Captain David Miscavige, scientology’s capo di tutti capo, has reportedly weighed in on the COVID-19 pandemic.
But apparently his words are too special to be read by mere “wogs” — or even any scientologist who cannot get into an org.
He issued an IG NW Bulletin (Inspector General Network) “No. 88” where he provides a message of “leadership and care.”
Having been around when his last “Call to Arms” was issued after 9/11, it is easy to conclude what his message of leadership and care is. (I was originally told to write this issue for him with Lyman Spurlock but of course our efforts were unacceptable, and it was primarily written by Dan Sherman turning Miscavige’s directions into his usual purple prose).
Paraphrased, the message is disaster capitalism at its peak.
“The world is a dangerous place. Wogs have no clue what they are doing. Governments, drug companies, the media etc etc are making a botch out of society and the latest proof is the COVID-19 pandemic. It is more urgent than ever that we get busy clearing the planet. Only by eradicating the reactive mind will we be able to guarantee a future for mankind. The most important thing you can do right now is join staff or the Sea Org. And if you cannot do that, then give money to buy more ideal orgs and to the IAS for the urgent 4th dynamic campaigns to save mankind.”
Blah blah blah. I doubt he makes mention of not having groups of people gathered in the orgs or social distancing.
Eventually the substance of his great missive will leak, and I bet I have encapsulated a few pages into its essence in the paragraph above.
What is so incredible is the paralyzing fear that a copy of this great example of leadership and care will fall into the hands of someone outside of scientology? Even Hubbard was not this paranoid about his “Ron’s Journals” — he wanted them plastered all over everywhere.
There can only be one reason for this. Miscavige fears this will be used to prove he is running scientology and should therefore be deposed in the ongoing legal cases.
He IS running scientology and has been since the early 80’s and there is plenty of proof of this.
But it is fascinating to see the level of paranoia he has descended into. He no longer goes out in public. His rare appearances are carefully stage managed with massive security to keep everyone far enough away that they cannot touch him. And now his words are being kept under lock and key as if they were something incredibly important. Talk about an inflated sense of self-worth…
This is a bit late but I just read it on Over the weekend some 1500 missionaires returned from everywhere to the Salt Lake Airport and were greeted by hundreds of family welcoming their return. Seems scienos are not the only tone-deaf cult.
The “comm from COB” is confidential probably for the same reason Hubbard made some of his writings confidential – because they’re so ludicrous they’ll be ridiculed by the public at large. And no doubt miscavige blames the COVID-19 virus on “The Psychs”, just like Hubbard would.
Poor old Lyman. We shared many good times together. But before he died his sister paid him a visit and expressed my condolences and our long friendship. His response to his sister was one of bitterness and anger. Just because I had escaped several years eariler.
Yes Dan, I felt the same way. He didn’t have anything nice to say to her about me either. It’s so sad that someone can be so bitter and convinced of their rightness even on their deathbed. Lyman was one of the truly nice people I met in the Sea Org, and there were not that many of them.
Lyman was my NOTS auditor at Flag in ’89. COB had sent him there to redo his internships. All his PCs loved him – I remember two of them getting sent to Ethics for fighting in the NOTS lounge about who was going in next. It was a pleasure just to sit in a room with him. I was very sad when I heard that he had died – and died without ever realising the truth.
I remember Tom Cruise in his crazy video talking about riding past a car crash and knowing only a Scientologist could help them. Here is Scientology’s BIG chance to prove once and for all they HAVE the answers. Yet Covid19 just keeps going , proving those mighty thetans to be as powerless as we Wogs. While I as a RN find myself to be more powerful than Tom, because I might not be able to save them but I KNOW I can damn sure help them. .
Thank you for all that you do at all times, but especially now! Thankfully you offer something far more valuable than a couple metal cans or a touch assist! Actual lives are saved because of your skills and knowledge… and in the sad cases where someone loses their life, they’ve been cared for and made more comfortable because of the same.
He knows very well that this situation will last for a long time and will block all scientology. I’m curious about what the strategy is. Or the tragedy.
There will be no more cash flows from below and the sea org that lives from these weekly flows risks ending up in the air in a few weeks.
Also, if an org becomes an outbreak of infection, it will put more scientology into shit than it already is.
And then the public, if left alone, will begin to emerge from the hypnotic mantra in which they live and it will be very difficult to recover.
And too few suckess stories to share.
Diminutive Monster’s paranoid because he’s SO vulnerable in so many ways, not the least being his inurement within the tiny little fiefdom he’s carved out of Tubby’s enterprise.
Hubbard wrote a losing script for followers and Scientology leaders, now and to come.
Hubbard has set them all up to lose, no matter how clever any leader of Scientology is.
The followers are stuck with all bad choices.
Do they follow the megalomaniac script. Or quit.
I remember when 911 happened, it was so shocking, I almost walked out of the RPF and back to reality.
Also, another desperate ploy to get people into the org. If you want to hear what the great one has said, you gotta come in.
Like old criminals, they end running away, hiding, unable to have real friends, incapable to spend the stolen billions and, sooner or later, get caught or they die, accidentally or otherwise.
It sucks to be miscavige.
Places of worship are set to close in Australia. I wonder if the cult will follow this rule.
So, is the capo di tutti capi (boss of all (the) bosses) actually going out among his sheeple, or does he just want everyone else to get into a crowd? I’d assume that, as per usual, this is only about money/control.
“Find a way to take your life back and DM and his IGnw bulletin 88 can go to hell.”
Where do you think Dwarfenführer® and his closest cronies CAME from? Hell would be as good a description as any.
He must keep members’ attention on himself and on cult survival. Otherwise hypnosis disappears. To do this he must put their attention, as if it were a personal communication, on some galactic bullshit. Fanculo DM!
Capo di tutti capi?? Looks more like capo di tutti frutti to me.
What’s up Davey, are you too 1.0 to openly tell me what did you cook up in that little order 88 of yours? Aww you won’t let a good old MAA know? Smells like a withhold to me. We should give you a confessional, you would feel much better after that. Oh wait I almost forgot that you are such a big being that you haven’t had any auditing in years and didn’t even make it to the top of the bridge. Gee, how could that happen?
I know that the old man would say. I can hear him now… I can hear him laughing at you.
Don’t you think its time to release OT IX now? Or do you plan to solve COVID19 by distributing pamphlets, making firm postulates, touch assists or… wait I know! You will solve the pandemic simply by communicating properly. Ah that’s probably just what you placed in order 88. Well, isn’t that special.
The underline force in Scientology is FEAR. When the fear of the outside is greater than the fear inside
the staff will start leaving.
Per CNN: … 8,000 members Shincheonji Church, a cult church located in Daegu, South Korea, is at the center of the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea. If DM is fully successful as a “SP” he will drag cult scientologists down the same path.
DM, maybe it’s time to turn the Fleabag into your private yacht and anchor off-shore permanently.
fpjr opined:”DM, maybe it’s time to turn the Fleabag into your private yacht and anchor off-shore permanently.”
It ISN’T his private yacht? (at least when he’s reminded it exists?) and doesn’t “permanently docked at Curacao” qualify as “[anchored] off-shore permanently.”?
I have a feeling that there will be an outbreak at Flag, and possibly LA. Too many people in close proximity who discount the medical advice to keep distance.
A. Why the fuck listen to ANYTHING the diminutive midget says? Knew him and he is NOT the brightest penny in the pile by any means. Cunning yes but low IQ and no humanity or compasion for sure.
B. Many county governments around me have issued orders that churches hold only online services. No congregations, gatherings, cerimonies, etc. This is from public service agencies not self serving assholes like DM.
Agreement, Glenn. DM’s ONLY concern is money into his coffers. His clapping clams will all die sooner or later; he expects it’ll be sooner than HIS body gives up the ghost from its mistreatment, so he’ll have already gotten ALL of their money, first. He has no USE for the extra money, other than giving him the lifestyle he intended to become accustomed to, which already is more luxurious than most kings or billionaires, since outright slavery is too debased even for THEM.
Glenn “Not the brightest penny” is high praise for Dwarfenführer, probably the only “high” thing about him that isn’t chemically-induced.
I imagine when the pandemic is over, $cientology will try to take credit for its containment.
You bet. OT’s are postulating their asses off right now. When the curve levels off, when a cure is found, when a vaccine is discovered it’ll be because some OT(s) squeezed out the perfect postulate(s). david miscavige will praise his masses all the while knowing that it was because of only him and all his hard work.
At least when they are postulating in session they are not out and about , the delusion and complete uselessness is staggering. I am a good sp so I can’t help hoping they get caught congregating..
Salt Lake org put up their yellow tent on their front patio , big help !
“At least when they are postulating in session they are not out and about”
BUT they’ll be infecting each other in that small, closed-in space. One sneeze in an auditing room will infect everyone who enters for the next few hours.
When the pandemic is over, he will say that the OT VIII’s all audited it and ended it. This is what was said about the Berlin Wall coming down.
I do hope his words get leaked so that people know that he is running Scn. Also did you notice he says Clearing the planet is the answer, but as far as spending money , it is on all things EXCEPT getting auditing, which is how someone goes Clear in his religion. Instead of getting auditing to Clear the planet starting with yourself, he told them to spend it on Ideal Orgs and IAS and join staff. Well no staff are needed if there are no pcs or students using services.
Of COURSE scn will take credit for anything good that happens and ignore or deny anything scientology is doing to increase members’ risks or poverty. that’s just “the way they roll.”, sadly. DELUSIONAL.
I was wondering if this “come into the org” push will have measurable results in terms of % Scientologists infected (and possibly even % Scientologist fatalities) relative to the general population. Probably not, because the spread is so dependent on geography, and it’s doubtful anyone would bother to tease out the risk relative to religion. But the come into the org push could in fact hurt Scientologists more than the wogs. “Stupid” — even “delusional” — don’t really cover it. Sometimes the idea that we’re being observed as part of a galactic experiment on mind control seems the most plausible explanation. 😩
Another reason that he’s keeping his magic words secret: the response rate to requests to call the orgs for advice on this incredibly dangerous pandemic should theoretically to generate the highest response rate ever — way more than asking people to yet another stupid briefing where they know they’re going to get “regged” within an inch of their life. So this gives him the best chance in a while to see how many “true believers” are out there, and to figure out who is “under the radar.” Then he can hammer the non-responsive ones for being “counter-CI” and hit them for ethics handling.
So it’s far more sinister than just trying to keep the nickel-and-dime business going — it’s a major loyalty test.
John P. Right point. Capo di tutti i capi means boss of all bosses. In mafia style he runs all people with a gun on their head. And time by time issues orders to check loyalty. Mafiology.
scientology WISHES it were as capable and influential as its own puffery.
You are right. But there are several types of mafia. What they have in common is a certain type of organized crime and the use of force to control a territory. And hidden and underground communications.
“But it is fascinating to see the level of paranoia he has descended into. He no longer goes out in public.”
Following in the paranoid footsteps of his demonic mentor.
As mortality starts to meet this “great thetan” with certain physical and mental demise, all that he has done to cause pain and suffering, as did Hubbard; will come boomeranging on his mental capacity.
Hubbard was howling at the moon and talking to BTs; DM will have his own tailor made mental torture chamber.
And in that isolation; where no haircuts, high cuisine, money or sycophants can subdue the inevitable; DM will be alone confronted by his own mind strewn with the suffering he has caused.
The fate of evil madman is a mental torture I’d never wish on anyone.
“Vengeance is my sayeth the Lord” through the law of karma punishment and reward exist.
Whether DM is brought to justice or not in this world matters not. What we create, we must experience.
Every broken family, every suffering creates; is waiting for the right time. It’s spring loaded and ready to go.
We must experience what we create. It’s how we learn. Suffering is a great teacher. Evil madman are in that school. DMs end will be Hubbard’s. Isolated and howling at the moon 🌚
Great response Brian. I like it.
I cannot stop thinking about Vampires after I read about Miscavige. In a way, he looks like Tom Cruise when he did his film about Vampires. Blavatsky covered Vampires in depth and they certainly had characteristics like Hubbard and Davey. The only way to subdue a vampire is to use a crucifix and drive a stake into its heart. Hubbard hated Christianity and I think he got it from the vampire tradition in Europe. Blavatsky covers numerous Occult vampire stories from the 19th century. Vampires have lots of problems with wives and lovers. They get very jealous and try to separate ex-lovers once they find a normal relationship. In fact, Shelley fits the pattern of a vampire story. Miscavige sent her into isolation after he tried to help him. Vampires activate their bodies from the grave when they feel the need for revenge. I think Davey fits the pattern of a vampire seeking vengeance. Hubbard thought nothing about throwing Mary Sue in prison and “under the bus”. That is another typical vampire pattern. Vampires are very hard to stop and were known the 19th century to break through at least a platoon of soldiers at a road block.
Dianetics is also in the Vampire tradition and I think that is where Hubbard got it from. The Vampire wants a body purged of pain which can persist in a state of semi-death. There is no spirit in a Vampire. The Vampire has a strong will which maintains consciousness after death. The Vampire is not like Hollywood with fangs that suck blood. Scientology sucks money out of people which is the blood. The Occult versions of Vampires show violence and power. Vampires are deranged minds which also fight spirits such as BT’s. So OT 5-7 are really Vampire training.
DM hasn’t gone out in public for a LONG time, now. That makes it harder for him to be “properly served” with the subpoenas he’s so paranoid to deal with. It’s time for the Kid™ to grow a pair.
“The fate of evil madman is a mental torture I’d never wish on anyone.”
One of the hanging-on mindfcuks of my personal Hell of scn is NO EMPATHY for the Hells they created FOR THEMSELVES. They reap what they sowed.
Incredible deep wisdom from the ages Brian. Very well done!
Capo di tutti fruitti?
Is he selling ice cream now?
I certainly did expect that his message of hope and greed would concern the notion of making some monetary donations to him or to his org. It just wouldn’t be representative of The Scam without that.
I just wish there was a way to splatter his name and his story all over the press and hammer home the stories re how he has abused so many of the ladies in his life. If this does not happen as a natural consequence of his warped behavior, I would just hope it will happen as a result of his discussing what he will be doing with the money.
Dirty little rat!
Excuuuse me! I did not mean to imply The Rat abuses only the women in his life.
I am quite certain that he also abuses men and if I had to guess, I would guess that may get off by abusing all kinds of creatures – boys and girls and men and women and dogs and cats and any kind of creature that can feel pain but that cannot strike him back.
In fact, I do believe this may be the answer as to why he got rid of Shelley so easily and seems to go through life without any steady sexual partner. The reason may well be that he gets off on causing pain and suffering to poor helpless and defenceless creatures who cannot strike back at him.
I would guess he suffers from some kind of sexual disphoria like masochism or sadism where he manages to enjoy himself by causing pain and suffering to others. That would certainly seem to fit right in with his evil monstrous personality.
Oops. I meant Dysphoria. Not Disphoria.
Noun. Pathology.
1. a state of dissatisfaction, anxiety, or restlessness.
I do wonder who he’s getting his sex from. I suppose he’s interested in it.
Skyler, IF he were selling a product, ANY product, We might have some reason to admire his spunk or something. As it is, all he’s selling is HIM as a great savior or some such balderdash. WAKE UP CLAMS!
Miscavige also may not want the text of IGN 88 falling into ‘wog’ hands if he is actively ordering, or even strongly encouraging, people to gather at the orgs. Which is directly the opposite of the directions coming from state governors and the CDC. In which case it could open Miscavige up to criminal charges if $cientologists following his direction get sick and die. Or it can be shown $cientologists gathering at an org spread the virus to nonscientologists.
I wouldn’t wish Davey-Boy’s™ sure-shot exteriorization processes® on my worst enemies, whomever they are, but it WOULD be ironic if his “command intention” led to a massive spread of this coronavirus and THAT brought him and his fleabag conman operation down. Never interrupt an enemy as he’s making a mistake.
It really helps when the enemy is being stupid.
David Miscavige will use this tragedy to get more money out of the ignorant cult members who won’t look at the truth.
Scientology is nothing but a stimuls response cult.
They are programmed to give all always.
The programming is to give MORE than ALL. Take on all the debt you can get, expecting to leave it all unpaid when you “drop the bod”, the ultimate “FU” to society.
… it’s only because if one is not set-up properly to hear or read His words, they will get a virus or die.
It’s for the greater good that david miscavige is saving anyone who is not a scientologist from getting a hold of the data in this IGN Bulletin No 88. It’s because he cares so very very very much.
Right, Mary. Just like the confidentiality of the OT levels. Anyone who reads the material without proper preparation will go stark raving mad.
Alcoboy, anyone who READS the OT levels is, or will become “stark raving mad”,particularly if they believe that balderdash.
He is running the show, when I left mid 2000 he was running CO CLO (Kotric) ditectly, such a disaster management. This really pissed me off.
Sorry mid 00’s
Mike paranoia is the right word indeed. Today my first thought goes to the OSA staff. I don’t want to be ironic or sarcastic. Among all the staff are those most at the edge of the bubble, if not even outside. They are constantly dealing with the real world. Sometimes they need baby sitting staff and public and fore never like now. At the time of covid 19. The real problem is not the virus and the fact that it can infect someone. The real problem is that any small org or mission does not respect the bans/restrictions and this becomes a national problem where scientology becomes an enemy of the state within 24 hours. And maybe when you try to explain that certain people gathrings for theta postulates or Sunday barbecues are better not to do them, they bump you in the face with a short policy that says that Legal does not interfere with dissemination.
But you already know that if they make a shit then you have the blame anyway.
Find a way to take your life back and DM and his IGnw bulletin 88 can go to hell.