It took less than 24 hours.
The “10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs” is already assigned to the scrap heap and a “new game” has been announced.
They don’t have any kooky Hubbard quote to justify it, now it is just an arbitrary number: 25,000.
They reached 10,000 in 40 years — continuing at that same rate, the target will be achieved in 2086! And that supposes scientology will not continue to shrink…
The dog is now chasing a Ferrari and is not expected to ever catch it. But, like “Clearing the Planet” scientologists will cheer in the hallways and nod to one another knowingly that they have the world at their fingertips.
Don’t expect to see any updated numbers on this target anytime soon.
But they are promoting it big time right now.
This will follow in the footsteps of the hype for many things in the scientology past which are quickly replaced by the next “big thing.”
I am horrified and await the COB’s new words.
And I believe we will all fall off our Earth when the magnetism of our planet, at the polar caps, begins to rotate.
Considering that the majority of the 10,000 were Boomers who got into scamology in the late 60’s – late 70’s after which it has shrunken in membership every year, this is an impossible target. Miss Cabbage knows that so he’s safe in assigning it to continue the milking of the shrinking whales until his death..
And doesnt have to come up with something for OT IX and X
Yes! I had forgotten about that Brontosaurus sized elephant in the room.
Just like a real dog chasing a real car, if he catches it he doesn’t know what to do with it. He certainly can’t drive it.
And when 25,000 are through, if everyone behaves, they may just release 9 and 10.
Scientology math. They now claim that ten thousand people at one time started Solo NOTS. Sort of. In reality, though, at least 2000 of those who may at one time started are dead. At least another 3000 of them have left Scientology. And 2500 of them have done it two or more times and have been counted each time. In reality their latest target probably exceeds the total number of active Scientologists on earth.
This is unbelievably sad. I imagine this will make people lose interest – what’s the point if the reward is more work?
now that 10,000 is done, 25,000 should be a cinch.
OH…MY…GOD. I was right! Not to be falsely modest, I was quite certain I WOULD be, just not so SOON.
I figured down the road, maybe in a year, maybe 6 months the earliest, the cult would announce the new OT7 target but this is only a few DAYs after I posted here about it…wow, I am very impressed with myself right now 🙂 🙂
Then again, there are the poor sheeple. I honestly pity them now.
Took them 40 years to make this target (if it was actually made and the cult is not counting dead or blown Scientologists) and now, just as they’re getting ready to exhale – SPLAT1 Another target, even bigger, 2 1/2 x the amount of the first one.
No feeling good, enjoying their win, no “Very Well Done”s, no space to breathe for a while…nope, they’re behind the 8 ball again for the next 40 years. Miscavige will never let them “win” even if its only in their own delusions. And if by some incredible miracle they make this one he’ll create an even bigger one. Quite sad and I do mean that. How it must suck to be in right now! The more I think about it the more I wish I hadn’t been right.
Your emotions are correct for the situation, Aqua. This moving of the goal posts after you achieve the goal (well, after he says you achieved it anyway), that is suppressive. So people are going to feel bad about it. But looking at it from DM’s perspective, he HAS to move the goal posts and yank the football out of the way just when Charlie Brown comes to kick it… because this way it means he won’t have to release OT IX and X as promised. He knows he doesn’t have any OT XI and X cuz they never existed. So he will now keep making the game donations and buying buildings and to hell with OT IX and X. How the sheeple don’t figure this out is beyond me.
Yes, its true what you say, thank you, Cindy. Looking at things from his viewpoint (ugh) he has no choice other than to as you say move the goal posts and yank the footballl out of the way. And I join you in the mindset of it being beyond comprehension as to how the sheeple don’t figure this out. Its been 12 years now that I’m out. I will never understand!
But that’s ok. There are many blessings to count, not the least of which is not being still in.
Exactly. They can’t see it, all the more sad for them. But we can create a new life for ourselves outside the cult and flourish and prosper.
I have a feeling it will be a while before those numbers actually go up.
The Scientology subject is not a good choice to spend much time nor money doing the Hubbard soul-therapy-exorcism-soul-freeing pseudo-therapy.
If I could rewind my life to spring 1975, I’d have paused, and not walked into Phoenix Org, where I got interested, snared, pursued and then wasted 27 years and two decades after quitting, so much thought about Scientology.
I’d have chosen my second major choice, and studied it, which I now finally have begun to read. Buddhism, via the Pali Canon translations by Wisdom publications.
Here’s a photo of pretty much 4/5ths of the Pali Canon, the Buddha’s discourses.
Probably not a bad move by $ci.
This immediately distracts the sheep rather than give them a minute to exhale, feel the satisfaction of accomplishing something and then question.
– When we hit 10,000 weren’t we supposed to run the world?
– Does something feel “off” here?
– Was 10,000 a lie?
– If 10,000 was a lie, what else is?
Sounds like the Mormon church announcing all the temples they plan to build around the world. They get the members all hyped up but in the US the only ones that actually get built right away are the ones in Utah. If you live anywhere else you’ll just have to wait. So Scientology is going to get 25,000 people on Solo NOTs and OT while the Mormons are going to have 300 mega expensive houses of worship all over the world in which only worthy church members may enter.
I see I was only 5,000 out on the SOLO NUTs. So it’s only going to be, roughly speaking, another 50 years before the 25,000 target is hit.
How? With what auditors? Class V orgs are not training auditors. Ideal Morgues are not turning out auditors. If Planetary Clearing were truly Miscavige’s and Command Intention’s goal there would be outrageous emphasis on auditor training, turning auditors out continuously, non stop, in volume – you know, they way they’re continually fundraising! Instead of non stop fundraising there would be non stop auditors getting churned out. Scholarships, trophies, status’es for AUDITORS would be what they’d be doing! The Sheeple would be continually regged within an inch of their lives for their auditing training package.
But the situation today? With no new raw public coming in? Even if via some miracle the cult managed to recover 25k former/blown Scientologists who each said, “Yean, sign me up, I’ve got the money, audit me to Clear and let me bop right onto my OT levels…let’s go!” the cult would be caught with its pants down, completely helpless, completely unable to service them. (And wouldn’t that be hilarious, by the way?)
Miscavige has done nothing but throw roadblocks and diversions onto the auditor training path. The cult will never reach this goal because they can’t. Not in 40, not in 50, not in a hundred years. No auditors = no auditING.
Amazing that the Sheeple don’t see this, but then (sigh)…
Aqua your comment is spot on. And so true: “No auditors = no auditing.” Simple math. Given that equation, it makes sense that DM would do away with the Briefing Course, do away with the Class VIII course. He don’t want no stinkin’ auditors!
Y’know, I said this years ago, to the staff of my little org. Not with anywhere near the knowledge I have now. Just something, in all earnestness and yes, innocence, along the line of, “Instead of all this fundraising for a new building why not use the money for scholarships for auditing packages? We barely fill up this little building! Our voices are echoing in here (Yes, I said that) How can the planet be cleared if we don’t have, literally, millions of auditors?” And they told me I had MUs. And no, I’m not kidding! That’s what I was told, by each of them. It had a big effect on me. I was actually shocked, I wasn’t reading the internet yet. I didn’t know who Marty Rathbun was and having never been to Flag I didn’t receive Debbie Cooke’s email. I just knew something was wrong – with THEM. I didn’t know WHAT was wrong, but I knew SOMEthing was off, way off. So I shut up, stopped talking, stopped showing them Hubbard’s policies, etc. It was kind of Rod Serling-ish, Twilight Zone surreal for a while! Not painful though. Just surreal. I pretended to go along, but knew that I would have to leave, and then it was only a matter of a short time before I got onto the internet.
Good for you. Amazing how they told you it was MU’s. LIf IL had known then the reference called “solve it with auditing” and don’t do bake sales and other fundraising, I would have quoted that. Bu reading what you just said, I suspect they would have told you that you had MU’s on that too. Brainwashed is an understatement. Thank God and YOU that you got out!
Yes, thanks!
Cindy, not to beat this to death, but I showed them all KINDS of LRH references,
References wherein he almost BEGS them to just stick to the “program” (his tech and policy) and deliver auditing and training. References about rewarding upstats (and what would be more indicative of an “upstat” than a trained auditor?) References about what he thinks of auditors and the reference about how auditors are senior to Clears. Last but not least, having completed the Data Series, I pointed out to them that NOWHERE does Hubbard state ANYTHING about donations for fundraising making any Scientologist “upstat”, and if Hubbard considered it important at all wouldn’t he have written policy on how to do it? After all, he endorsed “Big League Sales” as part of registrar tech. The guy had HCOPLs on how CLOTHES should be washed; on how CARS should be washed – would he not have thought to furnish policy on fundraising for the IAS and for Ideal Orgs if fundraising was so important to planetary clearing? If these fundraisings were so vital to get done asap would not the lack of LRH policy for all of us to read on these activities be a severe outpoint on Hubbard’s part? The reference about Hidden Data Lines.
All of the above did I point out to them, with good “TRs” (God knows how I managed all this without exploding but somehow I did).
And the result? Nope. Nothing, Nada. No impact on any of them.
I had MUs; I had overts, witholds and (it was suggested in the end) possibly evil purposes – was I reading the internet? How did I think of all of these things by myself?
Answer: I used to read the Green Vols, just because I liked reading policy, and I had done the Vol O course, and I had done the Data Series course so I could easily spot outpoints and pluspoints. What I HADN’T ( as yet) done was read about Scientology on the internet! Doing so simply didn’t occur to me at the time! That’s how trusting I was. Whatever the cult said, I believed. Whatever was in HCOPLs and HCOBs were all I had to know and understand.
But that question of theirs piqued my curiousity! Big mistake on their part. My questions to them at the time were my own observations, and I answered their question honestly, no, not reading the internet, and that was true and I said it on a meter.
However, if they had asked me that same question again soon after, the honest answer would have been YES! YES, Marty Rathbun’s blog!
And the rest is history and here I am 🙂
Aqua, with all your showing them LRH references, quoting the refs, etc that you did, I’m surprised they didn’t com ev you right there. I KRed some SO members and all it got me was two MAA’s at my door, meter in hand, unannounced, to “handle you on your KR.” Ha! I didn’t play their game.
As an aside here, I, like Aqua, landed on Marty Rathbun’s blog and that is where I started learning what was really going on. It was before Mike R started his blog. So as much as we gnash our teeth and call Marty a traitor (which he is), he did provide a place for all of us to read, to see, to learn, to decompress and gain our bearings. I’m thankful for that.
Mike, this is just to quickly acknowledge Cindy below.
“…to handle YOU on your KR” Amazing! Out tech, off policy, out ethics -blatantly so. And then, yes, Marty’s blog. It was just the landing place needed right then, and notwithstanding what occurred afterwards with his horrific betrayal of theclose friends and associates who had totally trusted him, still, for his having that blog back then, I’ll always be grateful.
I won’t be surprised if the remaining sheepbots are going to be heavily pressured into doing (and redoing) the SOLO NUT’s again.
Laugher…”SOLO NUTs”…good one 🙂
Kooky Hubbard quote.. aren’t all of the things he said kooky in one way or another? lol
Most still in will shift gears with this new target rather quickly and easily. A few will have a pang somewhere deep down inside. And they will notice the oddity of this pain, and note that it paints a different picture that THEY THEMSELVES ARE BEING TOLD. It takes some doing sometimes to keep the house of cards in place. But it can be done. Doesn’t even require much outside assistance, once decides to defend against any argument with almost the same answer.
This is hilarious. I also am doubtful the dog will ever catch the Ferrari.
I have said it many times before. The graphics and designs are not that good. Like at all I don’t think I will ever get over how a Billion dollar cult doesn’t have someone to make the poste8look good.
I guess the rank-and-file will be expecting exponential growth, now that 10,000 has been achieved. But after announcing a new goal there will be more pressure to fudge the numbers, and even more of a disconnect between what Flag says and what staff members see on the ground.
A lot of movement is expected… the orgs are equipped for the purpose. …the howling from the rooftops…and the catastrophists, Cassandre on duty, will have to take note of it. Let’s hope he doesn’t get an ulcer from anger… ha ha ha ha…
Here we are, as expected, after a series of posts with an uncertain trajectory, the rambling begins.
If the orgs are truly prepared, but will they still want to save you?
Or will you prefer to remain on the rooftops between rain and wind, commenting and shouting about the apocalypse all around?
Loosing, Pietro is a troll. He’s either OSA or one of the anti-Mike Rinder internet antagonists who mushroomed up into existance after ASL was fired from the Board of the Aftermath. Or, he’s just some bored person who knows a little about Scientology and gets a kick out of annoying people on purpose. In brief, your basic troll. Don’t feed him.
Trolls know enough about a subject to know what buttons to press to get people upset. I got upset with Pietro last week and opened a vein to him. He didn’t to respond to any actual points I made and merely pointed out that as a Scientologist I should be able to handle any form of communication without getting upset. And you know what? He was actually right about that. Plus he clearly showed me that my getting upset with him had amused him. That’s what made my upset disappear.
Anyone voicing legitimate misunderstandings or disagreements has the basic but of gaining knowledge in order to eventually reach mutual understanding and a solution. That’s a worthwhile conversation.
Trolls, on the other hand, have as their only purpose to cause upset. This affords them pleasure.
Its sad, in a way, for them, that creating unhappiness and upset is their pleasure. Normal people mostly derive their happiness from making others happy. C’est la vie.
He had his 15 minutes of fame. Done with him now as at this point he is just a distraction.
Quite right! Hey, I fed him for a while too. Couldn’t help it. Having something of a temper, I was susceptible 🙂
Aqua, right, whatever it may be. And it’s right what Mike says, he’s had his moments of glory and now it’s enough. It ends here. I was just almost fascinated by the stupidity it emits and of which he seems not be aware of. Finished here. 👍
Arbitrary number and no entheta inversion on planet Earth.
If I may say so, without misunderstandings, someone could suggest that now, for all scientologists, the carrot they should catch is bigger.