to imagine a worse Hell.
Excellent post. Spot on. Unfortunately for Scientology there are people who are not criminals, who won’t be bought off, who won’t be blackmailed and who won’t be scared off. There have always been people like that in the world to help keep evil in check. Scientology has thousands of robots, billions of dollars in its “war chest”, hot and cold running lawyers and PIs, printing companies, high tech studios, etc, etc and it looks like the Wicked Witch of the West when hit with water. In this case the water is TRUTH.
Amazing article Mike…
I never thought that the teached and trained attitudes as described in your article are so burnt in in my Soul.
Also there’s the Auditor Code Point 20:
I promise not to explain, justify or make excuses in session for any auditor mistakes whether real or imagined.
I was teached that you should also use the Auditors code in everyday life.
One day I was very surprised when my son told me:
” You’re not able to excuse yourself or say sorry when you did something wrong or made misstakes, you’realways attacking then”.
It took Long time to become a normal human being and get rid of this trained in attitude and have a conscience….
When I look back in my 35 years of Scientology experiences, I can remember Scientologists excusing themselves or saying sorry for wrong doings. BUT always they had a computation to get a stat out of me.
Poor souls—-
Very insightful. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. It’s good that you can self-analyse and correct your own actions. Children are so honest too, they say what they see. Seems like it takes a while to recover from the Scientology mind-set, but you are doing a good job of it.
Best wishes for a happy weekend! – T.J.
Did you forget the part about you enforcing all of this on many people over many years?
Yeah I’m sure he did, thank goodness you came along to remind him!
So which is better, a person who made choices that turned out to be not the best and remained silent about it, or one who did a critical self-analysis, saw the things that were wrong, and decided to openly talk about it, why it happened, and hopefully prevent it happening to others? It takes bravery to admit your mistakes. Unless, like you, a person has made absolutely no mistakes or regrettable choices in his life. You are so lucky to be perfect, and we are so lucky to have you here pointing out how others are not.
I’ve known Mike since we both were on the Apollo at around 18 or 19 years old. I have also met up with him in the past year (1st time seeing him in over 35 years). I can guarantee you, he is a good man. Although I didn’t even think of questioning him, I’m sure he regrets any past, poor decisions and actions he took while at OSA but right now he is doing more to prevent this happening to others than almost anyone around! I believe that without Mike’s work the church would be MUCH more arrogant, more powerful and more damaging. His interviews on Going Clear, on YouTube, on Megan Kelly and probably appearances on every anti-SCN show that has been made have been very effective.
Marty Rathbun and I used to be quite good friends in the late 70s and early 80s at Int. While in the process of being booted out of Int., in ’82, I told Marty what was going down with me and my sisters being kicked out by DM. He seemed quite concerned at the time. I had a recent email discussion with Marty and brought up that time period. He responded that he felt like leaving then and wishes he had.
The point I am trying to make is that I know people like Mike and Marty feel remorse about their actions while in OSA but at the same time do not dwell on it. With what Mike is doing now, I don’t know why anyone else would dwell on it either.
“The point I am trying to make is that I know people like Mike and Marty feel remorse about their actions while in OSA but at the same time do not dwell on it. With what Mike is doing now, I don’t know why anyone else would dwell on it either.”
I do; it’s because it is very much human nature for folks to harbor enmity towards those who have harmed them and their families, especially when those actions have been undertaken in an purposeful and planned manner to “utterly destroy” them. Until those who’ve committed those intentionally harmful acts have either been brought to justice for their crimes or have demonstrated true contrition and made acceptable amends towards those that they’ve harmed, then they shouldn’t expect to be forgiven, merely because they casually mouthed the easy words, “I’m sorry”.
Remorse is a subjective experience that means nothing to those who’ve suffered at the hands of those who’ve harmed them unless it’s coupled with actions. When someone has perpetrated great harm and worked to “utterly destroy” many whose only offense was to publicly speak their personal truths about the very real crimes and human rights abuses that the cherch systematically engages in, then that person has a very lot to make amends for…perhaps even an entire remaining lifetime full.
I’m not here to sit in judgement on anyone, but the depth, degree, duration and number of very serious crimes and harmful actions that Elron and lil davey’s GO/OSA minions have perpetrated should not be ignored, mitigated, diminished or seen as anything but the true evil that it was. I believe in forgiveness and redemption; i just don’t believe that they should be bestowed easily or by anyone except by those who’ve directly suffered injury at their hands.
Mike has worked tirelessly and consistently to see that the cult is stopped from continuing to be able to do what it has in the past with almost complete impunity, and I have no doubt that he’ll never let himself be compromised or deterred from continuing to do so. However, the same can not be said for Marty, who has now turned on those who were more than willing to give him an opportunity to redeem himself for all his many crimes and intentionally harmful acts.Folks like him NEED to dwell on it, because mere words or some inner subjective sense of remorse aren’t going to cut it.
Sorry, for going on a rant here but, as you can undoubtedly sense, this subject can never be brought up and treated just as an abstraction; it will always touch a nerve with many, at least until the corporate cherch’s sadistic and sociopathic leader has been removed and its evil policies of fair game, disconnection, etc. have been reformed.
I can’t argue with anything you have said here. I think with me is that I “disconnected” myself from the cult for around 35 years and just had good ol’ “wog” friends and lived life to the fullest. I truly had such a great life being UTR to a point that with my “out-ethics” they wouldn’t have me involved if I wanted to. I missed out on all of the criminality that existed after I left in ’82 up until the past 2 or 3 years after I lost my son to the disconnection policy and decided to find out what is going on and started reading about the cult.
It sounds like you or loved ones have been badly hurt by them and my heart goes out to you.
My family have suffered enormous hardship from recent cult actions. I’ve lost a very dear, youngest son. My wife hasn’t heard from her 4 or 5 siblings in over 4 years. I guess one only wakes up and smells the coffee when hardships happen directly to them.
But, I’m not going to sit back and let them do this to me.
Harpoona , I feel I have to say that talking about Marty this way is not right . I am certainly not up to date on the latest rumors or facts or whatever on Marty and I couldn’t care less . Who exactly is to decide what this man should do to redeem himself? And since when are his decisions anybody’s business?
Unless you had a personal agreement with him that was violated .
He wrote thousands of words on his blog and helped many people sort things out , he wrote books , appeared in films , counselled people.
What exactly are you complaining about?
Is making amends still a thing imposed by well meaning and misguided people? Yuck!
The Master said, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” To forgive is to let go. Moreso even for the forgiver than the forgiven, the action brings greater life to oneself. From my point of view, Mike works for justice, not revenge. Huge difference. Though he lost one family, he’s created another one. He lives in joy.
I’ve not lost family to the czerch, but a very long term dear friend. Yes, it hurt when the disconnection came, but I continue the same love I have had for almost 50 years. I cannot “blame” anyone for their decisions. That only makes my life worse, not better.
And, truly, one has first to forgive oneself first. Those still in will continue to pay whatever price they’re paying. Some will get wise and leave, hopefully to renew old relationships, perhaps in newer and better ways. Others will stay in and die there, their lives less than they might have been.
Many years ago, I came to the realization that love is never lost. One cannot love anyone LESS than you have ever loved them. It remains always, sometimes an ignored but constant ember. It’s always there to be renewed. And loving oneself comes first.
Jeff, Really disappointed to read your comment. Taking the low road is wrong.
You might want to ask him if he still beats his wife, or was that Dave?
Do y’all realize how absolutely arrogant LRH was (not to mention delusional) to state that a person could be deprived of property (theft/robbery/fraud) or injured (assault/homicide) without any discipline AS IF THERE IS NO CIVIL LAW AND AUTHORITIES in the places where the CoS operates! Yeah, that’s really applying Scientology’s first policy of maintaining good relations with the environment and creating safe zones with PR, … break the law by injuring people and stealing from them. Certainly worked when …. OK, that never worked, but Scientologists are the experts because they do the PR Series. For proof of their PR expertise and ARC with the environment, just watch the upcoming series on A&E with Leah Remini.
Thanks for this article. It’s extremely eye-opening as far as putting the “church’s” reactions in perspective.
I can’t help but think that IF LRH’s initial premises were true (ie CoS was the innocent victim and the only group capable of saving the planet) then this “Art of War” approach might make sense, and might even be warranted. But given that we know the “church” is a cover for a money-making power grab by a few malignant narcissists, it’s clear that this whole “attack” approach is part of a long list of text-book manipulation tactics. Attack, deflect, gaslight, smear, confuse, project, lie, threaten – it’s all there.
Good work, to all who expose it for what it is.
This is an important post and should be distributed far and wide. These policies written by Hubbard are like a playbook from Satan himself.
These policies and directions have mostly been kept confidential and I can certainly understand why keeping them hidden and confidential would be important. This gives Scientology’s “enemies” an understanding of how the cult operates and so would be more able to predict and defend against what Scientology was going to do.
Having held a high position in OSA as you have, has given you the knowledge of Scientology’s playbook and has allowed you to expose these evil policies to everyone. Thank you Mike.
The current election cycle seems to be taken from a page (or several) out of LRH’s ‘how to deal with suppressives’ tech. Am curious about the government’s support (tax exemption) given the C of S. Are they not-so-strange bedfellows?
Fabulous job, Mike, of putting it all together so clearly.
Leah needs all our support. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.
Great article Mike. There are many public critics of SCN that are only speaking out against the cult because they have lost loved ones due to the insane disconnection policies. These same critics are completely aware of what OSA will try to do to them. They are willing to become a martyr and take some pain to get their families back or if not their family, maybe it will help some other family reconnect. I don’t think Mike is writing this blog because he has nothing better to do with his spare time. Leah & Mike honestly feel the pain that other families are going thru and are doing something about it. Both are taking action from their heart, to help others, not to get revenge. Heroes both, in my mind.
Most people do not care if Scientologists worship goats, believe that Xenu dropped off thetans from a DC8 into a non-existent volcano or believe in Heaven and Hell. It is not a matter of trying to stop SCNs beliefs or spiritual practices, it is about exposing the evils of this cult. If the cult would stop destroying families, stop trying to destroy peoples lives thru Fair Game, stop the slave labor in the Sea Org, forced abortions etc., most critics would fade away. The problem is they will never stop these horrible policies. A now dead, paranoid, sociopath demands these procedures be kept in place. Instead of constantly attacking, maybe they should evaluate their own actions in so far as why are people “attacking” them. That aint going to happen.
No matter what the cult does in an attempt to harm it’s critics, people will continue to publicly expose them until something is done about. We can all only hope that some government department will wake up, take notice and take action.
BooM! Ditto.
So true! People should be allowed to believe as they wish. However people insist on harming others either emotionally, physically or even monetarily and claim they are practicing their spiritual rights, it’s time to take a closer look.
If they weren’t harming people physically and making people disconnect, my bet is that the incessant fundraising would handle itself because there would be no fear in place and the people would simply refuse to give or walk away.
Sooooo they can’t get rid of their “core beliefs” of abuse and disconnection, it would cost them too much money.
And that point needs to be driven home to the public very succinctly. Believe in anything you want, but please stop extorting, scamming, mental manipulating, physical abuse, forced abortions, imprisoning people illegally (I thought there was some law somewhere against that) and all that other good stuff the midget takes so much pride in.
And the cherch will continue to cry freedom of religion. Poor baby. Only we’re on to you. Say bye bye Dave.
Mike, great reference article. Should be released to every media outlet world wide.
What you wrote is the primary reason that more under the radar or ex-members don’t speak out. It’s also why what Leah is doing is so valuable. She deserves major kudos for taking the time to help so many other ex-members tell their stories and save many non-members from getting trapped in the cult.
I guarantee you there are myriad stories of abuse and exploitation that are not being told for fear of retaliation because of Hubbards insane policies. This is all the more reason that the organization called Scientology needs to be brought down. While it still stands there is the prospect of more broken families, needless lawsuits and unidentified attacks from this dispicable organization.
I think Hubbard was paranoid that a spotlight would be shone on his own lies, fake degrees, unscientific research, bigamy, theft, etc. So there was always a constant ‘war’ with real or imagined ‘enemies ‘ of the church that cast all attention elsewhere.
In addition to eliminating critics of the church, B1, the Information Bureau, was charged with finding infiltrators (journalists, critics, law enforcement, psychs, competing cults) that were on church lines. The B1 was an SS Gestapo type group. While I was in PR Bureau of the Guardian Office, my good friend, Bill O’Meara, was B1 staff. He moonlighted some evenings and weekends as a taxi driver, and would tell people that during the day, he worked as a horticulturist, taking care of ‘plants’.
Zola, I believe you are correct in your assumptions.
Thank you Zola.I could definitely hear Bill’s quote echoing in my ears.So many plants to rip out,so little time!?
If after reading all of this 100% true data on how El Con ordered the church to deal with other human beings one cannot see that he was bat sh!t crazy, one is either hailing from the FAR left hand side of the bell curve, is an ok person who is still under hubbard’s mind control influence or is them-self bat sh!t crazy.
It is so awesome that you are helping with that show Mike!
Yes, it is awesome! You said it, Mike W., and I totally agree!
I believe this is my first comment here, although I have long read your dispatches with enjoyment, respect, and a certain amount of awe. This is a powerful and succinct distillation of the dangerous nature of Scientology. As we say in the Navy, Bravo Zulu!
You are quite correct, it is indeed a dangerous organisation, operating blindly with very dangerous directives. In the army they often deploy this tactic when the enemy is vulnerable, “up the guts with plenty of smoke.” That’s exactly what Leah is doing.
Bravo! Its great to have a collection of the most relevant Scientology materials concerning the “handling” of critics and the media all compiled in one post. As a relatively long-term Scientology “spectator” (heh!) – none of this is news to me but, seeing it all laid out here, I find myself with two strong take-aways.
First, the idea that Scientology’s version of a “Suppressive Person” is roughly equivalent to a diagnosed sociopath is ridiculous. Gerry Armstrong has covered this in abundant detail but, essentially, a “Supressive Person” is actually just someone who speaks inconvenient truths about Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. To extrapolate on that observation, I suggest that the entire PTS/SP Doctrine is that part of Scientology which confirms that it is not only a fraud but also a criminal enterprise which has no hesitation in using violence in order to perpetuate.
And, secondly, the idea that Scientology was once a benign and helpful enterprise before becoming corrupted is also ridiculous. The 1955 Manual on Dissemination of Material, IMHO, serves as both a consolidation of practises extant at the time and as a template for the rest of L. Ron Hubbard’s “intelligence scripture” to come.
In that 1955 document Hubbard devised an elaborate system of layering and compartmentalising Scientology so as to monitor who says what to whom. The general public were (and still are) only to be told certain things. If someone can be successfully handled with that initial PR, then that, per the tech, is all that needs to be done. It only gets nasty when the person doesn’t respond to being handled with PR.
To take a brief look at earlier stuff . . .
1951: Tone Scale placement determined by person’s attitude towards Dianetics. Bad attitude = Low Tone. Persistent low tone level results in the person being “disposed of quietly and without sorrow” – that is, in the envisioned Scientology world.
1952: L Ron Hubbard invented a past and a future for Scientologists. He made it trillions of years in both directions. He first experimented with inventing a past for Scientologists in his Benzedrine-inspired text ‘History of Man’, (originally titled ‘What to Audit’). Around that same time, L Ron Hubbard tested other ideas, such as that a person’s reaction to Scientology (or to him), would place that person on the “Tone Scale,” with a disapproving reaction placing the person low on the scale. Those low on the “Tone Scale” – not being “sane” – were to have no credibility, and “no rights of any kind.” L Ron Hubbard also tested the idea of using meters as “truth detectors”. Does anyone doubt that showman and hypnotist L Ron Hubbard, when using an early Mathison e-meter, one which projected its needle movements on a wall or screen for all to see, did not notice when many in the crowd oohed and aahed at the display of a reaction? Yet, it was premature for the implementation of these ideas on the still small, fragile and tentative membership. He had already lost many of the original Dianetic followers with his rebranding to Scientology and the concomitant nascent religious cloaking.
And then going on from 1959 . . .
1960, Security Checking, (“In this Lifetime..”) used, unbeknownst to most Scientologists, as means of collecting blackmail, etc. Also Thought Policing codified: “Have you ever had unkind thoughts about LRH?” as first started in the “Manual of Justice” for investigations.
1960: ‘Department of Government Affairs’: “Find or manufacture enough threat . . . bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance . . . This is to be done by high level ability to control and in its absence by low level ability to overwhelm.”
1960, ‘Special Zone Plan’: “Locate its leader. Get a paid post as an officer or secretary of the staff… any nation or state runs on the ability of its department heads, its governors or any other leaders. It’s easy to get posts in such areas… Get a job on the secretarial staff or as a body guard, use any talent one has to get a place close in . . . ” This echoes L Ron Hubbard’s instructions in his secretly written 1955 faux “Russian textbook,” which instructed that “psycho-political operatives” to be: “Planted besides the countries powerful persons . . . The rich, the skilled in finance, the well informed in government are particular and individual targets for the psycho-politician . . . This every rich man, every statesman, every person well informed and capable in government must have brought to his side as a trusted confidant a psycho-political operator.” As early as 1965, the ‘Anderson Report’ spotted parallels between Scientology and L Ron Hubbard’s “Russian Textbook on Psycho-Politics.”
In confident instructions, L Ron Hubbard wrote of the importance of “using enemy tactics,” and would even use those “enemy tactics” on his own loyal followers. He had written of psychiatrists in August 1963 . . .
Soon to follow would be the secret and very serious, and very dangerous “Clearing Course,” “OT 2″ and “OT 3″, in which Hubbard would do what he said the psychiatrists did.
The original Fair Game Law, condoning murder and arson, was written in March 1965. L Ron Hubbard’s “There are men dead because they attacked us,” goes back to 1959. “Ruin utterly” and “Always attack ,” dates from 1955, and “No rights of any kind” and “Disposed of quietly and without sorrow” dates from 1951.
With most of its operational procedures being confidential, Scientology is a secretive and sneaky criminal organisation. The end result is that many people who have endured its processing don’t know what Scientology actually is until some stage after they have left. Scientology deeply influences them, yet they – in important areas – don’t understand it. Many do not realise, for example, that the grubby intelligence work goes hand in hand with the PR work. Thus, we see the well-intentioned novice and then there’s the aggressive “Always attack!” type of Scientologist. Then there are clumsy and inept PR people. Then there are slick PR people. Then there’s those few who know the score completely. Often a response from a Scientologist will reflect one or several of these categories. For example, the Scientology adherent starts out answering questions which seem innocent enough but, when asked more pointed questions, switches into PR mode, and then, when questions become too sensitive in nature and appear “critical,” becomes flustered, and decides to “Attack!” Over-all, PR tech is actually better applied amongst Independents and Freezoners than by Scientology personnel, especially over the last few years. After all, as the Independents and Freezoners say, “Tech is out in Orgs.” And that would include PR tech.
As a secretive and manipulative doctrine, Scientology does come complete with a valid truth-coating. There is zero evidence of Scientology achieving the states it promises but there is definitely some short-term benefit accrued to its adherents, especially in the early stages. Whether that’s correlated or causitive to Scientology remains to be determined, although a good guess can be ventured. When it comes to discussing the subject, conveying the idea that there is both a positive outer display coating which is ultimately subordinate, and also a negative hidden core which is ultimately dominant, can be difficult. However, it is a foolish critic who cannot recognise the truth coating because failing to do so denies the fact that Scientology has something about it which initially attracts its adherents, a question many people who know only a little about the subject have. These days, with the Xenu story being ubiquitous, passing public often ask “why would anyone be attracted to it?” It can best be explained by pointing out that the truth-coating is displayed while the negatives are often hidden or disguised; or, when they no longer can be denied, are rationalised or “spun.” For those looking to promote Scientology spin is usually applied in the attempt to polarise those who apparently refuse to perceive the positive and those who apparently refuse to recognise the negative and then labelling them with the perjorative “extremist” or “hater” or “bigot” or “bitter apostate”, etc, etc, tags. (Note the Dissemination Manual stricture to paint people as “having something wrong with them”). For the unwary, such spin isolates those who give Scientology a bad name, either by speaking truth about it (which is a “suppressive act”) or being obviously nutty, and frames Scientology as something other than as L Ron Hubbard fully defined it. It is also an attempt to control what is said about Scientology.
Whew! Sorry for the rant, but I do feel better getting that out. For those of the “too long, didn’t read school”
TL/DR: Thanks for putting the god stuff all in one place. Suppressive Persons are not sociopaths, they are people who speak inconvenient truths about Scientology and L Ron Hubbard. Scientology has always had a malignant centre.
Crepescule. Not too long. I did read it and I’m floored.
Mike, maybe you could talk Crepescule into editing this up as a main post? Or tack it onto this one? Either way, today’s post and this comment add up to a very eye-opening education on the real nature of Scientology.
As far as Hubbard’s screed about sociopaths is concerned, I think he actually did think that anybody who disagreed with him was crazy. From the depths of his narcissistic soul he peered out at a different world than the one that you and I live in. One filled with enemies, war and pain. Where a failure to smile is an armed attack. Where a friend is a friend only until proven to be an enemy, and an enemy is to be ended at all cost.
His followers have taken this to ridiculous extremes, to the point where you can make a badly worded facebook post and suddenly find that hundreds have unfriended you. Because you are obviously criminally insane and would disastrously harm anyone who even read your words.
You can become a “Suppressive Person” without even knowing it. Maybe there is an actual goldenrod issue that you haven’t seen. Or maybe it is really just a rumor. Either way, the hidebound clams will close their shells to you and burrow deeper in the sand.
Like the very last Shaker said to his lifelong friend: “The only two I really trust in this life are thee and me, and I’m not too sure about thee.”
It would all be an academic curiosity for the scholars, as the last bitter remnants of the cult fade away, except that Scientology is not alone in this mind-set. For all of Hubbard’s self-aggrandizing claims of earth-shattering new discoveries, his high-control destructive cult is really just one of many in the history of man. Far more dangerous ones exist.
The pattern of a smiling helpful outward facing cadre of true believing useful idiots hiding a core of destructive true initiates is all too common.
We exes can learn something valuable from our time under Hubbard’s thumb. Once a slave, now free, we are harder to enslave again. Or so it should be if we really dig in and understand what happened to us.
First off, thanks to Mike for the incredible article today. It is so needed and especially to the media. Cannot give thanks enough to Leah for her tenacity and bravery.
Crepuscule, your comment is also great and added to Mike’s, it is definitely not a “rant”. I have the perfect example of how you describe a Scn’st who is trying to handle a critic.
One of my sister’s has been at Gold since 1980. As a family we have only seen her about 2 or 3 times in all those years. My non-Scn’st father had only seen her once since that time when this incident happened.
She made a trip to South Africa for my son’s wedding (I live in the US but we all went there so my large family could experience this wedding). I absolutely did not expect her to come, it blew me away.
She wanted to spend some alone time with the non-scn’er father and his wife (3rd wife), I was very apprehensive about this “alone time”, but she spent 2 days with them. They apparently had a great couple days and on the night of the 2nd day, Dad’s 3rd wife told this sister how she happens to know someone whose son was in the SO in Clearwater (friend was also a non-Scn’er) and she had not seen or heard from this son in many years. The friend had tried many times to write to the church asking where her son was. She was very upset and was trying to find him, he had “disappeared”. My sister responded by “attacking” the 3rd wife at the top her of her lungs. My father is no shrinking violet and would not stand for his wife being attacked so viciously. He responded to sister at the top his lungs and they had an all-out shouting match. Dad eventually “sent her to her room” and did not talk to her the rest of the night. I of course, got a call early the next morning to get this sister.
It was a huge flap to say the least and I could not understand why this sister had acted like this and caused such a bad “PR” situation. The fallout from all of this is that none of the rest of the family have communicated or seen my Dad since that day. They consider him an “enemy” and of course 3rd wife.
How do they think that “attacking” a critic or even someone who just wants to understand how something can be, about Scn.
Needless to say, any other family member or close friend to my Dad and his wife, who have heard this story from their perspective, cannot have anything but bad feelings about Scn. But this how they act. They are constantly shooting themselves in the foot and with the internet it is now just getting way worse.
BTW – this was before I was declared, and had not been onlines in many years……..
An excellent and well-written expansion of the topic that Mike’s very important blog post focused in on!
If you want to go even earlier than 1951, Hubbard reveals to Heinlein the seeds of his playbook in future years to come.
Tony Ortega did a post of the Heinlein letters from the Heinlein Archives a while ago but missed the significance of two letters:
There is one letter dated Mar 26, 1949 from Heinlein to Hubbard and said in part:
“I still want to see Excalibur as soon as possible, in it’s old form, new form or both–and preferably in carbon in advance of publication. The subject intrigues me immensely. Your last letter had numerous references to disciplines, drills, hours of study–and was not very clear because I don’t know what the hell you are talking about. More light, maestro, more light!
Which reminds me–long ago you were going to write down for me the so many principles of the agent saboteur. You talked about them, but you never did. From a famous german work on Geopolitick and Realpolitick I believe. How about coming through on it?”
And Hubbard’s reply in part to Heinlein in a letter dated Mar 31, 1949:
“Your request for the agentes techniques recalls me that this here area is shore revolutionary, pard. They just ain’t ferget noth’in about Reconstruction. Down at the library, all the way back in the vault, are four full lengths shelves of books such as THE PSYCHOLOGY OF REVOLUTION, ERRORS MADE BY ROBESPIEPE, THE POWER OF THE RABBLE, LAWS GOVERNING LEVEE EN MASSE, HOME BOMB MANUFACTURE, ASSINATION AS A POLITICAL TECHNIGUE, etc. etc. for about three hundred big, authoritative volumes. And I never before seen a single one of them.”
Hubbard capitalized the book titles in his letter. One can google those titles.
It will cost one $3 to get the letters which come thru Email in a pdf file.
So if i understand this they go after critics knowing full well from past experience it blows up in their faces,creates more critics and makes them look petty,vindictive and insane.
They have to follow policy and cant change it because LRH couldnt possibly be wrong so they are caught in an endless catch 22.
Does this seem about right?
well, that’s what it looks like to those of us who were never in…
Those who are in, they have to convince themselves that every time something didn’t go right they were themselves somehow to blame. So, when you say “knowing full well” the victim of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology sees their own failure and uses the “tech” to both get to the cognitive dissonance and to pick themselves up so as to get set up for the next defeat.
Check out “Closing Minds” by Jefferson Hawkins and look up the “false purpose rundown.”
Exactly right! The essence of the mindfuck in $cn is that Elron was/is always right and any disagreement that you could ever have for any reason, from now until the universe ends, is and always will be WRONG. While I’m sure Kool-Aid intoxicated $cilons never reflect on the matter in such stark terms, that is indeed the core computation at the heart of all things scientological.
Indeed, part of the extended mindfuck is that you absolutely have to learn to self-police your own thoughts so that any negative or even questioning thoughts are never allowed to fully surface into consciousness for fear that at your next metered sec check these “pre-crimes” will be revealed and your unlucky ass will be sent off to Ethics for some very expensive re-grooving. Yet you can never reflect upon the fact that you and everyone else around you has learned to delusionally imagine that thoughts carry exactly the same weight as actions.
In the completely insane $cn world, the all-purpose decision tree looks like this:
Agree with what Elron said is true about ____:
If yes, proceed to your next paid service.
If no, find your misunderstood in the materials and re-study until you agree.
If still no, get routed to ethics to find out what crimes that you’ve committed that are
keeping you from understanding and agreeing with the truth.
Repeat until you are completely broke, then join staff.
Your right on the money, 4chan.
I am going to put aside my usual snarky self and address this post with the seriousness it deserves.
Mike you’re the best. What incredible coverage of this toxic organization you provide.
We are in the end game now. The timeline may extend a while. But it’s clearly going to happen and none too soon. If we were playing chess the midget would just have heard “check” not “mate” yet but that is going to happen and none too soon.
Leah, if you’re reading this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Harvey said exactly what I was thinking!
Thanks Leah Remini for speaking out, when it would have been so much easier to remain silent. It shows Leah is a brave and very caring person with tons more integrity than the Church of Scientology. Much respect to Leah, and to Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega, and everyone else who is involved in bringing the injustices and bad practices to light.
Amen to that brother.
T.J. = female. (girl, woman, chick, lady, etc.) but I accept the sentiment.
Yes, this is all true. These LRH policies are all followed. However, the organization often chooses not to follow LRH policy. There are policies like “Maintain friendly relations with the environment” “We always deliver what we promise” Policies on Leaves of Absences. The organization disavowed me long before I said anything bad about them. I had 2 choices: Fight them or die. I mean literally die. They manufacture their enemies on an assembly line. I would not be surprised if someone has a stat of enemies made. They are like Hitler, They fight everyone. And like Hitler, they will lose.
Thank you Mike, for taking the time and care to write this. I agree that it is an important treatise for all to read who have ever had any involvement in the church or never had any involvement in this church. It helps to understand how good people can do bad things and how bad people can get them to do it. Once my mind was wrapped around the concept that scientology was the only answer to mankind’s woes, a lot of this hooey “made sense.”
Watch out for the false premise.
HIGH CRIMES …consist of publicly departing Scientology or committing Suppressive Acts.
Does that apply to Hubbard himself? He publicly departed from Scientology’s roots in Buddhism, which had gotten me into Scientology in the first place.
Apparently L. Ron Hubbard is misinformed in several areas. I do not have crimes in this life that I can be imprisoned for under current law as he states. Investigating my background will show foul play on the part of more than one Church of Scientology and other person. This is ethics and justice and this is L. Ron Hubbard and the church’s fear. The truth is often difficult for some people to live happily ever after with. “What if others found out?!” A person should not do things in life that cause feelings of fear of discovery and imprisonment with and then the issue would never arise.
It has occurred to me that we do not yet know how far they will go to “stop” their “enemies”. They have no compunction to do anything to harm those they believe are stopping them. When the opposition to them gets greater, which it will; Will they resort to concentration camps? To a degree they have already done that already. Murder?. I believe it is quite possible. Hitler believed that for.the Master race to survive that inferior races had to be exterminated. And the Scn organization considers itself the master race and that us Sps must be stopped at all cost. Since we are all just meat bodies to them there is nothing immoral to killing us, it is part of the price of clearing the planet.
Well Dead men we know how far El Con was willing to go. Kidnapping threatening to murder babies in order to silence a critic. I cannot imagine that DM would be MORE ethical than Hubbard…
Collateral damage.
what clever little mind control tactics “DR” Hubbard came up with to silence the lambs from speaking out or knowing the truth about Dr Hubbard and his evil cult disguised as a religion so they commit crimes daily and get away with it….
very clever indeed
God, and I once proudly belonged to this group! I bought the story that evil people were trying to ruin our good intentions for the world – hook, line and sinker. Golly me!
Tremendous article, Mike. I tried to attach the entirety of the OSA Network Orders for those who want an in-depth study of this insanity, but could not attach them. You must have them, correct?
Yes I do
Insightful, thanks Mike. Would love an article in the future talking about some operations you can remember that were particularly interesting. Or would that get you sued?
Mike Rinder: That is an excellent analysis and summary of how and why the Church of Scientology responds in the way it does to those who speak out against its abuses. Leah Remini’s new series will be well worth watching, and many are looking forward to viewing it, including me. Any idea if it will be shown on Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime video, or other online video providers?
I’m not MR (almost fooled ya – didn’t I!) but i did see on aetv.com that they show full episodes of a lot (if not all) of their shows on their website. If they show them based on popularity, I would bet this one will be up.
Oh, so it can be streamed directly from the aetv website? Thanks for letting me know. We’ve been watching a lot of shows on Hulu recently, they often have them the same night or day after they air elsewhere. Looking forward to this show from Leah Remini.
Brilliant! Thank you. This is thug school. This is Guido pissing on his turf.
This is a man who for some reason, is still stuck in a war.
L Ron Hubbard’s mindset is, in my view, paranoid persecution complex.
My God!! the genius and the deviancy.
L Ron Hubbard had the visualizing and manifesting power to create an army of “willing hounds” to fight his imagination in the real world. (Please Ron apologists, spare me the,”he was harassed in reality.” Yes he was.
The man had some serious demons. Pretty weird reading this. It was lodged somewhere in my formative years. When Hymn of Asia sucked me in. I remember reading a lot of this stuff.
I may need a shower. Can you imagine that we all believed him? It is embarrassing to ponder.
I almost joined B1 in late 70s. Thank you Jesus!!!
Scientologists are made into bad people through application of these concepts. L Ron Hubbard’s writings like these, slowly numb one’s voice of conscience.
This Ron writing subordinates conscience and moral rudder.
“I’m not interested in wog morality.” L Ron Hubbard
What the fuck is wog morality???????? Honesty? peace? forgiveness? love thy neighbor?
Crazy OSA dumpster divers and black ops minions are a pathetic lot.
They are willingly being trained to be ass holes because of Altitude Instruction. Ron was an expert in Altitude Instruction.
Altitude Instruction, his keen intellect and creativity, is his play book. It was how he did it. Read Altitude Instruction.
Only someone hypnotized by Altitude Instruction could even consider this hogwash sane and the right thing to do.
It is the very definition of a-dharmic. Against the Dharma. It was study teched into our brains!
Okay, so you say “Altitude Instruction” five times in your comment, but don’t define it. It doesn’t come up on a quick google search unless you are talking about flight training or “making a funfetti cake.”
So please, define this if you want us to pay attention. Thanks.
Figure it out genius.
This is a past post on Mike’s site regarding Altitude Instruction.
When I have studied Ron craziness I have personally concluded that a term he talks about perfectly fits Ron’s MO.
The past below post from me.
L Ron Hubbard was a Hypnotic Operator. That’s how he manipulated us. And he knew what he was doing.
Check it out:
From past post:
Ron’s words of how great he is and that he is the “only one” to find the truth is a hypnotic command to elicit loyalty and paying membership.
Here is how Ron did it. He explains it himself. He has hypnotized us.
SO THE FIRST TWO SENTENCES SHOULD READ ““In altitude teaching, “I am the” ‘great authority.’ “I am” probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be.”
That’s how this should be read. He is actually talking about himself and how he controls people. The people being us.
“In altitude teaching, somebody is a ‘great authority.’ He is probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be. He has become defensive down through the years, and this is a sort of protective coating that he puts up, along with the idea that the subject will always be a little better known by him than by anybody else and that there are things to know in this subject which he really wouldn’t let anybody else in on. This is altitude instruction … It keeps people in a state of confusion, and when their minds are slightly confused they are in a hypnotic trance. Anytime anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude. There are ways to create and lower the altitude of the subject, but if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject the same way, he doesn’t have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as hypnotic suggestion.” (Hubbard, Research & Discovery, volume 4, p.324)12
L Ron Hubbard WAS
We all thought Ron’s interest in this stuff was in order to understand entrapment so he could develop proceedures to free us.
But in reality he was studying this stuff in order to control us and keep the cash flowing in.
And if you think about it, the Brain Washing Manuel is sort of like how he ran the RPF.
Ron may have been bat shit looney, but that bat was a genius loon.
He knew what he was doing. It was not a mistake. He knew what he was doing.
Sorry, didn’t mean to be anti-social, but hey I’m an SP what do you expect. LOL
It has to do with the perceived ‘altitude’ of the person or source giving the instruction.
‘God’ is the source of all wisdom in the bible and therefore everything stated is gospel and shall be followed. This is of course only IMHO.
When the reader ‘agrees’ or assumes the author has altitude over his/her own knowledge/understanding etc. then it is an easy get over that the author and not the reader ‘must be correct’. Negate yourself, elevate the author and away we go!
It works very well in our public education system. Even better in our favorite cult!
Yo Dave,
Add a box good buddy, you’re gonna need a tad more altitude to get through Leah’s series!
i must be a dope then, because i didn’t get it either. funfetti, however, is delicious.
Here’s an example as I understand it.
I went to Flag after being in for 18 years. Flag was the “mecca for those who seek technical perfection” etc. I was auditor trained at my local org but was now at Flag having some auditing with a student at Flag. I was far more experienced than her and she was making obvious mistakes with hi/lo TA handlings. But because she was Flag trained I just went along with it as, obviously, a Flag trained student auditor must be 100% standard. That is altitude by reputation.
So altitude instruction would be instructing from a very senior position or, more precisely, your estimation of the sanity and rightness of someone is far higher than it should be because of how highly you regard them. It is very much related to misplaced and unquestioning loyalty.
John Doe, who is “us”? Do you have more than one person inside your skull?
Mike, maybe he’s talking about BTs. I talk TO my BTs, but, I never talk about them. That would be rude…
Thank you Brian for your thorough explanation, it was helpful and I agree. I haven’t spent so much time here lately so I missed that posting when it originally appeared.
Ron was not interested in ‘wog morality’ just as he wasn’t interested in wog law, wog education, or wog earn-an-honest -living. He held most American (especially the middle class) values in contempt and expected everyone else around him to take on his value system. And so they did; at least within the confines of the culture of the CoS. So here you have the CoS today, still fair gaming people and a social pariah.
Great article. Thank you, Mike. And I’m glad my scans of “Critics of Scientology” were put to good use!