The big sheeple rodeo is on.
THIS is the most exciting game we have ever played! That is, until next week when we announce the mostest most exciting game ever, ever.
But the real kicker here is THE PLAYERS. The most upstat beingings in this Universe.
And here is where the problem lies with the fundamentalist scientologists. Apart from their hype and spelling, grammar and punctuation problems, the arrogance is amazing.
Kaye Champagne may well be a nice (if deluded) person, but to assert that she and her buddies on the Flag OT Committee (who cannot even get the local scientologists onto course) are the most upstat beingings around is full-scale LSD trip hallucination. She and her other beingings couldn’t even claim that title for Clearwater, let alone Florida or the US or earth….
But then again, I guess it all depends on your measuring stick and this is the fundamentalist problem. The measuring stick for them is not contributions to society or benefiting the world or anyone else, it is a strictly internal measuring stick. A “scientology” measuring stick. But it isn’t even “how many people have I helped with scientology”. It is “how much money have I soaked out of people and how many times have I knowtowed to authority and expressed my undying commitment to “command intention.””
OK, so by that yardstick, and ONLY that yardstick, they ARE the most upstat beingings around.
But now for the good news — they are tracking stats every day and there will be prizes! (I heard they are going to be giving people Basic books that were returned from libraries)
From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: FLAGS FIELD – 100% KSW!!Dear Wonderful Members!
We are launching a very exciting game…the biggest and most important game we’ve ever played. The stakes…Planet Earth! The Players…You, the most upstat beingings in this Universe. FLAG’S FIELD – 100% KSW means that EVERY public Scientologist in the Tampa Bay Area is on or through their GAT II services, i.e., Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown, The Student Hat, Super Power & Cause Resurgence. This would also include any of the Solo Auditor Courses at the AO.
Every business, school and family who are 100% on their GAT II line up will get a special acknowledgement at the next Captain’s Field Briefing, Sunday, April 13th in the Flag Auditorium.What do we need you to do? Find anyone who is not on and bring them into Flag for their interview. Take them to Rene Posyton in the FSM area. She will help them start their routing form to get their interview. It’s very fast!
Please let me know who you have contacted and who has come in. There will be a VERY SPECIAL AWARD for those who actually bring people in too!
Respond to this email with anyone you have gotten in. We are tracking stats on this everyday. Yes…it’s that important!
Thanks in advance for your help.
Much love,
Kaye Champagne
It’s just too bad. I am sitting here on the beach with my toes dug
in the sand watching the waves come in and thanking my lucky
star I do not have to feel irresponsible and shameful for not
going to these “events” but instead experience my 8 dynamics
are smiling at me. (Actually I am not far from flag with no compulsion
to visit). Life is good.
I played tennis, went canoeing, played hide and seek with my wife and grandson and just totally enjoyed the day. No compulsion whatsoever to return to that creepy lifestyle……OMG!
Ego stroking works so well with fund-a-mental-ist Scientologists!
“You are such a wonderful being and are one of the most powerful thetans on the planet.
If anyone could make it go right to pay more money than have it’s you!”
It’s just too embarrassing to wake up to the fact you are being conned, so you stay asleep
in a state of perpetual ignorance. “WE are the only ones saving this planet!” WE are the
only ones with the tech to help people!”
It’s just insane. It’s your ego enslaving you!
When you finally do wake up, don’t feel embarrassed. Now you will have the
ability to see for the first time just how many beautiful beings there are here.
And they’re not all Scientologists. ~lol
Here’s to the freedom to think!
Phil de Fontenay
Free at Last!
Show me the money. In a nutshell the current definition of Scientology. Scion’s don’t wanna see or hear or talk about anyone who is poor, hungry, homeless, in need. All the money, all the time, right into Little Davey Jones’s locker. The US government should be ashamed.
Unseriously, Mike, your intro and picture are hilarious. The comic relief is priceless!
Yep, and 2nd award is FOUR hours! 🙂
Seriously, I think psychological problems are showing. The stable datum that rcs management knows everything, and has people’s well being at heart, is being held onto for dear life. The swirling confusion is getting harder and harder to keep away, but the dike is starting to drip. I see a severe reality adjustment in her future and it’s not going to be pretty.
Excellent snark and humor from the peanut gallery. Imagine, you bring in a new ‘customer’ to flag, and you get some sort of ‘award’. Could this award be only 2 hours with the reg?
Is that an adaptation of “first prize is one week in Yuma, second prize is two weeks in Yuma”?
After reading this latest leak I just realized something: its possible to “be” and sound very happy and not be in that tone level AND it doesn’t necessarily mean that one is consciously pretending or lying. Its possible to feel uptone and actually not be. People who are somewhat drunk can become very happy and will laugh and sound enthusiastic about things. Ditto with drugs. But where are they REALLY on the Tone Scale? I’d say they’re at Numb. And I think these Sheeple are at Numb except they’re there naturally. They’ve thrown themselves down the Tone Scale to Numb by their refusal to look and confront, and they’re locked in there at Numb, and they want to stay there because Numb is an irresponsible tone level and they actually don’t have to feel anything and they actually can’t feel anything and as long as they stay in that tone level its a protection against pain. Making them confront inconvenient truths gives them a kind of thetan hangover so they keep themselves numb. No matter how happy they sound, I believe that these people are really feeling nothing.
They are well aware that the whole thing is just a bunch of crap and they are going nowhere. Their problem is that if they allow that truth into their heads and if it “reads” on the meter at next session, it will look like they are in “doubt” and that is a whole other harry ball of crappy smelly wax they would rather just avoid.
OTs are ‘Super Beingings’.
Good analogy Mike.
Yes I agree Kay and her cohorts are on a “full-scale LSD trip hallucination” probably from drinking too much acid laced Electric Koolaid.
Definitely at hallucinatory “cause”.
I read her whole communication and I couldn’t find a single coherent sentence or completed concept to latch onto at all.
It reminded me of some of the beat poetry and prose I’ve read by Ginsberg, Burroughs, Alpert, Kesey, Leary, Joyce and of course Huxely’s Doors of Perception. His description of a mescaline trip.
Only less stylized and of course less artistic.
I mean much like comparing some kid finger painting to say a Picasso but I hope you get the idea.
To sum it up. This chick is way out and out there moving instead through the Doors of Deception.
I can just see the spooks in CIA’s OTS gleefully rubbing their hands together and saying to themselves “that this Scientology is better’n than acid man!
“Gottlieb was wasting his time with LSD!”
Anyway I’m not knocking anyone’s OT perception or psychic abilities. I’ve perceived and experienced these things for myself.
But there is a way to attain these abilities and unfortunately it is not within the confines of the Government Approved, Tax Exempt and Official Church of Scientology.
Case in point (an overused Shermanism but I’ll use it anyway) is what passes for “OT”(like faaaar ooooout Kay for example) these days in what I call the “False III Club”.
Most of ’em are as far as I’m concerned fit the Scientology definition of a “lunatic” in the fact that they are unwilling to get trained on real auditing tech (which doesn’t mean a bunch of squirrelly drills on the Solo Course used to give them the false perception and delusion that they are “trained”) so that they can help others.
In other words it seems to me that the lunatics are now running the asylum.
Now all they need is a few flashing lights and resurrect the Grateful Dead and they can have a real “Happening”.
Actually, I like “beinging”. It goes well with rest of the Scientologese. Let’s restore the word ‘being’ back to English as in ‘human beings’.
From now on I shall prefer using “beinging” to “being” in the context of Scientology.
Comment of the Day, War Horse!!
Modern Scientologists are the only people I know who stutter when they write.
This quote from her profile seems telling:
‘“An Ideal Scientology Org is really a demonstration of what Scientology is—something you can see and feel and touch,” says Champagne. “When people walk inside, they see what Scientology is all about. By viewing some of the hundreds of videos in the Public Information Center, they realize what L. Ron Hubbard has accomplished. It’s the ‘wow factor.’ That’s what L. Ron Hubbard was like. People who met him went ‘wow!’”
That Scientology IS a building and images, flickering images, of LRH accomplishments.
More and more Scientologists are just
getting the flock out of there.
The sheep dip has done out its flavor.
Should be lost its flavor.
So, KC says “We are tracking stats on this everyday. Yes…it’s that important!”
Wow, that’s very important, all right!
Some other stats are also very important, such as number of:
— SP declares
— Abortions coerced
— Negative comments on blogs
— Negative press stories
— Negative books
— Lawsuits
— Dollars spent on legal matters
— Dedicated members leaving
— Staff hours without adequate sleep
— Staff hours without adequate, or any, pay
— High-level defectors (bitter, defrocked apostates!)
— Cumulative staff hours spent on RPF
— Celebrities bailing from the Church
— Acquired real estate transactions
— Lies told
— False statistics given out
If the Church could just claim the correct stats, they very honestly could show they are straight up and vertical, rather than room temperature and horizontal.
Not completing the old cycles before starting new ones, tut tut.
I just did an internet search on Kaye Champagne. It looks like she was one of those “closers” that went to various Idle Org fund raisers around the country the past 10 years fleecing the sheeple and getting paid handsomely I suspect.
And her tent rug sale business employs a network of Scientologists that sell, sell, sell…
And, she completed OT VII and VIII in 2007. No training.
She has such a vested interest in this insanity that she just robotically does what ever she is asked, no matter how lame or insane the idea: OT VIII’s will start at the bottom of the Bridge again. Makes perfect sense.
Off subject, but interesting post from South Africa: Werner Lossau – RIP
Thanks for the research Robert.
She is perfectly positioned to move into the tent revival business. What a piece of work. So glad I am out and away from the insanity.
Yes, when I see this type of thing, I agree. I’m so glad to be removed from this fiasco. Phew!
I’m feeling for those Clearwater Scientologists. They are probably regretting their proximity to Flag now.
Yes, from what I hear there has been quite an exodus.
Quite right Robert, she and her husband made mega bucks with the tent rug sales but not only that.
They sold shady duplicates of their rug website to their affiliates and when I hired a web professional to turn it into something useable (it was full of no-longer existing rugs) they shut that part down and I lost $8,000.00.
So there is a track record in fleecing people.
its so great you are fact checking EVERYTHING that comes out of DEAR LEADERS mouths and his cronnies. They need someone like you to look over their shoulders!!!
“Every business” that is 100% on their GAT II lineup…as if working at a scientology company wasn’t bad enough, now prepare to be directly pressured to take a specific step on the “Bridge”. The tacit pressure is always there, but this will bring it out in the open. I say good! This will foster even more of the “you’re either with us 100% or against us” mentality that drives anyone with a brain and a little bit of self-determinism right out the door.
Yes and so much for their ‘secular’ schools, Delphi CW, Clearwater Academy, Washburn etc. The schools tell perspective students parent’s that they are ‘secular’ but the S.O. recruiters drop by once or twice a week, to see who’s kids they can pressure to join. Now the wonderful OT Committee members will be there to make sure they all get on GATII.
This approach will surely alienate lots of people – just like hounding people to buy and do the Basics did a few years ago.
They are their own worst enemies.
Many still in Scientology shudder at the thought of ever going back to Flag. It is the Mecca of Fleecing people out of their money and time.
The “another exciting game” is really getting old. That is why most active Scientologist’s ignore the communication from anyone promoting Scientology. They have beaten that horse to death!
If you notice – the games in Scientology is “Scientology wins” (gets money and free labor) and “you lose” (you never get what you paid for and you have to continue to pay and pay and pay).
You lose because the tech has never been standard as promised in 64 years. Miscavige claims it is now – but he said that in 1991, 1996, 2007, 2013-2014. He lied then he will lie again.
The time has come. People have said “enough”. Scientology is dead! The only thing that remains is the “smoke and mirrors” until they run out of money.
If the 100% KSW means ‘every public Scientologist in the area’, then we can easily calculate that their % is now at an unprecedented never before in the history of Flag at ,000001%
The sadness among all this babble is that Flag is experiencing a very low influx of public, that is the scene behind this.
But again, the less people they get in, the less they will be hurt and ripped off, so I guess we can cheer their low %.
Thank you Mike for your well expressed words in this posting.
Reading stuff like this reminds me of what I left and WHY I’m GRATEFUL.
Thank you Mike. I recall a Registrar once asking me if I was a “player” and that was one of the wake up calls along the way. Not sure WHEN it started in the history of Scientology but somewhere along the way the message became very clear, that a person’s own life and goals were junior in importance to “being” a Scientologist. Nothing wrong with studying learning and applying whatever helps you LIVE and create a more worthwhile but when a label replaces your own beingness, then I think the game has changed. And I think that anyone who decides to reject the label of “scientologist” very quickly becomes marginalized as not being on the team. Perhaps that is an indicator of how far astray the culture went from the subject and why membership in organized “Scientology” will always require that the adherent put on the coat and wear the package of assumed traits and and become compliant with group evaluations. Especially in todays Radical extreme climate inside the bubble. The meaning of the word “cult” remains for me the most accurate description of Scientology today but my real healing began when I recognized that I joined a cult back in 1976. The word “Scientology” may represent a body of data where applied may bring new freedom to the individual, but the organization called “Scientology” is a contradiction in terms. What was supposed to be a key to the jail cell door became a new jail cell in itself. You never appreciate the meaning of “graduate from Scientology” until you are on the other side of it. Thanks again Mike for what you are doing.
Excellent comment.
“Beingings”? Brilliant!
Kaye Champagne is showing us her true beingnessness in that email.
A special acknowledgement? For some reason the excitement hasn’t quite hit me yet. The only GAT I’m interested in is a gatling gun to keep away the regges.
I love your picture! Couldn’t be more appropriate. Could we possibly photoshop in Misavige, instead of the cowboy?
Yes, it was hilarious, with so many sheered sheep! Excellent idea Morris!
“100% KSW means that EVERY public Scientologist in the Tampa Bay Area is on or through the GAT II services, …”
OMG! So THAT’s what KSW means! I’ve had a huge MU this past 35 years.
The room’s getting brighter I think – yea, that’s it, brighter.
Thanks, Kaye Champagne, for clearing this up for us all. You’re obviously one of those huge “beingings” yourself.
I’m in the que for GAT 4.
Has to be twice as fantastic as GAT 2
Another sad thing is that there is absolutely NO thought here of even trying to bring in NEW people. None of these mailings that I can remember makes any mention of that possibility at all.
It would seem that — while they’d never admit it — the people in RCS who invent these exciting games have come to accept the idea that Scientology has zero appeal to the public at large. Instead of trying to grow the field, even by a modest amount, they are focused with increasing frenzy on cannibalizing what’s left of their shrinking, demoralized existing membership.
This is a pretty big surrender, with all those huge expensive buildings sitting there mostly empty. One would think they’d have to start asking WHY at some point. WHY is it so hard to get people in for their GAT II lineup? WHY are these people avoiding my phone calls? WHY aren’t people flocking in eagerly to experience the greatest breakthrough in the history of the galaxy?
“Please let me know who you have contacted and who has come in. There will be a VERY SPECIAL AWARD for those who actually bring people in too!”
You bet Kaye! Got to have a “Flock Fleecing Form” to acknowledge those in compliance with the Fuhrers wishes. There is likely even more in store for those who DON’T ACTUALLY BRING PEOPLE IN. I suspect the new Warehouse VIII meters have a direct video connection to Hemet where the proper supervision can regulate the current flow through the cans as well as record the proceedings for anyone needing some sec checking to bolster their production.
I sense that there are gasket problems in pressure cooker land. Something is about to blow!
It’s like all the nuts in a nuthouse walking around telling each other they are the sanest people in the world and maybe even the Universe. They even give each other awards that can be displayed, in case there should be any doubt. The bigger nut you are, the higher the status. Leading the way is “The Peanut”.
Made my morning
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.
Perfect Mat!
Brightening the day with a courageous peanut.
Bribing people to be on course! Mein gott! Course enforcement. Dit iss a bad, bad state of affairs. I almost feel sorry for this OTC. What a mission.
Descartes rewritten by OTC Member: “I have an OTC Award, therefore I am.”
DM rewrites Descartes: “I have mest buildings, therefore I am.”
Fits the “Mirror, mirror on the wall…” narrative. At it’s best, the height of human conceit … at it’s worst, the depths of spiritual incest. I seriously do not understand how this organization continues to exist.
“FLAG’S FIELD – 100% KSW” is really a matter of viewpoint, isn’t it? I mean, if Flag’s field was 100% KSW, wouldn’t it allow people to NOT be on GAT II courses if they personally determined that GAT II wasn’t Scientology as codified by L. Ron Hubbard? And others could be on course if they personally determined that GAT II was Scientology as codified by David Miscavige?
So if half the Flag field was on course for one reason, and half the Flag field was NOT on course for some reason, it could still be 100% KSW, right?
What hath Miscavige wrought?
Interesting to note in her description of GAT II services, she doesn’t mention auditor training. I thought GAT II was the solution to the lack of auditors being training since the 70s.
it must be wonderful to be Kaye Champagne.
sometimes, when i’m all alone and i come across a patch of silver or inhale the prill of a fragrant blossom, i think to myself……”oh I too could be tracking stats daily”……but then i catch a glimpse of a wog’s silhouette and i know it is mine!
oh i have my days, knowing myself so vile, so degraded, my spiral trending downward. it’s true it’s not easy being me but at least someone is Kaye.
LOL! Do you like e e cummings?
Arrogance and ignorance can only good bed fellows make in a house of funny mirrors.
It is a wonder they haven’t turned their mausoleums into full blown amusement arcades replete with those claw machines that cost five bucks a go.
Please tell me I didn’t just give any sheeple an idea.
They are “tracking stats on this every day”, well let’s see if they do..
It’s hard to understand why or how someone can go into agreement with a group C/S that everyone failed the lowest end of the Bridge and so have to re-do it. Besides it being a group C/S (DM’s incredible new weird technology) it is an invalidation of everyone’s current state.
If there are any “knowledgeable” people left in the Church after GAG II, I would be surprised. Of course people will stay “in” because disconnection policy effecting friends and family, but voluntarily “in”? No. No one who understood what LRH was trying to do would remain “in” with their heart and soul. I think DM has totally lost it. He’s in a bubble inside the bubble.
He’s reversing Scientology en mass.
After GAG II the only members left will be those imprisoned in the disconnection cellar or worshipers of MEST. The Scientologists will be gone.
+1 The group C/Ss are particularly damaging and gross out tech is an understatement.
Geezs ! It sounds like their not flocking to start GAG2.” No pun intended”
Or maybe they are just tired of being flocked?
It is indeed a flocking shame.
Got to have the stats for the MV ,otherwise Voldemort will not be happy if there are no stats for opening night OT Ambassadors report to show how GAG 2 is taking the world as a “wildfire” …….a wet squib more like
I can feel a real flock fleecing fiasco forming on the fringes of Flag.
“I can feel a real flock fleecing fiasco forming on the fringes of Flag.”
Say that as fast as you can ten times, and flunk for laughing!
David dishes dirty deeds but can’t destroy his dread disease.
You mean “Q and A,” man’s deadliest disease?