Remember, this is an “ideal” org.
They have SO LITTLE to talk about that they have resorted to announcing the big news that ONE PERSON PAID for their “Clear Package.”
A SINGLE person PAID for auditing.
And this is newsworthy.
This “ideal” org was opened with great fanfare by COB hisself in June 2012. Three years ago. And they have likely not made a SINGLE CLEAR since then. But they are sure excited that after 3 years they have finally gotten someONE to pay to go Clear.
Things are really looking up in Denver as the Rockies season has started again so the org will have some regular income from charging fans to park in their lot.
This is truly Planetary Clearing Being Made A Reality (c) by the Denver “ideal” org.
Clear……yawn………Scientology……….double yawn, pass the keg!
Hey, there’s actually a really good brewery across the street from the Scientology office in Denver. One can sit there for a very long time and observe absolutely no one going in and out of that building. I was hoping to witness at least a small scale intergalactic battle against the space-tyrant Xenu, but alas, was disappointed.
In all seriousness – there are more comings and goings from a Christian church on a Tuesday afternoon than I ever saw from that place. If it’s an ideal org they’re in trouble.
When I watched from across the street a beer bus arrived and sat in front of the Denver Org for about 1/2 hour. That bus was FULL of people drinking beer. It was hilarious!
Well, as they say, “One is the loneliest number …”
To Michelle Nethercot: You have just paid for Clear. You may be interested to know that the definition of this hypothetical state has never been documented or proven. Hubbard’s one attempt to publicly demonstrate a Clear failed miserably, even with an audience salted with shills to ask predetermined questions.
The following article gives a history of “Clear”:
Yes, there are various states of consciousness (e.g., peak experiences, satori, samadhi, bliss via meditation, etc.). They can be achieved by various means. But there is no evidence known to the public that Scientology theory and practice has led to provable states of Clear as defined (variously over the years) by the Hubbard and the church.
Hi Mike,
Do you feel that Scientology has helped you in some ways (for the better), as you were in it for a long time and you seem quite intelligent and well-rounded. Leah Remini had said that Scientology teachings had shaped her personality in good and bad ways, and she was also in it as a child. Do you feel that Scientology (not the CoS, which I have read negative things about) can help people? Thank You.
Lisa – More at “learnings” than “teachings,” imo. Hubbard got it right (exactly right), but that doesn’t mean everyone now has it right. You can tell someone “You are a spiritual being,” and what that means to him is, “OH! I have to get to Home Depot and buy some paint,” then he forgets about it all … you know?
Ok, I don’t really understand, but I may not have been clear in my questions.
Nickname- I don’t know if you’re Mr. Rinder responding or someone else who was in Scientology.
I mean, if Nickname is Mr. Rinder than I take it to mean that Mr. Rinder does still believe in Scientology and LRH’s teachings, but that they have been changed and/or corrupted under the current leaders of the CoS.
Two different people. But u seem to have misread Newcomer or taken something he said tongue in cheek literally.
Lisa, maybe the following will at least partially answer your question.
Progressive Stages of departure from Scientology:
– Tech Belief: Good and works. Observations re Scientology: Something isn’t right; Some close Scn friends died or went bankrupt; Emphasis on training replaced by relentless regging for donations; Low or forced ARC (caring) in Scn community. Org not doing well.
– Tech Belief: Good and works. Observations re Scientology: Problems are due to off-policy actions of local org staff and/or management; Scientologists need to get trained in policy and basics.
– Tech Belief: Good and works. Observations re Scientology: What is the source of this insanity? Time to do some research.
– Tech Belief: Good and works. Observations re Scientology: Internet (e.g., Debbie Cook) reveals that LRH has been betrayed by upper-level management and specifically by COB David Miscavige. It all makes sense now! COB must be removed.
– Tech Belief: Good and works. Observations re Scientology: I’ll lose my family & friends if I speak up about Miscavige. Best to stay under the radar and keep my family together, while I continue research into how this happened.
– Tech Belief: Good and works. Observations re Scientology: LRH may have embellished his personal history but he is, after all, a man and no one has codified the science of spirituality like he did. Where and how did he discover the Tech? More research needed.
– Tech Belief: Shaken. Observations re Scientology: WTF? LRH had 3 wives? Participated in Sex Magick rituals? Defrauded/cheated some of his closest friends & associates? Gathered a personal fortune from the Church? Died in isolation, estranged from family?
– Tech Belief: Effective enough to bait the trap. Observations re Scientology: At best, LRH was a troubled, deviously brilliant man with narcissistic goals. For all his brilliance, he allowed the sociopath Miscavige to seize control and realize his sociopathic goals. How did I fall for this?
The above is a bit rough and off-the-cuff but may give a better idea of the departure process to those not familiar with it. Not everyone goes through all stages and some experience stages not listed above. For example, some choose not to stay “under the radar” and speak out publicly.
So the majority of people who leave Scientology (or the CoS) go through stages and eventually end up not believing at all in Scientology or LRH’s teachings. I was just curious as to how Mr. Rinder thought about Scientology’s teachings at this point after being out of it for many years (I’m assuming he doesn’t believe in it anymore and considers it a cult and that it can’t help people spiritually). Because he’s been in the Scientology culture for so long it must have shaped his personality, for good and bad (as Leah Remini had said it shaped hers), and Mr. Rinder struck me as being quite intelligent, but I don’t know how much of this is due to being in Scientology for so long.
OMG, so true on the progressive stages of departure; not to mention getting sick and finding out that it is not really yourself being bad for thinking these things, plus once out start to feel better and happy again; not to mention getting that spiritual feeling and certainty back.
Your reply conflicts with the reply by Nickname. I’m unsure if Nickname is Mr. Rinder or another former CoS member, but Nickname states that LRH got it right, whereas your post states that the majority of people who leave Scientology (or the CoS) go through phases regarding LRH’s teachings, and many end up not believing in LRH’s teachings.
WhatWall, that’s sounds accurate as to an average. I went from:
Tech Belief: Good and works.
to: Why are all these “clears & OTs” FAR less sane than the average “wog”.
to: Tech Belief: It’s a mind f#ck and a trap!
I don’t know how Mr. Rinder feels about the subject of Scientology (as differentiated from the church), but I did learn things from the subject that I use to this day. Mr. Hubbard was able to distill knowledge from various philosophies & religions into easily grasped principles. Some of those principles are still useful to me. It’s Hubbard’s motivations that now puzzle me.
I would not recommend that anyone become involved with the Church of Scientology today due to its unethical and damaging practices, such as disconnection, rapacious sales tactics, misuse of parishioner donations, fair game and human trafficking. Some have argued that these practices were not as flagrant or common 30 years ago (when I became a Scientologist), but they existed even then.
Even though I haven’t discarded some of the principles I learned in Scientology, I am now going through a period of inspecting each of them to verify that they don’t contain any ideas that eventually lead to the cruelty and destruction that I witnessed in the Church of Scientology.
Lisa, Leah Remini was immersed in Scn practically from the age of a baby (I knew her from when she was a young teen). I don’t know that Mike R. was in from that young of an age. So, drawing parallels like that, may not be accurate…
MOST people who leave the church eventually realize that Hubbard was running a criminal scam and had no real answers. Other than well worn ones he regurgitated from historic sources. Some of us who had gotten in way back STILL cannot confront that they were conned and scramble to blame others for Hubbard’s criminality. Some even manufacturing a mysterious “Mr. X” who changed his “tech” (prior to David Miscavige) to make it evil.
WhatWall- I was curious because I was made aware that many ex-CoS members still practice as independents. Yes, thanks to the many books, documentaries, articles, and tv programs addressing people’s horror stories about their experiences with the CoS, I can’t imagine that anyone would want to have anything to do with the CoS, unless they’ve been living under a rock lately and haven’t heard or seen any of the media reports about the CoS’s abuses.
Lisa –
Mike Rinder posts as Mike Rinder. I am Nickname, out for much longer than most here (I’m not really a part of the vocal majority). Newcomer is not me, nor is WhatWall. I am not the CIA and I am not OSA.
The tech began to be very substantially altered (changed) in the late 1970’s. Some say LRH knew of this, some say he did not. Many who post here were active member of the Co$ during the decades from 1980 to the present, and like many others (but not all) who exited the Co$ after the year 2000, have expressed substantial disappointments with the services / training / teaching / exposure / treatment / “ethics handlings” they received while in the Co$.
A long paper could be written about this, but Scn deals with understanding (ARC triangle, affinity-reality-communication). Understanding grows and when used and experienced for oneself, becomes what we call knowledge. KRC – knowledge-responsibility-control is the upper triangle of Scn. The issue of responsibility in an active and positive sense is a huge issue in societies. And it is a huge issue in Scn. Many apparently think that LRH or anyone else(!) will take responsibility for them. He joked about this saying (not an exact quote): ~~The only horror of it is that you can never be anyone else.~~ There are indeed many shades of greys to responsibility, many levels of responsibility, many delegations of the same, but the bottom line is that one’s life is one’s own, on one’s self-determinism. Those “at the top” were not always born there, and some think Winston Churchill for example could be beastly (and he and MacArthur and Roosevelt all smoked – how horrible).
A long-time original Scientologist in Switzerland did a studied review of all officially issued materials of the church of Scn and offered his opinion that “I would trust materials written BEFORE 1976.”
At a party long ago, I asked a Co$ member about changes in the tech. She took a deep breath and said one simple thing: “Just read the books.” I read Aristotle (currently) and I read some behavioral psychology and I read art history and I read newspapers and I read scientology. I don’t read Stephen King, but I do read Nabokov. I take responsibility, or try to, for what I make of all of them. I wish everyone did, and I’m 100% sure LRH wished the same.
My my, the soccer world is in turmoil right now. FIFA officials arrested and in chains, extradited to the US on corruption charges. Millions of $ involved in bribes and corruption, yet their boss is untouched at this stage – saying he’s going to route out the wrong doers and get the game back in order. And of course he didn’t know anything about the corruption that has been extant for decades in the biggest and most lucrative sport in the world.
Got an uncomfortable feeling about this davey boy? You should… the FBI are now all over soccer and smell the scent of corruption and are chasing the money. You go along thinking you’re invincible like those sports executives and a big surprise is on the way.
Tick tock and around and around the wheel goes, your number is on that wheel, it’s only a matter of time before you are presented to the world in handcuffs as the corrupt little asshole that you truly are. Your goal kicking days are nearly over and a cell awaits with no choices on the menu
Hi Mike, Sociopath fits David Miscavige like a glove. Agree with you totally.You would know having lived it all.XO Always Ann B.
Hi jgg2012, Love your post.Gave me a laugh but it all really is absurd now.How 1 person getting a Clear Package is introduced as the savior for cos & the broken twisted & deformed bridge.Take Care, Ann B.
“ONE PERSON PAID for their “Clear Package.”
A SINGLE person PAID for auditing.
Maybe they were getting out of the rain.
This is absurdity upon absurdity. 1. the idea that a huge infrastructure is built to get people up the bridge and only one person in three years is on that bridge. 2. This is celebrated with trumpets and said pc becomes Scientology “poster child.” 3. After all that trouble, there is no such thing as the state of clear. 4. Said poster child has likely never heard of Xenu.
SIXTY years in the making. It’s gonna take some time. But isn’t it fun to watch the dominoes fall and hear the squirms uttered in the process. Fun.. No other word for it
Hi Ron Lumberg, I am sure David Miscavige is laughing all the way to the bank,but I also feel strongly with the enormous ego he carries, he does care what Mike Tony & all of us say about ” his ” church. Otherwise why put humans in The Hole or beat on them or order someone else to do it.I know very well about those tactics.Take Care Ann B.
I wonder if SPs are allowed to park there on game nights?
WOW!!!! That’s what I call fleecing the planet-oops, I meant clearing the planet!
“We put this Org here, now let’s put it to good use.”
Perfectly encapsulates the Ideal Org program. Backwards logic, par usual. They should have asked first: Do we have any use for a new building? The answer was ‘no’ then, and it’s ‘no’ now. Next lesson: Sunk Cost, or why not to throw good money after bad. Just walk away, lick your wounds, and try to start life over again.
I told this story already but a small group of us Suppressive Independent types, (a pack of no good, nattering apostates for sure ) got together here in Denver for dinner. One of the ladies who frequents the Denver Org. revealed that the Org was officially insolvent-She was disturbed.
The Colorado Rockies are just blocks away and the Org parking lot is farmed out each game to bring in some income. I would not surprise me to hear that staff and public are asked to find parking elsewhere on the days there are games so even more spaces can be rented out.
A beautiful building that would quickly sell in the Denver market if the time comes.
“us Suppressive Independent types” Laughter!
I have a feeling Miscavige doesn’t give a shit about these posts . . . or the fact that his Ideal Org shit is failing. He’s laughing all the way to the bank.
I think you are right.
Not so sure. The problem might be a bit more complex which makes it much harder to resolve.
ron, for the most part you are correct. DM LONG ago realized that El Con’s tek was a scam. He’s now in it for the cash. Being a sociopath, it will be interesting to see what the “end” is like. El Con slid into complete insanity and then croaked. DM doesn’t appear to be heading for that route. Who knows though…
Agreed. I read this and The Bunker every day and will continue to do so. However, for a long time I would read articles like this and think “we’re getting closer! these guys are going down!” . . . but after so many articles, it finally occurred to me that DM and all those fuckers are just doing what they do.
Correct again ron. Many here, having been in scn and falsely thinking that DM took over the church from a moral “O.T.” who developed “tech” to make others “O.T.”, get SO angry (understandably so considering the REAL harm he’s done) that they think that law enforcement authorities will be chomping at the bit to arrest and try him. When in reality the worst that will happen to him is a bill for back taxes owed. Unless he off’s himself he WILL retire a very rich person living in luxury. Sociopaths don’t always “lose”.
I agree. DM does not appear to be heading towards a psychotic break…yet. Wait until his dream of becoming a big Hollywood Movie Producer and sole owner of a Hollywood Studio slips through his fingers….and he no longer holds the throne, too? Yipes! That’s gonna be ugly.
Is DM looking at some prison time?
” he WILL retire a very rich person living in luxury. Sociopaths don’t always “lose”.”
Yes they do. They always, always end up on the losing end of the stick. The apparency may be that a win is possible but it is an illusion.
Show me a sociopath who has ever ended up differently.
I say give the little shit a stress test and see how he does.
Ann, yes DM may well have a break down in the future. Probably hinges on severity of his alcohol usage. As far as prison, I don’t see after studying everything published so far. If he Royally screws up on his taxes (way more than he has so far) it is a remote possibility. As of yet there is no real criminal case to be made by a DA in front of even a Grand Jury that would pass muster with a judge.
Newcomer, a large chuck of politicians are sociopaths. A HUGE % of them end up “winning”. You just have to look around a bit more in depth than you have. You are stuck on El Con’s data vis-a-vis this subject (which is wrong, what a shock). Ted Kennedy (I knew him personally) was a sociopath (man slaughter, child prostitutes, etc.). He lived great until dying in old age. I could go on for HOURS.
Technology has turned Miscavige into road kill. The Internet, You tube, WordPress, …..etc etc.. Miscavige got run over in the Golden Age Of Tech.
If you personified technology into a “she”, you could truly state she can’t tolerate being in the same atmosphere as Miscavige. She even seems to be out to get him.
While Miscavige stands on the street corner hawking his “technology”, technology whips at him in a most hateful and violent way. Like a persistent curse. Technology has been a brutally unkind to David Miscavige,
Very curious.
His own Facebook page proved to be a source of embarrassment and humiliation, when it was discovered he was paying for likes.
I used to think he was oppressive but it has come to my attention that Miscavige is actually theetie wheetie, Because I saw the rundown for handling theetie wheetie. Maybe technology doesn’t respond well with theetie wheetie types.
These questions are designed to crack the theetie Wheetie case.
1.) Have you ever falsely accused another?
2.) Have you ever deliberately pressured another with questions?
3.) Have you ever submitted another to constant interrogation?
4.) Have you ever hounded another with accusations?
5.) Have you ever used accusations against another in order to get
questions answered?
6.) Have you ever committed the overt of subjecting another to
7.) Have you ever deliberately misinformed people?
8.) Have you ever pretended to know something you didn’t?
9.) Have you ever accused people of lying?
10.) Have you ever lied about something?
11.) Have you ever accused a person of knowing something when they
I mean, evidence and testimony of Miscavige consistently doing all of the above is all over the Internet. Why do you think the entire “field” (Earth) is ARCXen with the Scientology Organization? Because Miscavige has tortured people with all of the above.
I mean, here he is in this BROmance with Tom Cruise. Tom has not produced one CLEAR. And Miscavige is designing and remodeling space for him, and declaring him the “Most valuable Scientologist on the planet”.
Do you see how theetie wheetie that is? I mean, it is really obvious.
Then you know, there is his Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake” manner. While he sponges of the Organization for free meals, travel clothes, Public Relations Reps, tanning beds, custom suits, private chefs that permit and encourage him to waste one mean at every serving, (He is given two plates to choose from at each sitting), he has staff parked out in the trailer sleeping out there mal nourished. VOLUNTEERS.
That is VERY theetie wheetie. Very Marie Antoinette. “Let them eat cake”. Like, “Let him die”. How theetie wheetie was THAT?
Yes, thugs and pimps can be theetie wheetie.
And then there are his claims, which suggest absolutely he is theetie wheetie. He sees himself as having touched the lives of BILLIONS. A child prodigy. Hubbard’s offspring. Cruise’s hero. Has expanded Scientology 47X over. Had to correct all of Hubbard’s fuck ups. He defeated the United States government. He is God’s gift to this planet. Can’t understand how he deserves anything but more worship and applause.
You know, you think he is just LYING. But this guy probably believes this stuff! That IS theetie wheetie! Do you ever think about the fact that he is so far gone he BELIEVES these things?
This is what he has on his web site:
Under Mr. Miscavige’s stewardship, Scientology-supported social betterment and humanitarian programs have touched the lives of billions. Mr. Hubbard’s religious works are more widely available than ever and the Church has achieved unprecedented growth both in physical size and in the reach of its ministry.
Guaranteeing the continued growth and expansion of Scientology internationally
Making Scientology broadly available to people of all walks of life world over
Developing programs to address society’s worst ills and providing the resources to put those programs into action
Ensuring that the Scripture of Scientology is true to the Founder’s original writings
Developing proprietary audio restoration technology to preserve Mr. Hubbard’s recorded lectures
Forming translations units and establishing methodology to ensure the foreign dissemination of the materials of Dianetics and Scientology
Seeing to the international dissemination of the Scientology religion and its humanitarian objectives through establishment of a 185,000-square-foot Scientology Dissemination and Distribution Center
Creating Ideal Scientology Church Organizations
Establishing two state-of-the-art digital publishing houses capable of producing 1.3 million books and 1 million CDs per week
Inspiring the Volunteer Ministers Program, the world’s largest independent relief force, with more than 200,000 volunteers
Securing official recognitions of the religion
Presiding over nine annual globally broadcast events that serve as briefings for Scientologists on the Church’s strategic programs
I mean, this is just a few lines.
HE BELIEVES these things! That IS THEETIE – WHEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to define him in the artificial terminology of scientology is pretty much a waste of time in my estimation. He is a sociopath, a term that is undertood and used in the world. Theetie wheetie is just a label defined exclusively within scientology which has no real meaning other than to people inside scientology (and even most of them don’t know what it means though it is used in slang form fairly often). Might as well use some Australian slang and say he is a drongo, That’s just as meaningless.
Mike says: “Trying to define him in the artificial terminology of scientology is pretty much a waste of time in my estimation.”
This is very true. However when The Oracle does this it’s a whole different dimension. It’s art. You know, like a good song.
Of course he’s laughing all the way to the bank. His estimated worth is 50 million dollars. Not bad for someone who never finished high school. And on top of all that, he gets to beat his staff…
and he still isn’t happy. Whattil it take Dave? Why not have a nice chew on some aluminum foil!
Ron, I know David Miscavige is definitely going to the bank but I don’t think he’s laughing on his way to it, or at any other time. I think he’s obsessed with knowing how he is perceived because he’s a narcissist and one who is living a narcissist’s nightmare. He has no friends, no family, his life’s work has turned to shit and his inevitable place in history is too awful to think about… all before a world audience! He is now heading straight toward a cliff and he knows it so whatever laughing he’s doing I don’t think it’s sane or sober laughing.
Roger H, I would agree that David Miscavige is “heading straight toward a cliff” PR wise, and that only within the Scientology Bubble is he liked and admired, and even this based on ignorance about him and what he’s really doing. On the other hand, then he is also immensely rich and even if he were to be kicked out tomorrow he will live a life of ease and luxury, and there will always be sycophants who will grovel to him and admire him simply because he is wealthy. There are plenty of people like that in the world who can feed him the admiration and attention that he constantly craves. No matter how disgraced he becomes, so long as he has a lot of money, there will be people around him to feed his narcissism, beautiful women who will sleep with him. Its horrible that’s the world we live in.
But then, if its true that we live lifetime after lifetime, if its true that we really are immortal beings who reincarnate continually – and I really don’t myself know – but if its true, then his future track is not one that I would envy.
For, after all, if we only live one life,have never lived before and won’t ever live again, well, whatever we do between birth and death doesn’t matter that much,and if we somehow escape being punished for harming our others then we’re scot-free, we’ve beaten the system. Probably one of the reasons criminals commit suicide is just to continue to beat the system.
But if its true that we’ve been coming back, lifetime after lifetime, and that we always will come back, lifetime after lifetime – uh oh.
That would be very bad news for our little Apple Box Boy.
And, somehow without knowing him I am sure that he Q & A’s about this, privately, to himself, sometimes.
Because his money will save his ass this lifetime, no doubt in my mind about that.
But then, next lifetime he could be the son of a blowzy bottle blonde with a black eye just received from her loutish, drunken husband, and instead of a choice between 2 exquisitely cooked gourmet meals of the finest and freshest ingredients, this lifetime he’s sitting in a grimy kitchen eating a bologna sandwich on white bread, and feeling lucky to get that.
You can’t take it with you, guys.
I’d venture to say – I do believe, that the possibility that he really is an immortal being, who cannot die, who really will live, lifetime after lifetime, is David Miscavige’s worst, and probably only, nightmare.
Like most people I assume David Miscavige will abscond with oodles of dough and live happily ever after like Citizen Kane. That wasn’t a happy story. The suicide rate among the rich is rather high so just because a man lives a rich lifestyle doesn’t mean anything by itself. Does Miscavige want to be surrounded by sycophants? He is now and he obviously detests them. When I say he is headed for a cliff I just mean I think there is more disgrace headed his way and THAT is what he hates because in the end the only thing a man has is what he is.
Clear = Brainwashed
Roger, I thought it was called Clear because afterwards one could look into their ear and see CLEAR through to the other ear… 😉
Yeah but the “clear” in the picture has that squinty eyed smile – just like Katie Holmes did in her last public appearance with Tom Cruise at the Vanity Fair Oscar party. She was faking her smile because she was hiding that she was so out of there in a couple of weeks.
Katie Holmes is my hero! She lets go of Cruise’s adopted daughter from her clothing line and then has that nut job served in Iceland. And now, apparently, he doesn’t even visit is daughter much. AND, how much of an imbecile is Tom Cruise when the cult has to fix him up with various ladies?!
And as devastating as Going Clear has been for the church, Katie’s brilliantly planned escape from Cruise was a PR disaster for Scientology’s image, for weeks on TV and the web, it was all about Katie’s decision to flee to save Suri from the evil clutches of the church, the damage was so bad that reportedly Tom gave her whatever she wanted in the divorce, just to stop the bleeding…
Right you are, Kathy H! Katie knew that at 6 years of age, kids start getting auditing and she was hell bent on that NOT happening. What an incredible Mom she is! And I’m sure Tom bent over backwards to give her EVERYTHING she wanted because of the horrific PR. I hope at some point Tom realizes what a mistake he made joining the cult.
Here’s the very last one, two weeks before Katie escaped Tom, Dave, Jessica and the gang. They are holding hands while Katie’s father was getting all the divorce documents in ship shape. This photo shows how much Katie trusted Tom Cruise. She had to play the role right up to the very end. I’m so happy for her that she made it out with her daughter.
Her get away plans were absolutely BRILLIANT.
She looks horrible in that picture. It’s even more jarring when you compare it to current photos. Its 3-4 years later and she looks 15 years younger. Being married to the second and third biggest beings is hard on a gal! (since COB went on thier honeymoon (pssst Katie……red flag # 3000) it was kind of a polyamorus relationship…… Katie loved Tom, Tom loved COB and COB loves COB, so it’s all good)
Sorry, I had to go there. It’s just funny. I’m done now.
I drove by there in January on a Sunday afternoon and the parking lot was about half full and I wondered if they were letting patrons of the popular sports bar across the street park there because of embarrassing pictures like this one. When I drove by there last summer the parking lot was virtually empty.
“We put this Org here, now let’s put it to good use”.
Best donate it to the city as a homeless shelter. The nearby field can be used as an exercise facility on off days.
To be fair, I think the definition of “Planetary Clearing” has evolved beyond the simplistic LRH definition of having auditors audit people in large numbers and producing Clears (first-time Clears, that is) in any number. Now it is about creating All-Ideal zones centred around All-Idea, Ideal Orgs. And this is achievable so long as the whales give more and keep giving more.
True, but when those whales expire and their offspring inherits their wealth, will they spend any of it on Scientology. I doubt it, because I think most of them will by then have figured out it is a scam.
It’s time to go Clear Denver because Flag is empty and needs ‘Bodies in the Shop.’
Get busy!
“I’M PARKING AT DENVER IDEAL ORG! You can park there too!”
I’ve never seen one of those VM vans up close, but it seems strange to me that they bought cargo vans rather than passenger type vans. Most normal churches buy passenger vans. Are there any seats in the back of those cargo vans for living people? What do they use those vans for anyway?
That is why we refer to them as Idle Morgues. The vans are for hauling away the spent fuel.
Idle Morgues: Idle because the world is on to them and nobody is coming in. Morgue because this is where you die spiritually. Does that about sum it up, Coop?
No seats, just chains. This is a ‘no frills’ vehicle.
Hi OSD,Many moons ago before I was actually on the Excalibur,about 8 or so of the Asho F expediters were told to get in the back of a filthy rental truck that of course was sorchingly hot with no light inside & we were taken to see San Pedro port where the Excalibur was.One of the worst truck rides of my life.Every time the driver put the brakes on or turned we were slammed against the walls.Lots of fun even those VM vans look a little better than the truck of my nightmares! Love Always Ann B.
Yep! That’s scientology for you, Ann B! ALWAYS thinking about their staff…
Al there is a tent in the back of that van. The church uses it for VM events locally. A group of us put it up one time on the 16th Street Mall for example. It did get a good bit of traffic but it was very hard to get people to settle down long enough to really talk to them.
We did e-meter stress tests, listened to the few who would divulge what was on their mind but basically most just wanted to get out of there and get back out on the mall.
This was some time back, it would be even more difficult now for the public to trust the VM’s- Dave’s legacy to mankind I guess.
I like your inner Perry Mason.
“We put this org here, now let’s put it to good use.” In m mind, that translates to “We have been sitting here doing nothing since the doors opened. Please, please, please buy our Clear Package before COB cuts off our food and electricity.”
That little promo piece is an admission of failure. Talk about bad advertising.
“Now let’s put it to good use.” 3 years and no straight up and vertical? The only thing high about the Denver ideal morgue is its altitude. Lucky they have a parking lot to rent out. The Valley org should take note of what’s in store for them.
Translated – Scientology scammed a bunch of money out of a “trusting soul” in exchange for a mind fuck of epic porportions. SOP is to ” butter her money” all over the planet – AOLA, ASHO, FLAG and Denver – The Fleecewinds too.
Then – slowly over time – they will transfer it where she will lose 50%, take it w/o her knowing, regg her for it until it is all gone….
Poor soul – what she purchased was a long drawn out road to shattered relationships, broken dreams, insanity, confusion and financial ruin.
What the heck is a “clear package”? (not buying auditing by intensives but by result?) Anyway … I thought that ASHO was the clearing org now for North America.
The ‘package’ is being CLEAR UP TO YOUR ASS IN DEBT and a full withdrawal from life and family.
Newcomer, that made me laugh. So true.
A “clear package” is when the Case Supervisor puts together an estimate of what it should take that person to reach Clear from where they currently are on the Bridge. You buy X number of intensives with the intent of achieving Clear. If you don’t make it within that number, you buy more.
I want some of that!
I thought the “Clear Package” was the one price deal. I think it was something like $27,500. Or, was that just if you come to Flag?
You WILL buy more! You get a nice discount, maybe 45%, by buying a package of auditing intensives (the term for the basic 12.5 hour block of auditing time). But if you use up your package before having achieved the result, clear, then you either keep buying intensives one at a time at the list price until you make it, or you buy another package to get the discount, at the risk that you will end up with unused intensives. Oh, and if you ask for your money back for the intensives that you didn’t use, you are kicked out of the cherch and everyone you know in the cherch will disconnect from you.
I’m sure the most ethical organization on the planet wouldn’t low-ball the technical estimate as a means of guaranteeing more revenue down the road. I’d love to see the statistics on how many people achieve their result within their original technical estimate! I know I never did.
No OSD, the $27,500 will only cover the Johnson and Johnson purchase for the vaseline you will need to get to clear. But I think the C/Ses are recommending Goldbond because it has some medication for the chaffing as well.
Wow, Coop! I never realized going Clear would be so painful! I think I’ll just pass…
These articles are hard to digest. Here in Joburg I speak to many onlines and they all assure me the local org is packed, and I see no reason to disbelieve, Admittedly they’re all on the purif and objectives, and it’s the last hurrah. The odd time I drive past the org there’s a dozen or more cars in the parking lot. Can orgs in the US really be so utterly empty??
Yes, they really can be. And are. I have been by this very org, where I was also on staff for many years. The parking lot has been nearly empty the last few times I went by. And I have “under the radar” friends who confirm that it is empty and struggling.
Dear XclassVstaff,
Could you list out the bigges 5 reasons you think public are NOT interested in Scientology?
And can you list out ANY reasons that you witnessed which did cause enthusiasm and make interested Scientologists when you were on staff, in otherwords what were any of the things that really made public interested enough to regularly attend?
Is there anything the Ideal Orgs offer that would make anyone attend regularly?
Flashy clean buildings with staff dressed like hotel staff with enthusiastic quotes and nice settings isn’t what makes people wish to keep coming back, so what, if anything.
a) Studying materials?
b) Audting?
c) Ethics/chaplain services?
e) Ethics arbitration?/Chaplain’s Courts for fighting business Scientologists?
f) FSM commission making?
g) Book seller commissions/meetings?
h) Dianetics/Intro Craigslist 1 nighter seminars on topics?
i) Any local regular Scientologist super enthusiastic high OT public who spoke to essentially FSM others, like any particular OT persons who drew crowds of lower level public to come listen to their wins, etc.?
ex OEC/FEBC sup wondering what, if any, are the staff of Denver Org doing and if the public are even buying or interested in any of the typical things Scientology sells.
Yes Dr Mac – they can. They were empty when I was in a few years ago – I was the only paying public for the most part. A few people come in, do some “services” and then leave. That is SOP in Scientology. The staff are kept busy by upper management with lots of games to play – Idle Org fundraising and IAS fundraising…they don’t realize their church is shrinking….
All Scientology needs is a few people each year they can financially ruin and it will keep the “show on the road”.
No new public are coming in so I see they are going after the staff and cannibalizing their own members.\
Tick Tock…Miscavige – Tick Tock
Dear Idle Morgue,
Can you answer a couple questions:
a) Are the red volumes still being used as reference books in the Academy?
b) Are the green volumes still being used as reference books in the Academy?
c) Are the hardback green and red dictionaries still being used when in the course room and doing your training?
d) any word on new editions of the big hardback dictionaries (green or red, or a combined single volume dictionary)?
[email protected]
I think so. Scientology got big in the US, England, and Australia. Many influential people in those countries have either left or have been expelled, and many of them have told about it. Too bad, so sad, Scientology.
In the US it’s relative. The only thing keeping orgs open is the already in clams doing their purif, SRD and student hat. There are very few new people coming in. The momentary surge is waning already.
They can be that empty, and are. That’s because, unlike Joburg, most of the EDs in the US still have some vestige of a soul and a tad bit of compassion, and don’t hard-sell or threaten the public to come in for service. Albert and Sandra de Beer, however, are the moral equivalent of Christian Grey and Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS. A good portion of the Joburg public are probably there out of fear of those two psychos.
If you’re referring to the “Ideal Org” in Johannesburg, at least recently they were over 200k US$ behind in their electric bill and were asking their members for donations to buy a generator. So if the org is in truth, “packed”, it isn’t translating into an ability to pay bills and purchase things they need.
They can’t have been paying their electric bill in a while. Also, unless power is outrageously expensive in Johannesburg, there no way that running a generator to keep the phones and lights on would be cheaper than buying power from utilities.
What’s their cunning plan, to run around at night stealing gas out of cars to fuel the generator?
A dozen cars is considered “packed”? And how many of those belong to the staff, I wonder?
And how many are junkers that never move?
Staff able to own cars?? That is condition called ‘effluentness’. They must be fresh staff, long timers can’t afford cars.
If the Rockies tank early, the parking receipts will go down too. Postulate all you want, the Rockies pitching looks 2nd rate this year.
One person who paid for the ‘clear’ package? Or is it a staff member on a ‘scholarship’? With Flag and ASHO and others sniping away customers for the purif and other services, we will soon know how many in pyramid scheme have the ‘gravitas’ to hold on to ‘their’ ‘customers’.
Uncertainty in sales territories usually equates into no one doing any sales. If there is no commission, why go after that ‘sale’. This is what is killing the mOrgs, that and a brand name that is equal to poison.
I have been past the Denver Org many times in the last year. I am a huge baseball fan and the Org is very close to Rockies Stadium. One Wednesday Night, I stood across the street from 6:30 – 7:10 and watched who went in and out. There were around 6 staff, two outside smoking in the parking lot. Two staff in reception. Two staff renting out parking spaces to people going to the baseball game. And ONE public that went running in at 1 minute before 7:00, obviously trying to get to roll call. I have never seen the parking lot full except when they rent the spaces for the baseball games. It is a very dead ideal org.
dr mac, Joburg org is bankrupt.
Those you see doing the Purif and Objectives are redoing them for the umpteenth time, old timers, OTs, etc. A dozen cars! You think that’s a lot for an “Ideal Org”? Most of those belong to staff. All that glitters is not gold.
They are pulling in people who’ve got money on account. There are millions of Rand on account, money spent long ago.
Joburg org os bankrupt. Pretoria org is bankrupt.
Denver? Why not Detroit. The scientology dream seen from a plane is not a dream. That’s a nightmare. Like many other “dreams” to get TOO MUCH money to live on, while taking TOO MUCH from those one prétends to help.
St. Louis just made a clear too…it was the org’s executive secretary, a staffer for over 10 years according to LinkedIn. Wonder if this one is a staffer?
Every time I read something like this I imagine dm pulling on the tail of a dinosaur that’s being sucked into extinction !
If it’s time for Scientology to die, than let him die!
O, wait…