A Special Correspondent just forwarded this to me. It contains the latest “mind-blowing” “expansion news”
Oh my, can you say hype? It is really hard to comprehend the delusional world these people live in.
A new Purif completion every 15 mins on this planet. Let’s ignore the fact that 90% of them are old Purif completions. People being recycled. Let’s just take their figure at face value.
This means there are about 50 per day internationally or 350 per week. There are 150 orgs and who knows how many missions. Let’s be charitable and say its 300. It means that on average they are doing less than a solitary purif completion each per week. Never going to clear the planet like that.
And Objectives Completions are half of that (not a good “resign” rate…)
But here is the real mind blower. A Clear every 2 hours. 6 per day, 42 per week. Let’s call that 2500 per year. That is 3,000,000 YEARS for “planetary clearing” so long as the population doesn’t increase. Boy, that is an impressive damn number. Worth jumping up and down about. Especially when you consider recorded history on this planet is only about 6,000 years.
Now that one may be absurd, but it is not even the biggest lie. That is reserved for this one:
…the overall expansion of the church is 64 times since the release of Golden Age of Tech II compared to the 50 years prior combined.
This is math hash plucked right out of the butt of Dear Leader. Absolute drivel that is based on nothing except maybe number of sheetrock screws consumed in constructing empty auditing and course rooms in ideal orgs. Or inches of media coverage exposing the abuses and insanities of the church of scientology.
The saddest thing is that Marliese Lochner believes all this and has been fed such a steady diet of bs she can no longer tell reality from dreamworld. This is actually a pretty good description of insanity. The real world does not exist, she lives in a bubble of unreality. And some of the people that receive this email are going to buy into it too. And what about the poor sops who are giving money based on these lies? It’s tempting to say “you get what you deserve” but then one has to stand back and look at the bigger picture and ask “should an institution that people trust, and put their faith in because it holds itself out to be the most ethical group on earth, be able to deceive people like this and not be accountable”? Of course not. But hiding behind the protection of the First Amendment they remain smug and oblivious to the harm they do to people.
Here is the full text of this email from the land of Alice in Wonderland.
Update on How Close We Are!
Dear San Diegan,
What an amazing Top Gun event we had this past Saturday night! If
you were there, you would have seen how many dedicated
Scientologists are all-in, over 110% to get this project done!!!
Mr Harrison, Building Expansion Dir Int, showed the orders of
magnitude on the expansion of our religion since the release of the
Golden Age of Tech II with Ideal Orgs. Like: a new Purif completion
every 15 mins on this planet, Survival Rundown completion every 30
mins and a new Clear made every 2 hours. If that is not mind
blowing enough, the overall expansion of the church is 64 times
since the release of Golden Age of Tech II compared to the 50 years
prior combined.
And yes, that is what we want for San Diego! Mega expansion, Clears
made every week, etc. Completing our Ideal Org is exactly what this
is about – creating a new civilization in San Diego!!!
So here is where we stand: We have 1.75 million left to raise. Of
that, we have over $500,000 committed!!! Incredible!!! Thank you so
much to the Meyers, Fultons, Margo’s, Richard Engel, the Gauts, the
Zimmers, Alan Landis, Kleimans and many others who are putting
their heart and soul into this project. It would never happen
without you and our hats are off to every one of you!!!
Now is the time to move up in status or become a 110% Club member
and do your personal best!!!! That IS the finish. .Because the only
way to know a future is to cause one. And we are causing the
completion of this cycle and starting the cycle of delivering at
orders of magnitude with a fully manned Day and Foundation Org and
full tech complement to get moving up the Bridge to Total Freedom
and making trained auditors who in turn can Clear San Diego.
I am asking every one of you to come to our Imagine event on the
10th of October to turn everything we have imagined our ideal org
would be… into a reality.
It is your time. It is San Diego’s time. It is THE next org on
Earth to finish. There’s only one way to do it: band together, come
in to the org and help, attend the events and do your status.
Thank you for what you have done and will do. It is very much
appreciated by every being in this city!!!
Much Love,
Marliese Lochner
Ideal Org Project I/C San Diego
And just because…
I had to include this. I just could not wait for Thursday Funnies.
There is a really MONUMENTAL event happening this Saturday in PAC.
They are opening “The Fountain.”
Anyone who has ever been in this place will know why this is so hilarious.
A complete shithole apartment building that was used for SO and cockroach berthing for decades across from AOLA, has now been turned it into “accommodations” for out of town Scientologists to try and scrape together some extra money — money they have been losing for 50 years now with people staying somewhere else when they come to ASHO or AOLA.
I ask you, how monumental is this?
Ranks right up there with the invention of the wheel in my book.
I see the San Diego org has a new address, on Kurtz St. Is this permanent or have they moved in advance of renovating the old Fourth Avenue location? It seems odd to move if they are still almost $2 million short of their target, which might not even be the last target. Does anyone have info on this?
Ugh, fellow San diegans, please spend your money more wisely and stop investing in this. It’s just embarrassing to the rest of us living here. I thought we were above this – I mean can we not just leave it to LA to embarrass themselves??? 😉
Omg.. i almost foroot I came across a freaking scientology celebrity mag at a local business… so I snatched it up and they did not black out the name of the person receiving the mag. When in worked at the local clinic here I always brought in my old cosmos, people, star mags but made sure my name was blocked out.. so I looked up the dude on facebook found him… he no longer lives in this small town, but I was surprised to see this in a small eastern ky town…. the mag features Kelly Preston and a article about the reactive mind…. it’s a small mag… with those fall out adds…one is a ‘We Are Hiring’ add and a price list in Dianetics materials and how to order…250.00 is the most expensive course…. i just thought I would share my find…. take care everyone ????
“There’s only one way to do it: band together,come in to the org and help, attend events and do your status”
Marliese’s obligatory pep talk sounds like:
1. a whimpering plea.
2. worried nagging.
3. enthusiasm, NOT!
In any case, isn’t that four ways?
Is it me, or does anyone else think it’s strange that staff and especially SO have to “live” in filth, or in dorms with 40 others while Corn on the COB lives in majestic wonder? Who gets up at noon? Who won’t purchase toilet paper? Who has a billion + in cash? And now he’s worshiped? How does this make any sense.
Why, ODS, that’s just the way it works in cult.
Hi OSD, It really does not make any sense at all! I still can’t wrap my head around why I was so easily hypnotized by and with Ron and well David Miscavige and the way he is worshiped to me is positively insane.Always,Ann.
They worked hard to hypnotize you and everyone else… No fault of yours.. 😉
Hi Observinginsandiego,Thank you,I feel better,but I still shoved and I mean shoved many many people up the Bridge and beyond who really were maxed out re: credit cards and cash.My supervisor would tell me “just get them to take out second etc mortgages on their houses.That was wrong.The super wealthy ones I got to The Apollo like the late Doris Duke for the L’s- she never even missed what she gave,so I did not feel sorry for her.Love,Ann.
LRH once wrote (as I am sure most of the world now suspects) that the only reason Dianetics and Scientology will fail is because Scientologists did something else with Dianetics and Scientology instead of applying it the way it is written. To defend that statement, yes, there are some things LRH wrote that are babblings, but not all. The part that is not babblings actually does good for people, as I myself have experienced, as almost any person (regardless of how former from the church they are) may have experienced. This is what the Church of Scientology pushes out into the public’s understanding. A corrupt and perverted. The result is people wanting to destroy the church, without grasping any truth that might lie in or behind the church’s lame activities. This does not prevent people from becoming clear, OT or auditors elsewhere, it just prevents any church from doing so for others. It is a sad day for Mankind because it is a sad day for the church. This church has let Mankind down, and on the time track of eternity, the church has managed to pull this off, in less than 50 years. Eternity vs 50 years is a long, long, long time. If you know what I mean. 🙂
Lawrence, if mankind has been let down by the church of scientology, I would say it has completely recovered from that disappointment and has resumed all business as usual.
Really Lawrence?
Cool, then show us a single Clear or OT that is one per LRHs description of their abilities gained. Just one will do…
You’re correct OSD it is strange that the group who does the most work have to live in filthy places..while the main man who does nothing but terrorize his staff live like a king. With all that money I would think that a beautiful building with full amenities would be made for the SO people. From everything I have read on Scientology the SO seems to be the ones who actually run Scientology. That’s just my opinion…
Haha it’s the previous version of vw tech, that’s how! 😉
Oops this post was in response to OSD above, not sure how it ended up down here. 🙁
Ho Observinginsandiego,My posts decide to move around at night sometimes.It is like an invisible game of where they want to go! So I just go with it.Sometimes they disappear into thin air too! But I see it as part of the fun I have on Mike’s Blog. I never know what I’m going to get! Love,Ann.
OSD, why would CoB change a successful action and give staff anything decent?
Well, you got me there, John! I was once one of them. When you’re in, you wear LRH glasses that contort what you actually see. But, it’s still mind boggling….
I berthed in the Fountain for a year with my then wife. Man what a hole.The cadet org was first to occupy it,, then it was turned into married staff berthing. This Grand Opening will be a bust. Maybe a few from the AO HGC waiting lounge will be forced to walk over. Wow the ambiance this building has with the sweat of S.O. working 18hrs a day to renovate this dump. Memories sweet memories.
Hi Willie AKA Good Old Boy,I like your post.Yes those memories wafting through the air of Sea Org times gone by where we worked like the slaves we really were.In my time I was paid $11.00 a week which was upped to $17.00 toward the time I blew.Most of that went toward coffee so I could keep going almost 24/7.But you were most brave to live in that dump of a building for as long as you did!Seriously I pray that any current SOers renovating any building or heavens any ship,do not have a run in with blue dust as I did.Love,Ann.
Wow. The Fountain building. Holy crap. All us kids used to live at the Melrose (1975 to around 77 or 78), when the Fountain Building was purchased and made into the children’s daycare (CEO). Imagine hundreds of kids bouncing off the walls in that four story building (plus a rumored haunted basement – at least that is what the kids told each other). Shortly after that, the ATA up the street was also purchased, more to be a school than anything else. Then they used the Fountain for parents with kids to live in. When the earthquake hit in 89, the Fountain building sunk 4 feet in the rear of the building and they sold it and bought the Anthony building, up at Fountain Ave and Normandy. Whoever made that purchase got RPFed for buying that matchstick building. Then sometime in the 2000’s (while the building was just being rented out by some landlord), they started putting PAC staff back in it again. As of 2004 it was not owned by Scn (I don’t think because there were lots of “WOGS” living there). I guess they bought the building and fixed it up. Or so they say. The place has always been a dump. Crappy memories there. Good riddance!
I remember after the earthquake the building got earthquake reno’d, with those metal rods all through it to ensure in the next quake it doesn’t shake to the ground, we’ll see about that!
Gosh with all their money, they can afford to rebuild it and waste a couple million or more, in the next quake.
I wonder if they are going to buy the Knickerbocker soon?
And further down the road, they ought to waste some millions putting up some kind of gaudy ARC Triangle or something, a giant one, in the LA Org parking lot someday!
Dear Marliese Lochner:
Congratulations! You are CLEAR. You are a Scientologist with conceptual understanding and certainty that you are expanding even though when you personally look – you see no evidence of this. There is no one new coming in and in fact – people leaving in droves.
The IIdeal Org buildings remain empty.
Super Power and GAT II did nothing but “key people” out temporarily. Then…WE keyed you back in. (woops – sorry! The truth does that).
I would like to indicate that it IS a Break in Reality.
Noodle Fleeting.
I would also like to indicate it was “DESIRED REALITY”.
Tone Arm Flew off the dial – hit me in the head.
When you spend enough time and money and years wrapping clay demos around “how that could be”….
You reach the point of Scientologist….with certainty.
Help, I have NOT paid one dime to scientology yet I now have an I AS blue card I guess since it is free are they mailing them to everyone whose address they have? You will never find me in Detroit inside any scientology building anywhere in Michigan. Plus I have received more file 13 paper than I want,or need. Think of all the trees they kill. They could really help the planet by not mailing white to people who are not members or even considering membership into Church INSANITY.
Anyone else who is not a member get this? It’s laughable and pathetic at the same time.
Hi peggy oconnor,Good to meet you.Alas I never got anything after I blew Sea Org years ago but a goldenrod.You must have been very good to get the mailings you receive.Laughter,Always,Ann.
Peggy Dave is trying to clear the planet – of trees…
Hey Peggy! They can’t do what you want them to do! Why? Because it’s one of their stats (statistics). Their stats are vital to the running of this cult. Forests be damned! And with scientology, they usually are.
You’re trying to be way too logical, Peggy! You need to think like a cult member…
I can’t so I don’t think I’ll be sucked up in the vaccum during plantary clearing/cleaning, whatever.
PAC has awarded you a one night stay at The Fountain in the room of your choice. The only requirement is that you must route onto The Bridge.
Dear Marliese Lochner,
You have no idea just how close you are!
The only thing that possibility makes sense (and that’s a real stretch of the word sense) is that true believers think new Purif completions will somehow result in the bringing in of multiple new victims resulting in a future exponential growth like poop in a petri dish, becomes a fungus covering the planet.
And that is why Dave’s new program should be referred to as the Putrid Rundown.
Wait…it’s not already called that?
“the overall expansion of the church is 64 times since the release of Golden Age of Tech II compared to the 50 years prior combined.”
Now that’s a real doozy. The blatant lying is one thing but the believing is quite another. Is Marliese S.O. or public? She might actually believe this to be true, along with other Sea Org and public. Here is an example of how being in the CoS for too long infantilizes people, turning them into big, grown-up babies, who will believe anything you tell them, and who will do anything to please to be a good boy or girl. A very sad state that doesn’t offer anything resembling ‘spiritual freedom.’
Based on the convoluted sentence structure, I’d vote for seaogre – uneducated, indoctrinated and bloviated.
I got bloviated once at a bar. I don’t believe they can use their bathroom anymore….
Simon is that you?
The over all expansion since Super Power and Gat II is 64 times the expansion we experienced when the last time we changed the tech w/o you knowing we did it to make money and get others to make money…
Hey Idle! Is it me or do we not hear much about Super Power anymore?
I cannot decide which is more dishonest, asking people to move up in “status” instead of selling them Training or even Processing for the professional PC type.
Or renting out an old building with a new coat of paint.
Sorry Mike, these stupid bastards deserve to have EVERY cent sucked out of them and then spat out onto the sidewalk.
I can only assume there is not a single person left in the C of $’s that has been in two years befire the Golden Arse of Squirrel Tech 1 arrived and actually read LRH books and did courses.
You see these feeble minded idiots have never known anything but SOB’s lies and deceptions. How could they see anything that is going on?
They get called into an event and get an evangelical type hyper speech and get caught up in the moment with a massive injection of enthuisasm.
They feel great, and would not accept that the truth is, the C of $ is a sad place now.
Oh yeh, beautiful buildings, great furniture, super place to train and audit in, really upstat.
Only trouble is they have little or no staff and even less public.
“Never use Lies in Pr.
I can only assume there is not a single person left in the C of $’s that has been in two years befire the Golden Arse of Squirrel Tech 1 arrived and actually read LRH books and did courses.
I think you are very mistaken here.
A lot of the people that remain, especially those that hand over the most amounts of money have been in for decades. Most I would guess came in in the 70’s and 80’s. You can look over the lists of the top contributors to the IAS and Ideal Orgs and they are for the most part familiar names.
Yes, sadly true. I know a couple of high rollers who still throw lots of $ at the Cof$ and all too regularly. The insane thing I see with those type of people is that none of them can audit, and they make the lousiest of students. But their self confidence is bewildering. In truth they have all been “hoisted by their own petard” and have no idea of where the exit is – they think the way out is the way through. Looking at insanity in operation is a tough gig but to them we are ones who are insane… go figure.
Their stats is all you need to know, whatever they say is bullshit, they live, breath and support a whole pack of perpetual lies.
> I see with those type of people is that none of them can audit, and they make the lousiest of students. But their self confidence is bewildering.
Might this be an example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect in action? You have to have at least a little bit of competence to realize just how incompetent you are.
That makes sense and we all know what a little bit of knowledge can. It is amazing just how many “professional PCs” are experts at auditing but have never even been near another PC as an auditor let alone done an internship.
Hi I Yawnalot, I liked your post too.I was about to start training as an auditor when the storm hit me.Sad I was not allowed to.But as a Sea Org PC,I was really really good at blowing the circuits dealing with electricity! I should have been given a cert for that!Bad Ann! Laughter XO.Ann.
My ex was in since sometime in the 70’s – Mission public, staff, SO and GO. Left in the 80’s and went back in in the 90’s. Only the shell of the person remains – disconnected from family (and the real world), but firmly in the grips/control of the CO$
Hi Vic,Nice to meet you.I am so sorry to hear of your ex who is back in.I guess people will do what they consider best for them,as for me now going back to The Sea Org will never happen.Doing it once was enough! No re-dos for me.Always,Ann.
Vic, we all hope she wakes up at some point. What did she do after she left in the 80s? And what drove her to come back in the 90s? Just curious…….
“I can only assume there is not a single person left in the C of $’s that has been in two years befire the Golden Arse of Squirrel Tech 1 arrived and actually read LRH books and did courses.”
In is almost exactly the opposite Truthteller. 90% of the names I see as still in’s have been in for at LEAST 35-40 years. Most are also trained.
As I have stated, the longer the exposure to Hubbard’s lies, the LESS logical thought happens in the person’s brain.
I never had the pleasure of inhabiting The Fountain. But at one time I had the experience of staying in a dollar a night boarding room in LA. It was all I could afford due to no staff pay. It was degrading. If you went to the bathroom at night, when you pulled the string to turn on the naked light bulb hanging by a cord from the ratty ceiling, you would see that the floor was a seething sea of cockroaches, all scurrying to hide from the light. Still, it was either that or sleep on the ground with the bums in a dangerous nearby park. Yeah. Good times.
and that…ladies and gentlemen … is Scientology’s doctrine of exchange. You give all and we take. We win – you lose. We, the Church of Scientology will put you at effect by taking all of your money and keeping it and never doing anything for you – we just have others do it for you w/o pay.
Don’t mix money and religion – take their money and sell them religion…see, not mixing. LRH
I know, they are counting all the cockroaches……..as members after all……don’t they live there.
I know, they are counting all the cockroaches……..as members after all……don’t they live there.
There’s their 64x expansion, and give it a few months they’ll have their 10 million!
The only way you can know a future is to cause a future? Hmm. I know (with 99.9999999% certainty) that the sun will rise tomorrow morning / that the Earth will spin around so I can see the sun again. Since I know that, that means I cause it? Wow, I must be far more powerful than I ever imagined.
Wow, FOTF2012, you must have Super Powers! And, you’ll keep causing it right? We don’t need a stationary planet. Or..do we?
Oh, yes. I will guarantee sunrise on a predictable schedule for at least the next decade. As long as there is no OT-kryptonite around, it will all be good. 😉
And as long as no OTs change their minds about sunrise — after all, reality is just agreement!
(PS OT-kryptonite would be anything that would upset or invalidate any OT — bad PR, a negative news article, entheta, a news reporter, SPs, the laws of the universe, and so on — anything that would pop the agreed upon bubble of self-delusion.)
It’s interesting to note how they’ve had to reframe their claims of ‘expansion’. Not long ago there were slick ads proclaiming they had 10 million members and were gaining a million new people each year. We know about Dave chewing out Heber because the numbers must always go up. Yet to say there are 10 million Scientologists with a million new ones created every year would mean that there are just as many Scientologists as there are Jews (estimated between 13.5 million and 15 million worldwide), and I don’t think even Dave would be stupid enough to go in front of a microphone and claim something like that or put it in print. So they’ve had to re-word things. Instead of giving an actual number which could be disputed, they claim “clears made in a day”, or “completions per week” or “miles of cabling laid” or “CDs printed”. It’s all BS but it keeps the clubbed seals happy to know they’re fighting the fight, so they’ll continue to hand over money.
They are opening “The Fountain.”
They are?! Oh my god! Oh my god! Here! Take my money, take all of it! I’m so excited!
And they just had a grand opening of what they are calling the “Golden Crest” on Bronson Ave, next to CC (1825 N Bronson Ave 90028). They bought the place maybe 5+ years ago – they own the entire block.
It is a fairly ugly mid-1950s motel-looking place that used to be an apartment complex. They spent the last 2 years or so fully renovating it so that it now looks like a fairly ugly mid-1950s motel-looking place with a fresh coat of paint.
I assume it’s to be used for longer-term stays for public. Staff housing is another apartment building directly across Bronson Ave from the “Golden Crest.”
Oh, and they slapped a quick coat of paint on the façade of the staff apartment building, presumably so the whales staying in the Golden Crest will think the staff have it good too.
Hi Gus Cox, You took me right back to Bronson Ave forgot the street name.And now the whole block is cos!Whoopie! I was 10 in 1961,so a child in the 50s,but The Golden Crest sends me to the old Route 66 in the 50s and those crazy motels tucked along the road.The names of these rehabbed,new coat of paint buildings,remind me that Cos is living in the past of the past.Always like your posts.Ann
The expansion could be connected to the Number of Tip Targets Done. They keep changing the TIP of every member and I bet “show up” is a Tip Target now so if you show up twice BAM 2 NTTDs.
On the Fountain. WOW. GAWD. GROSS. Natalie, Chantal, Richard and Remina lived there. I was sent to live there after I blew and was “recovered” back on the decks. Don’t they need to have places like this inspected by LEGIT (not on their payroll) unbiased people to make sure it is SAFE? Wouldn’t they need permits to change it to a hotel?
BasketballJane nailed it: “that the public be offered cockroach infested, moldy, dilapidated accommodations that they have to pay a premium for. A perfect analogy for Scientology if I ever saw one.”
Yep, I’ve been in that rat trap of a building – yuck, to say the least, makes my skin crawl to remember the KTL/LOC evolution I think they called it – it failed like all the rest of scientology’s endeavours.
The only planetary clearing going on is scientology. Soon it’ll be clear of any participation in human affairs. As a technology it vanished decades ago, hopefully the scam will follow soon and we’ll just fade away from talking about it, kind of like Jim Jones or Wacol, just a Wikipedia entry now.
The rental. market is hot in L.A. right now. I guess it looked like an opportunity too good to miss. Also, that building has been empty for some months now with “renos” going on. I hope they’ve done more than slap a coat of blue paint on it (e.g., send for the exterminator maybe?).
I work right down the street from the San Diego Org and it is dead. They almost never have body routers out on the street and the parking lot is used mostly for rental income for people who work in the area. I’d be surprised if they managed 1 clear a year.
Separate truth from fiction.
Every 15 minutes someone is Electro Shocked (ECT)
in Europe _ TRUTH.
There are NO Purif completions every 15 minutes anywhere on Earth – FICTION.
The Fountain has Cockroaches of several types, some that came from Latin America and China
that arrived by container shipping – Truth
( some 4 inches long that come out of sink drains and toilets )
Mice infest the lower floors, the solution was to “Get a Cat !” – Truth.
News for Dave, lose your magic numbers pencil !!!!! Tear down the Fountain !
Additional Truth:
Jim Carreys Scientologist girlfriend who committed suicide on Monday was
ON the Survival Rundown (SRD) at CC Int. – TRUTH.
That’s awfully sad.
But WTF! Another suicide while “on-lines.”
Miscavige, the DofP, auditor and CS should face charges over this incident.
How in the world could they live with themselves after a PC kills themselves. Horrible organisation, just horrible!
“How in the world could they live with themselves after a PC kills themselves.
Oh, oh, oh! Pick me! Pick me! I know the answer! They call the PC’s parents to ask for money as they want to “celebrate” her life. And, they’ll tell the parents to have another baby so she can come back to them! Simple!
It is TRAGIC that a young Irish girl takes her own life.
David Miscavige is Pathologicaly Vindictive, he hates anyone who wants to be more able , affluent, or a celebrity. So he gets even by destroying the Bridge in the
most hideous hidden ways promoted as “as LRH intended ‘, improved results,
names that are self serving ie. Golden Age of _______.
He’s got the best lawyers that money can buy and top tier security around the clock.
The executives that could do something, he built his own prison (the Hole)
and threw them all in it !
What one can do is get a dvd copy of “Going Clear” from Amazon to remember Katrina ( Jim Carreys late Scientology girlfriend) and send it to anyplace where
others will see it. A library, a charitable group, a college or university library.
Even a Christian Science Reading room.
Then you have done something to right a wrong .
That’s what I’m going to do then.
OS Dude, what the amazing thing here is that you are absolutely correct. That term splattered all over the universe seems appropriate when trying to analyse the ‘think’ patterns/beliefs of a scientologist.
I kid you not – I sat at a table in LA some time ago with 2 OT8’s and they were pleased as punch that their dead dog had reincarnated in the new puppy they just bought. Oh, they knew it with certainty and were in comm with their old pooch and having a “wolf wolf” of a time.
I deserve some sort of award for keeping my TRs in. They truly believed it – truth revealed indeed!
Hi I Yawnalot,Yes you deserve an enormous award for keeping your TRs in!Thank you for this post because it reminded me how I would totally flunk bullbaiting because all my partner had to do was with great Tone 40 Intention whisper PBX Telex and toothbrushes which would send us both into hysterics.Everyone else doing their TR Drills would start laughing too.Pandimonium curtesy of Miss Ann! Smile,Always, Ann.
Oh, you’d be fun. It was hoot, especially on the young girls and boys doing bullbait the first time to go through the standard set up procedures for a ‘Fist Assist’. From the CS R factor to Qual standing by with band aids to the EP of a requiring a blood transfusion. Unconsciousness was simply an unflat process, boiling off.
Often I’d catch the whole academy sniggering as I ripped in.
Sometimes it took a long time to stop them laughing. One of the stupid things we did in the name of spiritual growth. I guess a wog wouldn’t understand what I just wrote.
(disclaimer – it was never intentional to get violent or to upset someone and was all done in good fun and got lots of laughs).
Hi I Yawnalot,Yes you would have a great time with me! You know there were some really good times in Sea Org and on Staff,until the winds shifted and the black weather moved in on me.Then the good became bad.Love,Ann.
Hey I Yawnalot! If you sat there and soaked up everything they said without flinching, you really need to start your own religion! I would have been on the floor laughing my ass off! You’re good! Really good! I only wish I had been there to see it.
If you watch those CCHR dvds on psych abuse they often cite suicides while under psychiatric care. That they point the finger like this seems the most incredible hypocrisy.
Hi Jose Chung,That is very sad.Another casualty of the cult.I do not want to see more,but I have a strong feeling that will be the case.Many years ago a certain person told me to do the R2-45 Rundown.I was very green at that time in Sea Org,but I knew what that was because unfortunately more than two of my letter writers who had done some services at Asho took that route out.Their families wrote to tell me what had happened and even sent a copy of a note one had left,saying he had done that right after coming back from Asho,this was in 1974.Breaks my heart still.Ann.
Look for the Cult via Karin (Piece of Dave Do-Do) Pouw to claim they never had such a person on course, much less auditing.
Yo Dave,
Who the hell is Jim Carrey anyway?
Miscavige has already made it known a fdn. org won’t do anything in the larger scheme of things. Can you imagine an ideal org in San Diego with day and fdn? Really there would be no difference between the two.
The course rooms and auditing rooms would be just as empty on the fdn schedule as on the day schedule.
There’s only one way to do it: band together, come
in to the org and help, attend the events and do your status.
That is a funny statement….I thought books were supposed to boom orgs, fill the course rooms and HGC.
Now all one has to do is band together (whatever that means), show up and give money ( money that won’t be used as services….no exchange) so there will be a booming org.
And Marliese it appears you are telling your field that you have no course sups, no auditors and no c/s’s. That does not bode well for the 64X expansion of your religion. You could probably find those terminals floating around in your field, pull them in and start what amounts to a mission. Or I guess you could continue on your fruitless endeavor for an ideal org and not even have what it takes to start a mission.
Yogi Berra said many funny things in his life, but believe me all his quotes made much more sense that what is written in the above letter. He would say something like…..”I didn’t know Scn had a band together….who is their lead singer?”
LRH set a target to clear the planet in 100 years. That was 48 years ago. To meet his target they need to clear 135 million people a year. That is 370 thousand a day – about 15,000 an hour. When they to one percent of that, I will start worrying.
Oh, heck, simplethetan, keep in mind that they are the MOST ETHICAL PEOPLE ON THE PLANET! I believe this is doable for them! I mean, 15,000 clears an hour? Child’s play! Or maybe it’s my hangover that’s talking……
Mike, you are entubulatin Dave and he will not be able to clear the planet because of you with a clear every two hours it will only take 1.6 million years to clear the planet. That is not so much time, is it? Right on LRH’s target.
And on a (slightly) more serious note, where are they getting so many people to go Clear? There are not many joining in. Are those old clears being told they are not and paying top dollars for fighting it with the authorities?
OMG I remember when falling asleep from exhaustion in that infested building so many years ago and at a point where you don’t even care what is crawling on you. I recall one evening making a trip to the bathroom and the walls were moving, yucky now that I think about it, but back then you did what you had to do for the greater good (hahahaha what a bunch of crap that was).
Even when I worked in the old GO building currently Celebrity Center we would crash/fall asleep on the floor and not care what crawled on ya there either, cuz they had just as many of them damn roaches there as well.
Oh the good ol days, NOT!!!! So loving the good NEW days soooo much better.
And the numbers, I know I am not the best at math but looking at their “increase” and “expansion” does not add up in my universe for sure. What you see and what they say hmmmm doesn’t quite match. Guess they can dream the numbers and they will come true; “If you build it they will come”.
Thanks again Mike.
Hi Shadow,Ah yes those were the days of cold water and gigantic cockroaches,yummy,I do recall being so exhausted after working hours and hours to get the basement of the Hollywood Inn ready for FOLO as they were moving from the Manor,I just collapsed on the basement floor that was the last bit to be cleaned.There I was amid the piles of trash and grungy drop cloths,trying to catch a few winks…Am I loving the good new days now,Oh Yes I am! Forever grateful I’m out Ann.
Hey Shadow! You need to count blessings! In Hawai’i, where I was on staff, the cock roaches can grow to be 3 to 4 inches ling and 2 inches across, and they can fly! They also have these huge centipedes that were 12 inches long. I got home late one night (actually every night) and a centipede was on the top of the carport ceiling. I was right under him and the thought suddenly occurred to me, “What if he drops on my face?” So I took a step back just as he let go. When he landed, the first 3 inches of his body raised up to fight me! I left quickly……I was no match for him.
Hi OSD,Those darn centipedes! When I was about 8 months old and living in Honolulu,I ate a centipede in my sandbox.Luckily my Dad spied what I was up to and pulled it out of my mouth exclaiming thank god I had bitten the hind end! I never cared to research if that was true or not.To this day I cannot stand any creepy insect of any type.Years ago when Sea Org Asho moved from the Bodhi Tree restaurant they had bought not far from Temple St,to this Cuban restaurant that had closed down,it was much bigger,I had to clean that sucker for a week.The grease traps were hell and the cockroaches were so used to owning the place they said Hi when I walked in.Could not get that smell of grease out of my hair for months!? Ann.
“…the cockroaches were so used to owning the place they said ‘Hi’ when I walked in.”
While living in Kailua, of course it’s all cockroach city. I got up one night to get a drink of water. A monster cockroach was on the floor. It him from 10 paces for several minutes with with Bug-B-Gone. When the cloud slowly dissipated, he was coughing and then look at me and said: Is that all you got? I gave him my keys and left. We correspond every so often……
Hi OSD,You have me laughing about your and my cockroach friends.That is high art and much appreciated.XO Ann.
That is so funny, OSD!
Flying cockroaches…….in Florida they are called falsetto bugs cause they fly high…..really you are talking about sections new members………..Dave so happy to have them as they are clearing the planet.
Palmetto bugs
The Palmetto bug should be Florida’s Official State Bird! lol
I think it is secretly. They sound like small jets flying by!
Mike, is that the same as a ‘June Bug?’ They’re kind of big and they fly. Once on their backs, though, it’s tough for them to get right side up.
No, we are graced by both June bugs and Palmetto bugs and most of the world’s mosquito population and a million other creepy crawly things.
Sorry, small keyboard and crazy dog!
In Australia, Queenslanders at state of origin rugby league time are called canetoads. Nobody likes a Queenslander except another canetoad. Florida & Queensland, mmm, similar climates but they play the Cockroaches – NSW. Seems like there’s a lot of cockroaches about – go the Blues!
Marliese Lochner has to grab on to those numbers. It’s the only thing keeping her from spiraling down the drain. Compared to her sister, she’s an utter failure. Her sister has an entire “continent” to rob blind. Marliese only has poor ol’ San Diego, home of Marines and marine mammals. So it’s only natural that she pimp the numbers as hard as humanly possible and make them sound like an actual accomplishment. Otherwise, she’ll only start crying when her phone rings and the caller ID tells her it’s Elmien.
Speaking of the numbers, shouldn’t there be more clams calling out bullshit on them? Or isn’t basic numeracy covered under Study Tech? If it is, it’s Proof Number Eleventy-Bullion that Study Tech doesn’t work. Study Tech: still a failure even though Ron stole it.
The Fountain: Eh, I’ve slept in worse. But only because 1) I had a reimbursement limit, 2) I was trying to save my client some money, or 3) it was the only place in town that had a bonus points system (Hello, Travelodge!). But if I had a choice between the Fountain and my old minivan, it’s the minivan 100 times out of 100.
Speaking of San Diego, Espi, do you know of anyone who’s walked or driven by that Idle Morgue? And, if so, is there any sign of life?
I drove by a few times earlier this year before they move to their temporary space on Hancock street. The parking lot was half empty during what used to be the busiest course periods. Used to have to double park or find street parking back in my time before Annon showed up.
HELLOSA, I didn’t know that they had moved! I thought they were already in a fairly large building? Was I wrong? My wife and I go to San Diego several times a year. I’d like to drive by their current location.
I’m up for a drive by, I can check it out sometime this week. I’m very sneaky and non threatening looking.
Hi Observinginsandiego,And don’t forget you are also sweet!Ann.
Aw, thanks Ann, I hope your day was filled with sunshine and that your are having a good day today (feeling good)! 😉
Hi Observinginsandiego,Thank you Angel,I am feeling really good today.Going Clear is tonight and Mike and Sara will make me feel even better!? Ann.
Hey OSD2! Are you talking about going to San Diego and cruising by the cult? If so, let us know what you see!
I live in SD, I’d be happy to drive by anywhere, the question is what is the actual street address of the org lol?
Think that opening the Fountain is huge? Wait until next month, when there is a grand opening for new toilets installed at AOLA, to accommodate demand due to parishioner expansion by 191X all the expansion of each year from 1950 to 2014 when multiplied cumulatively by year, and all in only the few weeks since the Fountain was opened.
Let me be the eightieth person to comment about the fact that the new AOLA toilets still won’t have any paper.
Nuff to make your bum go tight hey?
Eeeeewwwwwwwwww! Imagine walking around the PAC base not having cleaned up. I mean, eeeewwwwwwwwwww. Now that’s nasty!
You’d be easy to track.
Crap! Again, you got there, I Yawnalot! Where do you come up with these great lines? You just crack me up!
It really should be illegal to lie with such a ridiculous generality with the purpose of soliciting money. 64x expansion of the last 50 years combined??? Can you at least state what stat(s) you are referring to. Auditors made?, bodies in the shop?, paid comps? gross income / staff?, etc.
On the other hand, it should be illegal to be gullible enough to believe such absurdities with no evidence or specifics.
LRON supposedly said the only way to control people is to lie to them. Well…..
Let me see if I got this right…
“the overall expansion of the church is 64 times since the release of Golden Age of Tech II compared to the 50 years prior combined.”
In the past 50 years CoS managed to open 150 orgs…overall. So, this seems like a fair metric.
And you’re saying CoS has achieved overall expansion of 64x, so it would stand to reason…
150 orgs x 64 = 9,600 orgs
You see, Marliese, in the real world, when a company or organization boasts about expansion or growth, they generally have some tangible evidence to back it up. Starbucks or McDonalds may say they’ve experienced an 8% growth last year; this will be visible in their annual financial reports and/or real bricks ‘n mortar stores.
And when they make these kind of announcements, they know the public or at the very least a reporter, will hold them accountable and root out any falsehoods or misperceptions.
One organization that I know of that reported unverified, unaccountable expansion was Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC.
Ring a bell?
“I am asking every one of you to come to our Imagine event”
Just imagine I’m there.
I was confirmed 64 times, are we there yet?
hgc, I’m already there. Well, my body is still drinking some fantastic red wine, but, I’m at the Imagine Event. Holy shit! Someone almost walked through me!
“Just imagine I’m there.” Good one 🙂
Wow. I used to drive by that apartment building every day on the way to work. It is indeed a shithole of great magntitude.
“…indeed a shithole of great magnitude.” Now that’s some funny (cough, cough) shit!
“The saddest thing is that Marliese Lochner believes all this and has been fed such a steady diet of bs she can no longer tell reality from dreamworld. ”
Well, when you really look at this; those stats are easier to believe in, compared to the idea that Scientology produces “OTs” & “Clears (homo novis)” with the abilities LRH stated. So, once you have people brainwashed enough to believe those HUGE lies, relatively small lies about “expansion” are trivial.
I mean even in the Indie field you have ridiculous claims of THOUSANDS of people on auditing and courses everyday in the US alone. Scner’s of all stripes seem particularly susceptible to believing complete B.S.
“I mean even in the Indie field you have ridiculous claims of THOUSANDS of people on auditing and courses everyday in the US alone.”
I said there thousands of Scientologists in the Indie field. I never said there were “THOUSANDS of people on auditing and courses every day in the U.S, alone” and I do not believe anyone else in the Indie movement has ever made these “ridiculous claimSS (plural).
I accuse you are false reporting and bearing false witness. I will gladly and humbly apologize if you can produce any evidence of these claimSS (plural).
LOL! Yes, I’m sure you are including me in that “thousands” number. smh
I wasn’t. smd
I also suspect the purpose of your slander slurs and insults is to dissuade Scientologists from reading this blog.
And every bit of criticism of Scientology at the time of release of Going Clear was an act of “ethnic cleansing” to eliminate Kool-Aid Drinkers. Or don’t you want to be reminded of the fact that you said that, about a dozen or so times?
You do have a way of making yourself sound like you wear a tinfoil hat.
No. I never said that. If you could copy and paste any quotes that could substantiate your accusations?
Actually, any evidence at all that I said that or anything like that a dozen or so times would be appreciated.
Actually any evidence that I said that even once would be appreciated.
The problem I have in all of this controversy, is the ethnic cleansing goals. The Church has them and this is a cornerstone. Please look up ethnic cleansing if you do not understand it.
On the other side, there are people with ethnic cleansing goals of their own. People who will not rest as long as one Scientologist stands on this planet.
These people are really unified in purpose. Ethnic cleansing. – The Oracle, Back In Comm, “The Great Divide”, February 12th, 2015.
Is that evidence enough?
I did write about ethnic cleansing. I never said “every bit of criticism of Scientology at the time of release of Going Clear was an act of “ethnic cleansing” to eliminate Kool-Aid Drinkers.” This quote you pulled from a thread off the So. African Blog. Anyone is welcome to go to that blog and read that thread and see what context that was in.
I will say this, I had some ideas about who was working this blog in concert. The way Logan and Martiinano worked Marty’s blog. But I never suspected you. You were GOOOOD! Your buddy eventually threw you under the bus, by the mere fact that you had to step up to cover his ass. Imagine the Church of Scientology using “reverse psychology” !! Laughter! It’s always where you never look isn’t it?
No hard feelings. Here’s looking at you kid.
Guy duh!!! Who else would keep records of posts I made about ethnic cleansing 12 – 48 months ago? Who else would think a “Scientologist does not count unless they have an IAS membership:” ????
I propose you are the one making ridiculous claims, and I am not susceptible to your B.S..
1. Ms. Lochner forgot to include a stat for number of people who wake up and walk out every day. Oh but wait, maybe the desperation in her message is an indication of exactly that.
2. The high roller donors she’s listed are taxpayers who only wanted the deduction this year. It would be interesting to see just how many of them would do the same if the cult’s tax status was rescinded.
Oh wow oh wow. I lived in the *shudder* Hollywood Inn. It was posh digs compared to the fountain. We felt so bad for those people relegated to the slum that was the Fountain. No amount of lipstick on that pig will make it habitable.
Hi Valerie, Loved your post.Yes the Inn was posh compared to the renamed Fountain.What a dump! Love,Ann.
And while keeping even thousands times the same rate, they would be worse for scientology scam: indeed, since the dear leaders change the tech every now and then, revrite the original books every few years – imitating Hubbie’s methods , there woulod never be any clear, any OTs, any purifs or grades complétions, neither any more billions of ancient or new universes super-human hubbardists!
My question is, did they kill off the last staff members that were living there or did they just let them rot in there and then have the RPF toss them out in the trash when they did the renos. The Fountain was a tear down 15 years ago when I was on the RPF. How fitting though that the public be offered cockroach infested, moldy, dilapidated accommodations that they have to pay a premium for. A perfect analogy for Scientology if I ever saw one.
Isn’t that the place where Louis Schwartz has been living? Last I heard Louis was not doing well and had something similar to early dimentia setting in. He would help out at the org where and when he could. My information is second hand and should be treated as such.
Yo Julian,
Have you stopped by to say hi to your dad lately?
But…but….Coop! They have those really cool fire ladders on the outside of the building! I mean, how cool is that? And from the picture, it looks like they have some really bitchin’ lights!
Next time you’re in town will you be staying there? I can drive up if you want. Since I continue to be undeclared, I can get you a great rate…….
You continue to be undeclared? Get out of here!!
Why should you escape the joys of recognition, you’ve earned it OS Dude.
Maybe your golden rod is in the mail, checked lately?
It’s not Yawnalot, my guess is it’s still on him!
Yo Dave,
Where’s yours good buddy?
I wish! I mean, what does an aging surfer have to do to get declared around here? Although, I was on lines at the Orange County mission in ’81 & ’82, I’ve moved more than a few times so they probably can’t find me. I really don’t think they’re trying hard enough…
It’s probably at reception…
Check next time you swing by.
Damn! You’re right AGAIN, I Yawnalot! I’ll swing by and see if there’s any golden rod around. I want to be an OFFICIAL SP!
Hi basketballjane, A perfect post,loved it,those last staff members living there must have been”disappeared” so the still ins that pay a premium to stay there,won’t notice the niceties such as those huge cockroaches etc.Love,Ann.
Here is expansion news made easy. L.A. has by far the biggest concentration of Scientologists. In the late 70’s LA Org, ASHO and AOLA all moved into their current buildings. These orgs filled the buildings they were given. 40 years later and they haven’t needed more space. They have closed and combined orgs and imported 200 Sea Org members in an effort to even keep their doors open. 57X expansion? Miscavige should write for Saturday Night Live or maybe put down the scotch and take long walks in a quiet place.
I go with SNL because I don’t think walking in a quiet place will do much in slowing down that whirling hurricane of destruction we could call Miscavige’s mind. Hearing a bird chirp or the wind softly blow through the trees, feeling that soft breeze in his face would probably drive him crazy.
Oh, he’d go type III instantly. It’d be fun to watch, though.
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, he’d go type III instantly.
My bad, GTBO! You’re absolutely right! I believe he went type III a decade ago. He does hide it well, though. Really, he’s like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. With the Mr. Hyde persona being dominate.
Hi Mike,Good AM, I just can’t help it,that old rat-trap of a building is now The Fountain?! Well that will give all the “parishioners” what bs,a really good hose job.Laughing and Love,Ann so glad I’m not in Ron/David’s Wonderland anymore!
Ann, they just don’t have the sense to properly name it. When thinking of that building and a gushing torrent of water, the first word that comes to mind for a normal person would be “Enema”.
Hi Espiando,You are so right! Enema is much better than Fountain which tries to sound “refined”That is one building that will never come even close to that term.Always,Ann.
Opening the Fountain? What a once-in-a-lifetime mind blowing event on new levels of magnitude!
(So where will the Sea Org be sleeping?)
No worries mate, they brought in extra dumpsters and put them in the parking garage. Some of them even have plastic flip tops to keep the rain out and the smell in. Everything is fine in LA LA Land!
Miscavige has taken to parking them on lawns, in trailers and garages. Then accusing them of being traitors when they refuse to live like degraded beings.
Sea org don’t need sleep,!
Right on the money! They’ve been programmed to work for a month at a time with no sleep. When the month is over, they “power sleep” for two hours, then, back at it for another month. Their eyes look a bit weird, but, they keep working….
Why so much time on the ‘Power Sleep’? Get your act together OSD and don’t be such a downstat!
Yo Dave,
Have I told you lately what a frickin idiot you are? I just don’t get it good buddy …………. it’s 11:17 AM on Wednesday the 30th of September and you have yet to come out and declare Jim Carrey a Suppressive Person and as such responsible for the suicide of Cathriona White who was on Your new mangled Survival Rundown at Celebrity Center.
Get your ass up off the sofa, end off on you three day scotch induced power sleep and get your ass busy doing what your loser staff cannot seem to do.
And OSA,
Will you guys just fricking do something for your dear Cult leader for a change. He seems to have to do everthing Himself these days. Take OSDs advice and get some Power Rest. Go to sleep for a couple thousand years and get caught up for christ’s sake and then put your shoulder into it.
The rest of you Kool Aide Consumers:
Buy your next status and avoid the rush of bankruptcies.
Hold on now! I hear that he rarely wakes up before noon PDT, and then he has to have a solid breakfast before getting out of bed — it has to last him until 3pm.
You have to allow for correct magnitudes of timeiness.
Gets up at NOON; has breakfast in BED? I would assume you’re joking. Are you?
No, he’s not joking.
I’m such a down stat…………
Hi Cre8tivewoman, Yes that is the Truth!Love,Ann.
I bet they “Yawnalot.”
Oh stop!
Much better…..
Hi RMycroft,Liked your post.Well perhaps The Sea Org will be given some old pillows and told to make a bed in the dumpsters!I sure cleaned enough of them.Ann.
I know they used to use the parking garages, but that was so 80s! (At least the car emission control are sort of better, and there’s no lead in the gas any more.)
VW will take care of that oversight.