There are a few blogs I always check — Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker the best source for breaking news on scientology, Jeffrey Augustine’s Scientology Money Project for the latest updates on scientology criminality, Stefani Hutchinson’s incisive take on all things in the weird and hypocritical world of scientology Confront and Shatter , and now there is another to add to my list Dirty Cops and PI’s.
This new blog is the work of the always thorough Jeffrey Augustine, who has done some pretty incredible research into subjects related to scientology and especially the criminal activities of some of scientology’s biggest names. Now he has added a new blog to focus on the often corrupt world of rotten cops and sleazy PI’s. His first investigation concerns the PI’s who were hired to follow Leah and JLo when they were filming Second Act in NY — see Tony Ortega’s story on this:
I highly recommend Jeffrey’s reporting. He really digs in, finds the evidence and exposes the truth.
Nothing like having a good guy PI on the tails of the bad guys PI’s…
Add his new blog to your reading list.
A “wellness check” NORMALLY means seeing the person alive & “well”………………not taking someone else’s words that that person inquired about “doesn’t want to be seen”…………..
Imagine all the murders that could take place & gotten awaqy with……….as in “Yes indeed my husband/wife has NOT spoken to or seen their family in six months to a year or more but he/she……. is alive & well (& buried under the garage floor)………….. just doesn’t want to step forward……………..
Again, the police CANNOT compel a person to meet with them. E.g., you tell the police that you haven’t seen my wife Janet on stage at a scamology event for 20 years. The cops come to my house. I answer the door and they inquire about Janet. I tell them to get off my property or I will arrest them for trespass. They have to leave or get arrested.
As an Ex Staff Member, the only way I was able to get out and stay out is to look at the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The internet, all of the books written by ex members, the movies, the documentaries by the best in the business (Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright)
the docuseries by Leah and Mike and these blogs all helped me “as is” Scientology and it disappeared from my universe. Thanks Ron for the tech. Hip Hip!
Getting rid of the loaded language takes a little confront but I now am free of the implants via Hubbard’s written “tech”.
There have been many instances of Scientology PIs harassing people. However, this isn’t legal, because it’s INVASION OF PRIVACY.
A similar case happened around 1965, when Ralph Nader wrote a book called “unsafe at any speed” about a certain car model from General Motors. Wikipedia states :
“The book became an immediate bestseller, but also prompted a vicious backlash from General Motors (GM) who attempted to discredit Nader by tapping his phone in an attempt to uncover salacious information and, when that failed, hiring prostitutes in an attempt to catch him in a compromising situation.[16][17] Nader, by then working as an unpaid consultant to United States Senator Abe Ribicoff, reported to the senator that he suspected he was being followed. Ribicoff convened an inquiry that called GM CEO James Roche who admitted, when placed under oath, that the company had hired a private detective agency to investigate Nader. Nader sued GM for invasion of privacy, settling the case for $425,000 and using the proceeds to found the activist organization known as the Center for the Study of Responsive Law.”
425,000 $ in 1965 would be a few millions today…
Wouldn’t it be possible to go after that “Church” in a class action suit, uniting all those who had been harassed by them ?
Tony Ortega and Jeffrey Augustine cover more on this rogue stalking PI firm that has been employed by the cult of SCN to stalk Leah Remini (and Tony Ortega and others )
Surviving Scientology podcast: Dirty private eyes discuss killing Leah Remini?
The solution is very simple , Class Action Law suit from celebrities.
One thing which is new development over last decade is the shrinking world of Cult followers.
Now they hiring ( wogs) manpower to assists the PIs.
And insult to injury those wogs do not know what’s going on.
For example if East Indian or North African cab drivers were hired to follow and assist PIs on keeping eye on any celebrity movement.
Is it possible convince them for $ 50 to do that job ?
Definitely not , why would they jeopardize their driving license or take risk.of being charged for stalking.
So what’s the option…
would they be told that, working for a renown Cult ,reputation marred with scandals ….?
They were given cooked story ,going at any length , after confirming that they are not the audience of English sitcom and nor reader of English newspapers.
I have mention on my reddit blog about these ” invisible hands” the Clear & Present Danger and 2nd Class Action Law suit.
USA is not short of Enterprising lawyers and….bankers who would take it as very good business venture.
Backed by Human Rights activists and visible minority advocates , no one would dare to support the Cult.
It is possible that many PIs to save their license and reputation ” switch side”
After all from PIs to retired cops to uninformed Wogs , it’s all about Money 💰
They did it for money & do it again for more money
Thank you Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, Jeffrey Augustine, Karen De la Carrierre
and all of the other courageous heroes who are relentless to expose the criminal organization called Scientology. It is not a religion, it is an evil cult.
Believe me -the websites, the podcasts, the books, the interviews, the radio shows, the movies and documentaries – ALL work and are keeping people from going into Scientology and helping Lurkers like me, get out and stay out of Scientology.
I love the Scientology Money Project by Jeff Augustine. It has powerful truths you can’t deny.
Very Well Done SP’s 🙂
These websites are a great tools to expose the criminal scam that is Scientology.
Please – everyone needs to be post reviews on Yelp, Google, Consumer Reports and all other types of sites.
May I recommend to Join and post on the “Nextdoor”.
It is an app for your local neighborhoods and can reach far and wide in your city.
Just a clarification here…Jeffrey and I are very supportive of law enforcement and police officers.
Just so this is not misinterpreted (especially in this day and age) the keyword is DIRTY i.e. ROGUE cops and PIs.
The “Justice For Mom” ads are now showing up on YouTube.
Is this something new?
“Justice for mom” OLD news, and there are contemporary official docs AND an audio recording, IIRC which disprove those scurrilous lies thoroughly.
Ignore the poor deluded children thinking they’re doing GOOD by lying through their teeth to “shatter” a good man who just couldn’t take any more of the scn balderdash.
They’ve been there for the “better” part of a year. In fact, they are such weak sauce that the cult doesn’t even bother to sic their click farms on them in order to pretend they’re relevant. Except for one video that claims almost 125 k views, in stark contrast to the 34 to 200 views the other videos have received–yeah, right!
There are ZERO approving comments. They don’t even bother to fight the couple of truthful comments that were posted by viewers, denouncing this charade. So the “campaign” lingers there for an audience of 184 subscribers (out of “was it 10 million scientologists? 12?”) and maybe one view on a “good” day.
Mike, thanks for sharing my just-launched “Dirty Cops and PI’s” news site. The goal of this site: A Dedicated News Site Exposing the Shadowy World of Rogue Cops and Private Investigators
The Church of Scientology has always used dirty PI’s and has had more than a few Dirty Cops and Scientologist embeds at places like LAPD’s Piper Technical Center and the Hollywood Division.
I have series of articles planned on Scientology’s use of Dirty Cops and PI’s throughout its history. The first article begins with Hubbard’s early use of PI’s in the UK and America. L. Ron Hubbard created policy on the use of outside PI’s in the early 1960’s.
Hubbard’s ever-increasing paranoia and greed fueled his need for PI’s and lawyers. This, in turn, necessitated, in part, the creation of the GO. Hubbard needed a radicalized inner circle of true believers to manage the outside lawyers and PI’s who were in it for the money and not the ideology. The GO was that radicalized inner circle with Mary Sue Hubbard in command.
The GO became a “the Cult within a Cult” which formed Hubbard’s inner circle. Money laundering, Fair Game, income tax evasion, sec checking, burglaries of government agencies, wiretapping, spying, and all the rest of the bad acts became the interlocking and hidden system of Scientology. As is widely known, the GO morphed into RTC dba OSA in the Miscavige era. This too is part of the story.
Money was required to pay for this machine. From this perspective, auditing became the retail side of the business which paid for the covert side of the business. The Sea Org was created to have a captive labor force to run the retail side of Scientology: Tech delivery, publishing, marketing, sales, janitors, cooks, port captains, etc.
All of this “Now! Now! Now!” frenzied activity perhaps explains why thousands of malicious semicolons and disordered paragraphs slipped into Hubbard’s texts and later necessitated the Basics libraries at $4,000 a set, but I digress.
There were, and still are, Dirty Cops and PI’s working alongside the non-Scientology lawyers. I have always called this part of Scientology “The Shadowmen.” This class of non-Scientologists is needed for the Cult to even exist.
Anonymous came out of nowhere and hit Scientology in 2008 like a Cat 5 hurricane. OSA had to hire an army of PI’s and lawyers to try to cope with the unpredicted and sudden onslaught of Anonymous.
With the enormous public departure and speaking out of senior Sea Org management and prominent publics beginning in 2007, there was an enormous brain drain in Scientology. The Indies, as they were called in that period exposed David Miscavige and inner workings of the Cult. More PI’s and outside contractors were needed.
There are so many stories here. Stay tuned. People can contact me at [email protected]
Thank you for doing this.
“….the GO morphed into RTC dba OSA in the Miscavige era.
I never looked at it this way but ya, RTC Reps within in each org would report up from on the ground. Like having a police man/women on staff.
Seems like the “AUTHORITIES” have for years IGNORED the fact SHELLY MISCAVIGE has not been SEEN in PUBLIC for over a DECADE.
Golly Gee…..if only the rest of us could get away with that!!! Imagine a world where the “AUTHORITIES” take YOUR WORD that a MISSING PERSON is alive & well but doesn’t want to be seen or spoken to????
Let’s see now, someone’s spouse/mother/father/brother/sister etc etc hasn’t been seen in a few months & NO ONE KNOWS what’s happened to them, but the “AUTHORITIES” are fine with your claim that the MISSING PERSON is alive &………..Well…………..are you getting my drift.
COS KNOWS WHERE THE BODIES ARE BURIED…………….I am a “never in”…..& NEVER MET or even KNEW Shelly Miscavige……….but I sure as HELL want to KNOW……………….
………………WHERE IS SHELLY MISCAVIGE…………….don’t you?
It could be that the police actually did see Shelly Miscavige, but if she said that she was absolutely fine and did not want to be found, then there is little the police can do.
All of us ex’s know that she is completely brainwashed and manipulated, but unless she actually wants to get out of the situation and makes her true feelings known, there is, I’m afraid, very little that can be done.
I believe it was Mike himself who was once asked by the police why they couldn’t get a load of cars up to Int Base to “release” the people there.
His reply was along the lines of ‘Wouldn’t work. The people entrapped in scientology truly believe that they are there of their own determinism’.
It’s entirely possible that someone CLAIMING to be Shelly said she was fine and didn’t want to be bothered. I find it well within scientological “ethics” to lie to the authorities on command like that.
Got to Tony. Ortega’s, “Underground Bunker”. He’s done several articles on this. For most of us who are ex Sea Org members, this isn’t much of a mystery.
It isn’t illegal to NOT be seen in public Ballet Lady. As long as there is no complaint from anyone who is close to Shelly there is NOTHING the gov can do. Remember this IS a free country and neither YOU nor I have the authority to demand that anyone show their face in public.
Not to say she isn’t in trouble it is just that there is NO actual evidence that she IS.