Despite 200 fully hatted and trained Sea Org Members with 10,346.7 years of experience.
Despite “ideal” premises.
And the best of the best seasoned bodyrouters.
The Model Test Center on Hollywood Blvd.
A crack team used to train executives from all over the world on “how it is done.”
The bestowing of the title: Model Ideal St Hill Size Org by Dear Leader himself.
The largest concentration of scientologists on earth.
Massive advertising on network TV.
Huge spending on internet ads.
The power of positive postulates injected into the environment by Gavin Potter and other luminaries.
The presence of mothership of the IAS, changing the world for the better and shifting the balance of theta on the planet.
The largest printing plant on earth.
A massive international dissemination center.
The omnipotent presence of Church of Scientology International.
The CLO WUS team spearheading the first “ideal continent.”
Nice weather.
A nearby In N Out Burger.
In spite of all that…
LA Org has to send out an urgent email to try and get people to come in for a “video shoot” in their “Div 6 display area.”
Surely, with all that, you don’t need to CALL PEOPLE IN? Surely the video team can just show up and capture the REAL scene right there in the Modelest of all Idealishness?
Apparently not:
Hi X,
I know this is real sudden but we have a special video shoot to be done today here at LA Org from 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm in the area of the video panel displays. We need you to be part of it.
It’s for the March 13th event, so can you show up for this?
Just tell me “Yes” or “No”.
who said no! WHO the F#ck said NO !!!
Since Div 6 has been fully dehumanized why would a new person go in there? It’s essentially an automated answering device that discourages live communication because LRH has already said it so you can just quote him – exactly.
Is the photo shoot going to be of people with headphones on listening to random LRH quotes? Wow.
Nickname, who says I’m not 16?
In ‘N Out proximity notwithstanding, I wonder where their stats are vs. Chel and Mel running things? That would possibly be cause for surprise and glee…
Michael Henderson, statisitcally speaking, no new people are coming into scn. So, it wouldn’t make a difference except maybe in recycling old scn’ers that were their friends.
Wow, this is summed up so neatly. Good question on why would people have to be called in for a photo or video shoot when supposedly there are sooo many public there.
I recall the days when shoots would be done at the base and the crew would just pull people walking around and ask them to participate because they were dressed nicely or just happened to look good that day. Not anymore. Actually, it hasn’t been that way for years now.
“your star is sitting there right in front of you – it’s you, and every other beautiful star, and song. It is being, not becoming.” Wow, Nickname, you blew me away with your beautiful, well thought-out, well-written treatise. It resonated like good poetry to me. I’m glad you write on this blog. I would have replied directly to you but there was no reply button next to your post.
Cindy – Thanks, I stop at your posts to read when I’m on here, You do stand out as a gem.
Nickname, wow, should we get a room? Just kidding. I like your thoughts and beautiful prose.
Cindy – If we were 16, I’d probably invite you to the movies and try to hold hands (such a simple thrill, but you remember it, like forever).
Thanks, Nickname. I wrote a response before there was a reply button showing for your post, so I”ll repeat it here. I said, “how do you know I’m not 16”?
Due to Mr. Miscarriage’s taking an extended leave to parts unknown, we will be closed indefinitely. ASHO and AOLA will be open for new public but even they will be closed by the end of the year. GOOD LUCK!
A very apt analogy, Windhorse.
I was dumbfounded when I first read about what was happening in Sri Lanka. I could hardly believe what I was reading and wondered how could BUDDHISTS be doing this ?! My personal explanation was that they must have stopped listening to the benign thoughts of Buddha. By their actions, they had ceased to practice Buddhism and, even though they were possibly not aware of the fact, had ceased to be Buddhists. Yes, a very apt analogy.
The whales must know that the Orgs are empty and, as a result, the Church of Scientology is not kept running from income for auditing and training, but rather by their own donations to the IAS and other fundraising projects. I hope none of them who have been making donations this year in 2015 expect any of that money back if they choose to leave. Not that they would choose to leave – they must know that the Church, as it exists now, is the polar opposite to what L. Ron Hubbard wanted so modern-day whales must be Miscavites rather than Scientologists in the traditional sense and must be happy with the work DM is doing. They give huge donations and in return, they get trophies, applause and recognition. I think it is a fair swap. It is what they want and they have plenty of money to throw around to keep the Church running on a day-to-day basis and pay its bills and feed and clothe its staff. DM might be telling them that their donations are helping millions of people all around the world, but he is just catering to their delusional needs. Just as Christians gather in less-impressive premises and are led by a priest to pray to a God or Jesus, that is not there to hear them, and look forward to the Second Coming, which will never happen then DM collects their donations to build a better world, which isn’t put to that use, and feed their hopes of Clearing the Planet, which will never happen. This isn’t fraud – this is just another form of Divine Deception that all religionsuse that comforts and bolsters the parishioners and gives them hope and happiness. Plus those trophies do look rather nice on the shelf.
The Angry Gay Pope has a recent video on how empty the LA main orgs are:
It has nice music too.
I realize I’m late to the comment game here but hmmm…..
Scientology claims:
200 staff members
600 people being body routed into the building per day
Using wog math they should be able to gather up 800 or so random people per day at the snp of a finger just from that supply not to mention all the people who must already be onlines there from the massive amount of people entering the Org on a daily basis per LRH policy discussing body routing and sign up statistics.
What am I missing?
Never too late for you Valerie. We were just sitting around the fire and wondering the same thing.
So we decided we might just be listening to lies.
If I may say so, having been around during the days when LA Org, Day and Fdn were full of public every day, it is clear to me that it is empty because David Miscavige effectively killed Scn credibility, there is no longer anything there that could be valuable to anyone and it is now universally known that it houses a bunch of crazy, deluded people just out to get money to make their leader rich. Just about everyone (except the sheeple and the brainwashed so called SO members) in LA today knows that the “church” of Scientology is nothing but David Miscavige’s criminal money making scam cult. Many more once successful Orgs wll inevitably stand empty soon.
“David Miscavige’s criminal money making scam cult”.
Nice ring to that, Alex.
Is there ANYTHING … I mean ANYTHING AT ALL that these people don’t lie about?
I have not seen anything close to the truth coming from the cult or a cult member in a good long while. The short answer is NO!
I was thinking about the internet in relation to the empty org. There are so many situations and so many whys that explain why miscavige’s cult is flailing and failing. But I think the internet is by far #1.
Imagine what would have happened in 1950 if the internet had been around. Ron holds a huge conference at the shrine to “prove” the abilities of the first clear. The experiment is a total flop. It is evident immediately that the “clear” has none of the abilities stated in DMSMH. Lots of disappointment. A few justify the lack of provable results.
The internet is abuzz with the lack of results. Twitter is tweeting the bad news. Blogs which once were hopeful now expose the truth.
That would have been the beginning and end of LRH’s career in the self help industry. Over and done in a few hours. Whistle blown. Train left the station.
2 people had a private conversation and I was info’d. It was about the state of Scientology in Europe. One of the participants was a senior long term European vet. The conversation went on and on about the absence of participation and complete aversion to the word “Scientology” in Europe so when the word is used in any promo, there is zero response, no matter what offered at what discount.
Notwithstanding the morgue condition of orgs in Europe and a sizzling Scientology expose on the horizon by Danish TV ~~~coming soon ~~ (The AO in Europe is in Copenhagen and even the gentle Danes have had enough)
A new ribbon cutting photo ops incident will occur in Basle, Switzerland where a new “ideal Org” funded by some whales will open in a couple of weeks.
There is no debug or situation handling of the complete sinking of stats of Scientology in Europe, but rather, the attention and $$$$ is on the new Real Estate in Switzerland and how it make it pretty and nice to continue the illusion and give Miscavige more photo ops as the dynamic leader of expansion.
With In N Out Burger in Hollywood, Pink’s on La Brea near Melrose, Fat Burger, Tommy’s, El Polo Loco, Taco trucks running around town, I’m thinking of doing my A-E and moving back to Hollywood. You guys are making me hungry. And yesterday it was a pie in the sky and the day before that it was grass fed shit at the canteen. Jeezzzzzz. Sign me up.
Hey Al,
You reminded me of the burrito place just about a block away. They had delicious burritos and smoothies too. I’m getting hungry also.
The first time I saw the LA org, I thought it looked really strange. It has a massive, heavy quality about it like an Egyptian or Babylonian temple. It seems cold and unwelcoming, and did not at all embody what I thought scientology was at the time, Today I recognise that it is a perfect representation of the core of scientology.
People join satanic cults when they’re cool, not when they mean business.
They should be booming. Didn’t Davey boy say “gradients are cancelled”?
You M/Ued him. He said “gravy boats are cancelled”, as a sign to the faithful that he wasn’t “sauce”.
One day in some not too distant future the Hollywood Tour buses will include the Cedars/Scientology Big Blue, LA Org and CCI on their swing through town.
“Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” was my first thought, when I saw that arrogant bunch taking over LA org. I have seen quite a few of those slick new commercials lately and it is a nice commercial, but…..too bad there is nothing but mud behind it. They are really throwing gobs of parishioner’s hard earned, extorted money into it. The rcs has horrible pr in LA and they won’t get anywhere.
The 200 poorly paid can just continue to work on the property planting flowers, painting and remodeling as they have been for years now. Then DM at any point can announce that the newly remodeled Pac Base is really no longer needed and that he is in talks with tech giants Google and Apple to buy all of the property and assets
What a beautiful tech campus it would make for either one of the giants- Centrally located in Hollywood, thousands of square feet of recently remodeled space, a parking lot, nice brick street and beautiful weather. What’s not to love about this property for companies that are flush with cash?
DM grabs another billion and places blame on anyone still listening for not caring enough or giving enough to save their own church. It’s all for the greatest good.
In theory this might work. But I am not sure that buying cult property would be good for the image of any tech giant.
Beryl: What on Teegeak are you talking about.? If I was a multinational tech company looking to switch to a superlative address and I was able to offer employees berthing bunk beds at 20 to a room with all the rice and beans they could stomach, all thrown in free with our 20 hour work days, wouldn’t you expect a 47X lift in stock price?
Higher prices, bad product, rude management and lousy pay all make for failure of a business. Regardless of whether one calls Scientology a business or a religion, growth is always achieved by applying good business practice.
Spot on, Beryl!
“The largest concentration of scientologists on earth.” Then how come it’s a chore to get people in the L.A. Org? Where is this, “largest concentration of scientologists” hiding? Why do they have to be coaxed to come in? Isn’t their Future of Eternity” in jeopardy? I don’t get it! A little help here…
Yogi Berra said it best: “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”
Ha! I love this post.
Proof positive that SCN is dead in the USA. You can advertise it as Scientology, Church of Scn or L. Ron Hubbard “tech” and result is the same. People shunning it.
Wow! People shunning those who practice shunning. Brilliant!
People…people who shun people…are the – Oh, lord, where is Michael Mallen when we need him for a parody?
The Ideal Mission of Belleair is expanding! They are even having an open house on Feb 28th if any of you Clearwater people want to go. They are the Number One Mission on the planet! I think David Miscavige out to fire out a SO Mission to that Mission and find out what they are doing right, usurp it and send it to LA Org.
Get Kathy and Matt over to Vermont St. to do some body routing and IAS regging. All will be well!
Despite 47X promises spoken at events…
Despite a straight up and vertical number of exclamation marks!!!
Lets not forget the never in history number of microscopic squares inches of renovated spaces…
The unbelievable statuses of Humanitarian Heroes Humble Hunters of Fortunes…
The Org is empty.
Ancient Voo Doo Prayer:
Never Conjure Up more Demons than you can Conjure down.
Solution for L.A. Org. Drape a white sheet over the Scientology Cross.
Then sacrifice a dozen live chickens in parking lot draining chicken blood in a bucket.
Paint all entrances and exits with the sacrificed chicken blood.
Set off fire crackers during next full moon over a Sea Org Flag.on L.A.Org reg’s desk at midnight.
Excellent comment! 🙂
What??? Are you telling me this crack team of Slappy-approved PR professionals hasn’t filled that org with new public?
Perhaps they can just find some archival footage of the LA Org when it was in an old house, I believe on 9th Street. That place was hopping!
“No” 🙂
Well, I know for a fact LA Org is indeed VERY busy because I was there. I was on vacation in LA and my first stop was LRH Way. I asked if I could look around the org and was told that I couldn’t because they were expecting a big tour group any minute. Funny because they told us the exact same thing at CCHR even though both places were very much empty. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that a known SP was walking us around town. Oh well, it was still fun getting a first hand glimpse of them act like the paranoid weirdos they are and laughing about it. It made for a very entertaining story back home too 🙂
I red all holy and spiritual books I could get hold off, including Bible, Koran, Thalmud, Bhaggawadgita, Tibetanian Book of the Dead and much more. I found the same truth in every book, so the problem is NOT the religion, the problem is the institutionalization of religion.
The last few millennia on this planet have proved that homo sapiens face substantial difficulties when dealing with religion. They mix up religion with religious institution. The urge of Man towards spirituality is misused as an instrument of suppression. The formula is pretty simple: Whenever someone is seeking spirituality, you just hand out to him a god or a book, this enables you to humiliate and dominate them at your full discretion!
Thus homo sapiens catches a glimpse of truth then and when, but is – at least on this planet – far away from it than ever as the new religion is materialism. The system using bread and circuses does still work and hence we have a civilization consisting of elbows, drugs, atomic power, ozone holes, doping, pornography, media, governments, authorities, control, consumption, stultification, and whatever else you may care to say about it. Man is set to the system given by the respective materialistic expressions, self-determination and spirituality are left behind.
And this is what you get when you give plenty of rope to the church institutions: You breed monsters like DM.
Religious freedom is granted by law but what about the freedom to act? I don’t dare to mention freedom of thought. Here you have those romping about who do not accept the fundamental laws of the universe, those who trigger responsibility only to others, and last not least those, who use power and money as cause of complacency or alleged hideaway on their way to eternity.
Guess, once we have defined who we are, we should live this. Try to improve further and help others to improve. No need to complain anymore, the facts are known, the Tech is available.
Remember the title of this blogg. “Something can be done about it.”
So I did something, I removed the three-piece suite from my living room and put in a bookshelf, desks and a clay table. It is as simple as that. We need more auditors, we need to preserve the tech, not only in writing, we need real auditor’s experience in the chair.
Who is with me?
Sorry, but given my history (up to PT) of psych drugs, my utter refusal to do the Purif, and the fact that I enjoy and partake in sex with my own gender and have no wish to quit doing that, I’d be an Illegal PC. Thank you for the offer, though.
Right on, Espiando!
Re: Espiando’s reply, “Sorry, but given my history (up to PT) of psych drugs, my utter refusal to do the Purif, and the fact that I enjoy and partake in sex with my own gender and have no wish to quit doing that, I’d be an Illegal PC. Thank you for the offer, though.”
Now that’s what I call a “Latin Lover”!
Not Me!
I think it is great that you did this.
So do I. To each his or her own path, and to each the right to choose that path, not in delusion, but in full awareness.
Go eat some shrooms. That ought to “do something about it”. 🙂
One must be careful when asking for principles in common amongst all religions, because the average man’s grasp of real philosophy is shallow, and in general, seem to hold tightly to prescribed beliefs. But I for one wholly agree that there are clearly common principles amongst virtually all religions. Some I can think of are: man is a spiritual being, there is more to life than the material, man is basically good, there is evil, he can redeem himself, he I capable of attaining higher heights, he can accomplish more, moral and ethical values are senior to all, respect for elders, respect for children, respect for differing views, love, peace, and the possibility of attaining real and lasting eternal happiness.
But an error I see in what you wrote is that you (incorrectly) ascribe the ills which have arisen around religions to the founder of the religion, and not (correctly) to the perversion of the original which have crept in and been foisted off by those who are opposed to human and spiritual betterment. The perversion of religion may be led by evil, but it is the restimulation of evil in otherwise “neutral” minds that leads to the incorrect use of religion to dominate. The solution to that is not to succumb to those temptations not just to hate, but to hold in disregard, to diminish, to subjugate, to belittle. So the Auditor’s Code which explicitly bars that from auditing.
I would hold that religion is philosophy which has been distilled, packaged, and marketed to the masses. For much of history, the masses were not literate, and could not afford books, and could not be persuaded that philosophy would make rain for their crops or clothe their children and put bread on their tables. Men and women were too busy trying to live their material lives, and trying to find pleasure and satisfaction, to curl up by the poor light of the fireplace or candles and read about philosophy. They were more worried about that band of Vikings waiting for a weakness to rob and plunder and murder.
The realities of the modern age which you describe are the context – one of many variations of agreements. An old one is that men and hens agree when their heads are gone. They agree when a banquet is presented. They agree when they are admired for their clothes and airplane (and status). Sadly, it often doesn’t matter what the victors’ philosophy or religion is – tyrants can live very well in material terms (but pay a heavy, heavy, heavy price later). How do you convey all this briefly, in “an internet post”? How do you explain in sound bytes? Well, most of us are familiar with The Beatitudes. Blessed are the meek, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. That is supremely beautiful writing of very solid philosophy. It encapsulates. It captures attention. It conveys wisdom and truth. And it is espoused by millions.
Religion is not the fault. Perversion of religion by evil is at fault. That is what, I believe, we are trying to correct.
Ultimately, you arrive, by grace or deduction or inference or simply by astounding perception, that the agreements underlying all agreements are the material universe, and underlying that, is the lack of knowledge of the true nature of life. Scientology supplies this knowledge. It is a responsibility on all four flows: to oneself, to others, from others, and amongst others. Scientology is religion if ever there was such. The correct solution is to learn and use it amongst those who are willing and able. And I am not “above” prayer and supplication to God. For all I know, or think I know, it is pitifully little.
I went to India and met Osho. It was amazing. He said that all “ashrams” (spiritual communities) will ultimately turn in against themselves. A Master is beyond the ego… which I cannot say for LRH. Stay close to a real Master at the very beginning…and always always always discover your own truth for itself. I watched his “ashram” turn in on itself — even thought the Dali Lama said that he is one of the most important Spiritual Teachers of all time. We are all on this journey towards the light on our own. Sometimes we get another person to help us… show the light a little bit further down the road. Sometimes those people are “reliable and trustworthy” and sometimes they are fraudsters…however, there is always something to learn.
What is it that Rumi said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
He also said, “Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth.”
Right on, Rumi!
I love that, Zana – about changing oneself, instead of the world. Ties in with what Ghandi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Whenever I’ve tried to change others it hasn’t worked. When I finally learned that I actually have to be the way I would like others to be, while mostly letting them be the way they are, I had more success, and became myself happier. I personally believe this to be ancient wisdom which has been said in many ways down the ages.
Not me, either. Hubbard was an exceptional story teller. And that’s about it.
What is an auditor? One who listens?
Then listen ………………….
As regards ElRon ………. maybe not so much.
I’m with you Strubbl. Interesting thoughtful post. I studied philosophy at length before finding Scn, so I’ve always looked at Scn as a small part of a bigger picture. I see fundamentalism as the fundamental (ha!) problem and evangelism is right up there with it. Someone has a certain spiritual experience and then, because they had it and it was awesome, they “know” that’s the only way for everyone. So starts the fanaticism and bugging everyone around them to see it their way. Since their experience was “good”, to them, then anyone who doesn’t accept it is “bad” or something is wrong with them. It’s a very shallow strata of spiritual behavior. It’s a very common narrow mindset. All I can say is if there is a god, then she’s laughing at us arguing about it all. In addition to disconnection, extortion, abuse, is the fundamental HUGE overt or sin of denying the staff and parishioners auditing/training. Arguments aside, many people wanted auditing and training, worked for it, paid for it and were never able to get it because of the vulture culture of the rcs. I feel that in addition to encouraging people to tell the truth and stop supporting the vulture culture, is to continue your auditing or training goals, and support the indie community, if you wish it. Don’t let a despot and his minions deny you what you feel is valuable or cut across your goals. It also takes courage and integrity to demand what you have worked for and to be treated with dignity, respect, care and it not break you financially. Integrity is everything.
Strubl, I am with you. The tech works and there is no need to abandon it just because DM and some others have disfigured it to a point of hardly being recognizable anymore.
Building groups in the field is the answer and they are being built and auditing is happening. I have been one of the lucky beneficiaries of the Independent auditors. Scientology is not nearly done despite what has gone on over the past 30 years.
I am not even entirely certain the church can’t be saved if DM can be removed and a wholesale top to bottom purging of the actual SP’s takes place. Put back in what worked in the first place and Scientology despite what has taken place can recover.
Trying to stop the spread and advancement of knowledge is like putting a pile of gold bars on a bench in Central Park and expecting it to be there tomorrow. Those who get with it will end up winners, those who ridicule it will end up losers.
No thanks. I was in Scn early enough and high enough up to know that it doesn’t produce a superior being to what exists in the “wog” world. Why in the hell would I spend time or pay money to be no better, able or intelligent? What logical reason could there be to invest? I could be wrong though. BUT, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence…
Bring it if ya got it. If ya don’t you know what to do.
Interesting, John Locke. I myself was helped by the auditing, training, and some of the admin and ethics tech. But then, I never aspired to be a fully at cause over the Mest universe. I always liked having a body. I don’t want to not have a body. I never wanted to move objects with just my thoughts. I like this planet. I’ve traveled and I think that Earth is for the most part stunningly beautiful, a place filled with all the miracles of nature. It bothers me that I won’t get to see all of it this lifetime. Maybe it is a prison but I’ve never considered it to be that. I like it here. I like the game of survival. I do believe that I’ve lived before and that I will live again. I’m ok with the cycle of body birth and death. My goals were and are to be happy as me, to be able to make others happy, to help myself, to help others, to enjoy, love, as a being with a body with other beings who have bodies. To communicate effectively, to understand and be understood by others. I think that most wars are stupid wastes of lives and resources and that peace and communication are better. Well, I could go on but suffice to say that Scientology helped me with what I’m sure would be considered pedestrian goals by those who aspire to Homo Novis, or Cleared Theta Clear, or whatever, and therefore, because I didn’t have any expectations or needs to be what was promised, I wasn’t disappointed.
Aquamarine, see Brian’s most astute observations on the prior thread…
Also, you didn’t answert my question. Which is par for the course as there is no sane answer to the affirmative.
John Locke – It seems to me she did answer your question, very much in the affirmative. You take the name of a famous philosopher, but your own thought seems to be simply “No. No. No. You’re dumb. It’s a scam. Life is a scam I choose to say no to.” How about YOU bring on some alternative, other than “No”? YOU got anything? What your philosophy?
Thank you for saying that, Nickname. It takes nothing to be a critic. But it takes a lot of everything to create something, to help someone, to even try to help someone. Stats talk and bullshit walks.
John Locke, per your suggestion, I will read Brian’s observations on the prior thread. Also, you’re right, I did not answer your question. I assumed it was rhetorical, but in any event, I agree that you should not spend time or money on an activity which doesn’t help you be better, more able and intelligent , and that to invest in such an unhelpful activity would not be logical for you or for anyone.
No Nicknamer she didn’t. I asked why, since it doesn’t make one any more able than a “wog” why would one spend time & money on it. THAT question was never answered. Not with any specicifity needed to make a decision. I have ONLY stated facts. Please point out to what exactly I claimed was fraudulent that isn’t. Waiting.
John – To me it seems that Aquamarine answered your question with demonstration of goodness and understanding – not in any way condescending, not rote “OK, fine, alright” but with goodwill. That I know of, IQ tests do not measure “goodness,” yet “the good” is a very famous topic of discussion and debate amongst philosophers. She can’t, and I can’t, on a “quick blog” like this, sit down face-to-face and talk with you, hear your tone of voice, watch your expressions, and hear your … what shall I guess? – your angers, your concerns, your wishes to set things right, your disappointment, your frustration – I mean, right there, I’m getting perilously close to “suggesting items”. There’s no theta perceptic available on a blog – you can’t see the other being. So she demonstrated her goodwill. To me, that’s the best reply to your question. Your question contains the implicit statement that Scn does not make one better, more able, or more intelligent. You go into it with the fixed presupposition that bars it: “since it doesn’t make one any more able than a “wog” why should I …/” She replied to that with goodness, ability, and intelligence. And I’m trying to do the same.
Thanks Nickname I appreciate the effort. (I REALLY do)
This just demonstrates the straights that SCN now finds itself in now that truth is on the web. Without the false claims of homo-novis & OT, Clear, exterior, etc., etc., from El Ron to sell people on, the subject cannot be sold in any broad manner. One could get rid of DM and all the “SPs” running the church and it wouldn’t matter one bit. People will NOT pay any substantial amount of money, nor put in much time, for what has been described. LRH warned against pitching as another “feel good” tech. He KNEW it wouldn’t create an inflow of people worth a warm bucket of spit.
Cindy –
You’re more than welcome. It’s the simplicity of pro-survival / contra-survival. That really distilled simplicity is much more complex when one considers and sees all the many variations of it in real life – hard to sort out – and that to me is the genius of LRH, to be able to make sense of a confusion and get it down to the rock-bottom fundamental. One of the problems is that it requires a lot of thought to sort through all the variations oneself, and finally arrive at the obvious and very simple answer stated in Scn. Many times I’ve thought of something “really bright!” and a few days later thought, “Wait … didn’t I read that somewhere?”
I was going around and around for ages trying to get the relationship between “”understanding” in the ARC triangle, and “knowledge” in the KRC triangle. What is it in one’s own reality that connects to certain knowledge? Realities vary so widely, yet there is this thing called truth, so how is one to trust one’s own reality and understanding to the point where it is certain knowledge? How does one differentiate between subjective reality and truth, and be sure one has it right? It sounds kind of dumb to me now, but I wasn’t making the connection between the two, between “reality” and “knowledge.” In “A handbook for Preclears” I came upon the answer in the section about tone levels. Essentially, one understands something, increasingly, to the point where one knows it. (Pro-survival folks will get that; contra-survival people will shout triumphantly that one becomes “hypnotized!” or “brainwashed!” And that is very confusing, it casts doubt on man’s ability to understand anything at all, casts doubt on understanding itself. Supposedly “great minds” have fallen into that trap of confusion and introversion. The pro-survival non-Scn will hold that, of course you can understand! “I mean, you understand that I’m standing here in front of you, don’t you?” But the contra-survival guy will say something about that being your “subjective reality,” or “Sure, what you need to understand is that Scn is a scam!”)
It isn’t that a lot of all this hasn’t been stated before, that no one has observed it previously. There’s a lot of wisdom floating around. Some get it, others do not. The statement, “You’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution” was made, IIRC, by a non-Scn. And the “known knowns, unknown knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns” is interesting, too. It probably derives from heuristics, which is, if I get it, how to find the unknown unknowns from the known knowns. So parts of Scn are not “new.” Hubbard said (modestly) that he really hadn’t added much new at all. I’m not sure I buy that one, but whatever!
What is new is that Scn puts all the related parts together into a coherence – and it is all there, waiting to be understood, and eventually, known. It is all so simple, when one arrives at knowing it, that one can easily just think, “Oh, heck … I know that! That’s simple! It’s obvious! Show me something I don’t know! Something h-a-r-d, and c-o-m-p-l-e-x!” One forgets somehow that one did not know the simplicity at all, before reading it, working with it, and thoroughly understanding it. But now one wants more, and one wants more ability to use it. And that, as far as I can see, is where life “independent of Scn” really begins – and the universe seems to be incredibly big, full of possibilities! And one begins to wonder, which star is mine?
“John Locke” says the “wog” reality there is superior to the Scn reality. It’s a song, and it is written and played by exceptional “wogs” in a composition, a creation, an ideal. I can’t say that each of the band lives that dream over their breakfast, or putting on their costumes and make up backstage. Scientology gives one the mean to make it come true. It kind of butchers the poetry of the song here, but the reality is very simple, which Scn would love for you to see, that your star is sitting there right in front of you – it’s you, and every other beautiful star, and song. It is being, not becoming.
Speaking of Management Series – I now know why “pay your phone bill first” is the piece of tech LRH bestowed onto us Degraded Beings…with out that piece of tech right there – billions of companies would be down stat today.
Thank you LRH for the Tech, Sir.
Hip Hip Hooray.
That was worth $60,000 in management fees to a WISE Consultant right there – especially if you are a Scientoloigist. W/O this valuable piece of TECH – many Scientologist’s today would be in DEEPER DOO-DOO.
“As you struggle to survive after giving Scientology and David Miscavige all of you money, as you lose your home and file Bankruptcy, you want to make sure you pay the phone bill or no one will be able to communicate with you and you can’t make any money”. LRH
Hubbard Admin Tech – the preferred system of management of fascist dictatorships and banana republics.
Statpush, Respectfully, I don’t think that the entire admin tech should be blacked out with such a broad brush. Just in my opinion and from my experience, a portion of the admin tech works very well, at least in my business. On the other hand, a portion of it would never work and I’d cut my throat before using it. I cherry pick what’s useful for me and ignore what isn’t. I have had my business for nearly 25 years. I’m still here. Again, this is me, and my business, and I don’t speak for anyone except myself. Also, if LRH got the admin tech (that works for me) from another source, or if its just common sense, etc. that he codified and claimed as his own invention, well, that’s very interesting and we can talk about it but I’m not going to stop using something that works.
Getting funnier every day, Mike.
There is a “Fat Burger” stand 1 block up on Vermont Ave though.
The canteen should offer a bean burger with a side of rice. That ought to pull em in!
🙂 Cooper.
I think Fat Burger went belly up years ago. And, no, Barack never built it nor any other business.
I don’t know how the company is doing as a whole, and some of the franchises have closed, but there are still plenty open.
That Fatburger is a “must stop” for me when I am in the area. For a brief time I had an In ‘n’ Out, a Tommy’s, and a Fatburger all within two miles of my home, but the Fatburger closed. It was heaven for a while though.
Where’s the In and Out Burger?
I remember a Wendy’s on Vermont that had a patio. The pigeons had greasy feathers from eating so many french fries. And the urine smell from homeless people would waft onto the veranda as you relaxed after course and gurgled the last of your diet coke.
Such fond memories.
Is that an In and Out Burger now?
No, the In N Out is next to Hollywood High. People come for miles and line up for burgers, but not for what LA Org has to offer…
+1 Mike.
Maybe they ought to put an In N Out in that big storefront of LA ORG. Then they MIGHT get some people in there. Maybe not, since it says, “Scientology” along the front.
Pink’s is good too. A little further away though.
A Company w/o the “tech” going into Power?
In and Out Burger did not even have the Management Series or Management by Statistics Software?
How could that be?
With out an Org Board, how on Teegeack did they get into Power?
Not to worry, LRH’s management tech will soon prove superior when the Pacific Cafe blows In and Out Burger out of the water with their new burger menu! (7th image)
And does In and Out Burger provide a friendly IAS reg for every table to keep you company and provide theta updates of our 4th dynamic campaigns while you dine?
Family owned Christian business success story with real philanthropic interests. The daughter is a billionaire without the baggage of Miscavige’s criminality and inhumanity.
They use WogTech. WogTech, the Tech that Works!
They pay their employees significantly more than their competitors, and don’t treat them like cr*p. Clearly, this is a long-running operation by the Psychs to embarrass and injure the CoS.
Hubbard’s management by statistics reminds me that this is most likely another one of Hubbard’s unacknowledged ripoffs of “wog” knowledge. It comes from what is called scientific management which was launched by Taylor in the first half of the 20th Century. Taylor’s work was built upon by others, such as Deming who was instrumental in bringing scientific management to Japan after World War II. Deming had worked for Bell Telephone where he was exposed to the ideas of Shewhart, who is part of the scientific management School of thought. Shewhart was a strong proponent of production being managed by statistics.
Scientific management was very much a hot topic around the time Hubbard was developing Dianetics and Scientology. Given Hubbard’s history as a bricoleur, it seems likely that Scientology management by statistics is yet another example of where Hubbard cobbled together ideas developed by other people and claim them as products of his own supposed genius
By denigrating the wog world, and getting people to look only to him as source, Hubbard reduced the likelihood pre-Internet that people within Scientology would discover his many plagiarisms.
In conclusion, it seems likely that Scientologists can blame the Thursday 2 PM stats push and at least some other parts of the management tech in great part on one Frederick Winslow Taylor. Hip hip hooray!
LOL! Very funny, Idle Morgue!
FOTF: As someone who inhabits the weird parallel universe known as Quality, I have to inform you that putting the names of Deming, Taylor, and Shewhart anywhere near that of Hubbard can lead to your sigma incurring a steep, sudden drop.
The problem, yet again, is that Hubbard was a know-nothing dilettante who took the small amount he could understand about quality management and warped it beyond recognition. There’s a reason why statistical quality control went out of favor in the 1950s: it didn’t work. Controlling a process primarily by statistics really wouldn’t work until the advent of Six Sigma.
Take it from someone who is now racking his brain to figure out which KPIs could properly be applied to food safety, quality management is not for the faint at heart and should not be attempted by someone who knows nothing about it. I swear, if I gave an org ED a copy of Juran’s and a personalized walkthrough of the principles in there, they’d tear the org board in half in a fit of rage.
Espianado my brother is a six sima master black belt.
Alanzo….you could have gone up Vermont a bit and gone to Palermo’s Pizza.
A free glass of wine while you wait for your table and then some really good
pizza. And no smell of urine anywhere. If you had a sweet tooth you could cross
the street to the House of Pies (and if you were lucky you could have seen Kirstie sneaking in to buy a few pies).
Those fast food joints gave me gas which was then a PTP while on course hence I really couldn’t duplicate the
Was that the place a block up from the parking garage? I remember liking it.
Omg, forgot about Palermo’s! You won’t get thin crust pizza there though.
Isn’t the In and Out Burger right opposite the Death Exhibit from CCHR. No wonder LA org isn’t benefiting. BTW there is a great Zankou Chicken right down the street from LA org. Its the original one if I remember. We used to sneak in there for dinner once a week while I was on staff. It was the only real food we could eat locally. The SO food was always one of 50 variations of rice and beans.
Mike also forgot to mention that the surrounding areas like Silverlake are now up and coming trendy spots.
They are not only in the largest concentration of Scientologists on Earth, but also in the largest concentration of unemployed actors on Earth. There are people in LA who would be grateful to do a video shoot for bus fare and a grass-fed burger with french fries. All they need to do is put up an ad on Craigslist and…oh, wait, we’re still taking those down, aren’t we? But if it stayed up, we’d have a special Friday edition of Thursday/Sunday Funnies and get to make fun of them again, just like we did when the “Extras Parking” sign was found in Clamwater during the SP Building opening.
However, that would mean that wogs were contaminating their precious MEST with woggy non-space cooties, and they can’t have that!
This is off-topic, but Espiando, or anyone, I have a question, if you don’t mind: If a Scientology CL ad identifies itself as such, is it red-Xed, or are just the covert, unidentified ads which are found to be coming from Scientology flagged? Personally, I’m all for flagging the dishonest bait and switch cult ads, but if it says “Scientology” or “Dianetics”, etc. in there, and people still respond, then I don’t think such ads should be flagged.
It’s the deceptive ads that are Red Xed. If an ad uses “Scientology” or “Dianetics” in its headline, it’s regarded as honest and not flagged. But bait and switch ads, like a headline stating that a cure for body toxins is here, and the ad turns out to be a push for sales of Clear Body, Clear Mind? That’s flagged ASAP. Ads that only mention a person and phone number (a specialty of JJ From Boston) are also flagged.
By the way, that example with the deceptive book ad is exactly what the cult was doing about a year ago when the big push to get raw meat on to the Purif as part of the GAT II: Electric Boogaloo Revolution happened.
Got it on everything. Thanks, Espi.
So, the principal business of COS is the production of promotional material in support of the wheedling of money out its customers, and it doesn’t even have enough customers to put in front of a camera. That sounds like a failing business model.
Shhhhh, hgc10, don’t tell David Miscavige that. He might begin to learn and do something positive (if that is at all possible from a sociopath). That might just take the joy from us “haters” of watching it implode.
Oh, I’m not worried. COB is far too ecclesiastical to be bothered with my bons mots. From what I’ve seen from the pictures of his digs at Jonestown — er, I mean Int Base — he’s got to be occupied full time with interior lighting design.
Mike, the nearest In-N-Out Burger is on Sunset Blvd, but it’s over 3 miles west of Big Blue. That is not close enough for yummy Double Double (no onions) goodness with a side order of fries (animal style) and pink lemonade.
To make LA “Super Ideal,” they need to get an In-N-Out Burger location in the AOLA atrium lobby where they hold all their events. They’d fill the place with “fresh meat” in no time, and it would be the beginning of *REAL* 47x straight up and vertical expansion like you’ve never seen before!
That’s a possibility, but I really don’t want to know what would be on the secret menu at that location.
Wow John. That’s a great idea. “Bright idea” is what they would call it in Scn. I would not be surprised to see fast food franchises put next to churches. Get WISE members to buy the franchises and build them out. Its brilliant. Your wasted on Wall St.
Except for if you did do fast food on premises it would violate “Cutatiave Orgs” reference where LRH talks about how you can never undercut an org on prices of anything, auditing, books, etc, and how you can’t use the orgs for recruiting grounds for your business or to do business on premises. And we all know that they are now serving super duper, grass fed beefy hamburgers at “Café Pacifica.” That’s the only selling point at all that I see there. I almost went down to order food there and just sit and eat and watch what was going on around there and then report back to you all. But being the Special Person that I am, I don’t think they’d take my order. lol
In N Out is privately owned by the Snider family. The crossed palm trees they use as their symbol is Christian reference.
No Franchises available for this very successful chain.
The burger joint would boom and then the WISE franchise holder would be busted for “frying other fish”.
Although it is privately owned by the Snyder family (really just Lynsi now I think), and there are indeed Christian references at the store (Bible verses cited on the cups and bags, for example) they plant the crossed palm trees because the founder really liked “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” and that is a key part of the film.
Dave doesn’t understand that he does not have a monopoly on the California weather, and there are plenty of other In-N-Out Burger locations with far less traffic and better parking and faster drive throughs than the one on Sunset near Hollywood High. Besides, those of us who go for the onions, delete the fries, to reduce the calories and belly fat, and think that the coffee is better than McDonald’s, just don’t fall for Miscavige’s shit anyway.
A recent errand jaunt through the Hollywood area revealed that the stooges outside the Test Center on Hollywood Blvd. and at the corner of Sunset of Vermont were doing no more than twiddling their thumbs. Ordinances seem to have made it illegal to engage with the avoiding passers-by who know more about their cult from their smartphones than the stooges know. There was only one uniformed staff member on the sidewalk outside of the HGB and only one of those tattered plastic old-school Scn logos was spotted stuck to the trunk of an old clunker near the corner of Sunset and Vermont. Only the Christian Science Reading Rooms on Hollywood Blvd near Vermont and the one on Vermont near the House of Pies looked more lifeless than the Scn properties.
There’s a Fatburger much closer, on Vermont. Different from In-N-Out, but really really good! I like to alternate. Fatburger. In-N-Out. Swill beer and repeat. Then Zankou Chicken. That area is a veritable smørgasbord! Too bad Brashov’s is gone. Shit, I’m hungry. Maybe I should borrow one of John P.’s Lears and fly down for dinner!
Mike, I think you mean Wendy’s (the burger place) on Vermont, right through the little alley behind the back entrance to the CLO WUS office..
I ate many meals at that Wendy’s (it was always a great treat to get away from the PAC mess hall, which was the worst industrial food I have had – Flag was 100x better). There WAS another burger place that was a bit farther away but still withing walking distance. It may have been Fatburger rather than In-and-Out, I don’t recall now, it has been at least 15 years, but at the time it was highly thought of and much better than the Wendy’s.
Story: one day after having lunch at the farther away burger place whatever it was, I was approached by a girl holding a clipboard who asked me “What is the most obvious thing about me?” I immediately recognized that she was doing the “obnosis drill”, probably from the “PTS/SP course”, wherein the student is supposed to ask questions designed to evoke an emotional response then determine where the person is on the “tone scale”.
Without any lag, I replied to her question, “That you are a Scientologist.” with a genuine smile and kept walking.
She about fell over from shock. “NO WAY! That is NOT obvious!”
lol it was to me. I got to spot her tone scale location that time 🙂
Man I snuck many meals at Wendy’s in Vermont Ave, when Beans and Rice were served. That is now forbidden, cannot do
Great idea. Yum. In’n’Out Burger. Might get one today. Yum.
Wonder what all those 200 people do…
How does an SO member keep themselves busy with no public and hence no production? Is it like dig a hole, now fill it in again?
I know pretty much that every Scientologist that’s ever existed can set up an answering machine blindfolded, so full time call in wouldn’t be that time consuming.
It must be horrible to be a member of that group and have sweet f a to do all day, and with all those introverted exec’s hunting around the corridors, positively horrible.
Maybe they play games or polish doorknobs?
They do call in.
According to the late, lamented Scientology Celebrity blog, there was a lot of game-playing and knob-polishing going on in the third floor men’s room at CCI, so I wouldn’t be surprised at anything going on at LA Org.
Espiando: Where do I sign up for the course on game playing and knob polishing?
Tony: You’ll need to pass the 1.1 Certainty Course before you can get on to that one. I recommend taking that course at your local bath house. For a nominal fee, you also get access to a sauna, steam room, and hot tub, so it should count as a Purif completion as well.
I think it’s called “drill, baby drill.”
Unfortunately for those 200, their lives are probably living hell. Brown shirt MAAs with sticks crawling about, impossible TMs, lower conditions, late nights and all-nighters, rice and beans, insults, face-ripping and all else Miscavige-like. That’s called an ideal Miscavige org.
That’s about the straightest upfront definition of a captain miscavige’s ideal org I’ve ever seen.
In years to come long after he’s gone and most of us old timers are a statistic in some home care scenario no-one will believe it ever happened.
My crystal ball is a bit cloudy on Scientology 2020 – but I do like surprises…
They’re on the streets of LA (or at In and Out Burger) body routing six hundred people a day into the org.
Gee … I miss LA … I loved In and Out burgers … and the weather.
I don’t miss Norma’s Flop House or any of the other Scientology Flop Houses around the Pac Base.
I bet those property owners are hurting. Anyone know anything about the Flop Houses in Smell LA?
I could puke just thinking about those rat holes.
Geez, is Norma still around??
By now, I suppose Norma has passed-on years ago. I rented/boarded in a shared room at Norma’s home for nearly 9 months in 1985. I was happy it was only a half block from AOLA and just around the corner from George’s General Store. A week after I moved in, so as to prevent tenant’s from having scheduling issues (showering, kitchen use, cleaning, etc.) at Norma’s, the ASHO Day MAA summoned me out of the blue and assigned me as the house Ethics Officer…hey, that may be why Norma’s was pretty clean that year, and had no rats. 😉
Rumor has it they are still looking for a few good students ……………. with a bank account!
I loved the weather, the beach and a really great taco stand. There was also the Hollywood
wait for it
Yeah I miss LA.
But there are things I don’t miss about it the smog, the Hollywood Hotel where I was berthed shoulder to shoulder with several others (which wasn’t as bad as it sounded because we weren’t there a lot), the lack of food and sleep, the fact that I didn’t get to see my family, the lies I was told I had to tell. Wow, this list is a lot longer than what I miss about LA. No wonder I don’t go back much.
The traffic has multiplied so much that it’s hard to get around anymore. I’ve lived here all my life…it used to take 20 minutes to get anywhere. Now it’s 30 to 45. And in rush hour (after 3 p.m. or 3:30 p.m.) it takes an hour or more to get over the hill.
Other than that… yes, the weather and the Hollywood Sign… and the creativity and the blue blue skies and show biz… it’s all here. Love love love LA… except for the traffic. It’s amazing to think how many undercover ex-Scientologists there must be around here. Only the most bobble-headed would want to be associated with Co$ at this point.
In-N-Out’s great, but real Jewel of the Complex is the Zankou Chicken just down the street!
A riddle: What’s the difference between Scientology and In ‘n Out Burger?
Answer: One leaves you all greasy and slimy, and the other is just a
delicious hamburger.
This is just sad. We were doing this all the time in Joburg – total BS set-up photo shoots “for the next event”. Even when Joburg was announced as St Hill size in 2005 – all of those shots were staged. It was a farce, and people knew it. Joburg is one thing, but LA? The area with the largest group of Scios on the planet? I think I’m going to parade in a sandwich board outside my org with a sign that reads “The end is Nigh”.
Frankly — it’s just depressing
The world is a mess. The president of the Buddhist community I once belonged to has stepped down so that he can continue his international humanitarian work. Specifically with Sri Lanka WHERE buddhist monks are KILLING muslims
He has spent over 30 years with Amnesty International as well as serving as President of my former buddhist community … he ponders the question WHAT makes people go completely AGAINST the tenets of their religion and beliefs? NO WHERE does buddha ever ever say to KILL someone
AND if we had JUST followed the “Aims of Scientology” — PERHAPS LA ORG wouldn’t be a tomb
What was the situation that killing muslims became a solution?
Not all solutions are uncalled for, pretty rough place earth, even for Buddhists it appears.
But it does seem like a lot of generalities are being thrown about in such a few sentences.
Maybe those people have seen what happens to the locals when a Muslim population becomes the majority. Pre-modern religious cultures such as Islam and Buddhism do not necessarily get along with each other – and Islam doesn’t fit well within a post-modern liberal democracy.
Myanmar (Burma to us old folks) has a refugee problem with Bangladesh and a racism problem the those refugees. This Buddhist monk is just another budding Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler. Buddha would kick his ass.
What, LA mOrg doesn’t have a budget for stand around actors? Now Davy is going to get mad. Hell, call up Tommy Davis, he isn’t doing anything.
The problem is that unless you have strong border controls and enforce sensible laws about what to do with illegal immigrants, your group can be wiped out by another stronger or more aggressive group.
Human history is almost a record of one group displacing and wiping out less aggressive and smaller groups. The population of Muslims in the UK has doubled in the last ten years and the most popular name for boys last year was Mohammed. If the Muslim population continues to increase Britain will be an Islamic state one day.
If the Buddhists in Burma don’t want to change their way of life they need to do SOMETHING to help preserve it. I don’t approve of killing immigrants, but certainly their government should require people to register their residency and allow very limited numbers of Muslims to immigrate.
As John Derbyshire wrote the other day:
“Everybody has an ideal for the kind of society he’d want to live in. Mine has a confident—not a synonym for “arrogant”—ethnic supermajority, 90 to 95 percent, with an easygoing attitude to minorities, but a determination to keep them minorities by strict immigration controls.
(Does that ideal bear an uncanny resemblance to the Britain of my childhood, and the U.S.A. of the same period—prior to 1965—that I admired from afar? I guess so, but does that invalidate the ideal?)
I detest mass immigration and compulsory diversity. I don’t at all mind rational, controlled immigration and voluntary diversity. If there’s a contradiction there, I can’t see it.”
Windhorse – WELCOME to Homo Sap!
Man cannot “handle” religion apparently. Given enough rope – eventually man turns into righteous, fundemental religious zealots and goes CRIM.
I shudder just thinking about my “Scientological mind set” whilst guzzling the kool-aide at lightening speed. I don’t even want to ponder what I may have done to people if I had been in too long and insullated from the real world.
Man is flawed. A little religion goes a long way. Typically LIFE being life with its ups and downs, deaths, illnesses etc… makes man humble and kind.
If Scientology continued for another 100 years – you would see heads (literally) on pikes around the Morgues,
The heads of those bitter, defrocked apostates that dare whisper those forbidden filthy words…
“I am blowing” or
or “David Miscavige is a sociopath.”
Well said, Idle.
Many people followed the aims of Scientology… many people followed Buddha… to good ends. Many sociopaths followed these same applied religious philosophies but it did not come to good ends. Murder, suicide and mayhem were the sociopath’s legacy.
I think the empty LA Org is because a sociopath is running Scientology. DM is a well documented sociopath (e.g. the sadistic “hole” he enjoyed so much, the destruction of all Scientology management, etc..) and he trashed the aims of Scientology on day one of his reign. After that, I agree, it was all downhill.
Very good point, Robert; thanks!
ML, 1.1
Ahhhh — the heady glory of being the first poster …
Which never fails to get A BUNCH of replies.
It is the cultures and followers of wisdom traditions who make a “dog’s breakfast” of what initially was a HUMAN BEING who attempted to help others with what he/she discovered about this very complex subject we call life.
Buddhism has always had sects which mold Buddha’s teachings to suit themselves. Starting with treatment of the nuns. Watch the buddhist world UNRAVEL when HH The XVII Karmapa grants full privilege to buddhist nuns (who are sadly OFTEN STILL the “maids” of the monks).
Religion is just ONE attempt to understand what is “unknowable” — and the more rigid and fixed it becomes through the years, the more abuses and fundamentalism you can count on.
Science has been the fail guy most of the time and yet it is science that has given us life-saving cures.
Things are NOT permanent ever.
Just look at how much these blogs have evolved through the years. Enemies are now friends. Lovers are now enemies.
Seriously — nothing is permanent.
Especially the belief that you are who you were yesterday.
UNLESS of course you are fixed into believing in your own story.
It seems to be as soon as you have to think about it – you’re screwed.
Buddhism, Catholicism, Scientology et al are all just ideas backed up by intention and applied with effort. But they are all trying to address something similar.
Any viewpoint has a use by date, the environment, mother nature, karma, whatever you want to call it is the most effective serial killer there is to both of ideas or bio concoctions. But add a sociopath into the mix and bingo – carnage!
The exuberance of youth was fun, the successful business venture (rare indeed) is fun, the car worker of Detroit was fun while it lasted. Doing whatever it takes to raise a young family or enjoying a agricultural heritage (the farm) before drought, bad markets etc. swept on in. The cutting edge of anything is a delicious place but fraught with perils, time alone screws with it but it’s fun! It’s what life presents as a reward or can unfairly rip it away.
I enjoyed some of Hubbard’s stuff, still do but what I enjoyed most of all was his viewpoint of the early 50s: “You’re not here studying the secrets of the mest universe, you are here studying the make up of universes, the laws and systems of universes, so you can have one, own one, protect one, alter change one, preserve one or even destroy one at your own determinism. To study only this mest universe will result in knocking you flat, this universe’s highest level of thinking is that of force and is a degraded universe.”
That viewpoint held me in good stead to weed my way through the greedy assholes who greatest attribute is to shove the mest universe down your throat and manipulate you with it.
Those that chase the mystical goals of OT as measured by moving mest about by beams or dominating others, postulating success without the work or my personal favourite and best of the best of all delusions, expecting a meat body to last forever and judging others negatively because their body gets old or sick so therefore cannot be OT lost the game well before it even started and swallowed a flim-flam mans pitch and bought Brooklyn Bridge (but at a good price).
OT exists but it’s not tolerated in this universe, never has and never will be, that’s why we agreed with it.
That photo was taken at 5am in the morning.
That photo was taken at 5am in the morning and on a rainy day. Who wants to get wet and stand outside?
You obviously have not been up at 5:00AM. In fact you probably didn’t even crawl into the sack until your stats were up at …… what…..4:15AM?
At 34 degrees North latitude (where LA Org is) it is NEVER this light out at 5 a.m. Why did you arbitrarily pick 5 a.m. “Neighbor”?
In FACT “Neighbor”, the camera is facing SOUTH. If you look at the Scn Cross, you will note that the shadows show that the sunlight is coming from the WEST. If the shot was taken in the last couple of months that would mean that this pic was taken between 3-4:30 p.m. !!!!!!!!!
Sunrise in LA is about 6:45 AM in February
But, photo time aside, Sea Org members marshaling raw public into an Org is not a sustainable strategy. You need to get the Mission holders to send in their public after they complete their intro courses.
John has you by the short and curlies Neighbor. As per usual, you OSA trolls are more full of shit than a Christmas goose……. and you are very adept at lying.
Try this Mr. geographer neighbor: pry your ass out of bed tomorrow morning at 5:00 am and go outside and look up. The only light you will see will be from the streetlamps …rain or frickin shine good buddy……assuming you are in LA or Hemet.;
As opposed to 5AM in the evening? Good try, OSA plant, but weaksauce, even for you guys.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let us briefly pause to welcome OSA to the blog, a rare honor of late, so, with respectful silence, let us allow OSA’s appointed Representative the opportunity to fully address any of the possible outpoints in Mike’s article, and to correct them. Neighbor, you have the floor. Tell it like it really is. We are listening.
I’m so impressed with readers’ detective skills totally overwhelming Neighbor’s mere SupaPowers. You won’t be hearing from that handle for a while.
Well Mr. OSA Neighbor,
Did you manage to get up this morning (Its Saturday now in case you are wondering) and check out your 5 AM skyview. No, that was not the sun up there in a quarter crescent, it was actually a waning moon if you could see it beyond the street lights.
Get it.. OSA Bot ….. a waning moon. That means its ‘GOING AWAY’ …….just like you, your shitty weasely cohorts and your fearless diminutive leader……and you Cult of GREED.