Ok, this is an “ideal” org. According to scientology this means instant “10x expansion.”
This is the promotional piece they put together to let everyone know what a great job they are doing.
The biggest crowd they can apparently manage is 10 people in the chapel — staff and public combined.
And always great to see a kid looking at the pictures of the fake people in the org mag…
This is the REAL result of the ideal org program. Same people. More real estate holding.
“There is TONS of land in the UK that isn’t in productive use.”
Bullshit. Dox or stfu. A 2014 analysis backed by Cambridge University identified a 6 million hectare shortfall by 2030, based on current rates of growth. [1] (That might sound piddly to a yank but that’s 3x the size of Wales to us). The government has also acknowledged the issue. Housebuilders are running out of sites to build on. [2] The lack of housing and speculation in the property market is why real estate here is so exorbitant (and unaffordable to a large portion of society). Our land resources are limited. Increasing demand for agriculture, living space, energy and environmental protection add up to a very real problem. Rapid population growth and European “free movement” were arguably the primary reasons why over half the country voted to leave the EU. If we cannot curb growth then what? Socialist extremes might just be the only solution to help the most vulnerable. [3]
“Only those seeking to destroy human rights spout such nonsense.”
What of the right to shelter? Is that not a human right? With no affordable housing, no space for affordable housing and huge chunk of a city’s residential and commercial property lying dormant, what would you do?
1. https://www.cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/natural-resource-security-publications/best-use-uk-agricultural-land
2. https://www.businessinsider.com/ubs-uk-housing-research-note-builders-running-out-of-space-2016-4
3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42536418
Here ya go mwestern: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/jan/31/britain-land-housing-crisis-developers-not-building-land-banking
I also rent out IQ at an affordable rate 😉
Err…did you read all the way to the end? ? The entire article supports my point – that speculation is butchering the market and eventually local councils will have to intervene…aggressively.
“…why would you sell your field as just a field, when you could sell it as a field with the lucrative permission to build 100 homes on it? In turn, why would the successful buyer actually want to build those 100 homes, when it’s more profitable to sit on the land for a while, then sell it on again? By the time a willing builder finally gets their hands on the land, several transactions later, they’ve had to pay so much for it that the only viable option is an enclave of executive homes or luxury flats. The same vicious cycle makes it impossible for smaller housebuilders or community groups to ever dream of getting access to land.”
Welcome to the UK housing market.
I’m not sure it’s even quite the same people. Apparently the history of the Detroit org is that they were located in the city once before, and did not do well. So at some point in the last couple of decades, they had moved out to the suburbs closer to where their members actually lived – basically what mainstream churches have been doing for a century.
But now that they’ve moved back downtown, they’re half an hour’s drive away from from the location that their members were accustomed to. And research shows that people are unlikely to drive more than 15 to 20 minutes to a business or service that they patronize frequently. Also, their prior location was an office building with its own parking lot, while now any clientele who drive have to deal with finding and paying for parking in downtown Detroit.
Regular wogs want to be in a wog environment. The people who want to be in an ideal org are the privileged or rich, like Tom Cruise. It’s the environment that matches them. Nobody watched The Matrix? Nobody got the point of that movie then? The imperfect nature of the Matrix is due to free will. The ideal org thing is one big held down 7 and their 3D ruin.
Who dresses up to go to a Org? Everyone dressed in jeans and casual clothes at the Org I went to. I see jeans in the photo above. It’s out-reality with the building and instant uneasiness. Wogs are the public and are those who they body route. Who was the ‘Ideal Org’ built for anyway – the public or David Miscaviage and his personal friends?
Not sure what the deal is in the US but here in the UK local councils have the powers to take over empty properties. The problem is they hardly ever do. There are apparently over 250,000 properties across England, Scotland and Wales that have been empty for six months or more. Considering the current housing shortage and increasing rates of homelessness, it’s pretty alarming that more action isn’t being taken.
mwestern, in the US a city can purchase property via condemnation but as we have protected human rights in the US, they cannot steel it like they do in the UK
Property rights are obviously delightful. But we’re also a tiny little island that’s rapidly running out of space. If the population continues to rise then, at some point, something will have to give. If a super rich foreign national’s fourth London “home” (one that has been empty for years) or a decaying “Ideal Org” can be seized and used for social benefit, then…sigh…so be it. ?
Insane. There is TONS of land in the UK that isn’t in productive use. Rights to property (which includes your money, material items and such) is not separable from other human rights. Only those seeking to destroy human rights spout such nonsense.
DEAD as a door nail!
Here is a vid made yesterday (Saturday) at Celebrity Centre Int. The busiest day of the week for them.
Only hired security, one truly insane SO member and a couple of limo drivers. No public to be seen
Best wishes for all for good health, happiness, freedom, democracy In the New Year, and always! & Happy Kwanzaa!
Detroit (Ideal Org) not gathering many people….just hold on a minute…or two…or three. Just you wait til Louis F. further entices, instructs, coerces, bends to his will, demands, pressures, pushes…..uh uh uh….(I’m running out of words here) his NOI followers to read ALL the Lron stuff & gets them in the COS sign up fold.
My heart aches for those NOI people who have no idea what they are going to get themselves into by agreeing to sign one of those billion year contracts & paying out cold hard cash OR signing one of those “freeloader agreements” to begin their trip up the bridge to…nowhere.
But wait a minute….isn’t NOI SUPPOSED to be loyal to Mohammed…..I mean, is Lord Xenu going to sweep these NOI group into the realm of Lron with a cashflow right to “Daveyland” ?
The fear is that NOI will be forbidden to watch anything to do with Aftermath series…but some will certainly disobey & watch our dynamic duo of Leah & Mike spill out more tales of abuse & sham tactics. Problem is…WILL anyone in NOI listen….or are they so enthralled with Louis F & his “team” that they willingly will swallow it all hook, line, & sinker & get reeled in.
The internet is a beautiful thing, man…even now it blows my mind that any of these exploitative organizations [that thrive on misinformation and viruses of human language] are still managing to hang on to their existence as long as they have… However, I find it impossible to imagine that 20 years from now, with the exponential rate at which the spread of information is now accelerating; that there would still be more than maybe a few [if any] folks left who hadn’t been reached by the truth. One can certainly hope…while also doing whatever they can to perpetuate the spread of good information. This is, of course, our greatest and most effective defense against the lies and intended manipulations of would-be oppressors.
Right on J! You gotta love it!
They have ones of people, not tens, not hundreds, not thousands…. ones.
Hey, with David Miscavige demanding more and more ideal orgs in this cynical real estate scheme disguised as”religious expansion”, I think he should grow a long moustache that he can twirl with his fingers, and maybe don a cape and top hat.
You’re so far gone now, Dave, you may as well go all-in with your role as a villain.
As for empty orgs and empty parking lots?
Well, the sound of crickets chirping is quite lovely over the droning of the boring scientology kiosks.
The Passing Not-So-Freewind$ and the cult at large are truly a sinking Ship Of Fools.Their amateur and clumsy attempts at obfuscation of the truth laughable as always.
I’ve never been in Scientology and know little about it. The inside jokes are completely lost on me. But I have watched the show on A&E and started reading your blog. As of today, I just made my first donation to your work here as well as my first donation to the Aftermath Foundation. I am so moved by the work that you (Mike) and others are doing to help people who have suffered tremendously from the abuses of Scientology. We are all human beings and we should be supporting one another. My best wishes that word will spread and more will join your work of kindness.
Understood on all, RebeccaM! Thank you very much for caring. , Thank you for donating to Aftermath!
It good to have you here. And I, for one, will do my best to explain at the end anyof my “inside” jokes from now on 🙂
‘All I want for Christmas’ is to see $’s bogus tax exemption repealed, the Rabid Runt behind bars where he belongs, Masterson finally made to face his accusers, all SP’s re-united with their families/loved ones, and for the remaining Sheeple to Wake Up and Walk Out!. Other than that, I wish you all A Very Merry Christmas.
More Ideal Org Program acronym follies(IOP):
Insanely Obstinate Puffery
Infinite Onanistic Performance
Idiotic, Oleaginous, Puerile
Idiots Obambulate Prodigiously
Insistent Obfuscating Persists
Ideal Obreption Plan
International Odditoriums Purchased
Inveterate Oligomania Practiced
Implanted Oligophrenia Perfected
International Oncogenesis Program
Infinite Onolatry Promoted
I have a question. Although they are building big, updated orgs, is there any proof that they are maintaining the upkeep. Take Detroit, it is in the known “rustbelt” of US. A building not having constant upkeep will deteriorate in a short period of time. The church i attend is large and the upkeep is always first on things that need to be taken care of. Some of those orgs are in places that if not maintained will start to slowly become rundown. Just a small roof leak can lead to a lot of trouble. Does anyone know if these supposed ideal orgs are being taken care of with just a few staff there? Just kind of wondering!
Heh…. come on Mike! Be easy on the mORGues of $cientology. It’s the They gave hot chocolate and roasted chestuts on an open fire to the homeless that day and THAT is how they 10X’ed their Stats for the Propaganda Piece.
Merry Christmas everyone! I am a lurker and UTR.
What a year Mike and Leah! You are definitely DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Finally – after speaking to them and showing them books, documentaries and blogs on the internet – I was able to get my entire family out thanks to A&E Scientology; the Aftermath.
We have watched your ALL of shows on A&E and they were able to “as is” Scientology.
The lies blow when the truth is told. Scientology is nothing but a horrible hoax and a lie.
May your year be happy and bright SP’s.
This is such great news!!! Why are you still UTR?
Welcome to the free world, Ex Guardian’s Office…., I’m glad you got your family out with you! But why be UTR and write with a pen name if all of you are safely out?
Mary – I signed lots of gag order legal dox.
Every GO signed them.
Many are out and lurking UTR.
None of us want the cult’s attorney’s or PI’s coming after us.
I am too embarrassed to have ever been involved in Scientology.
I don’t see any point going public. No one will benefit and if my customers find out I was in the evil cult – it would not be a positive thing for me.
These days being an EX scientologist is something many applaud you for. You might be surprised.
I can imagine it might be difficult to come out for fear of how people might view you, including your customers, so I’ll respect whatever decision you make about whether or not to come out or remain UTR.
I just wanted to maybe suggest that, going off what Mike said, you might want to check out other larger social media platforms (such as Twitter if you use it), see the conversations that are going on regarding the Aftermath shows and Scientology in general, and you will probably find that there is a massive amount of compassion and support from a very large number of never-ins (in addition to former members) who are learning about this and are outraged at what’s occurring within this organization.
We are also (and mainly) hoping for people to get out of there, as you have done, and I believe that hearing more stories like this of how this show, Scientology and the Aftermath, has helped some people leave the cult could really make a positive impact and keep the momentum going to continue to speak out.
Even if you wish to remain anonymous, hopefully seeing the support that’s out there (if you haven’t already) can give you and your family a sense of comfort knowing just how much people care about this issue and care about people like you (and even others who are still in). Either way, I’m so happy that you and your family are out. This is very welcome news.
Have you ever seen the big list of exes speaking out?
Ex Guradian etc, Again, so glad you and your family are out! Might I suggest writing some things under a fake name so that you can shed light on how the GO / OSA operate? Truth needs to come out to show just how shadowy, mean and clandestine their operations are. It would shock the world at large to find out what has been done under the order of Fair Game. You could write a first hand story, change the names of others too if you have to, but get the story out please.
“The lies blow when the truth is told”.
Congratulations on getting yourself and your family out, Ex!
So great to have you posting here.
Wow that is so amazing, great job!! This is the best news and I just love to hear it when people are getting people out. This show has been the best to shed truth on the lies……..
That is wonderful that you were able to get out with the rest of your family. We all hope to hear more and more stories like this, especially from those still in who leave and reconnect with their loved ones who are already out.
Such good news! Getting out is one thing, getting your family out with you and all remaining together and a FAMILY is magnificent!
Here’s to your family’s bright and happy future!
Congrats! That’s wonderful news.
Good job! Why then are you still UTR? If you use your name you will find old friends ?
Also ex GO and long gone. Bailed just after the Mission war. Actually, just before as I’d seen it coming. Very little of it remaining in my world. Love seeing The Aftermath smoothly laying out the Truth. And most happy to be out of the scio orbit.
I have noticed that with a lot of pictures now…very small crowds especially in their orgs. I’m sad for the staff there because they are well intentioned and probably get the spiritual crap beat out of them daily for stats stats and more stats. I wish them all a merry christmas and a free new year.
I agree. It makes me so angry that fundamentally good people are being so used and abused throughout all the ranks of scientology. And as scientologists leave, the more unbearable it becomes for those still in.
The good news is that the whole world knows how despicable scientology is.
To all the UTRs, I say Merry Christmas and keep fighting the good fight.
Well, IMO, the earlier they get abused the sooner the’ll be out ☺
The 10X refers to a): the increase in liquidity, offshore b) the increased disdain, disgust, and savage sadism Dim Miscreant heaps on his followers as he robs them blind c) the increase in the magnitude of evil he and Louie Feral Con generate
Hip, hip, shit-spray!
Refreshments will be served at 6:30. Yum, Hawaiian punch and crackers. That will get the wallets open.
What’s more stealthy, an F-22 or the Detroit mOrg?
When the information content in a flyer is less than the space taken up by the contact phone numbers … it must by a stealth reg session.
Mike, the work you & Leah are doing is obviously causing a huge drop in people who would even entertain this cult. Well done you x
Posh small and failing orgs are just gaudy implant station motif luring facilities.
L. Ron Hubbard’s long con ends up the followers with what average people see right at the start. It’s all a big fake operation, and none of the Scientologists are turning into supernaturally powerful people.
Big empty fake charade churches.
To me, they are destined just like Christian Science Reading rooms that one used to see in large cities, from the street, empty inside, no one ever doing anything.
Jeannie Sonnenfeld though, is the one “Ideal Org” that were I a reporter, I’d try to get Jeannie interviewed.
Does anyone know who the DSA is of Cinncy Ideal Org?
Cinny’s building is a former small church complex, and that actually is probably the best look for Scientology.
Strategic thinking in Scientology and these ideal Orgs, they ought to snap up some of the for-sale church buildings in cities, and then do like Jeannie’s done at Cinncy, that would be a more logical future “Int Landlord” strategy as opposed to the poshing waste of money through their richer members.
I wonder what are the true feelings of city officials in Scientology cities, I’d be kind of relieved that Scientology’s sprucing up buildings around the world, it’s a real estate upkeep activity.
Buildings are benefiting, and that’s kind of good I guess for cities.
Just so these “Ideal Orgs” aren’t luring anyone’s family members into them, or if people do get lured in, they now have Leah’s Aftermath show to watch and see what the downsides will be, and “quit fast” if anyone does get lured in.
Scientology’s “Int Landlord” strategy is at least being positive in the custodian/building-maintenance angle to society.
Staff life for Ideal Org modern staff, I wish a website would pop up for just stories of recent Idea Org defected staffers, to hear the variety of recent honest experiences of the Ideal Org staff quitters.
I’ve been following scientology for a couple of years now, and I see one – only one – good thing that the Co$ has done: the renovation of decaying urban properties. It’s not consisent, and they do let properties fester, but renovating old, architecturally attractive buildings is a good thing, and after Miscavige and crew are gone, others can make good use of these renovated properties.
Other than this, every other thing they do is malevolent and evil (I know that’s redundant but I like the sound of it).
The Christian Science Reading Rooms are still around, with one old lady sitting at the desk and nobody ever coming in. It’s like the medieval problem of the “mortmain” (dead hand) lands, property donated to the Church for a monastery or whatever but then when there aren’t any monks left what was to become of it? Since of course the Church could never give up any property, it was all a one-way ratchet. Henry VIII confiscated it all, that’s how we got places like “Downton Abbey”. In the US we have the Kingdom Halls and the Mormon temples as well as the Ideal Orgs and Christian Science Reading Rooms, and if all those cults lose all or most of their members what is to become of that often valuable real estate?
They’ll sell it.
It’s too bad that the scientology public won’t be able to get the inside scoop on what is really going on at this Detroit event by reading this blog. I know that I’m preaching to the choir, but here goes.
ANY event or briefing or seminar, etc. that the cult conducts is really just a reg or recruiting opportunity or both. Unless you are very skilled in evasive maneuvers, you won’t leave without having less money in your purse than what you arrived with. There is no earth shattering news to pass on or life changing wins to share. With scientology is all about the money and only about the money.
The rule has always been that if there’s going to be food, you had best hang on to your wallet!
I have heard that for some events like the cult shopping network “season premiere” (a couple of new episodes of their infomercials) they actually assured people there wouldn’t be any regging so that they’d actually come out.
I await the day they lose their tax exempt status. All their real estate will become money pits.
On another note…..have you seen Ed Parkin’s latest tweet? Apparently you and Leah et al are now “big pharma whores”. Would be interesting to see a show debunking STAND.
I think doing a show debunking STAND should be easy enough for A&E to put together. All they have to do is show the videos and commentary they put out, because STAND League already seems to do a stellar job of debunking themselves.
Me too. BTW it’s STAAD. Most are illertert worse then me – they’ve lost all the LRH Comms that used to correct spelling and grammar. ?
My bad…my tablet has a mind of it’s own!
Yep, much as I hate to say, they have some really nice buildings. I’d hate to see the real estate bills on those should that happen. That would be the end of the cult.
Lol: they are really reaching now. J