The above is what scientology has to say about the practice of disconnection on their official website. It mirrors the statements they make to the media about this controversial and abusive practice.
Of course, it contains numerous half-truths, omitted information and outright lies. If you take this statement at face value (and many people won’t know what is NOT being disclosed) it all sounds reasonable enough. Who could disagree with this…
My earlier post about Fair Game which laid out the ACTUAL policy of the church on the treatment of critics/enemies/suppressives generated a lot of interest. I thought it might be enlightening to follow a similar pattern with respect to disconnection.
The truth is that disconnection IS enforced. In many cases the so-called choice is between disconnecting from one family member of another. Literally there is no choice WHETHER to disconnect, it is simply a “choice” of WHO to disconnect from. But for sure it is going to be someone (for a heartbreaking story that lays it out in detail, see “Sara’s Choice” by Joe Childs in the Tampa Bay Times).
But let’s start at the beginning of the dissembling reprinted above from and break it down piece by piece.
A Scientologist can have trouble making spiritual progress in his auditing or training if he is connected to someone who is suppressive or who is antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets.
From a scientology perspective, this is an article of faith. Come in contact with an SP or anyone who is critical and you will lose the gains you have paid a great deal of money and invested a lot of time to achieve. It establishes a premise to justify disconnection. Putting aside the question about how this works when everyone is required to do the PTS/SP Detection, Routing and Handling Course (or “How to Shatter Suppression”) that supposedly teaches them how to deal with such SPs, and putting aside how frail the wins and gains of scientology apparently are that they can vanish in the blink of an eye — this is a deliberately misleading statement. It is intended to create the false impression that the only people who will be using the “technology” of disconnection are those who are actively on auditing or training services because it is only those concerned about their spiritual progress that disconnection is relevant to. This is absolutely untrue. It is common practice for the church to order people to disconnect who have been nowhere near auditing or training for years or decades. Even going as far as ordering NON-SCIENTOLOGISTS to disconnect “or else” (they will be harassed, other family members will be put under the gun etc).
This may be a true statement from the perspective of scientology technology, but it is a false foundation on which to build the story of disconnection.
In order to resolve this situation, one either “handles” the other person’s antagonism with true data about Scientology and the Church or, as a last resort, when all attempts to handle have failed, one “disconnects” from or stops communicating with the person.
Again, this benign sounding statement does not present the truth.
Scientologists are ordered to disconnect from those who are declared suppressive persons — it is a HIGH CRIME in scientology to fail to disconnect from anyone the church has deemed to be suppressive. Scientologists are NOT in any way permitted to “handle” those declared SP by the church. They may be given special approval to harass them (a la “Squirrelbusters”) but this is only with permission beforehand. Otherwise, there is only ONE person a declared SP may communicate with in any fashion — the “International Justice Chief” (IJC). And the only thing the IJC may communicate about is the SP “recanting” and “making amends” to try and return to the fold of scientology. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
“The basic principle of ‘handle or disconnect’ exists in any group and ours is no different.
Well, as we have shown above, it is very different. Scientology tells non-scientologists to disconnect from family members. People are ordered to disconnect from people because they have friends on Facebook the church finds unacceptable. And it extends to extremes like someone’s mother dying and scientology family members not even informing her SP declared son.
“It is much like trying to deal with a criminal. If he will not handle, the society resorts to the only other solution: It ‘disconnects’ the criminal from the society. In other words, they remove the guy from society and put him in a prison because he won’t handle his problem or otherwise cease to commit criminal acts against others.”
Interesting they use this example. It is apt. Because scientology believes they have the god-given right to declare people “criminals” and prevent them from committing criminal acts against others. They ARE the law. “Wogs” have no clue what they are doing and only scientology can mete out appropriate justice.
There is no Scientology Disconnection policy that requires Church members to disconnect from anyone, let alone family and friends who simply have different beliefs. To the contrary, the moral code of Scientology mandates that Scientologists respect the religious beliefs of others. The Church encourages excellent family relationships, Scientologists or not, and family relations routinely improve with Scientology because the Scientologist learns how to increase communication and resolve any problems that may have previously existed.
The idea that Scientology “respect the religious beliefs of others” may generally hold true (the word “tolerate” is more accurate than “respect” as scientologists are fundamentalists – they believe everyone who is not a scientologist is to be pitied for they are doomed to lose their eternity if they do not become scientologists) for those of other religions with some specific exceptions:
1. Anyone who was previously involved in scientology but chose to no longer participate (no matter whether they choose to participate in any other faith). There is one “religion” that is afforded absolutely NO rights — former scientologists. Their religious beliefs are not only not respected, they are not even tolerated, they are overtly hated and scientologists seek to destroy them.
2. Anyone from any other religion that is critical of scientology.
But here is what really exposes the lie of scientology’s claims about disconnection.
The following are unalterable “scripture,” and are classified in scientology as “HIGH CRIMES” or “Suppressive Acts.” They can be found in their published books, including Introduction to Scientology Ethics the bible of scientology morality:
Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO;
Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts;
And this is an issue which puts it in no uncertain terms:
Disconnection is not “optional.” Any more than being asked “Hanging or firing squad” makes execution “a person’s choice.”
Disconnection is one of the most corrosive practices of scientology. It tears families apart. It causes enormous pain and upset.
In fact it is so horrendous scientology will NOT own up to their actual beliefs. They don’t put out the truth and stand behind their actual practices because the world would be reviled. Instead they try to persuade the world they are kindly, loving and just like everyone else. And yet they will VERY self-righteously proclaim they are completely sincere in their “religious beliefs” and the need to maintain the purity of their “scriptures” when it suits them. If these are such universal truths that are part of the ONLY path to spiritual freedom, why don’t they stand behind their practices and honestly say “Yes, we do this. It is our religion. You don’t like it, don’t be part of it.” Obviously, because you couldn’t convince anyone to get involved if they understood the whole picture before they got involved. It’s like an axe murderer pretending to be the neighborhood ice cream man – if he disclosed the truth, he not only isn’t going to sell any ice creams, he is going to be picked up by law enforcement.
Scientology Policy Directive 28 of 13 August 1982 SUPPRESSIVE ACT – DEALING WITH A DECLARED SUPPRESSIVE PERSON is also used to enforce disconnection. If I could upload a PDF of the policy I would.
Elder Abuse is a crime. Most developed-world countries have accepted the chronological age of 50 years as a definition of ‘elderly’ or older person. The United Nations has agreed that 65+ years may be usually denoted as old age and this is the first attempt at an international definition of old age.
Social abuse is used to isolate older people and exclude them from communal activities which makes older people more vulnerable to other forms of abuse.
Limiting or preventing contact with friends or family as used by Scientology qualifies as social abuse, at any age.
We should should start a grass roots Disconnection Exists campaign to get this Policy Directive broadly disseminated to EVERONE like the cult does with TWTH. I bet people would actually read it (unlike TWTH which gets tossed in the crapper with the rest of the toilet paper)
Comparing someone who simple doesn’t agree with Scientology or someone who simply left the cult to a criminal who is separated from society by doing REAL DAMAGING CRIMES is an outrage in itself. We should publish this “policy” (hardly, according to LRH as black on blue is not a valid policy per what I’ve studied over the past 30 years) far and wide on Facebook pages, etc., and let the world know. Then let the real suppressives (inside the cult) try to answer up to their own policies…LOL
Neo, being declared a criminal (2.5% er) for leaving scamoloogy IS in PL form too. An iron bound policy from L Con hisself. MANDATORY disconnection from such a person (or yourself be declared SP) is also in PL form. From the ’60’s and NEVER canceled by Hubbard.
Disconnection, SP/PTS and the doctrine is a projection of L Ron Hubbard’s paranoid tendencies.
All of these doctrines have one thing in common:
Keeping common citizens from seeing behind the well marketed facade of Ron himself.
Scrutiny is the enemy of lies.
Scrutiny is what free thinkers do. Someone makes a claim and free thinkers say,”mmm, let’s check this out with my own power of observation and form conclusions based on my understanding”
To Ron, this process of scrutiny was demonized and branded as “threatening mankind’s only hope”.
So there are two things in play:
1) Ron’s paranoia about being found out. That’s why he was always hiding. Lying fabulists hate being seen as they are. So it is important to keep scrutinizes away from believing paying customers.
2) Ron was a narcissistic megalomaniac. Preaching that Scientology is the “only hope for mankind.”
The purpose really for disconnection is to keep the lies safe in the bubble of group think.
If free thinkers are made into demon SPs, if scrutiny is defined as something evil people do; then ideological bubble heads will be safe to believe and pay for Ron’s lies and delusions.
Disconnection in its essence, categorizes free thinking human beings as the enemy.
This doctrine of disconnection is truly Ron’s mental tendency to be disassociated from reality.
To Ron, the gorilla in the back seat of the taxi (a reference from his writing) must be protected at all cost.
That gorilla in the back seat is more valuable to Ron than family and friends.
L Ron Hubbard had some serious mental problems.
These doctrines have caused so much harm. I am glad Scientology is being scrutinized by free thinkers.
“The purpose really for disconnection is to keep the lies safe in the bubble of group think.”
Many folks have mentioned that $cn, in its current unreformed state, could not survive if the policy of coerced disconnection and mass SP declares were to be eliminated. I agree, it’s absolutely crucial to the unreformed cherch’s survival because, when combined with a strictly enforced policy of internet censorship, it serves to isolate $cilons from the surrounding mainstream culture so that media portrayals of it, such the Going Clear documentary film, are never seen by the rule-abiding faithful to begin with. the bizarre result is kind of like having a virtual North Korea right in the middle of L.A.
And just as it’s been with every authoritarian, totalitarian culture that’s every existed on the face of the earth, having a secret police enforcement arm and creating a snitch culture is absolutely required. $cn has done all that, but they’ve taken the whole repressive regime schtick to a whole new level of evil by training folks to police and self-censor their own thoughts. Everyone in the cult knows that, when push comes to shove, you’re going to end up with the cans in your hands and be forced to confess your thought crimes, as if your internal thought processes were equivalent to actual actions…dissssgusting! Not only are you forbidden from discussing your concerns and questions with your fellow co-cultists, you can’t even have that conversation with yourself for fear of having those thoughts revealed to cherch inquisitors
So, free and open discussion of all these authoritarian measures just can’t be tolerated in $cn and would quickly lead to the sheep escaping their virtual pens if it were allowed. However, ironically, the more little davey exercises his whip holding hand and calls down the wrath of his ethics minions upon his flock for their thought crimes, the more those actions appear to normal folks for exactly what they are, and the worse $cn’s public image becomes as a result of it. No ad campaign is going to be able to rehabilitate the image of a killer cult led by a sadistic tyrant of a leader, especially when that cult shows no remorse or even any awareness of how egregious and despicable its treatment of its own members and ex-members actually is.
Well, see if they can be reformed by a bullet. Because that is what it will take for myself to agree w/o the their lying crap that they put out. Oh shit, I previously have agreed with it. Well, I will take my bullet and then reevaluate in a new unit of time. It will be worth a bullet to get a chance to tell the truth instead of that shit that they tell now.
Dear Cindy,
LRH had a policy where he says “If I ever heed a “kill everyone” advice, it is to put the advisor up against a brick wall.”
I think that DM is the head advisor.
I am sorry to hear of your children disconnecting from you.
A lot of your stories are similar to mine, and unfortunately many others. I think that you should help me with my book ( or maybe I should help you with yours).
Great idea, Bill. You do your book first and I”ll help you on it. Seriously. YOu have some amazing almost unbelievable stories. Truth IS stranger than fiction.
Dear Cindy, Sounds good. You can get in common with me at [email protected] Looking forward to hearing from you.
Love Bill
“It is much like trying to deal with a criminal. If he will not handle, the society resorts to the only other solution: It ‘disconnects’ the criminal from the society. In other words, they remove the guy from society and put him in a prison because he won’t handle his problem or otherwise cease to commit criminal acts against others.”
This is nonsense !
People are not disconnecting from their relatives in prison (mostly not) but are visiting them in Prison and are keeping the commline. And prisons here in Europe have the purpose to resocialise crimininals and getting them in communication with Society……
It has nothing to do with the disconnection policy, total abitrary comparison.
Most People here bought above sentence which shows utter disdain for human beings and demonstarates that the church of Scientology has no Basic respect of People. It’s also a typical american attitude where justice is very complicated and europeans don’t get it….
Well spotted, Roger. People in American prisons can be written to, phoned and visited. People in prison can easily be in touch with their family and friends. God, I hate this lying cult today. In particular today.
Good point, Roger. And people in prison can sometimes even have conjugal visits. Not so with Disconnection in the C of $
In about 2012 I had a friend and business partner. Long time scientologist as myself.
After much observation and reading, comparing with my own experience, I concluded that the church under Miscavige’s guidance was going nowhere. Actually scientologists and scientology were destroyed by the fascist practice of “COB” and this since 30 years.
I have been a trained auditor and didn’t reject it at all. For me the church was grossly out tech, RTC was a suppressive group and Miscavige a suppressive person.
I use to tell my feeling and thoughts to this good friend. We had many discussion on the subject. He could also observe the outpoints, but as he was a “good scientologist” he was somehow “faithfull to COB”. Being “reasonable” and a good guy by nature, he couldn’t conclude despite all evidences that something was very wrong with the church, and when he did for a little while he fell into a terrible anxiety and withold from his wife and family who were also “good people”.
But reasonableness in one side was also in another side, he couldn’t as well conclude that I was an evil SP who tried to destroy COB’s reputation.
But we both had in common our knowledge of the tech and friendship.
I told him many time that one day he would be made to disconnect from me. Each time he laughed, saying that I was his friend and that having different advice didn’t warrant to diconnect. For him it was rather rdiculous. He even said that this stories of disconnection were certainly false and Miscavige wouldn’t let such thing happend as he was a very compassionate being.
He decided to go to Flag for services. He was happy. I said “ciao my friend, it’s probably the last time we see each other”. He laughed again, telling me I see all dark, and repeated that none would ask him to disconnect from me, it was all dramatization from me. I wished him good luck and many wins from his auditing.
Before to go to Flag, he took few days of hollidays in Florida. He sent me selfies with love. He still was my friend very much, we really had much ARC as we said in scientology!
Two days later he was in Flag. Got a phone call. He said that they show him some policies and it was clear that he couldn’t continue to be in comm with me. He actually realize that I was having a bad infuence on him (one day I prevented him to give a large sum of money that he couldn’t afford to ideal org).
He sent me a disconnection letter by mail, just as the policy said (Disconnection reinstated of 1983).
I called him back. he answered, he was sad. Said that I should work out to ugrade my condition, wished me good luck and that was the end of it.
I was not even declared SP yet and still had many scientologist friends. Most of them disconnected from me silently later, few went on the “dark” side.
My wife and child shared my viewpoint. They actually continued services on the independant field. None of my friends who disconnected ever answered my phone calls. Most of them were very good and intimate friends. Some of them were not very much on line and quite critic but they still disconnected and even their “wog” friends and family.
Disconnection is very much implemented, it’s a major tool to keep Miscavige in power.
But there is one major overt in the church : it is to say that David Miscavige is an SP. And that is unforgivable!
Thanks for your story FG. I experienced the same thing but with my son and he disconnected from me and all of my side of the family. Disconnection is right now at it’s worst since the beginning of Scientology. It is a witch hunt and regardless of what one feels about the church, it is destroying it. There is no other time in the history of Scientology when knowledge reports/sec checking/declares are just “normal operating procedures” for such a sustained length of time, and especially with the paying public of Scientology. Yes, there were times in the Sea Org where witch hunts occurred, but they did not last long and it certainly did not occur to this extent in the field. LRH actually writes about this in some policy letter.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are another group with a very harsh disconnection policy. A member can be disfellowshipped for questioning the elders or doing things that are termed “worldly”, and once that happens parents have to shun their children, siblings, Grandparents, all other family members have to ignore you and shut you out of their lives, not speaking to you, and the whole congregation will avoid you. LaToya Jackson wrote in her book about what happened to her when she pulled away from the JW Church and how her brother Michael Jackson reacted:
“La Toya, I …’ The words came out in a torrent. `I can’t talk to you ever again.'”
“What do you mean?”
“The elders had a big meeting, and they told me never to speak to you because you haven’t been coming to the Kingdom Hall.”
“Michael then excused himself, drove over to his friend Marlon Brando’s house, asking his advice. Marlon advised him, `For heaven’s sake, Michael, that’s your sister. If that’s the way they’re going to do things, you don’t need to be part of that. You can always get another religion, but you can never get another sister.'”
“Michael decided to disobey the elders’ edict and after that never attended any more meetings. He subsequently severed his ties to the organization through a formal letter.”
Growing up we had a mormon family move in our middle class post war neighborhood in the late 1960s. Everything was great until oldest son decided Polygamist Brigham Young was not anything but a horn-dog! Later a young girl at my work had a mormon BF that was trying to get her to convert… I had to be the one to tell her that regardless of what he said “Mormons were created as biggots believing that Blacks were being punished by God for being descendants of the BAD SON, Caine who killed his brother… she was Black!
There are some incredible writers on this blog and I admire them. Some are pro tech and some aren’t. I happen to like and use the tech on myself and friends who need help without pushing Scn. on them. I have helped myself and more than a few of them with or without their full knowledge. I use OT 0 and ARC to change things for the best. I love most of mankind and waste assholes . By that I mean I quietly let communication just sort of fall off and there is no disconnect drama. That is what I did to exit the SO. It was almost like I had never been there when I did go back for some OT 5 that incidentally, I really liked and still do.Nuff sed.
I don’t like the Manchurian piss ant currently running the grand deception and I have a theory about him so don’t go trollish on this and attempt to hit me with a shit storm of vitriolic epithets.
I think that he is a bag man for covert gov, enterprises and that they let him keep enough of the money to support his lifestyle. Electronic implants can now be done without physical contact and I know how and who are capable of doing it. Anyone in doubt about this can find any number of alphabet agencies via the net to put the dots together for yourself.
I hit pay dirt when a top level individual told a group of us how much they control.
I think that they get funding from shadow groups and black ops.
I can share this but I will use metaphors or goofy words ie. enn essay. I hope that I won’t get kicked off the blog this time.
Excellent. By the way, how did you get out of the SO.
This a good post. One shouldn’t have to jump up and own the truth with a comment. There’s more to Scientology surviving than just donations & money spent on lawyers imo.
Well Ron Dolittle, the TOP people that worked DIRECTLY with Miss Cabbage (Like Marty) would have known about that. So, you’ll HAVE to do better than rehashing decades old conspiracy theories. Also, claims of remote applied mind control is a HUGE claim that defies known physics and medicine.
Fantastic claims like that require equally fantastic evidence. If the person presenting the notion cannot provide any, it is correctly assumed that they never had any to begin with. Expect to be brought to task when proceeding in such a manner.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist either Mike but Ron could really be referring to a rather simple device known as the cell phone or your laptop.
I think it is relatively easy to ‘look in’ on anyone who is operating such a device. And FWIW, I know that registrars can do research on your credit cards and financial data to determine credit limits, account balances and the like.
Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have made some fantastic claims and backed it up with some equally fantastic evidence.
Do you really think Dave would not do anything He could to eavesdrop on those who He was worried may expose his charade? He does it daily in every ideal auditing room on the planet to do His part to save all mankind.
Yo Dave,
Keep on keepin on good buddy.
Newcomer, he is talking about the scamology definition of “implants”. Not a computer hack.
No offense, but while I don’t doubt the NSA’s (or agencies from other countries) capacities for spying on people (and hacking into foreign and domestic infrastructures to damage them – just ask Iran), I think Scientology is way down in priority for them – around the level of interest they’d demonstrate for a bunch of nerds who play Dungeons & Dragons.
Interesting grand conspiracy outline, Ron! With regard to lil davey you mention, “I think that he is a bag man for covert gov, enterprises and that they let him keep enough of the money to support his lifestyle.”
It might be the other way around there: DM, along with the help of Marty, a small army of high-dollar attorney and OSA black ops folks basically dominated the IRS and obtained what amounts to a license to steal and defraud. DM’s a little guy, but he appears to be the BIG Dog here when it comes to dealing with government agencies.
However, because the cherch’s finances are so opaque, it’s very much open to speculation about who all is wheel-barrowing big piles of cash out the back door. Do you have any kind of actual evidence to support your contention that lil davey is being puppet mastered, instead being the puppet master himself, or are you just operating on hearsay and speculation there?
A policy set down by a founder, taken to the extreme by the next leader. Destruction of family, destruction of friends, destruction of self. All for what? A promise of eternity.
Again….I have the upmost respect for all of you sharing your stories. The mere IDEA OF DISCONNECTION IS ABHORRENT to me. It makes me want to vomit.
You are all instituting change by getting your stories out to the world. It may be slow…but it will happen…
Thank You again for letting me be a part of your lives…..
From their 2016 “Media Guide”:
“Disconnection is also practiced in another context. When someone has been expelled from the Scientology religion (ie. declared a Suppressive Person) that person loses not only his or her fellowship with the Church, but with other Scientologists. Once the person has been restored to good standing, the prohibition against fellowship with other Scientologists is lifted.” — The Workings of the Scientology Religion: A Guide For Media 2016. (
So they are now admitting that anyone declared SP is “prohibited” from “fellowship” with cherch members. What they don’t explain, however, and what the entire world knows fully well and rightfully despises, is how this “prohibition” is policed.
By enforcing HCOPL 23 DECEMBER 1965RB Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists.
A quick Google Image search will bring back numerous SP Declares listing “Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO” and/or “Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts.”
There are huge “SP Declare” threads on WWP and ESMB that are well worth browsing through should you require more evidence.
Examples include:
Related audio files on enforced Disconnection:
From their 2016 “Media Guide”:
“Disconnection is also practiced in another context. When someone has been expelled from the Scientology religion (ie. declared a Suppressive Person) that person loses not only his or her fellowship with the Church, but with other Scientologists. Once the person has been restored to good standing, the prohibition against fellowship with other Scientologists is lifted.” — The Workings of the Scientology Religion: A Guide For Media 2016. (
So they are now admitting that anyone declared SP is “prohibited” from “fellowship” with cherch members. What they don’t explain, however, and what the entire world knows fully well and rightfully despises, is how this “prohibition” is policed.
By enforcing HCOPL 23 DECEMBER 1965RB Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists.
A quick Google Image search will bring back numerous SP Declares listing “Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO” and/or “Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts.”
There are huge “SP Declare” threads on WWP and ESMB that are well worth browsing through should you require more evidence.
Examples include:
Related audio files on enforced Disconnection:
“In fact, it is so horrendous Scientology will NOT own up to their actual beliefs. They don’t put out the truth and stand behind their actual practices because the world would be reviled.”
The Church of Scientology’s actual beliefs and practices are OUT PR!
Thank you, Mike, for this superb writing, packing some very powerful punches.
It has been almost 2 1/2 years since my son disconnected from me after I left the church. It is so sad to lose a family member because he was made to disconnect after I left the church and moved on with my life. My son and I were very close and had a beautiful relationship. I miss him so much, but I also feel sorry for him because he’s missing out on so many good times and the love of an entire family. He has a little sister who doesn’t know her big brother and wonders what happened to him. How do you explain disconnection to a five-year-old? He has had no contact with my whole side of the family since disconnecting from me. There are a lot of people who love him and I wonder if he has any idea how this has hurt not only me, but my mother, his aunts, his cousins and his little sister. I hope that someday he will think for himself and escape from the church-dictated narrow minded policy of disconnection. Disconnection is real. Disconnection breaks hearts. Disconnection destroys families.
Wow Kelly my story is almost exactly the same, but a year less. It is so terrible. I have 2 other sons and they are older so no 5 year old…………….
Conscience has been defined as that little voice, that innate knowingness of wrongness as opposed to doing the right thing ..and a sense of guilt or shame when one has transgressed moral codes or sinned. In the Cult it is called “overt acts.”
But the Cult of Scientology is flagrantly without conscience. here’s an excerpt of an Email received from someone “Under the Radar”
When the Ideal Org project began to go hard core in 2007, the staff began to become subjected to enormous product pressure the likes of which we’d never seen. The Basics program required us to be on deck well into the early morning hours, we worked 16 hours days for fund-raising. My children saw less attention from me and with no income to speak of, my family was falling into strong financial hardships.
Then an ILO (*ILO* Means Middle management, “International Liason organization”) mission came in, and all hell broke loose. They were suppose to make a stronger HCO and you can imagine where this went. Staff ethics interviews, attacks, et al. Somehow, I remained despite insane ethics interviews and heavy invalidation. Then someone got a bright idea to send me to Flag again to train as a Supervisor and Auditor. I feel into utter despair and essentially became a robot on this matter, not finding a place to be cause while still being a good staff member. This meant I would be expected to walk away from our financial ruin and leave it to my wife and the missionaries to sort out our finances as well as promises by that mission to help sort this out if I went.
Well, you can guess where that went. It didn’t happen. …
I came home to financial devastation. My home in foreclosure, my wife adamantly refusing to work anything out with me but divorce, no work for me, and demands to be on post 40 hours a week.
There is no conscience in destroying the life of a staff member. Splitting up the family, driving the person to bankruptcy and foreclosure. I receive stories from broken pieces of humanity, former Sea Org or Staff members amost every day of my life.
There is no one in the Church to report to. Daring to report a disagreement with management is regarded as an “ENEMY LINE” or “Black Propaganda” or an “External Influence.” The Church does not WANT to hear any complaint or disagreement about its conduct. Because it is without conscience, it considers itself FLAWLESS, a MODEL OF VIRTUE, A SAFE HARBOR OF SANITY.
Nero plays the fiddle while Rome Burns
The destructive part of Radical Taliban Scientology is that it favors ONLY itself, manipulating the slaves, the rank and file like a bunch herded cattle to do its bidding. When not complied with, in the Sea Organization, it escalates obscene punishments which it prosecutes, judges and carries out sentences like some dark over lord.
There is no love, there is no kindness, there is no compassion, there is no mercy to staff members or Sea Org members. It is all punishment in a one-size-fits-all. Longevity of service and previous years of slavery mean nothing. You are as good as last week’s statistics. When you hit a level of disgrace and are sent to the RPF, or get violently ill, or die, your name is scrubbed and erased from the records. You become a non-person.
It is normal to think that any entity, any person, any corporation acting out destructively would be burdened by conscience. But in the CULT of Scientology, destruction of others is irrelevant, it revenue is UP, if MORE MONEY was raped off its parishioners, if STATISTICS are up, then all is joy and happiness. It was the “Greatest Good”.
You said it Karen as I well know. BTW, Aliso has disconnected from me. I haven’t heard from her in over a year.
Bravo Mike for this excellent article. This is so important for people to know. I am suffering from this and went through the last 5 years of HELL! Trying to NOT be declared so my two sons would not disconnect and my whole family of another 19 people. It was awful, grueling, spent a lot of money on sec checks, went through a comm-ev and still got declared anyway because hubby and me got sick of all the BS. Managed to save the one son, thank God! But I also have proof of the how they get people to disconnect and proof from that son who had only just a year before written the most beautiful letters to us on how great we are and how much he loves us and yes he too stated to my face I will never disconnect from you. Well he did. How can someone change in an instance if it is not due to the undue influence of the MAA’s etc. SUCH LIES. Uggghhhh….it just makes me sick and why I am on a mission.
I’m so sad to hear that this happened to you. I wish there was something that I, or any of us could do about it. All I can say is, know that many people are hoping that you will be reunited very soon. It is entirely possible that he will decide one day to leave, and hopefully, it will not be long from now. Sending you positive energy, please keep the faith and believe that this awful “disconnection” will not last much longer. Same words to anyone who is missing their loved one. Love is a powerful force.
Thanks T.J, I sure hope so. That is why I am on a mission to expose the truth, in the hopes that my son or a family member, will venture onto the internet and find out what I have to say. All of these family members KNOW that I am not a liar and they have never heard the true story of me being with LRH…… hopefully it works.
*virtual hugs* May the sun shine on you and flowers bloom around you, and the future turn out to be bright and happy. Who knows what wonders are in store for you… believe it will get better, stay positive. 🙂 Love, T.J.
Lowie, Thank you for fighting the fight. Your story here helps and also are you going to be in Leah Remini’s expose on Scn about Disconnection on A &E on Nov 29th?
“A Scientologist can have trouble making spiritual progress in his auditing or training if he is connected to someone who is suppressive or who is antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets.”
To the numerous Scientologists having trouble making spiritual progress due to little nuisances such as cancer (of which there seem to be disproportionately many at the upper OT levels), let me indicate your ITEM: David Miscavige. All the crazy things you are asked to do in the name of Clearing the Planet come from one source and that source is NOT L. Ron Hubbard. The endless 6 month checks, the endless demands for donations, the endless phone calls, the endless demands on your time, NONE of those will you find in the bulletins or policies of L. Ron Hubbard. But they do have a single Source and now you know who it is. Your needle is floating.
Dan, that is the truth and it’s final : David Miscavige is THE SP. And Scientologists should disconnect from him!
true dat.
and once they do that, I wish they would read this:
Dear Dan and FG,
Maybe we should disconnect DM from us.
I find it hard to believe that disconnection is a personal choice. I spent most years of my childhood raised in the Sea Org, by my mom only. My dad had gotten himself SP declared when I was 3. I can’t tell you how many times I fought with my mom about being allowed to see my dad. Hundreds of fights about it. How the hell was it my personal choice? Her personal choice? Yeah right, LRH policy more like it.
Spot on Mike, great article explaining the real truth concerning disconnection as an operating policy of Scientology – at all levels of its membership!
Never has such a distasteful practice been employed so broadly in a group and then lied about to cover it up. At least something like the KKK are more open about their practices and beliefs, horrible as they are.
Yeah .. declaring someone without reason is suppressive .. finding reasons is more suppressive .. a declare is today suppressive ..
SO… Who should really disconnect from whom?
Mike Moretti
hubbard used “What’s true for you is what you have observed yourself.” by putting definitions to other peoples observations. For to long people have believed that hubbard was correct in his definitions of experiences that those people gained while participating in scientology.
It appears the most notable difference between a good Scnist and a ex-Scnist (Suppressive Person), that the latter has a higher level of confront and willingness to communicate. Interesting how the church is eager to impose its harshest punishment on those individuals who have demonstrated the very abilities Scn seeks to improve.
Also worth noting, the transformation from an SP to a good Scnist does not involve some grand spiritual transformation. SPs, supposedly, are stuck in some past incident which has rendered them insane. Yet, in practice all one needs to do is:
1) Beg for forgiveness
2) Pay large sums of money (and/or time)
3) Violate your own code of honor by snitching on your friends and fellow SPs
4) Endure lots of Sec Checking
and viola! transformation complete!
Clearly, none of this has to do with spiritual awareness or spiritual salvation.
Excellent analysis Stats!
Right you are, Statpush. There are obviously TWO definitions of the term SP.
I hear of Scientology in 1957, I do my first PE course in 1958, I start hearing that through this ”Scientology” one day I can achieve the state of OT, I look up the definition and it says:-
I will be able to go exterior basically any time I want, I do not have to have a body in order to control or operate……Life….Thought….. Matter….. Energy….. Space…. Time…..and on and on and on.
I go WOW…….. (I am 18)… I want this.
So I start my journey. and believe me it was a long journey
4 x the HPA course
many times the levels
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course 68/69 St Hill England (have you ever tried to do EM 25?????)
Happiness course
on and on and on………..
Took materials to Italy Become clear 1314.
Tried to get Back to England refused entry
Slept at Dieppe 4 days in a caravan park
Back to England, but Held by the police as they want me to go to jail as I admitted I was clear when asked
Rescued by David Gaiman, and a couple of lawyers after spending a night locked up and guarded by a Bobby all night.
Support the local church in South Africa steadily.
End up being the owner of the building where the church was situated for 27 years.
Battled for years and years and years to get a rent paid.
At one stage they were more than four years in arrears.
Back to England for OT 3
Flag for OT 4 / 5/ 6/
Started OT7 in 1981
Bought retread for SHSBC Bought full SHSBC for my wife at ANZO.
Bought ALL 476 SHSBC lecture tapes
Bought old TECH volumes and policy volumes bought the NEW ONES also.
Took wife to ANZO for services.
Took wife and myself to flag
wife was going to get to start OT7 and I was getting 3 intensives repair
the invoice was written up by John Lundeen Captain of AOSH LA.
Flag would not Honour the invoice payments
Meantime 50 or more years have gone past and still I am chasing ……… A thetan exterior who can have but doesn’t have to have a body etc. etc. etc. and am noticing that it does not appear that ANYBODY ELSE HAS got there either.
During the many many years I was in I also witnessed Lots and Lots and lots of insane behaviour within the church. Made the mistake that the end if achievable would have justified the means. Shame on me for being such a pussy and keeping quite for so long.
SO…….. to the ones who still have a belief that Ron was as clean as driven snow and his tech is so stupendous………. I ask you this:-
WAS I DONE IN…. and by WHO?
WHO I ask…. appears to be the SP HERE
WELL , Personally I forgive him…. but not having had the Courage to say ”SORRY (before he died) and admit to having made a mistake………. was wrong on his part…….. It sort of shows that he only really cared for Number 1 all the way along. And F… The rest.
Mike Moretti
Thanks Mike,
Amazingt o havethe courage for this at your age.
Many younger people know this too but they cannot see the obvious,even at their age.
Thanks for your summary Mike. It sat me back in my chair, and I’ve seen a few things.
I think you have to give Hubbard and his legacy of organisation one aspect. The clear and distinct appreciation and demonstration of aberration in all it’s forms, especially its more subtle and well camouflaged forms. Any idiot can throw a rock at a school bus on the freeway and get jailed for it, but Scientology haves you secretly justify it as an understandable thing while saying publicly it obviously isn’t.
From the ingenuity of thinking outside the box to having that box become your goal without knowing it, is quite the (mis)adventure. But the journey is not over yet, not by a long shot. Waking up is a good thing, painful as the consequences of having to do so may be. I sort of have forgiven him too, if he was still alive I don’t think I would have the same appreciation of thought. But I prefer to move on positively and seek the targets that are still breathing doing the bad things. And to take on life with aspects of experience I know isn’t a bad thing to do to others and especially myself is more of a benefit than an introversion these days. No-one sane likes being ripped off but being experienced is something to be appreciated in the long run, not condemned.
I forgive LRH his faults too, though as you say the journey is not over yet. And strangely enough, I have appreciation for my experience. No rational person wants to die slowly without treatment for a disease for which there is good treatment available but as LRH said in Dianetics “You are beginning an adventure. Treat it as an adventure. And may you never be the same again.” I so not think that the worst critic of LRH here can deny that he delivered on that promise.
Mike,Thank you for the most powerful & true post. All have valid comments,but you hit a triple home run with your post.You have my heart.?
Mike Moretti: “WELL , Personally I forgive him…. but not having had the Courage to say ”SORRY (before he died) and admit to having made a mistake………. was wrong on his part…….. ”
Would it help that he said he had “failed”? He did admit to that near the end of his life, according to Sarge, who is a reliable source.
I have to hand it to you that you forgive him. That’s impressive, especially considering your history – which is very impressive too. Hope you got other benefits even though you didn’t achieve full OT – and in that respect he really let you down.
Dichotomy, they name is $cientology. Lying liars who lie indeed. It is never a ‘personal choice’ to disconnect, it is ordered from those on high. Well, high in the local mOrg. If you piss off some clam in some business deal, you will be ‘counseled’ to ‘make it go right’ or maybe threatened with an expensive series of sec checks. Personal grudges will play out in the mOrg. And Xenu help those who aren’t high enough on the totem pole to ‘make it go right’ for themselves.
Internal discipline will be enforced until those left are compliant. The clampire would rather kick you out then make waves for those who are compliant. Can’t have anyone actually thinking for themselves.
Mike, this is one of your very best articles yet. I hope this article is picked up by newspapers and press everywhere because it is the truth. And the fact that C of $ made a special place on their website for the Disconnection PR piece, tells me that they are feeling the heat from Leah Remini’s upcoming show on A and E about disconnection on Nov 29th, as well as heat from you and others who shine the light on their lies about disconnection. The personal proof I have that disconnection is mandated by the church is this:
When discussing things with my kids, I said that I just wanted to be left alone and not discuss C of $ things with them because I didn’t want them to disconnect from me. My daughter laughed and said, “Oh mom, we would NEVER disconnect from you.” Three weeks later she and her brother disconnected from me. To go from her firm and sure statement they would never disconnect, to actually doing it, means they had lots of undue influence brought to bear on the by the C of $.
The other proof I have that it was mandated by the church and they were ordered to disconnect from me was this: My son was so upset over the order to disconnect from his mom that he blew from Org staff and went AWOL for a whole day. No one knew where he was or how to reach him. He wouldn’t answer his phone. I was even called to ask if he was with me. I found out later that he was so upset over being ordered to disconnect that he got in the car and drove 500 miles away to clear his head because he was so upset and so against disconnecting from me. Unfortunately he buckled under and complied with the church’s order.
The other proof I have that disconnection is ordered: friends started calling me (not all, just a few) to tell me they had been contacted by the MAA and told that I was not in good standing and to disconnect from me. This was before any Com Ev and before any SP Declare Order was out on me. As a matter of fact the church didn’t even follow their own rules to have a Com Ev on me (Committee of Evidence) and declared me without even allowing me to read what the charges against me were or to defend myself. So people on Facebook and in life disconnected from me without ever having read any goldenrod SP Declare in writing on me. They disconnected just based on the whispering campaign that the church engaged in and which LRH said should never happen.
In the LRH reference, “The Anti Social Personality” he said that we should not go on witch hunts and engage in whispering campaigns against people and that in fact only about 2 1/2% of the population fall into the Anti Social category. Really? Well then why has that 2 1/2% risen to a huge 40 to 50% now? Something is wrong here.
“I found out later that he was so upset over being ordered to disconnect that he got in the car and drove 500 miles away to clear his head because he was so upset and so against disconnecting from me. Unfortunately he buckled under and complied with the church’s order.”
So sorry to hear how badly that you and your family have been affected by this evil policy of disconnection! Sadly, your story is not some sort of mistaken anomaly or exception, but is instead the standard practice and common experience of thousands of others who’ve been similarly mistreated by the cherch over many decades and around the world.
Ironically, the cherch’s own systematic misapplication of Elron’s policies concerning the procedures that are to be followed in adjudicating alleged high crimes is itself a high crime. And it is undermining the moral authority of the cherch and its claim to being the most ethical group on earth at such a great rate that those who are still in must be in constant fear and dread that they’ll be next. How can you trust a group who not only does not follow its own key policies, but holds itself above answering to them? There is no justice, no fairness, no equity, no due process safeguards, nothing to ensure that those that are accused have an opportunity to defend themselves…not even the notification that action is being taken against you in many cases. How does anyone who’s witness to such violations of every single aspect of fair treatment and justice not think, “Wow, there’s just no reason that couldn’t happen to me!” ?
Children and young adults are particularly susceptible to the sophisticated mind control techniques that the cherch has perfected. And when they’re placed in a situation like your son was of having to make the false choose between his own mother and his “Eternity” it’s a devastating no-win situation that can only be resolved by realizing that no sane, ethical, moral, compassionate, loving, respectful and human group would ever try to put its member in that position to begin with. The “Clear Cog” there is: Any kind of “heaven” that these rat bastards are headed for is one that I definitely don’t want any part of!
It’s such an easy meta-level truth to see from outside the bubble, but it’s one that’s so hard to discern and fraught with such incredible emotional upheaval when you’re on the inside, especially for idealistic young folks whose prefrontal cortex has not fully developed, leaving them less able to effectively engage in the kind of higher level critical reasoning that would keep them safe from the kind of recruitment tactics that the cherch uses to prey on exactly this age group.
Your story, like so many others, points up exactly why folks who know how insidiously evil the cherch is, and how effective its methods of mind control can be on young people, need to continue to work as hard as we can to prevent them from falling victim to the cult in the first place, because getting them out can be a very long, hard and arduous struggle indeed.
I take heart in the indomitable spirit of parents with children who are in the cult who are never going to give up on them or close their hearts off to reconciling with them. And as the larger society’s awareness continues to be raised about the true nature of this killer cult, we are effectively inoculating more and more young folks from getting involved with it in the first. And getting folks to laugh in derisive mockery of this outlandishly silly space opera belief system, a la South Park, is a great start toward “danger pointing” our entire society concerning it.
Thank you Harpoona and Miraldi.
Good post, Cindy.
Mike, thanks for the article.
Hubbard and his organization have to adhere to disconnection. Since Scientology cannot be criticized or corrected, abolishing disconnection would remove the only safeguard the Cherch has to keeping its members in line and controlling them.
Banishing someone from the tribe is as old as the hills. The connotation is: if you are banished you are dead. Which in most cases was true.
In the 21st century this is considered a barbaric practice.
Scientology can couch this practice in any number of specious explanations it wants.
The public is not buying it.
I was speaking recently to someone who was not familiar or knowledgeable about $cientology. The first thing I do when I’m in a situation like this is let them know that $cientology LIES. They lie and tell half-truths to suit their needs and aims.
And of course any lying they do is justified because they are mankind’s only hope and man’s eternal salvation is at stake.
Tick Tock midget.
Disconnection is a political tool the “Church” of Scientology uses to instill obedience with it’s members, whether public, staff or Sea Org. And the mantra today is, “I won’t force you to disconnect from anyone, but you know what the policy says.” Meaning the MAA will sit there with a sadistic grin, like it’s some sort of game that they didn’t TELL you to disconnect, but assumed at first that you would and if not willingly, you will be reminded of the policies and what happens if you don’t. Before it was very blatant but they somehow think that if the MAA can be covert about HOW it’s being enforced that somehow it invalidates the fact that they still enforce it.
And it’s ironic how as a public you can be “cleared” to work with OSA or a local DSA and the whole “case gain” thing gets thrown out the window, as in, does not apply. Now that you’re working for the Church on a sanctioned intelligence Op, the case gain thing is moot. Why? Because you don’t REALLY lose your supposed case gains when speaking to ANYONE. Therefore that lie is simply just another control mechanism. Further the disconnect here (no pun intended), is that disconnection is supposed to be for people on active services, yet it’s applied to everyone even if you haven’t been onlines for years. If you were once a Scientologist and they discover you’re in connection with an SP, don’t be surprised if you get silently declared while the internal HCO/OSA boys start hitting up your social media accounts to inform people that you are declared – which can lead to a mass exodus of “fairweather” friends.
While I’d like to see Disconnection go away for good, I’m sort of torn with the fact that by the “Church” holding this policy in place, it is simply ensuring it’s own speedy demise. More and more of their flock will continue to be affected and more and more people on the outside will want nothing to do with a group that destroys friendships and families as there is no concept of “greatest good for the greatest number” (BS) to the outsider looking in.
And the “Church’s” justice apparatus? Pure bunk. 100% slanted. The Comm Ev policy (if you’re even lucky to be granted one) is completely one sided. You don’t have representation other than yourself. They on the other hand get to go to their collective flock to try to find anything that can be used against you – you don’t get access to any files, any people. You are simply “confronted with evidence” when you finally sit before the 3-4 people on your Comm Ev. So much for “preparation” or needing any time to provide your own evidence to dead agent their lies (which you may be able to read at the Comm Ev, but you are absolutely given nothing in writing, even KRs). And if you say, get Declared an SP but feel it was unjust, you CANNOT communicate to potential witnesses or people who would come to your side and defend you, verbally and by furnishing proof for you, because Scientology forbids it’s members to talk to declared SPs. Therefore all cards are stacked against you. Finally, even if you are innocent, you will be treated as if you are guilty. The Church, a lot like mainstream media, never runs retractions on it’s errors. It’s happy to let anyone who read the propaganda piece against you, authored by some MAA whether it be an SP Declare or other justice action, stand as truth. You try to challenge this and now you’re committing a high crime by “spreading” to other members how bad justice is and how the information is false and how these senior executives (IJC the maximo pud whack) are bad people – now you ARE an SP for trying to clear your name. So their justice system is designed solely to protect the “Church”. It has zero intention of justice or truth.
The purpose of justice in Scientology is to “officially put forth the story we want others to know about you, and it will always favor the church not you, because the church is NEVER wrong.” That’s the long and short of their justice system.
So their “handling of truth” is shoddy and well, typical of an arrogant, insane and sociopathic-run group. Buyer beware.
Scientology Justice
def wog military justice, with the good bits removed
The last article in the military law book I had to study once was “…conduct of the prejudice.” There’s a zillion ways to interpret that for just about anything a soldier can say or do. It’s up to who has the authority to apply it is its only governing factor because, ‘orders are orders’. The author of the orders always has the last say on how they “should have been” interpreted. As a last resort it has had many a good man face an impossible to defend attack by a senior officer. It’s not the rules so much that are the problem, it’s the attitude and altitude behind the application of them. Similar thing occurs with Scientology in many ways. Hubbard tried to blanket protect all the scenarios his organisation would face, he created a time bubble of sorts – that in itself proved to be its undoing. No matter how sane policy appears, it has proved unworkable in the hands of others with not so clean motives or intelligence. Per his own ethics policy and organisational structure he placed all Scientologists in permanent DANGER by robotically bypassing everyone’s natural right and/or ability to think with the application, such is the unreliability of the Scientology chain of command. Self-determinism indeed! I’ve always maintained a military type structure like the SO governing an organisation dealing with alleged sanity is the result of a serious lack of judgement. Policy has proved to be a failure in Scientology, it is an inflexible beast. Miscavige is the perfect example of the type of officer that ends up with exit wounds in the chest on the battlefield.
Awesome comment, I Yawnalot.
I would agree that “policy has proved to be a failure in Scientology” – probably its downfall.
Scientology’s “Disconnection” makes an appearance in this site’s article on “Disfellowship”.
Some excellent and cogently stated points there! To say that the cherch’s internal “justice” system is kafkaesque really fails to capture the full extent of the cherch’s diabolical depravity and alt reality madness.
Interestingly, Elron himself had something very direct and instructive to say about org exec directors and top level cherch leaders who start finding and declaring large numbers of folks under their control as SPs. Guess what he said about who the real SP is there! (lookin’ straight at you here, lil davey)
Like many other aspects of the $cn belief system that Elron created, his pronouncements on the damage that actual sociopaths – or SPs in scientologese – can wreak in the lives of individuals and groups that are involved with them has some grains of truth in it. But $cn was designed to be the evaluator of who and what is suppressive; never a thing to be evaluated itself on that same basis. Elron and those that the cherch vests with the power to arbitrate and decide who should be declared and who should be ordered to disconnect are never themselves subject to the same kind of evaluation or judgement process. They are, by definition, and in every important aspect, above the law.
One might argue that the system of power and control in $cn is similar to a benevolent monarchy in which a single ruler has absolute power over his subjects but is always guided in his use of that power by a higher moral belief in always doing what is in their best interests. $cn power structure is organized on exactly those same lines, but its current leader can in no way be seen as acting as a benevolent monarch would. Indeed, his has been such a reign of terror and destruction to the cherch that he deserves to be declared a Super SP. Unfortunately, no effective mechanism of oversight or justice exists within the corporate cherch through which he could be held to account for the massive harm that he’s caused to so many.
Folks that are still in need to wake up to the fact of who the real SP is and take their cherch back before it’s completely destroyed from within, if they truly believe in the Word of Elron.
Well said, HF.
Disconnection policy as written by L Con was a huge requirement if he was to maintain mind control over his flock. Its SOLE real purpose was to cut lines of truth to his followers.
After all, how can a yapping cur dog REALLY damage the Übermensch?
Yep. I’ve gone through disconnection. I was forced to disconnect from my Mom. I was a brainwashed terp back then. Sucking on the teet of Scientology…
OSD, we all were brainwashed to one degree or another. But, thank GOD we have shaken it off.
Newsflash OSD,
There is no room for any of those teets in the cold chrome steel body of the cherch of planet saving. And any semblance of nipples disappeared when Dave arrived from His crib.
What, Cooper? No message to Dave? I love your messages to Dave:)
Hey Dave, fuck you! Just really, fuck you!
How’s that?
We all like that message!
Put a smile on my face!
ENFORCED disconnection (as that is EXACTLY what it is despite the bullshit that they peddle both to their own and the outside public) will be the true undoing of the Church of Scientology. It already has reduced the so-called church to essentially what is a real estate assets holding company (with its attendant “spiritual”extortion racket which funds those assets)
And the fact that the brainwashed buy the idea that their OWN freaking church during the heyday of the 60s and 70s was run by hundreds of now “declared” “suppressive persons” (to say nothing of their top technical staff) is so stunning as to make the parishioners of the CoS seem like almost of a moron mental condition in their ability to observe and understand the world around them. (Their gullibility invalidates the actual basis of their religion itself, that all these people rose to higher states of awareness and intelligence through Scientology training and processing … but either were suppressive persons fooling everyone all along, or BECAME suppressive while in and as a result of Scientology.)
Totally insane think? Well … in the grand tradition of fundamentalist religion … sense has nothing to do with it. Yeah … it IS the twentieth century religion … starts as a philosophy of life and ends up as a power mad, greed obsessed totalitarian mini state.
And I will add that this is why I have virtually no respect for those people that I know that are still in the CoS (and this includes many people I’ve known upwards of 45 years now and their children). I have no respect for their intelligence, no respect for their courage or integrity, and no respect at all for their alleged case gain. If they had ANY of the preceding qualities, they would at least have NOTICED what is going on and some may have exhibited at least an iota of being a real person towards loved ones and family members and friends that they’ve thrown by the wayside in their doomed pursuit of their “eternity” and worthless group agreement.
As for people like Drew Johnston, Arte Maren, Michael Roberts, Michael Chan and their ilk … “in bidness” … just raking in the dough from the rubes …
Joe P, you really hit the nail on the head over and over again. Well done.
The IAS FSMs living off the FSM (commission) system, are key to Scientology’s viability.
The Scientology/Hubbard FSM system is Scientology (LRH) orthodoxy.
The policy principles of spreading the donation money around to all those tagging and Regging as FSMs, it’s quite a slow change where in my life as a Sea Org member, I witnesed how today’s IAS Offices in the CLOs, the cut of the money to IAS trickles down to the CLOs in terms of the “rent” payments the IAS Offices pay to keep their continental berthing and offices.
The whole IAS FSM hierarchy today funds the CLOs, helps fund many Ideal Orgs and gives commission kickbacks officially all legal for everyone who tags and FSMs.
It is a way of spreading the donation money around to keep the whole thing viable.
I’d love to see the IAS money/donation FSMing breakdown figures.
Did Howard Becker pass away?
“Their gullibility invalidates the actual basis of their religion itself, that all these people rose to higher states of awareness and intelligence through Scientology training and processing … but either were suppressive persons fooling everyone all along, or BECAME suppressive while in and as a result of Scientology.”
Very well said! Shouldn’t an individual who’s attained such exalted heights of spiritual advancement in $cn have acquired the ability to spot and deal with those who actually intend them harm? Why would anyone who’s a True Believer $cilon NEED anyone else to do that for you?
Is the implicit premise there that, because you’ve been associated with an SP, and therefore have lost all your spiritual gains, you’ve been rendered mentally incompetent and need the cherch to act as your conservator in order to save you from yourself? If so, then SPs are way more “at cause” then the most OaTy of OTs because they can cave anyone in, merely by being in contact with them. Those are some pretty shabby and tenuous suppa powerz if any evil doer can cause you to lose all the spiritual gains that you’ve ever made in $cn.
Interestingly, like most claims made by Elron, that assertion is just given the status of absolute and unquestionable truth, merely because Elron said so. So, how would an immortal spiritual being “lose” their spiritual gains? What’s the mechanism there? If you’re a Clear, who no longer has a reactive mind, then does being around an SP give you back the reactive mind that you supposedly rid yourself from for forever? Exactly what “beyond OT 8” super power do these SPs have anyhow? No one has really explained that one very well it seems.
From outside the bubble, SP declares and enforced disconnection is just so nakedly obviously an instrument of group mind control that’s based on fear, threat and coercion. And when you begin to deconstruct and analyze what it implies about the purported spiritual gains that are available in $cn, it’s very clear that, even if you truly believe that you’ve achieved them, they’re very tenuous and subject to being lost.
$cn threatens it’s fleeced flock with the loss of their Eternity as its ultimate lever of power and control over them, yet the prospect of spending an eternity under that kind of fear and threat seems like the exact opposite of spiritual freedom to me…in fact, it sounds very much like Hell.
Harpoona Frittata: “Those are some pretty shabby and tenuous suppa powerz if any evil doer can cause you to lose all the spiritual gains that you’ve ever made in $cn.”
All the gains you ever made? Where did that idea come from? I only know of a reference about pcs losing gains DURING an auditing cycle because of the influence of an SP.
Of course, we have to keep in mind the fact that an “SP” declared by the church for political reasons is not the same as the original description of an SP – which is very much the same as the current description of a psychopath or antisocial personality, given in more recent years by those who have studied the subject.
Hmm, but isnt it true that if you could lose any gains DURING auditing (when you should be LEAST susceptible), then in theory you could lose all gains made during auditing. And it logically follows that if you can lost gains in current auditing you could lose gains made in previous auditing, those being less shiny and new and more susceptible to attack.
Yes, Mike, it is possible. I just don’t think it should be pointed out as if it were the typical case (which comes across as a bit sensational and inflammatory.) It’s an extreme case, according to this definition of PTS in the tech dictionary:
3. environmental menace that keeps something continuously keyed in. This can be a constant recurring somatic, a continual, recurring pressure or a mass. The menace in the environment is not imaginary in such extreme cases. (HCOB 5 Dec 68)
The references I’m familiar with specifically describe PTS as a roller-coaster pattern – the individual goes up, then down, up, down, etc. Here’s one:
“The PTS is connected to an SP who is antagonistic to him. The suppressive person keeps the potential trouble source from functioning in life. Therefore, the potential trouble source can do well in life or in some activity and then, when he meets up with or is affected by the suppressive person – who is somehow invalidating or making less of him or his efforts – he gets worse.
“A potential trouble source is doing well and then not doing well, doing well, not doing well. When he is not doing well, he is sometimes ill.
“A person in this condition roller-coasters. The term roller-coaster means to better and worsen-the person gets better, gets worse, gets better, gets worse.” (Scientology Handbook)
Whatever. Keep on arguing, you are sure to feel right with an LRH quote that explains it all. Except when it doesn’t. But then you’ll find another one to explain why the last one didn’t really mean what it said. Just stop, take a deep breath and realize you are not saving the world with your comments. There are a lot more important things to be done.
Okay, Mike. Maybe you’re right and I was being too picky on this one.
I do appreciate your blog and that you allow so many different points of view to be expressed here. It gives us all the opportunity to learn something.
I think that LRH was right about handle or disconnect though I recall in a later issue he says disconnecting when a situation could be handled is lazy. He talks about society disconnecting from a criminal by throwing him in jail.
The current Church organization are the criminals and God knows I would make no case gain connected to them. Certain members of the Church did their best to see me in a grave and they do not make ethics change. My ex wife has disconnected from me because I have been declared SP I suppose (No one has told me, let alone shown me the issue. ). My crimes are simply that I told the truth about what happened and what I saw, a lot of the data is what she told me happened after I left the ship. I think the solution is when one is ordered to diconnect, he should tell the orderer to go fuck himself/herself. If everyone did that the practice would cease as they would lose millions of dollars having no sheep left to fleece. It is a dramatization. What turns it on will turn it off. The US has a policy of not negotiating with kidnappers and terrorists as to give in will cause more kidnappings. Until we call get those fuckers locked up we need to hold the line.
“The US has a policy of not negotiating with kidnappers and terrorists as to give in will cause more kidnappings. Until we call get those fuckers locked up we need to hold the line.”
…..Agreed and this position is not extreme or heavy handed. The Scientology organization should be shuttered IMMEDIATELY and it’s management made to answer for their crimes.
I agree. The current Church organization is criminal and as such composed of knowing criminals and/or defacto criminals delivering out tech services in a condition of extreme criminal out exchange. As an organization and as individuals they’re pretty much doomed until one by one, and for whatever reason, each of them has his or her “DUH” moment. After that they’ll each face a long road shedding fixed ideas and climbing out of long cherished delusions in concert with workable plans to live in the real world in real time. With or without help, they’ll sink or swim. Most of them will be welcomed and forgiven and helped by their loved ones, but the question is, how will they forgive themselves for their own stubborn blindness and deafness and cruelty? That’s the tough one. I know it was for me.
Yes they may be forgiven. But that is between them and God. If I had done what they did the only solution would be to blow my own brains out.
When I first got involved with scientology, I read many of the references you point out above. SPs (those evil or criminal people) were a fact. They existed. I had experienced evil or bad people in my life. Made sense; one should get away from them COMPLETELY. (I’d also like to point out that a person that was bad for me to be around might not have been bad for someone else to be around.) The lie about scientology is that one day YOU (or I) could be declared an evil or criminal person if you merely pissed off the wrong person in the church, if you didn’t toe the line, go to ethics if called, show up for a comm ev, follow some point of whatever “standard tech” was this week or “command intention.” One thing that is ABSOLUTE in scientology is that Management is never wrong.
So now staff (just because they are ordered or have some quota) can now (with no repercussions) harangue you for that overt or withhold, badger you for more than you’re willing to donate and even prevent you from getting an invitation to that magical mystery tour of OT VII or VIII for not donating enough or giving enough of your time to work for scientology. Heaven forbid if you blow up, throw the cans, or scream at an IAS reg and walk out. You are evil, criminal, an SP.
Now they will pull in your loved ones and friends and show them, via LRH, how YOU (or I) have gone off the rails, are an SP or at a minimum have gone into the valence of an SP by your associations or what you have read. My son disconnected from me based on this and even SAYS it was his decision. Very important these days as the church doesn’t want to be held accountable for making it happen. IT WAS HIS CHOICE. But watch what would happen (and I have seen this several times) if the church reverses its SP declare because they were wrong to have issued it. Amazing how those family and friends will appear at your door with open arms and maybe even an apology.
They will never admit that they were wrong. From my experience, they cannot.They have to be right. LET says that the last thing a criminal holds onto is the idea that they were right.
Right & Wrong are both in the tech dictionary, hence they are the experts on the application of them to life. They both hinge on the survival of the greatest good for the greatest number and leads their charge to eternity. Being wrong is not an option for a Scientologist at any time for any reason. Such is the delicacy of their situation, otherwise all is lost.
A mistake is a first cousin to being wrong. That’s something else a Scientologist will never admit to. However having MUs, being associated with suppression etc or as they so famously say when confronted with an actuality – “I don’t have any data on that,” is quite the in-house accepted way of clearing up that minor confusion and getting back to party line basics. All Scientologists adhere to that sort of thing as an acceptable handling. Every base in covered in Scientology.
Bill, what is LET?
LRH. There is some sort of spell checker here which keeps changing my comments. I read them over just before I hit the “post” button but this one slipped through. Every time I typed “E-meter it would change it to “European”. It did it again in typing this reply.
Oh…LRH. Now it seems obvious. Duh. Thanks. 🙂
Over 300 documented cases of disconnection:
…and these are just the documented cases and these aren’t counting the countless lives that by extension are destroyed are harmed. My son disconnected from just my husband and me but has at least 25 other members of our family that have been affected by this disconnection. So you can multiply that 300 by quite a bit.
You are so right McCarran. My son and his fiancé disconnected from Lois and me. But, this really equates to all of my family which is 6 other brothers and sisters and then all of their kids. Probably, counting great nephews and nieces I have, maybe about 50 people This doesn’t even count my never-in friends my son cut off ties with. (not that most of my family or friends really cares about my son or being in communication with him).
Lois’ family in South Africa they also disconnected with both of us. But the entire Jory clan in SA equates to about 15 or so people each disconnected from Lois and me – so 30.
So, with Lois and I listed as being victims of disconnection I would guess it affects another 100 people.
I have asked my oldest never-in son and his wife to add their names to Trevor’s site, but not sure if they did yet. I also know a number of “SPs” out here that aren’t on that list but that have lost friends and family to the cult.
The cult disconnection policy is such an evil family destroying policy. The ONLY good thing about it is that it is destroying the cult.