You can bet this is not an isolated example, just happens to be something sent to me in the last few days.
Apparently things are pretty grim in the Denver “ideal” field.
Can you imagine someone who IS disaffected responding to this command to come in to be investigated? But policy says HCO can issue a “summons” — and policy is NEVER wrong. So, they do the most asinine things and then a whole lot of explaining as to why it didn’t work “too much suppression”, “the SP’s are going wild” etc etc
What is most interesting about this is how contradictory it is to the hype they sell themselves about the incredible success of the Cult Shopping Network. Rather, they seem to be the VERY adverse effect of the internet and The Aftermath and some bad hombres spreading disaffection in their field. There are no floods of people pouring in (other than to get cheap parking for Rockies games), hell their local scientologists won’t even come in.
You can bet the other orgs are all the same. Their fields are “disaffected” too. People are abandoning scientology in droves, though many don’t announce the fact because they don’t want to lose family and friends to disconnection ( I assume like the person who forwarded this to me). They are no longer believers and certainly not supporters.
Those “under the radar” probably constitute a larger number than active scientologists these days.
In Colorado, we have the most SPs per capita in the U.S. We can help those who want to leave and you will have the full support of the SP field. Remember one thing – There are more Ex-Scientologists than active scientologists. FACT. There is a good reason for that.
Until Miscavige responds regarding the tsunami of evidence that he is running a corrupt organization that breaks apart families and deceives it’s membership by committing fraud on a daily basis, I think demands from “HCO” from any Scientology organization will be ignored. As it should be. They have lost any and all altitude and credibility when they continue to support that monster. Good people know when to vote with their feet. I would expect the pitch and fervor of these desperate demands to amplify as season three of the Aftermath debuts. David Miscavige missed his chance. Karma has taken the wheel.
This news just in………..
Scientology is calling on paper mills to prepare more mustard colored paper. Seems that they have run out because there are so many disafflicted–disaffuluenced— disappointed–disgruntled–disappointed—- ah, yes, here it is— disaffected!
Thanks so much to the person who sent this to Mike. “Hard news” is so valuable, and much appreciated!
This is also another way to find out who’s been watching Aftermath!
Whoo-hoo! Scaredy-Cult! Scaredy-Cult!
Right about now, Dwarf be shakin’ in His lil Loebs!
Proof positive of Cult Collapse.
They’re ACKNOWLEDGING disaffection. This is stupendously good news.
“You are to report…”
Where are we now – Soviet Russia?
Oh, wait. I’m not in present time!
North Korea, maybe?
And most certainly Mike is spot on and Denver is NOT the only org sending this thing out. I’d bet that EVERY org is sending this out!
Gosh, I do hope that most UTRs just ignore it.
Apply the policy, “Safety In Numbers”, UTRs. There aren’t enough staff to handle ALL the Disaffecteds. The cult KNOWS that. So get yourselves good excuses. Go on vacation. Take your dog to the vet. Get a toothache. Get the hell out of Dodge, because, as ever, THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
Miscavige is incapable of completing a cycle of action, remember, so avoid, and “this too shall pass”.
Probably though, the ones MOST targeted are the OT7s, the ones actively auditing. Flog would have a list of them. You can bet your Silver Meritorius plaque THEY will respond, cravenly, like the good little bots they are.
But as for the rest – pfffft! Ignore! Make up some excuse. They’re going to have their hands full with the OT7 bots anyway.
The OT VII’s can always claim they were out of town on vacation when the notice came.
I drive by the Scientology building in Denver at least once a week. Different times of the day. No surprise they are trying to “summons” folks to come in. It looks like a mausoleum. Half of the time, the lights are not on. DEAD. Keep up the good work and pressure, Mr. Rinder.
Here is a classic example of Scientological THINK
That spells, AAA.
Yo Dave,
Geeze good buddy, I told you this was gonna happen and there ya go again with more of yer forced coersion. When are You gonna get it Dave?
Long answer: NEVER. Expect to be floatin in very cold water very soon.
After that you’ll spend the rest of your existence in Hell.
Miscavige is has already been in Hell for some time now.
This is the Golden Age of ARC.
Cash/Credit Card.
I just went to The Bunker. If there’s not a reason there for LE to tear down that hell hole after this next episode by Leah and Mike I can’t imagine what it would take.
I would come in with cameras running. If the Cope Office squawked I’d just ask for the Hubtard policy forbidding video recording of the interview… Fun to play with the KSW mice brained idiots.
I’d go with you, Wynski! What a kick!
I am reading George Orwell’s book – 1984. Scientologist’s – welcome to the bizarre world where everything is opposite. Freedom is Slavery. Good is bad. Truth is altered to keep the bubble dwellers dwelling.
You know you are in a cult when…
…you realize you’ve been awake for 60 hours working.
Being summoned to ethics is like the Keystone Cops meet the Kool-aid Kids.
To: HCO Cope Officer
From: One who has woken up
Re: Your recent missive
Dear HCO person:
By working for Li’l Dave, the only thing you have to look forward to is an eternity of coping.
We can all have a laugh about this here, but really, if you’re under the radar this would be serious bad news. If you don’t respond they are going to be after you. The more you avoid them the more scrutiny it’s going to bring. This is a way of threatening the disaffected to come back and flip them some more money to get them off their backs and stop the harassment and possible disconnection.
Yeah, it’s fun to see an org in its death throes, but this could be very bad mews for people who were all but out.
I hope this effort is fruitless and there are too many non-responders for the few remaining staff in CO to deal with.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. As much as I hate scientology my heart aches for the people still trapped inside. It’s hard to get out with your family and finances intact. Getting a summons like this must be frightening for those still trying to cling on.
Smorbie, its all about leverage. Your kid is in the SO or on staff so the cult threatens disconnection. Its the only leverage the cult has, really. Fair Game doesn’t seem to work for them anymore.
What HCO is hoping to do is get people to come in and then force them to pick up the cans and go on the meter. Then they’ll use it like a lie detector to find out who you know who is disaffected and what that person did or said. It is a witch hunt through and through. And heads will be put on pikes to make the others so afraid that they shape up.
A new phone number. Thanks. I’ll have to give them a ring. I just read the bona fide OT III materials I downloaded off the EthetaNet and encountered the Hubbard Fire Wall of Bullshit and now I’ve got a bad case of the sniffles which I’m worries could lead to that deadly pneumonia Hubbard warned I could get if I read this shit was wasn’t prepared. ??? Or it could be the precursor to a terminal case of scientology brain rot.
Does anyone have Scientology Animatronic Robot David Miscavige’s personal cell number? I think I could use some help from the top … from the Little Being Hisself … to help exorcise a pesky R6 implant, spruce up my whole track, smooth out some ridges, get me some Power resurgence, grab a couple of wins, shatter me some suppression, dissconnect from my three year old child, drain my 401k and max out some more credit cards to buy another dumpster size load of junk scientology books and courses, and help convince my zombie wife in the Sea Org to have a late term abortion. What about it little Davie? Can ya help? ?
You should already have knowingness over that. Maybe you aren’t really clear after all. Come in for a sec check so we can make you redo everything.
Bring your checkbook!
Love it. Secheckbook. HA!
Hi Ardent Stealth, just send your message on Mike Rinder’s blog, as you did.
The L’il infant Miscavige is so scared of threats like Mike Rinder, he monitors this blog constantly.
Most of the world knows, if you want the criminal cowardly thug David Miscavige to read any of your messages, just post ’em here, compliments of Mike Rinder.
Oh, the nightmares that little balding, aging, deteriorating psychopath must have.
I wonder if this will drive DM to contemplate suicide? Will it Dave? Dave?
(DM) I’m thinking, I’m thinking. What are my options?
I wonder what the world will think of him once he drops his body like the old conman himself LRH?
Who am I kidding, the world already knows what the little shit is. And it ain’t pretty, oh no.
DM’s stream of conciousness:
“QUIET, all of you! I’m trying to think. I’m considering my options. Something painless. I can’t deal with pain. Drowning, maybe? On the other hand, what would my hair look like afterward? …nah, too messy…but I’m just so tired of it all…why don’t I just cook up some crap and tell them its OT 9 and 10 and then just leave…tell them I’m joining Ron on Target Two…they’ll love it…they’ll believe that…they believe anything I tell them…if only I could just go snorkeling in peace…”
This is interesting on its face, but beyond that, it’s very telling: Normally, disaffection in the ranks would be terrible entheta and wouldn’t even be talked about, so as not to burst the bubble of their upstatness.
Now they’ve acknowledged the existence of disaffection *in writing* so you know it must be really bad!
I want a summons! I’d frame it and hang it my wall lol
COS continually wrong targets their own crimes to perpetuate the blame of others …no wonder staff cave, become slave and then eventually protest. This type of exposure to staff and public will be the demise for the church. Great job on finding this Mike.
Shit hey… they must be really feeling the disaffection within their ranks!
I remember being ordered to submit to a police background check while on staff, we all were. Geezers… that was in the 80s. late 80s I think, they are a very paranoid organization and per policy attack their own without mercy or thinking about consequences (knee jerks are standard tech). So much of Scientology indoctrination has blurred I can never be sure of dates or exact occurrences in that organization any more. It has all been reduced to a monotone of crap, even worse than the military boredom one gets from that organization.
Then again, stuff like this is good news, their implosion is biting. Word of this will spread within what’s left of their grapevine. Good material for RB to toss around with his sense of wit. They can suppress only so much, pissed off and hungry people will do the darn-est things eventually. Philosophically, it looks like Freedom is coming home to roost within the corridors of Scientology. Or as Hubbard once put it, you become what you resist.
Scientology, messy isn’t it?
Yes, Yawn. The cult is getting really nasty and desperate. Like a cornered rat. And so forth 🙂
Reading that letter makes me think that the Cherch of $camology believes it has authority to command obedience. Absolute and complete arrogance.
I have had more polite jury summons, and that’s from the state, they have legal authority to demand appearance backed up with armed personnel.
If my church had sent me that, it would be the last letter I received from them as a member.
To paraphrase a line from The Wizard of Oz: “We’re melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a little Dwarfenfuhrer could destroy our wonderful “religion”?!”
Eek! It’s the dreaded goldenrod letter (bwahahaha) of, “Oh crap, it’s all falling apart faster than we thought.”
Coming soon, the pink letter of begging.
Just watched that film again babysitting this past weekend. I thought of the cult too.
I imagine the fear and panic racing through those receiving this summons. It’s a serious matter for anyone under the radar who may risk losing family, friends, & employment by feeling they have no choice but to comply. But from all that I and others have learned from these experiences, and from the subsequent knowledge found on the internet, there is a way to get through such an interrogation. It requires complete focus, but one can fake a floating needle. This has been proven by the stories of many exes and the efforts of others to explain how to do it. Google search this : how to fake an f/n on an e-meter . First resd how others did it, and then Look for the youtube videos made to show how it works.
Don’t allow yourself to admit guily when you have done nothing wrong. Free speech is a right we all have. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are wrong for speaking, listening, reading to other points of view. Just find your place of peace, “put your TRs in” and get through it.
I was thinking hat as well. The person/people must be very worried and upset with this threat.
Great advice. I hope they can get real help sooner than later. ❤️
Thank you, Sarita. I hope they do, too ❤️
I love it… manipulate the bullshit sacred e-meter by using wog tech. LRH must be spinning in his Van Allen Belt, the fucking dipshit.
Altogether now, Sing: “Ding Dong, the witch is dead, which old witch, the wicked witch, Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead”
not sure if its funny or pathetic that they don’t sign off with any names, only bullshit positions. Off topic, Mike have you managed to acquire a copy of the highly sought after COB Magazine?
Oh you mean Tiger Beat Miscavige Magazine?
COB Dave is so dreamy, swooned Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
(Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
“Tiger Beat Miscav Mag…”
Maybe they don’t sign off with any names because they don’t dare. After all, by the time they get anyone in, the person holding that post could have already blown.
i wonder if they will serve snacks. That might draw them in. Maybe it was a typo and they meant disinfected.
Baked Clams would be appropriate.
CO$ “Spiritual Freedom” indeed…(LOL)
Any “religion” that issues a “summons” to a disaffected member about a vague “investigation” is ludicrous…
About as funny as the old Monty Python skits about the Spanish Inquisition barging in, expecting everyone to cower in fear, but everyone just looks at them like an odd anachronism…..
This gave me a chill down my spine remembering the terror and fear an HCO investigation would bring to the orgs. The effort to keep the still-ins must be horrific and the escape routes must be akin to a Maximum Security Prison.
Feeling such gratitude to celebrate Double Independence Day with freedom from all this oppression.
I don’t know if I agree with you there Jane Dough. I am pretty sure most members who are just pretending to be “in” just roll their eyes, and anyone who might bother to go through the bullshit motions will just google how to handle the situation with e-meter manipulation or whatever, as someone else mentioned.
Ah, just throw a magnet in your purse, or conceal it in your crotch, and the meter will do whatever you want it to do. LRH’s tech isn’t an i-phone, or a pong game even, it is a bloody wire with a current. Cutting tech, it isn’t.
I personally know 2 UTR families. They each had the same solution. They moved far – and I do mean FAR away from their orgs. to remote and I do mean REMOTE areas of the US. I would love to tell them “VWD” but I have to pretend that I don’t know, and they have to pretend that I don’t know…and so on.
My FUN written response would be: Yeah, I’m completely disaffected. No, no one has talked to me about being disaffected. I had been a fence sitter for too many years to count mainly because I have always been a person who is curious about life and did my own research. No one summons me except an official court of the law of the land I live in. What are you going to do about it? Sue me? Ha!
Now, F OFF AND DIE cos. I don’t understand why you’re not dead already cuz you are dead to me!
“Fuck off” How I would LUV to be able to say or write that to them. Alas, if they would only summon me. Alas.
OR, I could something like, “Understood. Got it, Totally understood. I WILL be there. Count on it. This activity it VITAL and it is my duty and privilege and” , blah blah blah a bit more in this vein and then, “However, I’ve gone over my schedule very thoroughly and I won’t be able to appear before you on that precise night. But I am free a week from next Thursday Much love,and so forth”
Happy July 4th…..YOU ARE BEING SUMMONED. Today celebrates freedom…we are free…free of this type of aggression and force. Freedom really is worth fighting for. Well done to Mike Rinder and Leah Remini for continuing the fight for freedom!
Agreed. July 4th is the perfect time to call Miscavige out on his enslavement of scientologists on the day when freedom is celebrated.
Oh, and Little Dave, WHERE IS SHELLEY?
I don’t know a Shelly. What are your crimes?
Whoever it is, they sure aren’t ‘under the radar’ anymore.
In a field of maybe two dozen people, it won’t be hard for them to figure out who the summons went out to.
Then again, it could be an OSA ops to plant a pretend ‘disaffected’. Never trust ANYTHING from $cn.
Disaffection being spread in “the local field”?
Try …the planet.
And of course Denver area is infested with super SPs like Mr Shelton and Headleys)))
Well done folks!)))
This is just stupid. The ONLY result of this will be dozens of people who are “under the radar” will just slams the door and leave. As an ex-scn (and Russian) I can understand core of this idea. Let’s scary this cattle, let’s scary them to death, let’s make them snitch, beg, bargain and make other horrible things. But how many will do it? I bet no more than 20%.
And one more thing. How many people received this letter who weren’t on the lines for more than 10 years? I really believe that dozens and dozens.
This is insanely stupid.
Let’s all go!
Maybe I’ve been gone too long, but if I received one of these, my response would be: hey, thanks for the goldenrod. That means I’ve been declared. BUHbye!
In the tech there is a scale regarding interest, it is the CDEINR scale. The items from the top to the bottom is : Curious, Desired, Enforced, Inhibited, No, and Refused.
The best way to get interest is by making someone curious, then make your product appealing, then enforce the product, etc
This effort on their part to Enforce the remaining members in Denver will only serve to move the public to further Inhibit their reach for scientology, or drive those folks with No further interest in scientology into Refusal to comply with scientology. The end result is more public scientologists leaving to never come back.
Thank you Denver HCO for making our job easier. Note: If you send this Summons to every public member in Denver then your stats will peak, so you go for it!
well…..I’m curious…
do you embrace this as tech that works?
These are things I’m working on banishing, my automatic thoughts of CDEINR, Tone scale, natter = O/W, what condition am I in?, mistakes are made in the presence of suppression, and so on.
for me, this is the thought control I am slowly winning the war against.
I’d rather have no answers than lies and made up nonsense enforced by know best arrogance.
Rip and Curious,
I find much of the grade training is useful in my life. As are my college classes including social sciences, psychology, management, chemistry, physics, etc. I don’t have ANY delusion that any of these schools of thought has all of the answers to life. I do find it fun to rub their faces in their own theology.
“Those ‘under the radar’ probably constitute a larger number than active Scientologists these days.”
No doubt. They’re drying up.
Dehydrated Scientologist… mmm, garlic sauce and a side of fries too?
Yep! Let’s pull out all the stops!
Mike, can you follow up with this person? Do they plan to go in, or will they ignore the “summons?” If they go in, how were they treated, and what were they asked? Any threats made?
*munches popcorn….”
yep…me too!
You mean some people don’t?
This is one of the things I somewhat dread… that I get found out some way and am ordered in for a metered interview.
I’ll never pick up the cans again, no matter what.
I’ve been through so many pogroms and purges on staff…. when heavy ethics comes to town (wearing SO braid) … lives are destroyed.
I’ve got a few plans for just such an event … just in case… having OT status may help. (puke) ..and I think my distance from the org plays in my favor too….
I just don’t want to lose anything else.
Happy 4th! At least I’m happily out and enjoying a lazy day.
and I didn’t have to CSW off!
Cheers, Mike. Have a GREAT holiday!!!!
RVW, there might be some benefit if you end up losing the ‘dread’. And the Oh Tea status may not carry much weigh with the culties but the distance is nothing short of wonderful!
Good luck on your journey!
That letter is a massive tip-off that scientology is indeed dead. And of course, following scientology failed policies, the remaining bacteria employ the most ham-fisted and ineffective methods to try to breahe life into the rotting corpse.
Pathetic. Truly pathetic.
From: Ron @targettwo
Subject: Mission “Impossible”
Dave – I’ve been watching you from afar and have worked out a solution for the current state of affairs in dealing with the avalanche of entheta. You are tasked with a similar mission to the tax exemption you won for the church in 1993. Ready? Hold your hat! Based on my thorough whole track research of the existing scene I have found THE WHY that will open the door to a handling and turn things completely around: I WANT YOU TO SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET!!!
Oh, that’s ripe.
I bet Davy the Dunce just HATES the internet.
cheezey wide grin.
To: Ron @targettwo
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: you telling me what to do.
YOU SHUT YOUR FAT MOUTH RIGHT NOW! Ever since I banished you to Target Two (since I am a more exalted being than you), I now decide how to handle downward spiralling stats! And I do not need to shut down the Internet!
I will simply declare that all Internet entheta is false and that will solve the problem! Why? Because I am Supreme Exalted Ruler of Teegeeack and the MEST Universe! Whatever I postulate comes to pass, something that, during your tenure down here, you couldn’t do!
So stop meddling, lardasss!
Shut down the internet. Now THAT is what I call “A brite idea that opens the door to a handling”! Outstanding, MJM!
Thanks Aqua. Allow me to briefly digress. Hubbard said life is basically a static in his so-called axioms. I believe a more accurate view is that it’s basically dynamic.
This reads like a Twilight Zone tidbit: Summoned by your “church” through a missive that sounds like something a political dissident may receive in a totalitarian country. Really?
Not only will the disaffected ignore the summons (as Mike points out); this may also be highly instrumental in pushing a few folks off the fence.
It reminds me of when I was a kid in the 60s and our neighbourhood gang was playing some silly game of courtiers and the girl bully playing the Queen called for me to be punished. “Off with her head!” reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. I was led to a tree stump and struggled and escaped screaming running out of the backyard, home safe to mommy. Hm, sounds like Game of Thrones.
Children can be so cruel. And OSA and the lot is still playing bully in the schoolyard.
Ah, sounds like another witch hunt has begun. So reminiscent of the List 1 r/s debacle at Flag in the late 70s. Pull in any suspect and interrogate them on a meter. Back then one or two staff were slammed into the RPF per day. No one saw the idiocy of it all until almost half of the total number of staff were gone.
Saw another witch hunt where Hubtard’s wife ordered that the “plant” who was destroying the FSO’s production be found and summarily “handled”. Tons of PC folders were scrounged through looking for
the who” that supposed to be the source of the problem. Months later the stats recovered but no “who” was ever found. But I realized the confidentiality of auditing sessions was complete bullshit.
I feel gypped. I live in Denver and spread disaffection every chance I get and nobody has sent me one of those.
One of what?
The summons to come in and see if I’m the “Why” for the Denverorg fail.
To people who are disaffected and don’t go in: Not to fear. I have a couple of other stories of desperation to get people to come in. The worst that can happen is that the whole disaffected field gets declared. That’s when the church will have ZERO affect and there will be nothing to fear at all and people will and can say, “No, we are not disconnecting.”
Pretty soon no one will have to be afraid of this vile excuse for a religion.
Having said that, I AM ACTUALLY SHOCKED at this “Summons.” One would think for as long as the exodus has been going on that someone up there would get the bright idea to at least “handle the ARC Xn field” or do an investigation as to the true cause of the exodus because blaming the flavor-of-the-month SP (Mayo, Eli Lilly, Marty Rathbun and now Remini/Rinder) has become tedious.
The true cause of the disaffection is DM and his inability/reluctance to allow COS to evolve out of the paranoid 1950s. He has very little time remaining before COS can no longer be revived.
I really think the true cause of disaffection is bigger. No doubt DM has a lot to do with it. But it’s also the sunshine disinfectant of the internet and the mighty football shoulders of Leah and Mike, who push hard 24/7.
The COS continues to wrong target the situation and point the blame at the wrong why in order to mask their criminal activities. This will expedite their demise org by org ! Continue your plan !
Uh, nobody is scared of scientology anymore.
Scientology is the butt of jokes around the world.
The whole world knows what a con it is. And everybody has a way to record all of the cult’s disgusting stalking as required. We live in the age of openness and social media.
It’s over Dave. So sue me.
Sincerely, John Smith, as recorded by John Smith, in the presence of John Smith. (tip o’ the hat to South Park).
True but people who are still IN, disconnect from family and friends because of fear. They give money or donate because of fear. They do all manner of things as a scientologist because of fear.
On the outside, yea, no one is afraid.
The times. They are a-changing. Even those still in know it.
Marvelous! And, really encouraging. Proof positive that they are just chasing their tails these days . . . it’s all beginning to unravel.
Must be getting crowded under the radar. Hopefully they’ll start bumping in to each other and realize those who are out or leaving outnumber those ever in.
Unbelievable… what next.? Wait I don’t want to know. J
Keep up the good fight.
“You are being summoned…” That might have worked in earlier times, but now that the con of this alleged church is being exposed, this pathetic effort will only worsen their already godawful PR . My first response was “You are being an asshole. Fuck you.”
Me too! My response would be to draw a middle finger on the paper and mail it back.
That’d work.
That’d be good, but I wouldn’t want to shell out the money for the stamp. Whoever this is has already paid enough to these people.
LOL, Ms. Q!
Just another reg cycle when it all boils down.
Money, mine says Dave
Get a free ride with more pay and I’m O.K.
Money, it’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I’ll buy me a football team
Money, get back
I’m all right, Jack, keep your hands off of my stash
Money, it’s a hit
Don’t give me that do goody good bullshit
I’m in the high-fidelity first-class traveling set
And I think I need a Learjet
Money, ain’t no crime
Give it right now but don’t take a slice of my pie
Money, fools will say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it’s no surprise that I’m giving none away
Regges get boils? Wow! They really are tough sons-of – Bitches.
So funny how someone could think a disaffected person would possibly respond to their demand. “You are to arrive no later than 6:00 on July 8th…” Please-don’t make me laugh.
You are absolutely right! I’m under the radar. Grew up in it but never really bought into it. But what really hurt? When my brother was murdered, all my scieno ‘friends’ wanted to know what happened, as they knew him too, but not one could give me a sympathetic word or a caring reassurance. That’s too low on the tone scale, and he pulled it in, of course. Assholes. Still hurts to think about that. I was shunned because I was sad, too low tone. So glad my kids won’t have to grow up with it. Sorry to rant…
Do NOT ever believe that you must apologize in the real world for ranting because of what you just stated. What you said truly hurts my soul. If I were there I would give you a giant hug for your deceased brother and probably shed a few tears along with you. It is ok to grieve loss.
Thank you. That means so much to me. *Hugs*
Rant! Get the dirty deeds out in the open and expose the human cost of Scientology.
Dear Finally Free…..I am so sorry for your loss. This IS the place to rant. Go ahead and no need to apologize.
Thank you. So much
Well, we’ve seen the goldenrod, and it’s a summons
I don’t even remember there being an HCO Cope Officer…. WTF does he DO? Cope as best he can, obviously. And WTF can he do about “disaffection being spread in the field, since it likely came from Denver’s actions or inactions, and is being spread by disgruntled exes or soon-to-be exes.
Dollars to donuts that the “why” will NOT be that no training or auditing is being done or that the public is TIRED of re-doing everything they’d completed.
I get the picture of a farmer ‘sowing disaffection in the field’ and hoping for a bumper crop. We should be so lucky.
When an organization is asked to produce more than what it was designed to do then staff will be required to work harder to make up for the gap until the organization is expanded to handle the higher demand for production. The staff must cope with this difficult task.
The case with the Denver Foundation is not one of higher demand for production, it is lack of production since the local field is not there demanding anything because it is disaffected. There is no organizational change that can fix their problem.
“HCO Cope Officer – This is the person that works in the Hubbard Communications Office division in a Scientology organization. This person mostly deals with the flaps that occur daily and is there to do exactly what the post title implies – cope with it.” From Mark Headley’s site, Blown for Good Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology Glossary
It’s a typo – should be HCO Grope Officer.
Well, when you’re an OT8, they let you do it 🙂
I never heard of an HCO COPE OFFICER.
I could not find anything referring to cope officer on page 39 in the book.
An internet search took me to the end of the internet which is a blank page without finding it either.
If the Sea Org only has what is stated by Mark Headley, I can see why Scientology is in deep shit for that alone because it leaves the door open for a person to do anything and everything any nutcase can dream up to solve some imaginary problem in his fantasy existence.
Hubbard states in a policy letter of 14 September 1970 Org Series 2 titled COPE AND ORGANIZE
It’s perfectly all right to cope. One always must. But one MUST organize things while he copes.
If your in-basket is too high you cope and handle it AND ORGANIZE YOUR LINES for the future.
Too me, cope is the wrong term to explain the handling of flaps.
If there is a reference that says differently, I would like to see it.
A fresh interrogatory letter like this could also be a new fad wave of “handling” program for all the Ideal Orgs, and this also could be a newly trained Ethics Officer back from WUS Cont Training in their ethics duties.
I’d be interested in getting some recent WUS Ideal Org staff who’ve recently done their Cont WUS training (CTO trainees utilize the LA Org for their drills and practicials of their CTO WUS training there at the CTO building that is closest the parking lot along the Catalina St side of the complex).
This last 20 years of CTO WUS history and complex history would be good to get written up by some recent defectors and go over building by building who’s holding the “top” exec positions there.
The whole staffing history of the complex, year by year, decade by decade is telling.
Then on top of that, is the various continental and international programs that the Ideal Orgs have to abide by, including the staff trainees, who for sure Denver’s had a few staff at CTO WUS under the CLO WUS run programs, to get in their ethics strategies, and doing interrogatories is just a continuing staple of the revolving door of staff in the HCOs of Ideal Orgs who are trained and do the standard nonsense.
Chuck do you have a book about uour experience with the cult?
I’d definitely show up, with a big fat tape recorder and a huge smile.
Lol! How about a lawyer too?
This makes me smile..
The prime church location in Austin, right across the street from the University of Texas appeared to be all boarded up when I visited the city over the weekend. I wonder if it has folded.
“I wonder if it has folded.” Like a cheap suit!
To quote one on my favorite movies, “the whole thing stinks like yesterday’s diapers.”
Hey Rinder, I’m the kind, in my advanced state of disaffection, yp call that number just to give them shit. But yeah… who would buy an invite for an “interview”. Funny
The Austin org is having their building renovated to become an “ideal” facility. Were there signs of ongoing construction at the site? I’ve been wondering, because the project has been underway for quite a while, though apparently it is complex because they are having to add on to their longstanding building to make it large enough to meet “ideal” standards (at least those in effect until recently), while the org has been relocated elsehwere. Does anyone know anything more about the status of the Austin org work?