While the IAS is soliciting money for “VM campaigns” and “COVID-19 relief”, the VM’s are sending out their own pitch to collect hygiene items. Makes you wonder what the IAS money is for?
This flier is pretty bizarre. They have taken an old flier from a hurricane relief drive and repurposed it for their “Pandemic” relief by including toilet paper in the list of donations requested. Note it is still copyrighted 2019.
I wonder what “travel size” toilet paper is?
Total public relations action, selling the idea that “we help”
I don’t know what they think they’re doing just re-using the list for natural disasters, intended for people forced out of their homes or who have lost everything – are they really going to drop off plastic bags with common household items, at people’s houses? But toilet paper has been an item all along:
> https://tonyortega.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Keller124p4.jpg
Perhaps they know they’ll never get full rolls of toilet paper out of selfish scientologists, and are suggesting instead the little travel packs that are more easily spared:
> https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0301/0065/products/cotton_buds_travel_mini_toilet_paper_roll_dispenser.jpg
Members might know those all too well – because it’s what they have to take with them when they go into an org, where they can’t count on finding toilet paper in the bathrooms even in the best of times.
Always pushing for donations so the public can’t forget that it’s their sacred duty to their church. Even if it isn’t worth the toilet paper it’s written on. Lol
While wogs sell their COVID-19
It’s best to support our great team
Enough masturbation
Just make a donation
Our TP will keep your ass clean!
Outstanding!!! Bravo!!! Now that’s some funny shit!!!
This would make more sense if the hygiene kits were for handing out to Sea Org staff, who could really use some relief from the disaster that is their daily existence inside the cult.
Exactly Zola!
I was seeing an IAS impact magazine on a site. Among the various PR bubbles and other nonsense, they clearly say that the IAS finances the creation of Idle orgs.
I know very well and with good certainty that ALL the money is asked of the public (and if the public does not have all the money they go to the public of other orgs).
Money for renewals is also asked of the public including labor.
“Travel Size” toilet paper is a pretty good description for the pamphlets they’re handing out on how to handle COVID-19.
Now they’re getting closer to the truth: Grooming
The Church of Scientology – The religion of grooming the vulnerable and unprepared.
Dear Mike,
I just have to put this out there. I feel your heartache, pain & regret each time you state that “you put Taryn in Scientology”…….
Fact is that YOU yourself were also “put into Scientology at age 6 (or was it 4) by your parent.
As parents we are NOT perfect. We make mistakes in life & in the decisions we make as parents as well. No one can honestly say that they did everything correctly. Even the BEST of parents can have some not so nice issues with their child, just as the worst parent(s) might have a stellar child.
Taryn can leave if she choses to do so, she apparently is so entrenched in it she feels obligated to stay as her belief is so strong. She also feels obligated to stay in because of her mother Cathy. Hopefully, who knows, ….One day, someday, someway…that might change & Taryn might opt out.
After so many years, so many horrific things happening to you, your family, your associates & friends…you made a SNAP DECISION to get OUT NOW…whatever it was that over took you THAT particular day & time. was a miracle . You’re damned LUCKY you made that unplanned decision quickly as you basically escaped with your life.
We know had you chosen to stay…the ax would have fallen, you’d be hauled off to Miscavige to endure another beating, berating, lock up or sent to parts unknown (like Shelley M.) & Cathie would have eventually divorced you anyway calling you every name in the book.
It was a BLESSING in disguise that you found the courage to BLOW, to leave everything you’ve ever known, & to call a trusted friend to help you out. IF YOU DID NOT LEAVE, the WORLD AT LARGE WOULD NEVER HAVE HEARD THE AFTERMATH STORY. BECAUSE OF YOU…YOU….THE EYES & EARS OF THE WORLD NOW KNOW THE TRUTH. THANK YOU MIKE.
I ask ONE THING OF YOU….Please try to take time to give yourself a break & FORGIVE YOURSELF from the heavy burden of guilt you carry…….as hard as it is….people make their own choices & you can’t save someone who does NOT want to be saved…no matter how MUCH you love them….
I’m with you, Balletlady.
At some point EACH of us has to take responsibility for our OWN choices.
At some point, each of us has to let go of blaming our parents for our choices. At some point each of us has to OWN our choices.
Taryn is no exception. Sure, she’s never known anything but the cult, and she’s – what – 40 years old. Sure, her father put her there. With the best of intentions, I might add.
But she has powers of observation as do we all.
Late in his life her father saw that he had made a mistake in doing that. He observed his own mistake in being there himself. He changed his mind! He changed his mind about HIS life. HIS life. Big deal, and boo fucking hoo to those who didn’t like it. It was and is HIS life! AND, he felt strongly that he’s like to save his daughter’s and son’s life, too! And anyone else caught in the snare of the cult as he once was!
Point is, we can ALL change our minds! Its our RIGHT to change our minds about a belief or a course of action AND to communicate about it!
We OWN our minds – we can change them about something, in a responsible way, no matter HOW convinced we were before that we were 100% right. We can change our minds!
And Mike did. It was his RIGHT to do so. HIS life, remember? Everyone has the same right; he exercised his own.
And he spoke up about it, and he explained WHY.
All of these nasty “kids” complying with Miscavige’s orders to trash their parents who left the cult, who spoke up and denounced the cult’s abuses – I have very little sympathy for them.
And by the way, there’s nothing emanating from Taryn -even though its likely she’s not writing this stuff – there’s nothing emanating from this cult brat that wouldn’t be emanating from any other cult brat if he or she were ordered by Miscavige to trash Mom or Dad, sibling or friend, ex-lover or ex-husband. The ONLY reason its not being done, if it isn’t being done, is because said brat has not (yet) been ORDERED to do so.
These ” kids” are not children. They’re pushing 30 and 40. When do we stop making excuses for their viciousness? How old do they have to be for them to be considered adults – 50, maybe? You tell me.
I don’t have children so I’ll give you a dog analogy: Let’s say you start out with an adorable little puppy, full of life, in love with life, wagging its tail, full of love for everyone and everything. Then, instead of being raised normally to be a loving, loyal pet yourself, you give your puppy to someone with the best of intentions.
And this person trains it to be an attack dog. One day you see your puppy all grown up. You’re shocked. All you remember is how wonderful this puppy WAS/ You KNOW how the little cutie started out. But now, after this attack dog training, what IS this creature, really? Dangerous to your life and health at the owner’s slightest command, is what it is NOW. At what point do you stop relating to the animal as the loving puppy it once was, and deal with the vicious creature it has become, an animal that will tear you apart on command from its master? At what point?
Of course, people are not dogs, but you get the concept.
The Marketing Course in Scientology was a basic and I completed it around 1985. They all seem to follow the first step which is to rack your brain for ideas of things that can be sold. Of course, Hubbard never covered the basic marketing idea in the automobile industry. If you sell a Lemon, the law protects the consumer. If that was the case, I would get back $125,000 for the phony OT VIII.
In 1988, I was so lucky to spot Hubbard trying to falsely combine Buddhism into Scientology on OT VIII. . I remember the big deal in the 1990’s when Scientology got a monk in Thailand to do some auditing.
Sorry boys and girls the effort failed. The thetan idea does not fit into Original Buddhism which Hubbard claimed to have founded as the Buddha. You can find your thetan ideas in the
“Pudgalavadins” which was a cult which formed a few centuries after the death and the Buddha around 2,600 B.C. Sorry Scientologists but the cult died out and is represented by a few followers in India. Try these people to ally with Buddhism. This is your basic Marketing idea. You can sell it big time.
Based on my experience (although it dates back over 15 years and I don’t think things have changed much) the term “volunteer” is a bit excessive.
I would rather say “obliged” or “pushed to do it” minister.
IAS keeps all money and doesn’t give a cent back. VMs must pay most of their expenses. Plus now they are asking people to donate for these supplies. Usual disgusting story.
I would give them only the toilet paper and tell them what to do with it.