True to form, scientology has been hawking the “special leatherbound, silver foil embossed edition” of Dianetics following the org reduction and eradication ribbon cutting event where they pretended Miscavige was present when he had pre-recorded his speech from inside the building days previously (Alex Barnes-Ross did an excellent analysis of this).
This is a “stunning commemorative limited edition” — in the US they sold them for $500. This doesn’t appear on the New Era website. I am sure they have not reduced the price since the last ones I saw. They usually do 500 copies. 500 x $500 is $250,000. But New Era is going to take their cut and royalties will also be taken. So far they have sold a little over half — from that amount, the entire production cost and all the royalties will be subtracted off the top of any revenue.
They always claim that sales of these things will “contribute to major unprecedented dissemination campaign” — but somehow these NEVER materialize. Every single “ideal org” has had one of these and not a single one has then seen a major unprecedented dissemination campaign.
But what you DO get is a cheesy commendation!
They even roped in that old scammer Michael Chan to explain how incredible it is and how much this will “fill the theta space of the city of lights.” Funny, Chan could do something about the moribund state of his “home” org in Columbus. He claims to have super powers and his postulates and OT abilities have made him millions and he ascended to the top of the Bridge. But he can’t do anything to make scientology happen in Ohio…. Come on Michael let’s see some causative OTness demonstrated right there in middle America, no need to worry about Paris.
Tori James Art says
Look I can’t speak or read French but if I did I would not buy that ever. It wouldn’t have any value to it just Scientology BS.
Alcoboy says
I would buy one but I don’t read French.
Wait! What am I saying? I got better things to spend my hard earned money on!
Ex Bag Holder Sea Org, of the Hubbard Cult Bureaucracy says
Hubbard’s claims of Dianetics/Scientology activities being some earth grand historical importance requires proof.
The “OT levels” practices of “upper” Scientology includes the five exorcism/soul-freeing OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 “levels.”
The Hubbard “advanced” Scientology exorcism levels have not proven to be grand human historically important.
Hubbard’s grand claims simply don’t and will never hold true.
All of the Hubbard Dianetics/Scientology pseudo-therapeutic/exorcism-soul-freeing activities just simply don’t measure up to Hubbard’s grand claims.
Scientology cannot be sold, and Scientology staffs are left holding Hubbard’s false claims’ “bag” of quackery.
Most tragic is Hubbard’s language and regulations combine to trap Scientologists in a losing situation, every new generation drawn into holding the positions in the Hubbard multi echeloned cult bureaucracy.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 75 to 03
Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, not really of course
Dotey OT says
We were told that for our org, as in any other org, a non-e campaign gets done. Doesn’t amount the much, if I recall. Didn’t dent any stats. The local org is deader than dirt. I bet their BIS must be around thirty. It must really take some self explaining to make sense about how dead it is.
Briget says
From those of us in Ohio – thank GOD Michael Chan can’t do anything to make Scamology happen in Ohio. We have enough problems *cough*upcomingelection*cough* without that.
Ex-scio says
Those special edition books have zero market value above any other secondhand Scientology book. And those commendations are only good to make you feel good for a moment — because they are worthless for saving your ass the next time they drag you through the ethics mud patch.
LoosingMyReligion says
Mike, a couple of things. Firstly, I don’t recall New Era doing any promotion for orgs in any way. It’s Just PR. At most, they might advertise a book “in favor of the local org”, but it will be in mainstream bookstores and won’t say anything or direct people to the org. They Always do that.
Secondly, I’m not entirely clear anymore on New Era’s financial planning and whether these items (excluding royalties, which if I’m not mistaken were around 10%) are treated separately and kept in reserve or if they end up like everything else from sales in the weekly pool. If that’s the case, even with a total sale of €250,000, there wouldn’t be much left available. After subtracting mgmt fees, staff wages(30%) various reserve accounts, weekly expenses, mandatory set asides, etc., what’s left for “promotion” or “campaigns” are peanuts.