A couple of desperate pleas indicate the Flag ship is taking on water despite the incredible (literally?) news being presented by Him at the Friday Nite Kumbaya Circle.
Who ever heard of free food and babysitting being offered to try to entice people to come and see Him speak? Well, it is a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, BUT people should be falling all over themselves to attend, because it IS Him speaking…. Looks like things aren’t shaping up too well if they are stooping to giveaways.
I remember repeated requests for babysitting services to be provided for events and the public being told it was not the org’s responsibility, parents needed to arrange their own sitters. AND show up for the event.
What’s going on?
And, mystery sandwich — a surprise at the end? Maybe He will step onto stage to soak up the applause? That would be worth going for….
Aha. Another email and suddenly it all falls into place…..
THIS rehash showing of the 93 IAS event is apparently the “Maiden Voyage” for the Silver Anniversary of the Freewinds!! Just imagine life on the Freewinds… there are NO public and GI is along the bottom of the graph. All their public are being regged and ordered to re-do Basics, Purif and Objectives at Flag. But at least the Freewinds doesn’t have to deliver on the awards they were promoting a few weeks ago — equal free accommodations for every 2 people you got to the Freewinds who stayed until Maiden Voyage!
But, hold on. More important than the Silver Anniversary of the Freewinds — THIS is the IAS Summer Event!! OMG! What a disaster, the IAS is going to miss out on one of their two big reg events with no MV “IAS Night.” He only speaks twice a year about the IAS — Freewinds IAS Night and October at St Hill. No new Shermanspeak hype — just 20 year old “news”.
Sooooo, it’s little wonder the heat is on the Flag OT Committee….
Good story, yeah, they gotta be sinking with the economy being what it is, and all the bad PR the church has been getting the past couple years. It’s fun watching their condition get worse and worse, but with an SP at the helm, how could it be otherwsie? Wait until the dollar loses its stature as the backbone currency of the world, and massive inflation sets in, I think the Church will actually fold up at that point.
Oh wait, hell I forgot this is an IAS event…
The super special announcement will be that everyone attending will get to move up to their next status right here right now, doors are closed & locked, easel at ready – Who’s 1st?
I’ll save you from having to attend. The super dooper special announcement is….
Awarding COB David Mis the Legion of Valority Stupendous Savior Of Mankind medal.
Wow, maybe you really should attend! It’ll be hysteric, I mean historic.
Off Topic perhaps. West Coast Morning broadcast news is Leah Remini
is out of Scientology, cited corrupt management. . She has pulled the ejection handle !
Forced word of mouth at gun point.
Free bbq as your last meal…
These letters are always stating I will want to or must bring family and friends… Never happens! When you are really in the cult its embarasing; I mean even then one has that weird feeling about it. Cults are always out of touch with the real world.
Oh, yes! Compliance Reports!
Some religion.
Baby sitting? One might be a bit concerned about which child is handed back at the end of the dreary evening.
“That’s not my child!”
“Oh, but it must be, it’s the right ticket number!”
“Damn it! This is a boy!!! My child is a girl!!!”
“Really? I get so confused as to which is which! And please, no anger or I’ll have to write you up on a KR!”
So at the IRS event DM mentions and thanks Marty Rathbun, among others. Hmmm. Wonder how much creative stalinesque editing will be required to show this event film?
Marty’s name was edited out of that video years ago.
This week is going to be a complete nightmare for Flag staff. RTC and CMO staff will be driving impossible, hourly quotas on confirms for the “events”. It will be UGLY. The IAS event will bring with it an impossible money quota which every staff member will be responsible for. There will be no buses to the Hacienda at the end of the night because all staff will be ordered to stay up until the money quota is made.
Some time late in the night the staff will be allowed to get a little bit of sleep. Any public Scientologist dumb enough to show up at the event will feel like a dog in heat surrounded by 1,000 male dogs….
Yes, I know that dog feels. You are going to get screwed to death ~lol
What a joke the church has become!
The orders to the OT Committee are laughable. It’s a great way to pass the blame onto them when the whole thing fails. Those damn OTs didn’t wear their hats, Freakin’ SPs all of them ~lol
Phil de Fontenay
True! The burden of delivery has been shifted to the public for years now. “We can’t deliver OT8 until YOU buy us a boat” “We can deliver Super Power until YOU build us a building” “We can safe point Scientology with good will, we need YOU to support eh hem, the I.A.S. with your donations.”
I meant, “WE CAN’T safe point Scientology with good will…”
Mike or anyone who may have real insight into this,
Beyond the dwindling numbers and members being regged to death, what do you think the real reasons are for this seemingly drastic change in events (with the actual events)? How/why do you think DM is doing this and what, in his twisted mind, is behind it? How do you think he is viewing his OT’s and his flock in general? it almost seems to me that he is kind of giving up on them a little. I know he thinks everyone besides himself is a piece of garbage, but at least he would put on a show. all the replays and changes and “calls to action” just seem lazy. And what do you think the implications will be as far as future events?
Sorry for all the questions, I am just really curious about what you guys think is behind all of this in his head.
I’m no authority whatsoever like Mike or others would be. This is just my educated guess as a student of the history of Scientology.
A.) Miscavige isn’t getting any younger. The guy can’t keep up his ridiculous pace of umpteen wild loud events every year. Something has to give.
B.) Miscavige’s Int Base staff has dwindled massively over the last 10 years. There’s no way the skeleton crew left there could manage to keep up with so many events.
C.) Miscavige micromanages everything. Something has to give- he insists on meddling with everything that happens in Scientology, no matter how stupid or mundane the decision. So this means he is wasting time in meetings choosing carpet samples and hassling with the oiliness table in the Perceptics room, instead of handling event planning, I guess.
D.) Miscavige knows his numbers are shrinking. Public is seeing this in the empty Ideal Orgs… but nowhere would a shrinking church be more visible than in the form of shrinking events. Empty theaters and arenas are an extremely visible way for people to see that hmmm…. maybe Scientology doesn’t have millions of members. So his solution is fewer events, make some events throwaways like this one, and put all of your eggs into one or two big baskets.
E.) Miscavige is getting DESPERATE. Rolling out the 1993 video, which is 20 YEARS OLD, is his way of saying, “no seriously, you had better trust me, because look at all these great things I did for Scientology. You want to leave? You want me to change? F*** you, you owe Scientology to me, COB.” To Miscavige, apparently 20 years is nothing… just like he doesn’t seem to care that Super Power has been in the works for 20 years, the building has been in progress for 15, it’s been 25 years since OT VIII and no OT IX in sight, it’s been 17 years since GAT which was supposed to fix all of Scientology’s problems. But it doesn’t matter to Miscavige. He thinks if he rolls out the “greatest hits” he will manage to keep some whales, because “remember what I did for you 20 years ago? You owe me.”
One last thought.
DM knows his church is dwindling rapidly and he’s losing big donors left and right. He has two big cards left to play: Super Power, and OT IX.
At this point, nobody cares if he releases more books people have to buy, or makes new edits to courses that people have to retake. These things just make his big donors even more unhappy.
Since he knows he only has these two cards left to play, he’s focusing his energies. Right now it’s Super Power. If that fails to right the ship, then I’d bet you hard cash that within the next 2-3 years he will “find” an LRH bulletin that will tell him that OT IX is to be released when there are a certain number of Super Power comps. And after he’s bled Super Power dry, he’ll then start “compiling” (writing) OT IX and X and try to push those out.
Events are a distraction and usually involve things that tick off big donors… events are almost always “hey, here’s a new thing you have to buy” and “hey, give us money.” He knows what he needs is new tech to sell to keep people happy.
I think you’re “righter” than you realize 🙂
Who are the whales? Well, most of them are OT VIIIs, because it’s pretty much only the whales who can afford it. Whales don’t want books and tapes, and most of them are professional PCs and don’t give a shit about training.
What they want is OT IX! They want SuperPower, but especially OT IX. And He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige doesn’t have it.
Jeezus, it really has been 25 years since OT VIII… the whales are getting restlesser and restlesser…
Dirk, no offence , but are you seriously going to try to make this crap from HIM somehow logical? stop! your’e cracking me up 🙂
“Babysitting available”???????? That sounds ominous! Who is doing the babysitting? The last time they offered babysitting service, Lisa McPherson kicked it under day care. And she was an adult! Who the hell would leave their kids with a babysitter at the base? Have any of the staff there ever seen a child? Or a BABY!!!!!!
Oh I’m sure the kids will have lots of fun building rock walls or writing fundraising letters!
Hilarious Oracle! Now that’s what I call a reality check…wrangling a bunch of munchkins. Their confront isn’t up to it!
“…Call or visit Scientologists in your neighborhood…”
Guess it’s time for me to lock my front gate again.
I think the “mystery sandwich” is going on in staff’s minds.
like where are all the floods of public?
the lying PR statements can only go so far before staff, which are noobs mostly, go WTF?
“… the importance of events …” YAAAWWWNNNN (excuse me).
🙂 right there with ya, Carcha!
From Day One I disliked events and avoided them whenever possible. In the end I dreaded and loathed them. Its a continual key-out for me to not have to go to these things anymore as well as a source of wonder that I actually cooperated by attending them for so long.
And, as re events, I’m hard-pressed to believe that all along I was alone in my viewpoint. There have to be many others still in who secretly dread and loathe them as I did, all the while attending, smiling, clapping enthusiastically and saying how “theta” it all was when I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there. Yes, that’s what I did, folks. I look back on my own behavior now in a kind of amazement at how low-toned I was to do that. I was in fear, and my behavior was actually 1.1 behavior. I put on a good act. I wonder, now, how many others were doing the same.
I agree. Except for the New Year’s events in the ’70s, especially in New York. Man, those really *were* blowout parties! 🙂
Er, megahouse…bigtown…large residence…I know, I know…a really nice scoundrel. No, that’s villain. Oh, I know, it’s a person of low self-esteem living on beans and rice in a dorm with 29 others. Ah, now I get it.
Lol! That’s very funny Richard. Although I do have a twinge of sympathy for the poor fellow, nonetheless.
I agree with you, Blue. If we weren’t social animals we wouldn’t care.
UH, someone should tell Voldermort,
“The Future Isn’t What it Used to Be”
The most able people in the universe can’t even be trusted to write an email out themselves, they have to be given the exact message to send to their “friends”?
Scientology Marketing and PR 101: Take every established successful method and throw it out. The fact that this event is at best an annoyance (except for those zealotous few) aside, the main reason why word of mouth is a successful method is because it is personal and trusted. Receiving an impersonal, generic insert-names-here email from someone you know not only causes the reader to take it less seriously, but it lessens their view of the author, their “friend”, as credible. No one wants to be spammed by their friends. They want actual, real, truthful information and recommendations because, after all, they’re friends, and that’s what one expects out of a friendship. And since OT’s are the best, most amazingest communicators and experts on all dynamics, their emails should transcend mere words and compel their reader to act. After all, that is pretty much a part of the OT deal. Maybe this email was compiled via years of survey taking and analysis of the emails of OTs and found to be the best, most successful, thetatastic cause-over-email email David Mismanage so graciously bestowed upon his elite flock.
Or this stuff just gets more ridiculous by the minute.
Having had to do call in over the years this stuff turns my stomach. Its the same bullshit patter they have used for years and people confirm and don’t show anyway.
Call everyone on your phone. Blah blah blah.
>>> Who ever heard of FREE food and babysitting being offered to try to entice people to come and see
>>> Him speak?
From where to you take that this services will be for FREE ? They only write:
>> “There will be a complimentary barbecue in the Fort Harrison starting at 5:30 for all those attending” …..(and paying).
>> “Let me know whether or not you’ll be attending the complimentary BBQ.”
>> “There will be babysitting available” …… (for those who can afford it and are willling to pay FLAG rates).
Nowhere is written that this will be for FREE – never forget: There is never anything for FREE in the Co$.
Love your imagery, Mike. The Titanic sinking and all. I thought this music was so very appropriate for the “Tiny Tanic” that we are seeing with DM. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=UbfDDEKSxy0&NR=1
I cant seem to find my Yogi Berra quote book but I know there something to say here.
So I will fall back on the truth. Back when All Arbitraries Cancelled , WUS had a huge event in the Big Blue Parking lot. About 4,000 chairs set up and a stage for command performance of Big Shots and key note speaker the Senior most Flag C/S. Long story Short ,about 150 people showed up that were ordered to huddle in front of the stage. The Big shots never came ,no Snr C/S, only a 5 minute Freewind video was shown.
Beware of the Ides of GAT.
What year was this?
It seems to me that this is nothing more than a pathetic ploy from a rather concerned but nevertheless very large ego to reignite glories past for the sole purpose of reinvigorating a rapidly waning and disenchanted audience…….and one that he may very well fear is beginning to wake up. It’s his way of reminding the flock of who they should think he really is. It smacks of a 1.1 threat imho.
I think I’ve reached a point where reading about the antics of my once loved church have gone so far beyond the pale, I no longer can summon up any real attachment, emotional or intellectual interest or concern for these poor lost souls.
However factual, the posts here and at Tony’s site leave me feeling as I would spending a day with mental patients or dancing at an airport entrance with the Hare Krishnas. This group has lost all semblance of what I supported for the last 50 years. As such it’s time to depart from this world of “scientology” in all of its bizarre manifestations.
I acknowledge you and your efforts, and what they mean toward the final collapse of the RCS. They are considerable.
Excellent hard news, Mike, thanks. This is pitiful, really.
I just had a crazy thought: I’m likening what’s actually happening with the RCS to autumn leaves.
In autumn as the weather cools, leaves turn from green to shades of brilliant red, gold, and burnished bronze. It is very attention getting, they look gorgeous and healthy and full of life but actually these leaves are in their final stage just before death and all their brilliant color is just their final show. Well, as re the RCS, never has the hype about their expansion been trumpeted so loudly. The CO$ is just SO flourishing and SO prospering and SO expanding and SO bursting with health and life and NEVER in history has it been so glorious to be a Scientologist etc., etc.and on and on in all of their comm. The “color” of all of their promo communicates this concept of brilliance, health, vitality and life, just like the autumn leaves do for a short time. The “weather” in the CO$ is definitely getting cooler, and their “leaves” are going to wither and die.
Tony Ortega: Indie Scientologists Try to Spoil “Super Power” Release as it (Supposedly) Nears Debut
More important than what Tony cites in his article, the Koon posting is there so that alert Scientologists can compare and con0trast what they’re getting on Super Power in 2013(?) to the line-up as LRH specified it in the 70’s. It’s another opportunity for the interested to demonstrate how Miscavige altered the tech.
Oh, yeah. Don’t forget that witnesses are attesting that Miscavige said that “Super Power is 95% marketing”.
” the Koon posting is there so that alert Scientologists can compare and con0trast”
Alert Scientologists?????? Seems to be somewhat of an oxymoron these days doesn’t it. And for most left in the cult, you can leave off the oxy part! It continues to amaze me how you can leave a huge elephant in the room and folks walk around the elephant en route to the kool aide stand.
Lol. I sit here reading your comments and think how amazing you ex so are.
Did you notice the quote-unquote on the e mail line: Being the most “advanced” Scientologists on the planet…
Does this mean they are the more advanced dupes, the more advanced minions of Devil Moron, the more advanced blinds despite that the blind has been leading them? Hummm…and I bet the surprise at the end is…?
You got it!!! Donations!!!!
ooooh…just seeing those words, “turn in a compliance report”…and I am cringing. I’m sure that any ex- staff member knows what I am talking about!
And…the thought of sending a text to “all contacts on my cell phone”, or an email to my “entire list of email contacts”…I am so freakin glad I am NOT there anymore! These are exactly the “orders” that make sane people go, “WTF??”
I second the WTF motion! From my experience, the demands went into super duper hyperdrive, when the basics came out. Someone took a quote out of context, and SO began treating public scngsts like their inferior juniors who they could boss around. There was a new air of hubris at that point, that hasn’t let up. These events are such a waste of time, money and the efforts of SO members…..disgusting. All this effort could go into auditing people.
The ole mystery sandwich! MMMM., sounds good. I’ll have one of those.
OMG, this is IT folks….”THE event you have been waiting for ! (…of course!…yawn…zzzz..) Roll up! Roll up! & (em)brace yourselves, (or console yourselves in advance, if you do bother to “roll up”) for the most magnificent, the most stupendous presentation…. ever! ” Yep! And to mark this special event —directly on the heels of our runaway success .. (re) Opening of Portland Ideal Org …we have extended our hospitality further! …Yes, we have even taken care of the grub & bub, ( babysitting??? NOW?? ) Oh, and of course, no effort has been spared to bring you excitement that can only be described at utterly breathtaking!…..At the end, you will see a VERY special presentation ……..Don’t miss any of it! ”
(Warning! Inside information has revealed that the old, outdated “smoke & mirrors” hoodwinking, has now been overtaken by the latest cutting edge, hologram “virtual tour” experience. It goes like this:
You sit in a special chair, strapped in, (of course) mounted on a special slow moving, back-flipping
platform ….as you see your disappearing images in strategically placed mirrors, giving you a peek into your much vaunted “eternity!” What you DON’T see of course are the equally strategically placed, auto- retracting, slide-out baskets… that catch your wallet, and any bits of spare cash that you had stashed in your pockets…while you were being inverted during your ” virtual tour!”….Desperate times call for equally desperate measures! ….By the most desperate, Despot!……EVER!!
Damn! I’m busy that day.
Okay, after reading all the promo material & pjt order I have found the missing enticement that would get BUSLOADS of people to attend.
Reshowing of the IAS event 1993 – Awesome! HE may succed to even p*ss off Rick Moxon, having him cut out of the video. I was, when I saw the cut down version as a still loyal Scientologist.
……”turn in a Compliance Report to the Dir Success with evidence of the communications you have delivered and all the confirms as a result.” “COMPLIANCE REPORT????” Jack booted Goose stepping paramilitary Operating Thetan Club where you are expected to KR anyone who does not tow the party line.
The exact opposite of what drew me into Scientology in 1975. Good riddance.
This line stuck out to me as well. Those poor ambassadors. They have to do it and now they even have to provide evidence or else…$$$$$$$$ me thinks that they’ve had to tighten that noose on those bad, bad ambassodors who have obviously been “falser reporting” in the past as the events have just not been attended as they should have been with all that outflow.
Why dosen’t HE just send out robocalls in HIS own recorded voice to get people to attend?!! Those who DID take a stand for freedom in ’93 left the building a long time ago.
Noooo shit, man. I was there in ’93. I ain’t there now. Muliply by, well, a lot.
Ditto here. Was there, now I’m here. DM “Won the War” but lost his army.
Quick question – how much notice do public Scientologists get about these events? Or is it just assumed that they’ll drop all their plans at a moment’s notice and show up?
Yes, you would think that if they really WANTED people to show up, that they would give them a little more notice. I am assuming, however, that everyone has known about this for weeks, most people have avoided it like the plague, and this last minute call from their local OT Committee member is just to add that last bit of pressure to make sure they confirm. My question is this: does anything happen if they confirm and then do not show?
I used to get invites all the time, by mail. Most were about a week late…….
You see these things year after year…YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! YOU’LL WANT TO BE HERE FOR THIS! IT’S HUGE! UNPRECEDENTED! …and so forth.
They always make it sound like it’s an event that will leave you fired up to tell everyone about it. To be able to say I WAS THERE! when the subject comes up.
And yet…after years of this breathless prose, I haven’t heard one person get sooper dooper excited about any of these events to the point that they’re were ecstatic to have been present when…
Oh, DM, blah blah blah straight up blah blah blah through the roof blah blah blah
Heh. Look over there, that dog has a puffy tail!
And all the colored girls sing “doot de doot de doot dootdedo doot dedoot dedoot…”
30 years ago when our mission became a Class IV Org we send out an Invitation for our Event. No call-ins, nothing, just a letter that was all. The house was packed full !
That they need cheap patterns shows their desperation.
tic tac tic tac
No MV summer of events is a major change in the corporate Scientology world. I would love to know the inside story on why. As others have commented on before, preparation of Int events is a huge engram for numerous staff at Int, Gold, OSA Int, etc. to find and embellish or invent news fodder for event content, and all through these gruelling marathons is the constant berating and invalidation from COB about how nobody can do anything write. Perhaps this year COB looked over the proposals for the summer events and decided everyone working on them was so useless that he would just cancel the summer of events. This must be exceptionally engramic for the IAS as well, since they have no new event to base the mass regging evolution on, but instead have only a 20 year old self-stroking marathon by COB to trot out and use to attempt to empty people’s bank accounts. Rough summer all around.
droves! uh, unless drovers is more. lol
They will stay away in drovers!
“Word of Mouth” now that is absolutely LAUGHABLE!
Interesting, the only word of mouth you can hear is that emanating from those sorry souls still on bored!
It is screams from those with no money left to give, no time to enjoy their life and yet another compliance report to fill out for the frickin OT committee before the ship of everlasting eternity slips below the waves!!!!
Sure wish I could be there but I am going to have to miss your performance Davey. Down a stiff one for the gipper before you take the stage and remember to smile …………
Word of mouth works well in respect to wins using Scientology tech, but not for pocketbook looters such as the IAS. All that does is make people run away, and in part explains the decline of the membership base.
I remember hearing from (more like subtly complaining) a lead IAS fund raiser (reg) at Flag about 2 years ago, how their GI quotas had just been doubled . How did that work out? Well, Hell! maybe the answer now is just triple the IAS Income Quotas. talk about desperation!
Let’s count the ways – Let’s count the days.
“TURNING POINT” indeed! Turning straight down and vertical right into the basement. Pathetic!