It has finally happened. After 40 years, they are claiming to have accomplished 10,000 people “onto or through” Solo NOTS.
This is of course not true, they count everyone who has ever been on Solo NOTs in this number, whether they died or quietly left or have been declared SP.
But they are claiming the victory so let’s take them at their word.
How coincidental that it happened on the exact day they promoted a week ago — scheduling events to announce it. Nothing contrived about this at all.
So, what does it mean? This whole campaign that Clive Rabey has been the face of since he had no wrinkles, is based on one statement by Hubbard. They used to promote it back in the early days, now it’s just the number that is talked about;
Hubbard’s words are always to be taken at face value — what he says is literal truth. Now that Scientology has 10,00o “OT’s” steering and leading the planet, we should be experiencing the golden age that Miscavige refers to so often. Problem is, there is absolutely NOTHING to show for this. According to their figures they’ve had 8,000 of them steering and leading for a decade, 9,000 or more for the last 5 years. Surely 90% of the steering and leading by these magnificent OT’s should be evident somewhere? Can they point to ANYTHING? They took credit for the Berlin wall coming down 30 years ago and for various hurricanes being steered away from Clearwater to devastate other parts of the state, but other than that…
You can be sure that they will come up with some new “game” now and this will be forgotten as if it never happened. This Hubbard quote will no longer be mentioned by anyone.
The mindlessness of the people inside the bubble is astonishing to behold.
I tried to reply under your comment/reply, too difficult. So I reply here. ‘Never in’ doesn’t imply that I’ve no experience, did the personality test (made all of the answers as negative as possible), one free auditing session, which was dull. Other, always only as a wog.
Your comments abt. Pietro, though, indicate to me that you are still half in.
I found his comments refreshing and funny.
You imply that he was probably a reject from Scn., which to me implies that you are still half-in mentally, even though you think that you are out.
Why else would you think being rejected by them to be a negative thing to say of someone (Pietro)?
Really, I had the impression that they never reject anyone as long as they can extract cash or slave labour from the person.
You probably won’t read this, the site isn’t set up to work like that, intentionally, I suspect, to avoid arguments, but my regards.
Wowie!!! 10,000 people that all?!
Wouldn’t 25,000 be more than all the members and staff they’re reduced to at this point – with only further shrinkage in their future? Even 15,000 would have been a stretch for them to achieve in the next couple of decades of going downhill, though if they can hold on for another half century to a century without vanishing entirely they might make it.
They must be assuming recruiting is going to have to pick up at some point, but their actual prospects are probably no better than the Shakers’.
The *First* 10,000! It doesn’t take a psychic to predict the next target they’ll announce …
Wow, Hallelujah! With 10,000 individuals now embarking on Solo NOTs, reaching 750 completions should be a breeze, or? These completions are VERY important.
Remember Impact magazine 39 years ago: Goals for 1985:
The Church assisted in making the target of 750 Solo NOTs, advanced spiritual healing technology for OTs completions, so that New OTVIII and New OT IX are released.
BTW: Considering the timeless nature of those undertaking Solo NOTs, it’s only fair to include those who have passed away while on the journey. Not doing so would diminish the significance of their accomplishment and act as an invalidation which of course we wouldn’t want.
Anyway, I was curious and decided to consult my friend AI for some insight. Here’s what he had to say.
To find out how long it might take to get 750 completions, we need to consider the rate at which completions are achieved. If it took 39 years to get 10,000 individuals onto Solo NOTs, we can calculate the completion rate per year and then estimate the time it would take for 750 completions.
It will take approximately 2.925 years to achieve 750 completions if a somewhat constant rate can be maintained. That’s a rather gloomy outlook for the future.
PS: Mathematical formula: (I hope it will show up correctly. If not please accept my apologies in advance for the garble.)
Let’s denote:
𝑇1 : Time taken to get 10,000 individuals onto Solo NOTs (39 years)
𝑁1 : Number of individuals (10,000)
𝑁2 : Number of completions (750)
𝑇2 : Time taken to achieve 750 completions (to be determined)
We can use a ratio:
N 1 750
Completion Rate = —— = ———
N 2 10,000
Now, we’ll use the completion rate to find T2:
T2 = T1 X —–
T2 = 39 years X ———-
T2 = 2,925 years
They “make” targets such as this and nothing new happens. Golden ages of things released, basics, smp, buildings and stuff. If cannot help but to permeate the mind of the believer in ways that would make someone wonder what is the problem? Why isn’t scn bigger??? Where is everyone? Why aren’t the floors caving in under the weight of all the people?
Must be all the sp’s!!! Lol
astra zeneca admitted the vaccine sometimes cause blood clots in the brain. This happened immediately after 10,000 solo nots achieved. DONE SIR.
What is going on, if the great leader have to open a mail, written on an old travel writing machine, with the order:
What is to do at 1o.k solo nuts?
The COB is real working hard,
The consequences are already there: The polar vortex suddenly changed direction and is now rotating in the opposite direction.
Your point being, apart from having absolutley nothing to with the post? Or are you continuing your journey of showing how much of a pointless waste of space you are fast becoming.
what great talents you have… Dante Alighieri was illiterate compared to you
Keep practicing your Oscar Wilde style witticisms and who knows your talent in wit might even increase enough to be equal to Wilde’s left little finger. A bit of advice, don’t take up comedy because you will starve to death.
And thank you for saying that I make Dante look illiterate, it’s a great honour to be considered superior to him.
Another missed opportunity to stay silent and reason with facts.
The pole reversal that is being talked about so much is the solar one predicted for this year, not the terrestrial one.
Moreover, the terrestrial wouldn’t be fast; it would take at least 10,000 years to complete.
And if it were true according to your colorful fantasies, why would the OTs be disturbing the poles instead of stopping wars, deaths, and much more? Why?
I reply to your post since I assume that you are joking (though I meant it when saying that those Eid banqueters were impolite).
This whole ‘ten thousand’ rubbish reminds of nothing more than the various declarations of ‘first Clear’ that I have read about. First, a disastrous performance, second, a guy who was disturbed enough to commit suicide soon after, I’m not sure who Scn. claims to have been the ‘first Clear’ now. Apparently, though, thousands of ‘Clear’ people are now on the loose.
My user name is nonsense, but I would reminder another poster that ‘loose’ and ‘lose’ do not have the same meanings.
‘Loose the dogs.’ has the same meaning as ‘Unleash the dogs.’, just an older form. I read that Scn. is big on definitions of words. It seems that practioners are very inept at it.
Also, to the other poster who claims that flips of the magnetic poles of the Earth are both frequent and inconsequential, you are wrong on both counts, they are rare and very consequitional.
There is no indication that one is imminent, whatever Scn. teaching on the point may be.
This is just to clarify if I mistake something here.
If the comment regarding ‘Loose and Lose’ refers to my username, I confirm that ‘Loose’ is not an error. As in English, it can be used in the context of ‘abandoning, letting go, or getting rid of something without restrictions or control.’ By the way, when I was thinking of a username that time, ‘Losing my religion’ by REM was playing on the radio, so ‘Loose’ felt more appropriate to me than ‘Lose.’ Take care.
Sure, on this site it it is difficult to keep track except with memory.
I am a never in, enjoyed being a pest to Sci’s at times, so don’t, when I see that you spout ‘you are not LRH aligned’ with Pietro, it seems to me that you are both Scientologists, not having abandoned it (although I cannot see one word from Pietro to suggest being a continuer). Dear Loosing, it is clear that you still have some devotion to fatty.
I see the same on any such sites.
Never posting before, though some anti-Scn comedy over ten years ago on sites with no connection with CoS.
Some may as well be Scn. centres. Perhaps Pietro, too, but doesn’t seem so.
First of all, thank you for responding. Really. I understand that you’re a ‘never in,’ and please believe me for what I’m about to say. Firstly, this blog has helped me ‘detoxify’ from all those years there. I’ve been in the Sea Org for almost 15 years. I joined when I was very young and left as an adult. I also did a good period in the RPF. I took many courses in the SO, and on the RPF, I even trained as an auditor and technical terminal (although those are shorter and more essential courses there). So, if I speak about certain things about scn, it’s because I know them. I’ve been out for 20 years now, and after a few years, I started practicing meditation and Eastern spirituality. Which has nothing to do with scn. So not only am I not a devotee (heaven forbid) but I’m aware that scn drives people away from a true spiritual path.
As for Pietro, honestly, I don’t wish him any harm. I was ‘testing’ him to understand the guy and unfortunately, I’ve concluded that he’s just like that, not someone who pretends a role. In my opinion he was definitely considered unqualified for scn and sent away from scn, or he experienced who knows what that confused him and he remained attached to the past.
I’m done, if you have any questions, please ask.
Haven’t we seen they’re also counting everyone who has signed up or maybe just promised to do OT7 in the future? Just like they count – and redefine – people who have made similar commitments or postulates to go to the Freewinds, as having “arrived” already. And then many of course never actually even will.
Good news! Since Scientology has things under control, I can take a vacation rather than to do anything to help the planet in other ways.
The whole thing reminded me of the Harmonic Convergence and other planetary events that were supposed to change the world and are now largely forgotten. But the guy still should have gotten a better prize than a placard.
I think I’ll celebrate by sending a donation to the Aftermath Foundation.
I think that the Dear Leader Captain Miscawhich found the WHY in the out-admin and so the recent years we have the Golden Age of Admin that will be used by these 10K OT-sevens.
THe last brick is found and on its way to a Clear planet.
Don´t you see that guys??-)
Not only will they not talk about it anymore (if ever, perhaps only in the next int event), but then to those who inquire about it (like, where are the results?), they might kick them into ethics with no delay.
By the way, this was said in ’52 by someone who “had already understood everything” but died hiding, after spending a lifetime fleeing from one place to another.
Which is how Miscabbage is now spending his life. I wonder whether the similarity ever occurs to him.
Briget, right observation. In scn, they call it ‘pull in’, in other practices it’s karma. What’s curious is that in scn, the pull in applies to everyone except for the leaders; they are divinely immune. If something happens to them or they made a mess, it’s always the fault of the SPs.
I second everything Miss B Haven said! Also, if they reached the goal of 10,000 on or through SN as they said they did, then the entheta to theta ratio should have changed, or be changing in significant ways, right? That is what LRH said would happen. Well take a look around. In the US alone, things are going from bad to worse. High inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years, making it hard to buy groceries and even worse if you’re buying a car. And gas prices are highest I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, many are out of work, people are dying from drug overdoses from opioids, fentanyl and other things. Crime is up. Mental illness is up. You get the idea. So no, Scientology is not changing things for the better no matter how many they have on SN. (We all know they are pulling that false statistic out of their behinds and that there are not many on SN.) But here is something new to check out. The poles (north and south pole of earth) shift from time to time and we are due for one soon. (Check out The Why Files and other sources for this). So if the poles shift, it can cause a huge cataclysm and maybe even the end of life on earth. So why can’t some of these 10,000 SN auditors and OT VIII’s get together and prevent the shift of the poles? I mean they are OT and have powers, so why not handle that big threat?
I would like to reassure you: the poles have been flipping every ten thousand to fifty million years since the Earth cooled, and it has never caused a single extermination. You’re safe.
The info I have says otherwise. Check out Why Files.
Thank you for the suggestion; I have not had a laugh like that since my wife died! The ‘Crop Circles and CIA Coverup’ story was particularly hilarious.
I laughed at how that sounded, as though you laughed when your wife died. But I knew what you meant. I was saying to see what they have to say about the poles moving and shifting. We have had many floods on the track and some have wiped out whole species. He attributed the floods to the poles changing position, and some even caused continents to move and some are under water from the flooding. I don’t believe every podcast he has ever done, but the flooding on our track can be and has been proven.
Cindy, I fully agree with you. I had the light impression that as they approached the “quota,” things globally were getting worse rather than better.
In my opinion, once the well-deserved mega party to celebrate this achievement is over, they’ll start postulating tone 40 in all directions and solved things will pop up everywhere.
Ha ha. Good post Losing My Religion.
Cindy, just a quick info note. Actually, it’s “Loosing” not “Losing.” When I was thinking of a nickname, I had the REM song on the radio, but I opted for “Loosing” because it can also convey the idea of “getting rid of something” (maybe in stretched English, lol). I’m mentioning this only because the other day a commentator indirectly seemed to suggest I was ignorant about it (that I had confused the two words).
Anyway, call me whatever you like. Hugs.
In other words, “call you anything, but don’t call you late for dinner?” lol. Sorry. I am usually a stickler for using the right words, but that was a typo that escaped me. My bad.
For all the millions and millions of BTs cleared, not one has returned to an org for further auditing.
Hubbard said they would. So where are they? 🤔🧐
They’re out there chasing Tubby throughout the universe to get their, now ghostly, money back after discovering that it’s a giant cash making fraud? Surely he shouldn’t be too hard to find since he uses the smoke from Kools and methane as propulsion. I’ve heard he has massive, almost never ending, supplies of gas and smoke built up over the years and all he has to do is clench his arse, build up pressure towards a giant fart and and release it in one burst. All the BT’s have to do is follow the trail of Kool smoke and planets covered in sickly green gases with the unfortunate occupants having to wear gas masks for years until the stench of the passing comet Tubby dissipates.
Oh no, that’s unfortunate. I’m nor kidding. DM’s flock will be bleating “victory” for years, and will truly believe that they now have the magic number from which they can finally achieve a cleared planet. Though they’ll change nothing in the real world, it will fortify the remaining few to reaffirm their illusions of an imaginary world where scientology leads the way. In reality they’ll continue to squander their lives away, dedicated to a feeble crusade that goes nowhere.
What I remember hearing back in the day was that 10,000 Solo NOTS thetans would tip the scales of the theta/entheta ratio and planetary ‘clearing’ would then move forward for sure. I suppose all of us SPs should be quaking in our boots. I can hardly await the next great announcement from the cult. OT IX & X released? A single org attaining old st. hill size? More unprecedented expansion? At this point I’d just settle for a single ‘clear’ being announced. To paraphrase Jason Beghe, “show me one motherfucking clear”. Just one.