This is promotion for the now completed Dianetics celebration.
This used to be a big deal event in scientology. It is now a whimper that gets little attention because it interferes with Miscavige’s annual scuba diving expedition on the Freewinds for “Maiden Voyage.”
Now, there are plenty of lies in this pitch — one cannot attain Clear from reading Dianetics. In fact, over 60 years it has been proven the state of Clear as described in Dianetics is a pipe dream that even L. Ron Hubbard himself could not achieve. But nevertheless, they’re still selling Dianetics hard as the solution to all that ails this planet — “a New Earth.”
But let’s take a look at just how dishonest this is.
This is what L. Ron Hubbard said in 1953 in Scientology 8 – 8008:
It was found that there was no purpose in reducing incidents out of the reactive mind beyond the point where the analytical mind could step apart from the reactive mind, and then command it. Dianetics is a science which addresses itself directly to the reactive mind to reduce the command value of that reactive mind. Scientology is an embracive subject, much wider in application. It has as its goal the beingness that can exist without an energy or matter, which is to say, without time, whether homo sapiens or not.
Dianetics was an evolutionary step, a tool which had use in arriving at a higher level of knowledge; its use, however, produced slower results and much lower goals. Further, Dianetic processes were limited in that they could not be applied more than a few hundred hours without the reactive mind assuming a very high command level over the analytical mind due to the fact that the reactive mind was being validated continually in the process, whereas the better process was to validate the analytical mind.
Medicine and psychology, as practiced today, have absorbed and are using many of the principles of Dianetics without caring to be aware of the later developments in the field of the mind as represented here. Thus, the society absorbs and very often misunderstands knowledge.
Scientology does not disavow Hubbard’s later book. Not in any way. In fact, they push it hard as it is one of “The Basics”.
But you have NEVER seen this quote broadly disseminated.
It’s just another of the many contradictions in the subject. And contradictions become lies when they are knowingly foisted off on people to try and suck them in. Every person in Scientology has been forced to read “the Basics” so Hubbard’s proclamations about the reactive mind and lack of efficacy of Dianetics is NOT unknown.
Promising things which cannot be attained (in exchange for your money) is part of the DNA of scientology. Hell, the quote above is a pitch to sell scientology by dissing Dianetics. And the claims made in this book make the Dianetics state of Clear seem like weak sauce. He is now in the realm of OT and destroying and creating entire universes….
So it ruins Miscavages scuba trip eh , well ….. since the cover of their book of lies has a volcano on it and he seems to like scuba diving how about he take a dip in Kilauea since it’s kicking off at the moment …. just a thought
I think there is a symbolic link between Dianetics and the volcanoes of Hawaii.
Well, according to the OT III material, for about half of our BTs, there is a DIRECT link to the volcanoes of Hawaii. ‘Course, neither Hawaii nor the Canaries — not even the Atlantic ocean– were there 70 million years ago. He couldn’t master Algebra, FFS. How could he be expected to embrace plate tectonics?
Despite all our upsets, angers and condemnations, every single one of us MADE THOSE CHOICES. Looking back at being fooled, buying nonsense, spending thousands…and for some, far, far more, etc, in the end I’ve had to look back and see that every step of the way I coulda/shoulda seen the light…but didn’t. The real key is: WE ARE NOW OUT! GOOD ON US. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF US FOR FINALLY “GETTING IT!” For some, years. For others, decades. So what?
I got some valuable (for me) information. I got the beginning of the very best marriage I could ever have imagined. And I’m STILL learning.
Leave the shit behind, dear friends, and pat yourself on the back for the fact that you DID “GET IT”…and left. Heal those wounds. The sun still come up each morning. There are still tons of love and laughter in the world. Take a deep breath and get on with your life in the most positive ways you can imagine.
Wise words, Peter! All we ever really have is NOW. And “now” precious, and we’ll never have THIS “now” again. Thanks for reminding me 🙂
Well said Mike. It’s all we have to do: tell the truth – water on the bad witch.
Hubbard seemed to always write such grand statements:
A new Earth, a new Freedom – Dianetics is here to change your life !
Huh, really…sounds like you found the answers to life, then why, dear Ron, did you beg Sarge to ‘off you’…why old man ?
“It was found that there was no purpose in reducing incidents out of the reactive mind beyond the point where the analytical mind could step apart from the reactive mind, and then command it. Dianetics is a science which addresses itself directly to the reactive mind to reduce the command value of that reactive mind. Scientology is an embracive subject, much wider in application. It has as its goal the beingness that can exist without an energy or matter, which is to say, without time, whether homo sapiens or not. ”
Ow, ow, ow, my eyes are burning and my brain is writhing in agony from trying to make any sort of sense of this massively overblown meaningless pulp crap.
“Medicine and psychology, as practiced today, have absorbed and are using many of the principles of Dianetics without caring to be aware of the later developments in the field of the mind as represented here. Thus, the society absorbs and very often misunderstands knowledge.”
Means to me, he was a whining egomanical, megalomaniac (I know both terms mean basically the same thing but it’s L. Con after all) who couldn’t get over the fact that he thought he was a superior intellectual (loosely, very loosely speaking and reminds me of a certain person in the big house in Washington) practioner of garbage “science” and that he was waayy out on the fringes. And that is where he and his “religion” still remain.
What I take from that first paragraph, was that Hubbard found that Dianetics didn’t produce the desired result, or even made people worse – exactly the problem that caused the Navy and remaining practitioners to stop using abreaction therapy – and so he thought the answer was to introduce some latest, greatest thing, really just a new variation on the old. Thus began the long ongoing cycles of trying to get different results by doing variations on the same thing – which of course sounds an awful lot like the ad-hoc definition of insanity.
PeaceMaker, the actual sequence was; 1) Hubtard before publishing ran Dianetics on many people and it didn’t work. 2) He published anyway saying that there were many casse histories proving the workability. 3) After many people were duped (paid money) and word started to spread he had to “introduce some latest, greatest thing, really just a new variation on the old.”
Yup! He’s the guy who graduated from writing pulf [pulp/puff] fiction to fictional science. He also claimed to write science fiction, but his readers complained about his playing too loose with his “science” even in that arena during the ’30s. His apologists are hard-pressed to point to TWO examples of good sci-fi he authored. There’s not one example of his that sci-fi fans in general will know. Contrast that with REAL authors of sci-fi’s golden era. If I throw out Asimov or Heinlein, I bet every reader here will flash on at least one work of theirs that stands out. Each of them has at least 1 decent fairly-current movie based on their work. Tubby only has one ever; Probably the WORST movie ever made. Truthfully now, has ANYone watched Battlefield Earth straight through who wasn’t paid to, or possibly shamed into it by their still-in peers?? Is there any wonder why Travolta has done nothing of note since? [Did he do anything of note before?]
Another interesting factoid: In the mid eighties they were claiming over 25 million copies sold.
Now (more than 30 years later) they are stating “over 20 million in print.”
If they didn’t use lies in PR, they would apparently have nothing to say.
Maybe in the past 30 years more than 5 million copies have been destroyed? I think that would fit with less copies being in print now. Or, it could be that many millions of copies of it were sold multiple times and each sale counted.
DIE-anetics, where the con comes sweeping down the plain
And the paid pc’s can sure smell sweet,
When the reg comes bilking them again
DIE-anetics, ev’ry night my auditor and I,
Sit alone and talk about my locks
Makin’ dents in my reactive mind
We know we belong to the Org (yo-ho)
Though the Org has become like a morgue!
And when we say
Yeeow! Aye-yip-aye-yo-ee-ay!
We’re only sayin’ that
We’re serving time Dianetics
Dianetics O.K.!
OMFG, I think you’ve just knocked all of the rest of them out of the box with this one, MJM. LMAO! And welcome back, btw! Now, where have you been? You’re expected on the blog, you know. Did you CSW? 🙂
Sorry Aqua, this was indeed an unauthorized LOA. I was handling a pesky BT who was attempting to take over my motor controls while third partying Mike Rinder. Thankfully he blew, so I’m back. On top of that I discovered I was PTS to L.Ron Hubbard!
Understood, MJM. Lucky for you you’ve got Ka khan status.
Ka-khan, ka-ching!
I don’t care what experts or anyone else writes about the cult. What needs to be written and talked about is all the lies, disconnections, the so bs, the work the s.o. makes you do, how you can’t see your relatives or go home. I know Mike and Leah are doing exactly that. I praise them to the moon and back. The books written by ex-members and ex s.o. are all wonderful at that too. The blogs are terrific too. We have to get all this hate from the cult and the above mentioned evil things they do even more widely circulated.I,who really liked the tech and was trained as an auditor, don’t give a fuck about what the cult created.Get them shut down NOW!!
I don’t know where you got your False Data that they will not let you go home.
They let me go home after 23 years in the SO. …. IN A BOX!
You are probably wondering:”How are you writing this if you are dead”.
What do my materials state?
That SPs cannot finish a cycle of action. That is the only reason I am still alive. I don’t give a flying fuck about what some “expert” says about the SO. The real experts are those who were there for decades or longer. Mike is an expert.
I want to know where the bodies are.
Not the bodies in the shop you idiot, the dead bodies. Don’t tell me that you don’t know what I am talking about.
What about Heber and Shelly?
Heber was a good friend of mine. I did not know Shelly but have seen her a few times.
Do you actually believe that they are still alive?
If they were still alive they would be trotted out to silence all the people wondering about them and then they would be sent back to their prisons. But they cannot do that., excuse me, because they are already dead.
I hope to fucking God that I am wrong but don’t count on it. I am still alive 16 years after the only Right Arm ranked Captain in the SO told my then wife that I would soon be dead., that nothing could be done for me., which was a knowing lie as the Freewind’s own doctor told me on the phone that they had good treatments for AIDS.
I have to continue speaking up for those who do not have a voice because they are dead.
And when I have said all there is to say I will be able to join them knowing that I did all I could.
D-D-D-Davy, aggressive Davy
You’re the only p-p-p-Pope that I abhor;
When the m-m-m-moon shines,
Over the Int Base
They’ll be waiting at the j-j-j-jailer’s door
Mike, one of your best eva’ posts.
Slamming reality into the faces of the clueless… now if they could ALL read this and have an epiphany of their own would be my greatest wish.
Cathy Rinder Bernardini does more to destroy Dianetics than any other campaign going.
She is saying the cult cannot really handle engrams. That no happenstance injury can heal no matter what “TECHNOLOGY” used. She is in the teeth of all Dianetic claims ~~ that all the rah rah of handling engrams is pure hokum because she cannot recover from an incidental injury of 8 years ago. Bah !
Good points, Karen, about this utterly horrid woman.
And yet, back in the day, very likely she was a tremulous, well meaning young girl who wanted to help. And this is what she has morphed into – this.
Its almost not confront-able. It like you have an adorable puppy, full of love for everyone and everything and you give it to someone who trains it to be an attack dog.
One day you put an unwary, uninvited toe on that owner’s property and the creature that was once your adorable puppy appears out of nowhere, baring its teeth, snarling, and having to be restrained from leaping at you and ripping your throat out.
The FUCKING, gawd-damned continual concentration on “what is wrong with me” instead of addressing what is right is EXACTLY what I was forced to endure throughout the mother-fucking long decades I was in the cult and spending every penny I could find just to follow the tech with the never dying hope something would fucking WORK. Only once or twice during all those years did I have the notion that all the attention targeting inabilities was wrong but as this wasn’t the direction that even the mother-fucking mecca of technical perfection took I continued to descend down the rabbit hole of looking for what was wrong with me instead of what was right! Thank you for this article Mike. It INDICATES like hell, in case that isn’t obvious. 🙂
So true. They are always telling people what they need to fix in their life and never encouraging people to acknowledge their own achievements outside of the bubble. Scientology keeps people believing that they are no good and they need to get better even though people are already in a good space. Crazy shit, money making business.
Moving Forward,
Plus: They never use scientology to fix themselves. Because….
In the early 80’s it became apparent to me that they could not fix themselves, in spite of checklists, training and auditing. The crazy was spreading faster than anyone could handle it. Time to go.
That became obvious to me even before the late ’80s insanities. I put Flog in the rearview mirrors in August, 1980. Talk about a long-fall blowdown! My LFBD spanned 1,000 road miles and 38 years (and still counting). The resulting FN just gets bigger every August. Looking forward to season 3! Go Leah and Mike! Put that truth out there and watch the tiny dictator squirm like a cockroach in the light. No, make that COCKroach caught out,considering who we’re referring to. he DOES seem to be obsessed with SCOHB, isn’t he? Is he JEALOUS? Only Shelly (and his current deputy) know for sure. Is it possible Shelly’s in hiding to get away from him and his insanities, not that he’s gotten rid of her as an embarassment?
And let’s not forget that Dianetics makes a comeback with Standard Dianetics late 60’s, then NED late 70’s. This after all the Route One, instant OT stuff also didn’t work.
Dianetics – The Modern Science of Mental Destruction.
Do you want to get rid of your sane and rational mind?
DO Dianetics and Scientology
Guaranteed to put you into levels of confusion
never experienced by man before.
…levels of confusion never experienced by man before.” Well I’ve been confused most of my life. So I think I’ll pass.
I’m with you Dude. And when I’m ordering something on line and they want to know what state I live in, darned if there is ever Confusion listed as a choice. So…I just forget about the order.
Very funny post, Peggy!
I learned how to do that “Oxford” test so that I had a straight line across the top of the chart. It baffled them! LOL
It always annoyed me that obviously uneducated people kept wanting to tell me my “condition”.
I think I found a site where someone told how to pass that test. There’s quite a learning curve to get up to speed on all the terms with this cult. You figured out what their game plan was though so congrats to you! Did you get an atta boy?
After having to do the OCA test so many times I decided to make a copy of my answers and simply use them to complete future tests. The very interesting fact was the graph always changed even though my answers did not. I finally realized the whole thing was bullshit.
Peter, over time with auditing, my OCA graph rose to where all points were at the top. They couldn;t have this because there is no money making if you’re “OK.” So they told me that my graph showed I was “theetie wheetie” which was lowest of them all. Oh really? If I was so low, why did I feel so good and function fairly well?
That is very very interesting. So, it was arbitrary scoring by the person grading the test. You are set up to fail no matter what. I got that same impression about those who Miscavige sent to the hole, or whatever punishment was doled out. It really didn’t matter what they did, didn’t do, said, didn’t say. He already had a bulls eye on the person, and just my personal opinion, anyone who he thought was a threat to him whether real or imagined. He is paranoid, well, of course, also arrogant, dishonest, cowardly, greedy, and a lot of other adjectives.
Yes Peggy, I think they have to keep you thinking you’re broken or aberrated. That way they can keep telling you that the next intensive or the next course will cure you. So you keep paying money for the next thing and the next thing. They never allow you to actually reach an end point because they want your money.
But when the Ideal Org buy real estate and fix it up scheme came down the pike, that was the perfect solution! It satisfied the IRS to continue to grant them status as a church, it got loads of money in, and there was no actual delivery of services, so it was labor-free because no auditors or course supervisors were needed to deliver it.. If DM figured out this scheme, then he is very smart. (and cunning and conniving and conning, and…) Also I agree with your take on the RPF. He put those in the hole who he felt threatened by.. What a shame that some have stayed there for years, decades because he broke them (Heber.)
Thanks for this one, Mike.
Having articles which use Hubbard’s own quotes to illustrate the contradictions and inconsistencies is valuable.
Getting people to wake up is so boobytrapped by scn’s procedures, rules and culture. My hope is that the shows and books get people to look, and these articles give them pause and a place to stop rationalizing and start breaking free.
Agree 1000%!
I don’t agree. Some data, somehow, in some way, slips thru, and it indicates. The person knows its true. He or she accepts it, or, for a myriad of reasons, doesn’t accept it, denies it. If the truth is accepted, then that person is on the road to discovering and accepting more truths about the cult. That person sees the barriers, the booby traps. If the person doesn’t accept the truth when he looks it in the face, THAT’S when The booby traps are given the power to keep him in. They serve only the innocently ignorant or the purposefully ignorant person who knows and pretends he doesn’t. Such a person’s life becomes incredibly complex. But these policies, booby traps, etc. they are powerless to prevent a truth-seeker from gleaning more truth and/or leaving. although they might slow the process for him.
I really don’t know.
I would happily be totally wrong about possibilities for waking people up.
I can only speak from my own experience, and I can’t ever envision or map out how I could have been woken up. I had whack-a-mole down to an art. I never gave a rat’s ass about DM and his stupid things because I knew LRH etc etc etc. Scn and me were interchangeable for decades.
I don’t detail how I woke up, as I don’t want to out myself.
I currently view every aspect of scn as a deadly trap and I know that a good part of this is how thoroughly convinced and IN I was. I can’t map out a way to wake someone up, without my specific catalyst …I would have never woken …
Even with hindsight and all that I know now …. I can’t envision anything that would have worked on me, every scenario leaves me still believing. *shrug.
I’m really happy if it’s easier than that.
Well, Rip, obviously SOMETHING penetrated and woke you up! Obviously! And I understand, certainly, that you don’t care to share it, for your own reasons. That said, it was something, and you certainly know what it was. And if something got thru to YOU, as you were then – dedicated, blinders-on, koolaid -swilling you, then why can’t “something” – maybe not the SAME thing, but SOMETHING, get thru to others? Something trickled thru the cracks with you, why not with others? Are you and I and the others here so unique that only WE are capable of experiencing an “aha” moment as re the truth about the cult? Respectfully, as marvelous as we all are here, I don’t think so 🙂
Hi…oh, no no no, I don’t think I am anything special about waking up. I don’t describe it all because the details could out me.
I don’t even know exactly what part of it all did it, all I know is, …. in the middle of a whole bunch of bad, I woke up. It was a light switch with no going back. It’s been tricky because of how much I had been active and involved.
As a Scio, trained and OT, I wasn’t very good at lying or having a secret either, it was so foreign … to lie…and hide…
My circumstances could be replicated but … ..well it’d be like, having your child almost die while getting a vicious comm ev while you were in the middle of the most out tech auditing possible. That didn’t happen to me… but super bad stuff did and I woke up and had to hide it. It’s not something to replicate.
I know I could just blather my mouth off all I wanted to…if I was willing to give up the rest. I’m not. I’ve been trying to hang on and survive.. But waking has been hell for me – it’s way better as of now, but I’ve been ready to off myself ever since. Some types of auditing are damaging, this I do know.
I KNOW everyone could wake up. I just have no clue how to go about it. I run things through my head ..and I can just peg exactly how I would have handled attempts… I can peg what my responses would be. I used to M9 KSW for fun.
I don’t want to encourage people to do things that will make them lose their family.
I got a long way to go. But I’m OK. and grateful for all the help.
LRH’s quote above the volcano says “it could mean a new earth … it could mean a new freedom”……. yes, it “could” … just like I “could” climb Mt. Everest without oxygen.
Reading those words, I am immediately put on guard.
Rooting out the thought processes I picked up reading of Hubbard has been a twenty year labor. Having that crap leaking back into my eyes is almost painfull.
Good post Mike, one of your better ones.
The greatest incapability in the subject of Scientology/Dianetics is being definitive with examples of results. Incredible contradictions lie at the fundamental core of the subject. Your article above cannot be disputed imo. After more than a decade of hard study and application of Dianetics/Scientology I concur that the stated results of what you can get from it are balderdash. Geezers, I certainly tried hard enough & I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m not that stupid, but I was stupid enough to ignore the evidence for longer than I care to admit.
Another remarkable contradiction which really is just a con job made seem plausible is the concept of “standard & and works on 100% of cases.” What a load of crap… the very basics of Scientology texts and lectures state unequivocally that any problem is two opposing forces etc. The whole subject of PTS/SP tech, disconnection, ethics & condition formulas, the back door through Qual, Simon Bolivar and the ‘us verses them’ mentality instilled in every Scientologist is irrefutable evidence Scientology doesn’t work for all cases. Scientology has to HAVE enemies to exist. Geezers! How many ex-Scientologists are there? How many law suits, how much bad press, how many empty churches? You can’t please everyone is a far better “truth” than Scientology’s broad claim to have the tech of life.
As more and more evidence of Hubbard and his personality sink in as to what type of asshole he actually was, the more of a con job materialises within the very fabric of the subject. It is a pity that there’s enough truth sprinkled though it to fool you, but that’s life.
well said!
Yawnalot sez:
“…After more than a decade of hard study and application of Dianetics/Scientology I concur that the stated results of what you can get from it are balderdash. Geezers, I certainly tried hard enough & I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m not that stupid, but I was stupid enough to ignore the evidence for longer than I care to admit.”
Great post Yawn. I had almost the exact timeline and experience. I freely admit to being more than a little slow on the uptake and I was stupid enough to ignore ALL of the evidence that was obvious and staring me right in the face. This is how stupid I was: Right before I finally walked out the door for the last time, I had a little extra money squirreled away. I had finished my academy level training and I had been audited thru grade IV. I had made several attempts to ‘run’ dianetics, but they were all dismal failures. I could never find an engram to run even though I had experienced birth and obviously had at least ONE to audit according to the sacred texts. I made arrangements with a former auditor of mine. I would audit his wife thru her grades and in exchange, he would audit me thru dianetics. I figured that I could use my spare cash for some review auditing if necessary. I was hesitant though. I also had a chance to get some eye surgery (RK, a precursor to Lasik) with the squirreled away money. I didn’t want to get the surgery before the dianetic auditing because I thought that the auditing might alter or screw up the surgical results because of the idea that I had that a ‘clear’ can toss their glasses because poor eyesight was caused by engrams. HOW FUCKING STUPID WAS THAT? I was surrounded by ‘clears’ and ‘OTs’ wearing glasses and yet I still thought that dianetic auditing would cure my poor peepers.
A short time after this, I took my leave of the cult and got the surgery. The surgery, actually backed by science, worked as advertised and I have no regrets, I can’t say the same for my cult experience. I might not be foolproof but I sure as hell ain’t no fool. Life has been good ever since.
That’s a relief! I was sure you were going to say you gave all the money to scientology and never had the surgery. That’s how it usually goes.
Mike, this was written by Hubbard in December 1954. Note the last three sentences…
Accent on Ability, Foundation Bulletin Vol 1 No 3 (in Tech Vol II):
“Many things have been learned in the past several years of Dianetic research and investigation, as will be brought out in the book Dianetics: 1955!. But chief amongst these items is the fact that we have misplaced, to some degree, our accent mark. Formerly we were intent upon surveys of many lines of human activity. We have covered such things as psychosomatic illness and aberration, and indeed the stress on these two is paramount as represented in the title itself of Book One, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Today’s accent is much more sharply aligned, and arrowed into human activity.”
“We long ago discovered in Dianetics that what we validate comes true. Thus, if we continue to process or connect with or continue to harbor entheta, we discover that entheta becomes quite live. But if we decide to process on the theta line, validating such things as affinity, reality and good communication, we make short work out of the case. Here we have the difference between making a preclear well and making him sick. We can actually process a preclear in the direction of difficulty to such an extent that these difficulties, imagined or actual, become real. The validation of difficulty will always result in the accomplishment of difficulty. Similarly, the validation of ability will always accomplish ability.”
“Our accent, from the first, should have been upon ability.”
Dianetics today is a Science of Ability. It has no traffic with psychosomatic illness or aberration. It does not care a whit about these two things.”
Great addition to the article.
” “We long ago discovered in Dianetics that what we validate comes true. Thus, if we continue to process or connect with or continue to harbor entheta, we discover that entheta becomes quite live.”
Yo Dave,
Check it out dudeamundo! Ya validate Ess Pees and whadayaget good buddy? ” if we continue to process or connect with or continue to harbor entheta” such as whining about still-innies communicating (gawd forbid) with family members or even worse, railing about how bad and ‘entheta’ those that have left the cult are (like me for example), but more to the point, Mike and Leah, what happens Dave.
THE ENTHETA BECOMES QUITE LIVE! Deal with it asshole. Things are about to get much more lively just as yer cult is getting a lot deader. BTW, did ya fill yer boat this year Dave? Time to start postulating a new existence is yer starstruck cabaret Dave.
And OSA,
For gawds sake do something guys and gals. Are you still waiting around for for Mr. Dingleberry to give you an order? And you never seem to respond to my questions about good ole Eff Pee. If he/she/it is on a retread, at least send out a replacement to play.
The jungles of Columbia wait silently… silently for you… Davey boy.
Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Stealth.
The Modern Science Of Mental Shit.
May you never be as sane again. Hip hip oy vey!
ROTFLMFAO!!!! Hip, hip oy vey! Nicely done.
🙂 Clio.
Dianetics: The Modern Scam of Moving Wealth
Outstanding post! And so very true…
Might suggest this for their listening pleasure as they cruise along:
Simon and Garfunkle – Slip Sliding Away
Jimmy Buffett – Volcano
Lard – They’re coming to take me away
Maybe DM will hear the background music from Jaws?
Lard can take you away? I never knew lard could do that.
We learn something new every day!
Like just today I was watching an
episode of Escaping Polygamy, a cult just like Scientology. Isolation, disconnecting from family, sent to a house of hiding as punishment and to repent. Both Warren Jeffs and David Miscavige see themselves as gods, but, at least for now, Jeffs in the only one in prison.
That would be great if they were cell mates….They could each try to out con the other one. They could disconnect to separate corners . Polygamy and Scientology are extremely similar and both scary …… Just don’t turn your back on Warren Davey……
Isn’t lard a greasy, fatty substance made from pig’s fat? Oh yeah, OK. I got it now it’s Scientology! It deeps fries your life.
You got that right!
Celebrating 68 years of running a criminal scam!
And they have the money and the enemies to prove it!
And they still can’t get it right.
And yet, to this day, they have no problem at all sending people who are on their OT levels back to do more dianetic auditing and charging them $600 to $1,000 per hour for the torturous procedure.
And, at the of the day, it’s still make believe!
With apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein:
We could make believe
I’m OT
Only make believe
You’re OT too
Others find peace of mind in pretending
Couldn’t you?
Couldn’t I?
Couldn’t we?
Make believe we’re in volcanos
“sploding into ten billion BTs
Might as well make believe, me and you
‘Cause, to tell the truth, we do.
Now I can’t get that out of my head, Aqua. Brilliant lyrics!!! LOL
Number of times over the material equals certainty and results, especially for registrars.
LDW, Get this one: I was on the ship to do OT VIII (2009) and had to do more NED because NOW they decided I wasn’t actually Clear. (Try not to think of the Clear cog when you know what it is.) Never mind that I had had this validated several times and never mind that I had just finished OT VII. That was only one of many mind-fuck moments for me in my two months of hell on the ship.
Oh, man! Beyond mind-fuck insane, Mary. They are truly insane. I’m so sorry.
Those cockaroaches should burn in hell for what they did to you and your family.
I did not have THAT problem as I was in the SO 23 years and never got onto any OT Levels.
However, I have no doubt that they would have paid for a nice shiny coffin (or a cardboard box) to send my corpse into the ovens. They would have probably even paid for the cremation, considering the 1+ million dollars I saved them. Now I was on the ship 16 years and it took 7 years before I was allowed to see any member of my family. My parents were in their 80s and I was worried that I would not see them again.
I was right, but for the wrong reasons. i had undiagnosed full-blown AIDS and would not possibly lived another year