The “new Ideal PAC Base” is in need of personnel.
Quick, you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to be a 50cents/hour cleaner and one of the people He mentions when He announces the “Ideal PAC Base now has 100 Maintenance Staff.”
“Exclusive briefing” is now a euphemism for “recruitment interview” — seriously, is anyone going to fall for this?
From: Traci <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:15 AM
Subject: Survey for You
To:Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey. Thanks!
This is being done to see if you qualify for an exclusive briefing being done.
1. What is your profession?
2. Would you like a profession that helps people, has a good basic purpose and allows personal growth?
3. Do you enjoy a fun, fast-paced and creative work environment where you can demonstrate your competence?
4. Do you have any this-lifetime acts or crimes for which you could be blackmailed or prosecuted?
5. Have you ever taken LSD or anything similar?
6. Do you have a criminal history?
7. Have you ever been institutionalized, had psychiatric treatment or drugs?
8. Do you have a permanant illness or medical situation?
9. Have you ever served in a high-clearance section of the government or military?
10. Do you have any children? How old are they?
11. Are you married?
12. Which works best for you to come to the PAC Base for a briefing?
a. Weekdays after 6pm.
b. Weekends after 1pm.
c. Neither, I do not live in California and need an alternate briefing.Please send this in right away and include the best contact information. You will be contacted to be told whether you qualify for the briefing or not.
ARC, Traci
323/707-6792 (Cell)
323/953-3340 (Reception)
Church of Scientology
PAC Estates
Too bad they missed the memo that says employees are not ministers and some of their questions violate about a half dozen laws.
This whole thing is better than the Young and The Restless on TV. Everything in life and death is covered and beyond.
1. What is your profession? Food safety expert and consultant. Honestly, the hourly rate I can get would make a Class XII blush with shame.
2. Would you like a profession that helps people, has a good basic purpose and allows personal growth? Yeah, but I already have one. Do you have one inside Scientology? From what I’ve heard, all you have available is begging for money or slave labor.
3. Do you enjoy a fun, fast-paced and creative work environment where you can demonstrate your competence? “Competence” in doing what? Designing food safety systems, yes. Designing an six-story combination palace/brothel/rip-off joint in the middle of a downtown area in Florida, no. Unfortunately, the latter is more your thing. Or so I’ve heard.
4. Do you have any this-lifetime acts or crimes for which you could be blackmailed or prosecuted? None that you’ll find out about, even with your cans.
5. Have you ever taken LSD or anything similar? Define “similar”. Are we talking a direct chemical analogue of lysergic acid diethylamide-25, or something with the same effects? You need to better define your terms.
6. Do you have a criminal history? Define “criminal”. If you mean legal, look me up on one of those services on the Net that charges you thirty bucks. Of course, for thirty bucks, you can get sixty hours of work from one of your slave labor toilet cleaners, and you don’t want LaLaLand Idle Morgue to go without clean toilets for sixty hours.
7. Have you ever been institutionalized, had psychiatric treatment or drugs? None of your business. Ever hear of HIPAA?
8. Do you have a permanant illness or medical situation? What does “permanant” mean? Do you possibly mean “permanent”? If so, you realize that you have to make reasonable accommodation for it. There’s this thing called the Americans With Disabilities Act…
9. Have you ever served in a high-clearance section of the government or military? No, I was a low-ranking health inspector when I was in the military. Of course, I served in an actual military, which none of your people in the rarely-laundered sailor suits can say.
10. Do you have any children? How old are they? None that I know of. That being said, there’s possibly some kid in Germany now in his early twenties that was the result of a condom that I didn’t notice had broke. Could you check that out for me if I give you a DNA sample?
11. Are you married? No, I’m happy.
12. Which works best for you to come to the PAC Base for a briefing?
a. Weekdays after 6pm.
b. Weekends after 1pm.
c. Neither, I do not live in California and need an alternate briefing.
I don’t go anywhere near California unless I’m getting paid a lot of money. I presume that you’re not going to do so, so just forget it.
Do you not ask questions and take orders with no HE&R ?
Are you willing to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week for nothing ?
Are you gullible enough to believe that slave labor in exchange for nothing is okay and if you leave – you WILL OWE US MONEY?
Are you in confusion, in ruin and are easily influenced? We like em that way – easy to control!
Are you willing to cut all communication off from every family member and friend you have ever known in your life to live a life of labor for David Miscavige and his Cult called Scientology?
If you don’t like something in the Sea Org and complain – you are willing to be put in a gulag and tortured until you come to your senses and recant!
Join the elite Sea Org Slave Organization for the church of scientology ~ you just might get to serve Tom Cruise and Kirstie Alley~! ( no promises – you would have to qualify.
Of course she doesn’t mention the biggest, most dastardly out-qual in her email.
#13. Have you ever looked on the internet and discovered that David Miscavige is a sociopath who beats his staff, lives in the lap of luxury and pretends to be the senior tech terminal even though he is not trained and can’t audit?
Yes LDW! That is exactly true!
Once they get someone to bite on the survey, they pull them in and at some point put them on the cans for a mini Sec Check to find out if they have done things which would out qual them but also if they read on the internet hate sites or squirrel sites. They check for internet reading now both in recruit cycles and elig cycles.
🙂 LDW. I think I’m going to download this survey and send it off with #13 fully answered.
“Have you ever taken LSD or anything similar?”
No, but do you have any? Because by the time I’m through with all these questions I’m going to need something because you people are driving me insane! So basically, that’s a yes to drugs if you got ’em to pass around.
Slightly off topic but I am curious as to who actually legally owns (holds the deeds or mortgage) for all the “churches” in the US and abroad? Who would get the proceeds from the sale of the properties? Could the con-midget Miscavige sell off the properties and walk away with the money?
The deed is signed over to someone called the “International Landlord”.
This is one of the big changes that were made after the coup took over.
Originally Orgs were owned independently.
They each had their own FP Financial Planning Committees which consisted of the executives of each division who determined how the Corrected Gross Income (the Gross Income left after income from books, refunds, management fees and the Building Fund Account which I will cover further had been subtracted) was spent.
The building fund account consisted of 5% of the Gross Income of every org and was controlled by the Controller MSH who directed it to the Guardian’s Office who was responsible for long range promotion and defense who also controlled the 10% tithes collected from Franchises.
The 10% tithes were mainly for promotion and the 5% were mainly for defense.
It was considered a reserve account as per the HCOPL Building Fund and you can imagine how big it got when you include every Org Internationally with the exception of SO Orgs that had their own account known as SO Reserves contributing to it on a weekly basis.
Much of what were considered “Management Fees” was money that was already owed the SO for such programs as Class VIII, FEBC, and the Ex Dn program.
Obviously the SO wasn’t too happy with this arrangement so they decided to “Move In” or more accurately muscle in during the Corporate Sort Out ordered by the Ol’man which for accurately became a Corporate F_ck up thanks to the oh soooo special project AKA MAC, Mission All Clear after Snow White and Herbie Parkhouse’s fall from grace as AGF.
So the SO moved in and seized control of the Building Fund Account and eliminated FP committees and placed every org and Franchise or Mission under a financial dictatorship.
First they bribed the Orgs by buying them all new swank quarters with SORs
I happened to be in one of those Orgs and the “new” quarters we got weren’t all that new or that swank.
In fact we ended up being quartered in what was originally a brothel and porn shop.
Because it allegedly had such high body traffic.
I guess the SO Member doing the count didn’t notice that most of this “body traffic” consisted of Hookers, Tricks and Drug Dealers and their customers.
But I digress.
The Franchises or Missions really ended up getting the stick while the Orgs got a faux carrot you could say.
You can read about that in the records of the infamous Mission Holders Conference.
The original Finance Dictator Wendell Reynolds was eventually removed from post and guess who’s holding it HFA?
But he left his legacy behind.
And that is that the Sea Org holds all the deeds to all the orgs under the “International Landlord”, even if they were purchased by a bunch of suckers who sunk their life savings into it.
The org or as they call them Ideal Orgs as it is such an ideal arrangement if you happen to be a crook or a money launderer are now owned by the SO and the staff actually have to pay rent on top of other expenses, like phones, electricity, work sheet paper (if they have happen to have auditors) and toilet paper etc.
Which reminds me of a joke.
How do you tell the difference between an Org and a mission?
A mission has toilet paper of course.
Anyway where was I?
The fact is even though all those good “upstate” donors paid for this “Ideal Org” they do not own it.
The International Landlord does and if the org isn’t making them a profit….
Well they just sell it right from under the staff.
For them this whole “Ideal Org” thang is a win, win situation.
They convince a bunch of stupid low IQ “Scientologists” or suckers to buy ’em an Org that doesn’t cost ’em a cent, then they convince the same morons to pay for the renos out of their own pockets, then they move in a bunch of ignorant staff who haven’t got a clue about policy and demand that they pay rent on top of other expenses.
The place fails and they sell it at a loss but it doesn’t matter because they never really bought it in the first place to say MacDonalds or someone like Resorts International who happen to want to open another Casino and this Ideal Org would be perfect because it is sooooo ostentatious.
I mean get rid of that stupid as Mike calls it FART system replace ’em with slots and video poker, put a few Black Jack, Crap and Roulette Tables in the former “Ideal Course Room” and Chapels and they’re all set.
Rant over.
Excellent rant Robin! I loved it….hilarious!
I had a girlfriend who was in the Eastern Star ( spin off of Freemasons)
was in the Marne Corps Reserve for a while. Did two tours in Vietnam.
The Mission I got audited at and Class 5 Org where I went Clear could not make fish nor fowl out of me.
Gigantic tomes of reports would often go uplines that would fill a UPS truck, some very amazing stuff.
I tried to join the Sea Org but the volume of buttons pushed was so enormous I was not allowed.
Now I’m relieved I did not do the Sea Org thing.
13. Do you love beans and rice?
14. Are you content with occasional beatings?
They used to ask if you’ve ever been a member of the Guardians Office. Is that no longer an out qual or have we all grown old, grown up and left.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up have to outside contract for things like this. The number of fools who sign up for today’s S.O. just ain’t what it used to be.
I think the first thing is this: When I was at ASHO the “crew”…the supervisors, auditors, C/Ses, folder page (1), registrars, bookstore officer (1), cashiers, accounts personnel, cram offs, examiners, EVERYBODY…did rotating assignments on vacuuming, toilet cleaning, trash dumping, backlogged pc folder filing…and all the dirt-work that needed to be done in any organization. The problem was that ASHOD did it during Foundation hours and ASHOF did it during Day hours. Leaving…gasp…no time for enhancement. Or sleep. And pcs and students with no sleep get…gasp…no enhancement! Could this be an effort to get staff enhanced? Or is it an admission that the ornate Ideal (blech) Orgs require constant sweeping, dusting, and polishing?
Is it to allow for enhancement? Nahhh. It’s to make Davy’s gilt palaces sparkle for Tom Cruise.
As for the other: “12. Which works best for you to come to the PAC Base for a briefing?”
Would it be for a briefing or a de-briefing?
And by de-briefing, I mean a set-up where everybody stands in a circle and pulls down their briefs…
Geez. You mean even I could qualify?!
Maybe golly oh please but MAYBE?!
Staff quals and out quals is just a way for the Org to keep out undesirables. It’s a form of covert discrimination, called “qualifications”. When they want you on staff, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done and what you’ve taken. Just to give you ONE example of how they work around it:
I’m not qualified for the Sea Org, trust me.
Recruiter: Why would you say that?
For starters, I have taken LSD.
Recruiter: How many times?
Recruiter: How would you know it was L.S.D.? L.S.D. is very. very rare. Many people think they have taken L.S.D. when they have not. They took mescaline or something else altogether. What evidence do you have that what you took was L.S.D.? Was there a warning label?
Um, er, well, NO! I hallucinated.
Recruiter: O.K. tell me what happened.
I took it twice. Both times I watched cartoons with my eyes closed for like 12 hours straight. When I did open my eyes everything around me appeared in cartoon form. Even the people transformed into cartoons. I got really tired of watching cartoons. So I didn’t take it anymore.
Recruiter: Cartoons! That DOES NOT sound like you took L.S.D. at all. Did you have any “bad trip” or get lost or freak out in any way?
No. I laughed a lot. Everything seemed very very funny. But 12 hours of anything gets a little overdone.
Recruiter: I can assure you from you have told me that you have NOT taken L.S.D.. You were mislead.
Well, that aside, I am still out qualed.
Recruiter: Why would you say that?
And on, and on, and on, until you are HANDLED to BELIEVE that you have NO OUT QUALS for the Sea Org.
No. It is just not the recruiters. If you arrive to start and you mention that you still you think you are out qualed and you really should not be there, they hold a “fitness board”. And a group of people get together with you in a room and DO THE EXACT SAME THING. Then you are issued an official “fitness board certificate” which you gratefully clutch, relieved, that you are somehow “sufficient enough”, to enter a term of indentured slavery.
Off Topic Alert: Tony O reporting that Jim Lynch is dead. Cancer.
100 maintenance staff.
Does that mean all the PAC base crew have been busted to the decks?
What about auditors, case supervisors and course supervisors?
Oh I get it.
They are going to sweep LA clear.
To honest Mike I go into a complete unreality whenever I read the latest from the inmate running the asylum.
The one about the Super Power building reminded me of Dr No in the original novel by Fleming and his island of guano.
I mean do they plan to get rid of all the bird droppings before or after they open it?
Oh that’s right its no longer called the Super Power Building but the Flag Building.
And Flag is no longer the “Mecca” I suppose they don’t wanna piss off their friends at the NOI who aren’t really muslims anyway but who’s keeping score?
I see PAC is now caught up in this vortex of madness now.
Who according to the great one now has 100 janitors.
That’s really gonna put Qual’s if there is such a thing these days QTSM stats into screaming affluence.
Though leaving HCO if it still exists other than the ethics section with the problem of placing them all on the Org Board that is if they still have one.
But then I guess you’re going to need 100 janitors to clean up the mess made by management.
It’s hard to believe anyone could be that much of a sucker, though of course AOLA for years got people to join the Sea Org by promising them training through Class 9 and auditing through OT 5. You don’t hear much mention of the TTC these days. They worked that con for all that it was worth.
Boy, am I glad I work in Aerospace (that little problem they seem to have with Clearances…)
Sad, I thought a career change to scrubbing dumpsters with toothbrushes might have been just the thing I needed! Ah, well.
People have been not falling for this exact sort of thing for years. But what’s a Personel Procurement Officer supposed to do?
This sounds like a young, fairly new S.O. member who has had the misfortune of qualifying (or not) for HCO and being driven to get a nearly impossible product. It’s been that way for years, in the S.O. and class V orgs as well. Trawling for suckers is about all you can do when you’re being product-officered (read that “relentlessly harrassed”) to get a product which can be next to impossible to get, the subproducts (i.e., actual prospects) being missing in the environment. If you’re really lucky you can sometimes get a longtime public to take the leap due to some sense of guilt, but this in not done by these poor neophytes–virtually impossible.
It is no wonder that recruiters lie like rugs. How could you possibly get any new recruits if you really communicated to them what the lives of most sea org (or lower org) members is actually like. If you are really good with half-truths, you have the best chance. Oh, and of course, push that sense of purpose (which you know in your heart is doomed to be a failed purpose). Nothing else to do but put on the old “fake it till you make it” smile and crank out this sort of thing. Hey, it’s outflow!!! (Even if the sweet smell is from sewage rather than roses.)
This survey made my blood do a slow simmer. Its so 1.1. The nerve of these freaking people, attempting to game some clueless koolaid drinkers into being flattered that they “qualify” for an Sea Org recruitment cycle. Traci, I suggest you stick to the Third World for your recruitment possibilites – the desperately poor countries where a suit of clothes, a roof over the head, an 80 hour work week at 50 cents per hour, and regular rice and beans will actually be all the incentives you’ll need to get your sign-ups.
First of all, it has become more and more apparent that Sea Org members have no clue on how to write emails and the content of these messages are they’re god and expect you you go in the rank and file and fall for it. If I sent this type of message to my clients I would be laughed at. And btw the term “briefing” is so old and ignorant.
I am still so sick of the term “breifing” or that I need to “get briefed”, or “get the data” etc. All very charged terms for me.
To me, hearing “briefing” translates to enforced regging for donations, or enforced recruitement for SO. How old and trite that they continue to use the charged word, “briefing” when we all know what it is code for. But I bet you once the trolls read Mike’s article today, they’ll eventually change the word “briefing” to another one.
50 cents/hr while David Miscavige makes 6 figures, along with his luxurious amenities. The $5000 suits, personal chefs, make-up artists, luxurious accommodations, nice cars/motorcycles, private jet, vacations, bodyguards, secret intelligence staff (OSA) who’ll try to destroy anyone who exposes his physical beatings, psychological trauma, working 24/7, abortions, disconnection and imprisonment. Don’t join people as realize you are nothing but a slave to be used and disposed of like day old beer. You are not serving LRH anymore, it’s the squirrel Dave who’s tricked you into thinking you are! If you are interested in the Bridge, its fully available in the Indie field along with a hell of a lot of personal freedom.
Thought this might help you make your point, BReppin. Nothing like specifics when you’re talking about what your donations buy. Ready to roll? Oh, wait. We’ve already Been rolled by DM and his Military Mafia. (Military Mafia. I think I like that).
Wow. And all that is just to QUALIFY for the BRIEFING!
I wonder what the quals are for actually cleaning toilet bowls for 50 cents per hour….. I mean rather “a profession that helps people, has a good basic purpose and allows personal growth”.
They might have given a more detailed description of the exact activities of the “profession” which is mysteriously alluded to.
Yes, it does look like they are trolling for suckers, pun intended.
I was always so glad when I wasnt qualified for the seaorg.. Whew, I had an excuse. Never thought my LSD use in the 60s would come in so handy.I just wanted some auditing.not to turn my life over to someone else.
true dat, it’s called being self determined and achieving the state in one’s mind.
and that is “clear”
that would be “clear” to think properly uninfluenced by others opinions, but clear to examine all the facts, datums, so as to form a conclusion I do believe.
Yeah, me too.
” Do you have any this-lifetime acts or crimes for which you could be blackmailed or prosecuted?” If not, you’ll certainly think you do by the time we’re done with you!
You got that right. Most people would think that this life time acts or crimes involve legal crimes. It says “prosecuted”.
But what is hidden, is the so called crimes against family members or friends that is made to be so significant that they really don’t matter, but you end up thinking they do matter and it becomes serious. LOL
And why, because they are called Overts & Witholds. So one equates overts & withholds as crimes, or a criminal.
If they have blackmail leverage on you, that’s probably the fast-track for promotion.
”Do you have any this-lifetime acts or crimes for which you could be blackmailed or prosecuted?”
Yeah right, like I would want to give OSA any ammunition.
+1 lol
Hey Mike, this psychosis group is getting more desperate in bs PR as each day goes by… the blatant disregard for people’s willingness to help and to then toss down the toilet when one opens their mouth to communicate and then then go 1.1 to recruit more “innocent flesh” with more false promises is on par with total insanity…hmmmm I think a baseball bat to these guys is very much needed if the law allows it…great work as always mate…
I really like the photos you choose! You know, I am beginning to think what’s left of the C of S is hanging on by a thread. Who would be stupid enough to join the SO at this point with the majority of staff looking haggard, ill fed, unhappy, down tone. The last time I was at AOLA in 2005, Gary Jacobs, a former MAA at AO had been on call-in for years. No enhancement, he looked worn down and was not winning. His comm cycle was out (lack of duplication) and many of my favorites just disappeared or died. Enid, my favorite reg at AO passed a number of years ago. Ruthie from ASHO also passed away in the last few years. Gretchen Schwarts, a flag reg died, I know not when. This is not survival. The horror stories I have read from former Sea Org members, yourself included are enough to make one’s blood boil. You are one resilient thetan, that is for sure!
I read these articles a couple of years ago. The subject matter is the PAC RPF. Not for the faint of heart. Please discourage anyone you know from joining the SO and to get the facts.
The RPF Insider.
Penny, I was on staff at AOLA in 2002 and he looked ill then. He was a nice old guy. How was Josh Garfield doing?
Never knew him.
Yes it is sad to see so many SO people we all knew dead now. And I think the ones like Gary Jacobs that are left have the Stockholm Syndrome. I do think the SO puts people in their graves far earlier than if they’d been out of the SO. And the ones who stay probably don’t have any family to escape to since the Orgs and DM are fond of demanding disconnection as the way to “handle” a PTS sit. What was that hot line phone number again for SO to call who want to escape?
Perhaps Dave has run out of people in the higher SO orgs like Gold, Int Base,and elsewhere to bust to the Pac BC, Estates these days.
That’s a weird email. It seems like you would ask those questions in person if someone was interested. It’s just weird to send that in a group email. On the upside, it does give you the things you can use to get out of their crosshairs.
“On the upside, it does give you tthe things you can use to get out of their crosshairs.” )
I tried LSD when I was in high school. When I was on staff at a Class V Org, Sea Org recruiters would often come to the org and in between phone calls would always try and recruit me. At first I was dissapointed I wasnt “qualled”, but then I was glad I could say “I took LSD” after I got what the Sea Org was really like. It was like a get out of jail free card.
Yep you got that right. Just tell them you did LSD, or you have massive debt, or your spouse won’t let you. 50 ways to leave your lover just became 50 ways to dodge the recruitment noose.
It’s another manifestation of Scientology Inc’s staff having the “lazy gene”.
Is this the step before or after they hire homeless people for staff?
More or less happening at Pretoria Idle Morgue
And I remember back in 1999 and 2000, they said they were “close to opening the Super Power Building, but we “just need to recruit more staff to staff it.” And that was 13 years ago! The staff they did hire for Super Power have all long since left the SO most of them. I haven’t seen the ones I personally knew at Flag for a decade or more.