Recently I shared some of the recruitment promo sent to Super SP Paul Schofield by the Auckland Org. And Paul explains the emails just keep coming.
And then this one was forwarded to me.
By Aaron Smith-Levin. Aaron is another Super SP — we have done a series of videos together discussing growing up in scientology. “Friends” and some family have disconnected from him. He is truly one of the evilest beings on earth.
So, why on earth is Buffalo Org trying to recruit him for staff? Regularly.
He lives in Florida. He has NEVER been to Buffalo Org.
These guys are REALLY this desperate? Or is it just that the administrative systems in this FIRST “ideal org” are so bad and so incompetent that they have no clue who they are trying to recruit?
I think it is probably the latter. But that doesn’t mean they are not desperate. Buffalo has been a failure since the ribbon was first yanked. It is actually the poster child for “ideal orgs” – along with Jobur…
Such fine examples of why so much time, money, blood sweat and tears should be poured into the “ideal org strategy.”
Susan Winter says
Shortly after Buffalo opened, they needed some electric motor repaired. My old fashioned -raised on the farm – daddy wasn’t happy when they didn’t pay his little company for the bill. So, he went there “incognito”, pretended to be interested in that there Scienctologism stuff. He watched the movie, he took the test, he wasted half a day. They thought they’d got them a new recruit. When they handed him papers to sign, he said “why would I join a bunch of crooks who don’t pay their bills?”
He didn’t know Scientology from the Hare Krishnas. He just insisted on being paid, and wouldn’t leave til he got his $.
He’s a trip – love him. Sometimes ignorance of the ignorant is a good thing!
Todd Cray says
Aren’t they using the amazing admin tech that genius Elron discovered in much painstaking and self-sacrificial work? The one that you too canb purchase–if you can afford it?
i-Betty says
How astonishingly stupid.
Xenu's Son says
I once read a quote from Conrad Hilton the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain:
Hospitality is when something happens for you.
Lack of hospitality is when something happens to you.
People got into scientology because they felt something was happening for them.
Now nobody is coming in and even the old ones are going out because too much is happening to them
Michael Winters says
In the last few years, maybe longer, they’ve centralized CF/Addo – which includes email. I’ve received emails and written letters from several orgs in the US (which I’ve never been to). The only ones I wasn’t getting comm from are the ones that circulated my SP Declare. FINALLY! I am off their damn mailing list.
That doesn’t stop them from sending crap-tons of junk mail to other former members at my (or who once lived) at my residence but who were not formally Declared. If I had to break down by percentage what the subject matter of their junk is, I’d say, 35% recruit, %35 donate, %25 buy more materials, 5% service.
Old Surfer Dude says
But…but, Michael, don’t you miss their letters?
Studius Judius says
I did some Scientology services in California during the 1990’s. Not much, just some book one auditing and maybe a comm course. Never did the purif, never joined the IAS, and never paid for any Scientology auditing. Until two years ago, I was still receiving color glossy marketing material from the CoS. Almost daily there would be some post card. And every now and then I’d get a glossy magazine.
But then I got a phone call. It was Scientology! WTF? They were trying to update the files, so the person said, and wanted to make sure they had my correct address and phone. They did indeed have my correct contact information. Then the person wanted to know where I had done services and what I had done so far. I was polite but firm and said I was no longer interested in anything related to Scientology and did not wish to receive anymore information from them. At the time I assume that would double the amount of stuff in my mail box, but to my shocked surprise, it all stopped.
I’ve never received another piece of mail from the CoS. I’m not complaining.
TOOT to OT says
That. Is. A. Miracle.
Newcomer says
Someone needs to be RPFed!
Valerie says
You. Have. SOOOOPER. OT. Powerz!!!!! That is not just a miracle, it’s a unicorn!
I Yawnalot says
HUH! I must be dreaming! What planet did this all happen on?
Geezers – well I never…
I Yawnalot says
It’s all the above. They tick every box, desperate and grossly incompetent being at the forefront. It is no surprise they come off as completely stupid too. Internally generated fear will do that to any group of humans with a common purpose. Scientology dominates its members with extreme fear and intimidation. They hold their members ransom to their own eternity. It’s quite the trick how they do that but it’s the lies, misinterpretations and half truths they employ that are all too regularly seen on this and other blogs.
The stupidity within Scientology is so blatantly obvious now it staggers the mind. Their statistics are so woeful and their numbers so small with little or no new public going into their buildings even Blind Freddie can see the deception.
Corporate Scientologists are extremely stupid people.
Aquamarine says
It sounds to me like Buffalo is doing the first step of the Danger Formula: “Bypass habits and normal routines” by promoting for staff from outer areas. Obviously they have no clue who Paul is. He’s just in their system for some reason, so he gets staff reg promo. All very rote. But this Danger Formula, if that’s what Buffalo’s doing, is very VERY old hat. Five years ago they were emailing me – and I’m WAY out of their area – emailing me to buy Leather Bound Dianetics to – get this now – to help them get out of Non E! Yes! They were doing a NON EXISTENCE formula to “make themselves known” FIVE years ago. All well and good if they had been just opened, but Buffalo had been “Ideal” since 2003! That’s 8 years in existence in that building, and here they were doing a non existence formula by hitting up existing public to buy leather bound Dianetics so that – and now you have to get THIS – so that they could have enough money to “make themselves known” in the community. Blew my mind. Eight years in existence and they had no money for promotion to make themselves known in the community. I wondered, what the fuck have these people been doing for 8 years, that no one knows you exist? I’ll tell you, this was no small factor in my leaving, and Buffalo wasn’t even my org. And now they’re so out of it they’re regging a notorious SP to come on staff with them, who’s in Florida, yet! I thought they were pathetic THEN, but this is beyond pathetic. I’d say they’re in total apathy.
Aquamarine says
Correction: “Obviously they have no clue who Aaron is”. Not Paul.
Wognited and Out says
Ideal Org’s are in the same shape they were always in but now they really feel the sting because they have huge utility bills and maintenance expenses.
They are bigger and experiencing “more emptiness” than ever before in this sector of the galaxy. It is Epic to see the failure. But it does makes my needle float for sure so please Scientology – do continue your insanity. It makes perfect sense that you are recruiting SP’s to come into your big empty failures.
Artoo45 says
I think this speaks to the fact that inside the bubble, nobody knows who’s blown or simply disappeared on a long, secret mission to clear the planet. I don’t think a lot of them know you’re gone, Mike. I do have to say that Buffalo has a definite Goth-meets-Hipster vibe going on with their elegant black cross on the corner. Must seem so inviting and wholesome to the uninitiated.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Artoo45, It is good to meet you.In your post you mentioned”the Goth- meets Hipster vibe black cross”. You reminded me when I first saw the large gold Scientology cross at Asho when I joined Sea Org.You called it! That cross did seem very inviting and shiny to me as I took my first steps as an SOer.
Now I love RB’s upside down Scio Cross.Does my heart good each time I see it! Always,Ann.
Scott Henderson says
Back in the late 80’s I worked at the corporate headquarters of E.I. DuPont in Wilmington Delaware. I was part of a large team of engineers and technicians overseeing the networking needs of the various departments (yes Virginia, we did have computers back then, albeit powered by coal). As luck would have it my division had just initiated TQM (Total Quality Management) in an effort to improve our already high productivity. Cue many Quality Task Force meetings where the usual Business 2.0 cliches sprouted like mushrooms on cow shit and countless earnest discussions on employee empowerment. It didn’t work, in fact it failed miserably and measurable productivity fell nearly 7% over a one year period.
Our management team was left dumbfounded, red-faced and sputtering. “Why aren’t you more productive? You’re a lean mean empowered team!” they would loudly ask and demand answers. Unfortunately they got one: TQM was developed by a business strategy team that hadn’t set foot in an actual working environment in more than 10 years and had no clue as to what we actually did for a living. So much for empowerment and strategic vision.
I can’t help but draw a parallel of that debacle when I read of yet another epic fail of Hubbard’s administrative “tech”. Pie-in-the-sky management paradigms developed by someone (Hubbard) who had not one iota of practical business knowledge or experience but presented as “fact” and to be followed to the letter. TQM had oodles of pasty-faced MBAs to provide some validity to their ideas and it still failed. What does that say about an organization that continues to employ, year after year, administrative tactics drawn out of thin air?
JustLook! says
You’re singing my tune. Hubs laid the groundwork for the continuing failure by demanding his minions only use his methods, which didn’t work or rather didn’t work very well. The orgs will continue to be empty because the org plan doesn’t work. Who would join staff? The orgs are dying institutions and the orgees will continue to try the same unworkable methods to get people in.
Workable management requires HONESTY.
Being a good Scientologist requires believing in MAGIC. E.g. send out mail and money will come in. That’s magic. Another example, stats are down so punish everyone. That’s another version of magic.
These are examples of NOT HONESTLY looking at what you’ve got to do and doing it. It does prove that you’ve brainwashed people.
So my dear old pals at the COS, keep sending out that bulk mail. Keep hammering your central files names. But don’t find anyone who is looking for help and give it to them. That would be out tech.
zemooo says
Buffalo NY was always a strange brew type of mOrg. They began a ‘strategic alliance’ with the Cambridge Ontario mOrg last year and that ‘alliance’ seems to be just a way to share whales. In the past, Canadian and American Clams would take advantage of currency differentials and take ‘courses’ in which ever country could stretch their dollars the most. Large numbers of Canadians come over the border to shop for clothes and other things just to avoid the Canadian taxes. Go to any Buffalo area mall and you’ll see a lot of Ontario license plates. Not so around the mOrg. A friend of mine works a few blocks away and from time to time he drives by the mOrg and notes that you can’t see in because of sun screens and that there is usualy parking available there. .
Last year the clams got city buses painted up with $cieno ads and had a big billboard near the mOrg. Those buses are back to other ads or their normal paint job and the billboard now advertises ‘Reds Brake Service’. This year after the Grammy’s, the clams alternately showed the ‘social betterment’ and ‘who am I’ 30 second TV ads on the local news every day for 3 weeks. This is the dwarfenführers promised ad campaign to reward the Ideally dry walled mOrgs. People twirling ‘cash for gold’ signs bring in more meat than the mOrg.
In spite of a very large ‘bring in the new meat’ campaign in Buffalo, that mOrg seems to be empty most days. The long Buffalo winter is over and the part of Main street that is around the mOrg never has any foot traffic. If you go 500 yards down Main Street, you get to the new ‘hospital corridor’ that is booming with new construction. But the area around the mOrg is pretty dead.
Going to Marc Headly for a ‘join the staff’ come on is just so stupid that you have to laugh. This isn’t just a ‘central files’ snafu, it speaks to a totally ignorant staff. Marc is one the most well know SPs around. Maybe Igor from Belarus or Moldova don’t know that yet. They will known by the end of today.
Roberto Sánchez Núñez says
It´s not only desperation. It´s statistics push as always. I´m hearing it: “Send mails and emails for recruitment; no matter who, outflow brings inflow”. And there you have it. Nonsense recruitment at once. There are other examples of this stat push… Silvia Llorens (Class IX Auditor) once told us that RTC was pushing so hard the VSD stat in FSO that the Auditors start to get in session pc´s that do not have a good metab read. WTF!?
Dawn says
Church news is so funny, a laugh a minute! 🙂
Dawn says
Church news is so funny, a laugh a minute. 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
Well start calling you Dawn Two Times.
Mike Wynski says
“Or is it just that the administrative systems in this FIRST “ideal org” are so bad and so incompetent that they have no clue who they are trying to recruit?”
No, this is deliberate. The ONLY way for Buffalo to get his contact details would be if CLOEUS, ASHO, AOLA or FSO were to be sending other Class V Org’s Addresso info back down to other Class V orgs to be regg’ed, recriuted, etc.
That IS desperate at the “management” level.
simplethetan says
I do not know if I am a super SP, a regular SP, or a small SP, but I get those emails from Buffalo org. I am not even in the country, and I make it crystal clear that I am working on legislation that will make Scientolgy and its leaders answerable to their atrocities. Why would they want to send me emails? It’s got to be incompetence.
Thomas Weeks says
If the PPO of Buffalo org was given a list of SPs from which he/she couldn’t recruit, the size of that list would cause their head to explode.
Marc Headley says
I was called and asked to come in and help on renos at the new Valley Ideal org! They even called me on my new cell phone number that I got after leaving. I totally would have gone in (and take lots of pictures) but I live 1800 miles from there and the commute was gonna just ruin my day.
Mike Rinder says
Oh damn… but you do such good dry-walling.
Marc Headley says
When I asked how they got my new contact info, the person on the phone (that was super helpful) explained how they have the best skip trace internet contact info scouring program you can buy! It spends all night and day matching up any recent info available on the web and matching it to their international CF.
Valerie says
LOL yet they recruit people to come in and handle paper files. Hmmm…. THAT’s not insane. Not at all creepy to tell former members that they skip trace them either.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Valerie, I like your post.Skip tracing very creepy and quaint at the same time.Because whoever is doing me will be bored to tears.They can skip trace me all they want,I will still be the lying bitter defrocked apostate SP/ DB/ RSer and always proud of it.xo Ann.
Zola says
Dry walling is not in much demand for Ideal Orgs… stonewalling is the preferred skill.
Old Surfer Dude says
Laughter! No dry walling here…only stonewalling! Still laughing…
Aquamarine says
hgc10 says
Marc, I don’t think they got the meaning of the “for good” part in the title of your book.
Valerie says
@marc I hope you at least upped your status in lieu of helping them :-0
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
LOL. That would have been fantastic Marc!
McCarran says
I’ve gotten a couple of invites to join staff as well, but then I’m not a Super Duper SP. I’m just a plain, old, ordinary, run-of-the-mill SP.
(Eyeroll) What a stupid, inept, desperate church.
I Yawnalot says
Yeah, I’m a little fry SP too. Makes me feel a little insignificant but what the hell… splurge on it!
McCarran says
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m so small, the word ‘insignificant’ doesn’t even come close to describing me…
statpush says
Don’t sell yourself short, you’re a mighty fine SP, McCarran.
McCarran says
MFSP! I’ll take it. Lol
Aquamarine says
Well, I’m a small potatoes SP too, but hey, and SP is an SP, and somehow I can’t feel like one until I get my Declare. I just might have my own printed up.
Newcomer says
IMHO, all SPs are very Super Duper! There is no such thing as a plain ordinary one because each has been willing to say NO MORE to the nasty little cult ………… and willing to tell them to stick it up there youknowwhatski where the sun cannot penetrate.
Yo Dave,
By next week I hope you have a significant position in Johnson and Johnson good buddy. You will need a lot of what they make for your youknowwhatski! Apply with gusto and hope for the best.
And by the way Dave, I think your lawsuit against your Dad is a brilliant move. You will even be able to testify in court about all that is bad about Your Dad. I’m sure everyone will agree that you are a little snipe because of his shortcomings. Maybe you can settle with him out of court.
Walk Softly says
That’s nearly unbelievable! Consider the source, I suppose. It’s creepy that they have your new cell# but what about Lyintology isn’t creepy?
Weren’t they supposed to have applied the sacred, infalible, 100 KSW, unique tech of Central Files?
Leslie Bates says
Well actually I did try to do something for the world but I couldn’t make the weight standard and was barred from reenlistment in the U.S. Army.
alcoboy says
I always understood that an org was not supposed to recruit staff members from someone else’s org area. So why is Buffalo trying to recruit some guy who lives in Florida?
Mike Rinder says
Old Surfer Dude says
Desperation of the kind not seen in decades. Trying to get someone who lives in Florida to work in Buffalo? Really? Yeah, I’m sure that will work out.
Aquamarine says
Look, its like this: Texas Scientologists get too hungry for dinner at 8 and don’t want to be on staff in their own state. They want to go to Harlem but won’t go in ermine and pearls, while Floridians are ripe to be recruited to Buffalo and won’t dish the dirt with the rest of the girls. That’s why Miscavige is a tramp. I trust this clarifies things.
Valerie says
@aquamarine. It’s as clear as mud now. Thanks.
Studius Judius says
I love this. Thank you for posting it. I can just hear Ella singing it right now.
alcoboy says
More than you can imagine. Thank you.
Old Surfer Dude says
Bravo, Aqua! Bravo! Terrific post! I can hear Sinatra singing right now.
Newcomer says
I’ve gotten two of the flyers and not only do I not live in Buffalo (California to be exact) they want me to join staff. I have never even been to the Buffalo Org so upper management must be mixing and matching some of their mailing lists. I replied to the email per below:
“Hey you guys,
I live out in California and I am a declared SP although I have never seen the goldenrod nor been told by any member of the cherch that this is true. That said, I am not a Scientologist and I am very happy to not be connected in any way to your organization. Please remove me from your mailing list.”
Of course I then received another email asking me to join staff!
Yo Dave,
Tell me good buddy, do you really think getting ‘central files in PT’ has any benefit to anyone? Of course it doesn’t Dave, you know it, all of the BDAs* know it, when will Your Minions get it? Better have all hands wordclear ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ because it is traveling through your cherch like wildfire……..Dave.
*Bitter Defrocked Apostates ….. and friends!
Old Surfer Dude says
“Of course I then received another email asking me to join staff!” Do they have a ‘love on’ for you or what, Coop! You’re irresistible to them!
Wognited and Out says
Alcoboy – Orgs were supposed to HELP people too…
Scientology LIES!
McCarran says
… because they’re looking for a few good SP’s to come in and turn things around.
Doug Parent says
A Scientology Org full of declared SP’s would probably get the show on the road (if they wanted to) Toss out all the garbage and just do what gave people wins AND NOTHING ELSE.
Mike Wynski says
Hey, if you can gather enough people stupid enough to pay cold hard cash for that insanity I’ll take a cut for sure!
Amy says
SP’s are the only ones left I guess. No choice but to recruit them. They’ll just get them to do an A-E and all will be honky dory.
Dawn says
Lol! 🙂 🙂
Aquamarine says
This is why they’re all blocked from my phone and my email.
Valerie says
A-E in CF or A-E in ethics – or is it the same thing these days?
Amy says
I want to be a ‘Super SP’ too. Is there a course with a check sheet. Please let me know Mike.
Mike Rinder says
Hang with me for a while. Put up some videos on YouTube. Talk to the media.
You too can join this very non-exclusive club.
Jose Chung says
Is there a level for Flaming Super SP
I have my own Telex machine in a secret hide out.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Jose Chung, Oh happy day! I knew someone on this blog would have a secret hide out for their Telex! I will drag a dictaphone from some dusty old box and the time machine will hang with us both.A Flaming Super SP- another goal of mine too.xo,Ann.
Amy says
Thanks Mike. I’m on it. I can almost feel those Super SP powers coursing through my veins. There will be a framed cert that comes along with it I’m sure. A nice big one please.
clearlypissedoff says
Yep – I think I am going to be moving up in SP status soon.
statpush says
SP by osmosis
Old Surfer Dude says
Amy, just get your picture taken with Mike. That ought to do it.
john johnson says
Look out, Mike. You”ll be their next recruitment target. LOL
Mike Rinder says
Yeah — if they are going after Marc Headley to do renos of Valley Org there are no holds barred.
Mike Wynski says
Maybe the pain Davie is now feeling makes him pine for the days when Mike R. was handling Church “PR”. 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
They’re probably hot to get you back! I can hear it now:
Cult member 1: Call WHO??? Mike Rinder??? Are you out of your mind? He’s the biggest SP on the planet!!!
Cult member 2: Yeah, well, the Valley Org is trying to get Marc Headley back to do renos. And they’re sending out letters to known SPs all over the place because NO ONE NEW is going into the orgs! We gotta do something and do it fast!
Cult member 1: (ding dong – Mike answers the door). Ummmm…hi Mike. Can we talk?
markthehungarian says
Hubbard Admin tech is obviously top-notch.
How are things down in Central Files? Made it through letter D yet?
You sad bastards.
Kemist says
I don’t know, but obviously they have not reached to the letter H.
Old Surfer Dude says
NOLAGirl says
All these far flung orgs are tanking. I have literally never seen pictures or video or anything showing a single one of these places active at all. An occasional staff member, a random public here and there and the few & far between curious person who pops in for a laugh.
Hell, some of these places are near being condemned. The orgs are dead people. Stop giving David Miscavige (the IAS) your money. Building an Ideal Org in your city will not bring public flooding in.
Look for yourself. Isn’t that what LRH said? If you’re actually willing to look it’s pretty clear who the SP in Scientology is. The s**t is about to hit the fan, duck out now and avoid the splatter.
Aquamarine says
They aren’t wiling to look. Once, at some point, they looked, saw something, then quickly looked away, convinced themselves they didn’t see what they saw, and for safe measure, instructed themselves never to look again.
Old Surfer Dude says
Mame, that’s some damn good brainwashing there! Damn good! Almost makes be feel sorry for them….almost.
Lori S says
Are these recruiting errors happening because the CFs are in a constant state of disarray? I would think that such a monumental organization would be able to flag the files of those that are SPs. On the one hand, Miscavige is a ruthless ruler, but on the other hand, his tenure has produced a staff that is comically incompetent.
Mike Rinder says
There is no policy about this so it will not be done. Telex machines rule!
hgc10 says
So, basically, there’s an opening at every position. And what do they need staff for anyway? Is there even more than 3 Scientologists in the Buffalo area? Last one out, turn off the lights.
TrevAnon says
Ok, ok. So if no one is going to sign up for staff, I’ll volunteer.
They’ll have to forgive me though for working on the big list of exes for almost 7 years now….
When I get out eventually and I speak out I will also be included. 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey TrevAnon! I’ll sign up with you! We’ll have a blast! Until i start talking about OT3…
TrevAnon says
Then we would have a REAL blast…
Willie AKA Good Old Boy says
I’m in and I can be advance course reception and OTIII sup and c/s.
Old Surfer Dude says
That’s it! We now have the 3 Musketeers: Willie, TrevAnon and me! We’re not only going to have a blast, but our blast will be so epic and monumental, it will be the best blast in the history of Teegeeack! All hail the 3 Musketeers!