ThisFra: “DK Idealorg News” <[email protected]>Dato: 14. sep. 2013 11.44.08 CESTMessage from Emmanuel Gasqueton, ED ABLE EUDear Scientologist,
As a Scientologist who is working in a social betterment group using LRH’s tech, you have chosen to do something which is contributing to improve conditions and to help other human beings have a better life, often on a daily basis.
This is very important and each of these actions contributes to bringing about a new civilization around us, and I do not need to remind you how urgent it is to do so. To quote:
“Trying to survive in a chaotic, dishonest and generally immoral society is difficult.
“Any individual or group seeks to obtain from life what pleasure and freedom from pain that they can.
“Your own survival can be threatened by the bad actions of others around you. (…)
“You are important to other people. You are listened to. You can influence others.”
(LRH, From The Way To Happiness)
We are definitely living in a chaotic society and it is urgent to succeed in bringing about a new civilization. You know that an indispensable ingredient to make this possible is an Ideal Org, and you heard about the special importance of Denmark for all future Ideal Orgs in Europe.
So I am writing to you in order to invite you to the Denmark Ideal Org events. You may think you are already informed – and you probably are to a good degree. Each of these events include key briefings on what is happening exactly here, as well as about the overall Ideal Org strategy. I have personally learnt at least one thing in about every single of those events that I attended. These events are not only fun, they help see how much is factually being achieved. And there have definitely been achievements to be proud of. So I am quite sure that, from that viewpoint, you will benefit from participating.
But beyond the benefit you could get from these events, there is another very key reason why it is important that you go. As quoted above, you are important to other people. You are listened to. You can influence others. A new civilization is built by a group, not by single individuals. You are already part of those contributing to one and it is important that you be there, part of the group and involved in it, that you know what the other group members are doing and thinking.
Building this strong group goes with building an Ideal Org. It is not only money. It is also participation. You are already participating through the result of your good work and your attendance to these events will be part of communicating your support. To quote again from the same book: “The way to happiness requires that one set a good example for others.”
I look forward meeting you there!
Emmanuel Gasqueton
ED ABLE EUFra: “DK Idealorg News” <[email protected]>
Dato: 13. sep. 2013 23.15.31 CEST
Emne:Message from Paul Storfer, CO WISE EUDear,
I am approaching you again and I wanted to tell you first of all that it is absolutely fantastic what you have already done for the Continental Ideal Org here in DK.
It is really acknowledged and very much appreciated. Well DONE!
WISE is the sector of resources and it is up to the Members of WISE to get this target (funding of the Continental Ideal Org) to full completion. For you as a company owner/executive it is vital that there is the new Continental Ideal org in place here and NOW. Why, because if the society goes further down it affects you, and yes it affects you and your activity. The Ideal org is the place and with the Ideal Org 3rd dynamic auditing really starts occurring.
The Ideal Org, will be able to disseminate L. Ron Hubbard solutions via tons of different channels. We have the solution not just for all the economic problems, but also to handle the criminality, the drug problem, the education and all the other current issues which are getting dramatized. LRH gave solutions for all the problems we have right now on this planet.
But we need to speed up and be fast and just get this done now now now. This means that you continue to support this Continental Ideal Org Project with all your heart and soul and yes perhaps it is tough, but this is the way how it will get done and by doing your next status you contribute tremendously for a better Denmark but not just this country. The Continental Ideal org will affect all of Europe.
So please continue to support, do your next status today!!!!
DK Ideal Org “Indispensable”
This begging from Denmark is a little bit old now due to intervening events. Apart from the nuttiness of ABLE and WISE EU both doing Ideal Pimping (and it further demonstrates that if Miscavige decides that something is important, every single person in the RCS will follow along like he is the Pied Piper of Hamlin no matter where they are being led) there is the reappearance of Carol Nolan.
The former D/CO Internal OSA International was last seen rah-rahing the worn out Torontonians promised them that their Ideal Org was right around the corner. What happened to Toronto? Of course, they have had an “Ideal Org” building since 1979…. Still cannot get done. So, now she has moved on to hype the suckers in Denmark. I guess Miscavige has decided that Denmark is now priority. So, everyone drops what they were doing yesterday and now focuses on Denmark (until he changes his mind again)….
Does Carol Nolan receive commissions?
To quote LRH “would have confidence that they would attain it”.
Is there anyone out there that still has that confidence. I lost mine years ago. All they want now is money for no exchange back. Money Money Money.
Just realized reading this what a fundmentally poor manager David Miscavige is.
For the Clinton Foundation, I get money solicitations SIGNED BY BILL HIMSELF. Ditto other political and (real) humanitarian organizations I give to. The Wo/man at the top signs the request.
I’ve yet to see a request for donations signed by the Little Big Man himself.
He hasn’t cultivated a personal relationship with his followers (the way LRH did); instead expecting them to bow down to him (“You don’t have the rank to ask about Shelly!”).
Serious, serious tactical mistake going back DECADES.
COB, your “management tech” is a big FAIL. As will you be, soon enough.
Yes, this surely is the greatest speech ever made. And the wisest comment on that problematical thing – leadership.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone, if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness — not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another…
“… By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie! They do not fulfill their promise; they never will. Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people!”
“We have the solutions for economic problems….meanwhile our parishioner’s are flat broke and in debt due to us- Scientology – giving you economic problems YOU DID NOT WANT!
Scientology – the science of convincing people Scientology helps when all it does is betray!!
I checked because I thought the CO WISE EU was a Greek guy called Yannis with an unpronounceable last name, and the president was another Greek guy called George. No traces of them in the “WISE Office Directory”. Maybe on the RPF due to WISE not raising enough funds for the Ideal Org? (talk about the corporate separation they are supposed to have from the church)
And then it hit me: I was looking a small, relatively insignificant organization in the Scientology structure (WISE may have what, like 40 staff worldwide, and a few thousand members – that’s all), and there is a full office directory on the web:
…including the name of (get this) the MAGAZINE EDITOR… but try the website of “the world’s fastest growing religion”, and you can’t even find the name of it’s president. There is only one name: David Miscavige. Exactly 1,010 times just on No other names of any staff, officers, board members, spokespeople – NOT ONE.
Apparently the world’s fastest growing religion has one loyal, trustable staff member. There is not one more single person David Miscavige can trust enough to publish his or her name on the church’s official website.
Hey, Dave. Why don’t you just come out and surrender? We heard you loud and clear: you have no one left you can trust. And you guys in OSA reading this, don’t you see that the boss doesn’t trust you a single bit? You are free to leave. You want to continue this and be his disposable puppets? Fine. Just don’t get upset when you find yourself thrown in the dumpster. That’s where every loyal follower of Miscavige ended up so far.
I discovered that last night when I got curious about my local Ideal Org. And then I clicked the link to DM’s name and there was…Landmark Events!!!
As I commented at the Bunker, not since the 1930’s…
I am becoming more and more convinced of the efficacy and accuracy of the e-meter, and I’m sure the new MK VIII (or was it VIIII?) will be even better. Apparently, there is no better tool to measure gullibility and gauge credulity. And it probably give a fairly good reading on narcissism to, when handled by a good operator.
Hey Moose,
I might be reading your post incorrectly but you seem to be ridiculing the e-meter, the use of which is part of the spiritual practice of Scientology.
Are you actually familiar with these devices and have you ever operated one?
By the way, everything you said in your email, by the way could be true. The E-meter probably could be used to do all of the things you suggest. But it can be used in beneficial ways also. Think of it as a tool. Think of it as a carpenter’s hammer. A carpenter’s hammer can be used to build a home for a family or it could also be used to bash somebody’s head in. It depends on the one wielding the tool.
But unless you have at least some familiarity with carpentry I would not be very interested in your opinion about the value of hammers.
Likewise with E-meters.
Besides that, it is insensitive if you were intending to denigrate the religious practice of others.
Was that your intent? Or did I read you incorrectly?
Thank you for saying what needed to be said, Espiritu. We should all practice tolerance of others’ religion and religious artifacts here just like in the world at large.
Mike, one of the first things you mentioned was: “…Apart from the nuttiness of ABLE and WISE EU both doing Ideal Pimping…..”
Doesn’t this kind of activity explode the myth that “ABLE” (the umbrella organization over Narconon and Applied Scolastics) and “WISE” are “separate entities” and not connected to the Church of Scientology? After all, they are using their own employees (or are they “volunteers”) to participate in a COS fundraising campaign!
DM wants to milk as much money out of DK now, before Anette Iren closes it down for good:
I smell desperation. Trust me, it doesn’t look too good for Denmark. It’s sad to see my old friends in those photos. They don’t realize they are part of a major ponzi scheme fundraising money for David Miscavige’s slush fund and real estate adventure. You don’t clear the planet with empty castles. Wake up!
Showing some passion for your fellow man will bring you much closer.
Paul, Paul, Paul! Grammar, grammar, grammar! Proper use of punctuation wouldn’t hurt either.
These fundraiser individuals are like sharks. They appear in the water, feed off anything edible to them and swim on. Always moving forward, never looking back…
Indeed. The observation that was made earlier that giving money is now their auditing is very perceptive.
Did you notice the line there? “…only with an Ideal Org can we properly deliver this incredible technology.” As they like say on Slashdot, “citation needed”.
I’ve read and listened to a lot of Ron. Can someone show me where he says the technology doesn’t work without impressing people with a building? Do their jaws not drop at that slanderous technical degrade?!?!
I think the only ones left are the ones who never understood what Scientology was all about to begin with.
Right Brian. When someone gains some ability and some integrity, which is a crap shoot with the altered tech, they start to perceive. If they perceive the myriad of outpoints, they don’t last. The ones that last are the ones that aren’t into perception or truth. Their observations bear no fruit.
Another creepy set of communications, mixing the potential freedoms and abilities, of the real bridge, with these phony, covert, sleazy requests for more and more money. Notice the subtle make wrong, of the thought, of not attending the event. You could influence other people (even if you’re broke), to give their money away for nothing. And the ridiculous comment about the idle org, being the place where ideal 3rd dynamic auditing starts occurring. WTF? The mixture of false data with LRH, has to be intentional alter-is at this point, not to mention the altered importances, added inapplicable data, assumed similarities that are not similar etc. The entire idle org “program” is a wrong target and an altered importance, not to mention squirrel and stupid. Let me tell you, that REAL auditing takes place when a courageous person, studies and drills, perceives and cares about, the actual, live person in front of them, enough to help them with their worries, confusions and injustices, and to actually get tone arm action, to the persons benefit. Props to indie auditors! There is even a fucking typo in the LHR quote, “achive” freedom, instead of “achieve” freedom. A Freudian slip perhaps, to put the word, “hive” somewhere, with subtle disrespect of LRH.
miscavige is going to use clearwater local govt request for informaton as an excuse as to why superpower opening has been canned………then use that as a call to arms for more fundraising.
he made enough of an effort to open it so he can use that in the garcia suit, to claim he’s been, in good faith, trying to open it.
some influx of NOI members has been helping to keep activity on certain stats.
the thing about getting away with some more wrong for so long, not only leads one to think they’ve gotten away with it, when in reality it’s all just building up to crash down on you. for example the IRS exemption, it may seem like they won that, but it’s entirely possible that if COS is ever convicted as a criminal, it could be used as evidence that that were that at the time the exemption was issued, view it as having been obtained fraudulently and hit them with a retro active tax bill that WILL wipe them out.
if davey lives long enough he is going to eventually become a guest of the government. the list of people that want to see his fall grows by the day.
Mike – I’m very interested in how you think COB will spin the cancellation of the Flag Building dedication. I’m sure there’s a great article of its way from you about this!
Just had to say that today’s article on Tony Ortega’s blog is great, about the Scn Armaggedon in the fact that the Super Power Event has been indefinitely cancelled. Great article. And John P, a commenter on Rinder’s blog, also commented on the Ortega article. It is such as great comment on the postponing of the event and on Scn and DM in general, that I would like to ask Mike and John to please post that lengthy comment as a correspondent report over here. It would give Mike a day off having to write a new blog every day. Mike is grieving and so all the correspondents who can, might consider writing articles to give Mike some time off.
My idea of an ideal org would be… Kirsty, Tom and Dave sitting on folding chairs in a tent by the water with only each other for company.
“Anyone who has misdirected Scientology org monies will, of course, try to brush it off various ways – black PR, belittlement, seeking to make nothing of the crime. But won´t brush off, brother, it won´t brush off. THAT crime stood in the way of freedom. You better believe it.
Whether one has any reality on Scientology or not, he will, once dead, oh yes, he will!
This is not a threat or a curse. This is about the most friendly advice anyone ever gave”
HCOPL 14. March 1982 Financial Irregularities
Oh David, It’s time to reverse flow. People use your Refund Powers.
Engelmindus George Praag and Virginia McClaughry – Follow the Money to Curacao
Posted on July 8, 2011 by tabaccanist
I would like to call everyone’s attention to this post found on an internet forum.
The post links to an absolutely stunning documentation of that what Virginia McClaughry held as true in 2000, is still true today.
The IAS money and trust administration is still in Curacao.
The rest of the thread is not worthy of mention, it’s just a bunch of yahoos falling for a deadly troll and not even realizing what they got sucked into – until it was too late. Plus, it was largely an attempt to get attention off of Curacao – which is too close a link back to China, where the rest of the money is lodged. We’ll be getting to that, with full documentation, in due course.
AFAIK, Virginia and Mike (and Greg and Debra Barnes) were the first to get refunds from the IAS.
Virginia’s contacting their bank directly – is a very large part of why.
Former, or “ex-church” Scientologists should not be deterred by troll-bait on internet forums, go ahead and address your IAS refund letters as follows, and do NOT allow any misdirection of communication. Meaning, if you get a response from somewhere else, go ahead and answer it, but send it AGAIN to E. George Praag. (the E. is for Engelmindus, if you’d like to use his full title)
The motto of his CTM Trust company is: Because our client is our business we only mind our own business.
I have an account in Curacao as well, although I haven’t accessed it in years. In my experience, I do know that George does his job well. He will properly handle your communications.
The current address as of May 2011:
Foundation International Membership Services Administrations
Attn: E. George Praag
Van Engelenweg 23, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
Robert Van Heusen
So, we can conclude with the phrase noted on the WISE e mail: “The Ideal org is the place and with the Ideal Org 3rd dynamic auditing really starts occurring”. that auditing REALLY starts occurring ONLY if you have a building? No mister, auditing occurs in session with a well trained auditor and a well audited pc, you definitely don’t need to wait for a building to start real auditing. Hello!!!!
Also, these terminals are off hat which shows the Form of The Org is completely out; commands and orders being delivered to the wrong terminal and so on. Conclusion: Orgs are now in complete chaos of disorganized activities and, as such, collapse will ensue.
Unbelievable. Scientology has been experiencing it’s third major exodus since the 80’s and DM keeps the gas pedal floored while doing a classic Thelma and Louise as Scientology speeds to the cliff edge full throttle insanity. David Miscavige has done more to bolster the Independent Scientology networks than anyone else.
Hummmm…”The ideal org would be an activity where people came to achive freedom and where they had confidence they would attain it.”
First of all, I couldn’t find the word “achive” in my dictionary. Google search turned up nothing. Must have been the transcriptionists?
Or maybe the literacy level of those still “in” just isn’t up to the task of duplicating?
There are few thousand public who totally bought the notion that if they just had totally upstat buildings with totally awe inspiring MEST and totally convincing intro videos and totally groovy uniforms…if they just had all that, then the public would be totally impressed and give them all their hard earned cash and convince all their friends to come in and be totally impressed too.
It was a stupid strategic plan from the outset. Dave’s plan is stupid you guys.
Read the entire IDEAL ORG issue and you will see how stupid Dave’s plan is. You’ll see how off-source it is and you will feel betrayed. You will feel betrayed for one simple reason. YOU HAVE BEEN BETRAYED.
Confront it. Get over it. Get a life.
Isn’t Source material unalterable? Some type-setter – ha! Hark at me. How old am I? – whizz kid with an Apple Mac needs to concentrate harder when producing these embarrassing leaflets. At the very least one should aspire to correct spelling in ones embarrassing begging literature 🙂
Perhaps it takes some attention (at least in the EU) off the Super Power building debacle in CW? Dm must be desperate at this point.
How very sad. I am planning to send everyone of my contacts still inside the “church” a copy of the Tampa Bay Times article about the Super Power building opening being delayed indefinitely. This is one way I can honor your mom and do some small bit to end this travesty.
This one’s for you Barbara.
“We are definitely living in a chaotic society and it is urgent to succeed in bringing about a new civilization.”
Chaos traders!
Compared to the medieval times the world is in a pretty good condition. Yes, there are pros and cons. But does it help to always tell someone how bad life is? I remember that I had a lot of argues in the cult. They always told me what I had to do next to save the world. In fact I did not join the Church of Scientology to help the world. I wanted to learn something for myself. Saving the world has never been my purpose! The world is even getting better and better without me. Just for the cult it is getting worse and worse. According to LRH you finally become what you are fighting against – YES, I MENTION THAT JUST TO BEAT YOU WITH YOUR OWN WORDS!
I earned eight times the average salary and you know what: A Sea Org lady dared trying to sell me a money course. Nothing did upset me more than being told by someone with less than 50$ a week what I had to learn about money.
Life is a game, Ron said. But what is taught in the cult? Life is bad, you must do something about it, you must fight against SPs, you must know, you must sacrifice your life for the 3rd dynamic, you must hurry up, you must disconnect, you must not read internet pages, you must keep going up the bridge, because you are in danger if not Clear or OT, you must bring salvation, you must, you must, you must ….
This is not a game! This is stress!
I believe that the path to freedom includes “choice” and “free speech”, which results in fun.
“F” “U” “N” this is what you should strive for.
What would happen if we were all members of the cult? Stress for a billion years!
And then? All as-ised, all cleared, then you have no game! To play you need aberration. And as a game does not include “knowingness” it is absolutely fine to not know. We are immortal according to Hubbard. Why are you in a hurry then? A trillion years more or less – who cares!
Right on! I believe in the concept, that Scn can be the game where everyone wins. If it’s practiced with that intention…….that’s a 3 ton caveat. It’s about freedom, of thought, action, association, priority, time frame, viewpoint and CHOICE. This is a fundamental reason why the Rcs is so off purpose. They are trying to squeeze everyone into same mold and squash the power of choice. That power should be celebrated in a Scn organization.
I saw a lot of hubbub over on Tony Ortega’s blog about the 6th October event being cancelled with the City of Clearwater and a lot of wild guesses as to why. I figured that the Indy’s deserved to know the truth. Having “holed” the entirety of International Management and Golden Era Productions David Miscavige’s event presentations are being handled by a hodge podge of very expensive Hollywood pros. They have no clue about Scientology and as a result he is rejecting 95% of everything they send him and as a result his event presentations are not ready. Without stunning CGI’s and a rolling chunder of meaningless statistics, the events cannot be held. Normally DM would be on the west coast working closely with the people putting everything together and getting his rocks off by screaming at people and beating up on SO members in the back rooms. But he is at Flag screaming at people and beating up on SO members in the back rooms there. It’s a conundrum. At some point he will have to appoint a deputy for screaming and beating at Flag and head back to the Hemet base so he can scream and beat everything to “perfection” there. Then, and only then, will they be able to have the event. So that’s the problem folks. If more people at Flag would scream and beat each other DM would not being having to deal with this Hill 10. Sucks to be a Scientologist and REALLY sucks to be DM.
Let’s see…………… what would my next status be. I have achieved ‘Suppressive Person-officially declared but on a need to know basis’ so perhaps it would be ‘Suppressive Person Extrodinaire’ which is achieved by either donating to one of the three humanitarian groups (Moving on up a little higher; Mike Rinders Blog or The underground Bunker) or telling the truth about your favorite cult to friends and family or getting someone at your local Kool-Aide stand to walk away from their favorite cult.
This could be a fun game and it might move our process further into the spirit of play!
Love it! Straight up and vertical fringey, internet blogging apostates!
At some point, the Church stopped delivering. Miscavige programs and actions did that and replaced it with PR and hype. It’s now complete and utter delusion bordering on hallucination. Becoming a “Humanitarian” by donating money? To what? PR? You are solving all the problems in the world and salvaging the planet? How? Scientology can actually help people and is a good thing, but the Church itself is so far below making the slightest effect in this area on a “planetary” level that it is not even possible to measure. Stop buying into the anecdotal “stats” and hyped up PR claims. Look at your org and area. If you really confront it what does it look like? In the last month two new guys did a Div 6 course and then blew after you regged them for the IAS? Not making auditors? Not much auditing occuring? Three “old timers” in the courseroom on their Basics? Wow. How many people in your area? 2 million? Wow dude, thats really gettin ‘er done. Anything going on outside the org? Field activities? A big group of field auditiors? The only Mission closed down ten years ago? Wow, thats pretty bad.
Atleast we have a picture of an Argentinian police officer handing a WTH booklet to some school kids
Scientology is now the Titanic of cults…
Hey Mike!
Thank you for making me laugh so hard, first thing in the morning! That picture cracked me up!
If they don’t manage to get an Ideal Org building I heard there’s an empty tent in some parking lot in Clearwater they could use.
That is funny. Thank you.