The desperation emanating from the “ideal org” in Auckland is palpable.
A bunch of Sea Org members have been dispatched on mission to try and get the org done, get their filing backlogs handled and recruit enough staff to have at least one person covering reception full time.
A measure of how desperate they are is who they are reaching out to try and recruit.
Perhaps the most notorious (and effective) critic of scientology in Australia is Paul Schofield.
A long time staff member, Paul was SSIV, Exec Status 1, Cl IV & KTL/LOC/Pro TRs C/S, Cl V/FPRD Auditor, Flag-trained Cram Off and an ordained Minister.
But that was before 20 or so TV appearances exposing the abuses of scientology, many print and radio spots, publicly protesting outside of Narconon Melbourne, Melbourne org and Dundas, court appearance against NN in The Land and Environment Court, etc etc. Not to mention testifying before the Australian Senate about scientology’s tax exempt status: Testifying before the Australian Senate Hearing
And here is a piece by Paul published on Jonny Jacobsen’s blog: Paul’s letter
In Australia, Paul might quite rightly be declared “SP #1.” I have given VERY short shrift to his accomplishments and just what a tenacious and persistent pain in the ass he has been for scientology.
So, it might come as a bit of a surprise to see the following 3 emails sent to Paul over the last week.
From: Clear ANZO
Date: Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Hi PAUL, please fill out this rapid survey
To: [email protected]
We are upgrading our communication line to you on the New Zealand Ideal Org progress. Please fill out the following rapid survey:
- What do you like most about the New Zealand emails?
- Do you feel they are informative? How so?
- Is there anything we can improve?
- How many emails would you prefer to get per day?
Please send us back your answers right away.
Thank you very much for your help!
And then finally, this one:
From: Clear ANZO <>
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 9:59 AM
Subject: One more quick survey!
To: [email protected]
If you filled out our last survey, thank you very much! This is really appreciated.
Please also answer this fast 2-question survey:
1. Would you like any more information on the possibility of being a staff member in Auckland?
2. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in joining staff in Auckland?
Please send us back your answers.
Thank you very much for your help!
Auckland. Come into present time.
Shelley says
This is interesting. It’s happening in other parts of the world too. I’ve heard from four declared SPs that they’re back on the mailing lists of their local org – and one person got a personal message from a Sea Org member saying he wanted to make an appointment with him to discuss his “bridge progress”. Yep – sounds like desperation to me.
thecloudytheclear says
In New Orleans the Facebook page has not posted since October 2015…..anyone there??
dövme silme says
it’s simple, anyone not in is out.
Kronomex says
You should do follow up and let us know if Mr. Schofield replied to the desperate, and rather forgetful ANZO email. I wonder what will happen to “Clear ANZO” when someone further up the chain finds out that they sent a recruitment message to probably one of the most hated SP’s in Australia.
Jose Chung says
I know only one person who moved to New Zealand
from Arkansas. He described being sick from
doing nothing and dying for 2 years. He moved back to Arkansas.
Regraded Being says
Hi gang. Today’s not cartoon day but this is just the way my mind works.
Frame 1: Hillary is out on the sidewalk in her robe opening the mailbox.
Frame 2: Hillary is reading the mail while walking back towards the house.
Frame 3: Images of various letters from the Trump camp asking for her opinion on various political issues, each including a request for a donation and an encouragement to support Trump with her vote.
Frame 4: Hillary is in the kitchen holding a fist full of mail while she looks over to Bill who is reading the newspaper while sipping his morning coffee. She says, “Honey, this is wierd. Does Donald have Scientologists working for his campaigne now?”
Bill looks up from his coffee with a perplexed frown and says, “Huh? I don’t know. I heard that Kirstie Alley was rootin’ for him. Why do you ask?”
Frame 5: Hillary thinks with a pensive expression, “Oh, well that makes sense.” then answers out loud, “Oh, it’s nothing dear. It was just a thought. Thank you.”
Disclaimer: Regraded Being is not endorsing any any Presidential Candidate through this imaginary cartoon. It would have worked just as well if Kirstie had endorsed any of the other candidates instead of Trump. Who knows? He may yet disavow her unless he’s trying to capture the loony vote.
marie guerin says
One could say they are full of shit , but it is sadder than that , they have made so many enemies they cannot keep track of all of them.
Leslie Bates says
Oh, it’s simple, anyone not in is out.
Luvitouthere says
I think the records have not been kept straight, the CFs world wide are always in a mess of some proportion. The handful of staff in each org is so stressed and too exhausted to keep anything straight let alone the CFand/ or the ethics files straight.
Some new little rookie, five minutes in scn, comes along, doesn’t know anyone, probably not even what an SP is. Davie has sent down a command: Everyone who’s ever set foot into a church anywhere and everywhere must be called in and made to join staff. “Don’t you know, we’ve got a war on our hands!”
It’s non-existent record keeping more than desperation. They’ve dragged out call in lists for the dungeons and got these “little rookies”, probably off the street, working them.
I Yawnalot says
Oh my… that is a stuff up of monumental proportions. I dare say Scooter after his initial surprise would not be impressed with such stupidity. Scientology picked the wrong guy in fooling with him.
He’s one of the most down to earth, nicest guys you’ll ever meet. His ability and desire to care for others speaks for itself with the posts he held back in the day. Now he tirelessly and relentlessly works at exposing the callous and brutal indifference that results from the criminally insane motivations of the organisation of Scientology.
He’s a familiar face on Aussie TV where the abuses of Scientology are often enthusiastically reported, with no small thanks to Paul’s involvement. His inside information about the cult is invaluable.
He’s a man to truly be admired. He’s suffered greatly from his involvement in the cult of Scientology but now stands toe to toe with them and keeps on swinging.
Tidalwave says
He’ll most likely make these email requests public and make a laughing stock out of scn in Aussie/New Zealand. I hope he does.
Murray Luther says
“How many emails would you prefer to get per day?” Holy Xenu, Batman! I know I’m out of the loop, but if it’s not unheard of that some scios get several emails a day, then they are more batshit crazy then I ever imagined. I consider myself reasonably tolerant of receiving emails from organizations of which I may have had some previous relationship. Even so, if I’m getting 3 or 4 per week, I’m going straight to the “unsubscribe” link.
Wagstaff says
Try 12 emails or more daily. Thats the outflow is greater then inflow maxim
Dollar Morgue says
I get about 5 cult mails per day on average. I used to get more, but by a miracle fell off some of their lists. Unsubscribing scientology is like writing to the moon.
Thomas Weeks says
This post was so hilarious. Made my day.
dövme silme says
dchoice says
To be sure, the org will be billed at outrageous prices for all this expert management service. Like the internet accepted protocol of if it is all CAPS then it is shouting. Heh, Paul..paul……hey with tone 40 hey PAUL….. STAND UP IN YOUR CHAIR AND BE COUNTED as one of the few who saved earth and this SECTOR OF THE UNIVERSE.
gato rojo says
That CF needs some SERIOUS updating…LOL!!!
LDW says
I finally found a word that describes the relatively decent folks who are still in the Co$ trying desperately to actualize their dreams (illusions; delusions; hallucinations)
Hapless: Hapless means one is lacking hap, “good fortune, luck”; the words happy and happiness also have the root “hap.” … adjective unlucky, unfortunate, cursed, unhappy, miserable, jinxed, luckless, wretched, ill-starred, ill-fated the hapless victim struggled helplessly.
Use the adjective hapless to describe someone unlucky and deserving of pity, like the hapless used car buyer who gives in to the fast-talking salesperson.
The hapless victim of an IAS registrar
The hapless victim of an Ideal Org salesman
The hapless victim of a sea ogre recruiter who stole one’s child (never to be seen or heard from again)
These hapless folks in Auckland who furtively or fanatically believe they are actually going to accomplish anything of lasting value.
There are other words which describe the slick salesmen who prey upon these hapless victims. But I promised my wife I would stop using obscenities.
WhatWall says
LDW, very astute observation.
Espiando says
I love the fact that they asked Paul how many e-mails he’s prefer to get “per day”. Please note: per day. In other words: 1) They’re spamming and 2) they know they’re spamming. Since there is a “financial benefit” to most of the e-mails they send out, they’re liable for prosecution under the Spam Act 2003 in Australia. I wonder if Paul and Nick Xenophon have explored this avenue of going after the cult. No, it won’t end Disconnection or the abuses, but it certainly would put a mammoth dent into their feeling of invulnerability. After the Anzac fiasco, one more good, well-placed blow may be fatal.
Mike Wynski says
Espi, they’d just shift to a US based email system doing IAS emails.
zemooo says
Other, supposedly ‘completed’ mOrgs are in the same sinking boat. Harlem just needs to place the new furniture and paint a wall or two and it could open. Unfortunately, they need to have trained staff too. So off to Big Blue or Flag the newest ‘execs’ went. They could have opened the Harlem mOrg in January or February, but then DM noticed that the new staff weren’t ‘trained’. PPPPPP {prior planning prevents piss poor performance}, something that DM doesn’t seem to understand.
So, Vicki Huang is only a class 2 auditor? Isn’t that pretty low on the clam totem pole? How can my ‘eternity’ be saved if I only have a class 2 auditor? Auckland was an IAS gift, the locals couldn’t raise enough and the mighty IAS slush fund came to the rescue. Why?? Because Miscavage wanted a photo op to open it. Nothing more.
That is all the new mOrgs are today, photo ops that DM hopes to keep the sheeple fixated upon. They don’t seem to be attracting any new or old business.
Aquamarine says
Yes, the Dwarfenfuhrer does seem to be holding on by his fingernails at the point.
Lori S says
Maybe Alanis Morrisette can work that into a new line for her song Ironic. “It’s like breaking free of a cult you despise. And then being asked to be on it’s staff. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think? A little too ironic. Yeah, I really do think!”
statpush says
There are a couple policy datums which underpin this obsession we see with Central Files.
1) Hubbard states that an org’s CF is a GOLDMINE.
2) Regardless when the public bought a book or did a service they were still in the crosshairs of the org’s registrars.
3) Hubbard claims that the public hate to be denied Dianetics and Scientology. Implying deep-down EVERYONE secretly yearns to become a Scientologist. This puts total responsibility on the org to see to it that they get what they crave.
4) Hubbard states that its the volume of letters and promo to the CF that determines the gross income of an org.
5) An individual is NEVER removed from the org’s mailing list unless they are deadfiled.
With these in mind, you find orgs ceaselessly and robotically sending out promo and letters to:
1) People who have no interest in the subject
2) People who have moved on and no longer live at that address
3) People who have been declared. Given that state of their internal communications, this information is not relayed to orgs and missions.
4) People who have asked to be removed from their mailing list.
5) The Letters Out stat is an easy one to get up.
It takes an Act of God, or a good lawyer to get your name removed from the mailing list.
Because Hubbard’s advanced management system involves many, many pieces of paper (e.g. copies of letters, invoices, returned letters, etc), it inherently is a manual, time-intensive process to properly manage all of these items.
Historically, CF and Addo org board posts are the graveyard of an org. If you are a staff member and you find yourself in CF/Addo…well, you fucked up.
No one on staff really cares about CF and Addo, mainly because the org is in a perpetual state of NOW, with demands for present time production and income, that no one can invest the time in CF and Addo hoping that one day someone will respond and contribute to the org.
So, CF and Addo become just another thing overworked and stressed staff member have to deal with.
This is why they are perpetually out of date and require “all-hands” handling.
Myrklix says
I beg to differ on 5). All it took for me was being declared and I promptly stopped receiving mailings. Wow! Talk about efficiency!
statpush says
Declared SPs are supposed to be deadfiled.
Scott Henderson says
So let me get this straight….this an example of “the only workable administrative tech on the planet”? If so then the entire Auckland org needs to word clear “current” and “database”.
Sarah says
Children’s lives are just thrown away in scientology.
roger gonnet says
One more evident result of the insane “justice rules” of the crime cult. Making good staffs guilty of things they did not even commit – or that LRH ordered in some of his insane policies on PTS/SPs or KOT series and justice series – even on Data series – , particularly the issue one of KOT, destroys the cult bit after bit! Fine then. I hope some of the rich victimes shall finish the job before the courts!
Simi Valley says
Bystander says
Even if hubtech said to keep files by status (instead of the second letter of the middle name -or whatever they do), the biggest letter group would be “S”, and they’d still send emails to SPs.
These emails are an indicator of several things. First, how files never get purged and they boast so many millions of members. Second, the desperation to contact anyone ever remotely associated with the mob to lure them back in because they think it has a marginally better success rate than raw meat. Third, this work is being done by people who are either too tired to care or too new to know anything about anybody.
Mike, does scientology really circle the drain in the other direction down under?
Rick Mycroft says
“Narconon Melbourne”, yeah it wouldn’t be a Narconon if it didn’t have at least four names: Narconon Melbourne, Narconon Victoria, Narconon Warburton and Get Off Drugs Naturally. Run by “Doctor”
Nerida James.
Kronomex says
According to her cheap and nasty $camology site posting (which doesn’t seem to have been updated in years) her IQ WENT UP 10 points after doing the PF course. Only 10 points? She also has a hide to call herself a Doctor, all she practices is pseudo-science and new age nonsense.
Wendy M says
Old Surfer Dude says
deElizabethan says
Thank you Paul David Schofield!
Oops…another mistake?
Per the scriptures this would be a PTS indicator and the fact is that the SPs are inside Scientology, not outside as they falsely claim.
Bystander says
All the SPs are in scientology, they’re only ones who ever get declared SP… That implies that there are only two kinds of scientologists, those that have been declared and those that will be declared. The last one standing has to declare himself.
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m inside AOLA as I type this. No one suspects me…yet. Nobody is around. It’s eerily silent. The few people I’ve seen don’t look happy. Uh oh…someone spotted me! Gotta go…
The Oracle says
On the floor! 2FF!
Dawn says
Lol, Old Surfer Dude!
Scn is a laugh a minute. Whenever I feel like a belly laugh, I click onto the blogs and read this sort of thing; and the resultant comments. We exes are comedians.
Leigh Andrews says
The solution to the central files problem is a really large shredder, the kind that can shred refrigerators. There is also a type that turns the paper into pulp, destroying it more thoroughly and making the information just about impossible to recover. I would be sorely tempted to “disappear” files of people who never took more than a course or two at the nearest off-site dumpster were I assigned to the central files project.
Old Surfer Dude says
“…the kind that can shred refrigerators.” Classic! Nice post, Leigh! I’m still laughing…
Dawn says
“… is a very large shredder.” I think this is one of the brightest solutions I’ve read.
Wognited and Out says
Well, Slappy Miscavige did say the “Central Files” were the Mind of the Org and he is absolutely correct about that. That mind is in an incident of long duration.
Scientology is PTS Type III and has an aberrated mind out of reality and is insanely evil. It is contagious to anyone entering its doors.
For newbies – you will go into utter confusion once you start Scientology. You will make decisions that will harm your dynamics. So – expect to lose your relationships, mess up your business, do things you would normally never do and go broke for an evil dictator that lies daily, commits crimes daily and lives a lavish lifestyle while his slaves work for nothing.
Scientology – It is PTS Type III and should be disregarded without sorrow.
Old Surfer Dude says
“Scientology – It is PTS Type III and should be disregarded without sorrow.” Ummmm….Hasn’t that already happened?
alcoboy says
Bodies in the shop and onto staff. Even if they are SPs. Talk about desperation!
hgc10 says
Dear Clear ANZO,
Is it true that a person can live in Aukland at no cost? Free rent, free food, free theatre tickets, free worsted wool suits. If so, then it just might make sense for me to drop life in Australia and move to a whole different country in order to take a non-paying job doing spectacularly purposeless activities.
Looking forward to your honest reply,
Paul Schofield
wheresshelley says
Maybe all the “old-timers” have blown and new recruits like Vicky are so new they’ve never heard of him.
Mike Wynski says
WTF? Is this serious or an automatic response type of thing? I can only imagine what his first reply was.
Sejanus says
It is a wonder they can find their asses with both hands.
Inept gits for sure.
I find it hard to believe they would have so many members that this would be far from an oversight.