This promo piece just came in…
You have to wonder if these people have a clue what they are supporting?
The two beauty queen pageanters seem to be more of what we have seen in the past. Meghan Fialkoff somehow managed to get her foot in the door of this world and there have been a few examples who have been called out on Tony Ortega’s blog. These beauty queens are willing dupes looking for a “cause” they can say they support to sound good on their resume. Being anti-drug is a popular one. The scientology front groups make it easy for them and provide materials and help and it all seems to be legitimate. They apparently don’t do any google searches and pretty soon their images will be being seen in scientology publications and at events as “supporters.”
The one that concerns me is Dan Schneider. If you have watched The Pharmacist on Netflix (and if you haven’t I recommend you do) you will know that Dan is a legitimate champion and fighter on behalf of victims of drugs. His persistence and bravery in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds was inspiring. It is sad to see someone like him being suckered into supporting an organization that is a front for scientology.
Perhaps if we spread the word on social media, he will see it and not allow his name to be used to garner legitimacy for scientology.
On this very subject, I also recommend the piece on Azhlynne’s Blog yesterday about scientology falsely claiming the Lebanese Red Cross were “partnering” with them in relief efforts following the bomb blast in Beirut.
If you read the new book of Eliot Weinberger on America , you finally get the wish to die. America seems to be a graveyard, sucked by greed on money and greed on greed. If you follow these thoughts, you surely get a new or alternative opinion on the human mind.
Scn is, compared with that, a unimportant small company. I guess, that the danger is the fascistic philosophy. Ready made for other dictators.
In this sense, it’s good, that exmembers, this blog and interested people stay there to make all the criminal deeds of miscavige a and his company visible for others.
I believed into this front groups and also how effective they are. Of course I compared it with other groups, and it looked, that the most effective ones were the miscavige groups.
Unfortunately, when I was in the sea org, it became obvious, that scn is a pure money collecting company, with Mafia methods. It was then obvious, that these groups do nothing. Only existing for PR.
The good thing, as schooled with the policies with my infantile mind, that I was not educated on a gun.
At this point, weapons, I guess, this group would instantly install big concentration camps and gulags. Be sure.
These front groups are a fancy trick, to show how sheeple a monster can become if you feed it with enough money.
(hmm, no, wrong coclusio.
As you see on Trump: monsters never get enough. Never. )
What’s needed now is the expertise of someone ala Gracie Lou Freebush aka FBI Agent Gracie Hart, who, undercover as ” Miss New Jersey”, infiltrated the Miss United States Pageant in the film, “Miss Congeniality”. Oh, how I wish we could get our own undercover beauty contestant entered in one of these contests for the purpose of exposing Co$’s crimes. Think of the possibilities, on and off camera…
Why doesn’t COS simply show some of its VMs handing an oversized cardboard check reflecting a cash donation? That would be more helpful than having half a dozen or so duped young adults running around offering leaflets to people looking to pass the time until their homes are rebuilt.
Oh, that’s right, because COS isn’t really there to help anyone.
Scientologists happy with LRH don’t need any drugs. Drugs make happy happier and down more down. Drugs amplifie present feelings.
In Objectivism an axiom is a statement that defines the base of knowledge and is a self evident truth. The three axioms of Objectivism are that Existence Exists, that Existence is Identity, and that Consciousness is Identification. The axioms of Objectivism flatly contradict Scientology in holding that the Universe existed prior to the evolution of consciousness. That things are what they are regardless of what one chooses to believe. And that to be conscious is to see things are they truly are without regard to the claims by an self proclaimed authority figure.
In post-modernism, axioms are redefined by chaos theory while the Paradox states the theory and its inverse are simultaneously true. In fact, the Maya or illusion shows us that what we know to be fundamental and objective truth, eternal and universal, is a manifested dreamlike ether, yet I know hard concrete materialism can seem indestructible and immovable. If the malleability of existence wasn’t true, then the double slit experiment would have yielded a singular result.
I don’t mind self-authority. The book that I am reading now shows how modern dictators were fulfilling a compulsion people need to give up authority so they don’t have to think themselves. They literally said they could move mountains with the backing of the people in speeches (Moussallini and Hitler). It also applies to charismatic leaders like LRH. The book is called Dark Star Rising. We should all learn to create our own individual subjective truth based on our objective observations, and have that in mind when truthisms arise and intellectuals feign superiority in philosophy, or charlatans in religion.
I wanted to play devil’s advocate here. What exactly does this front group do that is wrong? What do they say that is false? It’s best to discredit the front group for stuff the front group says and does, not just the fact that their a pet project of the Co$. If they are promoting Narconon, that’s something big right there, since Narconon got people killed. Promoting the Purif is also bad news, since it is not supported by any medical evidence.
That kind of argument is more powerful than guilt by association.
Well, first off, a quick glance at the website displays the usual CoS nonsense: a flashy website filled with information about pamphlets and self-produced education content, but without a whole lot of substance.
Second, they are advocating for a completely drug-free world. Nothing is ever that black and white, and anything from LSD to marijuana to prescription drugs can have its benefits in the right circumstances. Rather than any approach from nuance, they make sweeping generalizations and blanket statements founded in fearmongering, up to and including completely erroneous information about marijuana and its effects on the brain. They’ve even included citations to a number of studies–that have expired and are inaccessible. In one case they do have a working link, but it’s to a sensationalized article about the study, which the same journal posted an update to later confirming the findings to be unrelated.
All their breakdowns function about like this.
There’s no information about credentials or the validity of any of these booklets apart from the cited studies and the fact that one of their directors is a pediatrician.
Most importantly, and I can’t stress this enough, it is not just supported by the Church of Scientology, it is a division of the Church. That means that regardless of the information on that site (which is on its own a radical position) they are going to subscribe fully to the doctrines of the CoS.
The don’t mention Narconon or the purif on the page, but if you call their numbers on the pamphlet that is where they’ll direct you. Further, many schools and agencies have been involuntarily associated and had to ask to be removed from their websites and literature.
Even the devil can’t defend these folks.
That being said, yes, it would be helpful to note that in the blog post so it doesn’t come off as being biased or targeted, even though it’s completely justified.
In a nutshell, the cult uses the donations it receives from Drug Free World to financially and otherwise persecute and destroy those who publicly protest its criminal Fair Game and Disconnection policies.
The CO$ is a facetious, underhanded 2-faced snake in the grass.
I appreciate you mentioning Azhlynne’s Blog. I’ve been reading it for a while. She’s been doing a great job documenting quite a few falsehoods by the cult and its front groups.
I find it appropriately ironic that the church gets its most successful PR action when they obscure Scn in relationship to their front groups. I don’t suppose they consider it weird that they’re at their best when no one knows that Scn is involved. I wonder how they rationalize what should be seen as a bad indicator.
Exactly. Scientology’s “upper levels” exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” for the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, really needs being brought up in relation to every one of Scientology’s front groups.
The criticisms, when valid, that the front groups occasionally hit upon which are correct criticism, are valid criticisms that stand alone.
The front groups of Scientology have the job to legitimatize Scientology’s practices and goals.
For that reason, Scientology’s practices and goals which relate to the Scientology front groups are always relevant to bring up, in relation to the front groups.
And Hubbard’s anti mainstream ideas and theories are always relevant to bring up and marry up to Scientology’s front groups’ purposes and goals.
Xenu story, “body-thetans” infesting all humans, and Scientology “religions” exorcism levels OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 as the solution to all of humanity’s problems, is always relevant to bring into the discussion of all the Scientology’s front groups’ goals.
Scientology’s outlandish beliefs and the Hubbard narratives of what is wrong with “this universe” are relevant.
Scientology’s allies need to do their homework.
Xenu’s “body-thetans” are not earth’s problem. Scientology’s exorcism secret OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are L. Ron Hubbard’s offering to the world, and that’s always relevant to lay out, because Scientology isn’t allowed to tell their full goals publicly.
Great post, Chuck
I posted on Twitter Dans support of Scientology. Might be a good idea for more of us to do it. Also Instagram and Facebook would be good.
What is his twitter handle?
Handle twitter carefully.
A drug free hero at age 20?
I wonder how many serious drug addicts were drug free at age 20? I hope these ladies will never have cause to regret doing this. But sad to say, I believe the odds are very much against that.
Why would I bother posting this? It’s because it is just so damn easy to dupe people who are age 20.
VMs have always this parasitic attitude towards catastrophes but they do nothing. Just some shot, not even to PR the cult outside but to collect money inside.
The managers of these girls perhaps should be dropped.
So recently I got an email from LinkedIn about people searching and viewing my page and someone from The Foundation for a Drug Free World was listed. The name was Bee World and their title is listed as International Public Assistance Director. Thought that was kind of strange.
When I want information about substance abuse, I always listen to ‘beauty queens’ and the Kardashans. Because Kardashians know everything. And they know lots about mental illness. Because the whole freakin family is crazy. As are those who listen to them.
Two of them are worth a billion dollars each? Gag me with a spoon…
And one of them “broke the Internet” with her BUTT??? Tacky. Veeeery tacky. But I like your point, Zee Moo. Listening to Scamology about ANYTHING having to do with achieving a good life is counter-productive at best, downright stupid at worst.
Yeah and what is funny is when Forbes ran their financials after they had printed that one of them was a ‘billionaire’ after her makeup company hit the market and they found…haha oddly enough…that the Kardashians had inflated the financials they had presented to Forbes to be included in the list of worlds youngest ‘billionaires’. So not so much…are they making money on duping 12 year olds into buying their tacky makeup? Absolutely. Are they making a fortune on Instagram via endorsements every time someone clicks their tacky page. Absolutely. But are they really ‘billionaires’ hmmm Forbes is better at financials than me and the heading of the article should clear it all up.
Relief efforts?
The only kind or relief efforts in which these scammers engage is relieving people of as much money as they can sucker them into giving.
Maybe someone could tweet this blog post to
I think that is his twitter.
I was able to point both the women to your blog post.
Maybe they’ll do something about it.
Trying to remain relevant in today’s world….where people like this come & go like the tide. Popular one minute…forgotten the next. Similar to the “one hit wonder singers/musicians” who might hit it BIG only ONE time & then fade into oblivion.
To have their faces OUT there in ANY form they think is going to have people remember them. Problem is that some people are remembered for the WRONG reason. Eventually they get caught up in it when the truths are exposed & then they are ridiculed for taking part in it in the first place.
Beauty Queens come & go…they’re always replaced by someone more beautiful, talented, wanted….that’s how life goes. They may live to regret their decisions at some point, but by then it’s far too late.
Hello Balletlady,
I tried to say exactly what you said in your post. But I am just nowhere near as articulate as you are.
Thank you for making the point however. It is a good point.
Why thank you my friend! How very kind of you! Sadly, as many of us know, it’s so true.
There is so much competition OUT there to be photographed, having media request interviews one on one, to get one’s FACE continually out there to be recognized by young &old. We’ve seen far too many times “nasty photographs” being “somehow released” to the public to whet out appetites & THAT is what kept certain people making millions from a TV Show.
WHO ARE these people??? Well, if you do NOT know, now you’ve seen their photograph so your interested is peeked…& you’ll investigate.
Staying relevant to many is a necessity…it brings in COLD HARD CASH….
Agreed. Who even knows who a ‘Beauty Queen’ is these days? I have always thought the whole deal was sexist. Rating a woman’s worth on how she looks in a swimsuit (identical to all other 100 girls in identical swimsuits)…how good her ‘talent’ is in such wonders as singing, baton twirling, dancing, rodeo roping, acrobatics and yes even recitation. Then there’s the ‘evening gown’ competition where the same 100 size 0 women wear basically identical evening gowns. Then there’s the ‘question and answer’ section where, like the Sandra Bullock movie that I can’t remember the name of, it’s best to answer each question with ‘world peace’. Unfortunately since the inception of the internet no one remembers a beauty queen till she messes up. Like the poor girl from SC who totally bombed an easy question about geography. You could tell she had been prepped for a totally other question and when she got this question about geography she started the ‘world peace’ answer then realized that oops that’s not the same question and just went off on a tangent of rambling that hit the net instantly. I don’t think any of the ‘Beauty Pageants’ are even televised on networks anymore. I caught the tail end of one on a low tier cable channel one time. It was just as bad as I remembered watching them when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s.
A girl in my high school class became Miss Teenage America. She beat out Cybelle Shepard who was Miss Tennessee in the Teenage America contest back in the day. Her talent was absolutely amazing; she was an expert baton twirler. She had already won many contests. She was really good. In the pageant she twirled flaming batons. A terrific show. Unlike Cybelle Shepard she was not classicly beautiful; she was pretty and also unlike her she was rather thin and undeveloped. In school she was popular. Friends, boyfriends. She also got top grades. All of this makes you think like you’d want to hate her, but you couldn’t hate this girl. She was unaffected, unconceited and genuinely nice. You couldn’t not like her. The point is that at least in this particular pageant, with something of a pretty face and a friendly, down to earth disposition and an amazing talent she beat out an acknowledged beauty with stunning looks who went on to become a Ford model and a famous actress. Today she is a tenured professor at a major university – BA, MA, PHD – she went the academic route. She never pursued the beauty route, although I believe she was Homecoming Queen at the university from which she graduated. She and I were never friends but we were friend-ly and I always admired and liked her. Possibly my anecdotal example is unusual but just to say that looks alone don’t always win these contests.
PS: Several corrections to my story; first, Cybill Shepherd was Miss Teenage Memphis, not Miss Tennessee, in that Miss Teenage America contest, and then, above is the correct spelling of her name which I misspelled in the my earlier post. So, at least in this long ago contest, the hands down most stunningly beautiful girl didn’t win and was instead runner up and “Miss Congeniality” and the more cute than pretty, friendly and very athletic girl won the crown Actually it was her talent – those batons – incredible. Takes a lot of coordination to do what she used to do.
Excellent article Mike, as usual! I also recommend
Fantastic article and writer♥️
I have an idea,but, I’m NOT going to share it with you.
Oh you tease 😛
Tease I am!