There is an old principle employed by Roman Emperors, “Divide and conquer/divide and rule.”
This is an underlying theme of the reign of the Emperor of Scientology, David Miscavige.
The basic idea is to keep various factions of your empire uninformed about the goings-on in other areas. Thus, no mass uprising can occur. You don’t want disaffection with the leadership to spread, if it arises anywhere, it must be stamped out immediately and at once and ensure no other area hears about it to plant seeds of discontent.
George Orwell’s 1984 and the brilliant movie The Lives of Others detail methods employed to accomplish this, including everyone being a potential “rat” to the “authorities” to report even the slightest hint of questioning the “powers that be.” Meanwhile, there is a constant stream of propaganda fed to the people to keep them in a state of misinformed ignorance. It is a time honored and well proven system of control, Machiavelli covered it extensively, Napoleon employed it and today it is perfected in North Korea (for an interesting insight into this, see John Sweeney’s latest Panorama program where he spent 8 days undercover in a society of impoverished, brainwashed robots convinced that the rest of the world is intent on their destruction and who treat their Dear Leader as God).
Divide and Rule in Corporate Scientology
Today, in the corporate church of Scientology the strategy is evident to everyone but the poor saps still blinded by the bs.
Daivd Miscavige International Propaganda Events
The primary tool is to make everyone believe that the world of corporate Scientology is flourishing and prospering, undergoing massive expansion and that if YOUR ORG doesn’t appear this way, then YOUR ORG is out of step and is the ONLY org that is this way. Nobody dare speak if their org doesn’t match up to the hype, as that would be interpreted as CI to “Command Intention.” Every International Event hammers home the message. And there are endless videos that “prove” it. Videos of grand new buildings being opened. The only people ever seen at these orgs are the people who attend the ribbon cutting. No videos of the current state of these “Ideal Orgs.” But everyone is told over and over – THIS is how we will clear the planet. This is “COB’s plan for planetary clearing.” Thus, if you are not making that happen you are CI.
“Planetary Clearing”?
In reality this has nothing to do with planetary clearing. it is a strategy to maintain his position. It is his plan to keep “proving” that his leadership is effective. ALL it requires is money. No delivery. No hatting. No staff. No dissemination. Thus it is perfect for David Miscavige as that is all he has. Money and MEST.
Scientologists are indoctrinated to believe that if anything is not going right in their environment, they need to look at how THEY caused it. Even if you agree with this concept, its a perverted version of it that is now the norm in the church. Because it is forbidden to question anything that comes from “COB” there could never be a conclusion “my cause in the deteriorating scene around me is that I am following insane orders instead of applying Scientology to solving the situation.” Instead it becomes a never ending self-listing process while ignoring the most obvious why staring everyone in the face,
Spies Among Us
And on top of this, there are “spies” everywhere, expected to report on any “Bad Indicators” – of which the first on the list is “questioning Command Intention”. This is very effective in keeping people quiet. They are afraid to talk to others, even their spouses or parents or children for fear of the consequences of even hinting at a thought that there may be something wrong with “Command Intention.”
Breaking Free
One of the things people most often tell me when they finally break free from Scientology North Korea is that they had NO IDEA that conditions were just as bad, if not worse, in other orgs. When they discovered this, they knew the problem was NOT THEM.
It is why I have paid so much attention to exposing what is really happening in orgs around the world. Though a lot of people caught in the spell of the corporate church will never read this blog, there ARE those who do.
And there are more each day.
I really appreciate you keeping the attention on the cult and exposing it’s crimes.
You da man!!
Thanks Tony. COming fromy ou, I take it as high praise!
I watched Sweeney’s Panorama program. It is pretty gloomy and pitiful the conditions these people find themselves in. However most of these poor souls have very little choice on the matter, as they were born into that nightmare, and for most it is the only life they know. Also the penalty for attempting to break away from the North Korean regime is DEATH.
What is so shocking to me is that Scientologists in general and Sea Orgs members in particular, DO have a choice, they live in a free world, all they have to do is LOOK, THINK and WALK THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEIR COLLECTIVE NIGHTMARE!
Scientologists are by far more brain washed than North Koreans. This is truly terrifying.
By exposing the fraud, one anticipates that when the BS hits the fan, Dear Leader will be blinded long enough for others to open their eyes.
Wonderful article, Mike, thank you very much.
So, from what you say, each individual org keeps mum about their low stats, never admits that they are downstat. Class V orgs don't communicate with one another unless they have formal occasion to do so, such as a public who would be moving out of the area and thus would need his folders etc. transferred to what would be his new org. So there they sit, each org alone, failing, and cowed, each org an "only one". of self blame and misery, for how can an org or anyone be responsible and in control without knowledge?
Knowledge is to KRC what Communication is to ARC. Only with knowledge can there be responsiblity and control. The orgs have no actual knowledge of the squirrel-ness of the Policy on their admin scales so they are de facto irresponsible and they control nothing, but are, themselves, totally controlled.
This has to stop. It just has to.
No knowledge, no responsibility, no control; cut comm, low reality, low affinity, and so on and so on. This is L. Ron Hubbard's worst nightmare happening.
In the Sweeney Panorama presentation Sweeney visits one of their modern hospitals that the N. Korean's are showing off to him. But it has no patients! Sweeney asks "where are the patients?" The N. Korean answers "they come here in the morning to get treated – now they are at work". Just like weird Dave's Idle Orgs – no staff or students. Just lies.
So I get this call last night, some guy upfrom LA in portland needing people to come and help portland move inyo their new org. I have not lived in Orego for 2 years. I tell him I am no longer connected to the church.Oops first mistake.He questions me. I say I am an independent scientologist. He says well so am I and I say no no I mean I dont want anything to do with the church of David Miscaviage. oops second mistake. So he starts trying to find my problem, totally misquoting the services I have done etc. So I stop him and say no no . And then I say havnt you heard of all the people who have left the church and are now independent scientologists and he says well some people do leave the church thats true. I say no I mean like have you heard of Marty Rathbuns books and blog and he says oh I know Marty and it didnt surprise me a bit when he left the church, Ok this has gone on long enough and I cant believe how isolated these people would have to be. I mean the list of people leaving the church gets bigger every day.Any way , I tell him he is wasting his time and to have a nice day.He says ,well Lrh says if its true for you its true and I say exactly and hang up.Do I need to formally disconnect from the church to get rid of these guys? I mean I havnt done a lot of services, but I am a patron of the IAS And of course I love the tech or I wouldnt be here at all. Really appreciate this blog.
Gretchen, My wife and I used to get endless phone calls. When we started commenting on these blogs the calls pretty much stopped. The few times we have received calls my wife has made it a point to inform the person about what's actually going on in the church. She would really go into detail. Today we get no calls from the Co$. It's great to be able to answer my home phone again.
Keep communicating here. It must drive DM crazy (or should that be crazier?).
Funny, I haven't used a phone like a normal person is over two decades 🙂
Good article Mike, I was one of those who thought our org was out of step and I assumed it was because there hadn't been an OEC/FEBC exec on staff in our org since the 80s for a brief period. Hell the ED on post at my org when I returned from Flag as Snr C/S had been on post for two years and wasn't even mini-hatted yet! It was easy to see why my org had contracted during my absence down to 12 staff in Philly. But I'd established some very good comm lines while in training and so was also privy to the actual scenes in orgs around the world during and after my training. I ushered in my own demise by standing before a comm ev when an attempt to use that mentality on me was made to try to introvert and suppress me because I hadn't done enough to expand my org like other orgs had. I asked them to name one org who didn't have SO missions to do the work for them that had done better than the evidence I provided that I had done (my org more than tripled in size beginning the week I returned). I knew what an achievement I'd attained so far because I had all those comm lines in to other orgs and knew what was really happening. The truth of my words didn't matter but that I dared speak them, that's what got their ire. You could have cut the hate in that room that there was for me with a knife when I said this. The more truth I gave them in terms of my stats, and requests for LRH policy to be referred to the thicker that room got. The reason I'm not there any more is partly due to the fact that I grew up when LRH was Command Intention. It would never occurred to me to believe that anyone would ever imply anyone else was. cob is just a shortened version of that (pun intended) as he's just plain CI.
I'm so grateful every day to be free of the mindf**k I was in.
Gayle, you said something interesting about the comm lines you had established to others so that you did know the scene at other orgs. I remember going to the Sr C/S conferences they used to have at Flag, starting with the first one they ever had, and one of the things I loved about it was hooking up those international C/S comm lines and finding out that we all had the same scene at every org!! Our org was NOT the only one missing something or not expanding. Slowly but surely, those conferences also fell off the horizon and this is probably part of why that happened…that, and the fact that the Sr C/S Int. was sent to the Hole.
Thank you Mike.
I really hope more and more people come to your blog.
Interesting article Mike.
it has nothing to do with clearing, in reality.
This is so true. I guess if you want to try and hook a few more people to support his lark, you can add how it will clear the planet or your area. This is SO disingenuous. The mechanism is to bait with a deep-seated dream we all have had, then tie this dream into a pure BS drive to build buildings. Unbelievable. It is a crime, in fact. Pure and simple.
tomthose like me who are under the radar, keep looking please. There is tons of data out there for you to explore. I started hesitantly and now am 'out' mentally.
Remember this very powerful piece of information: There is NOT ONE SINGLE LRH reference that supports going directly to the public to fund buildings. NOT ONE.
Also, there is NOT ONE reference to support the current ideal org strategy. NOT ONE.
This is enough data, right here, to show you that the massive international scam being played out in all orgs around the world is totally and completely nuts, off-policy and wholely invented by miscavige.
And, of course, it is not working!,
i spoke to an OT the other day and asked what he was doing about the ideal org incessant calls, knowing he was a player of note. He has stopped. This is progress. From major player to not playing. It is the indie gradient. For there it moves along to the next step. I told him about this blog and asked if he had heard of it. He had not. I suggested to goes and has a peep.
I will follow him up at the next opportunity and see how he is doing.
Each step by each hesitant person, toward looking, is great.
Your blog is forwarding that flow Mike. Thanks.
What does it mean when CLO is at a class 5 org?
My friend recently got a call from CLO – "management" sea org staffer, inviting them to an event.
My friend said they would come to the event – but they won't – just wanted to get CLO off the phone.
My friend has not been back into that Org or any Org for 3 years…but won't tell them. Just says "yes" most of the time to the invites and then no shows. They admitted to me they thought the organization is criminal and out exchange. Went "clear" but felt ripped off and lost interest. Has money on account and wants it back but is afraid. Has a sister in the sea org so he is laying low.
Any idea what CLO is doing there?
Any idea what CLO is doing there?
Desperate and in fear that they will be in big trouble if this event isnt well attended.
It is very good you shine the light on the sorry state of the org so a
change might take place.
My viewpoint now if I was an ED in one of these orgs, I would get
any remaining staff into Div 6 and 4 and deliver like he’ll and anything
else put on the back burner. Stop all comm to “management” until
the missions start to arrive. Then show your real stats (auditing and
training). And throw out any reges for IAS and ANY fundraising.
Your LRH stats will probably start going up the first week. Word
of mouth will travel like wildfire and people will start to come back,
at first to see what is happening, then to join in.
Of course you can just go on with the suicide flow like nothing is
Lars. Nice idea. In reality I guess this wont happen. True?
It sounds like what some indies are doing though!
Nice to dream.
Get a hat write up on "How to Spin Off from the Co$" from the folks in Israel, then drop it off at local orgs – together with the real stats in an uptrend. Might also include photos of some Idle Morgues? "A picture is worth …." If you're shy, send it with a free pizza. Help feed your local Scn drive (save 50% on your taxes). On second thought, don't do it. None of my ideas ever work out.
I tried that when I returned to SFOf in '81. We were indoctrinated that LRH was off anagement lines and off SO 1 line as well. I planned to expand my org and deliver like hell until it was all over (I wasn't too impressed with Franks, Gleason, or the folks directly running the FEBC at the time, Horwich, Hurwitz).
My plan worked really well for a very short while, but I had no idea at all what the game had been turned into.
No one cared if stats were up baseed on actual production, although you'd be nagged to have upstats delivery was not the point.
When I first went back the Org Manager gave me all the space in the world to create and run my org. It was hands off the FEBCs. Couple months later CMO was running things, may they burn in hell for eternity, along with their dwarf god Miscavige.
It is my viewpoint that CMO was/is a suppressive group. It has been of no benefit whatsoever to Scientology and I mean both befor and after the appearance of RTC and Miscavige.
Hmm…didn't Dave come out of CMO?
Phil, I hear you and what a predicament (understatement), wanting LRH and getting the
Great article Mike (man you are really on a roll. You getting your sleep in?).
Thanks for the link to Sweeney's Panorama program on North Korea.
Except for all the guns and bombs, there are definite parallels to the Scientology cult:
empty market places/empty orgs, starving peasants/starving staff, mind controlled masses/mind controlled staff & public, instant death for disagreeing/instant ex-communication to one degree or another for showing any disagreement, communication cut to any place outside the cult, etc. The North Koreans of course have almost no where to turn and can't moonlight to pay rent and buy food – often there is no food to buy. They actually have it much, much worse than most of us ever had it. However, the mechanisms used to enslave are quite similar and I am sure that our own Dear Leader, David Kim-il Miscavige, would make it every bit as bad as N. Korea if he could. He actually did at the int base. Reading about that place reminded me of stories I've read about North Korean POW camps.
"One of the things people most often tell me when they finally break free from Scientology North Korea is that they had NO IDEA that conditions were just as bad, if not worse, in other orgs. When they discovered this, they knew the problem was NOT THEM."
I recall when I was on staff at Arlöv (Malmö) Ideal Org thinking what the hell, all orgs are expanding except mine. Don Schaul happened to be in comm with a Qual Sec in an Ideal org, in the U.S. and he informed me that org was actually worse than our org. Oh man, I couldn't believe it! Then he gave me details and it became another step out the door for me.
Thanks for posting Mike. It's important as you say as more and more of those who have been blind in the cult will find this blog and get the truth.
Surely weird Dave knows his time is near. I wonder what his plan might be for when his scam reaches a point of where he knows he can't continue to fool people.
That was an interesting look inside N. Korea that Sweeney did.
OMG, that video "panorama program" should be seen by all, even if only the first 10 minutes. Sweeney should recieve a prize for this. The parallels to SCN are frightening and yet so clear. Thank you Mike.
Dear Mike,
You said:
"Scientologists are indoctrinated to believe that if anything is not going right in their environment, they need to look at how THEY caused it. Even if you agree with this concept, its a perverted version of it that is now the norm in the church. Because it is forbidden to question anything that comes from “COB” there could never be a conclusion “my cause in the deteriorating scene around me is that I am following insane orders instead of applying Scientology to solving the situation.” Instead it becomes a never ending self-listing process while ignoring the most obvious why staring everyone in the face, "
An interesting explanation of this is that there is a BIG difference between Responsibility and Blame, even though they have some similarity. Responsibility is when a person decides to become cause over something on their own responsibility. Blame is when someone else assigns "cause" to a person for the benefit of the one who is doing assigning. There is a world of difference between them. One is assuming the viewpoint of cause. The other is attempting to make another effect or becoming effect.
They are miles apart on the tone scale. Responsibility is way up there around tone 40. Blame is below body death. So it makes sense that this is Miscavige's modus operandi.
Well said Mike!
"Disagreements with command intention". It's the old "don't be a third party" line if you notice a glaring outpoint! "Don't speak, don't say, don't notice, don't get others to notice.It's not REALLY there, it's all in your evil mind".
The culture of Scientology has transformed into a "please like me" culture for those still towing the line. Because without the approval from NObodies that have become fanatics, thier "eternity" will be "lost".
The new theme song for the Church is the old, "You're nobody til sombody loves you".
Who is command anyway? I don't know anybody by that name
Yes, Mike…this has been going on for years! "Our field is so out ethics…especially the OTs as theyshould be doing more to expand the Org"…I can't tell you how many times I heard that one, pitting staff against their own field, and blaming them for the lack of expansion, so as to divert attention from the real facts of the matter. Wrong targeting constantly is the order of the day, and going more and more unusual as a result…which brings us to the state the Orgs are in today…barely breathing and comatose.
Oh…and as you mentioned… everytime we received a new program or order, they all began with saying something to the effect of, "If you do not have (whatever target it was), realize that you are out of step with the rest of Scientology and …" blah blah blah. It got to the point where we would just laugh at how "out of step we were" with all of existence! It became more of a joke than something to help "get our ethics in".
This was very true for me, Mike. I don't know what the ratio of Org/Mission staff to SO staff is, but many of the staff at my org had no reality on other orgs. The only stats we knew were our own. Most of our senior execs had been to other orgs or pow-wow'd with corresponding staff at other Class V orgs, but many of them were on their own power trips, and wouldn't relay that info to us lowly general staff.
And I and others truly thank you for this blog and for revealing the things as they are and, even if at times is hard to confront the amount of lies and treachery, we at the end know it is true. We do hope others read it as well, see the truth and become free of this yoke…I am sure many will. Thanks again Mike for the data.
There are however, a certain strata of staff in CLOs, at ILO, and, I imagine, some at Int who have access to stats of all or a good chunk of the orgs, and who therefore should be able to see very easily that the Scientology world, as presented at the Shemanspeak Miscavige Events, does not exist and that what does exist is not pretty.; Of course they are all constantly told that this is there fault, which is the way they are kept in line. Poor dear leader, having to keep the Scientology world going with his brilliant events to cover the asses of all these SP/DB/Ethics bait, scum, useless CLO and ILO staffs.
These people see what they are told to see.