The Razzline is doing an effective job of “spreading the flap” — letting everyone know about the HBO “hatchet job” that is coming…
Working in league with the church, they are demonstrating remarkable prowess in making this the most well promoted documentary ever to appear on HBO, perhaps on television.
From: Paul Clark [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 6:58 AM
To: TheRazzLine Email Service
Subject: Opinion. Re “Hatchet Jobs” on the church and the most recent movie.
Don’t freak out and don’t be effect every time some self-important jerk does a ‘hatchet job’ on Scientology. I’ve been on lines for nearly 40 years, watching ‘them’ re-cycle the same crap over and over. Some witch hunter gets the villagers all stirred up and they light their torches and march up the mountain. Except instead of finding monsters, they find us; people who are actually interested in them, who grant them beingness, who see their rightness and point it out. Who go about our lives working on bettering things and people. When the villagers can’t resolve what they’ve heard with what they actually find, they put out their torches and go find something else to do.
I have quite a few friends, acquaintances and in-laws who are non-Scientologists. They’ve heard all the same media crap, but since they like me, they don’t bother trying to figure it all out. The ones above 2.0 stick. The ones below 2.0 leave (for some reason, I don’t miss them). I have one good friend who has gone from absolute white-faced shock at finding out I was a Scientologist, to describing me to others as “highly intellectual” (which I find amusing as hell). I have another friend who is working on his second PhD dissertation, who told me I’m the only one he can discuss any topic with. It’s all because of what I’ve learned from LRH.
The point is, Don’t sweat it when these media attacks happen. When a bully can’t make you run, he finds someone else that will.
End of Opinion.
Reading this, you cannot help but be impressed by the smug superiority and self-importance of Paul Clark. The hallmark of a true fundamentalist, Paul knows all and hasn’t even looked.
I wonder how this “highly intellectual” individual manages to reconcile these two LRH “stable data”:
HCOPL 7 Feb 1965 Keeping Scientology Working:
The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is “no results”. Trouble spots occur only where there are “no results”. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are “no results” or “bad results”.
and this:
HCOB 1 May 1958: Signs Of Success:
Whenever we’re really winning the squirrels start to scream. You can tell if somebody is a squirrel. They howl or make trouble only when we’re winning.
So, Mr. Clark, is this “attack” the result of “no results” or is it because scientology is “really winning”?
What does LRH instruct you to think?
The thing you should be freaked out about is trying to get over the cognitive dissonance that riddles scientology like swiss cheese. There are many completely contradictory statements of “absolute truth” both of which cannot be true. And yet, one is NOT allowed to think, one must follow what is written EXACTLY. Maybe the later reference is the correct one (“no results”)? In which case, why aren’t you “raising the torches” with your villagers to get the horrendous (it’s got to be horrendous right? The attacks are coming thicker and faster than any time in history) out tech being handled in this “golden age of tech”?
What a conundrum.
Probably better not to think at all Mr. Clark. Your brain might explode….
BTW: I think you are going to find this is not the “same crap” that has been “re-cycled” over and over. Though I suspect you probably won’t “find” anything as you will be too “effect” and “freaked out” to watch the program in case someone disovers you peeked. That is the sign of a highly intellectual individual for sure. No wonder it makes you laugh when people tell you that.
Concerning the Blog
Some readers have been experiencing problems with seeing the blog or formatting errors.
The technical wizzkids who so kindly help me with these sorts of things (being a neanderthal on such matters myself) have been working very hard to resolve the problems they have been made aware of.
If what has been done has not resolved your problem, please write it in the comments or email me and I will forward to those who know better than me to take further action.
If the problem you had earlier experienced has now been solved, would like to hear about that too.
Sigh! I have known Paul Clark for a couple of decades. He is a good egg.
He did some work for the GO in the past and as a result thinks along those lines.
Paul has done very little training in those 40 years but has received some good auditing
in the form of L11 & L12. He knows the tech works when properly applied. He doesn’t know
or doesn’t believe that it’s not generally being applied properly on a broad scale.
And providing him examples are mostly useless because he has lacks the training against which to align
and evaluate it. The Church, of course, denies these expose’s and he believes the Church.
He believes those listed on the Church’s shit list are all lying, SP’s because the Church says so.
These are uninspected data accepted as fact. He also is unwilling to look, knowing the consequences.
I’m Sorry Paul if these statements appear harsh.
Paul has an unshakable belief in the Church and it’s stated Goals. I don’t believe he sees that the Church and the Tech are not the same thing. These terminals are collapsed into one for the GPM item they are.
The Church’s stated purposes are opposed (according to the Church) by those wife beating, Sp, squirreling apostates on the internet and so they must be opposed by parishioners too.
All that is necessary is to differentiate the Church, LRH, it’s officers, Miscavige, OSA et al from the
workable portions of the good he has experienced and to see that the good he experienced, is alive and available elsewhere and not in a games condition with the public.
A seemingly simple exercise.
Paul, I would encourage you to look over the data you are told to ignore. You certainly are capable of determining fact from fiction. A seemingly simple exercise in confront. Seeing evil may make it more difficult or uncomfortable especially if that evil is briefly glimpsed in your groups own court. If you truly seek the truth, one must confront what is in front of you. Good luck.
Keeping Scientology Working #1 says so much.
LRH’s bold challenge on top of it all, his stating that those that wish to quit should be let to quit fast.
When you unwrap enough of the Hubbard contradictions off, you have to laugh that you didn’t quit faster.
And KSW #1 lets this option so prominently go unrealized, due to the Hubbard layers of veneer that there is something of real value.
People put all the good that is ever in Scientology, into Scientology.
When people leave, they naturally take their own share of their own personal good back out into the world.
It’s not Hubbard’s good. It’s people’s own good.
Hubbard so wraps up people’s good in being his discovered subject’s product.
But people’s good was in them, it’s their good. Not Hubbard’s subject’s product.
The site is now showing correctly for me. Thanks.
Not had any problems with the blog. Can’t say the same for Mr. Paul.
You are the true intellectual here Mike. Those two LRH references you posted actually get to the basic question that any “highly intellectual” person should ask. This will not make Slappy happy.
in LRHs Bulgravia… – it works fine…. Thank you ,MR….
I find it inappropriate to make snide remarks about Paul Clark. He is doing the right thing by his estimation. He has been lied to by all the false propaganda and thus, he’s just where we used to be in the past. He is not the right target.
Maybe the target is the Certainty which was drilled into him along with the facts? The process by which people end up doing what is bad for themselves and for others while feeling that there is no alternative? Dunno. At least, outside a cult, we can debate these things 🙂
The Reply botton does not longer work on my system .. mac/safari
“I’ve been on lines for nearly 40 years, watching ‘them’ re-cycle the same crap over and over.”
Dear Paul Clark,
Your friends don’t respect you. They think you are in a very scary cult. They don’t understand why you are in it. The ones that are hanging around still either pity you or find it all amusing and are having a laugh at you. If anyone truly admires you (not likely with your arrogance), then you should take full credit for that, not credit a cult.
If I remember correctly its when I was In the Cult I learned ” just because someone has a title doesn’t make them intelligent ” Phd. doesn’t equal intelligence at all. And Paul is surely showing is superiority very clearly. His pants are down for all to see. He seems to be a ” know best “. He is acting like a perfect brain washed Misca
vage product.
Very eloquently and exactly spoken, Les. I am postulating that Paul Clark somehow gets to read this comment. It might just hit home. Calling others “squirrels” is the pot calling the kettle black these days the COS.
Just an observation, but he doesn’t seem to be too happy in his photograph. He has been around Scientology long enough so that he probably has experienced Standard auditing in the past by an auditor who had a benevolent attitude and was not PTS to Miscavige. He probably knows how it is supposed to be. And he needs to know that whatever he has been experiencing in the COS can still be corrected and resolved in the independent field…
dear Paul Clark, great memo, forwarded to Camilla Cosby. Same pesky villagers
are bothering her, too. dm
Clark is obscured by his own rightness. He certainly is a kind person and his friends like him. He has good PR with the “wogs” and generously give to ideal org and IAS, thus is popular in the church.
He has had few good cogs on the tech and likes very much LRH.
When outpoints appears on the third flow he cannot deny it but thinks it’s minor and really unimportant comparing the huge rightness of the subject. Nothing is perfect. He is then enduring. But isn’t life made of induring? The church also indure.
It’s raining shit, it stinks a bit, so don’t breath for a while and take a deep breath when the “SPs” are tired of the game. You’re upset? A little review at Flag will clean it (but make sure NOT to watch the blinking documentary, otherwise it won’t be an LIC, but a sec check. God, they might discovered that I was watching this porn shit, and i would have to do a damn liability condition and get it signed by everyone including my wife. Fuck internet!).
Clark knows that “COB” is not so clean, because some former friends now declared told him. He couldnt sleep at night, in case it would be true. He fell in tears on the MAA office. He was kindly given the DA pack and the PTS pack. His poor soul of good person was healed. Of course he went PTS! Debbie Cook, Rathbun and all are SPs, gosh! He understand now why people have to do the course so many time. COB knew it. And this is why he insisted that people redo this course all the time. They forget and don’t see SPs, and loose their eternity in having bank agreement with them.
He wrote a success story that he now was no longer reasonable with SP’s who wanted to destroy the only route to freedom man has. He would thanks endlessly LRH for the tech, and COB to make sure it’s correcly applied. What would we do without COB? Fortunately, he is there. Of course he has the right to live confortably! Unlike presidents, he is the one who ultimately unsure that humanity will survive.
But Clark has a flaw. He is curious… just a click and the devil will be there on his screen. And he knows, some more nights with no sleep, tortured and if it were true? And ethics after will not be so lenient this second time.
“But I could justify it that I need to have seen it in order to dead agent it to my wog friends. Hey I’m clever! My needle is floating. It might be true that I am highly intellectual!”
>I think that OSA is enlisting the help of more and more public Scientologists to mitigate the disastrous effect that Going Clear will have on the bubble itself.
Good. Going Clear is just the first in what will be a banner year: there is a BBC film, Tony Ortega’s book will come out, Mark Bunker may finally release his film, Chris Shelton mentioned he is doing 2 major, long videos. Hopefully the Criminal Cult of $cientology will experience 47X contraction this year.
From Organization Program No. 1.
“The cycle [of producing new scientologists, he means] is only interrupted by inattentive or poor service resulting in ARC Breaks in the field which if not handled end expansion. Even the attacks of competitors and the press have never stopped this circle. Only inattentive service or staff inattention to functions or poor service halts it. An org that believes anything else is deluding itself. Thus organization and function is everything.” LRH
Where is the dissonance or the contradiction here?”
I will send you an alert the next time one of the Kool Aid drinkers announces that the “attacks” are “proof” of “massive international expansion.”
Don’t bother with Theo, Mike. He’s so far up Hubbard’s ass that an enema the size of the Aegean wouldn’t dislodge him. Besides, he’s an admitted homophobe.
Mike, it’s good to show the bad in the church. Where is the good you got from Scientology? Does this matter anymore? The quote is clear. I am sorry to see how many people have MUs misinterpreting the writings of Hubbard. And the church does not belong to Miscavige or the Int Mgmt or anybody else. It’s a creation by Hubbard that has been overtaken so that a new religion fit for the years to come is created. So, the church is right now under serious suppression both from the inside and the outside.
If you want to just show this one side of Scientology I understand that your memory is short in not seeing the good you got out of it and the fact that more than now for the next generations a battle is fought so that that knowledge stays in the hand of free people. I think something went very wrong here, Mike.
I think something is very wrong in the church of scientology. Disconnection is not going to end and people are not going to sop being abused by pointing out the good things — that is what the church and Miscavige specialize in. Any small “good” thing is blown up into an enormous, amazing accomplishment that is worthy of more massive donations. Those trying to find the truth or their way out of the trap don’t need me informing them of the wonders of scientology, they get plenty of that already.
Blog is back to looking normal for me, Mike. The wizzkids did a great job.
Thanks to them and you for this great blog!
Re Paul Clark’s cognitive dissonance,
Here is another one from KSW: he is automatically rejecting any possibility that something might be incorrect. This is foolish because it prevents one from ever making a reasoned judgement.
English definition:
(of a person) having sound judgment; fair and sensible.
“no reasonable person could have objected”
synonyms: sensible, rational, logical, fair, fair-minded, just, equitable;
KSW definition of REASONABLE
Nine….”Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology”: Hubbard says this is, “impeded by the ‘REASONABLE’ attitude of the not quite bright.” and “See that Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten above are ruthlessly followed and we will never be stopped. Relax them, get REASONABLE about it and we will perish.”
(I added the caps in REASONABLE…)
So, which is it: Think for your self? Or, make no judgments yourself?
Who started “Razzline”?
Ronald McDonald? Three Stooges?
Sure is a strange name.
What I love is when Hubberites get all hot under the collar when DM or another exec clocks someone. LRH FO allows that and states that it isn’t a matter for ethics…
Ya know if it wasn’t so tragic, this us and them attitude would be comical. Witch hunters, self important jerks, wogs and on and on. Every non scientologist carries an appropriate label and the church actively encourages it. The fact that the public are called wogs and looked on with disdain yet the churches espoused goal that is used to utterly fleece the faithful is Planetary Clearing of these wogs, witch hunters self important jerks . Go figure.
Figure, figure.
Hi Mike I live in Italy and last weeks I had problems viewing your site properly formatted. Now it seems fine.
If this Paul Clark is in good faith he is duped as I was duped when I was in, or even more. There are so many things that Lrh and his “church” are hiding from him that the day he will discover them he could be the first villager in the line (a highly intellectual villager, of course)
Has anyone watched the fiasco with Brian Williams of NBC getting nailed for blatently false, self- aggrandizing statements?
It’s so similar to what is happening to Hubbard and Miscavige. Once caught in a series of false and/or misleading statements, one loses one’s credibility utterly. Everything one says from that point on is suspect. An official apology for the lie is slightly helpful in restoring credibility. Continued defense of the obviously false information and refusal to admit the truth engenders outrage and very critical response.
People who might try to justify or defend what Brian Williams did will be met with derision. That, in a nutshell, is what’s happening with the cherch’s idiotic responses to obvious lies and gross injustices. People like Paul Clark are now being viewed for the fools they really are. There is absolutely nothing they can do at this point. There are far more people who are outraged than there are people willing to defend the indefensible.
It’s pretty obvious that the cherch has failed to deliver what was promised and they must now natter and villify Gibney, who is obviously winning.
I think that OSA is enlisting the help of more and more public Scientologists to mitigate the disastrous effect that Going Clear will have on the bubble itself.
They will lose their innocence once they become part of OSA operations, and I expect a lot will be leaving Scientology in coming months.
Oh, the stories they will tell!
(Even now, somewhere in the bowels of Big Blue, an OSA stooge is working on the targets for “operation doomsday,” a last ditch plan to bring down the national grid and prevent the broadcast of Alex Gibney’s documentary.)
Scientology is truly circling the bowl.
So, they grant us “beingness.” So glad we got that clarified, I had been wondering!
If this double-PhD is really that impressed (or perhaps he’s just mystified by the scientologese and mistakes that for erudition and profundity), he would have loved El Con–that guy had even THREE PhD’s
I’ve read much better stories involving “villagers” than this one Paul Clark writes.
OK, so I’ll make the story better. The villagers go up the mountain looking for the monsters and what they find is the Scientologists and Mr. Clark who smile nicely and say: “We are really interested in you. We really like your beingness.” And then the Scientologists steal all their money, rip them a new one and stab them in the back. The poor villagers limp back down the mountain and say to each other: “I sure wish we had found some monsters instead of those damn Scientologists.
Don ‘t frit Don Clark , these are only rabid dogs barking at the wheels of your fire truck.
I hope you can put out your fire before its too late to confront the truth.
I’m afraid he’s gonna need a lot more fire trucks. Like 47000x.
Mr. Clark states he has been a member of the church for 40 years. That says it all, doesn’t it?
RK unfortunately what you say is so true. When you try to ask pointed questions or point out a dichotomy, it’s like they’re 4 years old again, holding their fingers in their ears saying, “I can’t hear you!” And if you continue to try to communicate, they disconnect from you, making it certain that they “can’t hear you.” As the good book says, “there are non so blind as those who WILL NOT see.”
I wonder how a person can best recover after spending so much time and effort dedicating themselves to something they believed in, that they believed was designed to help people and benefit society, then discovered was not being done as intended.
One must hold a lot of anger and disappointment inside after being treated so poorly after putting forth years of their lives working toward a goal then being treated poorly. I think for some people (like Jefferson Hawkins and Marc Headley) writing a book is cathartic, it helps organize their thoughts and explain what happened and why, and in a sense relieves some of the disappointment and anger, but I imagine a lot of negative feeling still exists.
I know I still feel annoyed and upset about some things that happened years ago in which I was in a similar situation. It’s taken a while even to be able to talk about it. I’m happy to see that many of those out are able to reconnect with old friends, regain some balance, have new families and supportive life partners and children, and in time build great lives away from the church.
I also give kudos to those who then are able to try to help those still in, and focus on not just their own personal well being, but to assist others. It shows what I’ve always believed, that a lot of people who joined Scn are really good people who care about others… it just turned out that this is not the best way to help society. Point of this post? Just thinking out loud I guess.. it helps my thought process. :p Thanks for this forum where we can feel free to express our views. Best wishes for continued happiness in your life. Have a great weekend! 🙂
Sorry for the poor wording and rambling! There’s no edit button, so my comment has to stand like that, lol.
No worries – it’s a good post with focus on new creation, new or reaffirmed affinities and is a good
thing to support.
Excellent, thoughtful comment TJ.
It’s good to just talk about it – which is why that’s explicitly forbidden in the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology…
I ran into many instances of conflicting ideas studying Scientology. The biggest one for me was the idea of gaining the ability to freely communicate, but then given limitations to avoid all “entheta”. – even going so far as labeling people as suppressive and forcing disconnection. Another was the conflict with Hubbards own policy letter on how to respond to illegal or distructive orders and his Ethics codes on following orders and treason/mutiny. I still run into this with Scientologists. They run in fear of any real conversation or it rapidly turns into scripted responses and then they disconnect avoiding all chance of any other conversation or risk of “entheta on their lines.”
I guess that PTS/SP tech is just more BS
We bitter defrocked apostates on the fringe of the internet all confront more each day than the KoolAid consumers ever do.
We face life square on and do not “run & hide” if we see someone / something we are uncomfortable with.
Years ago when the demented one decreed that every scientologist had to do the “new” PTS/SP course he set up the RCo$ To never be able to do anything but stick their collective heads in the sand.
Strile an effective blow?………….oops!
My non scientologists friends liked me too when I was in. At the time I thought they saw in me the proof that Scientology was a good thing and the lies were just…lies.
Now I know they really liked me and were just being patient with me.
Delusion is the keyword.
I bought georges white’s book on kindle, ” Lucifer’s bridge”. So far , well worth the investment. Should be preceded by the Bare faced Messiah for some context, in my views. Not an attack on LRH , more of an understanding of the man.
I’m also reading George’s book. Unique perspective, worth checking out.
I would say this applied to me as well, all the time my non-scio friends and family were patiently and politely granting me beingness while this former soldier for scientology marched on to the beat of KSW. What an odd thing, in order to make case gain in the cult you must consent to a form of delusion and group think. Makes for a strange picture of a being trying to make his way up the grade of steps in awareness on his 1st while having to subscribe and agree with other viewpoints about the 3rd that may or may not be true and not directly observed for oneself. Hard to go up one set of stairs while going down another.
I question the value of quoting ANY LRH to explain what is currently happening. It’s not like they EVER made any sense in the first place.
How about:
People speak out against the church because they treat others shitty, compulsively lie, break-up families and extort money.
This has nothing to do with results or standard tech or winning or losing. All these things are meaningless.
Of course you are correct. One doesn’t need anything in scientology to honestly help others. One also doesn’t need anything in scientology to tell the difference between a good man and an unscrupulous rascal.
Fixed here, too. Thanks!
I think I might have been one of the first to complain about the weird 1990s formatting. Delighted to report that things are back to normal.
“who grant them beingness, who see their rightness and point it out.” Wogs are never granted real ‘beingness’ and are never granted real ‘rightness’. If the clams did that, there wouldn’t be any clams.
Mr. Clark is a self important putz. No one else grants him ‘beingness’, they just tolerate him. Like Lrons ‘friends’ did. But they only tolerated him until he didn’t pay back the money they loaned him. Then they granted him ‘kickedoutthedoorness’.
“Villagers”, Mr. Clark? By which dismissive epithet one must assume corporate Scientology has now donned the mantles of both Baron Frankenstein and Count Dracula. You spoke truer than you realised.
Yes, I agree. “Villagers” also connotes “us” vs “them.” Will watching eight former members being interviewed give current members a sense of superiority and a feeling of comfort that the film will never be believed because the current member knows there is no forced disconnection, no 100-hour work week, no history of forced abortions, no “hole,” no escapes, no unhappiness inside the church, no luxurious lifestyle for David Miscavige, no constant demand for money, and, most importantly, no OSA policing Facebook and members’ lives?
Mr. Clark, clearly Miscavige hopes this kind of damage control will lessen the impact of the film. It doesn’t work that way. Immediately after the film airs, there will indeed be a lot of statements from members denouncing the film as “all lies.” The film, however, will not go away. It won’t be played once and then repeated late at night on a minor cable channel. This is HBO, it has at least 40 million subscribers, and the film will be available on tv, smart phones, iPads, even watches soon. Unless Miscavige does away with disconnection, starts paying minimum wages, does away with insane regging, allows pregnancies without punishment, gets rid of the RPF, and opens the church’s account books, the cognitive dissonance of the members will grow and grow. It’s possible this will result in Miscavige being deposed and replaced. More likely it will result in no new members except the sort that wears aluminum foil hats, and a drain of members as has never been seen before inside the church. Either way, Mr. Clark is wrong. The church has never experienced anything as explosive and far reaching as what it will experience in 2015. I doubt the church, as it is now, will survive.
Perhaps Dave could do away with the Internet – that would sure help his situation.
Very good point, J Peasemould.
In the scene Mr. Clark is alluding to, Frankenstein has gone on a rampage and harmed many villagers, including a little girl. The torch wielding mob of villagers, including Heir Doktor Frankenstein, are sent to find the monster and stop him from harming more people.
Here, look:
I do believe he did speak truer than he realized.
Best wishes to you and all the other Gruntfuttocks.
Well I guess Paul Clark’s gonna be the winner now isn’t he?
I sure hope he isn’t in some position of leadership with people that actually listen to him.
If you are “in” and read this and want to experience a fabulous life with family, friends and see the sunshine every day – just leave.
It’s OK. They cannot make you stay. There are sunrises and sunsets you are missing (they are considered a gift for all of us and that includes you). Log out and stand up and walk away. It will feel sort of scary at first and maybe you’ll get an empty feeling.
That will be filled up with wonderful experiences once you let your guard down. There are SO MANY NICE PEOPLE “outside” (here). I never believed it when I was “in” – now I do. It’s really true.
Now, how come they are being ‘attacked’? Lets compare, OK?
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – extraordinary enterprise with valuable projects that had helped many communities around the globe. Are they being attacked? No, they get supported.
The difference of above example (amongst many other creative individuals and enterprises), is that they DO something; the church, its leaders and others just TALK, claim, market ideas, but in fact have nothing to stand on.
Add to that the arrogance of Mr Clark which is a hallmark of some scientologists, together with ‘they are doing this to us’…, Basically, we have nothing to do with the destruction of scientology, is all because of apostates. Typical scn response: attack and point the finger at others.
One day they may come to realize that the only ones destroying scn, the church, and all that it involves is the leaders, his minions, their tactics and the arrogance of the followers.
Re your example of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – sorry to rain your ‘parade’ -but you need to dig a little deeper.
In fact they have a lot in common with the Co$, offering help which sounds great but is really betrayal.
They are staunch supporters of the NWO, New World Order.
More by email.
“In fact they have a lot in common with the Co$, offering help which sounds great but is really betrayal.”
Really Greta? “a lot in common” ………. please do some fact checking.
New world order?
“When a bully can’t make you run, he finds someone else that will. ” Gee, Mr. Clark…that sounds an awful lot like your fearless leader.
“When a bully can’t make you cower when he bitch slaps them, he’ll find someone else who will,” might even be more appropriate.
“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is “no results”. Trouble spots occur only where there are “no results”. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are “no results” or “bad results”.”
Since the KSW quote is from a policy that Hubbard demanded be put at the very beginning of every course pack in both tech and admin courses, I’d say he put that as the superior datum.
I’m sure Mr. Clark and most of scientology are running from that quote and trying hard to mentally suppress the cognitive dissonance with steam rollers and hydrogen bombs.
After personally helping well over 30 people who were messed up from Flag auditing, I lost any and all uncertainty regarding the disgusting condition of miscavige’s interpretation of “standard tech.”
Prior to miscavige’s dictatorship and alterations, there were still many good people practicing auditing and actually helping people with a good comm cycle and a true, benevolent attitude. Might even still be one or two left in there.
Now, as a group, they can only assert, demand, cajole and threaten their faithful few. They can only spit at detractors with ridiculous invectives when their lies and crimes are exposed.
Mr. Clark! You’re leader has crimes, real crimes. You ARE running in fear of his withholds and the withholds of your founder being exposed.
Quit running, confront the truth…the good, the bad and the ugly. It will do you good.
Then just take what you need or want and leave the rest.
Formatting back to normal. Cheers!
Mr. Clark, a “highly intellectual” individual would have no criticism or praise for a film they’ve yet to see. “Highly intellectual” individuals don’t keep their heads buried in the sand. It’s a shame all this irony is lost on you.
(Mike, I was having trouble with the site yesterday but everything is working, and looks, fine today)
Mr. Clark, we also find it amusing as hell. End of Opinion.
This dichotomy was one of the major cracks in my own cognitive dissonance that helped me escape the mental slavery of this insidious, cruel, diabolical cult.
The bad PR and attacks are because we are winning, expanding, making an impact.
The bad PR and attacks are because of no results, bad results, out-tech.
Which conveniently is because of SP’s, which we are supposed to be able to confront and shatter, but we can’t because there are no results, which means out-tech, but wait….we are booming and expanding, because we are being attacked.
They are SO going down. The jig is up.
Thank you, Mike, for highlighting this.
I’m doing a jig now, and I promise I won’t video it !
That’s it! That’s how anyone who’s ‘in’ will think. If they allow themselves to think, that is.
A lot of scientologists will watch this documentary. It’s just too easy. It’s not the same as reading something in the “SP Times” or buying a book that you then have to hide. You just casually fail to cancel your HBO subscription and then watch it when no one is around (it’s all on demand on HBO GO, so you don’t even have to wait for the time to be right). In fact, with the HBO GO app, you can stream the documentary in bits and pieces on your mobile phone when you get breaks here and there. It’s easy to start feeling disaffected and there are more reasons for the average scientologist to feel that way than ever before. All these people will watch it. And even those that don’t watch it right away, when they have a bad experience (inevitable in scientology),they’ll be tempted too.
Even Paul Clark might watch it, telling himself he’s only watching it so that he can be prepared to handle his non-scientologist friends on it.
All fixed, thank you guys
Brilliant observation … as usual. Thanks!
I don’t think those two quotes are really that confusing or contradictory in the case of the COS being
attacked because the COS has become a squirrel group.
To add to my last comment….it appears the winning group in terms of tech delivery is the independent field and
the COS is the one screaming, howling and making trouble.
No one howls louder and makes more trouble, when people are winning than David Miscavage.
Look at where Scientology was doing best per stats in the last 30 years and you’ll see an SO mission that soon squashed it. The first thing that comes to my mind is the mission massacre in 1982.
When it comes to squirrels howling, no one howls louder than dm through Freedom magazine or paid ads in the NY Times or USA Today.
Perhaps Dave’s enemy formula could be: Find out you’re nuts.
He hasn’t completed his confusion formula: Pull your head out.
Michael Mallen–I believe the correct formula there is “Find your nuts.”
Mike, I had an earlier issue but now it’s working fine from my end.
Likewise – since about mid-week the formatting has been fine again. Thanks to you and tech-heads.
His PhD 2x friend can only speak to him… that has to be the most (covertly) conceited thing I’ve ever heard. Dude gives me the creeps.
I have met numerous people with PhDs who are just depositories of lots of information and not necessarily that intelligent in real life circumstances.
Me too, Zana. They are often called perpetual students. They live off their grants and student loans and produce nothing of real value.
Ditto, me in South Africa (the early birds by US time zoning) is fixed. For me, this was one of the most compelling posts. Actually, Mr Clark’s post was quite convincing for me, yet you shattered his viewpoint entirely and got me to see the real position. I have many family and friends still ‘in’ and I hate to say it but when I comm with them they almost persuade me things are really cooking for RCS. Of course, a couple of hours later I realise I was simply duped by the high ARC they use and their own total conviction (ie. brainwashedness). It really takes these blogs (your’s and Back In Comm) to really keep me balanced from the bullshit.
Make no mistake, many bubble dwellers are highly persuasive.
Well Woden, your family and friends are right. It is really cooking as in their goose is cooked.
I agree with you here, Woden. Thank goodness for these blogs. The insanity and belief in the glossy pictures and Shermanspeak is such a loud assault on my senses that without these grounding hints of reality I could question myself. I could never be swept back into that tide, however, it’s remarkable to see the amount of propaganda and brainwashing that is creating that facade and then holding it up.
The lie is so big that it’s hard to believe it could be a lie. …unless you have someone like Mike and Tony to point out the dissonances.
yes, thankyou Zana
this makes what I was trying to say ever more clear
I have experienced this as well, and for my part believe it may be because I swallowed such shallow reasoning for so long my critical thinking skills haven’t kicked back into action properly yet (or were never allowed to blossom in the first place and have remained in a crippled and atrophied state). These blogs really help to point out the obvious “duh!” type aspects and help turn the crank on that rusty old engine called “mind”.
Well if you look instead of listening, there are no auditors made, no well done auditing hours and no co-audit. On top of that the orgs are empty and they make crazy parties disguised as super heroes, pirates or what ever other outlandish idea they may think of, to raise money in exchange for nothing and with no accountability. The train is going over the cliff straight down and vertical.
Thanks Mike – I did have formatting issues on every device and browser I tried, but seems fixed now.
I wonder if there’s anyone left inside the bubble who now does NOT know that there is a big, “entheta” documentary about to air.
Very important question, Katherine.
The internet is such a wonderful thing because it offers the opportunity to spread the truth.
Dictators have been overthrown because this threshold of communication has been passed.
The Church obviously goes to great lengths to keep their congregation off the internet.
This would have to be a story in itself: The Covert Suppression of the Truth.
We need inside stories.
Then, we need to get that story to the people inside.
But to do that we also need to get the ‘protected’ individuals on the inside aware that the belief-system that they are so adherent to is …NOT THEIR OWN! Rather, it is adopted and systematically installed by the teaching system spelled out by the one-and-only LRH. Such a hard boundary, yet, so hard to see past one’s own vulnerabilities. One wants to believe.
Brainwashing is not an exaggerated term. The only solution is some sort of education course for these individuals who ‘believe’, a crash course in critical thinking and cognitive dissonance, two terms not found in the Scientology dictionary. Also not found: cult.
This blog is a good tack.
It must be, that the ‘Church’ forbids its congregation to access it. If you are one brave enough to have gotten far enough to read this, the time has come to ask yourself…WHY?
Why the secrets?
Why so many enemies?
What is it, that you, Church of Scientology, are forcing me to NOT KNOW?
Am I allowed to doubt?
I love Chris Shelton’s t-shirt logo:
THINK, it says.
It is not illegal yet.
LRH is not referring to the same group of people in each reference. A squirrel, per HCOPL 14Feb65 “it means altering Scientology and offbeat practices”. Comparing these 2 quotes Mike, is like comparing apples and oranges.
Yes Jag but on the other hand inside the bubble LRH quotes are taken out of context to suit whatever agenda is being pushed at the time.
Well, thanks for making that clear Jag.
So, just to be clear here — the HBO Documentary is then NOT a “Sign of Success” because the director is not a “squirrel”? Though each of the subjects of the documentary has been declared a “squirrel” by the church, though none other than Marty have ever “delivered” any form of scientology that I am aware of.
Thus, the HBO Documentary is in fact a sign of failure of technical application?
failure of the application of the tech from “science of survival” mandating “disposing of them quietly and without sorrow” for “people from 2.0 down on the tone scale.” Sure.
The term squirrel has become meaningless, given the amount of alteration that has occurred. We now have the situation where traditional “squirrels” (e.g. those practicing Scn independent of CoS) are probably more standard than the church.
I am not a government or a monopoly, nor do I practice Scn, yet I howl and make trouble for the church whenever I can. What pigeon-hole do I belong in? Oh, I forgot…all critics are criminals.
Phew! Almost had to think there…
You’re funny Statpush. Your irony and humor aren’t lost on me. Love it.
Jag wrote:
“LRH is not referring to the same group of people in each reference. A squirrel, per HCOPL 14Feb65 “it means altering Scientology and offbeat practices”. Comparing these 2 quotes Mike, is like comparing apples and oranges.
Can you spot a contradiction in Scientology without rationalizing it away?
One could also ask “Can you spot a contradiction in anti-Scientology without rationalizing it away?”
Just because the RCS uses “A = A logic” and takes things out of context, doesn’t mean we should do it too.
1984 wrote:
“One could also ask “Can you spot a contradiction in anti-Scientology without rationalizing it away?”
Yes, you could ask that very same question. And it would be a very good one to ask.
It’s important to be able to examine texts, philosophies, and even ones own thinking and be able spot contradictions in them without rationalizing them away.
Smart people often adopt beliefs for non-smart reasons. Then they often use their intelligence to justify and rationalize away any outpoints or contradictions in those beliefs while “holding their position in space” against facts or experiences which contradict them.
This is very common among Scientologists, especially since they have been trained so hard in Scientology that any contradiction you might spot in Scientology is because of your own MUs, or false data, or “case”.
The fact is that Scientology is full of contradictions just like the one that Mike produced, which was an excellent one.
It is very therapeutic for a Scientologist to gain the ability to spot contradictions in Scientology without rationalizing them away.
Yes Alanzo, the end does not justify the means.
Admin, tech and ethics form a big bag of tools.Usage of tools depend on intelligence, and intention.
Taking 2 different tools out of context for the same job is certainly an out point, and it is done by the still-ins and the anti’s.
The 2 contradictions that Mike pointed out are good. They are out points, and there are more (including missing points). So, what is the real problem, and how did it occur? Can the problem be really fixed, if desired?
“…especially since they have been trained so hard in Scientology…” does not mean that they were trained well, or fully. Bit like the joke, ‘If the only tool you have is a hammer, after a while, everything starts to look like a nail’.
Jag, I agree. The context and intent of the two references are very different.
Sadly, most followers blindly label any exposure of the church’s misdeeds as being perpurtrated by squirrels — indicative of success.
Ironically, their own egotistical screams and refusal to even consider the possibility that the attacks are caused by “No Results” or something they’ve done IS certainly a “Sign of Success” . The truth IS winning.
Facts are like krypyonite to true believers.
The truth is considered an attack by intellectual sleep walkers.
Free thinking people are considered evil SPs.
And any critic of Hubbard or DM are Satan.
Being an iconoclast is not a popularity contest.
Bring on the sleep walking critics!
It’s good for HBO!
I can see parties being held everywhere to see Going Clear.
I’m getting together with s large group. Pop corn, beer, finger food… Yum!
Love the LRH stable datums.
And I’m getting really sick and tired of people not using the proper plural for “datum”, which is “data”. Mike got it correct. Why can’t you?
Did LRH call them ‘stable datums’? I’ve seen that before and it drives me crazy too. I just chalked it up to another invented LRHism
aren’t multiple datums “data” only in the aggregate?
you can have multiple datums(note the plural usage) which then become “data” when taken all together.
As long as and data and datums don’t become outdated.
No, “data” is the plural of “datum”, no aggregation required. It’s basic Latin.
Mr Clark speaks in generalities, he must be experiencing amnesia.
I’m sure a redo of his bridge with GAG II will fix all that.
Speaking of GAT, perhaps your good friend Dave could include upgrades the way they are done with operating systems and start rolling out GAT 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc.
Each upgrade could be used as a source of income. He could even change HCOB to COB if he hasn’t already done so. The whole marketing campaign could then be called The Great Gatsby.
The view from South Africa is fixed. Thank you so much.