The constant “give us your money” drumbeat is only growing louder.
But it is becoming ever more brazen and the “reasons” are getting more and more absurd.
This new email contains so many outpoints it is difficult to comprehend that anyone in their right mind would have sent it.
But here it is:
From: Ashley <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:05 AM
Subject: 46 years ago on August 12th
Dear Scientologist,
46 years ago on August 12th, LRH formed the Sea Organization.
This year a large focus is on target attainment for the International Association of Scientologists, and you can help celebrate with us by making a donation to the IAS this week for Sea Org Day.
LRH states:
”Your donation is supporting the greatest hope that man has ever had and the churches and people vital to its survival and increase. Your donation does what it takes to get the job done.”
The goals of the IAS are one and the same with the ultimate goal of every being – which of course, is that long cherished dream of ultimate freedom. Right now we are putting the Ideal Orgs of Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Bogata Columbia; and Harlem, New York to reach out to millions who need our technology.
One year after the Sea Org was formed, LRH laid out the purpose and our responsibility in Flag Order 1686, SEA ORGANIZATION:
Help us achieve our purpose and responsibility by making a donation to the IAS for the 46th Anniversary of the Sea Org. Go to or go into your org and make a donation in person. Please let me know how you helped!
ARC, Ashley Dynes
Field Control Secretary ASHOD
1. Somehow the IAS has become the Sea Org?
2. The first “LRH quote” is taken from What Your Fees Buy and it actually reads as follows (boldface mine for emphasis):
So little by little, using the fees you give us for your service, your training and your processing, we create little by little areas of sanity.
And as these areas spread out, releasing and Clearing the community, if we continue to be alert and competent, perhaps those areas will meet one country, one continent to the next and we will have a cleaner, saner world.
Your fee is supporting and continuing the greatest hope that man had ever had and the orgs and people vital to its survival and increase.
Your fee does what it takes to get the job done.
This says precisely opposite what she is claiming. She should be encouraging people to get on service and PAY FOR THEIR SERVICE. NOT GIVE MONEY TO THE IAS!
3. The Purpose of the Sea Org has now become what the IAS is achieving — by buying orgs in Taiwan, Colombia (she spelled the city and country wrongly) and Harlem (even though they were bought near a decade ago). Really?
4. This plea for money to the IAS is coming from the Field Control Secretary ASHO Day!!! Tells you all you need to know about the priorities in all orgs these days. They no longer deliver services. Their ONLY means of generating income to pay their bills and staff is by collecting IAS Commissions.
The entire Scientology structure — all orgs and the Sea Org — has been taken over by the IAS. It is like a deadly virus that takes over every organ of the body and eventually kills it. The only activity that stands strong at this time is fundraising for “Ideal Orgs” but even that is headed towards being consumed by the IAS hungry maw — just look at how they are promoting the IAS now “we buy Ideal Orgs.”
Organized Scientology has officially become an Exchange Condition 1 activity across the board. It no longer provides anything to its public, it simply takes to aggrandize itself.
“1. First consider a group that takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.”
The smiling pickpocket in the photo would be embarrassed to be associated with the Church of Scientology. It’s that bad.
Whilst I appreciate what you were trying to go for, and agree that taking and offering nothing in return is criminal and unethical, I don’t really think lumping tax-men and governments in this bracket is altogether fair. Whilst not to some people’s standard nor priorities, governments, through their tax departments collect taxes to fund education, infrastructure, health services, aged care etc, etc, etc…
Other than that… I agree it is incredible the audacity of this organization, now virtually openly ripping people off.
I emailed Ashley your response to her email and gave her a link. Who knows? Maybe she or whoever reads it will catch a clue.
There is one point I would like to see an article on, if possible and important, and that is that there really is only one right answer you can give in the Co$ and that is “yes”. You cannot say you don’t want to do a particular course or bridge step (right now), not that anyone really asks about that any more.
But more to the point, you cannot say you do not want to give money. Regging tends to go something like this: you get a glorious picture of goals, then a villainous picture of bad hats, and then are left to choose sides. If you choose to be with the bad hats (and not pay), you are subtly vilified and made wrong, until you side with the good hats (after which you are love-bombed). If you hold out and don’t pay, you are left feeling like dirt and like you don’t want to help mankind. Never mind that they give negative help (meaning they divert money that could actually help you or someone else to a useless purpose).
It can help to have words for what people experience when they receive an e-mail like the above or are regged in person (feel-good money, pay to make them go away).
I may be wrong about this, but to my understanding Sea Org Day is a special holiday in the Sea Org meant to celebrate and validate the dedication and hard work of all Sea Org Members. In years past there were special celebrations and events for S.O. members only with fun, entertainments, prizes, etc. for all members of the S.O. I remember. I attended at least one of these celebrations. They were really nice. Very theta.
…..So, is it intended that all of these currently sought-after donations be used to enhance this year’s celebration in honor of Sea Org members? Maybe take the whole base out on a day cruise? Go to the beach? Take in a concert?
Somehow, I doubt it.
This whole thing is a disgusting scam which plays on Scientologists’ admiration of the fact that most Sea Org Members (as well as Org Staff) are sincere people who work hard with the intention of helping others and aren’t doing it, personally, for money themselves.
It is such an INSULT to them to USE the recognition of their sincerity and hard work just to (covertly} rake in more money to add to Miscavige’s “Uncle Scrooge Hoard”.
Mike and all,
I just don’t understand it. Why does DM continue to insist on constant IAS crush regging? At this rate only an idiot would continue to push the IAS agenda in this way. It has caused the church to precipitously decline… so naturally, let’s ask for even more money.
What does he want an even bigger “war chest” for, anyway? Does he actually believe that by buying buildings he will turn around the church and stop the bleeding?
A broader question: does he even believe in Scientology? Does he even actually want the church to grow?
It makes it easy to wash money.
Dirk the answer to your questions are No and NO
“A broader question: does he even believe in Scientology? Does he even actually want the church to grow?
Again, the answer is No and NO.
The excessive greed is so revolting. It seems to me with the church being in the shitter, and huge quantities of cash stashed away, that a good strategy would be to lighten up on the IAS regging, to slow the disaffection rate. Just sayin…..if I was trying to manage the mess. I’m curious and suspicious…..why do they need more money? Do they really need the last ten bucks from the bilked public? I have had the thought that this is being driven by the reg commissions but I smell a rat. I think there’s a hidden agenda that’s legally criminal.
IAS motto:
We give you a dramatic pressing emergency situation story we are pretending to remedy, you give us your money we can bank.
Merchant of chaos!!!
One thing that always impressed me about Scientolgy was how important it was to follow “policy”, just because LRH wrote it.
Isn’t there a policy that says policy can be changed?
Can you tell me how to contact the Board Members of the Board that COB is the leader?
Can church members vote on policy change like other churches?
You know what? I would actually donate money for Sea Org Day. Provided:
1. 25% of the money goes to buying beer;
2. 25% goes to buying cheese;
3. 50% goes to a cash bonus for every SO member regardless of condition.
And that *every* SO member gets a 48-hour lib to attend the Beer and Cheese party and recuperate 🙂
I’d peel off $500 bucks for that right now!
Only we true Scientologists in RTC understand the real wisdom of COB’s escalating fundraising strategy that has occured over these past ten years. Please allow us to explain and pay attention as this is vital planetary-changing data straight from COB.
Factually, COB realized in 2003 that there were too many theetie wheetie publics who were happy to be professional pc’s forever. These people were materialistic and were focused only on MEST and not forwarding the aims and purposes of COB for Planetary Clearing. These dilettantish publics were not the Radical Scientologists COB needed to take the Church to the next level. Only Tom Cruise was willing to man the ramparts with COB and go medieval on the Psychs.
Therefore, COB devised and launched a secret plan whereby he would gradiently drain all theetie wheetie publics of their MEST, this in order to free them from the chains of materialism that kept them PTS to the middle class. By doing this, by savagely fundraising in the extreme, public Scientologists were effectively forced to donate all of their MEST to the Church and join the Sea Org. The only alternative was to leave the Church.
Look at the results: COB’s savage fundraising has separated the wheat from the chaff while providing the Church with beautiful new Ideal Orgs.
In the last throes of savage fundraising — and we in RTC promise you that it will get worse before it gets better — the remaining few hidden SP’s in the Church are leaving. Those Scientologists who remain in the Church are radical and ready to do whatever COB needs to Clear this miserable prison planet!
So yes, COB’s gradient morphing of the Sea Org into the IAS will most assuredly be praised by future generations as the singular stroke of brilliance that effected Planetary Clearing. Granted, this stroke of COB genius is second only to COB gaining tax exemption against all odds. And then of course there was that time when he corrected the Founder’s error by instituting three swings of the needle….
God bless COB for his caring and compassionate actions. Always just thinking of his people.
Oh, and re: FNs? Should be four swings.
I notice folks often bringing up “policy.” I’ve pretty much stopped doing that. So what if “policy” says something? “Policy” is about as useless as tits on a bull. LRH often ignored it himself (or do you remember him doing the ethics gradients with David Mayo per HCO PL Ethics Review before he wrote Story of a Squirrel and went right to the stiffest gradient and threw his auditor under the bus?) You think LRH applied HCO PL First Policy, or any of the PLs he was so fond of writing on ethics in the early 70s when he and Mary Sue were planning and committing federal crimes? Etc etc etc (and there are many, many etc’s I can note) Of course you can find a number of gems among the thousands of PLs Ron wrote. No argument on that score, a few are brilliant writings on organization and administration. But the few sensible and general PLs mostly had the function of propping up and justifying the bloated, appalling ideas that LRH promoted to browbeat staff into his version of faithful servants. The Auditing processes and procedures that LRH formulated are works of genius and if someone would have stolen his typewriter in 1959 or so and forbidden him to run the CoS but just work on handling people’s cases, I have no doubt that there might be twenty million or more people in the CoS by now, happily auditing away and training as auditors. OF COURSE Miscavige ignores “policy”! So did Ron!
And by the way, to comment on the previous comment about LRH’s policy on “exchange.” I agree that these policies are wonderfully stated and I agree with Ron’s ideas in them as well. I’m just pointing out that HE didn’t apply them. I was on staff in the 70s when our org was PACKED with students, with FOUR full time CSs, two intern supes, tons of students and pcs ….. exchange? … many times the staff were paid ZERO or just some pocket change. I had to moonlight bussing tables, washing dishes, hawking Tshirts on the street …. yeah, “exchange.” And when Miscavige viciously toppled the large missions which were feeding orgs most of their students? LRH allowed his most productive disseminators and in fact the people that actually EXPANDED Scientology to be brutally suppressed and their money in fact,to be stolen. Uhm …. I do seem to remember some “policy” about protecting upstats and those who produce. Really? That’s what I mean about the actual worth of “policy.” Like Christian ideas of love your enemies … words that the most fervent “believers” never apply. Would have been nice if the founder had actually applied is own “policy.”
If perhaps there is any positive sign, it shows desperation. And as we all have heard….”desperate times call for desperate measures”. I truly hope David Miscavige gets his “just desserts”. He has no clue how he is absolutely hated for all the horrible acts he has been the direct cause of. Distroying families, bankrupting people….causing untold grief for the people that remain. It truly is sad. I really hope that those under his influence wake up and look. There is a beautiful life waiting for you.
Tell it like it is Mike! Thanks for the sanity!
“1. First consider a group that takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.”
Easy to spot these conditions in organizations, groups, and individuals. Criminal elements. That’s the truth!
Exchange condition 1! Takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. Criminal elements!
Nancy Cartwright’s fiance, a Scientologist, committed suicide. The I.A.S. just squeezed another five million dollars out of her!
Cartwright joined the Church of Scientology in the late 1980s. She has said that before becoming involved with the church she was depressed that she did not have a “committed relationship”, and wanted to get married and have children. She “thought that maybe [she] could find a relationship by going to a church”.
Cartwright was awarded Scientology’s Patron Laureate Award after she donated $10 million, almost twice her annual salary, to the Church in 2007. Now she has given another five million.
Cartwright was in a relationship with contractor Stephen Brackett. They planned to get married in spring 2008.
Brackett was the President and Treasurer of Brackett Construction in Hollywood, California; the construction company was founded in 1987 and had $8.5 million in sales in 2009. He was a fellow member of Scientology, reaching the Operating Thetan level of OT Vlll and he was a major I.A.S. contributor.
He died in May 2009. According to The Monterey County Herald, Brackett leaped off of the Bixby Creek Bridge in Big Sur, California. Law enforcement stated, “friends and relatives of Brackett said he was despondent because of financial troubles with his business”.
Now the I.A.S. has managed to squeeze another 5 million out of her in the last days. David’s stats are up this month! 5 Million from a single woman with two kids to support who’s finance killed himself donating to the I.A.S.! That’s commitment, you have to give them credit for that. Commitment to “exchange condition 1” and the “criminal elements”.
There is no source policy on MEMBERSHIPS! It is OFF SOURCE. There is a policy by Hubbard FORBIDDING the sale of memberships! There is NO POLICY on “Internet Organizations” (Pretend organizations that exist in mind only), There is no policy on selling memberships or begging over the Internet for donations for “Sea Org Day or any other day.. There is no policy on begging. This is ALL OFF SOURCE, and has NOTHING to do with Scientology and Dianetics. It is Miscavology. And there is a new breed out here called “Miscavologists”. Or, to shorten, “Mixologists”. People who like to mix it up.
The results of exchange condition 1.
DAYS after Nancy donates five million dollars some staff member is begging for donations for Sea Org Day? What does that tell you? Sea Org Day, a day to honor staff, has become another BEGGING chore while David Miscavige lives like a ROCK STAR! How REPELLING!!!! It’s “Every man for himself” in HIS mind. He has converted Scientology into a weapon of mass destruction. And he has support! And agreement! Others are following his lead! The Scientology books fall into many hands. And there are people that will use it as a Weapon of Self Destruction. And there are those who will use it as a weapon of mass destruction. Because that is their PURPOSE line. And David Miscavige is at the top of the negative heap, on the darker uses of this information. And he has copy cats doing the same thing.
This is nothing new, it is so ancient, it’s pre biblical. It does NOT have to be a stop on anyone’s lines though, who prefer to make the best of a difficult situation.
That takes REAL courage, intention, and intelligence. People reap what they sow. That is ancient fundamental tech.
Something as little, as Miscavige cancelling Sea Org Day, (for decades now he hasn’t thanked or honored or rewarded the staff he piggy backs on) something that little, will recoil. In a BIG way. Just like all of his other criminal activities.
Well said Oracle! If DM were using that $5 Million for good use, he would spend a little for SO Day, as well as many of the other things he says it goes to and doesn’t.
One must remember that the stats of an org aren’t auditors made or preclears cleared or auditing hours delivered anymore. An orgs stats and therefore its status is based on how much IAS money it can suck in. And if an org like ASHO wants to get “highest evers” for Sea Org day, they want IAS donations. BUT, remember that Sea Org Orgs that get highest evers for Sea Org day get an extra day of libs. So the poor girl is begging for a day off, not IAS money.
Don’t assume, unfortunately, that Highest Evers will get SO members a day off for SO Day. For years, the celebration of SO day by SO Members has been being squeezed down and down. By the mid-2000’s SO members were lucky to get several hours to watch videos in the org. In 2007 SO Day consisted primarily of them hitting the phones to sell Basics. A little love for SO members on SO Day is something else that has gone by the wayside in the Miscavige regime. So Day has become a dichotomy. On the one hand some LRH recording praising the SO will be played at some point, but following that the SO Members will be told that because they are not getting the job done, or because there is too much to do, they will not be getting time off on SO Day.
I believe the Colombians in Colombia spell it Colombia. But they spell it Bogota with an accent on the a.
46 years ago on August 12th, LRH formed the Sea Organization.
Something tells me that the Sea Org won’t live to see its 50th anniversary. Well, maybe, but I assure you there won’t be more than a couple hundred determined zombies left, scurrying around the empty corridors of properties that Miscavige has put on the auction block. I think the facade will have fully collapsed by that point. There won’t be much need to pretend anymore. By then, the new ‘command intention’ will be something on the order of preparing the faithful to abandon the ‘Suppressive Planet’ Earth, for some other world.
I’m telling you, the stuff going on inside the cult is going to become that outlandish.
How on Earth can the same people who claim to hold LRH’s word so highly, corrupt it so easily?
Good Grief! Now the writer of that piece MUST understand that her org is not delivering any services. If not, why is she still IN???
Yeah right.
The IAS virus collecting donations in the Scientology community:
In addition to all you said, she sets the goals of every being??? “The goals of the IAS are one, and the same, with the ultimate goal of every being – which of course, is that long cherished dream of ultimate freedom”
Is A=A=A, there is no differentiation between the IAS’s “goals” (rip off money), with Sea Org goals (whichever this may be these days), with individual goals and so on. Identification is a reactive mind way of thinking and it reflects in their solidity of dealing only with en-mest (rip off more money).
Spot on Mike. This is the sort of thing that has been infecting the SO like a plague for the last decade or so and it’s gotten so commonplace and accepted within that community that they literally do not even see the outpoints anymore. It’s all A=A=A; the IAS = Ideal Orgs = Command Intention = LRH = give give give.
None of it makes any sense with any policy anywhere. So what do you do? Alter the policy to make it fit anyway! Who cares? LRH isn’t around to police it and Dwarf Midget is doing nothing but pushing it, so it must be right! Plus, and don’t tell anyone else this, but it really is the only way the SO orgs can pay their staff the paltry $45 a week that they make. The minimal amount of GI made from actual service sales is either sucked up in payments to Int or is used to keep the lights on and feed the crew their scraps. It’s horrifying. And that is the Cof$.
Why limit it to donating to the IAS for SO Day. People should also be asked to donate to the IAS on: Sadie Hawkins Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patricks Day, Flag Day, Halloween, Black Friday, Boxing Day, every Federal Holiday and for that matter, every Tuesday.
Give them time, this is all in the works 🙂
Nothing for self, all for others. It’s the political correctness mantra in the CoS. It won’t buy you your eternity but it sure will make DM rich via his for-profit siphoning instruments, of which no-one is supposed to know: Author Services, Landlord Estates, Management Services, whatever disguise his personal bank account has. Every time he beats his desk and shouts at anyone – it’s more money in his bank, stupid!
You think DM wants you to go Clear and OT? Think again. DM only wants you to humiliate yourself, and to make himself rich off of it, all the while hiding behind LRH’s skirts.
OSA, you know this is true, so why are you supporting him? The IAS has overseen the most dramatic decline of VFP’s in Scientology history – it’s a catastrophe! – and you’d rather have that than face DM, you lily-livered piece of …?
Over the time line, as water runs under the bridge:
1950’s – Adventuresome, intrepid, intellectual
1960’s – Gains and wins galore, fun, diverse, exciting
1970’s – The curse of success set in, but still gains available, OT states, Class VIII’s
1980’s – It died too soon. Party’s over guys. LRH has left the building.
1990’s – The name attracts, hangers-on still audit, the iron curtain tightened, the life squeezed out
2000’s – Bah. Tears and disappointment, darkness, insane, cackling, crowing, blood flows
2010’s – Cowards cling to floating debris. Anons circle …. The guilty go insane.
Would you like to play again?
Replay previous game?
Start new game?
+ 100
So some poor shmuck is a ASHOD public and donates 100K to the IAS. How much of that would ASHOD get? For that matter, how much does a guy like Michael Roberts get as a commission? No wonder they show up at peoples houses for IAS gang regging. It’s the new black… the Orgs don’t need to sell no stinking services… just get the “Marks” to donate to the IAS and all will be good. Really amazing shit…
Theta Potato, you hit on a subject which I’ve never read gone into and which probably drives most of the fundraising. And that is that it is commission driven, and by people who have no other means of income and can become quite desperate and usually do their job with little ethics or honesty (though probably deluding themselves while they fuck over as many people as they can in their money hunger).
I did read the complete Dennis Negley hat write up on fundraising that was posted in Marty’s and Tony’s blogs. An absolutely appalling document of manipulating people to get their money (but straight out of the tradition of Big League Sales, possibly the most biggest piece of shit LRH ever promoted – its theme being getting people to do what is contrary to their own interests by skillfully pushing their buttons). A couple of days after reading the above hat write up, I also read that Dennis was getting a 15% commission. Ah!!!! Now I don’t have any proof of this as fact, but I do know that Dennis had lost his job and was in severe financial straits. And Michael Roberts? What do you think he’s doing putting in his 40 plus hours hanging around the IAS office (used to anyway)? That is his JOB folks! It’s how he makes money. The last acting job I can remember him in was a “Murder She Wrote” episode over 20 years ago.
So, as with much of what LRH started, we are talking about total reversal, 180 degrees …. yeah folks, I mean money motivation and RUTHLESS money motivation, mixed in with religious fervor and the most evil kind of preying on people’s buttons, with no little amount of coercion.
Yes, it would be great to get what the exact breakdowns are. I would imagine that there are disagreements about who should get commissions and splits etc. (kind of like the old days when people used to get FSM commissions for getting people up the bridge – lol.)
Good point, Joe. And I recall that money motivation was the lowest rung on the scale of motivation. Of course, Michael Roberts and Friends claim they are operating at the level of duty, but we know better, Rooster.
Joe what you say is true. It is the underbelly of the IAS. I know a Power FSM who is OT VIII, many time Power FSM who gave up FSMing cuz he couldn’t make a decent living at it anymore and he now is working full time for the IAS regging money from friends and other victims. That is their JOB. It isn’t some crusade they’re on. It’s the commission driven way they make their living now. And I even know field auditors who have given up auditing to become IAS registrars because it is easier to make a living at. And I remember Ingrid Smith posting something like this some months back that she was told to stop auditing and just reg donations from people because “then you don’t have to spend time in delivery of service.” OMG. This is worth a whole article by Mike R.
Did they ever consider making money by providing services instead of making money by begging?
Here’s an idea: if every person who received that email hits reply, then copies and pastes this blog post in and hits send…I just checked and this email is in my spam folder. I think I might just go do that now.
So embarrassing. I also see Ashely was up at 4:05am sending this email out for money. Wonder what will happen to her if she does not reach her quota of money in. Stomach churning. All it takes is for services to be delivered properly and people, pcs and money roll in.
Why earn money when you can so easily steal it?
Why deliver services when you can so easily press every button on people’s emotional consoles and get major money for minimal effort?
I’ll answer that 2nd question myself: Because its only workable as a short term money-aquiring strategem, as buttons, when continually pressed, get FLAT.
Tick, tock “Church”.
I get so excited reading this blog that sometimes that I forget to edit my posts. Mike, please take out the “Because” in paragraph 4 sentence 2 of my above post so what I said makes sense. Thanks!
Does anyone but me see the humor here? And the reason I think it’s funny is because this is a huge sign
that without these “off the wall” donations they will crumble…servicing the public is no longer a viable way
to make money….very predictable 🙂
Wow Mike, all the work we did in the early 80s to preserve the Church despite the debacle of the GO bad PR etc. LRH even mentioned at that time we may have to abandon the idea of a C of S altogether. And now the PR is 100 times as bad and been abandoned by its “leaders” despite years of planning and corporate set up and readiness for LRH’s eventual departure. And look at it today about to simply morph into something called IAS, which was only created as a replacement for the GO’s “Legal Defense Fund”. I guess the plan is to acquire real estate while litigating stupidities into Infinity. A brilliant con game fits right in with the current societies goals of collecting money to “cure cancer” (which is epidemic) while delivering no cure despite billions collected. I am sure the IAS will fit right in.
Mike, great analogy on the cancer scam is exactly the same scam DM is doing… collecting money to clear the planet, yet the planet in worse shape than ever, ruining the repute and PR of Scientology in the world, no real OTs made because the auditing tech has been altered and reverse Dianetics and reverse Scientolgoy are the order of the day, so despite millions of dollars collected, membership is dropping, people are leaving the church en mass, even if surreptitiously, and Scientology is in ruins despite the lies to the contrary by DM and his minions.
Not to mention the brazen substitution of “donation” in place of “fees”. And then putting quotes around it like it was from LRH. I am sure she has been told that since Scn is a church, the word FEE cannot be used anymore…
Actually I never heard of the IAS buying idle morgues. In Mexico and Colombia the public bought them. Also the new furniture, computers, etc. I never once heard about the IAS buying such things. I was told the IAS bought a huge building for an AO in Mexico, but I dont know if thats true. Anyway its up to the SO missions to man the place and get funding for its operation, and I guess they’ll be asking for donations for that also: help for money for the staffs Visas, the plane to Florida in order to get to Flag, money for them to get by, etc. So I just dont get it, what the hell does the IAS actually buy if public are asked to give money for those types of cycles?
The IAS buys lawyers, private detectives, pays court case settlements, contributes to the re-election of politicans, buys influence from anyone who has power that is needed/wanted and is willing to sell it, supplies ready-cash hush money to various ex Scientologists so they’ll keep their traps shut about the church, supports David Miscavige’s very modest lifestyle (sarcasm), … let me see, did I miss anything? Oh, yeah… Supplies funds which acrue considerable interest in various banks, and, last, and very certainly least, funds, occasionally, and even then only when absolutely necessary, a prime time TV ad or two to keep up appearances. Feel free to add anything missed.
The IAS has funded select Ideal Org purchases in high profile situations that Miscavige uses to PR them. For example, Madrid building, the renos of the NY building to make it “ideal”, Moscow building, AO building in Africa. Then they can be bragged about at MV IAS nights (not this year) and IAS annual events.
Yes, that’s true. He did allow these orgs to be funded by IAS grants, while the rest must be bought, renovated and furnished with public funds. So, the orgs which He deems important for His PR get funded, and the rest can twist in the wind whilst public monies are amassed. God, its so sickening. And I would love to have the actual stats of these IAS funded orgs. Are they flourishing, prospering, booming? People flooding in? What about NY Org which I understand is a block from Time Square, the Crossroads of the World, so thronged with people that when we visited there we could hardly walk on the Broadway sidewalks?
Good quoting exchange condition 1, any idiot can see how that fits the IAS to a T.
IAS is apparently an abbreviation for I Am Suppressive.
Besides the points covered already in this article, Miscavige seems to want to turn this years Sea Org day into another traumatic incident for SO members. For me, the E-mail reads like there will be no Sea Org day this year (as it happened before). Instead of enforcing LRH Flag Orders regarding Sea Org day, RTC Reps will enforce „target attainment“, that is, making the IAS quota. SO members will be on the phone all day long regging, while having to listen at midnight (or later) during the SO day ceremony the BS about the unprecedented accomplishments. Lucky enough, when I was still in, I always managed to be QM during the ceremony, so I did not have to „pull in“ that one. 🙂 By the way, the SO bonus may also be at stake here.
Cute. First the statement about LRH founding the Sea Org, and then a statement in quotes and boldface about donations, that looks very similar to an LRH quote about fees, but is not actually attributed to anyone. Obviously we are supposed to assume that the quote came from LRH asking us to donate to the IAS, even though it is the exact opposite of what LRH had to say about straight donations and fundraising, and the IAS was founded by David the Short, not by LRH.
Well, Honest Abe was right. You can fool some of the people all of the time.
WTF John Lobb raised the price of hand made shoes for D.M.
has the price of $500. Egyptian Cotton Shirts gone up ? ( actually probably so)
De Lux bottles of Scotch are hard to get these days ?.
Speaking of Hush Money paid by the church to defectors, what about DM’s dad? Was he paid off to keep him quiet? I think a book by him would be fascinating to see how the little SP was in childhood, adolescence and of course how he treated his dad in adulthood when he took over the cult. His dad could whistle blow on some big things that none have before. I’d like to see his dad get rich on his tell-all book. Does anyone know if he signed a gag order and if so how much he was paid? Any educated guesses?
Oh Ashley Dynes, why not email the truth. David Miscavige want’s you to Show Him The Money. You can count on me Ashley when you collect for deprogramming the brainwashed and return the children to their disconnected mothers.
“This new email contains so many outpoints it is difficult to comprehend that anyone in their right mind would have sent it.”
Well put Mike. Anyone in their right mind has already left the building…
Yes, Ashley could use a little study of what a Field Control Seceretary actually DOES per all that old LRH policy that no one applies anymore, but used to work quite nicely years ago. Oh–and that one little insignificant LRH quote about doing your own job, not someone else’s. Seems like no one is responsible for their own jobs anymore, but they are all made responsible for getting money from anyone and everyone and live or die based on those stats only.
I agree, this one is totally nuts and it seems like Ashley hasn’t studied ANYTHING but just shows up for post and does what she’s told, pushed, commanded or terrorized into doing. Well done Ashley, you have nooooo idea what the heck is going on. Please report back to Planet Earth, your family misses you and does’t really want to rent out your room just yet……
Talk about HOT OFF THE PRESS! Ashley’s email from today is a good one. You’re awesome.
“The goals of the IAS are one and the same with the ultimate goal of every being – which of course, is that long cherished dream of ultimate freedom.”
BS…I say Shell Game.
shell game
Definition of SHELL GAME
: thimble rig played especially with three walnut shells
: fraud; especially : a swindle involving the substitution of something of little or no value for a valuable item
Being a staff member today must feel sooooooooo shitty.