Watching the saga of the church of Scientology deal with Leah Remini and her family unfold is like watching a clogged toilet overflow. The inevitable unfolds before your very eyes and you know nothing is going to stop it. You know exactly what’s coming and hope by some miracle that it will stop before it overflows and the shit goes everywhere.
See the story this morning on Tony Ortega’s site about the orchestrated campaign to turn Leah and her family into “unpersons”.
The RCS in its typical style is not just overflowing, they are backwashing their entire septic system over the airwaves.
As this all unfolds in public — the words of Thomas Davis on CNN ring echo loudly — there is no such thing as disconnection.
While everything the RCS is doing is proving to the world that the claims about disconnection and the disappearance of Shelly Miscavige MUST be true. It IS what “those people” do….
Update: The New York Daily News just wrote an article citing Tony Ortega’s article this morning. In typical style, they ended their piece with a wonderful, if unremarked upon piece of irony. They took two quotes from Kirstie Alley and put them together. I can only imagine it was intentional…. It was so funny when I read it I thought it needed to be added here to brighten everyone’s day.
“I do NOT care what religion ANYONE is or isn’t,” she wrote on Tuesday. “I respect religions & would fight for your freedom as well as mine.”
“Don’t believe everything you read,” she added.
Oh yeah, Tommy, “You’ll see mostly first generation Scientologists with no other family members in the church…” WHAT BS!!!
I worked in a unit that had 6 people in it. I was the only one with no other family in the church! My boss’s mother was a long-time staff member, four co-workers had parents and/or spouses and/or kids in the church–entire families– (and all on staff BTW), and one other coworker had parents in the church but were not on staff and were big volunteers.
And when I left there was no family member who suffered for it. Too bad. I’m sure my best friends who I had to leave heard about it though.
Tommy has a lot to come to terms with. I seriously wonder if he even knows what a “truth” is anymore–he’s lied so full-time for so long.
C) At any time we may refuse you the right to play through this
web site.
The disconnection policy is the only thing keeping Co$ alive. Should they cancel this policy, I believe that about 60% of the parishioners would leave. I am, at present, in discussion with my lawyer about taking this to a federal court. I believe that one can make a case of tortious interference with the family, as well as business. All that is needed is for one case to be won, and this criminal organization will collapse like a house of cards. I welcome any help/advice/recommendations.
Re: Kirstie Alley – this is the type of creature radical Scn creates. Marty discusses this at length in his books. Kirstie The Warrior. She’s tough, uncompromising, unforgiving, unrelenting, a hard-liner. While in other circumstances these may be seen as desirable qualities, in the case of the hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, speak-no-evil, thought-stopping cult of Scn, these are not genuine attributes, but a false valance. And a very unattractive one at that.
In her effort to be a “good Scnist” and celebrity opinion leader, Kirstie has shown to the world the despicable side of Scn. I am sure she has delusional ideas and justifications for her “righteous” actions, but the rest of the world sees it as bizarre and dishonorable.
Who in the world would want to be friends with this woman? Step out of line and she throws you under the bus or makes you a non-person, rallies the troops to orchestrate damage control? This is her idea of “friendship”? What a twisted, twisted world she must live in.
“Re: Kirstie Alley – this is the kind of person radical Scn creates”. Yes, this uncaring, flinty valence which at first merely obscures the actual beingness and then after a while the being fuses with the valence, like a mask that can’t be ripped off. I’ve seen people in Scn become this way. Its very unattractive. From my experience, there’s link-up between this mask and having KSW “really IN”. The OTs I knew – not celebs, any of them – who adapted this valence all prided themselves on being “totally unreasonable”. As to Kirstie Alley, I don’t know her, never met her, but I have a sense that she, as herself, is honest and kind, and that, as a being, she is stifling. Her pictures communicate this very strongly to me.
More accurately, I should say that as a being, she is BEING stifled. As a being, she can’t “breathe”.
And very possibly she is the one who is actually stifling herself.
Leah Remini’s sister has plenty to say…
Transcript of available portions of Nicole’s radio interview courtesy of WWP:
I: We’ve got to ask you, you know, Nicole is Leah’s sister and she lives here in the Twin Cities. Were you shocked by what they were putting your sister through in Scientology, because I know your family grew up Scientologist.
N: Right
I: And Leah’s, and everybody’s issue, is really with, how they are mistreating people- david miscavige, the head of the church.
N: Right, yeah.
I: Ok, so when you heard Leah was, you know, shut down at Tom and katie’s wedding, so many years ago in 2006, as you she did ask “where’s Shellie?” Miscavige’s wife.
N: Right.
I: What was her reaction after that? did she say she was kind of freaked out by it, back then?
N: Yeah, she was totally shocked. She did not, at all, expect that type of a response. None, it just kind of escalated from there, because there were other things that were going on at the wedding that were questionable that she started questioning.
I: Like what?
N: So, this behavior of the people performing the wedding, like there was just a lot of people acting inappropriatly, and leah was really surprised by that, and you know, when you start talking to people’s behavior, then they feel that they’re held up to such a higher standard, that they can get away with whatever they want to get away with, you know, things start to trickle down, and when she got back from the wedding, it got ugly!
I: did you not think that it was wierd, I mean I don’t know what kind of behavior you’re talking about, Nicole, at the wedding that would be wierd and inapropriate. Can you give us an expample of something?
N: Well, let’s say somebody is performing the wedding, and they are completely, like, drunk out of thier mind.
N: You wouldn’t like… you wouldn’t expect that from, like, a church official.
I: No you really wouldn’t, so the minister was wasted, or quote, unquote, the minister person.
N: Yeah, you know there was… it just a lot of activity going on that, you know, that came back that was like… [unintelligible]… weird, it just wasn’t right what was going on. I mean it was… you know the funny thing is you start questioning things that are connected to Tom, things getting a little crazy.
I: Yes, but what about him even bringing the head of the Scientology Church at his honeymoon?
N: Yeah, they have a very strange relationship, and you know, one of the things, you know, when Leah came back from the wedding, you know, whatever happens, happens.
I: right[overtalk]
N: [unintelligible] somethings going on, but Leah had brought up to a very, very close friend of hers… I don’t know… it’s in private… you know, I just think that it is really wierd how involved Tom is with the upper levels of the Church. Like what… Like she just said to Curtis(?) a teenie little bit, what was going on…
I: Right
N: And it’s kind of… the amount of… I don’t know how… I guess I need to say this right… how Tom??? got to be an upper level theta, and somebody actually wrote a report on her… her best friend wrote a report on her that she questioned it. So then she [unintellible]… how dare she question what is going on with Tom and his relationship with people in the church.
This is the thing that bothers me most of all, I mean, you know I wouldn’t even say anything, that this has been kind of like, I just, “get away from me” would’ve come out, but I told her “you know what, I’m your sister, I was you sister, I was your sister when you were in school.” I will confront ANYBODY who messes with my younger sister, you know.
I: Yeah[talk over]
N: I will come to her defence. You know we’re [unintelligible] from Brooklyn, and we’re very fast to jump in for one another, but you know the thing that bothers me most of all, we have been involved with Scientology 30… 35 years of our life… you can imagine the circle of friends that my mother has, that my sister has, they have, literally, pulled in these people and told them they had to [unintelligable] relationship with sister my mother???
I: From the Church?
N: Yes. [talk over]… people from the Church.
I: Yeah well, isn’t that why Nicole Kidman had to get out of Scientology.
N: Yeah.[talk over]
I: This is why Katie Holmes left Tom Cruise?
N:Yeah. [talk over]
I: It’s like, it’s know way to treat people.
N: No, and then this [unintelligible] morals and integrity. You know that certain main teachings that are underlined, that teaching [unintelligable] morals and integrity, but then you have the audacity to tell them, you have to betray your own integrity, and you have to go with us, or you’re out, too.
[talk over] people like Kirstie, did you see what she tweeted? Let’s talk about that.
I: Let’s talk about what a mean girl she is.
N: Kirstie Ally we’re talking about right now. Lauren do you…
I: Ok, uh. So…
N: If you can read it… ’cause there’s words in there… you couldn’t say on the air.
I: Well, right. Yeah, there… there are… [talk over]
N: She basically [talk over]… she basically…
I: She, she said, uh, “the sweestest poison is often served with a smile… beware syrup”. Uh, that was one of them. Then she said… um, uh, there was another… oh, it was really bad. I can’t read it. [talk over]
N: Yeah, you see. [talk over]
I: So. Kirstie Alley’s mad because Leah left the Church?
N: Yeah. Now, have any of her freinds told her that are in the Church, like, don’t call Kirstie Alley, let Kirstie come to her, and say, “Leah, what happened” [talk over] “did these things really happen” No! Nobody has reached out to Leah. Not one… [talk over]
I: What about Kelly Preston, John Travolta’s wife?
N: Nobody. No one[talk over]… no one.
I: And is this… [talk over]
N: I was going to say, for Leah, this is how close her and Kirstie are. When Sandy happened, you know my sister is very, you know, her and I are very, like, you know, when disaster happens, we’re running to them.
I: Right.
N: When Leah called Kirstie. Called her at home. Called her on her cell, and said “hey”, you know, “I really want you to help me with Sandy relief, maybe help me get some generators, something, so we can, like, get Staten Island up and running”. She never heard back from her. Not a phone call, not a text, not… nothing! So it’s like if we’re such good friends, when I ask you to, like, help me. Help people, you never even called me back!
I: Your sister was also one of first people, did she ever talk about Katie Holmes?
N: You know, she has, and I mean she hasn’t really… she hasn’t talked to me since the divorce, because they had to stop being friends, almost… like her and I a little bit, like a couple…
I: Right.[talk over}
N: … slowly went away. It was kind of like, Katie would just always be with Tom, she’d be at the Leaven Center(?), everytime I saw her, she was always with Tom, um, its not like they ever hung out one on one. It was always couples, and it was always at their house.
I: But, don’t you think he never let her from his side?
N: Yeah. Totally. Yeah, that was totally by design. I mean they never… they never, like able to see one on one. And, I think that that is sad. I mean if there is anything that comes out against Tom,… [unintelligible]… Leah was getting secchecked, as they say. She was being, you know, secced. They wanted in the short(?),,,[unintelligible]… security, security risk in regards to Tom.
I: Let’s get back to Tom Cruise and David Miscavige. There is always this rumor, out, in the real world about them having potential, uh… fancy times[laughter]… in out buildings[laughter]… in out buildings at his[laughter]… at his, uh, his big, uh, area…
N: .Telluride.
I: Telluride, uh, ranch. Do you think there is something there going on? Because…
N: No. I will say this.
I: OK.
N: David Miscavige has a LOVE for women. And that’s part of the reason that Leah started talking to me about.
N: So, like, where is his wife, and why is your assistant, like there, all the time.
I: Where is Shelly, does anyone know, yet?
N: And, you what? You what’s funny about that, if she’s not anywhere, wierd, produce her!
I: Right.
N: You know what I mean; just produce her. Why is it so rocky? It’s rocky because you won’t answer the question. You know, produce her. Because Leah’s been, like, give me her number. Let me call her. Like, where is she?
I: Has she had to access, Leah, I mean because we know Kirstie Alley’s 100% against her, and they formed… they had a secrect meeting of the church executives, I believe, at your sister’s godmother of your sister’s children.
N: Yeah, she’s the godmother of my niece. You don’t know how hard it is, for me, not to call her. It’s like, this is the thing that bothers me so much… people, like, really know Leah. Leah is exactly who she is. There is no hiding who she is. She has such a heart for people… if you say “you know what, I need to move, and I have no help” Leah will be there with her hair on top of her head, in her slacks, and she will be at your house, immediately.
She will pack you. She will… right now she was justed outted from one of her best friends weddings…
I: Gasp[over talk]
N: Her husband is a big time Scientologist. Mind you, Leah is, like, paying for the honeymoon. Leah is figuring out how to get this girl to Hawaii; she can’t afford her honeymoon. So, like, [unintelligible] in her house, Leah gave her. This is, like, who Leah is. So for people to not go “huh, is there not something to this? Like, this is wierd”.
This time advice from ESMB on how to listen to Nicole’s full interview. Go here:
Listen to Tuesday Hour 3 On Demand – it’s at the top of the list of broadcasts. I’ll add that you can right-click the link and download the mp3.
Leah Remini’s big sister, Nicole, gave a radio interview. Nicole confirms the Church of Scientology instructed parishioners to disconnect for Leah. You can listen to the interview at:
Thanks communicatorIC.
Would love it if someone could leak an email where OSA or some designated RCS Handler for the Leah Remini Issue “suggests” that LR be de-friended on Facebook. Oooh, fresh popcorn with butter and salt…
A Friend: “For one thing they stand up for one, give them counsel, they help in adversity, they safeguard his reputation, they won’t hear ill of him, share his triumphs, ignore his faults.” LRH
I’d like to say to Hi to my friends and family who disconnected from me though there’s no such thing as per now Ex S.O. member Thomas Davis told the world on CNN…I think of you all every day and love you very much. I continue to work toward forgiving you and me for the things we’ve done for the sake of the “greatest good”.
LRH’s tech and Bridge are alive and well outside of the cofs. The pcs I audit and the OTs I’ve seen are getting more gains than they were inside that trap. Because they are free to be themselves without the pressure, lies, false PR, corrupt regging and pretenses that have to be kept up in order to “stay out of trouble” while receiving the very tech to go up the Bridge that LRH wrote. Crazy huh? But so true so true.
Enjoy the fresh air Leah! The shock of this will soon if not already be outweighed by the good that will come from the decision you made to say NO MORE to the corruption. We’re so proud of you and your family for sticking together and doing what was right for you.
“I do NOT care what religion ANYONE is or isn’t,” she wrote on Tuesday. “I respect religions & would fight for your freedom as well as mine.”
“Don’t believe everything you read,” she added.
Now that is really funny. I love the newspapers sense of humor and the fact Mike Rinder caught it. LOL.
Yeah, PR is really not her strong suit.
Or anything else for that matter
There is an HCOB, “Prediction and Consequences,” which apparently Miscavige nor anyone else in OSA, the SO, or on Staff have ever read, or minimally understood or applied.
Mike is quoted in this article.
The 2nd most common Twitter search suggested when entering the word scientology is scientology shelly. Wtg Leah!
Yo churchies, where’s Shelly?
I wnoder if she left and we just don’t know because she has no web presence (Facebook, etc)
I don’t think she could. She is in a prison by her own beliefs and by nice chicken wire fence with ultra-barrier on top.
FYI the “sweetest poison” quote IS being taken out of context. KA was in a conversation with someone who had stopped drinking soda and had lost 7? lbs. Kirstie has been heavily promoting her company on Twitter.
She was mad at the person for losing weight and maker her look fatter by comparison. I get it. Sweetest poison=corn syrup.
Did you notice this piece of fucktardedness in the “Church” now?:
“Members calling the Celebrity Centre are being told that Remini has not yet been “declared a Suppressive Person” — Scientology’s equivalent of excommunication — but she is considered “not in good standing,” and celebrities are told that they cannot communicate with her, and must also immediately defriend her and any of her family members on Facebook.”
Used to be that “not in good standing” = declared, and until you were declared, you were still in good standing and could be communicated with. No more I guess. Now you can be not declared, but not in good standing, and we’ll treat you exactly like someone who is declared, no communication allowed. Maybe this is the new redefinition of terms. “We don’t ‘declare’ people. But they are ‘not in good standing.’ ” Where’s the fucking policy on that? So fucking retarded, I don’t know why I even bother following these events. The “Church” is just . . . insane. They’re fucking INSANE! They’re like Type III PTS. It sucks to be Miscavage! Miscavage, you are a fucking laughingstock! “Church” of Scientology, you are a fucking laughingstock!
Tony Ortega is now reporting that the church is ordering the rest of their celebs to disconnect from Leah Remini. What’s DM trying to do — blow his whole danged foot off?
“However, on Tuesday Alley denied that her tweets had anything to with Remini’s news.
“I do NOT care what religion ANYONE is or isn’t,” she wrote on Tuesday. “I respect religions & would fight for your freedom as well as mine.”
Kirstie Alley’s vicious cult like behavior has been exposed to the world, now she is backpedaling after a lot of backlash – we need to heed her own advice about Kirstie: “the sweetest poison is often served with a smile…beware syrup”
I like how you can be friends with someone for years but when you ask the wrong questions and get “not in good standing”, suddenly they “restudy” their materials and discover that you are an 1.1 SP. How come Kirstie never noticed that her friend Leah is so “syrupy”? Maybe she had an MU? Maybe needed to do more tone scale obnosis drill?
My friend/brother in-law did this. I said- “…dude, we’ve been best friends for like 20 years. We’ve been room-mates, on staff together, I gave you an assist and a Dianetics book and got you into Scientology. You never noticed that I was an SP before??”. He said he re-read some references (and a DA pack)that were provided to him and that he just never noticed before.
True scn style! Gotta love it.
Updated post with wonderful piece of irony from NY Daily News
Priceless! 🙂
I think they should have put the full quote: ” have a good one …don’t believe everything you read …in fact don’t believe anything you read..even better, just stop reading..;) xxo”
Yes, let’s all stop reading and thinking!
A true moron.
Mike, How can we get someone from the Sherriff’s office to investigate and look for Shelly and get a search warrant? I think I heard somewhere that only family can issue a missing person’s report. Does Shelley have family? Anyone that one of our group could talk to to convince to file a missing person’s report?
Please understand this is one of the reasons I did this post. To disabuse people of the idea that someone like Shelly would say anything to law enforcement other than “I am doing great. I am here of my own free will. Whoever sent you here is just trying to cause trouble. I have a right to live my life without being hassled. Now, please leave.”
Celebrities are mostly used to receiving adulation from their fans and when you are a Scn celebrity you become part of a small community of Scn, so when the disconnections happen, I’m sure it must be shocking. When our Declares occurred in March ’12, I was finally let free and gradually come back into valence and could be myself, it was a healing experience, may it be so for Leah and her family as well. Leah will find out who her true friends really are and the rest never were, nor would they ever be as that is the nature of a cultist wannabe that marches lock-in-step to whatever they are told by a suppressive regime run by Sociopath David Miscavige. The fact that he has his wife locked away for 6-7 years while he’s free to engage in his extramarital relation(s), he’s completely violating LRH policy of not engaging in such, in fact this type of behavior results in the destruction of the organization as is happening now. Take note OSA your Dear Leader is destroying what you are fighting so hard to protect and unlike you OSA bots who get auditing regularly, Dear Leader doesn’t and hasn’t in 20-30 years, no one to pull his massive OW’s. You should be ashamed OSA that you sit back and watch it crumble around you by attacking the wrong targets (Mike, Marty, Karen, ………). OSA you need to look earlier – who is the source of causing these defections? Perhaps you are too brainwashed by the Truth Rundown to engage in any analytical critical thinking?
I agree. Where is Shelly?! Free Shelly!
I never knew her and read that she maybe wasn’t the most compassionate person around, however, she is a Missing Person. She has been disappeared. This should be traced by SOMEone. Is there no family in the world who cares enough for her to write a Missing Person report? What a chink in the armor this could be if legal search warrants were brought about to search Int to find her. Ooooooo… Can you imagine what sane law enforcers would find there? And how that could crack open another chink in the armor!
THINK FOR YOUR SELF, You better not Ask any questions,you better shut your mouth , David miscavige ,does not like it when you don’t Comply , and exspecially asking a simple question ,to David miscavige ,where is Shelly miscavige? ,now your in deep trouble ,you did not keep your mouth , you will be ,interrogated to find out your crimes,if you leave the church and don’t comply in his way of thinking,You will lose your marriage ,you will lose
Your family,you will lose your friends, you will lose your job,and if you still don’t shut your mouth,we will follow you,harass you ,smear your name on web sights on the net,it took someone like Leah who thinks for her self,has her own mind,and is intelligent enough,wise enough to find out the truth,and wants to now the truth,and got the hell out of the church.
Cults reinforce loyalty to the group rather than your family. Rev. Sung Myung Moon is taught to be your “true father” and his wife your “true mother.” Imagine if you were taught and believed that COB is your father – how that would affect your decision to disconnect. The Brethren, or “garbage eaters” are following the path of the disciples of Jesus in leaving their families to follow Jimmie Roberts. In Scientology it’s “The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics.” Every story I’ve read about that being applied, it means the group interests trump your personal or family interests.
What a book LR could write. I imagine the cult is walking on eggshells with her because if they piss her off too much she can spill an awful lot of juicy interesting data as a 30 year RCS public. OMG, everyone will be clamoring for her Come to think of it, she really has the Dwarf by the short ones, pun intended.
And as a former SO member.
All of this is like watching The Wicked Witch when Dorothy hit her with that pail of water in Oz.
Like the Witch the church is screeching, smoking, melting, shrinking and disappearing into rubble right before our eyes. It’s all just happening in slow motion….amazing.
This is something that just drives me crazy with the sci-lon celebs. That they deny vehemently that the church has a cult like nature & that disconnection exists & then prove it by their actions!
I just wish that the mainstream media & news etc would call them out on it. Go back and interview again and say ‘you know how you said disconnection doesn’t exist & the church isn’t cult like?? Well explain this! And this! And then this!!
When was the last time a Co$ rep was interviewed? Not since the golden days of Tommy Davis methinks. They won’t agree to a live i/v because there is just too much real evidence out there for them to deny with credibility. The live interview days are over.
Oh I don’t expect it to be asked of an CO$ rep! I mean a scientologist celeb. Someone who’s already in the public eye! I mean there must be countless opportunities to ask them during press junkets etc it just seems that no journalist has the balls to!
What might be amusing is for Leah’s parents to announce that they would never consider disconnection unless Tom were similarly forced to disconnect from Suri. Equal justice and all that drivel.
This entire tangled web has only one purpose. To protect DM and prevent the clapping seals from looking at HIM and HIS crimes. DM’s days are numbered. People are talking, looking and seeing.
Speaking of Tom…where is his voice these days? Come on Tom! How about a little tweeter backing up Kirsti?
Gawd! What a bunch of retards. Bullies on a playground.
Yes I was surprised Tom hasn’t thrown his hat in the ring. Maybe he is quietly trying to distance himself from his bromance brother.
It’s one thing for your toilet to overflow. Shit happens. It’s quite another to install industrial strength fans around the toilet to spread the love. LRH was right: a stuck flow never flows weaker; it only flows stronger.
Dear Dan Koon,
Big fan of yours. True statement on Flows by LRH.
You would think it would be carved in stone on Bld.70 at Int. Base.
oh dan your my hero LRH created disconnection
Guess the church and its seals are so disconnected from the real world
they have no idea what bad PR they are creating. Div 6’s must me tearing
their hair out wondering what to do. Guess nobody cares, KIRSTIE!!!
Kirstie Alley @kirstiealley 9h
lying news outlets. I do NOT care what religion ANYONE is or isn’t. I respect religions & would fight for your freedom as well as mine.
Sure thing Kirstie.
Unless you want to be an Indy Scientologist, in which case I will do my utmost to stomp you into the ground.
Kirstie Alley is a PR liability for the RCS. She mocks up this bold, brassy personal, like she’s doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks, but that’s only for show and when its safe. She has a big mouth but its also a stupid mouth and she is definitely something of an airhead and proud to be one. Behind the facade of insouciance, irreverence , dizziness and bold brassiness she’s just as calculating and cowed as the rest of ’em. I believe her concern about Leah Remini’s leaving the cult springs from anxiety about how this could negatively impact HER. I don’t know her at all, by the way. I have only her interviews and statements to various media for my authority, and upon which I am basing this eval. It is my opinion.
First, she comes on real strong with the “Fuck ’em” remark about when “someone” she thought was her friend turns out not to be. This was tweeted immediately after LR’s departure. Then, when called on the carpet for tweeting that , she backs down and says she wasn’t talking about LR…fine, KA, then to whom were you referring with that remark? The original tweet was a generality in itself, and now she can’t even take responsibility for that, and gives some generalized non-answer. Very 1.1, actually.
And then the Times added another quote of KA’s next to her other ones which was, “Don’t believe what you read.” See the update on Mike’s report above. Thanks for adding that Mike. It was hilariously funny and ironic and sure showed Kirstie to be what she is: A Big FAT (yes FAT) bigot! (p.s. I don’t disciminate against fat people and would never disconnect from one…) lol
Yeah, they probably covered that in their meeting. It’s “PR”.
In an December 2012 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Tiziano Lugli was asked if he was still friends with Kirstie following his departure from the Co$.
“No, I’m shunned. Banned from talking to her and everybody around her – all of her family and everyone who works for her. When I came out of the church, she called and wanted to know what the hell was going on and I wanted to meet with her. But others got to her before me, so I couldn’t even reach her after that. It’s so sad, but that’s the level of brainwashing we’re talking about. She could be your closest friend. It could be your parents, your kids.”
First Kirsti tweets her hate in the form of an F bomb. She creates even more media and bad PR and Miscavige orders “Someone shut that fat c#@* up! Then Kirsti lies and says she wasn’t tweeting about Leah and she loves all religions, … while pointing the finger at others, calling them lying haters. So typical and predictable. I think she should just keep herself busy cleaning up the monkey shit in her own house….
If I were in charge I’d order her to keep quiet. Whatever her actual intelligence quotient, to my mind she invariably comes across as juvenile, inarticulate and simple-minded. That said, I have a feeling that basically she is a very good-hearted, well-meaning and kind person, and would freely demonstrate these qualities if she weren’t under a heavy suppression. Hell, this gal even LOOKS like she’s under a heavy suppression, and I’m not talking about her weight at all. She just doesn’t look like a happy being to me.
She looks like Cruella de Vil.
I recall seeing her at the Sand Castle once passing through the lobby. She looked like she was under a lot of stress. I’ve had a friend who was on OT7, was there on a 6 month rape.err…..check, and she was doing fine in her life until she got to Flag. Fell and sprained her ankle real bad in the parking lot. I actually feel compassion for KA, and really all of those who feel they cannot be truthful with church about their disagreements. This must be an increasingly difficult time to be a Scientologist. They seem so out of valence. Especially those who have jumped through the hoops at Flag. What a mess. I hope these people make it out and reclaim their lives at some point. And, perhaps this is exactly what Kirstie NEEDS to confront next in her life. I’m going to postulate that she has a breakthrough and comes to her senses.
All independent Scientologists and people who have gone through disconnection should digitally sign or add their name to a list on a message for her. Someone who has a way with words could create some letter that says we know what you are going through and you are not alone.
Chris, what a great idea!
If the Church of Scientology has PR counsel (by which I mean ACTUAL PR counsel), about now they are cutting their wrists.
There is only one counsel that the church listens to. It is the esteemed PR and Legal Consulting Firm: Voldemort and Co. Their rates may be high, but their results are GUARANTEED.
I think the line we should be repeating over and over besides, ” Disconnection exists, just look at what’s happening with Leah Remini”…. another point we should be repeating everywhere and tweeting is “What happened to Shelley Miscavige?” and “Free Shelley” etc. Can someone file a Missing Person’s Report so that the police will talk to DM about it and news stations will pick that up?
And by the way on Tony’s site, Kirsty Alley tweeted to “not believe everything you read, in fact, just don’t read.” I think Kirsty has stopped reading AND stopped thinking. The mantra of the RCS now is “Don’t think. It’s harmful to your health.” KA stopped thinking eons ago and now she just spews “Command Intention” words through ventriliquism with Dm controlling the strings.
It will take one celebrity to step forward on this. Perez Hilton is on this one, and his audience is huge. If Leah follows the example of former Mrs. Cruises, this will go away. And I don’t think anybody would blame her for not becoming the spokesperson for disconnection. But it would help a lot of people.
I’m curious how your trip to the Fort Harrison turned out. At the end of the video the officer is taking notes, PK may or may not be coming down the sidewalk, and you hadn’t spoken to your son. What happened next?
The church demanded the CWPD issue me a “Trespass Warning”. I asked a CWPD officer to go in and talk to Benjamin and tell him I was outside. Of course, he was accompanied by Peter Mansell and others — and though he was able to ask him alone the vultures were standing all around. The officer told me he said he wasnt wanting to talk at that time.
That’s sad. I hope you get to speak to him.
Me too….
Me three.
Yes Rod, it would help a LOT of people! I hope that Leah knows that she would have all the support one could ever imagine if she did take on “becoming the spokesperson for disconnection” as you put it.
I think there are good reasons Kidman and Holmes decided not to become that spokesperson, and you have to respect the decision not to get involved as much as you support those who do get involved. Both have to make decisions as parents that may not match what they would do without children.
No are you totally sure about that Tommy?
Thanks for putting that there Sam. I was wishing that was on Mike’s site this morning as I read Tony’s article 1st. Tony points right here!
Priceless and completely apt analogy.
You never cease to amuse, amaze and inform me … in a non preachy method.
I can definitely learn from you — it’s the non-preachy-ness that is so captivating.
Just last week they said:
Does it mean, Leah is no “parishioner” anymore?
Next thing they say, Leah never met Miscaviges wife, Shelly.
And she never took any courses or other services in the Church?
Hoo ha! (with Al Pacinos voice)