Here is something from the STAAD website decrying hypocrisy.
It’s almost like this was written for a TV satire — The Office or Veep. The character who is a horrible racist files a complaint with HR over an alleged slight on him that he interprets as racially motivated because he has a complete misunderstanding of the term that is used.
Scientologist Stacy Sass is complaining so bitterly of “hypocrisy” yet she is part of an organization that embodies the very definition she quotes:
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Scientology proclaims itself to be the “most ethical group on earth” (though it abuses and bankrupts people daily) and that it “promotes family values and happy families” (while shredding families with enforced disconnection), that it “protects human rights” (while holding people against their will at Gold) and is a champion of “free speech and freedom of belief” (unless that belief is not in agreement with scientology, then you are a bigot and have no right to speak).
In fact, on that latter point — just read her letter.
She believes victims of scientology — ONLY because they do not agree with scientology — are necessarily liars and bigots and should be fired. That we speak from OUR experience and she does not like hearing it means we are “discriminating against her religion.” Yet she has never been to the Gold base or even been in the Sea Org. Apparently she has not had a child at a scientology ranch. Nor has any family member disconnected from her and it seems she has not lost her job because her boss was informed by the Ethics Officer she was an SP. She’s probably given plenty of money and believes she could get it back one day because they told her that was the case (though it doesnt matter because “that’s never going to happen.”) In short, she knows not of which the victims speak.
But she KNOWS they are liars because they don’t agree that scientology should be allowed to continue to harm and abuse people.
Her assumptions are the very definition of hypocrisy.
But her final point is wonderful. She tells Disney about “ratings” — obviously something of which she knows nothing, but was told to say this by her OSA handler. But she is a “star” now on Scientology.TV, featured in her own episode of “Meet A Scientologist.” Here’s the thing Stacy, Ed Parkin forgot to mention to you that the ratings of your show don’t even exist. Perhaps .001% of the viewership of The Aftermath has ever tuned into the Cult Shopping Network – and your show is a fraction of that. So, by her excellent scientology logic, her show should be taken off the air…
Oh wait, she has a right to freedom of expression, it’s just the “other people” who don’t.
No hypocrisy here, right?
And finally, isn’t it odd that with “millions” of members and growing at an epic rate, they have to recycle the same old people for everything. You see the same names and faces on the STAAD page and the CSN episodes, the lauded donors to the IAS, at CCHR demonstrations, Maiden Voyage events, leading the crazies in ideal org fundraising pirate parties, on stage as “Power FSMs”, completing their Purif re-dos etc etc.
That’s very curious scientology.
Re: Seeing the same faces everywhere speaking for Scientology
Not so, Mike! What about all the fake accounts using stock photos and other people’s photos? New faces of nonpersons are speaking out for the Scientology cult all the time!
Stacy Sass brings out so much of what makes Scientology so destructive. Almost a decade ago, during the era of late 2010 that may someday be seen as “The First Golden Age of Honest Scientology Discourse,” Jefferson Hawkins wrote a thoughtful article in which he tries to avoid both sides of the Hubbard-as-saint vs. Hubbard-as-demon argument, and just look at facts. He called his article “The Dirty Dozen.” It’s an analysis of the ‘bad apple’ factors that permeate Scientology. He notes it really does not matter if these factors sprang whole from Hubbard’s brow, or simply grew over time, like the increasingly bad behavior of the jailers in Phil Zimbardo’s Stanford Experiment.
He notes that what matters is the bad apple factors exist, are pervasive, and can not be expected to simply go away without a massive effort towards organizational change. Here’s a few of the twelve:
1. Dehumanization,
2. Enemies, Enemies, and More Enemies
3. Time Pressure: It’s Always Thursday at 2:00,
4. Secrecy-Transparency-Accountability, or None of the Above
5. Informational Control and Thought Stopping,
6. The End Justifies the Means,
7. … thru 11, then the last one is:
12. Appearance vs. Substance: Hypocrisy.
#12 “Appearance vs. Substance: Hypocrisy is the Bad Apple where Stacy Sass comes in. Hawkins gives examples:
• “A flossy video promoting Volunteer Minister activity is more important than the actual activity.”
• “The external appearance of an org is more important than the fact that it’s empty and failing.”
• “Assertions that Scientology has thousands of Orgs is more important than any actions to actually establish organizations.”
As Sass says, “I hate hypocrisy! I really hate hypocrisy!” Then, in true Scientology Bad Apple style, she pretends to be upset about Disney’s values, not noticing that Scientology has little in the way of values other than their own inbred version they call Ethics, which has little in common with what the rest of the world calls ethics.
How dare Disney fire someone for bad actions that took place a long time ago – shouldn’t there be a statute of limitations on bad behavior? So if you can avoid getting caught, if you can hide your transgressions successfully for a long time, you should be awarded a Get Out Of Jail Free card? And, hey, the guy directed a movie that made a big profit – millions, in fact. Shouldn’t someone who stuffs a big sack of bucks under the bosses’ doors get a free pass for bad behavior? You know, the rich get off Scot free, the poor, no such luck?
Then she slams Disney’s ABC TV for shutting down Roseanne Barr and her new show for Barr’s simple ‘political’ comment. Hmmm, maybe she hasn’t noticed that same show is being given a try on TV now, minus Barr.
I don’t know the Kermit story, some guy got fired after 27 years voicing the puppet. But reading the Muppet Studios statement I see no reason to think he got fired for hypocritical reasons.
But all this is just the set-up for the real reason for the article – a big slam on guess who? Leah Remini, of course. A woman who spent most of her youth and much of her adult years fully supportive of everything Scientological, if there is such a word, spending all her free time plus much of the millions of dollars she made as TV star on Scientology donations and services for herself and her family, but who awoke to hypocrisy and bad actions she saw with her own eyes. Then, choosing to take a chance on leaving ‘properly’, it turned out to be a fruitless enterprise which simply cost her more thousands and thousands of dollars for the attempt.
For her big act, Stacy claims:
“Disney-owned A&E has just renewed ‘Leah Remini – Scientology and the Aftermath’, the entire premise of which is discriminatory and offensive, and this despite outcries and ratings which have fallen by over 50 percent since its debut.”
Her claim is outlandish on its face, and lying too: “It’s almost like Disney *wants* to attack my religion.” OK, the first three claims of hypocrisy she made have nothing to do with Scientology; only the last show even mentions it. How did the first claims have anything to do with Disney attacking Scientology? They didn’t, but that’s not how Scientology rolls, they grab anything and everything, throw it against a wall, and hope something will stick – which, in the minds of their poorly-educated membership, means most of it gets processed as if it has substance, when it does not. There is no need to mention the claim that Leah: Aftermath has suffered ratings “which have fallen by over 50 percent since its debut.” Disney may be anything, but stupid and careless with its money it is not: a show that has suffered 50% ratings loss since its debut would not be up for third-season renewal; that is a very simple profit-and-loss calculation which they can make in their sleep.
As for the A&E show being discriminatory and offensive, why then has it been so popular, why has it won recognition? Why has it not been sued for religious bigotry, defamation, or whatever? Not of that has happened because A. the facts presented have been carefully vetted, and stand on their sources, and B. Scientology has been given opportunities for rebuttal, which they have used for careless name-calling and offensive lies against the innocent victims of the bad behavior the show has revealed, and many of those victims were children when they were victimized. So instead of defending themselves with provable facts, they chose to attack using statements easily proved false, and in the process achieved nothing except to dig a deeper hole for their own already poor reputation.
Well, enough rebuttal of Sassy Stasi, the care-less Scientologist.
It just goes to show that Scientology continues to suffer from the dirty dozen (at least) of bad apple factors. It is not so much individuals who are at fault, it is the entire organizational structure which practically forces words to appear in ways that sink the ship of Scientology, time after time.
They should issue a life jacket with every copy of Dianetics, because that boat simply won’t float.
The Jefferson Hawkins Dirty Dozen piece is here:
Bravo! Well said!
BOOM!! thank you!!
TY! Perfectly said.
Not at all surprising that Stacy, this piece of still in koolaid swilling human trash takes exception to Disney owned ABC firing Trash Can Mouth Roseanne Barr.
More to the point is that Stacy equivocates Roseanne’s personal tweet insulting and racially slurring with no provocation an African American woman she’d never met, with Leah Remini, Mike Rinder and other guests long in Scientology and completely familiar with its principles and practices giving forth reports on the toxic Disconnection and Fair Game policies and human rights abuses perpetrated by said Church of Scientology.
These two WIDELY differing issues are, to Stacy, the same, and therefore, because Disney owned ABC cancelled Roseanne’s show, Disney – owned A & E must also cancel Aftermath, or else, they are being hypocritical!
Got it, Stacy. Have you always been this dumb, by the way? Or did the cult do this to you? Just wondering. Anyway, why not throw your dismayingly uninformed opinions Roseanne’s way? She’s feeling kinda lonely, you know. Kinda victimized. I’m sure Trash Can Mouth would really appreciate your support.
STAAD: Scientologists Taking Action Against Democracy.
Trying to rationalize hypocrisy makes my head hurt. Greed is behind anything that comes in corporate structure as far I can make out and ruthlessness flows down hill, not up.
Anyway, it’s easy to become weary about such things, but imo one thing does shine through upon which I believe getting older and with actual experience in that which one what talks about eventually exposes and that is, it takes a certain quality of intelligence to be kind and compassionate. How does one define or acquire that intelligence? Good question, battlefields are riddled with victims wondering the same thing.
Scientology fully exposed is doing more good for well intended people in general than almost anything else dreamed up by those that care about fixable flaws in society.
Next time you see the expression, “Scientology works,” think about the hypocrisy in that statement and then look very closely at the person who uttered/wrote it – now judge the quality of their intelligence.
Good philosophical word ‘intelligence’. Pity it’s application is filtered from the top down by those that control the money.
Edward from STAAD: Your sense of responsibility regarding bigotry and hate, must be Parkin’.
Dictionacrisy: The practice of starting a written or spoken communication by quoting the dictionary definition of a common word that everyone already knows the definition for, as if: if not for the beneficence of the dictionacryte you wouldn’t even know what that big 4-syllable word even means, and thus are expected to hold yourself in a inferior position of understanding of the issue at hand. Dictionacrisy is a common practice of adherents of [a] certain totalitarian cult(s) that incidentally ritualize the senseless use of dictionaries for recursive investigations of the meanings of common words that appear in sacred texts the author of which is notorious for twisting words to take on self-serving meanings that are never found in dictionaries to start with.
So, Stacy Sass, when you start your letter by giving me the definition of hypocrisy, I have already decided to buzz off from taking anything you have to say seriously, as I know you are arrogantly attempting to use a cheap mind-control tactic. Your communication skills are ass.* Look around at great essayists and other accomplished persuasive writers — Does any of them start by insulting their readers’ intelligence by telling them something they already know as if they don’t already know it?
*Ass. adj. smells like fetid fecal matter.
Back in the day, I too may have, ok, let’s admit it, did, write semi-incoherent letters such as this to the “enemy du jour” including all the appropriate buzz words that I was told would work while “making it my own”. My fellow letter writers and I were so proud of ourselves for “delivering an effective blow.”
Back in the day, (hallelujah) these letters were not given the exposure they now get.
I have a hard time making fun of a person who is so convinced they are saying something sane while regurgitating pre programmed patently false phrases fed to her by the powers that be because I once was that person.
I hope someday soon Stacy sees that the people who she calls bigots are, in fact trying to save people like her from the pain they have already suffered. I hope she does not have to suffer a lot of pain to see this point.
You’re a better woman than I am, Valerie.
I have no problem at all poking fun at this deluded fool or at any of them. I wrote a few such letters back in the day. Because I was told too and because I thought it was the right thing to do. Because without question I believed what I was being told. Live and learn as the saying goes. What I did was dumb and what this fool is doing is at best dumb and at worst extremely hypocritical. I thank God that I was just unquestioningly stupid and not knowingly hypocritical back in the day.
Even so if any of these letters I wrote ever surfaced and I was accordingly punctured for them here or elsewhere, well, it would be no less than what I deserved.
Well meaning people can do a LOT of harm. Ignorance can dangerous or fatal. They can sometimes be likened to drunk drivers…they didn’t MEAN to kill someone…
I was one of them. “I didn’t know”. Yeah, well, I still helped and supported a highly suppressive organization. Tell, “I didn’t know” and “I didn’t mean to – ” to the people who were damaged by ignorant people like me who thought they were doing something good.
Valerie and Aquamarine. You need a big hug for having the strength to break free. If anyone ever understood brainwashing it’s you, and if anyone ever did what they could to help other escape it, it’s all the people like you right here. You understand what all those who are in have gone through and what they are going through. You understand what they will need if they can break free. You are good people.
― Heraclitus
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man”.
Thank you, Peggy, for your kind words 🙂
I made a reply but got a message the blog took too long to respond. Maybe it will still show up.
I don’t consider myself stupid for participating in scn. Metered auditing is the essence of scn but there were also other areas of investigation which were interesting and form a basis for comparison. For me it was an interesting and worthwhile life experience. Once again I qualify my comment by stating that I didn’t pursue the OT levels and left in 1982.
Someone on an earlier topic posted a link to an article about scn and science fiction. Here’s a quote from it:
Sheila Schwartz described Campbell as having “broadened the subjects of sf to include politics, business, war, religion, and philosophy” (Schwartz, 1971, p. 1044), and dianetics fitted Campbell’s interest in the potential for humans to exceed their physical limitations through mind powers. Dianetics promised that by a process of “auditing,” it was possible to attain a superhuman state of the “clear.” This was a sensible concept to a predominantly male readership, who were accustomed to reading about heroic figures who were “enhanced” versions of the “average male reader” (Menadue, 2017, p. 136). Dianetics was debated widely in sf magazines, and reflects the enduring fascination of sf editors, authors, and readers with more or less fantastical fads and movements.
I always like science fiction. I was a natural for scn.
Richard, thanks for what you shared. I never meant to imply that I or anyone who liked or benefited from Scientology auditing was stupid. I do not regret my auditing experiences or my training experiences because they were all positive. What I do regret is not having questioned the ORGANIZATION sooner. What I regret is having been as a public and never staff, lulled into a TOTAL acceptance of whatever I was told by this organization. What I regret is having, due to my own positive experiences with auditing and training, supported an organization which was at the same time helping me with auditing and training, hurting others, RUINING others! I regret not knowing this, and unknowingly having contributed to an organization which was deliberately via LRH’s POLICIES, destroying the lives of innocent people. Perhaps its a fine line I’m drawing but for me there is a definite line, a clear distinction, between that for which I am deeply glad and grateful and for which I shall never apologize and that which I deeply regret.
Anyone who believes Disney cares about values or anything other than political correctness and money is dreaming. It’s a corporation and it just cares about the bottom line. Period.
I try to be careful when someone brings the religion aspect in because I’m a Christian. I see and experience bigotry every time I turn on the internet, so I’m sensitive to that.
However, I just don’t see where scientology is a religion at all,
I’m ex-evangelical. I didn’t suffer as much in my church as many Scientologists did in theirs, but it was still a suffocating and terrible experience. Even after I’ve left, I see their leaders and congregations embracing cruelty, excusing abusers, and supporting corrupt, morally bankrupt politicians. While still trying to force their religion on me via their laws and the conservative party they support. Therefore, I’m not particularly friendly to Christians who wear their religion on their sleeves.
When you experience people hostile to your religion, you should ask yourself why they are so hostile. Just as a Scientologist should ask why their choice of faith is derided and mocked. You might not like the answers, but it will give you an insight into why your faith is incredibly unpopular in some circles. Trust me: they aren’t doing it out of blind hatred. There are reasons. Good reasons.
cs, you just made my day. Possibly my week and my month too. A superb comment. Congratulations on leaving the bad energy and hypocrisy of the evangelicals you knew behind. Glad you’re here with us.
Thank you for all the kind words and kind welcome.
I just deleted what my first thought was.
Anyway, doesn’t A&E always show a sort of disclaimer that they invited the cult to respond, and the cult rarely seems to want to give any response?
(Oh Stacy, that was just my own personal opinion.)
Rarely?? Try never…..?
I thought on one show, maybe the one with Paul Haggis, and they were discussing LRH’s declaration about homosexuality, and that they (the cult) issued some lame assed written statement that they had (just going from memory here, not an exact quote) altered their view to conform more with societal changes.
Now, either what LRH wrote was the law or it wasn’t and are they actually saying he was…wait for it…Wrong?!
Oh are correct, they made that heartfelt statement! ? I was referring to the many invites they have received to make a statement On The Show. Neva, Eva going to happen. ?
LOL, no doubt! I think the only time I’ve ever seen anyone, not from the church but that whatsername attorney with the lamest dang excuses for that disgusting cult she makes a living off of. Well, how could she come up with anything but lameassed reasoning. I think it was maybe on 20/20, something like that. I was just in awe that she would make such an ass out of herself. How do you defend child abuse?! You don’t. You make an idiotic attempt which she did. I guess that’s what she gets paid the big bucks for.
Blinky McMuffins? What a piece of sh*t she is …money whore.
Yea, she is on the team of pooper scoopers they keep on retainer. (I wonder if that’s an extra credit class they have to take in law school?)
Miscavige is a pragmatist. Whatever LRH said about anything, everything and anyone is UTTER truth and MUST be adhered to at all times…BUT…certain restrictions apply 🙂 Like, when anything the Founder said is inconvenient 🙂 Then “scripture” gets a little adjustment 🙂
Well gee Aquamarine – some might think that would be hypocritical wouldn’t they? Well, unless LRH put a little * stating that certain restrictions apply. Or was that like the comma, semi colon thingy that someone forgot? Geeze They may have to reprint a pile of books if that’s the case. Wow, that would mean a whole other gathering of the donors and a long speech by the true leader.
“They may have to reprint a pile of books if that’s the case.”
Peggy, you’re cracking me up!
hat’s exactly what they did!
Reprinted a PILE of LRH’s books and made every Still In pay for them all over again and much more expensively.
After all, those very incorrectly placed commas and the proliferation of semi-colons were creating HUGE misunderstandings, which in turn were creating HUGE impediments to Planetary Clearing!
So Miscavige fixed that
So thoughtful of Him!
I mean, COB is just this…GENIUS, that’s all!
Of course, planetary clearing is even FURTHER from reality now than it was 13 years ago when His Basics solution came out, hmmm….
And, of course COB has since uncovered a number of SUBSEQUENT reasons and proffered solutions for not getting the planetary clearing job done, but, hmmm…never mind, COB knows best!
He knows what He knows when He knows it, and he’s always, always, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right about EVERYthing!.
And even if you KNOW damned well he’s not, to think, to even for a moment entertain the possibility that he’s not, or, Xenu forbid, to SAY that COB ISN’T always right about everything is, well, hmmm…wait! I know!!!!
Its Counter Intention to Command intention.
Its Entheta, and its Enemy Line!
An’ y’all doan wan’ no truck wid ennya dat!
I may be wrong but I don’t believe (I know I know just because I don’t believe it doesn’t mean it’s not true) that Miscavige believes that the crimes he is committing has a darned thing to do with saving the planet. I believe his sole motivation is power and money. The more the better at any cost and he could care less how brutal it is and how much he has to lie, whether if ruins lives, to fulfill his lust for power and money. The ends justifies the means. He’s a pathetic little man who stumbled on a way to get what he most wants.
And of course not forgetting the most constantly applied Hubbard term MIscavige lives by, “to hell with the rules, get the show on the road.”
Which is really an acknowledging nod at the Crowleyian sentiment, ” Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. “
That’s true, Mark. Just another way of saying it.
I always thought homosexuals were wrong but work with a few people who are openly gay, while they can be a bit nasty at times, it only when stressed and usually work hard and quite professionally.I read recently that LRH claimed to a number staffers and public he was Ceci Bl Rhodes, who happened to be gay. Was it LRH who maybe dramatised being homesexual in a previous life, so much so he decided to slay anyone who made him uncomfortable. As for tone scale a number of outspoken ex:s have admitted that are gay and have reached the heights of OT.
The tech obviously works whether gay or not. Maybe its time to rewrite some misconceptions and change falsehoods.
I love Stacy Sass’s comment. She represents the convoluted thought process that fascists around the world used to defend Hitler in the thirty’s. Or the communists used in the forty’s to defend Stalin and Mao while those despots decimated their citizens because they presented an alleged threat to the ideology’s that were there “for the good of the people’s government”.
I know some of the commenters at STAND. I know how their lives how morphed and decayed as members of Scientology. The truth as defined by the cult is “whatever protects the good reputation of Scientology and it’s leaders”. Therefore any abuses, fraud, criminality, bigotry and deaths perpetrated by members or the organization are not “truths” they are entheta to be swept under the rug.
Thanks Mike for replying to this robotic effort by another self righteous programmed member of the “most ethical group on the planet.
That’s right, Geoff. In the cult, inconvenient truths are classified as “enemy line”. Any mention of an inconvenient truth is “forwarding enemy line”.
In plain English, if its embarrassing to the cult, no matter how true it is, just keep your mouth shut!
Yes, so true. They are so brainwashed they can block out truth with a simple phrase like “enemy line” or “entheta”. I think it’s interesting that Hubbard actually built a reactive bank replete with engramic phrases so his followers would be stimulus/responses bots.
The true “ep” of scienTOOLology’s nonconsensual hypnosis and relentless indoctrination: amoral, obedient, loaded language spouting robotic slaves who will do the bidding of The Original Sebaceous Cyst and the Macallan Guzzling Humunculus.
And if I didn’t know better, from my 11 years of typing sec check KR”s at AOLA, I would say Stacy is working on her OT Elig handling, a “big effective blow”, or so she thinks.
“I would say Stacy is working on her OT Elig handling”
That seems plausible. 11 years of typing sec check KRs?? Interesting. Could you tell more about it? What was your post?
The first post was “Auditor Services In Charge”, which in addition to filling up troubleshooters and other actions, I spent time typing session KRs which were dictated to me on tape by AOLA’s NOT’s Auditors. I then was promoted to Tech Sec 4A Org Officer, which I failed at. I came back later as Deputy Auditor Services In Charge (D/Auditor Services IC) and resumed the earlier duties. More NOTs auditors came back from Flag, I think in 2006, I typed roughly 8,000 or 9,000 KR’s, as well as D of P interviews, 3 May PL handlings, 10 Augs and the like. About 85% of the public were either straight AOLA public or Flag public sent back to AOLA for further handling, 10% were Class V staff sent to AOLA for handling or for their Preps and Elig and 5% were SO from PAC due to an overload at CTO WUS.
The Cult Shopping Network is advertising a lot on You Tube.
I think Stacy is being too “Sassy”.
Thank you Mike. This all makes me sick @ heart because of the vicious lies & attacks by the cult of Scientology at every turn. Has been going on for decades. I would think the recycling of same old faces @ events will only continue. One day the implosion will commence. No matter how much money the cult throws out. XXOO
I hope so Ann.
MAA: Stacy, that article you wrote for STASI, er, I mean STAAD is truly awesome. You are such a big being and one of only a handful of OTs making a huge difference in saving mankind from suppression!
Stacy: Gosh, thanks!
MAA: As you know, the war goes on.
Stacy: Yes, that’s true.
MAA: I will of course write a commendation for your ethics file. In the meantime, to keep your exchange in and further our humanitarian efforts, I strongly urge you to make a large donation to the IAS.
Stacy: How much do you need?
“Stasi” Perfect.
Mark Foster. Your comments are hilarious. That poor girl is blind…she can’t see…she doesn’t want to see…the same old rant…if it’s not good for us it’s not good. Sheesh
Interesting word ““hypocrisy”…it was used several time in the movie “Tombstone”….where Dr. Holliday several times stated “My “hypocrisy” only goes so far”….
I can picture “said female” Stacy Sass lying on the floor kicking her hands & feet screaming her head off….about others picking on her religion….all the while turning a blind eye to what “her religion” has been doing for decades TO others.
It’s almost comical, but as I’ve noted several times….it’s a case of the blind leading the blind…..they do not WANT to see or hear anything negative because Well….there goes their “next several lifetimes”.. poof!
Stacy’s next several lifetimes will be in a lot better shape once she LOOKS and CONFRONTS the truth, no matter how unexpected, unwelcome and unpleasant it is.
When she’s ready, willing and able to live with the truth, her “eternity” will not suffer in the least for doing so and she’ll be a lot better off in present time too.
Living within one’s delusions is hell for a person and for everyone who loves him or her.
I always enjoy Mark Fosters’s comments! Straight to the truth, right through the BS!
Actually, sans any examination of the show’s actual content, that’s not a bad letter 😉 ‘Tis a shame Ms Sass won’t — actually can’t — listen to a different viewpoint. Don’t confuse such people with the truth; They already have been told the complete and incontrovertible truth by their seniors.
In the end it comes down to “doing what’s right”….thanks Mike & Leah (and all other exes) for doing just that.
Housekeeping: these sentences seem to need some TLC: She tells Disney about “ratings” — obviously somethin* she knows. Thing about but was told to say this by her OSA handler.
Should these read….”She tells Disney about “ratings” – obviously something she know nothing about”
Thank you. Fixed.
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath
The show David Miscavige is fearing the most because it is not only further on exposing him and what is going on behind the PR facade in the Church of Scientology, as reported by those who experienced and witnessed it, but has far reach and further shrinking consequences for the cult.
Dear Leader surely must hate Leah’s and Mike’s guts and more so as they are free now and not anymore under his yoke. He must breathe down the necks of the OSA people constantly to do something against Mike and Leah with his usual foul language.
DM can’t help it but making further enemies blaming everyone else but himself. “Enemies Made” it his true stat besides families ripped apart and money made.
Btw: “Former Church of Scientology members who have spoken out”:
I’m a Disney freak…
And I’m shocked! Yet understandably amazed by your blog! Too funny! It is weird “ curiouser and curiouser “! Go ask Alice! J
Mike, your write ups in this blog usually contain witty expressions that add a good flavor. This blog intends to expose abuses, lies and criminal activities of the scn cult.
Her write up conveys hate, is solid and know-best; expressed in the style of cult mind control individuals.
Yes, she has the right to express her opinion, but again, her write up seems to have been written by someone else who lives in a world of loathing, or at least that is what it seems to me.
At least Stacy looks to be a real person
There’s a beam in the eye! And I don’t mean the light of hope kind. Here’s a woman screaming and moaning about hypocrisy elsewhere, while blissfully blind to the blatant criminality and abuse that characterizes her own church’s twisted practices. Duh!
“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”
Matthew 7:5
“A mistaken belief that is held with strong conviction even in the presence of superior evidence to the contrary.”
The problem with Stacy, STAAD and anyone that actually thinks this kind of logic is logical is that they turn their backs and refuse to LOOK at “the presence of superior evidence to the contrary.”
Scientology = Knowing How NOT To Know
All very true, Mary.
I now consider anyone who refuses to LOOK as himself or herself, evil, or a vessel for evil.
No matter how sincere or well meaning, someone who REFUSES to look can do a great deal of damage to themselves and others, and is himself or herself, a dangerous person.
Fair chance that Stacey’s article will now be seen by more people than she ever could have dreamt of.
And she isn’t be preaching to the choir here.
Maybe her perspective is different though…? 😉
Again, read the voluminous ” scriptures ” of the mafia, er, church, of scientology for, literally THOUSANDS of examples of hypocrisy, cruelty, venality, racism, criminality, ignorance, stupidity, and pseudo-science. Everything needed to debunk scientology is contained within it-and the 6-decade-plus history of its application and dissemination on this planet by the crime syndicate with tax exemption and religious cloaking known as the church of scientology.
Tick tock, Tosser Tyrant.
STAAD=stupid trolls advancing asinine declarations