So Scientology and WISE are now exporting DISCONNECTION? I want to say I’m shocked, yet it is to be expected. Hubbard ordered that his words could never be changed and Miscavige is continuing the manipulation.
Jane Doe 1’s letter is heartbreaking. The years of twists and turns she encountered, allies turning into antagonists, blind alleys, helpers disappearing into silence with no reason, as well as the emotional turmoil she went through in compiling her report, recollecting facts and trying to make an unbelievable story readable and believable for others. She has my full support.
Tellingly, what I found in the handful of instances where I went to work for a WISE member company, they were organized for the exclusive benefit of the owner(s): chiefly, the owner’s desire to pay for their Bridge. Worker wages were modest or paltry (wonder where they got that idea from), benefits non-existent, and the PROMISES of paying some type of bonus or commission based on forecasted successes were repeated (classic carrot on the stick).
With one exception—and it was my supervisor, a class act (who has since left the group)—these WISE member bosses were the worst. Crafty, dismissive, full of themselves including their own unique interpretation of “the Tech.” Cursed at in the workplace, laid off without warning (cause murky), pragmatic concerns unanswered, one time hurled into a parked vehicle because the boss could not countenance my rejection of his aggressive, poor treatment of a server at a restaurant. (I had warned him, that if he behaved that way again, I would quietly and immediately get up and exit. When I delivered on that, he chased after and physically threw me into a nearby vehicle and punched me. A longtime “Clear,” someone I met in the org Academy.)
When I look at it, my experiences were with WISE members who formed a company to be their own version of LRH: “Worship me and be glad to work for me and accept whatever treatment or assignments I give you.” These included “HOLD DOWN THE FORT when I tear off to Flag or the Freewinds to enhance my greatness.”
A not-distant example of—what seems to me—dismissive cold-hearted-ness… Reported in March 2020 by “JP” on Twitter (@HealThyself15) and The Scientology Money Project: A week into the official start of the pandemic in the U.S. (conventions and gatherings shut down, etc.), Cardone Capital laid off 80 of 180 employees “without notice and without benefits (as little as legally obligated) and gave them a letter from his [Grant’s] lawyer saying if they contest, they can try and get him in court (hint: they won’t be able to).”
I must admit, this one from Grant & Elena Cardone enterprise stunned me. They both continuously set themselves up to be Your Role Model of how to live a grand, thriving, successful life. By their own design, they have orchestrated a life in a fishbowl.
In my experience, a non-WISE member company would be far less likely to address their loyal staff in this way. This is not to say there are not infinite examples of crap companies and crap bosses; we know there are.
I am simply pointing out that, because WISE members and Scientologists promote themselves as elite, “homo novis,” people should be able to RELY ON THEM to set the utmost “greatest good” example. A company going through a rough period could ask for all to accept a temporary pay cut. When prosperity returns, employees can be rewarded for their unflagging loyalty. Or if a company does lay people off, they can provide a severance package that is far more realistic than two or three weeks. More like three months, or six months, or twelve.
I just don’t see what I would characterize as high integrity, “greatest good for the greatest number” behaviors or outcomes with WISE member companies for whom I have worked. Instead, my poor experiences added to my rationale to exit this group. Never in my non-WISE company jobs have I encountered such attitudes and very poor management behaviors. So ironic.
At the risk of over-simplifying, to me it seems like the rampant disease in Scientology membership for many is narcissism.
Maybe it is because, when you are in C of S, Ron repeatedly uses “evaluate our group next to a datum of comparable magnitude,” with the “datum” being THE WORST example in that category. He does not just compare C of S remedies to the typical social worker or psychologist. He repeatedly stacks C of S services up against lobotomists. This gives members a very (very) false picture and ill-placed certainty that the ENTIRETY of “other” practitioners in the mental-emotional health space are criminal conjurers, heavy drug user-pushers, and butchers.
For business, that too is where I see these WISE member company owners can tragically fall very short in their thinking. The ones with whom I worked believed that all “wog” managers and wog companies were the epitome of dread and folly. They did not consider for a moment, “This is my competition, and these companies and business leaders are pretty astute, sane, effective, and successful.” I just don’t think it occurs to them, pumped up as they might be by Scientology rhetoric that the WISE approach is unquestionably superior in every category of measuring and constructing a healthy work scene. Truly sad.
Yea, to swallow the Xenu body-thetans sprinkling story, you have to be the “right” people.
Hubbard left Scientology the taboo secret words, Xenu and body-thetans.
Those words will haunt Scientology, backfiring against Scientology.
I wish to heck a T Shirt and Umbrella shop would be set up in Clearwater city to use Hubbard’s words against them.
Wear the Ts downtown to immediately ID who is an “SP” to them.
Aim the umbrellas (which have Xenu and/or body-thetans printed on the umbrellas) at their security cameras, and the Xenu and body-thetans words have to be scrubbed off their in house video films.
Right, grisianfarce. The “right” people are those who can/will contribute to their “cause”. Money is best, but your slave labor for free will do in a pinch.
I don’t know what the percentage is but many people in business have the experience of “someone” out to get them. In some cases it’s obvious but at other times it might take more investigation to discover “Who’s dinging me!?”, some sneaky SP who’s trying to do me in.
It’s not obvious from the titles in the Personal Development Package but WISE might be selling the scn PTS/SP tek.
By dint of demanding all this disconnection, scn has totally disconnected itself from the rest of the world that it claimed to want to change.
Perhaps this is one of the few techs that really “works” in the cult and that you can see the (negative) results.
However, everything to exist or function must have an opposite and here we have precisely scn that through its ‘disconnection tech’ not only alienates itself from reality but turns into a real sect made just of selected people.
Sorry if this is off topic but I feel better have to share for those who need enlightenment:
Joni Mitchell: Woodsstock
came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, “Where are you going?”
And this he told me
“I’m going on down to Yasgur’s farm
I’m gonna join in a rock ‘n’ roll band
I’m gonna camp out on the land
I’m gonna try an’ get my soul free”
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
“Then can I walk beside you?
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning”
“Well, maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe it’s the time of man
I don’t know who l am
But you know, life is for learning”
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
By the time we got to Woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devil’s bargain
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
I would have gone to Woodstock but I waited until Friday afternoon to get a paycheck and by then the New York State Freeway was closed due to the mass migration. Oh well
There is a valid point about boundaries, but typically Scientology drives a truck through it — including, then, through their own members’ boundaries, having them cut ties with loved ones and friends due to supposed toxicity, but then sometimes literally showing up on the doorstep to force-feed their own toxic stew of indoctrination and confession, refusing to ever take ‘no’ for an answer.
Off Topic but there is a fascinating article that appears on Tony Ortega’s site today. Here is a link to his site:
It is a lengthy statement from one of the witnesses in the Danny The Rapist Masterson case. It is the first news item on his site. It is a copy of a letter from the first victim in that case.
It feels like a very realistic sense of what it’s like for a member of this cult to try and get help from a police force – at least from the LAPD.
Of course, I cannot vouch for the honesty of this letter. But I sure don’t have any reason to doubt it and it sure did make me angry to hear what this poor lady said she had to endure. Really angry. This poor lady was really jerked around by just about everyone from whom she tried to get help. UNBELIEVABLE!
The only thing I can offer is my opinion – which is: If you are ever involved in a criminal matter and feel that you will contact the police to get some help, it is my opinion that:
1) you are a million times better talking with a lawyer before you speak with the police and maybe even you are much better off if your lawyer is always present when you speak with the police.
2) Whether your lawyer is present or not, from the time you speak with a criminal lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you record all telephone calls – both incoming and outgoing – from the time you decide to contact the police until the time the matter is settled. All calls – no matter from whom they come or to who you call. ALL CALLS!
After all, it cannot hurt to have a recording of your phone calls so that no one can claim that something was said when it was not.
I wish like Hell that I had recorded all my phone calls … well … that is a long story … but it can’t hurt anything to record all your phone calls and if you are ever involved with the police or a criminal lawyer, I would suggest it would be really good to record all your telephone calls – even if you consider those calls to be insignificant. Record them all!
As I read this letter from the first victim, so many times she repeated how she had asked one police detective for help (one who had promised to help her) and she kept getting nothing but half-truths, full lies and the runaround.
I kept screaming at my video screen. “Get a criminal lawyer and let them call the police on your behalf. A good lawyer will get them to do what they have to do by law. If you call them yourself, they will just give you more of the same.”
You need a criminal lawyer to deal with the police on your behalf. It makes little or no sense to try and get satisfaction from the police on your own. You need a lawyer. Get a lawyer. For you own sake, get a lawyer.
O/T. Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad likens Minister Louis Farrakhan to Jesus Christ and quotes John 7:13:
“But no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public, for they were afraid of getting in trouble with the Jewish Leaders.”
Minister Tony Muhammad then adds:
“Min Farrakhan walking in the footsteps of Jesus! What Black Leader you know is hated by the powerful Jewish elite. What has he done of evil to any Jewish person! Our people will always stand with him! #welovefarrakhan #wearefarrakhan”
They teach these nifty little courses like UPS and DOWNS In Life which on their surface look good, couched in logic and sensibilities, (yes people can bring you down some can even want to harm you) but BUYER BEWARE.
The church of scientology (as directed by its david miscavige – one of the main abusers) and scientologists and in this case WISE members (most of whom are scientologists) are not ALLOWED to speak out about his physical assaults or anything else wrong with him or his church, much less any disagreement with its technology.
So they are lying; they aren’t “stable and reliable;” they have no “integrity,” and they certainly don’t have “the insight and skill necessary to understand how others will act and react under a given set of circumstances.” That’s why the church of scientology and I’m sure WISE is shrinking. They violate what they preach above without pause or remorse and will ruin you in any way they can if you disagree with what they say or do to people.
No. I only saw micavige speak at events. He always struck me as soulless. I never really expressed that out loud. Thought I could have been wrong about that perception.
A SO Member would NEVER discuss any abuses. They’d be putting their necks on the line if they did but I and others could easily see the abuse of tortured, sleepless members, even catching one frequently taking naps in a bathroom stall. Or auditors so tired they would check out while auditing me. But us lowly members wouldn’t EVER HEAR any grief or complaints from SO members. It’s only good roads and “everything is great” or “we need your help” when it came to needing money or time from a member.
I haven’t seen or heard from Sam in over 7 years. He’ll be 30 this July. I miss him terribly but pretty much suspect he’s “doing fine” like all other scientologists say they are to us lowly wogs and it would take a crowbar to release him from the mindset that “if something is wrong it’s their fault. They pulled it in or it’s because of their own wrong doing.”
Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it.
See? An excellent promo. When you read 1,2,3 above, your own magic as a human being creates this ideal of a person and is an elating concept and sensation. That’s one of our ability.
Actually nothing new there, it’s a big part of life and has been for thousands of years.
First off, in passing, the ability is already there, just saying.
But anyone with a pitch counts on that one, for sure, whether well-intentioned or not.
Second, for someone in trouble, that moment of elation offers hope and they just might go for the offered services to keep that hope alive. I mean that organization does seem to really understand what is important in a person, so they can’t be that bad . . .
Ups and Downs in Life will now put you on the right track to be suspicious of a lot more people in your environment, including your family and friends. Just GRRREAT! You have now added some more stress and damaging variables in your life.
Personal Integrity, well that one, I have always loved Lron’s definition of Integrity, so I am stumped on this one in my goal to natter about the long-term trap this prospect will be in for! If only he or she can apply it in full at all times to themselves, the materials, the regs, the sups, and the sanctimonious assholes (MAAs) he’s going to encounter.
How to get along with others. Well, that one should be called “How to get in line and suppress your integrity for the sake of civilization’s eternity”. Gngnyow! Wuf-wuf, So noble!
In Twelve Step meetings if someone starts rambling about what he, she, they did to them it’s sometimes suggested “You’re letting them rent space in your head.”
Simple wisdom but more applicable outside of a cult.
That is a cool imagery. You can be the landlord of your life and quit that game. Just looked up Twelve Steps. I find cults all over the place. I think it’s a natural outcome of groups, from very light all the way to very intense, as we well know.
Trump *copied* the “Hubbard College”, which is about as valid as MANY or most of the religious “colleges”. Good old Ron, forever chasing false credentials and the false status they confer.
Jere, both play on old schemes. Hubbard copied a type of amateur personal improvement and spiritual institution that had been widespread in his parents’ day; probably the most prominent that still exists is Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, but there were dozens if not hundreds more, many of them dedicated to promoting takes on early psychological ideas and success, that published subscription book series that you can still sometimes find at estate sales.
Interestingly, Hubbard also copied Freemasonry (as did Mormonism’s Joseph Smith), though perhaps indirectly through Crowley’s Thelema, which was in turn based on related esoteric lodges and similary structured. I find it ironic that a generation that derided their parents’ fraternal lodges, with their initatory rites and “degrees,” joined Scientology and got caught up in a space-opera version of the same thing — and now, from local org promo, have frequent costume parties, to boot.
How in the Wide World of Sports would anyone who knows anything about $cientology and WISE think that ‘How to Get Along With Others’ is something $cientology does?
I guess that WISE is only after those who know nothing about its connection to $cientology. Thankfully, that pool is getting smaller every day.
Zee Moo:
‘How to Get Along With Others’ is a subject scientology never learned. Instead, they require others to get along with scientology’s ways, as strange as they are.
scn CAN fake it a bit, just enough to get raw meat in the door to be sold their bill of goods. At least they USED to. That’s been abandoned in favor of their robotic Div 6
I feel sadness for any business who adopts the WISE offerings. They are a sure route to insolvency, loss of integrity, and lost good will. While a few of the policies might seem to work initially, look how “well” they’ve worked for scientology’s enterprises — NOT.
They caused the “Sea Project” to be tossed out of or banned from most of the ports they stopped in, and they needed to pay in advance, in cash, as they weren’t trusted to pay their bills in a timely manner. “Wog” laws and social pleasantries which normally keep societies operating smoothly are deemed “below them”, so they’re not seen as good “neighbors” or business partners. No, they’re seen as snakes who will break the rules, abandon any agreement not seen to be advantageous to them, and who will sail off into the sunset when things get too hot for them. Gypsies would be more pleasant and more profitable to deal with.
Jere Lull said: they needed to pay in advance, in cash, as they weren’t trusted to pay their bills in a timely manner.
That really depended on how well people knew them. If people had any previous dealings with them, then: they needed to pay in advance, in cash, as they never paid their bills at all!
I believe the only bills they pay are the ones from their private detectives because they know that if they don’t pay those bills, they will not be able to spy on people and harass people, and then, they would have almost nothing to do at all!
This is great. Since everyone who doesn’t want to be in the cult is “wrong type of person” this will cause businesses run by people stupid enough to join the cult to fail more quickly. Really, in this day and age one would have to be really self destructive to join this now well known criminal cult.
I got a good taste of WISE hypocrisy. They surreptitiously labeled me one of those “wrong” people when I was still in the cult and sided with a scam artist who helped destroy my business. Exporting their brand of winning ranks up there with trying to sell books on how to deal with people using the Salem witch hunts business technology.
I found most of the “CEO Circle” members to be criminals. From C. Jensen on down. ALL were willing to rip off scientology employees unless threatened with legal action.
To Scientologists the right people are precisely the ones who are well connected and have a lot of money as they are good for big donations, spreading the word, and safe pointing.
You only have to peep over their wall to see how rich and famous celebrities don’t have to be stable and reliable, nor have a high sense of integrity, so long as the donations keep flowing.
So Scientology and WISE are now exporting DISCONNECTION? I want to say I’m shocked, yet it is to be expected. Hubbard ordered that his words could never be changed and Miscavige is continuing the manipulation.
Jane Doe 1’s letter is heartbreaking. The years of twists and turns she encountered, allies turning into antagonists, blind alleys, helpers disappearing into silence with no reason, as well as the emotional turmoil she went through in compiling her report, recollecting facts and trying to make an unbelievable story readable and believable for others. She has my full support.
She’s an amazing woman!
Hi, Mary Kahn!
Tellingly, what I found in the handful of instances where I went to work for a WISE member company, they were organized for the exclusive benefit of the owner(s): chiefly, the owner’s desire to pay for their Bridge. Worker wages were modest or paltry (wonder where they got that idea from), benefits non-existent, and the PROMISES of paying some type of bonus or commission based on forecasted successes were repeated (classic carrot on the stick).
With one exception—and it was my supervisor, a class act (who has since left the group)—these WISE member bosses were the worst. Crafty, dismissive, full of themselves including their own unique interpretation of “the Tech.” Cursed at in the workplace, laid off without warning (cause murky), pragmatic concerns unanswered, one time hurled into a parked vehicle because the boss could not countenance my rejection of his aggressive, poor treatment of a server at a restaurant. (I had warned him, that if he behaved that way again, I would quietly and immediately get up and exit. When I delivered on that, he chased after and physically threw me into a nearby vehicle and punched me. A longtime “Clear,” someone I met in the org Academy.)
When I look at it, my experiences were with WISE members who formed a company to be their own version of LRH: “Worship me and be glad to work for me and accept whatever treatment or assignments I give you.” These included “HOLD DOWN THE FORT when I tear off to Flag or the Freewinds to enhance my greatness.”
A not-distant example of—what seems to me—dismissive cold-hearted-ness… Reported in March 2020 by “JP” on Twitter (@HealThyself15) and The Scientology Money Project: A week into the official start of the pandemic in the U.S. (conventions and gatherings shut down, etc.), Cardone Capital laid off 80 of 180 employees “without notice and without benefits (as little as legally obligated) and gave them a letter from his [Grant’s] lawyer saying if they contest, they can try and get him in court (hint: they won’t be able to).”
I must admit, this one from Grant & Elena Cardone enterprise stunned me. They both continuously set themselves up to be Your Role Model of how to live a grand, thriving, successful life. By their own design, they have orchestrated a life in a fishbowl.
In my experience, a non-WISE member company would be far less likely to address their loyal staff in this way. This is not to say there are not infinite examples of crap companies and crap bosses; we know there are.
I am simply pointing out that, because WISE members and Scientologists promote themselves as elite, “homo novis,” people should be able to RELY ON THEM to set the utmost “greatest good” example. A company going through a rough period could ask for all to accept a temporary pay cut. When prosperity returns, employees can be rewarded for their unflagging loyalty. Or if a company does lay people off, they can provide a severance package that is far more realistic than two or three weeks. More like three months, or six months, or twelve.
I just don’t see what I would characterize as high integrity, “greatest good for the greatest number” behaviors or outcomes with WISE member companies for whom I have worked. Instead, my poor experiences added to my rationale to exit this group. Never in my non-WISE company jobs have I encountered such attitudes and very poor management behaviors. So ironic.
At the risk of over-simplifying, to me it seems like the rampant disease in Scientology membership for many is narcissism.
Maybe it is because, when you are in C of S, Ron repeatedly uses “evaluate our group next to a datum of comparable magnitude,” with the “datum” being THE WORST example in that category. He does not just compare C of S remedies to the typical social worker or psychologist. He repeatedly stacks C of S services up against lobotomists. This gives members a very (very) false picture and ill-placed certainty that the ENTIRETY of “other” practitioners in the mental-emotional health space are criminal conjurers, heavy drug user-pushers, and butchers.
For business, that too is where I see these WISE member company owners can tragically fall very short in their thinking. The ones with whom I worked believed that all “wog” managers and wog companies were the epitome of dread and folly. They did not consider for a moment, “This is my competition, and these companies and business leaders are pretty astute, sane, effective, and successful.” I just don’t think it occurs to them, pumped up as they might be by Scientology rhetoric that the WISE approach is unquestionably superior in every category of measuring and constructing a healthy work scene. Truly sad.
The “right” people.
Yea, to swallow the Xenu body-thetans sprinkling story, you have to be the “right” people.
Hubbard left Scientology the taboo secret words, Xenu and body-thetans.
Those words will haunt Scientology, backfiring against Scientology.
I wish to heck a T Shirt and Umbrella shop would be set up in Clearwater city to use Hubbard’s words against them.
Wear the Ts downtown to immediately ID who is an “SP” to them.
Aim the umbrellas (which have Xenu and/or body-thetans printed on the umbrellas) at their security cameras, and the Xenu and body-thetans words have to be scrubbed off their in house video films.
Right, grisianfarce. The “right” people are those who can/will contribute to their “cause”. Money is best, but your slave labor for free will do in a pinch.
I don’t know what the percentage is but many people in business have the experience of “someone” out to get them. In some cases it’s obvious but at other times it might take more investigation to discover “Who’s dinging me!?”, some sneaky SP who’s trying to do me in.
It’s not obvious from the titles in the Personal Development Package but WISE might be selling the scn PTS/SP tek.
By dint of demanding all this disconnection, scn has totally disconnected itself from the rest of the world that it claimed to want to change.
Perhaps this is one of the few techs that really “works” in the cult and that you can see the (negative) results.
However, everything to exist or function must have an opposite and here we have precisely scn that through its ‘disconnection tech’ not only alienates itself from reality but turns into a real sect made just of selected people.
Sorry if this is off topic but I feel better have to share for those who need enlightenment:
Joni Mitchell: Woodsstock
came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, “Where are you going?”
And this he told me
“I’m going on down to Yasgur’s farm
I’m gonna join in a rock ‘n’ roll band
I’m gonna camp out on the land
I’m gonna try an’ get my soul free”
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
“Then can I walk beside you?
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning”
“Well, maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe it’s the time of man
I don’t know who l am
But you know, life is for learning”
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
By the time we got to Woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devil’s bargain
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
I would have gone to Woodstock but I waited until Friday afternoon to get a paycheck and by then the New York State Freeway was closed due to the mass migration. Oh well
There is a valid point about boundaries, but typically Scientology drives a truck through it — including, then, through their own members’ boundaries, having them cut ties with loved ones and friends due to supposed toxicity, but then sometimes literally showing up on the doorstep to force-feed their own toxic stew of indoctrination and confession, refusing to ever take ‘no’ for an answer.
Off Topic but there is a fascinating article that appears on Tony Ortega’s site today. Here is a link to his site:
It is a lengthy statement from one of the witnesses in the Danny The Rapist Masterson case. It is the first news item on his site. It is a copy of a letter from the first victim in that case.
It feels like a very realistic sense of what it’s like for a member of this cult to try and get help from a police force – at least from the LAPD.
Of course, I cannot vouch for the honesty of this letter. But I sure don’t have any reason to doubt it and it sure did make me angry to hear what this poor lady said she had to endure. Really angry. This poor lady was really jerked around by just about everyone from whom she tried to get help. UNBELIEVABLE!
The only thing I can offer is my opinion – which is: If you are ever involved in a criminal matter and feel that you will contact the police to get some help, it is my opinion that:
1) you are a million times better talking with a lawyer before you speak with the police and maybe even you are much better off if your lawyer is always present when you speak with the police.
2) Whether your lawyer is present or not, from the time you speak with a criminal lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you record all telephone calls – both incoming and outgoing – from the time you decide to contact the police until the time the matter is settled. All calls – no matter from whom they come or to who you call. ALL CALLS!
After all, it cannot hurt to have a recording of your phone calls so that no one can claim that something was said when it was not.
I wish like Hell that I had recorded all my phone calls … well … that is a long story … but it can’t hurt anything to record all your phone calls and if you are ever involved with the police or a criminal lawyer, I would suggest it would be really good to record all your telephone calls – even if you consider those calls to be insignificant. Record them all!
As I read this letter from the first victim, so many times she repeated how she had asked one police detective for help (one who had promised to help her) and she kept getting nothing but half-truths, full lies and the runaround.
I kept screaming at my video screen. “Get a criminal lawyer and let them call the police on your behalf. A good lawyer will get them to do what they have to do by law. If you call them yourself, they will just give you more of the same.”
You need a criminal lawyer to deal with the police on your behalf. It makes little or no sense to try and get satisfaction from the police on your own. You need a lawyer. Get a lawyer. For you own sake, get a lawyer.
O/T. Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad likens Minister Louis Farrakhan to Jesus Christ and quotes John 7:13:
“But no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public, for they were afraid of getting in trouble with the Jewish Leaders.”
Minister Tony Muhammad then adds:
“Min Farrakhan walking in the footsteps of Jesus! What Black Leader you know is hated by the powerful Jewish elite. What has he done of evil to any Jewish person! Our people will always stand with him! #welovefarrakhan #wearefarrakhan”
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR and Instagram:
They teach these nifty little courses like UPS and DOWNS In Life which on their surface look good, couched in logic and sensibilities, (yes people can bring you down some can even want to harm you) but BUYER BEWARE.
The church of scientology (as directed by its david miscavige – one of the main abusers) and scientologists and in this case WISE members (most of whom are scientologists) are not ALLOWED to speak out about his physical assaults or anything else wrong with him or his church, much less any disagreement with its technology.
So they are lying; they aren’t “stable and reliable;” they have no “integrity,” and they certainly don’t have “the insight and skill necessary to understand how others will act and react under a given set of circumstances.” That’s why the church of scientology and I’m sure WISE is shrinking. They violate what they preach above without pause or remorse and will ruin you in any way they can if you disagree with what they say or do to people.
Hi, Mary. As a public scion, did you ever see firsthand any of the abuses of Miss Cabbage? Were the SO willing to discuss it with you?
And last, have you heard anything from your son? I’m praying for him to come home.
No. I only saw micavige speak at events. He always struck me as soulless. I never really expressed that out loud. Thought I could have been wrong about that perception.
A SO Member would NEVER discuss any abuses. They’d be putting their necks on the line if they did but I and others could easily see the abuse of tortured, sleepless members, even catching one frequently taking naps in a bathroom stall. Or auditors so tired they would check out while auditing me. But us lowly members wouldn’t EVER HEAR any grief or complaints from SO members. It’s only good roads and “everything is great” or “we need your help” when it came to needing money or time from a member.
I haven’t seen or heard from Sam in over 7 years. He’ll be 30 this July. I miss him terribly but pretty much suspect he’s “doing fine” like all other scientologists say they are to us lowly wogs and it would take a crowbar to release him from the mindset that “if something is wrong it’s their fault. They pulled it in or it’s because of their own wrong doing.”
Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it.
Well, I know who I would avoid connecting with in the first place, and they WISE-ly just confirmed my decision.
If you do that course correctly, then the result should be to disconnect from Scientology.
See? An excellent promo. When you read 1,2,3 above, your own magic as a human being creates this ideal of a person and is an elating concept and sensation. That’s one of our ability.
Actually nothing new there, it’s a big part of life and has been for thousands of years.
First off, in passing, the ability is already there, just saying.
But anyone with a pitch counts on that one, for sure, whether well-intentioned or not.
Second, for someone in trouble, that moment of elation offers hope and they just might go for the offered services to keep that hope alive. I mean that organization does seem to really understand what is important in a person, so they can’t be that bad . . .
Ups and Downs in Life will now put you on the right track to be suspicious of a lot more people in your environment, including your family and friends. Just GRRREAT! You have now added some more stress and damaging variables in your life.
Personal Integrity, well that one, I have always loved Lron’s definition of Integrity, so I am stumped on this one in my goal to natter about the long-term trap this prospect will be in for! If only he or she can apply it in full at all times to themselves, the materials, the regs, the sups, and the sanctimonious assholes (MAAs) he’s going to encounter.
How to get along with others. Well, that one should be called “How to get in line and suppress your integrity for the sake of civilization’s eternity”. Gngnyow! Wuf-wuf, So noble!
In Twelve Step meetings if someone starts rambling about what he, she, they did to them it’s sometimes suggested “You’re letting them rent space in your head.”
Simple wisdom but more applicable outside of a cult.
That is a cool imagery. You can be the landlord of your life and quit that game. Just looked up Twelve Steps. I find cults all over the place. I think it’s a natural outcome of groups, from very light all the way to very intense, as we well know.
Hubbard College? Are they affiliated with Trump University?
Trump *copied* the “Hubbard College”, which is about as valid as MANY or most of the religious “colleges”. Good old Ron, forever chasing false credentials and the false status they confer.
Jere, both play on old schemes. Hubbard copied a type of amateur personal improvement and spiritual institution that had been widespread in his parents’ day; probably the most prominent that still exists is Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, but there were dozens if not hundreds more, many of them dedicated to promoting takes on early psychological ideas and success, that published subscription book series that you can still sometimes find at estate sales.
Interestingly, Hubbard also copied Freemasonry (as did Mormonism’s Joseph Smith), though perhaps indirectly through Crowley’s Thelema, which was in turn based on related esoteric lodges and similary structured. I find it ironic that a generation that derided their parents’ fraternal lodges, with their initatory rites and “degrees,” joined Scientology and got caught up in a space-opera version of the same thing — and now, from local org promo, have frequent costume parties, to boot.
How in the Wide World of Sports would anyone who knows anything about $cientology and WISE think that ‘How to Get Along With Others’ is something $cientology does?
I guess that WISE is only after those who know nothing about its connection to $cientology. Thankfully, that pool is getting smaller every day.
Zee Moo:
‘How to Get Along With Others’ is a subject scientology never learned. Instead, they require others to get along with scientology’s ways, as strange as they are.
scn CAN fake it a bit, just enough to get raw meat in the door to be sold their bill of goods. At least they USED to. That’s been abandoned in favor of their robotic Div 6
I feel sadness for any business who adopts the WISE offerings. They are a sure route to insolvency, loss of integrity, and lost good will. While a few of the policies might seem to work initially, look how “well” they’ve worked for scientology’s enterprises — NOT.
They caused the “Sea Project” to be tossed out of or banned from most of the ports they stopped in, and they needed to pay in advance, in cash, as they weren’t trusted to pay their bills in a timely manner. “Wog” laws and social pleasantries which normally keep societies operating smoothly are deemed “below them”, so they’re not seen as good “neighbors” or business partners. No, they’re seen as snakes who will break the rules, abandon any agreement not seen to be advantageous to them, and who will sail off into the sunset when things get too hot for them. Gypsies would be more pleasant and more profitable to deal with.
Jere Lull said: they needed to pay in advance, in cash, as they weren’t trusted to pay their bills in a timely manner.
That really depended on how well people knew them. If people had any previous dealings with them, then: they needed to pay in advance, in cash, as they never paid their bills at all!
I believe the only bills they pay are the ones from their private detectives because they know that if they don’t pay those bills, they will not be able to spy on people and harass people, and then, they would have almost nothing to do at all!
They keep the lawyers paid too.
I apologize to any Gypsies I might have offended with yesterday’s comment.
This is great. Since everyone who doesn’t want to be in the cult is “wrong type of person” this will cause businesses run by people stupid enough to join the cult to fail more quickly. Really, in this day and age one would have to be really self destructive to join this now well known criminal cult.
I got a good taste of WISE hypocrisy. They surreptitiously labeled me one of those “wrong” people when I was still in the cult and sided with a scam artist who helped destroy my business. Exporting their brand of winning ranks up there with trying to sell books on how to deal with people using the Salem witch hunts business technology.
I found most of the “CEO Circle” members to be criminals. From C. Jensen on down. ALL were willing to rip off scientology employees unless threatened with legal action.
To Scientologists the right people are precisely the ones who are well connected and have a lot of money as they are good for big donations, spreading the word, and safe pointing.
You only have to peep over their wall to see how rich and famous celebrities don’t have to be stable and reliable, nor have a high sense of integrity, so long as the donations keep flowing.