Sure makes me wonder how this particular quote “helped me so much.”
It’s pretty convoluted — sort of sums up to not being careful I guess… Because in primitive societies if “he got too messed up, he didn’t have any tremendous strings on him…”
Apparently a high mortality rate was a good thing?
The more distance I have from Hubbard-think, the more crazy I think it is. And things that I probably would have just accepted as great wisdom a decade or more ago now seem merely silly.
It’s always a reminder how deeply ingrained the “think” is. Gibberish as inspiration. And when shared with others, confirmation that nuttiness is normal and anyone who doesn’t agree is the insane/crazy/suppressive. It’s a world of lockstep think where questioning, let alone disagreement, is treated as a crime. Yet the inhabitants of this mind prison have also been persuaded they are the only free ones.
This sentence is grammatically correct, and I understand each and every word it contains:
“Yesterday, the fork told the purple Play-Doh to climb over the newly hatched orange calendars in order to manufacture iPhone carpets.”
It’s still gibberish.
The title of the lecture says it all: ‘Death Wish, Steps V, VI, VII.’ I hope that Diana Dernehl wakes up before her wish comes true. Descartes imagines in his ‘First Meditation’ that ‘some malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to deceive me.’
Oh! It’s the weekly or fortnightly meeting of the “Mutual Misunderstoods And Glee Club”! Yet again we have a perfectly straightforward concept of life/living from LRH that even microcephalous idiots would understand and yet we have the usual suspects coming on here and saying “I didn’t understand that either!”
Or is this “Foolproof-bait” as the comments stat and general interest in nattering is on a low? Well, whatever it is, you can all go to the bottom of the class, where you all were anyway it seems. Mike is producing dunce hats which he will advertise on Amazon for a few dollars and I expect you all to buy one and post photos of the next meeting.
I recommend the Random House dictionary for all involved here – good investment. Will save you lots of time in the long run and then you won’t have to make daft comments on such stories and also avoid making fools of yourselves either. Good eh?
Terrific comment. Thanks FP. Summed up perfectly the thought so of a real scientologist. It’s always good to hear from you as I have a hard time these days recalling the reactions of a true believer.
Yes, it must be awful for you what with all your hobnobbing with lunatics et al.
Let me see if I got this right. People are “lunatics” for not buying into Hubbard’s lunacy? Well, now…that’s just rich.
Is it not amazing how simple statements can be misunderstood and then additional false ideas dubbed in? Rich indeed!
Good sir, that quote from Hubbard is simply jibberish. To pretend one understands it is silly, to pretend it’s a profound pearl of wisdom that will help one greatly in life is more than a bit nutty.
Are you truly one of these psycho fuctard whack jobs that follows that freaking lunatic L Ron Blubber — posting here — on Mike Rinders page? PRAY TELL because I’m ready, willing and able to troll the living sheeple out of you. I’ve been following and studying you whack jobs for DECADES. Let’s do this. ?
Ah! I see my remark above about hobnobbing with lunatics has indeed, in the immortal words of Pink Floyd, brought them forth from the woodwork and indeed, they are now “in the hall”! As to he who takes pride in having a menacing name in order to scare little children and gentler folk, I suggest he consults his psychiatrist (one of many who have tried to no avail no doubt), to increase his medications, drastically!
Foolproof, if you’re good at interpreting gobbledygook, more power to you. LRH should have been named junkphrases from birth O.o
As for gobbledygook, I get my fair share of trying to interpret it from the comments on here. Still, we can’t all be perfect…
Proof of your Foolery is painfully apparent. Psychs? Recommending medications? You’re more of a wog than I sir. Your milleu is creating pointless memes on 4Chan, innit Troll-san….
It is a terrible thing, literal understanding. You really are embarrassing yourself with your unthinking remark. I suggest you increase your meds and consult a psychiatrist, better would be a good dictionary though..
Mike, mostly I agree with your comments but this time I don’t.
Foolproof may be THINKING like a true believer Scientologist ( who can have any thoughts that pop into mind) , but he isn’t REACTING or COMMUNICATING (here) as any trained auditor or trained Scn communicator would.
From his writing alone here I would doubt that he’s ever done his Levels or audited anyone
Trained auditors have it so ingrained in them to not make people wrong – to NOT further inflame and antagonize and escalate the hostility they’re already receiving.
They know the principles of ARC and how they work to further understanding and agreement between people,and/or at the very least TO CALM DOWN the scene no matter what gets verbally thrown at them.
YOU, Mike, have this ability in spades, demonstrably. Butter doesn’t melt in your mouth, as the saying goes in the South.
But Foolproof, on the face of things, does not demonstrate this aforementioned ability HERE
. I’m emphasizing “here” because its also possible that he’s an Indie who was indeed auditor trained who DOES know and ordinarily practice what i’ve outlined above, but who’s just having some fun for himself, indulging his own little secret vice here, trolling, getting people riled up, purposefully.
In any event, he’s certainly entertaining! ( I think Foolproof’s a man .) I get a kick out of him, mostly because I haven’t figured him out yet. Once I do he’ll be predictable and less interesting.
Hey, Foolproof!
I beg your pardon for talking in front of you as if you weren’t there, if you were 🙂 Welcome back. Interested in any response you care to share if indeed you deem anything I’ve said to be response-worthy!
Trolling eh? You do realize that this site is purely dedicated to such? Are you quite sure Aqua that you did the Data Series Evaluator Course?
Yeah, FP, don’t answer Aqua’s point or question – demonstrate those Scientology skills of communicating by not communicating, and “attack, never defend” like your master trained you.
It must be frustrating to be certain that you’re so spiritually advanced, and yet not have the world appreciate that – much less be beating down the doors to get it for themselves, like they’re supposed to be.
Hi Foolproof,
Yes, I’m 100% sure that I did the Data Series Course. Nice attempt at deflection, though!
Ok, I’ll bite: if you’re not trolling, or, if you effectively are but if your actual intention here is not to troll, then, what IS your intention?
To inform? To enlighten us? What?
Because, Foolproof, this much I know: no well trained Scientology auditor with an intention to inform or enlighten would EVER communicate as you do. Because your way only creates more antagonism.
Now, don’t get me wrong: I’m not castigating you. Its fine with me if you’re here to amuse yourself. Totally fine Because you actually amuse ME, and I say that respectfully and not with contempt or dislike, btw.
We all have our little harmless vices. For instance, I pride myself on treating my mind like my body and not filling it up with mental junk food, whether its what I read or watch on TV. And I mostly don’t fill up my mind with mental junk. But occasionally I get a CRAVING for it, and I’ll grab the Enquirer or the Star while in the grocery check out line to read the trashy stuff that’s in there.
So, Foolproof, is posting on this blog your little secret harmless vice?
Are you a trained Scn Indie auditor who always has to keep his TRs in in in and so occasionally needs some comic relief? So you come here and say all the stuff about LRH’s tech that of itself is likely to annoy them and to compound matters say in such a manner that is guaranteed to piss them off?
Awaiting your response. That said, if further attempts to deflect are observed just know that I’ve observed the deflections and am ignoring them, and no hard feelings, because sooner or later I’ll figure you out, so no rush. 🙂 Cheers.
Please don’t respond to the troll, its like feeding wild animals.
I wouldn’t let him insult you like that Aqua!
Aqua, I am very well trained in most Tech courses that a lower level Org can offer and a few from higher level ones. You ask me why I throw my hat into the ring here? Mostly because I see a lot of nonsense being commented and sometimes outright lies and twisting of the truth to push some agenda. As I have often stated I have nothing against people commenting on those aspects of the current Church that I also find unappealing. And yes I also get a bit of fun from doing so – it’s a bit like playing word “chess” as well. And Mike needs someone to keep him on his toes as well!
Anyway, I am off now to run OTIII from my back porch without a meter and then to spontaneously combust whilst doing OTVIII at the same time!
Thanks for your candid response, Foolproof. I appreciate it. Understood on all, and 🙂 as re your 2nd paragraph.
Aqua, There are many highly trained “auditors” in the S.O. (and out) that attack people like Logicproof does. Remember the brainwashing is all the way. Anyone that questions Hubtard is a 2 1/2%er, a murderous demon and someone that MUST be destroyed to save humanity.
That is as much KSW and what you mentioned about the auditing side. Remember the sequence auditors are taught; Ethics (sever justice), Tech, Admin.
Wynski, I hear you and don’t disagree. I think my communication was not as precise as it needed to be to make the intended point. You rightly point out that there are indeed highly tech trained, auditor trained people in Scientology who will attack with ad homs and accusations anyone they perceive to be criticizing or attacking Scientology
What I meant was that someone who is “wearing” the Scientology auditor’s “hat” while attempting, in an ordinary conversation, to persuade someone else that Scientology tech is beneficial, that it would be helpful, etc., – someone communicating in a conversation while “wearing the hat of an auditor” would never employ ad homs or sarcasm or ridicule (as we all do here, btw) of the other person to persuade him or her that Scientology is a something good,.
It wouldn’t be a debate, with points scored, nor would such a conversation ever be a defense or an attack-as-defense.
Rather, it would be a friendly, light interaction, with mostly listening and actual understanding and acknowledging on the part of the persuadER than talking, and with likely most of the talking being done by the persuadEE.
So, you’re right, it matters not that someone is auditor trained, necessariy. Its the intention behind the communication which is key.
Ah, yes Aqua. I see what you mean and agree 100%
“That is as much KSW and what you mentioned about the auditing side.”
Yes, unfortunately, this blind, vehement, “never defend, always attack” IS KSW, too, very much so, and I deplore it, I loathe it. its toxic, Wynski.
That’s why I’m here on this blog. Anyone on this damaged by this insane policy could have been me.
This policy is so toxic that the actions caused by its administration have poisoned the entire subject. Just like, the Crusades and Inquisition poisoned the Roman Catholic religion and made many people hate and revile and leave it back in the day. But the RCs wised up and eliminated those unspeakably cruel policies. Live and learn!
Co$ is doomed unless it violates KSW by jettisoning KSW! All, the toxic parts of KSW.
Foolproof! I love when you participate in the discussions. You are always welcome as far as I am concerned! I wish more scientologists would visit the websites of Mike Rinder and Tony Ortega.
whatareyourcrimes, there are only a handful outside the “church” that will publicly claim to be followers of Hubtard. So, not much chance of getting what you are wishing for. 10 years ago there were perhaps a dozen or more, pro scamology Indie websites that were active. That count is now ZERO.
Don’t quite know what your motive is but thank you.
No motive other than being happy to see a scientologist is reading alternate points of view and actually having discussions rather than hiding. Are scientologists embarrassed to admit they are scientologists? It’s about time your “leader” David Miscavige actually came out of hiding and had another Ted Koppel style interview with the press. He really comes across as a frightened and threatened child.
He’s not my leader. But ok.
As to discussions etc. Scientologists aren’t renowned for explaining their actions, which however I tend to agree with.
OMG….WTF….I don’t even understand this gibberish….I guess it means like the Hell’s Angels used to say “Ride hard, die fast” … weird and sad, and to have that girl’s picture all smiling like she just won the lottery….very scary how much mind control is still going on.
Well, at least we got a pic of a pretty young girl…. What’s she? early 20s? Awfully young to be ED, even of a mission. Is she old enough to have any technical skill? IIRC, it seemed that mission holders had to be class IV or VI As I recall, the missiion holders I met were all VIs (not that VI exists any more, and with GAT/GAK/GAG, getting any results from Auditors seems unlikely) (HECK! Why am I caring about COB’s minions getting any results, anyway? Wasn’t happening before he took power; complete collapse of any auditing gai ns will get the slaves to flee earlier;a good thing. WHY do I care about scn, anyway? *I* am out, but invested a LOT of my early adulthood trying to get that turkey to fly, as hobbled as it was. I must still be holding out a little hope that SOMEthing will work at the end of the ladder to total servitude. wasn’t a bridge, just a ladder to nowhere valuable.
—– Still a bit brainwashed, I guess
Thank you for the phone number posted in the flyer. I just called and left the Mission a long voice message and read off verbatim Hubbard’s entire OT III story — asking for help — because I think I’m dying of pneumonia from exposure to the Material and need help from the Mission. I can’t understand why Big Beings like Tom Cruise or David MisCavige couldn’t use their OT VIII superpowers to block these materials from being published on the internet where exposure to them can kill people like me who accidentally stumble across them.
Damn right, Amy! If you look at the materials, you will spontaneously burst into fire.
Outstanding, Amy!
Amy – That is a VWD! Please Continue!! Love it! Thank you!!
Look at that FReAK! ??????
Fool Not Proof ,your up.
Signed a proud SP
I’m always up!
🙂 He’s baaaaaaack!
I just love Foolproof . He makes this site so much better.
Okey doke – Gary, thanks.
I always hated…. “What would Ron do?” So what… you got OT 8’s still dependent on Ron? Who gives a fuck what Ron would do. What would you fucking do? Or can’t you make up your own mind about these things.
By the way, use Windex and paper towels on your windows. Newspaper scratches and leaves ink marks.
The professionals around here use their own windex-like formula and squeegees which can make a window crystal clear with minimal effort, even when they’re a floor or two above the ground. Indoors, the also have a towel to mop up drips. Of course Tubby was always the ultimate authority on anything he thought about, so would NEVER consult anyone whose livelihood depended on speed and quality.
/Snark off
What would Ron do? Oh my hell!
Ron would lie.
Ron would steal.
Ron would drink heavily.
Ron would take drugs and write gibberish.
Ron would blame you for not understanding his mental drool.
Ron would ogle underage girls.
Ron would inflict cruelty on anyone who disagreed with him
Ron would ruin lives and not care.
Ron would smuggle guns and money.
Ron would endanger innocent people by making them smuggle his money.
Ron would flip the bird to laws of countries he sailed to.
Ron would be a racist.
Ron would be afraid
Ron would be a sexist.
Ron would be paranoid.
Ron is a caricature. A cartoon.
Don’t be Ron.
Gravity, we need your post printed up on T-shirts. I would buy ten of them today if I could.
That’s really good! Make it into a public service message!
(And, no, I’m not being a smartass. This should be done as a psa and put on television. It would send a very strong message.)
If we were to do as Ron says, to succeed, then Ron’s final admission to Sarge, about Ron NOT coming back to earth, and instead he’s going to do some OT “rehab” by doing the “OT running program” by circling the distant star he told Sarge he planned to go circle when he dropped his body, WELL, that kind of means to me that to follow Ron’s final intention as expressed to Sarge, all scientologists ought to wisely just quit right now.
Ron quit, so do what Ron said to Sarge. Quit.
Ron said he failed, so the members ought really do what Ron told Sarge, and quit too!
Do what Ron did.
This piece by Hubbard could be a companion to “Pirates and Bums” . The point being, screw being responsible with your cash HAND IT OVER.
He ALWAYS was paid by the word: The more he wrote, and the more obtuse it was, the more the rubes paid to get the NEW story that would finally make everything clear (so to speak).
Interesting. To figure it out, and to give him the benefit of the doubt, we would need to listen to the whole probably one hour taped lecture. Then maybe we could say gibberish or whatever.
The thing is, when I was in, we had heavy approval lines on what we could excerpt from tapes and use as quotes.
The quote used here makes no sense to me at all. Gibberish. But that the quote is in fact used, that it is widely disseminated, means those early checks and approvals have fallen by the wayside. That also indicates the slow erosion of the group and its structure.
If we add the ‘ideal org’ fiasco, the IAS insanity, the volunteer minster BS, then golden age of tech, remove all technical red volumes, then all policy volumes, then all Class VI training (like a Scientology Bachelors Degree) rehash all training levels, and we have something weird, weirder than the original stuff.
In the weird new thing, quotes like this can be used with no idea of its disassociation from their ‘potential’ customers.
It seems to say something like this:
(1) In primitive societies life was very dangerous but people said “To hell with it” and lived their lives fast and loose.
(2) In modern societies, despite the fact that life is a lot less dangerous, people live far more cautiously.
(3) Living fast and loose is much better.
Unlike Miscavige, Hubbard used to talk off-the-cuff and what he said often contained elementary mistakes or just did not make any sense at all.
This one is about par for the course.
Reading it has not changed my life.
When I read that, I flashed on “Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.”
Tubs failed at that miserably; Quentin got closer as a result of his dad’s suppression.
“And good sense is to live fast, live beautifully and live dangerously.”
This from the man who let his wife take the full rap for his crimes and who spent the last 6 years of his life hiding from the law. So beautiful.
Since the SO was so he could hide from creditors and goverments, he spent more than 18( almost 20 ) years hiding from the law. MSH going to jail for him was just par for the course; he used people up and threw them away without a second thought.
Thanks for pointing this out, Jere.
Seems like the REAL “KSW” has always been, “Do What Thou Wilt Is The Extent Of The Law”.
Also known as: “Keeping LRH Working” (as opposed to being in jail) and, for Miscavige, “Keeping Tax Exemption Working”
Dartboard quoting of LRH nonsense fills the space of so much scientology marketing. It makes the eyes cross (or roll).
O/T I just clicked on web site and got this huge screen promo by A&E for considering Leah Remini: Aftermath for Emmy time. Hooray!
Lron’s lectures were the Nigerian Email scam of those times, poor English and misspellings required. That is Lron’s target audience. Mostly, people who spoke or wrote proper English joined anyway
The Hubster was the guru of $cientology and as his word was law, you’d better toe the line or get out.
That is the problem with every religion, if you don’t use your thinking skills, you may join and turn off your brain.
I have found the deeper meaning that Lron was espousing. ‘Give me your money, give me your money…’
Diana Dernehl was really grasping at straws when she sent this out. But Lron always said to do crap like this. Who knows, some poor fool may come in and spend $5.00.
“Gibberish as inspiration.” Reminds me of this…
“Apparently a high mortality rate was a good thing?”
That’s how it reads to me. Or at least, valuing low mortality is “primitive” and nonsensical, to his mind. As always, Hubbard gets the science exactly backwards. The genes that survived to make us were precisely those that aided the survival of bodies. Any enlightened race that actually held the attitude he espouses would have died out very quickly.
If you want the species to evolve more quickly, a high mortality rate clears out the deadwood (dead, but on the tree.) If you’re part of the detritus to be cleared away, it’s just too bad; You shoulda picked better genetic parents in the first place.
Interesting post Mike. Thanks again for your insight.
BTW; I noticed the letter was signed off using the word “Best”. Reminded me of the first instance I saw Hubbard use it instead of the phrase “Love” or “Much love” which had been routinely used by him and all staff back in the 70s and 80s. Dispatches from him and other execs were always closed with Love or Much love. The ONLY time Hubbard ever used “Best” was when he was pissed and wished to let the recipient know so. It was a sign of much reduced affinity or respect. Well, these days so, so many (if not all) messages from the cult are closed off with “Best”, just as the one above. This has become so prevalent over the last couple of decades; coincident with Missy Cabbage’s takeover.
Much love, Glenn
I think it’s not as uncommon in the UK as over here (correct me if I’m wrong), as a greeting to someone the writer values too little to fill it out with “wishes,” or “regards.” see it as another of the ripped-off Britishisms that peppered LRH’s, and thus the cult’s, speech and writing over the years — classic example, “wogs.”
I had thought about the “Best” valediction earlier this year when an Afghan refugee we sponsor was using it in his e-mails. I told him that while it might be unexceptional in India, where he lived for several years and where of course the local English has a lot of British words and phrases, to an American simply seeing “Best” with nothing else seems rather jarring and unpleasant.
“Jarring and unpleasant,” however, does cover a lot of Scio messages.
When I was in, “ARC”, or “Much ARC” were also frequent complimentary closes to notes, letters, messages and other communications. I received many letters from my org and from Flag and other orgs which closed this way.
I once camped at a Native American reservation. One of the elders there was spouting some nonsense. We asked him his name and he said “what is my name? What IS my name”. People around him were acting like he was communicating some deep stuff.
“He’s so right you know. What IS his name? What IS any of our names?” Ridiculous!!!
The truth is, he was drunk out of his mind. He didn’t even know wtf he was saying.
The same mechanism applies to art and music. People will just assume it’s something deep and instructive. If you say “I don’t understand.” , the In-crowd will “Pfft” and say “well, it’s obviously beyond you. *I* get it because I’m better than you!”
The movie “Kumar” delves into this. An actor pretended to be an East Indian guru. The amazing Randy did a similar stunt. Just dress up in robes, grow a beard, wear sandals, talk in an accent, and say obfuscatory rubbish. You too can even become a millionaire.
Detractors? Oh, they’re just incapable of understanding the deep meaning that the ELITE people have the inside track on.
Sometimes (quite often) the king has no clothes and the greatest, deepest, insightful understanding is, “It’s a load of garbage!”
Listen to Blues Travelers “The Hook”.
What? Was he on amphetamines when he wrote this, perhaps?
I had the same thought – I went back and looked, and the date is 1953, in the era when he was still extolling the virtues of Benzedrine (an amphetamine, sold over the counter until the late 1950s), including as part of the “GUK” mixture along with vitamins.
He was either on something or suffering from the body’s own version of restim: a flashback.
The dude did so many drugs for so long, it was surprising that poor body lasted as long as it did; He’d killed off so many brain cells, wholesale it’s a wonder he could put one foot in front of the other or string two words together. Thus, we had to piece together a meaning of the resulting word salad; figure out what he MEANT to say.
He was either on something or suffering from the body’s own version of restim: a flashback.
The dude did so many drugs for so long, it was surprising that poor body lasted as long as it did; He’d killed off so many brain cells, wholesale it’s a wonder he could put one foot in front of the other or string two words together. Thus, we had to piece together a meaning of the resulting word salad; figure out what he MEANT to say.
AND of course, there were many different interpretations that could be valid in those circumstances Only Xenu knew for sure how it should have been said/written.
Thank you Mike. I appreciate insight into how you thought then and now you think now. I think it helps others to see more clearly. And helps with understanding for people like me. I would love to see more like this.
Oh, hay…. a little off topic, but spot on for NUTTINESS:
do you all remember when the Mark VII came out..and it had these extra jacks in the back..? ..with no explanation for what they were for?
There then followed this hushed and whispered rumor that the slots were for a special device that Ron/Int was working on, it was going to be the Learning Machine right out of Battlefield Earth. You’d hook it up and somehow it would channel instant knowledge of all things scientology.
BE was a big deal still, there was always a bunch of chatter about how LRH had taken the idea of the learning machine used by Johnny Goodboy Tyler from the whole track, and that LRH was going to make a machine like that.
(for those who have never read the book, it was a machine that had this big ray of light sorta thing, you shove your head in it and it transplanted massive amounts of knowledge into your head, “instant learning” type thing)
I found the rumor hard to accept, but did have some tingles of anticipation and “what ifs” and over time, I was waiting for the new release.
F*ckin Idjit, I was.
P.S. the jacks ended up being for the simulator to simulate reads (GAT 1) and later, an additional recorder that would record the reads to be played back for training purposes (GAT 2). (file under, wasted years, useless “knowledge”)
Rip, the big connector on the VII is for the Remote TA and the little one is for the “Reads Recorder”, which can both record needle motions that are happening on the meter and take over the meter needle to play back needle motions. From a recording or live from another meter. But the GAT I Drills Simulator didn’t use these features, it just connected to the PC jack and pretended to be a PC. No small trick, I earned a patent for it.
The VIII uses a “super sophisticated” ordinary serial port to do the Reads Recorder features and the Drills Simulator.
Of minor interest to those curious about the meter, these rear connections were also used to network MK VII meters in the Briefing Course Co-Audit system. The Supervisor has a meter that can show her what is happening on any other meter in the room. Later Dimitri at the Flag Land Base worked out how to make a huge Look-Listen system for Flag. The C/S at Flag could see the meter reactions, listen to the audio and see the two video cameras on any session. It was also recorded.
When the VIII came out it was also networked in to this system using an Ethernet conversion adapter.
All in the name of quality control, but it also acts like a super Big Brother system. Of course all the embarrassing or blackmail-material recordings are supposed to be destroyed, and certainly we can be sure that Dave and his army of lawyers will never abuse it. If you believe that I have a good deal on a Bridge in Brooklyn you might consider…
Thanks. I drilled on the meter with the simulators, both the GAT 1 and the new one at GAT 2, and we also used the recorder. It was very helpful and was popular from the get-go.
you sound like you made this stuff. Guess you didn’t hear the goofy rumors we ended up believing back in the day…. I think it’s a HOOT now…Battlefield Earth Learn Acc??
Again, words that make no sense! Where did he come up with the garbage that he was teaching. If anyone needed mental health help, Ron is it. There were many bats in his attic.
When asked if I speak a second language….
“yes, I speak fluent gibberish”
the quote is nuts. and at one time I would have chewed over it until it made perfect sense, probably even have a cognition or two. Pat myself on the back for having so much other training/info so that I could “weight the data”, I could, “extrapolate”, find “comparable magnitudes” and go forth to apply it.
Your words echo my thoughts regularly, and particularly this one:
“The more distance I have from Hubbard-think, the more crazy I think it is. And things that I probably would have just accepted as great wisdom a decade or more ago now seem merely silly.”
Alas, I don’t have a decade of awakeness yet…. but every day is better than before.
today’s post has simplicity and succinctness, and is right on the money and helpful. Thanks.
Hi Rip – same here exactly like you. And if I felt that I didn’t “get it” even after looking up 100 words, I would think “gees, I guess I’m not as enlightened or intelligent as the others”. Oh my, gibberish at its best that now we can see and admit that it is.
Yep. If I couldn’t really get into it..even after all the handlings I could think of…. (ugh, The Axioms) … I would set it aside as something I would really ‘get’ when I got further up the bridge.”
I think it’s fascinating, how somehow all this was implanted in me so quickly and early, and then ever after I did it all to myself. I was my own thought police, my own EO and justice body… I had my study tools I to force the crap in…..
Just read this quote through a couple times. You’re quite right, Mike; absolute gibberish. And it helped Ms. Dernehl “so much” to do what, pray tell? Not avoid getting declared an SP certainly.
In 1965 KSW policy LRH said in part: “We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank.”
This particular line bothered me a lot when I took my first courses in 1970, but I assumed I would find out the answer as to how LRH rose above the bank as I moved ahead with Scientology courses. And 45 years later with all the important courses under my belt, I did find the answer in 2015: he wasn’t telling the truth. He didn’t say this because he believed it, instead he said it because if he didn’t say it, I wouldn’t continue to follow him.
Until you can question the intentions and integrity of LRH and Scientology, you cannot graduate from it.
I’ve also seen it speculated, that what he’s referring to is his drug use, which he did admit to and even given some credit to fairly early on, including the infamous reference that “Benzedrine often helps a case run.”
And I’m apparently not the only one who thought the quote today looks like one of the things he may have said while high.
LOL! “We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank.”
Me too. I always wondered, “Why should you or I or we SPECULATE about something so important? Why don’t you just tell us why and how you rose above the bank?”
Well, LRH; today I have my answer: Because you didn’t.
Because there is no bank.
That’s right, Mary. You created your bank! Feeling a bit had? Yep, it happens.
I wish I could create my own bank. Macy’s is having a one-day sale, 50% off selected summer clothing and accessories…
Any analysis or contradiction with what LRH proffered is a cause for a $10,000 “Security Check” because your doubts come from your own overts, which seems a little self-serving?.
Anyway, in the resultant sec checks/overt write-ups, etc…, you mock up lots of bank stuff to run. We have all done it. Looking back, so many things are about control. not getting rid of a bank at all. It was about getting rid of my bank account and my personal freedom.
” Because there is no bank.”
Bing fucking Go!!!!!
Yo Dave,
Did ya git it good buddy? No bank …………. but there is one YUGE pile of shit cleverly disguised as a cherch and that my friend is the closest thing to a bank you will ever see.
“Because there is no bank.”
@Mary and Newcomer.
From what you’ve both disclosed on this blog, you’re OT* completions, so what you’ve shared is intriguing to say the least!
Good day Mike. Yes, I always said it, Hubbard was a prolific writer. You could give him any subject and he will write about it sometimes for pages long. Ex. how to wash a car, how to manage a Galaxy, etc.
It is what one oneself puts/places on that reading that results in believing it or not, in other words, if one decides: ‘this is good’, or ‘it makes sense’, or ‘wow, incredible’; it was oneself that placed that value on it.
But as you say, knowing the lies behind this so called religion, enables oneself to distance from those written words and really look at the meaning, if there is any.
This can happen with any writer, on any subject.
Have a good day.
What strikes me about this and many other quotes by Hubbard, is that they are such gibberish that it leaves you with the full freedom to think they mean anything you want. A criminal reading this would think it gives him carte blanche to commit any crime he likes, and believe he’s somehow OT by doing so.
I had a science teacher in junior high/middle-school. Her name was Mrs. Stickney; she was a sweet, no-nonsense southern lady who valued manners and integrity and did not suffer fools. Something she had once said would come to mind when at first I didn’t quite understand something I had just read or heard: (paraphrase) ‘If it sounds like gibberish, read it again or ask that it be repeated. If it still seems like gibberish, it most likely Is, or, most certainly, It Is A Lie’!
“Live” ? This is a quote about living? Living fast, beautifully and dangerously?
I guess it would appropriate to quote myself from part of a response I wrote earlier this morning to a friend who asked how I have been doing after being out of the church:
“Like you, the longer I’m out the better life is. People seem to get nicer, our business expands, we travel more than we ever have, the environment gets more beautiful and I become a better person. And I’m not kidding. Unraveling from this vile church will probably take the rest of my life, but every chain that falls off releases a new burst of energy.”
As I read that, I flashed on” Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.” He didn’t succeed in that, but Quentin nearly did.
Great quote on tony’s Blog today. Miscarriage ( autocorrect for the win!) on freedom to Russian detainees
“Know that we are with you. Not a day goes by so I do not think about you. Freedom is the goal of all mankind. Freedom, Total Freedom – this is what Scientology stands for.”
Like the total freedom to believe Miscavage is an incompetent asshat. That’s what you mean, right?
Freedom for Dwarfenführer to do anything he wants while micromanaging the slaves’ lives totally freely. Nothing can check his perfidy except the laser light of truth, eventually.
Yes, very much like North Korea or China for that matter Mike. : )
That is just complete and utter bullshit. AND,was the opposite of how Hubtard lived.
Wynski, Tubby in his own mind DID live dangerously. He pissed off governments left and right, then “did a Fabian” in an old rustbucket that naval engineers would not certify as seaworthy with a crew of landlubbers who had little understanding of the sea. THAT’s dangerous. ‘Tis astounding that they ever arrived at the target harbor, given the instructions they got in navigation.
A similar sentiment is often expressed that you never feel so alive as when DEATH is staring you in the eye. When the stuff hits the fan and survival depends on doing just the right thing (or not too much of the wrong things), it’s surprising what you’re capable of that would have seemed impossible before, perhaps after, given sober reflection…. Of course, hemade EVERY little thing into a life-threatening emergency which got some interesting things accomplished while driving everyone around him stark raving, in addition to dog-tired, drunk from lack of meaningful rest. Then there were the “successful” projects that achieved nothing meaningful (Mission Into Time being a classic total failure spun into a “win” through careful rewriting of history.
True jere. He manufactured disasters.
I can barely get through a sentence before I get thoroughly confused. It takes me several times reading before I can just get through it. I can’t even comprehend what is being said. Just crazy gibberish for sure.
I totally agree! It’s like when a toddler uses those little boxes of word magnets to put up some nonsense phrases on the refrigerator, and the parents go “Oh! Look how smart you are!” Then they take a picture of it and put it on Facebook.
I doubt those “sayings” ever really were things people said.
Every time I read lron’s words, I think the same things
1) That makes absolutely NO sense
2) What a load of rubbish
3) You can tell he used to be paid by the word since he uses so many to say so little.