They sent out an email with a bunch of earlier emails attached. Including travel itineraries and internal emails that presumably were not intended for public consumption, let alone showing up on a blog on the very outer fringes of the internet….
To remind you who Dennis Nobbe is, see the story here at Tony Ortega’s blog. In very abbreviated terms, the US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) took the unusual step of suing him for forcing people to take Scientology courses as part of his dental practice.
Michael Chan is a professional FSM who has apparently attended the Grant Cardone school of self-promotion. Can you imagine sending out an email where you announce yourself as a “thetan’s thetan.” I wonder if he has super developed biceps from patting himself on the back?
It seems the Freewinds is paying Chan’s airfare to do a “seminar” at Miami org which is just an excuse for a reg event. And the Freewinds wants to ensure the Miami whale is in attendance because their local bird dog, the OT Committee Chairman, has told them he should be there.
Interesting to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse….
Someone is in trouble.
From: “alexandra potter” <[email protected]>
Date: Oct 11, 2013 9:58 PM
Hello fellow OT!
I wanted to introduce myself as many of you may not know me. I’m Michael Chan, OT VIII, Flag and Freewinds OT Ambassador, Power FSM, 2012 WISE member of the year, and I am coming to Miami this weekend to deliver a number of seminars to help each of you win along all of your dynamics. The underlying theme for all of my talks have to do with what is it that make a thetan strong and what makes him weak and how he can tell the difference and do something about it. I give a very special talk for OTs that I will be delivering on Saturday, October 12, at 4 PM at the Org. Here is what one OT in Portland wrote after hearing this talk:
I am an OT VIII, OEC Grad, business owner/operator. I own a WISE Consulting company. My passion in life is getting hatted on Green on White and Red on White. I am currently doing the ACCs.
I attended every talk Michael gave while he was in Portland. They all spoke to me. He is On Source, he gives great examples to bring it alive, he goes at a pace that allows everyone in the room to cognite.
My favorite talk however, was the talk he does for the OTs. He started it by saying this has no agenda, there will be NO regging. And there are only OT 5 and above thetans in this room. Then he begins. He speaks truth and a lot of it in a hurry. And I knew it was true, understood it, and it rekindled my burning desire to have Scientology for every person who reaches. It was a look at the tech in a new light, from a different OT viewpoint, and it rang VERY true. It is what LRH says. It is delivered directly from Source, it shows us what we are doing as OTs, where we are headed as OTs, and what it’s going to take…..which in my own words is….a concerted effort on our part as OTs to work together, and to avail ourselves of the Tech given to us by LRH, and not waste this brief chance we have to go free.
Michael Chan is a thetan’s thetan. You will enjoy him immensely. He is very uplifting, very sincere, and will hold your attention and interest every moment he stands in front of you and talks.
Phil LaClaire
I hope you are able to make it and look forward to seeing many of you there!!
Much ARC!
Michael Chan
I hope this helps!
Let me know if you need anything else!!
PS I wasn’t sure if all the events were at the Org so you can change my email if the talk will be held elsewhere.
From: alexandra potter [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Fri 10/11/2013 4:07 PM
To: Michael Chan
Subject: RE: Chiu Hoi Chan e-ticket itineraryIs there an email you could send me that I can email to the OTs as to invite them to come. I don’t know what you deliver so just a comm on why its important for them as OTs to be briefed separately .
Thanks so much,
Ml, AlexOn Oct 11, 2013 4:02 PM, “alexandra potter” <[email protected]> wrote:
> [email protected]
> On Oct 11, 2013 2:26 PM, “Michael Chan” <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi Alex!
>> I left Dennis a message but would love to email him too if you get me his email. Thanks!
>> Ml
>> Michael
>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
>> ——– Original message ——–
>> From: alexandra potter <[email protected]>
>> Date: 10/11/2013 1:59 AM (GMT-05:00)
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: Fwd: Chiu Hoi Chan e-ticket itinerary
>> Hi Michael,
>> Here is your itinerary. We will be there to pick you up.
>> Oh can you help me ? There is a very upstat OT here in the field and we are trying to get him to your OT TALK on Sat at 4 pm. Marie Williams the OTC Chairman asked me if you could call him to personally invite him. He really needs this Talk .
>> His name is Denise Nobee and his cell # is 305 772 2909. He is an OL here so if he comes we will get more.
>> Thanks for the help, see you soon.
>> Ml, Alex
>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>> From: “Ray Palmer” <[email protected]>
>> Date: Oct 11, 2013 12:28 AM
>> Subject: Chiu Hoi Chan e-ticket itinerary
>> To: “Alexandra Potter” <[email protected]>
>> –
>> 12 OCT 13 – SATURDAY
>> LV TAMPA 950A EQP: BOEING 737-800
>> 01HR 00MIN
>> 13 OCT 13 – SUNDAY
>> 01HR 00MIN
Oh, darn! the thetan’s thetan came from Phil, it seems upon re-reading.
If the Chan Man is THAT good a speaker, he better watch out or the Demented One will have him eliminated as a possible threat to Dear Leader’s preeminate position as THE speaker (there can be only one.)
Hey! wouldn’t a thetan’s thetan be, by definition, a BT custer?
I find it somewhat surprising that the principals sending out the e-mails often use some gmail @ddress, since scn HAS its own top-level scn website, and, most likely, some sort of mail server;it’s not rocket science, guys, not even nuclear science, so they could blanket the interwebz with tons of messages to everyone unwitting enough to have given them a valid @ddress; ‘course, folks like me will have instructed their mail client to auto-trash any message from any @ddress with ‘scientology’ within it. It takes just a minute longer to do the same for messages from the folks from Flog, fleecewinds, AOLA, AOSH,AOSA, AODK and any other offensive sources. With a little more work, you could send a reply that because of the plethora of truthful information on the various sites I regularly check into, I cannot, in good conscious support their criminal concern. If you do a good job, you’ll be deadfiled (= no comm — complete disconnection from you by the org) and possibly even get declared, always a good thing if you want to return to real life;assuming they have no pressing reason to actively fair-game you, or if you’re inaccessible to their childish pranks. Personally, I’ll be setting that up when I start cruising down South for my retirement , preferrably in and arround the Carribean. I’d LOVE if they spent the big bucks to try to find me as I wander from place to place, staying any particular place only as long as I feel like it. RVers can also be that ‘Fabian’: It’s tough to find FRIENDS who would like to meet up with you in those communities; Tubby knew that, which is why he took off for the high seas and low harbors; it made him ‘Fabian’, which suited his paranoia to a ‘T’
If Michael Chan is a thetan’s thetan, I guess that makes him a . . . oh, never mind. Wouldn’t want to break security.
The title of this post has such a sharp point on it, it’s like a flechette.
it pierces all BS and hits the heart of the matter, which is, Dennis Nobbe still has money.
Iquisitive: Dennis Nobbe Still Has Money?
Excited: Dennis Nobbe Still Has Money!
Hushed: dennis nobbe still has money.
Devious: Dennis Nobbe Still Has Money.
Relieved: At least Dennis Nobbe still has Money.
Correct me if i’m wrong, but within the church, isn’t it an out point to still have money?
And about to be corrected methinks
plainoldthetan said, “What? No training? In ANYTHING?”
Thanks for observing and pointing out what is all too often par for the course these days.
Most of these arrogant “celebrity” wind bags have no auditor training or experience.
By the way, it would be great to be able to get someone in to a briefing like this with a recording device (phone?) so we could get the whole deal. I do realize that then here would probably be strip searches by security at the door, but …..
The internal leaks are so bad these days I think every staff member is fixated on it. I’m actually feeling sorry for the likes of Julian Schwartz as he is so beleaguered with ethics cycles he probably can’t remember what he has said to whom.
My ex nephew Adam Daniells who is a Class IX ex SO (who managed to escape by getting his wife pregnant around 2010) has been the contact point between my family and Julian (Schwartz) so they could assemble the necessary documentation to create the SP declare on me.
Adams parents, Rod and Lori Daniells (who are also ex SO having left in 2006 because Lori wanted to be closer to her family) worked heavily to gather data on me and got it back to Julian with a lot of help from Adam. They also covertly gathered data from my to be ex wife Sheri as they preyed on her knowledge that she would lose her kids and eternity if she hung with the likes of me.
Interestingly, my then wife Sheri (Loris sister) and I had given Rod and Lori a job and had them move in to our house to help them get back on their feet after routing out (Fall 2006). We also sold them a piece of property and did not record the note so they could qualify for a loan to build a new home after Rod showed that he had steady employment working for me. Then we helped them build their home and did not charge them any overhead or profit because after all ….they were family.
During that time Rod and I had many conversations about his SO experience and what it was like to be the Power auditor and C/S for ASHO. He often snapped back and forth between feeling ok about saying things and then saying at the same time that he could be declared for it. I was trying to give him the space to recover and I am not going to discuss further particulars ………..just yet.
So it is very interesting to see how there are so many leaks in the dyke. In fact there are leaks that have not even reached the light of day. Meanwhile, Julian and Adam with the help of his parents Lori and Rod Daniells and my ex wife and kids have put together what I am sure is a nice goldenrod packet of info on me. It was issued last Feb 12,2013 but is still on a need to know basis. By the way, why is that Julian? I mean I still have to communicate with CO$ terminals and tell them to take me off the mailing list because I am an SP. If you would send me your phone number I will have them contact you directly to verify the data but you really should get it posted in all of the Idle Orgs.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Rod and Lori still have a home across the street but Rod is now working in Hollywood so Lori is home alone making sure she keeps an eye on me and reporting to Adam about the goings on around my house. Make no mistake, if my ex (Lori’s sister) were to show up here I wonder how long it would take before Adam knew about it and reported it to Julian. This way they can keep some pressure on Sheri. After all, she has half of our assets and I can only guess that they have a program for Sheri to do to clean her up after all the bad experiences she has had with an SP like me. Probably does not include any sec checking though so that is good.
Meanwhile Julian, think about what Rod and I have discussed about the goings on at ASHO, reg cycles, EDs C/Sing cases to get stats…….oh never mind …’s small stuff anyway.
And it has been great to see Lori’s long time friend Ken Hudson has been down visiting this week helping her do all of the yard work that cannot be done by Rod since he is in LA working hard to make the payments. The place looks nice so keep up the good work.
Anyway, sorry to bore everyone with all of this trivia but the ‘leaks’ thread got me thinking (always dangerous) and I have really enjoyed some of the leaks coming back the other way!!!! What leaks you say? All in due time Julian. By the way, say hi to your Dad Louis for me if you see him.
So I will occasionally contribute to keep everyone up to speed as the new show from the CO$ studios of KCET sponsor “As the World Rots” directed by He who shall not be named, He Who’s greatness cannot be equaled, none other than Mr. COB himself, David (the Dog) Miscaviage.
This was fun but I’m done now!!!! Cheers
Coop — you can always take comfort in the fact that I have it on good authority that there is no such thing as disconnection….
Well, not if you are important enough. Guarantee that was a true statement for Tommy Two-Tone — his mother didnt have to disconnect from him even after he and Jessica blew. And funny thing about Tom Cruise and his connection with that SP Katie Holmes and double-SP Nicole Kidman. No enforced breaking up of those families. Must be really heartening to you and Lori Hodgson and others to see how this plays out.
Couldn’t possibly imagine why the rules are different for D/COB or Anne Archer/Tommy Two-Tone than everyone else.
I see that must be why Julian would not post it. That way it does not exist. Kind of like the Hole, forced abortions, beatings, and the other CO$ recreational activities!
I thought it particularly interesting that Adam and Mira Daniells were able to get pregnant and leave the SO in 2010-11. They ought to write you and Marty a thank you letter for that one! Adam was the Class IX heading up the quicky grades pilot program being run at the Oak Cove while Mira had been relegated to polishing the brass in the Fort Harrison lobby because her Dad was declared SP (which didn’t exist) for speaking out!
Jeez, they flew him in steerage? Cheap sons-a-bitches.
I’m not even a “thetan’s thetan” and I fly First Class whenever possible – especially if someone else wants me to travel to them…
This Chan guy is a MONEY MAKER, baby …..he’s on freaking COMMISION!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all you need to know, the beginning and the end …. he’s there to pull in the moolah. He’s the “talent” to get the “marks” revved up before they’re asked which credit card they want to use. As long as there is money to be made for having to produce absolutely nothing, the con will go on.
” My favorite talk however, was the talk he does for the OTs. He started it by saying this has no agenda, there will be NO regging.”
Wow! No agenda and no regging. Now that rings true!
Hey Dave ……… better get your power FSM out on the streets for a little SCOHB. He’s kinda blowing it (no pun intended) on the regging isn’t he? Kinda makes sense that if Mr. Chan isn’t doing any regging that he could not afford his own plane ticket so that was at least nice of you to offer.
Mike, you cut off the part of the email where he’s supposed to get all attendees that have no $ to sign the Organ Donation cards…
It’s only Grant Condom that does the organ donations….
LOL. I won’t touch that one with a 10 foot pole.
Actually these emails look pretty tame to me. The damage to the church is that it is a paper trail…It is documentation on how whales are targeted in the Co$. And in light of the fact that they are all captive in a scam cult and from an exterior viewpoint it’s easy to see through the ‘best of all possible worlds’ language, then it’s pretty sickening to read.
However I have ‘fond’ memories of being on staff when the IAS regges would roll into town (I wonder if/when we will see Bridget on the blog here.) They would rapaciously make a list of the local public they demanded be at the event. Some were whales (though usually for the whales they would make nocturnal visits to their homes to give them special attention,) but most were just average wage earners who were ‘easy marks’…That is they felt the IAS was doing positive things for Scn and the world, and if they could be gotten to an IAS event, then they would likely blow there paycheck for the week. And in the process continually be unable to scrape together the money for an intensive of auditing, or a TRs course, that they felt they needed because they weren’t doing well in life…of course being blind to the fact that being stuck in a cult might have had something to do with that….
I recall being instructed to go out and knock on doors of select public and physically bring them to the org. The smarter ones got wind that the IAS was in town and would get out of Dodge…no answers at their doors. But some weren’t so lucky, and I would talk them into coming with me.
This made me feel sleazy as fuck, but I was a pretty dedicated kool-aid drunk at the time, so I followed orders. I was ‘moon-lighting’ (had a day job and worked part-time at the org) so I usually blew my paycheck for the week as well during the event.
(Again, for the record, I’m an indie. I think what made Scn the perfect cult was that Scn tech does work, and if someone sticks around an org long enough to get some positive results from it, then they are hooked. And down they go…And at which time any future positive gains from the subject become dubious at best, so you have goofy-as-fuck OTs getting ‘life-changing’ wins from redoing their Objectives, and paying thousands for the privilege.
At a guess, I would say that the more seriously delusional people that are showcased on Mike’s blog here have kids or relatives in the SO, that they can’t deal with losing from their lives, so they go insane.)
Mike Wregitt, welcome to the group. I’m glad you got out. And I think part of the reason these whales or sheeples give money to the church so much despite the outpoints is that at some point they cog that they are “wrong” or that they’ve “been conned” and then this per bank mechanisms, absolutely can’t happen and they can’t be wrong, so they adopt a Service Facsimile and “have to be right” and so they go into full puppetry mode of doing all they can to forward the movement “in order to be right” and they attack others and make them wrong so that “I can be right”. It is just like in the LRH reference where he talks about continuing to burn the toast so that you’ll be right about burning it the first time, which made you wrong for burning it, which triggered the having to be right so as not to be wrong, so you continue burning the toast. That’s what these whales and sheeples are doing. Am I right about that? lol
Very good point.
Enjoyed reading this post. Thx.
Poor Alex. She’s a really nice person. She used to be an actress before she joined the SO and married Gavin Potter. She works in the Freewinds office at PAC Base. She’s not abrasive, is very polite and never hounds for money. Her husband Gavin is good at telling all the b.s. stories to suck money out of you though, or to try to get you to even go to the Freewinds. She’s too good for all of them. I feel sorry for her and hope she makes it out one day.
Just a quick post — to say how much i learn from your posts Mike as well as the commentators here. I am a never-in. But you are actually helping people in a tremendous way, and I am so sorry that you have had to sacrifice as much as you have in order for you do do what you wanted to do in the first place — which is to help. Godspeeed to you and your wonderful little family.
Wow, thankyou very much.
Lovely comment pronoia. Thank you so much and good wishes to you also.
I sent Alex a message at her email. I am pretty sure she will never get it. But at least I tried. Man I hope she runs for her life. She is for it for sure.
This is actually pretty tame in terms of the sleaze factor though. Trust me I worked at CC INT. Good thing we didn’t use email then! Whoa man.
Has anybody sent a link of this story to Dennis Nobbe seeing how his email is included in the post?
You spelled his name right. They didn’t. Good idea, to let someone who knows proxies and such send him a note – see if he opens it.
Another peeve! I hate this “power FSM” title. I don’t know how or when this sooper dooper pooper scooper FSM got created but it’s so stupid……stoopid. Another example of the over hype of a hat so some vain status is interjected. It’s just a post. It’s as powerful as it can be done with love and care, solely to help someone achieve their own bridge goals and certainly not against their will, to the detriment of their dynamics.
+ !. This is really so true, laying bare the lie of all this “power” overuse. Your statement is much closer to the truth of what power really is: love, care, ability to hear what someone says, and ultimately, to see the truth..
Alex Potter – if you’re reading this (if you’re not already in the RPF for the rest of your life…)
You can leave. You can just leave now. You did your best. But your best will NEVER be enough.
Quit the insanity. You can go Indie, you can get out all the way, or do something in between.
What you CAN do is actually REALLY be FREE.
And “Freeloader’s Debt” is a lie – they can’t enforce it. It’s illegal. And it’s called “Freeloader’s Debt” SPECIFICALLY to make you feel bad.
Lots of friendly people – both Indies and “Wogs” – here on the Fringes who will get you through it.
I repeat. You. Can. Leave. Now.
Plus 100.
Hi Alex!
>> I left Dennis a message but would love to email him too if you get me his email. Thanks!
>> Ml
>> Michael
So in other words, he hasn’t called you back? Go figure.
“There are various states of mind which bring about happiness. That state of mind which insists only upon freedom can bring about nothing but unhappiness. It would be better to develop a thought pattern which looked for new ways to be entrapped and things to be trapped in, than to suffer the eventual total entrapment of dwelling upon freedom only.”
L. Ron Hubbard
Huh? Wassat you say???
Very funny and yet sad at the same time.:/
What does “OL” mean?
Opinion Leader
“Obvious Loon”
All those “OT’s” apparently can’t handle the intricacies of email.
I admit, I have trouble with it at times, but then I don’t claim super-powers.
There was a post yesterday quoting someone saying (paraphrasing, “Sailor boy, you better look both ways before crossing the information superhighway…
“Sailor boy”. Good one.
(I’ll try to find the whole quote. It’s quite prescient.having been written more than 10 years ago, as I recall)
From Mark Ebner to Dave Miscavige, 1996:
“Keep hiding, sailor boy, and don’t forget to look both ways when you try to cross the information superhighway. And by all means, duck, as the cult of greed that Hubbard built, and you usurped, comes crashing down upon you.”
When I think of DM now, I get a picture of the Queen from “Alice In Wonderland” continually shouting, “Off with his head!”
I get the Mad Hatter, but no hat.
Paraphrasing LRH here: “People under suppression make mistakes or do stupid things”.I’ll bet Alex has lots of company right now. The thing is, how many people can He actually afford to RPF at this point?
He can use one of those ideal morgues. Plenty of empty space there. I’m afraid DM would begrudge letting them sleep on the expensive flooring, though.
Gotta reg more money for an Ideal RPF.
Oops…yes, they goof.
Devil Moron is in rage as this guy is now “Source”, whereas, per DM, he is “the only one”
I hope Denis Nobee reads this and gets ready to be ripped off of more money.
As far as Michael and his cheer leader Phil, they are in the delusion of insanity.
As a bloke’s bloke, I hereby offer my services – for free – to any OTC anywhere. Subjects covered are vital to one’s future on the track: Cognitive Dissonance and How to Escape it; Ideal Orgs – Where Are They Now?; Why Do I Feel I’m Being Conned; and many others.
I remember when I was quite interested in learning about Independent Scientology, I contacted you on Facebook Martin – you linked directly to it from Martys blog. Never heard back, not even a “sorry matey, that’s not my bag anymore”.
Having said that, I’m not OTC 🙂
Chan gets free airfare and commission
Nobee gets fraped (financially raped)
Potter gets RPF
Potter gets RPFs RPF
Everything about Potter wreaks of bathroom floor for long long time
Alexandra Potter, a beautiful but now relatively unhealthy former actress, due to the poor food and poor health care of the SO and interminable hours, pulled into the SO by Gavin Potter, will surely not make it through the RPF. It’ll be her undoing and that’ll just kill off Gavin, one of DM’s major regges for the Free-tanic. But we know how this movie ends. 50 years from now they will find her remains at the bottom still in the bilge. Sad. But to be expected from this gang of insanity.
What makes a being strong?
Persistence, knowing right from wrong, forgiveness, compassion, gentleness, concern for others, excellent critical thinking skills, the OPPOSITE from the Scientology “everything is your fault and the biggest bully wins”.
+1 Correct. Thank you for the briefing. I am 100% certain yours is ten times more valuable than Chan’s, and yours cost me, about 10 seconds of internet fee’s, which I think amounts to what … les than slipped out my pocket and rolled under 20 cars in the parking lot yesterday? If more people read this blog – and your simple but DEEP comment, they could save themselves tens of thousands if not millions of dollars. (Wheew! I’m exhausted after this rant!)
They’re so busted. Me thinks Mr. Nobbe should get that email thread. Take a look at what bullshit goes on behind the fake ass PR. I knew members of Nobbe’s family well. They’re great people, factually… stuck in the vacuum of bullshit given them by money-grubbers like these.
WTFU y’all! These people don’t give a damn about anything other than your money!
Send his family members an Indiegram.
Indiegram – yep, I will.
Michael Chan didn’t call himself a “thetan’s thetan”. Paul said that in the long testimonial. Still very creepy emails and I love the pic!
Yeah — but he is the one that put that testimonial in HIS email. Crass dont you think?
(Nobbe is a chiropractor… not a dentist)
Now I can continue reading.
Oops my bad….
Understandable Sterling went after Dentists and Chiros with equal zeal, so sometimes it’s hard to tell the two of ’em apart lessen you got a program.
Which reminds me.
I was having so much trashing the “OT” Committee in general that I missed commenting on Hobbe and Grant Condom (a Tony Robbins wannabe if I ever saw only more unctuous, oleaginous and nauseous )
Typical “wise member” or wise guy to clearly identify them with the criminal conspiracy the Church of Scientology has become.
Their MO was usually to hire Scientologists (especially those of us who’d formerly worked in SO Orgs as Non SO) because it was so easy to “get ethics in” (meaning to coerce them with the help of HCO) if we complained about our high hours and low pay while our overlords used any profit and bonuses to bribe management into giving them a free pass on all their corrupt activities.
Guess Hobbe thought the same trick would work with the public in general.
Proof once again of their stupidity.
Grant Condom (Cardone) actually does want to be like Tony Robbins. I heard him speak once and his goal is to become world famous and be the sought after guru like Robbins. I call him a megalomaniac, just like David Miscavage. Grant is a sow’s ear trying to pass himself off as a silk purse.
This Dennis Nobbe cat really needs to start reading your blog Mike.
Sleep deprivation will do that to you! And now poor Alex is headed to the RPF.
So the email should be read bottom to top correct?
Here is your iteninary Michael also we have a Mark/Rube/Whale could you contact them?
I don’t know what you talk about but if you email the Whale we could get more money$$$
Something like that I worked for a fortune 250 occasionally these types of emails would slip through the cracks. It would not be that big of a deal. However with Scientology setting these Whales/Marks etc up to empty their bank accounts I guess it is?
Whomever Alexandra Potter is I think she might be in a great deal of trouble?
Did someone warn Denise
A slip up like this has to raise the paranoia level even higher. How many more incompetents are there on staff who can make a blunder like this? How did it get to Mike Rinder? Who is going to screw me next? Can hardly imagine the chatter going on in the mind of he-who-cannot-be-named right now.
What struck me was this “which in my own words is….a concerted effort on our part as OTs to work together, and to avail ourselves of the Tech given to us by LRH, and
not waste this brief chance we have to go free.
It’s this attitude or mind set that gets me. OT’s not free yet? Brief chance? Oh come on…
I forgot one more,
OK Davey ?
Have a Nice Day.
And the beat goes on. Love this intel, Mike.
I can save public a trip .
Its all about commissions all the way around
and money for Services that will never be delivered.
Give me a break, Thetans, Thetans, Thetan.
Bla,bla,bla,bla, Increase your IAS status,
sign over any small children that can hold a shovel
and mortgage your home.
How did that thing go in France Davey ?
Pull an Abraham Lincoln, FREE THE SLAVES !!!
Anyone held against their will on the Freewind’s is FREE TO GO !!!!
Pay all refund requests NOW !!!!
Come on Davey step up to the Plate !!!
Wow… love this: “FREE THE SLAVES !!! Anyone held against their will on the Freewind’s is FREE TO GO !!!!”
I remember being in an elevator there with a sad looking gentleman in a greasy, gray jumpsuit and he wouldn’t talk to me. I was so dumbfounded by it, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t fit that in with my early “reality” about life on the Freewinds. That man haunted me for several years… it was cognitive dissonance… how does someone so unhappy and downtone stay on the Freewinds? It took me a few looks on the internet and a few of the fabulous books by the heroic escapees for me to understand. I hope he’s no longer there. !!
“I wanted to introduce myself as many of you may not know me. I’m Michael Chan, OT VIII, Flag and Freewinds OT Ambassador, Power FSM, 2012 WISE member of the year, and I am coming to Miami this weekend to deliver a number of seminars to help each of you win along all of your dynamics.”
After such an impressive list of qualifications I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. In other words, I was waiting for a phrase like “Class VIII auditor and C/S with 12,000 hours delivered and 58 Clears made, OEC/FEBC graduate, Senior Data Series Evaluator.”
What? No training? In ANYTHING? No actions contributing to PLANETARY CLEARING?
So that stuff about “helping you with your dynamics” is just so much PR drivel?
Hey, Michael Chan! Make your first seminar “The Reason for Orgs”!
I like the part of “My goal is to be trained on green on white and red on white…………….so I’m studying the ACCs.” Um, what?
Training doesn’t matter anymore. It’s how much money you give and what superpower level you are at. Auditors are those weird guys who never get out and socialize.
Yeah POT I notice the absence of any training too.
Also noticed that the orgs are now big into Seminar Training. Maybe they should call Werner in to give them some more hatting.
Because none of these so called “OTs” get it.
In reality they’re nothing but an annoying mutual admiration society.
The only ones who takes them seriously is themselves and the higher ups because their low IQs and self importance makes them easy to manipulate and control.
All ya gotta do is throw ’em a commendation of some kind and their are ready to kill for whoever’s in power.
Nothing but a drooling slobbering bunch of sycophants who think they’re on a mission from god or cob which is the same thing too them since they’ve got no ability to differentiate probably because actual logic is not one of their strong points.
I vote ’em most likely to wear an explosive vest.
When I was “in” I used to avoid the “OT” Committees like the bubonic plague for fear that their total lunacy was contagious.
And because I didn’t want to be associated with a bunch of obsequious morons who where under the delusion that they were “OT” because someone at AO or Flag or the Freewinds handed them a pretty certificate and made them give a scripted speech about how great and glorious RTC is for preserving the tech, etc, ad nauseam.
(I remember them sending out nice little DVDs of their latest “OT” failure and me immediately using them as coasters.
Also reminds me of Cruise’s sister giving a talk in the AO Atrium where she was bloviating on and on how Ron didn’t know what he was doing and how RTC was able to sort it all out for her.
Chick’s about as “OT” as it gets thanks to RTC.
I mean look how popular her key client is.
Not that there isn’t such thing as a state called OT and that there weren’t actual OTs made at one time. Like fer instance:
Pat, Hal and Ingo.
But they don’t make ’em like that anymore since RTC took over and “sorted it all out” for lil’ thetans like Lee Anne and the dinky thetans of the various “OT” committees who are more MEST than Theta.
Aside from calling it the Group Think Committee, it could also be called the Cleared Cannibal Committee.
Pardon me for venting but I’d just like the say that one of the best way to invalidate Scientology is to send out one of these “OT Ambassadors”. That is aside from applying the Golden Age of Tech and waiting for the meter to light up like sky rockets with a magical perfectly symmetrical and chimerical three swing F/N.
Well ’nuff already.)
Regarding Tony.
I thought it violated the ADA for the press to make fun of the mentally retarded?
LOL! Love it. And the serious part, is, yes, the logic is missing. OT’s were once made, and still exist, and more CAN reach for it, but it takes a bit of serious thought, and not so much of the “rah-rah, sis-boom-ba” horseshit. An example is Dani Lemberger’s org. Serious thought, serious people, with goals and purposes firmly in THEIR OWN minds. Scientology provides the keys to wisdom, but that wisdom must come from oneself.
Excellent observation Plainoldthetan…. it’s funny, but after 40 years “in” it easy to just get swept along with the OT VIII credentials and fail to see what is “missing”…
I’m guessing Alex Potter is headed for the RPF…
Yep, time to call in the Lie Detective!!!
Really does seem strangely familiar, no?
Talk about getting “thrown under the bus”, POOR MOMMY!!! what bad words you say!
This was absolutely hysterical-love it. And yes, it did feel uncomfortably familiar… :'(
Yep Alexandra Potter is heading for the RPF over this. But here’s a diabolical question: maybe, just maybe there is a “mole” inside this labyrinth of Keystone Kops. Maybe there is an under the radar staff or OTC member who purposefully leaked this stuff to us. That would be so delicious. Hey OSA and Dave, if you read this, you have a traitor in your midst.
Oh, to be that fly on the wall in HIS inner sanctum now, right?
If, that is, HE is indeed still at FLB.
Here are two possibly related datums, then again possibly not:
1) HE hasn’t been at Graduations for 3 weeks
2) Freewinds just set sail for Aruba after being in drydock in Curacao for 3 weeks.
Could HE have been secretly drydocking Himself there for a much-needed respite from His increasingly burdensome ecclesiastical responsibilities?
Maybe the reason we haven’t seen DM is that he is sick. From all the suppression. And if he’s sick he would certainly hide out so that people would not find out that he is mortal and subject to the body and germs and that even He Who Must Not Be Named can go PTS. But in his case, the item is “himself.”
Voldemort sightings will become increasingly rare. He is terrified that he might be confronted by a process server or someone from the media. Plus, he is ever so busy writing 50 programs and everyone knows that a task such as that can take many months of physically demanding hard labor….
Yeah, Dave. And if those incompetent, suppressive RTC sec checkers can’t get to the bottom of this, call Jimmy Kimmel. He’s got the new tech, the new meter and the head thingy too.
Mike, I don’t care if He Who Must Not Be Named has less and less sightings as long as he shows up for his close up on the witness stand in court in Texas confronted by Marty and Mosey and their kick ass lawyers. Everyone, your postulates that the midget gets deposed and has to appear on the stand, please! I would pay to have someone sneak a camera in for that one and record the whole thing.
That is not the purpose of the suit. Its not for everyone else’s entertainment, it is to get some justice for Monique. WHile I am sure everyone would like to see Voldemort having to testify under oath, it’s not the point.
Mike, I’m sorry if I seemed to make less of Mosey’s plight. It wasn’t my intention. Of course the purpose of the suit is to get justice and peace for Mosey (and Marty). I’m behind that 1,000%. But as a side effect, it would be nice to also see DM have to take the stand, not for entertainment, but for the truth to come out about him. Even though I get into J and D a bit along with everyone else, I don’t lose sight of the fact that there is big evil being perpetrated by DM on a daily basis by either himself or his minions, and it must stop. And having DM take the stand will bring about the demise of the church sooner, rather than later. These are my motivations.
Jane — I understand that. But I doubt there is going to be much truth forthcoming from him testifying under oath. Based on past experience it would be a lot of evasiveness and refusal to answer.
You’re right about that, Mike. It is a given and goes without saying that DM will lie his ass off on the stand. But just the fact that he is on the stand lying will bring media attention to it all, and that might spark an investigation or a raid and the church will come down even faster. I can hope, can’t I? And if even one Sheeple sees him on the stand and decides to leave the church as a result, then I’d say that putting DM on the stand was well worth it.