Another of the documents from the recent FBI docs release.
In September 2009, not long after the investigation began, scientology made an FOIA request to get all docs concerning any investigation of scientology. Though the originator of the request has been redacted from the letter, you can see in the accompanying fax cover sheet that this is a request from scientology.
This is not a “routine” request that is filed every month. It is a request because scientology became aware of the FBI investigation.
Yet, despite this, in 2013 they denied any such investigation took place and claimed that those who had stated this were liars. These are excerpts from letters sent to the Tampa Bay Times in January of that year responding to a series of articles about the FBI Investigation (you can find the complete letters on the TBT website). Boldfacing is mine:
Dear Messrs. Childs and Tobin:
As has now become routine for the Times, your questions have nothing to do with the current activities of the Church of Scientology. Instead, you maintain what can only be described as an unprofessional — if not incestuous — relationship with apostates who have a record of lying about their former religion and have been gone from the Church for so many years they are completely out of touch with what is happening in Scientology today.
Further, you have long been provided incontrovertible documentation of the dishonesty of the sources you rely upon. There is nothing “recent” or “newsworthy” about any of the allegations you regurgitate. It appears that the older the story — in this case six or more years — the more the Times pushes it, no matter the lack of corroborating evidence and the contradictory testimony the same discredited sources provide.
Your statement that the FBI began “examining” the Church in 2009 is simply that: your statement. The Church has no knowledge that this “examining” ever occurred. Everything your sources claimed regarding the FBI has not materialized. Instead, it is the Times that reported that these same sources knew there was no investigation before they made their wild claims to the media in 2010. This tells you all you need to know about the honesty of your sources.
As we previously advised the Times, a former US Attorney dealt directly with the United States Department of Justice regarding this allegation and confirmed that there was no open investigation of the Church or any of its affiliates or leaders; any report to the contrary is false.
I wrote about this earlier following the initial release of documents confirming the FBI investigation had in fact occurred: Scientology, Lying and the FBI
Of course, at the time I wrote this, I knew scientology was very well aware of the investigation despite their claims to the contrary. But now there is incontrovertible evidence.
Scientology’s statement “this tells you all you need to know about the honesty of your sources” did not age well. In fact, these disreputable, lying sources (myself included) were telling the truth. It was scientology who was deflecting, dissembling and lying. As Yogi Berra would have said, it’s deja vu all over again.
I wish to post comments here. But I see so many ppl still using Scamology’s awful atrocious lingo. Any of those words makes my blood boil. I was a slave to Scamology for 18 years and been subjected to their influence growing up for the previous 18 years. Please ppl stop using that 🤮 lingo
Alcoboy: No disrespect, Sir, but don’t fuck with Mary. I know that you were just having fun.
Fun? I admit, openly, that I had some fun while in the S.O. The only way to have “fun” is to have “Other Fish to Fry”. In other words, fun is OUT ETHICS. Xxx
I guess that I am an Out Ethics MF er.
20 years ago the Captain Freewinds who had screamed at me that he was the Only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Organization and that no-one could tell him what to do ( maybe one person Could; but he (DM) would never do it) . He told my then wife that my death was imminent.
He was not lying then; he was telling the truth.
There are two ways of telling the truth in Scientology;
1. Saying what actually happened and 2. Making what will happen correspond with what you said will soon happen.
He ordered my wife to “End Cycle” on me saying that I would be dead soon as no- one could help me (I was dying of HIV AIDS from a blood products given me while I was a crew member on the Freewinds).
But he was not lying. He was making damn sure that what he he said (and ordered) was the God’s honest truth by sending me to a Chiropractor (LRH’s chiropractor) James M Kepler who told me when we first met that he had never seen an HIV/AIDS patient. He needed my wife to ” End Cycle” on me or risk that she might tell me to see a doctor.
There is a Flag Order that could be used here to explain this. It goes like this: A senior talks to a junior and says: This is fucked up and the junior says that ” Chief Petty Officer Jenks is handling that now, Sir. (Jenks does not know about it yet)
Captain Napier was “handling” it by making damn sure that I was DEAD by ensuring that I would never see any kind of person who knew a whit about HIV/AIDS.
If he had pulled it off I would have no beef with him (because I would be dead).
It is just because he knew that my wife was the daughter of the first Black Captain in the United States Coast Guard and he could not allow her to talk to him or risk the U.S. military coming to get her.
I confess that I made 2 major mistakes; either of which almost cost me my life. 1. I could have called him myself. He would have picked up the phone and a USCG cutter would have pulled up to the Freewinds and a boarding party would have gotten my wife off of the Freewinds. And 2. My father was talking about calling the FBI as he thought that my wife was being held against her will( which she was).
The moral of this story is simply that not only are they lying mutherfuckers but would rather see one of their senior engineers DEAD than get their own fucking Ethics In.
That’s what I do with my ‘memos to Dave’ segment. Just try to have fun. And I mean no disrespect toward Mary Kahn or anyone on this blog. One of the reasons I could never cut it in the cherch is because I am too much of a joker and degrader. Which, as you know, is a no no in the cult. Anyway, I hope all is well with you and hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Scientology doth project too much. While they have accused others of – what was it? verifiable bullshit? – here they are with a big pile of verifiable bullshit.
While I was on staff in Scientology at Flag we were always told that the Tampa Bay Times and its reporters were evil, suppressive and criminal liars. When I got out of Scientology I went to the Tampa Bay Times and met with reporters Tom Tobin and Joe Childs. The thing that really surprised me was how caring, honest and professional they were. It really stood out and was exactly 180 degrees from the picture Scientology painted. It was a real eye opener and another layer of Scientology’s lies peeled away.
Mat — I could not agree with you more. Two nicer and more professional gentlemen would be hard to find. And their almost manic quest for accuracy and genuine concern for the well-being of the people they were reporting on was and is impressive.
How can a newspaper have an “incestuous” relationship with “apostates?”
Word salad. It sounded evil when they thought about it so they put it in print.
LRH wouldn’t like this:
Another sickening example, along with the evidence of the low life mentality and the despicable moral application of lying and stealing by the CofS in the guise and cloak of religion. It aligns perfectly with the many other lies they live by, one of the biggest being they call themselves the most ethical group on the planet.
Probably their most blinding and damaging lie is that they possess the “Bridge to Total Freedom” & they are the only ones who can save mankind from themselves. Goodness me, even Hubbard claimed himself “source” – source of what? Even ‘look, don’t listen,’ is a lie – both look and listen and with some simple common sense, along with the long, long list of victims over many decades of the deception, lies and false technology of the CofS it becomes obvious. It is very evil at the top, which compounds & magnifies the effect.
Just to clarify my own conscience on this. I find nothing wrong with the basic therapy of Dianetics and the lower levels of Scientology. I’ve had a lot of fun with them in the past and there’s no denying there is some mental relief and laughter generated by its application.
What is evil about it is the writing and lectures of the philosophy/policy behind it strewn with contradictions, self importance, and an obsessive desire of domination over others. It doesn’t deliver what it ultimately promises (you can’t deliver what doesn’t exist) and anything good in it is used as a bait & switch operation for an evil management to steal the life and money out of people – it is a true and nasty cult and a dangerous one at that. It cares nothing about the well being of others and only exists today by the greed, wealth and subjugation of thousands of people who were duped into believing they were helping mankind as a whole. It can afford to pay countless lawyers and play the legal system to an incredible degree, plus some powerful people in the shadows rubs their hands together in satisfaction at the way Scientology is today, hey Marty, TC, etc?
Yet another red-handed moment.
No wonder they don’t want any parishioners surfing the interwebs.
“In social life it is called etiquette. In personal life it is called hypocrisy. In political life it is called diplomacy. Americans tactlessly persist in calling it by its generic name: lying. Americans have a tolerance for many things. Lying in public is not one of them.” — “In Defense of Lying,” by Charles Krauthammer (Washington Post, October 25, 1985).
“An introduction of an alter-is is therefore the addition of a lie to the real which causes it to persist and not to blow or as-is.” — L. Ron Hubbard (HCOB 11 May 65).
“There is nothing unhappier than one who tries to live in a chaos of lies.” Hubbard (The Way to Happiness).
They hate having the cleansing “truth” light shined on them.
The ONLY truth in the cult is that it is ALL LIES.
With what I have learned over the last couple of years it would seem that they would rather climb a tree and lie than to stand on the ground and tell the truth.
You figure it out.
That’s why they are a.k.a Comedy Circus 🎪
Not a single achievement in 70 years except couple of (aging) Hollywood celebrities and imaginary expansion, mostly on long term lease.
That’s why we predicted beginning of Age of Extinction 2025.
It’s not me ,it’s written on the wall.
Scientology! 🤥 The Church of Scientology lied!
Noooooooooooooo! Ya think?
Just messin’ with ya, Mary!
Gee, gosh, wow! Where have we heard about Scientology lying before?
Maybe it was something about lying being the lowest form of creativity.